/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once #include "base/observer.h" namespace App { void quit(); } // namespace App namespace MTP { class DcOptions; class Instance; } // namespace MTP class AuthSession; class AuthSessionData; class MainWidget; class FileUploader; class Translator; namespace Local { struct StoredAuthSession; } // namespace Local namespace Media { namespace Audio { class Instance; } // namespace Audio } // namespace Media class Messenger final : public QObject, public RPCSender, private base::Subscriber { Q_OBJECT public: Messenger(); Messenger(const Messenger &other) = delete; Messenger &operator=(const Messenger &other) = delete; ~Messenger(); MainWindow *mainWindow(); QPoint getPointForCallPanelCenter() const; QImage logo() const { return _logo; } QImage logoNoMargin() const { return _logoNoMargin; } static Messenger *InstancePointer(); static Messenger &Instance() { auto result = InstancePointer(); t_assert(result != nullptr); return *result; } // MTProto components. MTP::DcOptions *dcOptions() { return _dcOptions.get(); } // Set from legacy storage. void setMtpMainDcId(MTP::DcId mainDcId); void setMtpKey(MTP::DcId dcId, const MTP::AuthKey::Data &keyData); void setAuthSessionUserId(UserId userId); void setAuthSessionFromStorage(std::unique_ptr data); AuthSessionData *getAuthSessionData(); // Serialization. QByteArray serializeMtpAuthorization() const; void setMtpAuthorization(const QByteArray &serialized); void startMtp(); MTP::Instance *mtp() { return _mtproto.get(); } void suggestMainDcId(MTP::DcId mainDcId); void destroyStaleAuthorizationKeys(); // AuthSession component. AuthSession *authSession() { return _authSession.get(); } void authSessionCreate(UserId userId); void authSessionDestroy(); base::Observable &authSessionChanged() { return _authSessionChanged; } // Media component. Media::Audio::Instance &audio() { return *_audio; } void setInternalLinkDomain(const QString &domain) const; QString createInternalLink(const QString &query) const; QString createInternalLinkFull(const QString &query) const; FileUploader *uploader(); void uploadProfilePhoto(const QImage &tosend, const PeerId &peerId); void regPhotoUpdate(const PeerId &peer, const FullMsgId &msgId); bool isPhotoUpdating(const PeerId &peer); void cancelPhotoUpdate(const PeerId &peer); void selfPhotoCleared(const MTPUserProfilePhoto &result); void chatPhotoCleared(PeerId peer, const MTPUpdates &updates); void selfPhotoDone(const MTPphotos_Photo &result); void chatPhotoDone(PeerId peerId, const MTPUpdates &updates); bool peerPhotoFail(PeerId peerId, const RPCError &e); void peerClearPhoto(PeerId peer); void writeUserConfigIn(TimeMs ms); void killDownloadSessionsStart(MTP::DcId dcId); void killDownloadSessionsStop(MTP::DcId dcId); void checkLocalTime(); void checkMapVersion(); void setupPasscode(); void clearPasscode(); base::Observable &passcodedChanged() { return _passcodedChanged; } void quitPreventFinished(); void handleAppActivated(); void handleAppDeactivated(); void call_handleHistoryUpdate(); void call_handleUnreadCounterUpdate(); void call_handleDelayedPeerUpdates(); void call_handleObservables(); signals: void peerPhotoDone(PeerId peer); void peerPhotoFail(PeerId peer); public slots: void onAllKeysDestroyed(); void photoUpdated(const FullMsgId &msgId, bool silent, const MTPInputFile &file); void onSwitchDebugMode(); void onSwitchWorkMode(); void onSwitchTestMode(); void killDownloadSessions(); void onAppStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState state); private: void destroyMtpKeys(MTP::AuthKeysList &&keys); void startLocalStorage(); void loadLanguage(); friend void App::quit(); static void QuitAttempt(); void quitDelayed(); QMap photoUpdates; QMap killDownloadSessionTimes; SingleTimer killDownloadSessionsTimer; // Some fields are just moved from the declaration. struct Private; const std::unique_ptr _private; std::unique_ptr _window; FileUploader *_uploader = nullptr; std::unique_ptr _translator; std::unique_ptr _dcOptions; std::unique_ptr _mtproto; std::unique_ptr _mtprotoForKeysDestroy; std::unique_ptr _authSession; base::Observable _authSessionChanged; base::Observable _passcodedChanged; std::unique_ptr _audio; QImage _logo; QImage _logoNoMargin; };