/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "chat_helpers/tabbed_selector.h" #include "chat_helpers/emoji_list_widget.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers_list_widget.h" #include "chat_helpers/gifs_list_widget.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "ui/widgets/discrete_sliders.h" #include "ui/widgets/scroll_area.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "apiwrap.h" namespace ChatHelpers { namespace { constexpr auto kSaveChosenTabTimeout = 1000; } // namespace class TabbedSelector::SlideAnimation : public Ui::RoundShadowAnimation { public: enum class Direction { LeftToRight, RightToLeft, }; void setFinalImages(Direction direction, QImage &&left, QImage &&right, QRect inner, bool wasSectionIcons); void start(); void paintFrame(QPainter &p, float64 dt, float64 opacity); private: Direction _direction = Direction::LeftToRight; QPixmap _leftImage, _rightImage; int _width = 0; int _height = 0; int _innerLeft = 0; int _innerTop = 0; int _innerRight = 0; int _innerBottom = 0; int _innerWidth = 0; int _innerHeight = 0; int _painterInnerLeft = 0; int _painterInnerTop = 0; int _painterInnerWidth = 0; int _painterInnerBottom = 0; int _painterCategoriesTop = 0; int _painterInnerHeight = 0; int _painterInnerRight = 0; int _frameIntsPerLineAdd = 0; bool _wasSectionIcons = false; }; void TabbedSelector::SlideAnimation::setFinalImages(Direction direction, QImage &&left, QImage &&right, QRect inner, bool wasSectionIcons) { Expects(!started()); _direction = direction; _leftImage = QPixmap::fromImage(std::move(left).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied), Qt::ColorOnly); _rightImage = QPixmap::fromImage(std::move(right).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied), Qt::ColorOnly); Assert(!_leftImage.isNull()); Assert(!_rightImage.isNull()); _width = _leftImage.width(); _height = _rightImage.height(); Assert(!(_width % cIntRetinaFactor())); Assert(!(_height % cIntRetinaFactor())); Assert(_leftImage.devicePixelRatio() == _rightImage.devicePixelRatio()); Assert(_rightImage.width() == _width); Assert(_rightImage.height() == _height); Assert(QRect(0, 0, _width, _height).contains(inner)); _innerLeft = inner.x(); _innerTop = inner.y(); _innerWidth = inner.width(); _innerHeight = inner.height(); Assert(!(_innerLeft % cIntRetinaFactor())); Assert(!(_innerTop % cIntRetinaFactor())); Assert(!(_innerWidth % cIntRetinaFactor())); Assert(!(_innerHeight % cIntRetinaFactor())); _innerRight = _innerLeft + _innerWidth; _innerBottom = _innerTop + _innerHeight; _painterInnerLeft = _innerLeft / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterInnerTop = _innerTop / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterInnerRight = _innerRight / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterInnerBottom = _innerBottom / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterInnerWidth = _innerWidth / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterInnerHeight = _innerHeight / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterCategoriesTop = _painterInnerBottom - st::emojiCategory.height; _wasSectionIcons = wasSectionIcons; } void TabbedSelector::SlideAnimation::start() { Assert(!_leftImage.isNull()); Assert(!_rightImage.isNull()); RoundShadowAnimation::start(_width, _height, _leftImage.devicePixelRatio()); auto checkCorner = [this](const Corner &corner) { if (!corner.valid()) return; Assert(corner.width <= _innerWidth); Assert(corner.height <= _innerHeight); }; checkCorner(_topLeft); checkCorner(_topRight); checkCorner(_bottomLeft); checkCorner(_bottomRight); _frameIntsPerLineAdd = (_width - _innerWidth) + _frameIntsPerLineAdded; } void TabbedSelector::SlideAnimation::paintFrame(QPainter &p, float64 dt, float64 opacity) { Expects(started()); Expects(dt >= 0.); _frameAlpha = anim::interpolate(1, 256, opacity); auto frameInts = _frameInts + _innerLeft + _innerTop * _frameIntsPerLine; auto leftToRight = (_direction == Direction::LeftToRight); auto easeOut = anim::easeOutCirc(1., dt); auto easeIn = anim::easeInCirc(1., dt); auto arrivingCoord = anim::interpolate(_innerWidth, 0, easeOut); auto departingCoord = anim::interpolate(0, _innerWidth, easeIn); if (auto decrease = (arrivingCoord % cIntRetinaFactor())) { arrivingCoord -= decrease; } if (auto decrease = (departingCoord % cIntRetinaFactor())) { departingCoord -= decrease; } auto arrivingAlpha = easeIn; auto departingAlpha = 1. - easeOut; auto leftCoord = (leftToRight ? arrivingCoord : departingCoord) * -1; auto leftAlpha = (leftToRight ? arrivingAlpha : departingAlpha); auto rightCoord = (leftToRight ? departingCoord : arrivingCoord); auto rightAlpha = (leftToRight ? departingAlpha : arrivingAlpha); // _innerLeft ..(left).. leftTo ..(both).. bothTo ..(none).. noneTo ..(right).. _innerRight auto leftTo = _innerLeft + snap(_innerWidth + leftCoord, 0, _innerWidth); auto rightFrom = _innerLeft + snap(rightCoord, 0, _innerWidth); auto painterRightFrom = rightFrom / cIntRetinaFactor(); if (opacity < 1.) { _frame.fill(Qt::transparent); } { Painter p(&_frame); p.setOpacity(opacity); p.fillRect(_painterInnerLeft, _painterInnerTop, _painterInnerWidth, _painterCategoriesTop - _painterInnerTop, st::emojiPanBg); p.fillRect(_painterInnerLeft, _painterCategoriesTop, _painterInnerWidth, _painterInnerBottom - _painterCategoriesTop, _wasSectionIcons ? st::emojiPanCategories : st::emojiPanBg); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); if (leftTo > _innerLeft) { p.setOpacity(opacity * leftAlpha); p.drawPixmap(_painterInnerLeft, _painterInnerTop, _leftImage, _innerLeft - leftCoord, _innerTop, leftTo - _innerLeft, _innerHeight); } if (rightFrom < _innerRight) { p.setOpacity(opacity * rightAlpha); p.drawPixmap(painterRightFrom, _painterInnerTop, _rightImage, _innerLeft, _innerTop, _innerRight - rightFrom, _innerHeight); } } // Draw corners //paintCorner(_topLeft, _innerLeft, _innerTop); //paintCorner(_topRight, _innerRight - _topRight.width, _innerTop); paintCorner(_bottomLeft, _innerLeft, _innerBottom - _bottomLeft.height); paintCorner(_bottomRight, _innerRight - _bottomRight.width, _innerBottom - _bottomRight.height); // Draw shadow upon the transparent auto outerLeft = _innerLeft; auto outerTop = _innerTop; auto outerRight = _innerRight; auto outerBottom = _innerBottom; if (_shadow.valid()) { outerLeft -= _shadow.extend.left(); outerTop -= _shadow.extend.top(); outerRight += _shadow.extend.right(); outerBottom += _shadow.extend.bottom(); } if (cIntRetinaFactor() > 1) { if (auto skipLeft = (outerLeft % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerLeft -= skipLeft; } if (auto skipTop = (outerTop % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerTop -= skipTop; } if (auto skipRight = (outerRight % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerRight += (cIntRetinaFactor() - skipRight); } if (auto skipBottom = (outerBottom % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerBottom += (cIntRetinaFactor() - skipBottom); } } if (opacity == 1.) { // Fill above the frame top with transparent. auto fillTopInts = (_frameInts + outerTop * _frameIntsPerLine + outerLeft); auto fillWidth = (outerRight - outerLeft) * sizeof(uint32); for (auto fillTop = _innerTop - outerTop; fillTop != 0; --fillTop) { memset(fillTopInts, 0, fillWidth); fillTopInts += _frameIntsPerLine; } // Fill to the left and to the right of the frame with transparent. auto fillLeft = (_innerLeft - outerLeft) * sizeof(uint32); auto fillRight = (outerRight - _innerRight) * sizeof(uint32); if (fillLeft || fillRight) { auto fillInts = _frameInts + _innerTop * _frameIntsPerLine; for (auto y = _innerTop; y != _innerBottom; ++y) { memset(fillInts + outerLeft, 0, fillLeft); memset(fillInts + _innerRight, 0, fillRight); fillInts += _frameIntsPerLine; } } // Fill below the frame bottom with transparent. auto fillBottomInts = (_frameInts + _innerBottom * _frameIntsPerLine + outerLeft); for (auto fillBottom = outerBottom - _innerBottom; fillBottom != 0; --fillBottom) { memset(fillBottomInts, 0, fillWidth); fillBottomInts += _frameIntsPerLine; } } if (_shadow.valid()) { paintShadow(outerLeft, outerTop, outerRight, outerBottom); } // Debug //frameInts = _frameInts; //auto pattern = anim::shifted((static_cast(0xFF) << 24) | (static_cast(0xFF) << 16) | (static_cast(0xFF) << 8) | static_cast(0xFF)); //for (auto y = 0; y != _finalHeight; ++y) { // for (auto x = 0; x != _finalWidth; ++x) { // auto source = *frameInts; // auto sourceAlpha = (source >> 24); // *frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(source) * 256 + pattern * (256 - sourceAlpha)); // ++frameInts; // } // frameInts += _frameIntsPerLineAdded; //} p.drawImage(outerLeft / cIntRetinaFactor(), outerTop / cIntRetinaFactor(), _frame, outerLeft, outerTop, outerRight - outerLeft, outerBottom - outerTop); } TabbedSelector::Tab::Tab(SelectorTab type, object_ptr widget) : _type(type) , _widget(std::move(widget)) , _weak(_widget) , _footer(_widget->createFooter()) { _footer->setParent(_widget->parentWidget()); } object_ptr TabbedSelector::Tab::takeWidget() { return std::move(_widget); } void TabbedSelector::Tab::returnWidget(object_ptr widget) { _widget = std::move(widget); Ensures(_widget == _weak); } void TabbedSelector::Tab::saveScrollTop() { _scrollTop = widget()->getVisibleTop(); } TabbedSelector::TabbedSelector(QWidget *parent, not_null controller) : TWidget(parent) , _tabsSlider(this, st::emojiTabs) , _topShadow(this, st::shadowFg) , _bottomShadow(this, st::shadowFg) , _scroll(this, st::emojiScroll) , _tabs { { Tab { SelectorTab::Emoji, object_ptr(this, controller) }, Tab { SelectorTab::Stickers, object_ptr(this, controller) }, Tab { SelectorTab::Gifs, object_ptr(this, controller) }, } } , _currentTabType(Auth().data().selectorTab()) { resize(st::emojiPanWidth, st::emojiPanMaxHeight); for (auto &tab : _tabs) { tab.footer()->hide(); tab.widget()->hide(); } createTabsSlider(); _scroll->setGeometryToLeft(st::buttonRadius, marginTop(), st::emojiPanWidth - st::buttonRadius, height() - marginTop() - marginBottom()); setWidgetToScrollArea(); _bottomShadow->setGeometry(_tabsSlider->x(), _scroll->y() + _scroll->height() - st::lineWidth, _tabsSlider->width(), st::lineWidth); for (auto &tab : _tabs) { auto widget = tab.widget(); connect(widget, &Inner::scrollToY, this, [this, tab = &tab](int y) { if (tab == currentTab()) { scrollToY(y); } else { tab->saveScrollTop(y); } }); connect(widget, &Inner::disableScroll, this, [this, tab = &tab](bool disabled) { if (tab == currentTab()) { _scroll->disableScroll(disabled); } }); } connect(stickers(), SIGNAL(scrollUpdated()), this, SLOT(onScroll())); connect(_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onScroll())); connect(emoji(), SIGNAL(selected(EmojiPtr)), this, SIGNAL(emojiSelected(EmojiPtr))); connect(stickers(), SIGNAL(selected(DocumentData*)), this, SIGNAL(stickerSelected(DocumentData*))); connect(stickers(), SIGNAL(checkForHide()), this, SIGNAL(checkForHide())); connect(gifs(), SIGNAL(selected(DocumentData*)), this, SIGNAL(stickerSelected(DocumentData*))); connect(gifs(), SIGNAL(selected(PhotoData*)), this, SIGNAL(photoSelected(PhotoData*))); connect(gifs(), SIGNAL(selected(InlineBots::Result*, UserData*)), this, SIGNAL(inlineResultSelected(InlineBots::Result*, UserData*))); connect(gifs(), SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SIGNAL(cancelled())); _topShadow->raise(); _bottomShadow->raise(); _tabsSlider->raise(); subscribe(Notify::PeerUpdated(), Notify::PeerUpdatedHandler(Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChannelRightsChanged, [this](const Notify::PeerUpdate &update) { if (update.peer == _currentPeer) { checkRestrictedPeer(); } })); // setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false); showAll(); } void TabbedSelector::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { auto contentHeight = height() - marginTop() - marginBottom(); if (e->oldSize().height() > height()) { _scroll->resize(_scroll->width(), contentHeight); auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); currentTab()->widget()->setVisibleTopBottom(scrollTop, scrollTop + contentHeight); } else { auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); currentTab()->widget()->setVisibleTopBottom(scrollTop, scrollTop + contentHeight); _scroll->resize(_scroll->width(), contentHeight); } _bottomShadow->setGeometry(_tabsSlider->x(), _scroll->y() + _scroll->height() - st::lineWidth, _tabsSlider->width(), st::lineWidth); if (_restrictedLabel) { _restrictedLabel->move((width() - _restrictedLabel->width()), (height() / 3 - _restrictedLabel->height() / 2)); } _footerTop = height() - st::emojiCategory.height; for (auto &tab : _tabs) { tab.footer()->move(_tabsSlider->x(), _footerTop); } update(); } void TabbedSelector::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto ms = getms(); auto switching = (_slideAnimation != nullptr); if (switching) { paintSlideFrame(p, ms); if (!_a_slide.animating()) { _slideAnimation.reset(); afterShown(); emit slideFinished(); } } else { paintContent(p); } } void TabbedSelector::paintSlideFrame(Painter &p, TimeMs ms) { if (_roundRadius > 0) { auto topPart = QRect(0, 0, width(), _tabsSlider->height() + _roundRadius); App::roundRect(p, topPart, st::emojiPanBg, ImageRoundRadius::Small, RectPart::FullTop | RectPart::NoTopBottom); } else { p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), _tabsSlider->height(), st::emojiPanBg); } auto slideDt = _a_slide.current(ms, 1.); _slideAnimation->paintFrame(p, slideDt, 1.); } void TabbedSelector::paintContent(Painter &p) { auto &bottomBg = hasSectionIcons() ? st::emojiPanCategories : st::emojiPanBg; if (_roundRadius > 0) { auto topPart = QRect(0, 0, width(), _tabsSlider->height() + _roundRadius); App::roundRect(p, topPart, st::emojiPanBg, ImageRoundRadius::Small, RectPart::FullTop | RectPart::NoTopBottom); auto bottomPart = QRect(0, _footerTop - _roundRadius, width(), st::emojiCategory.height + _roundRadius); auto bottomParts = RectPart::NoTopBottom | RectPart::FullBottom; App::roundRect(p, bottomPart, bottomBg, ImageRoundRadius::Small, bottomParts); } else { p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), _tabsSlider->height(), st::emojiPanBg); p.fillRect(0, _footerTop, width(), st::emojiCategory.height, bottomBg); } auto sidesTop = marginTop(); auto sidesHeight = height() - sidesTop - marginBottom(); if (_restrictedLabel) { p.fillRect(0, sidesTop, width(), sidesHeight, st::emojiPanBg); } else { p.fillRect(myrtlrect(width() - st::emojiScroll.width, sidesTop, st::emojiScroll.width, sidesHeight), st::emojiPanBg); p.fillRect(myrtlrect(0, sidesTop, st::buttonRadius, sidesHeight), st::emojiPanBg); } } int TabbedSelector::marginTop() const { return _tabsSlider->height() - st::lineWidth; } int TabbedSelector::marginBottom() const { return st::emojiCategory.height; } void TabbedSelector::refreshStickers() { stickers()->refreshStickers(); if (isHidden() || _currentTabType != SelectorTab::Stickers) { stickers()->preloadImages(); } } bool TabbedSelector::preventAutoHide() const { return stickers()->preventAutoHide(); } QImage TabbedSelector::grabForAnimation() { auto slideAnimationData = base::take(_slideAnimation); auto slideAnimation = base::take(_a_slide); showAll(); _topShadow->hide(); _tabsSlider->hide(); myEnsureResized(this); auto result = QImage(size() * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); result.fill(Qt::transparent); render(&result); _a_slide = base::take(slideAnimation); _slideAnimation = base::take(slideAnimationData); return result; } bool TabbedSelector::wheelEventFromFloatPlayer(QEvent *e) { return _scroll->viewportEvent(e); } QRect TabbedSelector::rectForFloatPlayer() { return mapToGlobal(_scroll->geometry()); } TabbedSelector::~TabbedSelector() = default; void TabbedSelector::hideFinished() { for (auto &tab : _tabs) { tab.widget()->panelHideFinished(); } _a_slide.finish(); _slideAnimation.reset(); } void TabbedSelector::showStarted() { Auth().api().updateStickers(); currentTab()->widget()->refreshRecent(); currentTab()->widget()->preloadImages(); _a_slide.finish(); _slideAnimation.reset(); showAll(); } void TabbedSelector::beforeHiding() { if (!_scroll->isHidden()) { currentTab()->widget()->beforeHiding(); if (_beforeHidingCallback) { _beforeHidingCallback(_currentTabType); } } } void TabbedSelector::afterShown() { if (!_a_slide.animating()) { showAll(); currentTab()->widget()->afterShown(); if (_afterShownCallback) { _afterShownCallback(_currentTabType); } } } void TabbedSelector::stickersInstalled(uint64 setId) { _tabsSlider->setActiveSection(static_cast(SelectorTab::Stickers)); stickers()->showStickerSet(setId); } void TabbedSelector::showMegagroupSet(ChannelData *megagroup) { stickers()->showMegagroupSet(megagroup); } void TabbedSelector::setCurrentPeer(PeerData *peer) { gifs()->setInlineQueryPeer(peer); _currentPeer = peer; checkRestrictedPeer(); } void TabbedSelector::checkRestrictedPeer() { if (auto megagroup = _currentPeer ? _currentPeer->asMegagroup() : nullptr) { auto restricted = (_currentTabType == SelectorTab::Stickers) ? megagroup->restrictedRights().is_send_stickers() : (_currentTabType == SelectorTab::Gifs) ? megagroup->restrictedRights().is_send_gifs() : false; if (restricted) { if (!_restrictedLabel) { auto text = (_currentTabType == SelectorTab::Stickers) ? lang(lng_restricted_send_stickers) : (_currentTabType == SelectorTab::Gifs) ? lang(lng_restricted_send_gifs) : QString(); _restrictedLabel.create(this, text, Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::stickersRestrictedLabel); _restrictedLabel->show(); _restrictedLabel->move((width() - _restrictedLabel->width()), (height() / 3 - _restrictedLabel->height() / 2)); currentTab()->footer()->hide(); _scroll->hide(); _bottomShadow->hide(); update(); } return; } } if (_restrictedLabel) { _restrictedLabel.destroy(); if (!_a_slide.animating()) { currentTab()->footer()->show(); _scroll->show(); _bottomShadow->setVisible(_currentTabType == SelectorTab::Gifs); update(); } } } bool TabbedSelector::isRestrictedView() { checkRestrictedPeer(); return (_restrictedLabel != nullptr); } void TabbedSelector::showAll() { if (isRestrictedView()) { _restrictedLabel->show(); } else { currentTab()->footer()->show(); _scroll->show(); _bottomShadow->setVisible(_currentTabType == SelectorTab::Gifs); } _topShadow->show(); _tabsSlider->show(); } void TabbedSelector::hideForSliding() { hideChildren(); _tabsSlider->show(); _topShadow->show(); currentTab()->widget()->clearSelection(); } void TabbedSelector::onScroll() { auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); auto scrollBottom = scrollTop + _scroll->height(); currentTab()->widget()->setVisibleTopBottom(scrollTop, scrollBottom); } void TabbedSelector::setRoundRadius(int radius) { _roundRadius = radius; _tabsSlider->setRippleTopRoundRadius(_roundRadius); } void TabbedSelector::createTabsSlider() { auto sections = QStringList(); sections.push_back(lang(lng_switch_emoji).toUpper()); sections.push_back(lang(lng_switch_stickers).toUpper()); sections.push_back(lang(lng_switch_gifs).toUpper()); _tabsSlider->setSections(sections); _tabsSlider->setActiveSectionFast(static_cast(_currentTabType)); _tabsSlider->setSectionActivatedCallback([this] { switchTab(); }); _tabsSlider->resizeToWidth(width()); _tabsSlider->moveToLeft(0, 0); _topShadow->setGeometry(_tabsSlider->x(), _tabsSlider->bottomNoMargins() - st::lineWidth, _tabsSlider->width(), st::lineWidth); } bool TabbedSelector::hasSectionIcons() const { return (_currentTabType != SelectorTab::Gifs) && !_restrictedLabel; } void TabbedSelector::switchTab() { auto tab = _tabsSlider->activeSection(); Assert(tab >= 0 && tab < Tab::kCount); auto newTabType = static_cast(tab); if (_currentTabType == newTabType) { return; } auto wasSectionIcons = hasSectionIcons(); auto wasTab = _currentTabType; currentTab()->saveScrollTop(); beforeHiding(); auto wasCache = grabForAnimation(); auto widget = _scroll->takeWidget(); widget->setParent(this); widget->hide(); currentTab()->footer()->hide(); currentTab()->returnWidget(std::move(widget)); _currentTabType = newTabType; _restrictedLabel.destroy(); checkRestrictedPeer(); currentTab()->widget()->refreshRecent(); currentTab()->widget()->preloadImages(); setWidgetToScrollArea(); auto nowCache = grabForAnimation(); auto direction = (wasTab > _currentTabType) ? SlideAnimation::Direction::LeftToRight : SlideAnimation::Direction::RightToLeft; if (direction == SlideAnimation::Direction::LeftToRight) { std::swap(wasCache, nowCache); } _slideAnimation = std::make_unique(); auto slidingRect = QRect(_tabsSlider->x() * cIntRetinaFactor(), _scroll->y() * cIntRetinaFactor(), _tabsSlider->width() * cIntRetinaFactor(), (height() - _scroll->y()) * cIntRetinaFactor()); _slideAnimation->setFinalImages(direction, std::move(wasCache), std::move(nowCache), slidingRect, wasSectionIcons); auto corners = App::cornersMask(ImageRoundRadius::Small); _slideAnimation->setCornerMasks(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2], corners[3]); _slideAnimation->start(); hideForSliding(); getTab(wasTab)->widget()->hideFinished(); _a_slide.start([this] { update(); }, 0., 1., st::emojiPanSlideDuration, anim::linear); update(); Auth().data().setSelectorTab(_currentTabType); Auth().saveDataDelayed(kSaveChosenTabTimeout); } not_null TabbedSelector::emoji() const { return static_cast(getTab(SelectorTab::Emoji)->widget().get()); } not_null TabbedSelector::stickers() const { return static_cast(getTab(SelectorTab::Stickers)->widget().get()); } not_null TabbedSelector::gifs() const { return static_cast(getTab(SelectorTab::Gifs)->widget().get()); } void TabbedSelector::setWidgetToScrollArea() { _scroll->setOwnedWidget(currentTab()->takeWidget()); _scroll->disableScroll(false); currentTab()->widget()->moveToLeft(0, 0); currentTab()->widget()->show(); scrollToY(currentTab()->getScrollTop()); onScroll(); } void TabbedSelector::scrollToY(int y) { _scroll->scrollToY(y); // Qt render glitch workaround, shadow sometimes disappears if we just scroll to y. _topShadow->update(); } TabbedSelector::Inner::Inner(QWidget *parent, not_null controller) : TWidget(parent) , _controller(controller) { } void TabbedSelector::Inner::setVisibleTopBottom(int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) { auto oldVisibleHeight = getVisibleBottom() - getVisibleTop(); _visibleTop = visibleTop; _visibleBottom = visibleBottom; auto visibleHeight = getVisibleBottom() - getVisibleTop(); if (visibleHeight != oldVisibleHeight) { resize(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::buttonRadius, countHeight()); } } void TabbedSelector::Inner::hideFinished() { processHideFinished(); if (auto footer = getFooter()) { footer->processHideFinished(); } } void TabbedSelector::Inner::panelHideFinished() { hideFinished(); processPanelHideFinished(); if (auto footer = getFooter()) { footer->processPanelHideFinished(); } } TabbedSelector::InnerFooter::InnerFooter(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent) { resize(st::emojiPanWidth, st::emojiCategory.height); } } // namespace ChatHelpers