/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "ui/countryinput.h" #include "lang.h" #include "application.h" #include "ui/widgets/scroll_area.h" #include "ui/widgets/multi_select.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "boxes/contacts_box.h" #include "countries.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_intro.h" namespace { typedef QList CountriesFiltered; typedef QVector CountriesIds; typedef QHash CountriesByLetter; typedef QVector CountryNames; typedef QVector CountriesNames; CountriesByCode _countriesByCode; CountriesByISO2 _countriesByISO2; CountriesFiltered countriesFiltered, countriesAll, *countriesNow = &countriesAll; CountriesByLetter countriesByLetter; CountriesNames countriesNames; QString lastValidISO; int countriesCount = sizeof(countries) / sizeof(countries[0]); void initCountries() { if (!_countriesByCode.isEmpty()) return; _countriesByCode.reserve(countriesCount); _countriesByISO2.reserve(countriesCount); for (int i = 0; i < countriesCount; ++i) { const CountryInfo *info(countries + i); _countriesByCode.insert(info->code, info); CountriesByISO2::const_iterator already = _countriesByISO2.constFind(info->iso2); if (already != _countriesByISO2.cend()) { QString badISO = info->iso2; (void)badISO; } _countriesByISO2.insert(info->iso2, info); } countriesAll.reserve(countriesCount); countriesFiltered.reserve(countriesCount); countriesNames.resize(countriesCount); } } // namespace const CountriesByCode &countriesByCode() { initCountries(); return _countriesByCode; } const CountriesByISO2 &countriesByISO2() { initCountries(); return _countriesByISO2; } QString findValidCode(QString fullCode) { while (fullCode.length()) { CountriesByCode::const_iterator i = _countriesByCode.constFind(fullCode); if (i != _countriesByCode.cend()) { return (*i)->code; } fullCode = fullCode.mid(0, fullCode.length() - 1); } return ""; } CountryInput::CountryInput(QWidget *parent, const style::InputField &st) : TWidget(parent) , _st(st) , _text(lang(lng_country_code)) { initCountries(); resize(_st.width, _st.heightMin); auto availableWidth = width() - _st.textMargins.left() - _st.textMargins.right() - _st.placeholderMargins.left() - _st.placeholderMargins.right() - 1; auto placeholderFont = _st.placeholderFont->f; placeholderFont.setStyleStrategy(QFont::PreferMatch); auto metrics = QFontMetrics(placeholderFont); auto placeholder = QString();// metrics.elidedText(lang(lng_country_fake_ph), Qt::ElideRight, availableWidth); if (!placeholder.isNull()) { _placeholderPath.addText(0, QFontMetrics(placeholderFont).ascent(), placeholderFont, placeholder); } } void CountryInput::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); QRect r(rect().intersected(e->rect())); if (_st.textBg->c.alphaF() > 0.) { p.fillRect(r, _st.textBg); } if (_st.border) { p.fillRect(0, height() - _st.border, width(), _st.border, _st.borderFg); } st::introCountryIcon.paint(p, width() - st::introCountryIcon.width() - st::introCountryIconPosition.x(), st::introCountryIconPosition.y(), width()); p.setFont(_st.font); p.setPen(_st.textFg); p.drawText(rect().marginsRemoved(_st.textMargins), _text, _st.textAlign); if (!_placeholderPath.isEmpty()) { auto placeholderShiftDegree = 1.; p.save(); p.setClipRect(r); auto placeholderTop = anim::interpolate(0, _st.placeholderShift, placeholderShiftDegree); QRect r(rect().marginsRemoved(_st.textMargins + _st.placeholderMargins)); r.moveTop(r.top() + placeholderTop); if (rtl()) r.moveLeft(width() - r.left() - r.width()); auto placeholderScale = 1. - (1. - _st.placeholderScale) * placeholderShiftDegree; auto placeholderFg = anim::color(_st.placeholderFg, _st.placeholderFgActive, 0.); placeholderFg = anim::color(placeholderFg, _st.placeholderFgError, 0.); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(placeholderFg); p.translate(r.topLeft()); p.scale(placeholderScale, placeholderScale); p.drawPath(_placeholderPath); p.restore(); } } void CountryInput::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { bool newActive = rect().contains(e->pos()); if (_active != newActive) { _active = newActive; setCursor(_active ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } void CountryInput::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { mouseMoveEvent(e); if (_active) { auto box = Ui::show(Box()); connect(box, SIGNAL(countryChosen(const QString&)), this, SLOT(onChooseCountry(const QString&))); } } void CountryInput::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(true); } void CountryInput::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(false); _active = false; setCursor(style::cur_default); } void CountryInput::onChooseCode(const QString &code) { Ui::hideLayer(); if (code.length()) { CountriesByCode::const_iterator i = _countriesByCode.constFind(code); if (i != _countriesByCode.cend()) { const CountryInfo *info = *i; lastValidISO = info->iso2; setText(QString::fromUtf8(info->name)); } else { setText(lang(lng_bad_country_code)); } } else { setText(lang(lng_country_code)); } update(); } bool CountryInput::onChooseCountry(const QString &iso) { Ui::hideLayer(); CountriesByISO2::const_iterator i = _countriesByISO2.constFind(iso); const CountryInfo *info = (i == _countriesByISO2.cend()) ? 0 : (*i); if (info) { lastValidISO = info->iso2; setText(QString::fromUtf8(info->name)); emit codeChanged(info->code); update(); return true; } return false; } void CountryInput::setText(const QString &newText) { _text = _st.font->elided(newText, width() - _st.textMargins.left() - _st.textMargins.right()); } CountrySelectBox::CountrySelectBox(QWidget*) : _select(this, st::contactsMultiSelect, lang(lng_country_ph)) { } void CountrySelectBox::prepare() { setTitle(lang(lng_country_select)); _select->resizeToWidth(st::boxWidth); _select->setQueryChangedCallback([this](const QString &query) { onFilterUpdate(query); }); _select->setSubmittedCallback([this](bool) { onSubmit(); }); _inner = setInnerWidget(object_ptr(this), st::countriesScroll, _select->height()); addButton(lang(lng_close), [this] { closeBox(); }); setDimensions(st::boxWidth, st::boxMaxListHeight); connect(_inner, SIGNAL(mustScrollTo(int, int)), this, SLOT(onScrollToY(int, int))); connect(_inner, SIGNAL(countryChosen(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(countryChosen(const QString&))); } void CountrySelectBox::onSubmit() { _inner->chooseCountry(); } void CountrySelectBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { _inner->selectSkip(1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { _inner->selectSkip(-1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) { _inner->selectSkipPage(height() - _select->height(), 1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) { _inner->selectSkipPage(height() - _select->height(), -1); } else { BoxContent::keyPressEvent(e); } } void CountrySelectBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { BoxContent::resizeEvent(e); _select->resizeToWidth(width()); _select->moveToLeft(0, 0); _inner->resizeToWidth(width()); } void CountrySelectBox::onFilterUpdate(const QString &query) { onScrollToY(0); _inner->updateFilter(query); } void CountrySelectBox::setInnerFocus() { _select->setInnerFocus(); } CountrySelectBox::Inner::Inner(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent) , _rowHeight(st::countryRowHeight) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); CountriesByISO2::const_iterator l = _countriesByISO2.constFind(lastValidISO); bool seenLastValid = false; int already = countriesAll.size(); countriesByLetter.clear(); const CountryInfo *lastValid = (l == _countriesByISO2.cend()) ? 0 : (*l); for (int i = 0; i < countriesCount; ++i) { const CountryInfo *ins = lastValid ? (i ? (countries + i - (seenLastValid ? 0 : 1)) : lastValid) : (countries + i); if (lastValid && i && ins == lastValid) { seenLastValid = true; ++ins; } if (already > i) { countriesAll[i] = ins; } else { countriesAll.push_back(ins); } QStringList namesList = QString::fromUtf8(ins->name).toLower().split(QRegularExpression("[\\s\\-]"), QString::SkipEmptyParts); CountryNames &names(countriesNames[i]); int l = namesList.size(); names.resize(0); names.reserve(l); for (int j = 0, l = namesList.size(); j < l; ++j) { QString name = namesList[j].trimmed(); if (!name.length()) continue; QChar ch = name[0]; CountriesIds &v(countriesByLetter[ch]); if (v.isEmpty() || v.back() != i) { v.push_back(i); } names.push_back(name); } } _filter = qsl("a"); updateFilter(); } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); QRect r(e->rect()); p.setClipRect(r); auto ms = getms(); int l = countriesNow->size(); if (l) { if (r.intersects(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::countriesSkip))) { p.fillRect(r.intersected(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::countriesSkip)), st::countryRowBg); } int32 from = floorclamp(r.y() - st::countriesSkip, _rowHeight, 0, l); int32 to = ceilclamp(r.y() + r.height() - st::countriesSkip, _rowHeight, 0, l); for (int32 i = from; i < to; ++i) { auto selected = (i == (_pressed >= 0 ? _pressed : _selected)); auto y = st::countriesSkip + i * _rowHeight; p.fillRect(0, y, width(), _rowHeight, selected ? st::countryRowBgOver : st::countryRowBg); if (_ripples.size() > i && _ripples[i]) { _ripples[i]->paint(p, 0, y, width(), ms); if (_ripples[i]->empty()) { _ripples[i].reset(); } } auto code = QString("+") + (*countriesNow)[i]->code; auto codeWidth = st::countryRowCodeFont->width(code); auto name = QString::fromUtf8((*countriesNow)[i]->name); auto nameWidth = st::countryRowNameFont->width(name); auto availWidth = width() - st::countryRowPadding.left() - st::countryRowPadding.right() - codeWidth - st::boxLayerScroll.width; if (nameWidth > availWidth) { name = st::countryRowNameFont->elided(name, availWidth); nameWidth = st::countryRowNameFont->width(name); } p.setFont(st::countryRowNameFont); p.setPen(st::countryRowNameFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::countryRowPadding.left(), y + st::countryRowPadding.top(), width(), name); p.setFont(st::countryRowCodeFont); p.setPen(selected ? st::countryRowCodeFgOver : st::countryRowCodeFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::countryRowPadding.left() + nameWidth + st::countryRowPadding.right(), y + st::countryRowPadding.top(), width(), code); } } else { p.fillRect(r, st::boxBg); p.setFont(st::noContactsFont); p.setPen(st::noContactsColor); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::noContactsHeight), lang(lng_country_none), style::al_center); } } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(true); } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { _mouseSelection = false; setMouseTracking(false); if (_selected >= 0) { updateSelectedRow(); _selected = -1; } } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _mouseSelection = true; updateSelected(e->pos()); } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _mouseSelection = true; updateSelected(e->pos()); setPressed(_selected); if (_pressed >= 0 && _pressed < countriesNow->size()) { if (_ripples.size() <= _pressed) { _ripples.reserve(_pressed + 1); while (_ripples.size() <= _pressed) { _ripples.push_back(std::unique_ptr()); } } if (!_ripples[_pressed]) { auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::rectMask(QSize(width(), _rowHeight)); _ripples[_pressed] = std::make_unique(st::countryRipple, std::move(mask), [this, index = _pressed] { updateRow(index); }); _ripples[_pressed]->add(e->pos() - QPoint(0, st::countriesSkip + _pressed * _rowHeight)); } } } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { auto pressed = _pressed; setPressed(-1); updateSelectedRow(); if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { if ((pressed >= 0) && pressed == _selected) { chooseCountry(); } } } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::updateFilter(QString filter) { filter = textSearchKey(filter); QStringList f; if (!filter.isEmpty()) { QStringList filterList = filter.split(cWordSplit(), QString::SkipEmptyParts); int l = filterList.size(); f.reserve(l); for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) { QString filterName = filterList[i].trimmed(); if (filterName.isEmpty()) continue; f.push_back(filterName); } filter = f.join(' '); } if (_filter != filter) { _filter = filter; if (_filter.isEmpty()) { countriesNow = &countriesAll; } else { QChar first = _filter[0].toLower(); CountriesIds &ids(countriesByLetter[first]); QStringList::const_iterator fb = f.cbegin(), fe = f.cend(), fi; countriesFiltered.clear(); for (CountriesIds::const_iterator i = ids.cbegin(), e = ids.cend(); i != e; ++i) { int index = *i; CountryNames &names(countriesNames[index]); CountryNames::const_iterator nb = names.cbegin(), ne = names.cend(), ni; for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { QString filterName(*fi); for (ni = nb; ni != ne; ++ni) { if (ni->startsWith(*fi)) { break; } } if (ni == ne) { break; } } if (fi == fe) { countriesFiltered.push_back(countriesAll[index]); } } countriesNow = &countriesFiltered; } refresh(); _selected = countriesNow->isEmpty() ? -1 : 0; update(); } } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::selectSkip(int32 dir) { _mouseSelection = false; int cur = (_selected >= 0) ? _selected : -1; cur += dir; if (cur <= 0) { _selected = countriesNow->isEmpty() ? -1 : 0; } else if (cur >= countriesNow->size()) { _selected = -1; } else { _selected = cur; } if (_selected >= 0) { emit mustScrollTo(st::countriesSkip + _selected * _rowHeight, st::countriesSkip + (_selected + 1) * _rowHeight); } update(); } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::selectSkipPage(int32 h, int32 dir) { int32 points = h / _rowHeight; if (!points) return; selectSkip(points * dir); } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::chooseCountry() { QString result; if (_filter.isEmpty()) { if (_selected >= 0 && _selected < countriesAll.size()) { result = countriesAll[_selected]->iso2; } } else { if (_selected >= 0 && _selected < countriesFiltered.size()) { result = countriesFiltered[_selected]->iso2; } } emit countryChosen(result); } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::refresh() { resize(width(), countriesNow->length() ? (countriesNow->length() * _rowHeight + st::countriesSkip) : st::noContactsHeight); } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::updateSelected(QPoint localPos) { if (!_mouseSelection) return; auto in = parentWidget()->rect().contains(parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); auto selected = (in && localPos.y() >= st::countriesSkip && localPos.y() < st::countriesSkip + countriesNow->size() * _rowHeight) ? ((localPos.y() - st::countriesSkip) / _rowHeight) : -1; if (_selected != selected) { updateSelectedRow(); _selected = selected; updateSelectedRow(); } } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::updateSelectedRow() { updateRow(_selected); } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::updateRow(int index) { if (index >= 0) { update(0, st::countriesSkip + index * _rowHeight, width(), _rowHeight); } } void CountrySelectBox::Inner::setPressed(int pressed) { if (_pressed >= 0 && _pressed < _ripples.size() && _ripples[_pressed]) { _ripples[_pressed]->lastStop(); } _pressed = pressed; } CountrySelectBox::Inner::~Inner() = default;