/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "base/variant.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_rpc_sender.h" #include "mtproto/mtp_instance.h" #include "mtproto/facade.h" namespace MTP { class Instance; Instance *MainInstance(); class Sender { class RequestBuilder { public: RequestBuilder(const RequestBuilder &other) = delete; RequestBuilder &operator=(const RequestBuilder &other) = delete; RequestBuilder &operator=(RequestBuilder &&other) = delete; protected: using FailPlainHandler = FnMut; using FailRequestIdHandler = FnMut; enum class FailSkipPolicy { Simple, HandleFlood, HandleAll, }; template struct DonePlainPolicy { using Callback = FnMut; static void handle(Callback &&handler, mtpRequestId requestId, Response &&result) { handler(result); } }; template struct DoneRequestIdPolicy { using Callback = FnMut; static void handle(Callback &&handler, mtpRequestId requestId, Response &&result) { handler(result, requestId); } }; template typename PolicyTemplate> class DoneHandler : public RPCAbstractDoneHandler { using Policy = PolicyTemplate; using Callback = typename Policy::Callback; public: DoneHandler(not_null sender, Callback handler) : _sender(sender), _handler(std::move(handler)) { } bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) override { auto handler = std::move(_handler); _sender->senderRequestHandled(requestId); auto result = Response(); if (!result.read(from, end)) { return false; } if (handler) { Policy::handle(std::move(handler), requestId, std::move(result)); } return true; } private: not_null _sender; Callback _handler; }; struct FailPlainPolicy { using Callback = FnMut; static void handle(Callback &&handler, mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &error) { handler(error); } }; struct FailRequestIdPolicy { using Callback = FnMut; static void handle(Callback &&handler, mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &error) { handler(error, requestId); } }; template class FailHandler : public RPCAbstractFailHandler { using Callback = typename Policy::Callback; public: FailHandler(not_null sender, Callback handler, FailSkipPolicy skipPolicy) : _sender(sender) , _handler(std::move(handler)) , _skipPolicy(skipPolicy) { } bool operator()(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCError &error) override { if (_skipPolicy == FailSkipPolicy::Simple) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) { return false; } } else if (_skipPolicy == FailSkipPolicy::HandleFlood) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error) && !MTP::isFloodError(error)) { return false; } } auto handler = std::move(_handler); _sender->senderRequestHandled(requestId); if (handler) { Policy::handle(std::move(handler), requestId, error); } return true; } private: not_null _sender; Callback _handler; FailSkipPolicy _skipPolicy = FailSkipPolicy::Simple; }; explicit RequestBuilder(not_null sender) noexcept : _sender(sender) { } RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder &&other) = default; void setToDC(ShiftedDcId dcId) noexcept { _dcId = dcId; } void setCanWait(crl::time ms) noexcept { _canWait = ms; } void setDoneHandler(RPCDoneHandlerPtr &&handler) noexcept { _done = std::move(handler); } void setFailHandler(FailPlainHandler &&handler) noexcept { _fail = std::move(handler); } void setFailHandler(FailRequestIdHandler &&handler) noexcept { _fail = std::move(handler); } void setFailSkipPolicy(FailSkipPolicy policy) noexcept { _failSkipPolicy = policy; } void setAfter(mtpRequestId requestId) noexcept { _afterRequestId = requestId; } ShiftedDcId takeDcId() const noexcept { return _dcId; } crl::time takeCanWait() const noexcept { return _canWait; } RPCDoneHandlerPtr takeOnDone() noexcept { return std::move(_done); } RPCFailHandlerPtr takeOnFail() { if (auto handler = base::get_if(&_fail)) { return std::make_shared>(_sender, std::move(*handler), _failSkipPolicy); } else if (auto handler = base::get_if(&_fail)) { return std::make_shared>(_sender, std::move(*handler), _failSkipPolicy); } return RPCFailHandlerPtr(); } mtpRequestId takeAfter() const noexcept { return _afterRequestId; } not_null sender() const noexcept { return _sender; } void registerRequest(mtpRequestId requestId) { _sender->senderRequestRegister(requestId); } private: not_null _sender; ShiftedDcId _dcId = 0; crl::time _canWait = 0; RPCDoneHandlerPtr _done; base::variant _fail; FailSkipPolicy _failSkipPolicy = FailSkipPolicy::Simple; mtpRequestId _afterRequestId = 0; }; public: Sender() noexcept { } template class SpecificRequestBuilder : public RequestBuilder { private: friend class Sender; SpecificRequestBuilder(not_null sender, Request &&request) noexcept : RequestBuilder(sender), _request(std::move(request)) { } SpecificRequestBuilder(SpecificRequestBuilder &&other) = default; public: [[nodiscard]] SpecificRequestBuilder &toDC(ShiftedDcId dcId) noexcept { setToDC(dcId); return *this; } [[nodiscard]] SpecificRequestBuilder &afterDelay(crl::time ms) noexcept { setCanWait(ms); return *this; } [[nodiscard]] SpecificRequestBuilder &done(FnMut callback) { setDoneHandler(std::make_shared>(sender(), std::move(callback))); return *this; } [[nodiscard]] SpecificRequestBuilder &done(FnMut callback) { setDoneHandler(std::make_shared>(sender(), std::move(callback))); return *this; } [[nodiscard]] SpecificRequestBuilder &fail(FnMut callback) noexcept { setFailHandler(std::move(callback)); return *this; } [[nodiscard]] SpecificRequestBuilder &fail(FnMut callback) noexcept { setFailHandler(std::move(callback)); return *this; } [[nodiscard]] SpecificRequestBuilder &handleFloodErrors() noexcept { setFailSkipPolicy(FailSkipPolicy::HandleFlood); return *this; } [[nodiscard]] SpecificRequestBuilder &handleAllErrors() noexcept { setFailSkipPolicy(FailSkipPolicy::HandleAll); return *this; } [[nodiscard]] SpecificRequestBuilder &afterRequest(mtpRequestId requestId) noexcept { setAfter(requestId); return *this; } mtpRequestId send() { const auto id = MainInstance()->send( _request, takeOnDone(), takeOnFail(), takeDcId(), takeCanWait(), takeAfter()); registerRequest(id); return id; } private: Request _request; }; class SentRequestWrap { private: friend class Sender; SentRequestWrap(not_null sender, mtpRequestId requestId) : _sender(sender), _requestId(requestId) { } public: void cancel() { _sender->senderRequestCancel(_requestId); } private: not_null _sender; mtpRequestId _requestId = 0; }; template < typename Request, typename = std::enable_if_t>, typename = typename Request::Unboxed> [[nodiscard]] SpecificRequestBuilder request(Request &&request) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] SentRequestWrap request(mtpRequestId requestId) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] auto requestCanceller() noexcept { return [this](mtpRequestId requestId) { request(requestId).cancel(); }; } void requestSendDelayed() { MainInstance()->sendAnything(); } void requestCancellingDiscard() { for (auto &request : _requests) { request.handled(); } } not_null requestMTP() const { return MainInstance(); } private: class RequestWrap { public: RequestWrap( Instance *instance, mtpRequestId requestId) noexcept : _id(requestId) { } RequestWrap(const RequestWrap &other) = delete; RequestWrap &operator=(const RequestWrap &other) = delete; RequestWrap(RequestWrap &&other) : _id(base::take(other._id)) { } RequestWrap &operator=(RequestWrap &&other) { if (_id != other._id) { cancelRequest(); _id = base::take(other._id); } return *this; } mtpRequestId id() const noexcept { return _id; } void handled() const noexcept { } ~RequestWrap() { cancelRequest(); } private: void cancelRequest() { if (_id) { if (auto instance = MainInstance()) { instance->cancel(_id); } } } mtpRequestId _id = 0; }; struct RequestWrapComparator { using is_transparent = std::true_type; struct helper { mtpRequestId requestId = 0; helper() = default; helper(const helper &other) = default; helper(mtpRequestId requestId) noexcept : requestId(requestId) { } helper(const RequestWrap &request) noexcept : requestId(request.id()) { } bool operator<(helper other) const { return requestId < other.requestId; } }; bool operator()(const helper &&lhs, const helper &&rhs) const { return lhs < rhs; } }; template friend class SpecialRequestBuilder; friend class RequestBuilder; friend class RequestWrap; friend class SentRequestWrap; void senderRequestRegister(mtpRequestId requestId) { _requests.emplace(MainInstance(), requestId); } void senderRequestHandled(mtpRequestId requestId) { auto it = _requests.find(requestId); if (it != _requests.cend()) { it->handled(); _requests.erase(it); } } void senderRequestCancel(mtpRequestId requestId) { auto it = _requests.find(requestId); if (it != _requests.cend()) { _requests.erase(it); } } base::flat_set _requests; }; template Sender::SpecificRequestBuilder Sender::request(Request &&request) noexcept { return SpecificRequestBuilder(this, std::move(request)); } inline Sender::SentRequestWrap Sender::request(mtpRequestId requestId) noexcept { return SentRequestWrap(this, requestId); } } // namespace MTP