/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "dialogs/dialogs_list.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_entry.h" #include "dialogs/ui/dialogs_layout.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "mainwidget.h" namespace Dialogs { List::List(SortMode sortMode, FilterId filterId) : _sortMode(sortMode) , _filterId(filterId) { } List::const_iterator List::cfind(Row *value) const { return value ? (cbegin() + value->index()) : cend(); } not_null List::addToEnd(Key key) { if (const auto result = getRow(key)) { return result; } const auto result = _rowByKey.emplace( key, std::make_unique(key, _rows.size(), height()) ).first->second.get(); result->recountHeight(_narrowRatio); _rows.emplace_back(result); if (_sortMode == SortMode::Date) { adjustByDate(result); } return result; } Row *List::adjustByName(Key key) { Expects(_sortMode == SortMode::Name); const auto row = getRow(key); if (!row) { return nullptr; } adjustByName(row); return row; } not_null List::addByName(Key key) { Expects(_sortMode == SortMode::Name); const auto row = addToEnd(key); adjustByName(key); return row; } void List::adjustByName(not_null row) { Expects(row->index() >= 0 && row->index() < _rows.size()); const auto &key = row->entry()->chatListNameSortKey(); const auto index = row->index(); const auto i = _rows.begin() + index; const auto before = std::find_if(i + 1, _rows.end(), [&](Row *row) { return row->entry()->chatListNameSortKey().compare(key) >= 0; }); if (before != i + 1) { rotate(i, i + 1, before); } else if (i != _rows.begin()) { const auto from = std::make_reverse_iterator(i); const auto after = std::find_if(from, _rows.rend(), [&](Row *row) { return row->entry()->chatListNameSortKey().compare(key) <= 0; }).base(); if (after != i) { rotate(after, i, i + 1); } } } void List::adjustByDate(not_null row) { Expects(_sortMode == SortMode::Date); const auto key = row->sortKey(_filterId); const auto index = row->index(); const auto i = _rows.begin() + index; const auto before = std::find_if(i + 1, _rows.end(), [&](Row *row) { return (row->sortKey(_filterId) <= key); }); if (before != i + 1) { rotate(i, i + 1, before); } else { const auto from = std::make_reverse_iterator(i); const auto after = std::find_if(from, _rows.rend(), [&](Row *row) { return (row->sortKey(_filterId) >= key); }).base(); if (after != i) { rotate(after, i, i + 1); } } } bool List::updateHeight(Key key, float64 narrowRatio) { const auto i = _rowByKey.find(key); if (i == _rowByKey.cend()) { return false; } const auto row = i->second.get(); const auto index = row->index(); auto top = row->top(); const auto was = row->height(); row->recountHeight(narrowRatio); if (row->height() == was) { return false; } for (auto i = _rows.begin() + index, e = _rows.end(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->_top = top; top += (*i)->height(); } return true; } bool List::updateHeights(float64 narrowRatio) { _narrowRatio = narrowRatio; auto was = height(); auto top = 0; for (const auto &row : _rows) { row->_top = top; row->recountHeight(narrowRatio); top += row->height(); } return (height() != was); } bool List::moveToTop(Key key) { const auto i = _rowByKey.find(key); if (i == _rowByKey.cend()) { return false; } const auto index = i->second->index(); const auto begin = _rows.begin(); rotate(begin, begin + index, begin + index + 1); return true; } void List::rotate( std::vector>::iterator first, std::vector>::iterator middle, std::vector>::iterator last) { auto top = (*first)->top(); std::rotate(first, middle, last); auto count = (last - first); auto index = (first - _rows.begin()); while (count--) { const auto row = *first++; row->_index = index++; row->_top = top; top += row->height(); } } bool List::remove(Key key, Row *replacedBy) { auto i = _rowByKey.find(key); if (i == _rowByKey.cend()) { return false; } const auto row = i->second.get(); row->entry()->owner().dialogsRowReplaced({ row, replacedBy }); auto top = row->top(); const auto index = row->index(); _rows.erase(_rows.begin() + index); for (auto i = index, count = int(_rows.size()); i != count; ++i) { const auto row = _rows[i]; row->_index = i; row->_top = top; top += row->height(); } _rowByKey.erase(i); return true; } Row *List::rowAtY(int y) const { const auto i = findByY(y); if (i == cend()) { return nullptr; } const auto row = *i; const auto top = row->top(); const auto bottom = top + row->height(); return (top <= y && bottom > y) ? row.get() : nullptr; } List::iterator List::findByY(int y) const { return ranges::lower_bound(_rows, y, ranges::less(), [](const Row *row) { return row->top() + row->height(); }); } } // namespace Dialogs