/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "statistics/point_details_widget.h" #include "ui/cached_round_corners.h" #include "ui/rect.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" #include "styles/style_statistics.h" namespace Statistic { namespace { [[nodiscard]] QString FormatTimestamp( float64 timestamp, const QString &longFormat, const QString &shortFormat) { const auto dateTime = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(timestamp / 1000); if (dateTime.toUTC().time().hour() || dateTime.toUTC().time().minute()) { return QLocale().toString(dateTime, longFormat); } else { return QLocale().toString(dateTime.date(), shortFormat); } } } // namespace PointDetailsWidget::PointDetailsWidget( not_null parent, const Data::StatisticalChart &chartData, float64 maxAbsoluteValue, bool zoomEnabled) : Ui::AbstractButton(parent) , _zoomEnabled(zoomEnabled) , _chartData(chartData) , _textStyle(st::statisticsDetailsPopupStyle) , _headerStyle(st::semiboldTextStyle) , _longFormat(u"ddd, MMM d hh:mm"_q) , _shortFormat(u"ddd, MMM d"_q) { const auto calculatedWidth = [&]{ const auto maxValueText = Ui::Text::String( _textStyle, QString("%L1").arg(maxAbsoluteValue)); const auto maxValueTextWidth = maxValueText.maxWidth(); auto maxNameTextWidth = 0; for (const auto &dataLine : _chartData.lines) { const auto maxNameText = Ui::Text::String( _textStyle, dataLine.name); maxNameTextWidth = std::max( maxNameText.maxWidth(), maxNameTextWidth); } { const auto maxHeaderText = Ui::Text::String( _headerStyle, FormatTimestamp( _chartData.x.front(), _longFormat, _shortFormat)); maxNameTextWidth = std::max( maxHeaderText.maxWidth() + st::statisticsDetailsPopupPadding.left(), maxNameTextWidth); } return maxValueTextWidth + rect::m::sum::h(st::statisticsDetailsPopupMargins) + rect::m::sum::h(st::statisticsDetailsPopupPadding) + st::statisticsDetailsPopupPadding.left() // Between strings. + maxNameTextWidth; }(); sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QSize &s) { const auto fullRect = s.isNull() ? Rect(Size(calculatedWidth)) : Rect(s); _innerRect = fullRect - st::statisticsDetailsPopupPadding; _textRect = _innerRect - st::statisticsDetailsPopupMargins; }, lifetime()); resize(calculatedWidth, height()); resizeHeight(); } void PointDetailsWidget::setLineAlpha(int lineId, float64 alpha) { for (auto &line : _lines) { if (line.id == lineId) { line.alpha = alpha; } } update(); resizeHeight(); } void PointDetailsWidget::resizeHeight() { resize( width(), lineYAt(_chartData.lines.size()) + st::statisticsDetailsPopupMargins.bottom()); } int PointDetailsWidget::xIndex() const { return _xIndex; } void PointDetailsWidget::setXIndex(int xIndex) { _xIndex = xIndex; if (xIndex < 0) { return; } _header.setText( _headerStyle, FormatTimestamp(_chartData.x[xIndex], _longFormat, _shortFormat)); _lines.clear(); _lines.reserve(_chartData.lines.size()); auto hasPositiveValues = false; for (const auto &dataLine : _chartData.lines) { auto textLine = Line(); textLine.id = dataLine.id; textLine.name.setText(_textStyle, dataLine.name); textLine.value.setText( _textStyle, QString("%L1").arg(dataLine.y[xIndex])); hasPositiveValues |= (dataLine.y[xIndex] > 0); textLine.valueColor = QColor(dataLine.color); _lines.push_back(std::move(textLine)); } const auto clickable = _zoomEnabled && hasPositiveValues; setAttribute( Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, !clickable); } void PointDetailsWidget::setAlpha(float64 alpha) { _alpha = alpha; update(); } int PointDetailsWidget::lineYAt(int index) const { auto linesHeight = 0.; for (auto i = 0; i < index; i++) { const auto alpha = (i >= _lines.size()) ? 1. : _lines[i].alpha; linesHeight += alpha * (_textStyle.font->height + st::statisticsDetailsPopupMidLineSpace); } return _textRect.y() + _headerStyle.font->height + st::statisticsDetailsPopupMargins.bottom() + std::ceil(linesHeight); } void PointDetailsWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { auto p = QPainter(this); p.setOpacity(_alpha); const auto fullRect = rect(); Ui::Shadow::paint(p, _innerRect, width(), st::boxRoundShadow); Ui::FillRoundRect(p, _innerRect, st::boxBg, Ui::BoxCorners); p.setPen(st::boxTextFg); const auto headerContext = Ui::Text::PaintContext{ .position = _textRect.topLeft(), .availableWidth = _textRect.width(), }; _header.draw(p, headerContext); for (auto i = 0; i < _lines.size(); i++) { const auto &line = _lines[i]; const auto lineY = lineYAt(i); const auto valueWidth = line.value.maxWidth(); const auto valueContext = Ui::Text::PaintContext{ .position = QPoint(rect::right(_textRect) - valueWidth, lineY), }; const auto nameContext = Ui::Text::PaintContext{ .position = QPoint(_textRect.x(), lineY), .outerWidth = _textRect.width() - valueWidth, .availableWidth = _textRect.width(), }; p.setOpacity(line.alpha * line.alpha); p.setPen(st::boxTextFg); line.name.draw(p, nameContext); p.setPen(line.valueColor); line.value.draw(p, valueContext); } } } // namespace Statistic