/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "main/main_account.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/launcher.h" #include "core/shortcuts.h" #include "storage/serialize_common.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "main/main_app_config.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "facades.h" namespace Main { Account::Account(const QString &dataName) { watchProxyChanges(); watchSessionChanges(); _appConfig = std::make_unique(this); } Account::~Account() = default; void Account::watchProxyChanges() { using ProxyChange = Core::Application::ProxyChange; Core::App().proxyChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const ProxyChange &change) { const auto key = [&](const MTP::ProxyData &proxy) { return (proxy.type == MTP::ProxyData::Type::Mtproto) ? std::make_pair(proxy.host, proxy.port) : std::make_pair(QString(), uint32(0)); }; if (_mtp) { _mtp->restart(); if (key(change.was) != key(change.now)) { _mtp->reInitConnection(_mtp->mainDcId()); } } if (_mtpForKeysDestroy) { _mtpForKeysDestroy->restart(); } }, _lifetime); } void Account::watchSessionChanges() { sessionChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { crl::on_main(this, [=] { const auto phone = sessionExists() ? session().user()->phone() : QString(); const auto support = sessionExists() && session().supportMode(); if (cLoggedPhoneNumber() != phone) { cSetLoggedPhoneNumber(phone); if (_mtp) { _mtp->setUserPhone(phone); } Local::writeSettings(); } if (_mtp) { _mtp->requestConfig(); } Shortcuts::ToggleSupportShortcuts(support); Platform::SetApplicationIcon(Window::CreateIcon(this)); }); }, _lifetime); } void Account::createSession(const MTPUser &user) { createSession(user, QByteArray(), 0, Settings()); } void Account::createSession( UserId id, QByteArray serialized, int streamVersion, Settings &&settings) { DEBUG_LOG(("sessionUserSerialized.size: %1").arg(serialized.size())); QDataStream peekStream(serialized); const auto phone = Serialize::peekUserPhone(streamVersion, peekStream); const auto flags = MTPDuser::Flag::f_self | (phone.isEmpty() ? MTPDuser::Flag() : MTPDuser::Flag::f_phone); createSession( MTP_user( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(base::take(_sessionUserId)), MTPlong(), // access_hash MTPstring(), // first_name MTPstring(), // last_name MTPstring(), // username MTP_string(phone), MTPUserProfilePhoto(), MTPUserStatus(), MTPint(), // bot_info_version MTPVector(), MTPstring(), // bot_inline_placeholder MTPstring()), // lang_code serialized, streamVersion, std::move(settings)); } void Account::createSession( const MTPUser &user, QByteArray serialized, int streamVersion, Settings &&settings) { Expects(_mtp != nullptr); Expects(_session == nullptr); Expects(_sessionValue.current() == nullptr); _session = std::make_unique(this, user, std::move(settings)); _sessionValue = _session.get(); if (!serialized.isEmpty()) { // For now it depends on Auth() which depends on _sessionValue. Local::readSelf(serialized, streamVersion); } } void Account::destroySession() { _storedSettings.reset(); _sessionUserId = 0; _sessionUserSerialized = {}; if (!sessionExists()) { return; } session().data().clear(); _sessionValue = nullptr; _session = nullptr; Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); } bool Account::sessionExists() const { return (_sessionValue.current() != nullptr); } Session &Account::session() { Expects(sessionExists()); return *_sessionValue.current(); } const Session &Account::session() const { Expects(sessionExists()); return *_sessionValue.current(); } rpl::producer Account::sessionValue() const { return _sessionValue.value(); } rpl::producer Account::sessionChanges() const { return _sessionValue.changes(); } rpl::producer Account::mtpValue() const { return _mtpValue.value(); } rpl::producer Account::mtpChanges() const { return _mtpValue.changes(); } rpl::producer Account::mtpUpdates() const { return _mtpUpdates.events(); } rpl::producer<> Account::mtpNewSessionCreated() const { return _mtpNewSessionCreated.events(); } void Account::setMtpMainDcId(MTP::DcId mainDcId) { Expects(!_mtp); _mtpConfig.mainDcId = mainDcId; } void Account::setMtpKey(MTP::DcId dcId, const MTP::AuthKey::Data &keyData) { Expects(!_mtp); _mtpConfig.keys.push_back(std::make_shared( MTP::AuthKey::Type::ReadFromFile, dcId, keyData)); } QByteArray Account::serializeMtpAuthorization() const { const auto serialize = [&]( MTP::DcId mainDcId, const MTP::AuthKeysList &keys, const MTP::AuthKeysList &keysToDestroy) { const auto keysSize = [](auto &list) { const auto keyDataSize = MTP::AuthKey::Data().size(); return sizeof(qint32) + list.size() * (sizeof(qint32) + keyDataSize); }; const auto writeKeys = []( QDataStream &stream, const MTP::AuthKeysList &keys) { stream << qint32(keys.size()); for (const auto &key : keys) { stream << qint32(key->dcId()); key->write(stream); } }; auto result = QByteArray(); auto size = sizeof(qint32) + sizeof(qint32); // userId + mainDcId size += keysSize(keys) + keysSize(keysToDestroy); result.reserve(size); { QDataStream stream(&result, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); const auto currentUserId = sessionExists() ? session().userId() : 0; stream << qint32(currentUserId) << qint32(mainDcId); writeKeys(stream, keys); writeKeys(stream, keysToDestroy); DEBUG_LOG(("MTP Info: Keys written, userId: %1, dcId: %2").arg(currentUserId).arg(mainDcId)); } return result; }; if (_mtp) { const auto keys = _mtp->getKeysForWrite(); const auto keysToDestroy = _mtpForKeysDestroy ? _mtpForKeysDestroy->getKeysForWrite() : MTP::AuthKeysList(); return serialize(_mtp->mainDcId(), keys, keysToDestroy); } const auto &keys = _mtpConfig.keys; const auto &keysToDestroy = _mtpKeysToDestroy; return serialize(_mtpConfig.mainDcId, keys, keysToDestroy); } void Account::setSessionUserId(UserId userId) { Expects(!sessionExists()); _sessionUserId = userId; } void Account::setSessionFromStorage( std::unique_ptr data, QByteArray &&selfSerialized, int32 selfStreamVersion) { Expects(!sessionExists()); DEBUG_LOG(("sessionUserSerialized set: %1" ).arg(selfSerialized.size())); _storedSettings = std::move(data); _sessionUserSerialized = std::move(selfSerialized); _sessionUserStreamVersion = selfStreamVersion; } Settings *Account::getSessionSettings() { if (_sessionUserId) { return _storedSettings ? _storedSettings.get() : nullptr; } else if (sessionExists()) { return &session().settings(); } return nullptr; } void Account::setMtpAuthorization(const QByteArray &serialized) { Expects(!_mtp); QDataStream stream(serialized); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); auto userId = Serialize::read(stream); auto mainDcId = Serialize::read(stream); if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("MTP Error: " "Could not read main fields from mtp authorization.")); return; } setSessionUserId(userId); _mtpConfig.mainDcId = mainDcId; const auto readKeys = [&stream](auto &keys) { const auto count = Serialize::read(stream); if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("MTP Error: " "Could not read keys count from mtp authorization.")); return; } keys.reserve(count); for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { const auto dcId = Serialize::read(stream); const auto keyData = Serialize::read(stream); if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("MTP Error: " "Could not read key from mtp authorization.")); return; } keys.push_back(std::make_shared(MTP::AuthKey::Type::ReadFromFile, dcId, keyData)); } }; readKeys(_mtpConfig.keys); readKeys(_mtpKeysToDestroy); LOG(("MTP Info: " "read keys, current: %1, to destroy: %2" ).arg(_mtpConfig.keys.size() ).arg(_mtpKeysToDestroy.size())); } void Account::startMtp() { Expects(!_mtp); auto config = base::take(_mtpConfig); config.deviceModel = Core::App().launcher()->deviceModel(); config.systemVersion = Core::App().launcher()->systemVersion(); _mtp = std::make_unique( Core::App().dcOptions(), MTP::Instance::Mode::Normal, std::move(config)); _mtp->setUserPhone(cLoggedPhoneNumber()); _mtpConfig.mainDcId = _mtp->mainDcId(); _mtp->setUpdatesHandler(::rpcDone([=]( const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) { return checkForUpdates(from, end) || checkForNewSession(from, end); })); _mtp->setGlobalFailHandler(::rpcFail([=](const RPCError &error) { if (sessionExists()) { crl::on_main(&session(), [=] { logOut(); }); } return true; })); _mtp->setStateChangedHandler([](MTP::ShiftedDcId dc, int32 state) { if (dc == MTP::maindc()) { Global::RefConnectionTypeChanged().notify(); } }); _mtp->setSessionResetHandler([](MTP::ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId) { if (App::main() && shiftedDcId == MTP::maindc()) { App::main()->getDifference(); } }); if (!_mtpKeysToDestroy.empty()) { destroyMtpKeys(base::take(_mtpKeysToDestroy)); } if (_sessionUserId) { createSession( _sessionUserId, base::take(_sessionUserSerialized), base::take(_sessionUserStreamVersion), _storedSettings ? std::move(*_storedSettings) : Settings()); } _storedSettings = nullptr; if (sessionExists()) { // Skip all pending self updates so that we won't Local::writeSelf. Notify::peerUpdatedSendDelayed(); } _mtpValue = _mtp.get(); } bool Account::checkForUpdates(const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) { auto updates = MTPUpdates(); if (!updates.read(from, end)) { return false; } _mtpUpdates.fire(std::move(updates)); return true; } bool Account::checkForNewSession(const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) { auto newSession = MTPNewSession(); if (!newSession.read(from, end)) { return false; } _mtpNewSessionCreated.fire({}); return true; } void Account::logOut() { if (_loggingOut) { return; } _loggingOut = true; if (_mtp) { _mtp->logout([=] { loggedOut(); }); } else { // We log out because we've forgotten passcode. loggedOut(); } } void Account::forcedLogOut() { if (sessionExists()) { resetAuthorizationKeys(); loggedOut(); } } void Account::loggedOut() { _loggingOut = false; if (Global::LocalPasscode()) { Global::SetLocalPasscode(false); Global::RefLocalPasscodeChanged().notify(); } Core::App().unlockPasscode(); Core::App().unlockTerms(); Media::Player::mixer()->stopAndClear(); Global::SetVoiceMsgPlaybackDoubled(false); if (const auto window = Core::App().activeWindow()) { window->tempDirDelete(Local::ClearManagerAll); window->setupIntro(); } if (sessionExists()) { session().data().clearLocalStorage(); } destroySession(); Local::reset(); cSetOtherOnline(0); } void Account::destroyMtpKeys(MTP::AuthKeysList &&keys) { if (keys.empty()) { return; } if (_mtpForKeysDestroy) { _mtpForKeysDestroy->addKeysForDestroy(std::move(keys)); Local::writeMtpData(); return; } auto destroyConfig = MTP::Instance::Config(); destroyConfig.mainDcId = MTP::Instance::Config::kNoneMainDc; destroyConfig.keys = std::move(keys); destroyConfig.deviceModel = Core::App().launcher()->deviceModel(); destroyConfig.systemVersion = Core::App().launcher()->systemVersion(); _mtpForKeysDestroy = std::make_unique( Core::App().dcOptions(), MTP::Instance::Mode::KeysDestroyer, std::move(destroyConfig)); _mtpForKeysDestroy->allKeysDestroyed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { LOG(("MTP Info: all keys scheduled for destroy are destroyed.")); crl::on_main(this, [=] { _mtpForKeysDestroy = nullptr; Local::writeMtpData(); }); }, _lifetime); } void Account::suggestMainDcId(MTP::DcId mainDcId) { Expects(_mtp != nullptr); _mtp->suggestMainDcId(mainDcId); if (_mtpConfig.mainDcId != MTP::Instance::Config::kNotSetMainDc) { _mtpConfig.mainDcId = mainDcId; } } void Account::destroyStaleAuthorizationKeys() { Expects(_mtp != nullptr); for (const auto &key : _mtp->getKeysForWrite()) { // Disable this for now. if (key->type() == MTP::AuthKey::Type::ReadFromFile) { _mtpKeysToDestroy = _mtp->getKeysForWrite(); LOG(("MTP Info: destroying stale keys, count: %1" ).arg(_mtpKeysToDestroy.size())); resetAuthorizationKeys(); return; } } } void Account::configUpdated() { _configUpdates.fire({}); } rpl::producer<> Account::configUpdates() const { return _configUpdates.events(); } void Account::resetAuthorizationKeys() { _mtpValue = nullptr; _mtp = nullptr; startMtp(); Local::writeMtpData(); } void Account::clearMtp() { _mtpValue = nullptr; _mtp = nullptr; _mtpForKeysDestroy = nullptr; } } // namespace Main