/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "passport/passport_panel_edit_scans.h" #include "passport/passport_panel_controller.h" #include "passport/passport_panel_details_row.h" #include "info/profile/info_profile_button.h" #include "info/profile/info_profile_values.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/wrap/fade_wrap.h" #include "ui/wrap/slide_wrap.h" #include "ui/wrap/vertical_layout.h" #include "ui/text_options.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "boxes/abstract_box.h" #include "styles/style_passport.h" namespace Passport { class ScanButton : public Ui::AbstractButton { public: ScanButton( QWidget *parent, const style::PassportScanRow &st, const QString &name, const QString &status, bool deleted, bool error); void setImage(const QImage &image); void setStatus(const QString &status); void setDeleted(bool deleted); void setError(bool error); rpl::producer<> deleteClicks() const { return _delete->entity()->clicks(); } rpl::producer<> restoreClicks() const { return _restore->entity()->clicks(); } protected: int resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) override; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; private: int countAvailableWidth() const; const style::PassportScanRow &_st; Text _name; Text _status; int _nameHeight = 0; int _statusHeight = 0; bool _error = false; QImage _image; object_ptr> _delete; object_ptr> _restore; }; ScanButton::ScanButton( QWidget *parent, const style::PassportScanRow &st, const QString &name, const QString &status, bool deleted, bool error) : AbstractButton(parent) , _st(st) , _name( st::passportScanNameStyle, name, Ui::NameTextOptions()) , _status( st::defaultTextStyle, status, Ui::NameTextOptions()) , _error(error) , _delete(this, object_ptr(this, _st.remove)) , _restore( this, object_ptr( this, langFactory(lng_passport_delete_scan_undo), _st.restore)) { _delete->toggle(!deleted, anim::type::instant); _restore->toggle(deleted, anim::type::instant); } void ScanButton::setImage(const QImage &image) { _image = image; update(); } void ScanButton::setStatus(const QString &status) { _status.setText( st::defaultTextStyle, status, Ui::NameTextOptions()); update(); } void ScanButton::setDeleted(bool deleted) { _delete->toggle(!deleted, anim::type::instant); _restore->toggle(deleted, anim::type::instant); update(); } void ScanButton::setError(bool error) { _error = error; update(); } int ScanButton::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) { _nameHeight = st::semiboldFont->height; _statusHeight = st::normalFont->height; const auto result = _st.padding.top() + _st.size + _st.padding.bottom(); const auto right = _st.padding.right(); _delete->moveToRight( right, (result - _delete->height()) / 2, newWidth); _restore->moveToRight( right, (result - _restore->height()) / 2, newWidth); return result + st::lineWidth; } int ScanButton::countAvailableWidth() const { return width() - _st.padding.left() - _st.textLeft - _st.padding.right() - std::max(_delete->width(), _restore->width()); } void ScanButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); const auto left = _st.padding.left(); const auto top = _st.padding.top(); p.fillRect( left, height() - _st.border, width() - left, _st.border, _st.borderFg); const auto deleted = _restore->toggled(); if (deleted) { p.setOpacity(st::passportScanDeletedOpacity); } if (_image.isNull()) { p.fillRect(left, top, _st.size, _st.size, Qt::black); } else { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); const auto fromRect = [&] { if (_image.width() > _image.height()) { const auto shift = (_image.width() - _image.height()) / 2; return QRect(shift, 0, _image.height(), _image.height()); } else { const auto shift = (_image.height() - _image.width()) / 2; return QRect(0, shift, _image.width(), _image.width()); } }(); p.drawImage(QRect(left, top, _st.size, _st.size), _image, fromRect); } const auto availableWidth = countAvailableWidth(); p.setPen(st::windowFg); _name.drawLeftElided( p, left + _st.textLeft, top + _st.nameTop, availableWidth, width()); p.setPen((_error && !deleted) ? st::boxTextFgError : st::windowSubTextFg); _status.drawLeftElided( p, left + _st.textLeft, top + _st.statusTop, availableWidth, width()); } EditScans::EditScans( QWidget *parent, not_null controller, const QString &header, const QString &errorMissing, std::vector &&files, std::unique_ptr &&selfie) : RpWidget(parent) , _controller(controller) , _files(std::move(files)) , _selfie(std::move(selfie)) , _initialCount(_files.size()) , _errorMissing(errorMissing) , _content(this) { setupContent(header); } bool EditScans::uploadedSomeMore() const { const auto from = begin(_files) + _initialCount; const auto till = end(_files); return std::find_if(from, till, [](const ScanInfo &file) { return !file.deleted; }) != till; } base::optional EditScans::validateGetErrorTop() { const auto exists = ranges::find_if( _files, [](const ScanInfo &file) { return !file.deleted; }) != end(_files); const auto errorExists = ranges::find_if( _files, [](const ScanInfo &file) { return !file.error.isEmpty(); } ) != end(_files); if (!exists || ((errorExists || _uploadMoreError) && !uploadedSomeMore())) { toggleError(true); return (_files.size() > 5) ? _upload->y() : _header->y(); } const auto nonDeletedErrorIt = ranges::find_if( _files, [](const ScanInfo &file) { return !file.error.isEmpty() && !file.deleted; }); if (nonDeletedErrorIt != end(_files)) { const auto index = (nonDeletedErrorIt - begin(_files)); toggleError(true); return _rows[index]->y(); } if (_selfie && (!_selfie->key.id || _selfie->deleted || !_selfie->error.isEmpty())) { toggleSelfieError(true); return _selfieHeader->y(); } return base::none; } void EditScans::setupContent(const QString &header) { const auto inner = _content.data(); inner->move(0, 0); _divider = inner->add( object_ptr>( inner, object_ptr( inner, st::passportFormDividerHeight))); _divider->toggle(_files.empty(), anim::type::instant); _header = inner->add( object_ptr>( inner, object_ptr( inner, header, Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::passportFormHeader), st::passportUploadHeaderPadding)); _header->toggle(!_files.empty(), anim::type::instant); if (!_errorMissing.isEmpty()) { _uploadMoreError = inner->add( object_ptr>( inner, object_ptr( inner, _errorMissing, Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::passportVerifyErrorLabel), st::passportUploadErrorPadding)); _uploadMoreError->toggle(true, anim::type::instant); } _wrap = inner->add(object_ptr(inner)); for (const auto &scan : _files) { pushScan(scan); _rows.back()->show(anim::type::instant); } _upload = inner->add( object_ptr( inner, _uploadTexts.events_starting_with( uploadButtonText() ) | rpl::flatten_latest(), st::passportUploadButton), st::passportUploadButtonPadding); _upload->addClickHandler([=] { chooseScan(); }); inner->add(object_ptr( inner, st::passportFormDividerHeight)); if (_selfie) { _selfieHeader = inner->add( object_ptr>( inner, object_ptr( inner, lang(lng_passport_selfie_title), Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::passportFormHeader), st::passportUploadHeaderPadding)); _selfieHeader->toggle(_selfie->key.id != 0, anim::type::instant); _selfieWrap = inner->add(object_ptr(inner)); if (_selfie->key.id) { createSelfieRow(*_selfie); } _selfieUpload = inner->add( object_ptr( inner, Lang::Viewer( lng_passport_upload_selfie ) | Info::Profile::ToUpperValue(), st::passportUploadButton), st::passportUploadButtonPadding); _selfieUpload->addClickHandler([=] { chooseSelfie(); }); inner->add(object_ptr( inner, object_ptr( _content, lang(lng_passport_selfie_description), Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::passportFormLabel), st::passportFormLabelPadding)); } _controller->scanUpdated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](ScanInfo &&info) { updateScan(std::move(info)); }, lifetime()); widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { _content->resizeToWidth(width); }, _content->lifetime()); _content->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int height) { resize(width(), height); }, _content->lifetime()); } void EditScans::updateScan(ScanInfo &&info) { const auto updateRow = [&]( not_null button, const ScanInfo &info) { button->setStatus(info.status); button->setImage(info.thumb); button->setDeleted(info.deleted); button->setError(!info.error.isEmpty()); }; if (info.selfie) { Assert(info.key.id != 0); Assert(_selfie != nullptr); if (_selfie->key.id) { updateRow(_selfieRow->entity(), info); if (!info.deleted) { hideSelfieError(); } } else { createSelfieRow(info); _selfieWrap->resizeToWidth(width()); _selfieRow->show(anim::type::normal); _selfieHeader->show(anim::type::normal); } *_selfie = std::move(info); return; } const auto i = ranges::find(_files, info.key, [](const ScanInfo &file) { return file.key; }); if (i != _files.end()) { *i = std::move(info); const auto scan = _rows[i - _files.begin()]->entity(); scan->setStatus(i->status); scan->setImage(i->thumb); scan->setDeleted(i->deleted); if (!i->deleted) { hideError(); } } else { _files.push_back(std::move(info)); pushScan(_files.back()); _wrap->resizeToWidth(width()); _rows.back()->show(anim::type::normal); _divider->hide(anim::type::normal); _header->show(anim::type::normal); _uploadTexts.fire(uploadButtonText()); } } void EditScans::createSelfieRow(const ScanInfo &info) { _selfieRow = createScan( _selfieWrap, info, lang(lng_passport_selfie_name)); const auto row = _selfieRow->entity(); row->deleteClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _controller->deleteSelfie(); }, row->lifetime()); row->restoreClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _controller->restoreSelfie(); }, row->lifetime()); hideSelfieError(); } void EditScans::pushScan(const ScanInfo &info) { const auto index = _rows.size(); _rows.push_back(createScan( _wrap, info, lng_passport_scan_index(lt_index, QString::number(index + 1)))); _rows.back()->hide(anim::type::instant); const auto scan = _rows.back()->entity(); scan->deleteClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _controller->deleteScan(index); }, scan->lifetime()); scan->restoreClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _controller->restoreScan(index); }, scan->lifetime()); hideError(); } base::unique_qptr> EditScans::createScan( not_null parent, const ScanInfo &info, const QString &name) { auto result = base::unique_qptr>( parent->add(object_ptr>( parent, object_ptr( parent, st::passportScanRow, name, info.status, info.deleted, !info.error.isEmpty())))); result->entity()->setImage(info.thumb); return result; } void EditScans::chooseScan() { if (!_controller->canAddScan()) { _controller->showToast(lang(lng_passport_scans_limit_reached)); return; } ChooseScan(this, [=](QByteArray &&content) { _controller->uploadScan(std::move(content)); }); } void EditScans::chooseSelfie() { ChooseScan(this, [=](QByteArray &&content) { _controller->uploadSelfie(std::move(content)); }); } void EditScans::ChooseScan( QPointer parent, base::lambda callback) { Expects(parent != nullptr); const auto filter = FileDialog::AllFilesFilter() + qsl(";;Image files (*") + cImgExtensions().join(qsl(" *")) + qsl(")"); const auto guardedCallback = base::lambda_guarded(parent, callback); const auto processFile = [=](FileDialog::OpenResult &&result) { if (result.paths.size() == 1) { auto content = [&] { QFile f(result.paths.front()); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return QByteArray(); } return f.readAll(); }(); if (!content.isEmpty()) { guardedCallback(std::move(content)); } } else if (!result.remoteContent.isEmpty()) { guardedCallback(std::move(result.remoteContent)); } }; FileDialog::GetOpenPath( parent, lang(lng_passport_choose_image), filter, processFile); } rpl::producer EditScans::uploadButtonText() const { return Lang::Viewer(_files.empty() ? lng_passport_upload_scans : lng_passport_upload_more) | Info::Profile::ToUpperValue(); } void EditScans::hideError() { toggleError(false); } void EditScans::toggleError(bool shown) { if (_errorShown != shown) { _errorShown = shown; _errorAnimation.start( [=] { errorAnimationCallback(); }, _errorShown ? 0. : 1., _errorShown ? 1. : 0., st::passportDetailsField.duration); } } void EditScans::errorAnimationCallback() { const auto error = _errorAnimation.current(_errorShown ? 1. : 0.); if (error == 0.) { _upload->setColorOverride(base::none); } else { _upload->setColorOverride(anim::color( st::passportUploadButton.textFg, st::boxTextFgError, error)); } } void EditScans::hideSelfieError() { toggleSelfieError(false); } void EditScans::toggleSelfieError(bool shown) { if (_selfieErrorShown != shown) { _selfieErrorShown = shown; _selfieErrorAnimation.start( [=] { selfieErrorAnimationCallback(); }, _selfieErrorShown ? 0. : 1., _selfieErrorShown ? 1. : 0., st::passportDetailsField.duration); } } void EditScans::selfieErrorAnimationCallback() { const auto error = _selfieErrorAnimation.current( _selfieErrorShown ? 1. : 0.); if (error == 0.) { _selfieUpload->setColorOverride(base::none); } else { _selfieUpload->setColorOverride(anim::color( st::passportUploadButton.textFg, st::boxTextFgError, error)); } } } // namespace Passport