/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "platform/win/notifications_manager_win.h" #include "window/notifications_utilities.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "base/platform/win/base_windows_co_task_mem.h" #include "base/platform/win/base_windows_winrt.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "base/platform/win/wrl/wrl_module_h.h" #include "base/qthelp_url.h" #include "platform/win/windows_app_user_model_id.h" #include "platform/win/windows_toast_activator.h" #include "platform/win/windows_dlls.h" #include "platform/win/specific_win.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "windows_quiethours_h.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" #include #include #include #include #ifndef __MINGW32__ #include #include #include HICON qt_pixmapToWinHICON(const QPixmap &); using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Notifications; using namespace winrt::Windows::Data::Xml::Dom; using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation; using winrt::com_ptr; #endif // !__MINGW32__ namespace Platform { namespace Notifications { #ifndef __MINGW32__ namespace { [[nodiscard]] std::wstring NotificationTemplate( QString id, Window::Notifications::Manager::DisplayOptions options) { const auto wid = id.replace('&', "&").toStdWString(); const auto fastReply = LR"( )"; const auto markAsRead = LR"( )"; const auto actions = (options.hideReplyButton ? L"" : fastReply) + (options.hideMarkAsRead ? L"" : markAsRead); return LR"( )" + (actions.empty() ? L"" : (L"" + actions + L"")) + LR"( )"; } bool init() { if (!IsWindows8OrGreater()) { return false; } if ((Dlls::SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID == nullptr) || !base::WinRT::Supported()) { return false; } { using namespace Microsoft::WRL; const auto hr = Module::GetModule().RegisterObjects(); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG(("App Error: Object registration failed.")); } } if (!AppUserModelId::validateShortcut()) { LOG(("App Error: Shortcut validation failed.")); return false; } auto appUserModelId = AppUserModelId::getId(); if (!SUCCEEDED(Dlls::SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(appUserModelId))) { return false; } return true; } // Throws. void SetNodeValueString( const XmlDocument &xml, const IXmlNode &node, const std::wstring &text) { node.AppendChild(xml.CreateTextNode(text).as()); } // Throws. void SetAudioSilent(const XmlDocument &toastXml) { const auto nodeList = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName(L"audio"); if (const auto audioNode = nodeList.Item(0)) { audioNode.as().SetAttribute(L"silent", L"true"); } else { auto audioElement = toastXml.CreateElement(L"audio"); audioElement.SetAttribute(L"silent", L"true"); auto nodeList = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName(L"toast"); nodeList.Item(0).AppendChild(audioElement.as()); } } // Throws. void SetImageSrc(const XmlDocument &toastXml, const std::wstring &path) { const auto nodeList = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName(L"image"); const auto attributes = nodeList.Item(0).Attributes(); return SetNodeValueString( toastXml, attributes.GetNamedItem(L"src"), L"file:///" + path); } // Throws. void SetReplyIconSrc(const XmlDocument &toastXml, const std::wstring &path) { const auto nodeList = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName(L"action"); const auto length = int(nodeList.Length()); for (auto i = 0; i != length; ++i) { const auto attributes = nodeList.Item(i).Attributes(); if (const auto uri = attributes.GetNamedItem(L"imageUri")) { return SetNodeValueString(toastXml, uri, L"file:///" + path); } } } // Throws. void SetReplyPlaceholder( const XmlDocument &toastXml, const std::wstring &placeholder) { const auto nodeList = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName(L"input"); const auto attributes = nodeList.Item(0).Attributes(); return SetNodeValueString( toastXml, attributes.GetNamedItem(L"placeHolderContent"), placeholder); } // Throws. void SetAction(const XmlDocument &toastXml, const QString &id) { auto nodeList = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName(L"toast"); if (const auto toast = nodeList.Item(0).try_as()) { toast.SetAttribute(L"launch", L"action=open&" + id.toStdWString()); } } // Throws. void SetMarkAsReadText( const XmlDocument &toastXml, const std::wstring &text) { const auto nodeList = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName(L"action"); const auto length = int(nodeList.Length()); for (auto i = 0; i != length; ++i) { const auto attributes = nodeList.Item(i).Attributes(); if (!attributes.GetNamedItem(L"imageUri")) { return SetNodeValueString( toastXml, attributes.GetNamedItem(L"content"), text); } } } auto Checked = false; auto InitSucceeded = false; void Check() { InitSucceeded = init(); } bool QuietHoursEnabled = false; DWORD QuietHoursValue = 0; [[nodiscard]] bool UseQuietHoursRegistryEntry() { static const bool result = [] { const auto version = QOperatingSystemVersion::current(); // At build 17134 (Redstone 4) the "Quiet hours" was replaced // by "Focus assist" and it looks like it doesn't use registry. return (version.majorVersion() == 10) && (version.minorVersion() == 0) && (version.microVersion() < 17134); }(); return result; } // Thanks https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35600128/get-windows-quiet-hours-from-win32-or-c-sharp-api void QueryQuietHours() { if (!UseQuietHoursRegistryEntry()) { // There are quiet hours in Windows starting from Windows 8.1 // But there were several reports about the notifications being shut // down according to the registry while no quiet hours were enabled. // So we try this method only starting with Windows 10. return; } LPCWSTR lpKeyName = L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Notifications\\Settings"; LPCWSTR lpValueName = L"NOC_GLOBAL_SETTING_TOASTS_ENABLED"; HKEY key; auto result = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &key); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } DWORD value = 0, type = 0, size = sizeof(value); result = RegQueryValueEx(key, lpValueName, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&value, &size); RegCloseKey(key); auto quietHoursEnabled = (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (value == 0); if (QuietHoursEnabled != quietHoursEnabled) { QuietHoursEnabled = quietHoursEnabled; QuietHoursValue = value; LOG(("Quiet hours changed, entry value: %1").arg(value)); } else if (QuietHoursValue != value) { QuietHoursValue = value; LOG(("Quiet hours value changed, was value: %1, entry value: %2").arg(QuietHoursValue).arg(value)); } } bool FocusAssistBlocks = false; // Thanks https://www.withinrafael.com/2019/09/19/determine-if-your-app-is-in-a-focus-assist-profiles-priority-list/ void QueryFocusAssist() { const auto quietHoursSettings = base::WinRT::TryCreateInstance< IQuietHoursSettings >(CLSID_QuietHoursSettings, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER); if (!quietHoursSettings) { return; } auto profileId = base::CoTaskMemString(); auto hr = quietHoursSettings->get_UserSelectedProfile(profileId.put()); if (FAILED(hr) || !profileId) { return; } const auto profileName = QString::fromWCharArray(profileId.data()); if (profileName.endsWith(".alarmsonly", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (!FocusAssistBlocks) { LOG(("Focus Assist: Alarms Only.")); FocusAssistBlocks = true; } return; } else if (!profileName.endsWith(".priorityonly", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (!profileName.endsWith(".unrestricted", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { LOG(("Focus Assist Warning: Unknown profile '%1'" ).arg(profileName)); } if (FocusAssistBlocks) { LOG(("Focus Assist: Unrestricted.")); FocusAssistBlocks = false; } return; } const auto appUserModelId = std::wstring(AppUserModelId::getId()); auto blocked = true; const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { if (FocusAssistBlocks != blocked) { LOG(("Focus Assist: %1, AppUserModelId: %2, Blocks: %3" ).arg(profileName ).arg(QString::fromStdWString(appUserModelId) ).arg(Logs::b(blocked))); FocusAssistBlocks = blocked; } }); com_ptr profile; hr = quietHoursSettings->GetProfile(profileId.data(), profile.put()); if (FAILED(hr) || !profile) { return; } auto apps = base::CoTaskMemStringArray(); hr = profile->GetAllowedApps(apps.put_size(), apps.put()); if (FAILED(hr) || !apps) { return; } for (const auto &app : apps) { if (app && app.data() == appUserModelId) { blocked = false; break; } } } QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE UserNotificationState = QUNS_ACCEPTS_NOTIFICATIONS; void QueryUserNotificationState() { if (Dlls::SHQueryUserNotificationState != nullptr) { QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE state; if (SUCCEEDED(Dlls::SHQueryUserNotificationState(&state))) { UserNotificationState = state; } } } static constexpr auto kQuerySettingsEachMs = 1000; crl::time LastSettingsQueryMs = 0; void QuerySystemNotificationSettings() { auto ms = crl::now(); if (LastSettingsQueryMs > 0 && ms <= LastSettingsQueryMs + kQuerySettingsEachMs) { return; } LastSettingsQueryMs = ms; QueryQuietHours(); QueryFocusAssist(); QueryUserNotificationState(); } } // namespace #endif // !__MINGW32__ bool SkipAudioForCustom() { QuerySystemNotificationSettings(); return (UserNotificationState == QUNS_NOT_PRESENT) || (UserNotificationState == QUNS_PRESENTATION_MODE) || Core::App().screenIsLocked(); } bool SkipToastForCustom() { QuerySystemNotificationSettings(); return (UserNotificationState == QUNS_PRESENTATION_MODE) || (UserNotificationState == QUNS_RUNNING_D3D_FULL_SCREEN); } bool SkipFlashBounceForCustom() { return SkipToastForCustom(); } bool Supported() { #ifndef __MINGW32__ if (!Checked) { Checked = true; Check(); } return InitSucceeded; #endif // !__MINGW32__ return false; } bool Enforced() { return false; } bool ByDefault() { return false; } void Create(Window::Notifications::System *system) { #ifndef __MINGW32__ if (Core::App().settings().nativeNotifications() && Supported()) { auto result = std::make_unique(system); if (result->init()) { system->setManager(std::move(result)); return; } } #endif // !__MINGW32__ system->setManager(nullptr); } #ifndef __MINGW32__ class Manager::Private { public: using Type = Window::Notifications::CachedUserpics::Type; explicit Private(Manager *instance, Type type); bool init(); bool showNotification( not_null peer, std::shared_ptr &userpicView, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, DisplayOptions options); void clearAll(); void clearFromItem(not_null item); void clearFromHistory(not_null history); void clearFromSession(not_null session); void beforeNotificationActivated(NotificationId id); void afterNotificationActivated( NotificationId id, not_null window); void clearNotification(NotificationId id); void handleActivation(const ToastActivation &activation); ~Private(); private: bool showNotificationInTryCatch( not_null peer, std::shared_ptr &userpicView, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, DisplayOptions options); [[nodiscard]] std::wstring ensureSendButtonIcon(); Window::Notifications::CachedUserpics _cachedUserpics; std::wstring _sendButtonIconPath; std::shared_ptr _guarded; ToastNotifier _notifier = nullptr; base::flat_map< FullPeer, base::flat_map> _notifications; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; }; Manager::Private::Private(Manager *instance, Type type) : _cachedUserpics(type) , _guarded(std::make_shared(instance)) { ToastActivations( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const ToastActivation &activation) { handleActivation(activation); }, _lifetime); } bool Manager::Private::init() { return base::WinRT::Try([&] { _notifier = ToastNotificationManager::CreateToastNotifier( AppUserModelId::getId()); }); } Manager::Private::~Private() { clearAll(); _notifications.clear(); _notifier = nullptr; } void Manager::Private::clearAll() { if (!_notifier) { return; } for (const auto &[key, notifications] : base::take(_notifications)) { for (const auto &[msgId, notification] : notifications) { _notifier.Hide(notification); } } } void Manager::Private::clearFromItem(not_null item) { if (!_notifier) { return; } auto i = _notifications.find(FullPeer{ .sessionId = item->history()->session().uniqueId(), .peerId = item->history()->peer->id }); if (i == _notifications.cend()) { return; } const auto j = i->second.find(item->id); if (j == end(i->second)) { return; } const auto taken = std::exchange(j->second, nullptr); i->second.erase(j); if (i->second.empty()) { _notifications.erase(i); } _notifier.Hide(taken); } void Manager::Private::clearFromHistory(not_null history) { if (!_notifier) { return; } auto i = _notifications.find(FullPeer{ .sessionId = history->session().uniqueId(), .peerId = history->peer->id }); if (i != _notifications.cend()) { const auto temp = base::take(i->second); _notifications.erase(i); for (const auto &[msgId, notification] : temp) { _notifier.Hide(notification); } } } void Manager::Private::clearFromSession(not_null session) { if (!_notifier) { return; } const auto sessionId = session->uniqueId(); for (auto i = _notifications.begin(); i != _notifications.end();) { if (i->first.sessionId != sessionId) { ++i; continue; } const auto temp = base::take(i->second); _notifications.erase(i); for (const auto &[msgId, notification] : temp) { _notifier.Hide(notification); } } } void Manager::Private::beforeNotificationActivated(NotificationId id) { clearNotification(id); } void Manager::Private::afterNotificationActivated( NotificationId id, not_null window) { SetForegroundWindow(window->widget()->psHwnd()); } void Manager::Private::clearNotification(NotificationId id) { auto i = _notifications.find(id.full); if (i != _notifications.cend()) { i->second.remove(id.msgId); if (i->second.empty()) { _notifications.erase(i); } } } void Manager::Private::handleActivation(const ToastActivation &activation) { const auto parsed = qthelp::url_parse_params(activation.args); const auto pid = parsed.value("pid").toULong(); const auto my = GetCurrentProcessId(); if (pid != my) { DEBUG_LOG(("Toast Info: " "Got activation \"%1\", my %2, activating %3." ).arg(activation.args ).arg(my ).arg(pid)); psActivateProcess(pid); return; } const auto action = parsed.value("action"); const auto id = NotificationId{ .full = FullPeer{ .sessionId = parsed.value("session").toULongLong(), .peerId = PeerId(parsed.value("peer").toULongLong()), }, .msgId = MsgId(parsed.value("msg").toLongLong()), }; if (!id.full.sessionId || !id.full.peerId || !id.msgId) { DEBUG_LOG(("Toast Info: Got activation \"%1\", my %1, skipping." ).arg(activation.args ).arg(pid)); return; } DEBUG_LOG(("Toast Info: Got activation \"%1\", my %1, handling." ).arg(activation.args ).arg(pid)); auto text = TextWithTags(); for (const auto &entry : activation.input) { if (entry.key == "fastReply") { text.text = entry.value; } } const auto i = _notifications.find(id.full); if (i == _notifications.cend() || !i->second.contains(id.msgId)) { return; } const auto manager = *_guarded; if (action == "reply") { manager->notificationReplied(id, text); } else if (action == "mark") { manager->notificationReplied(id, TextWithTags()); } else { manager->notificationActivated(id, text); } } bool Manager::Private::showNotification( not_null peer, std::shared_ptr &userpicView, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, DisplayOptions options) { if (!_notifier) { return false; } return base::WinRT::Try([&] { return showNotificationInTryCatch( peer, userpicView, msgId, title, subtitle, msg, options); }).value_or(false); } std::wstring Manager::Private::ensureSendButtonIcon() { if (_sendButtonIconPath.empty()) { const auto path = cWorkingDir() + u"tdata/temp/fast_reply.png"_q; st::historySendIcon.instance(Qt::white, 300).save(path, "PNG"); _sendButtonIconPath = path.toStdWString(); } return _sendButtonIconPath; } bool Manager::Private::showNotificationInTryCatch( not_null peer, std::shared_ptr &userpicView, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, DisplayOptions options) { const auto withSubtitle = !subtitle.isEmpty(); auto toastXml = XmlDocument(); const auto key = FullPeer{ .sessionId = peer->session().uniqueId(), .peerId = peer->id, }; const auto notificationId = NotificationId{ .full = key, .msgId = msgId }; const auto idString = u"pid=%1&session=%2&peer=%3&msg=%4"_q .arg(GetCurrentProcessId()) .arg(key.sessionId) .arg(key.peerId.value) .arg(msgId.bare); const auto modern = Platform::IsWindows10OrGreater(); if (modern) { toastXml.LoadXml(NotificationTemplate(idString, options)); } else { toastXml = ToastNotificationManager::GetTemplateContent( (withSubtitle ? ToastTemplateType::ToastImageAndText04 : ToastTemplateType::ToastImageAndText02)); SetAudioSilent(toastXml); SetAction(toastXml, idString); } const auto userpicKey = options.hideNameAndPhoto ? InMemoryKey() : peer->userpicUniqueKey(userpicView); const auto userpicPath = _cachedUserpics.get( userpicKey, peer, userpicView); const auto userpicPathWide = QDir::toNativeSeparators( userpicPath).toStdWString(); if (modern && !options.hideReplyButton) { SetReplyIconSrc(toastXml, ensureSendButtonIcon()); SetReplyPlaceholder( toastXml, tr::lng_message_ph(tr::now).toStdWString()); } if (modern && !options.hideMarkAsRead) { SetMarkAsReadText( toastXml, tr::lng_context_mark_read(tr::now).toStdWString()); } SetImageSrc(toastXml, userpicPathWide); const auto nodeList = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName(L"text"); if (nodeList.Length() < (withSubtitle ? 3U : 2U)) { return false; } SetNodeValueString(toastXml, nodeList.Item(0), title.toStdWString()); if (withSubtitle) { SetNodeValueString( toastXml, nodeList.Item(1), subtitle.toStdWString()); } SetNodeValueString( toastXml, nodeList.Item(withSubtitle ? 2 : 1), msg.toStdWString()); const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(_guarded); const auto performOnMainQueue = [=](FnMut task) { crl::on_main(weak, [=, task = std::move(task)]() mutable { task(*weak.lock()); }); }; auto toast = ToastNotification(toastXml); const auto token1 = toast.Activated([=]( const ToastNotification &sender, const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable &object) { auto activation = ToastActivation(); const auto string = &ToastActivation::String; if (const auto args = object.try_as()) { activation.args = string(args.Arguments().c_str()); const auto args2 = args.try_as(); if (!args2 && activation.args.startsWith("action=reply&")) { LOG(("WinRT Error: " "FastReply without IToastActivatedEventArgs2 support.")); return; } const auto input = args2 ? args2.UserInput() : nullptr; const auto reply = input ? input.TryLookup(L"fastReply") : nullptr; const auto data = reply ? reply.try_as>() : nullptr; if (data) { activation.input.push_back({ .key = u"fastReply"_q, .value = string(data.GetString().c_str()), }); } } else { activation.args = "action=open&" + idString; } crl::on_main([=, activation = std::move(activation)]() mutable { if (const auto strong = weak.lock()) { (*strong)->handleActivation(activation); } }); }); const auto token2 = toast.Dismissed([=]( const ToastNotification &sender, const ToastDismissedEventArgs &args) { const auto reason = args.Reason(); switch (reason) { case ToastDismissalReason::ApplicationHidden: case ToastDismissalReason::TimedOut: // Went to Action Center. break; case ToastDismissalReason::UserCanceled: default: performOnMainQueue([notificationId](Manager *manager) { manager->clearNotification(notificationId); }); break; } }); const auto token3 = toast.Failed([=]( const ToastNotification &sender, const ToastFailedEventArgs &args) { performOnMainQueue([notificationId](Manager *manager) { manager->clearNotification(notificationId); }); }); auto i = _notifications.find(key); if (i != _notifications.cend()) { auto j = i->second.find(msgId); if (j != i->second.end()) { const auto existing = j->second; i->second.erase(j); _notifier.Hide(existing); i = _notifications.find(key); } } if (i == _notifications.cend()) { i = _notifications.emplace( key, base::flat_map()).first; } if (!base::WinRT::Try([&] { _notifier.Show(toast); })) { i = _notifications.find(key); if (i != _notifications.cend() && i->second.empty()) { _notifications.erase(i); } return false; } i->second.emplace(msgId, toast); return true; } Manager::Manager(Window::Notifications::System *system) : NativeManager(system) , _private(std::make_unique(this, Private::Type::Rounded)) { } bool Manager::init() { return _private->init(); } void Manager::clearNotification(NotificationId id) { _private->clearNotification(id); } void Manager::handleActivation(const ToastActivation &activation) { _private->handleActivation(activation); } Manager::~Manager() = default; void Manager::doShowNativeNotification( not_null peer, std::shared_ptr &userpicView, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, DisplayOptions options) { _private->showNotification( peer, userpicView, msgId, title, subtitle, msg, options); } void Manager::doClearAllFast() { _private->clearAll(); } void Manager::doClearFromItem(not_null item) { _private->clearFromItem(item); } void Manager::doClearFromHistory(not_null history) { _private->clearFromHistory(history); } void Manager::doClearFromSession(not_null session) { _private->clearFromSession(session); } void Manager::onBeforeNotificationActivated(NotificationId id) { _private->beforeNotificationActivated(id); } void Manager::onAfterNotificationActivated( NotificationId id, not_null window) { _private->afterNotificationActivated(id, window); } bool Manager::doSkipAudio() const { return SkipAudioForCustom() || QuietHoursEnabled || FocusAssistBlocks; } bool Manager::doSkipToast() const { return false; } bool Manager::doSkipFlashBounce() const { return SkipFlashBounceForCustom() || QuietHoursEnabled || FocusAssistBlocks; } #endif // !__MINGW32__ } // namespace Notifications } // namespace Platform