/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "lang.h" #include "style.h" #include "localstorage.h" #include "intro/intro.h" #include "intro/introsteps.h" #include "intro/introphone.h" #include "intro/introcode.h" #include "intro/introsignup.h" #include "intro/intropwdcheck.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "window.h" #include "application.h" #include "gui/text.h" namespace { IntroWidget *signalEmitOn = 0; QString countryForReg; void gotNearestDC(const MTPNearestDc &result) { const MTPDnearestDc &nearest(result.c_nearestDc()); DEBUG_LOG(("Got nearest dc, country: %1, nearest: %2, this: %3").arg(nearest.vcountry.c_string().v.c_str()).arg(nearest.vnearest_dc.v).arg(nearest.vthis_dc.v)); MTP::setdc(result.c_nearestDc().vnearest_dc.v, true); if (countryForReg != nearest.vcountry.c_string().v.c_str()) { countryForReg = nearest.vcountry.c_string().v.c_str(); emit signalEmitOn->countryChanged(); } #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE if (App::app()) App::app()->startUpdateCheck(); #endif } } IntroWidget::IntroWidget(Window *window) : QWidget(window), _langChangeTo(0), cacheForHideInd(0), cacheForShowInd(0), wnd(window), steps(new IntroSteps(this)), phone(0), code(0), signup(0), pwdcheck(0), current(0), moving(0), visibilityChanging(0), _callTimeout(60), _registered(false), _hasRecovery(false), _codeByTelegram(false), _back(this, st::setClose), _backFrom(0), _backTo(0) { setGeometry(QRect(0, st::titleHeight, wnd->width(), wnd->height() - st::titleHeight)); connect(&_back, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onIntroBack())); _back.hide(); countryForReg = psCurrentCountry(); MTP::send(MTPhelp_GetNearestDc(), rpcDone(gotNearestDC)); signalEmitOn = this; stages[0] = steps; memset(stages + 1, 0, sizeof(QWidget*) * 3); _back.raise(); connect(window, SIGNAL(resized(const QSize &)), this, SLOT(onParentResize(const QSize &))); show(); setFocus(); cSetPasswordRecovered(false); _back.move(st::setClosePos.x(), st::setClosePos.y()); } void IntroWidget::langChangeTo(int32 langId) { _langChangeTo = langId; } void IntroWidget::onChangeLang() { cSetLang(_langChangeTo); Local::writeSettings(); cSetRestarting(true); cSetRestartingToSettings(false); App::quit(); } void IntroWidget::onParentResize(const QSize &newSize) { resize(newSize); } void IntroWidget::onIntroBack() { if (!current) return; moving = (current == 4) ? -2 : -1; prepareMove(); } void IntroWidget::onIntroNext() { if (!createNext()) return; moving = 1; prepareMove(); } bool IntroWidget::createNext() { if (current == sizeof(stages) / sizeof(stages[0]) - 1) return false; if (!stages[current + 1]) { switch (current) { case 0: stages[current + 1] = phone = new IntroPhone(this); break; case 1: stages[current + 1] = code = new IntroCode(this); break; case 2: if (_pwdSalt.isEmpty()) { if (signup) delete signup; stages[current + 1] = signup = new IntroSignup(this); } else { stages[current + 1] = pwdcheck = new IntroPwdCheck(this); } break; case 3: stages[current + 1] = signup = new IntroSignup(this); break; } } _back.raise(); return true; } void IntroWidget::prepareMove() { if (cacheForHide.isNull() || cacheForHideInd != current) makeHideCache(); stages[current + moving]->prepareShow(); if (cacheForShow.isNull() || cacheForShowInd != current + moving) makeShowCache(); int32 m = (moving > 0) ? 1 : -1; xCoordHide = anim::ivalue(0, -m * st::introSlideShift); cAlphaHide = anim::fvalue(1, 0); xCoordShow = anim::ivalue(m * st::introSlideShift, 0); cAlphaShow = anim::fvalue(0, 1); anim::start(this); _backTo = stages[current + moving]->hasBack() ? 1 : 0; _backFrom = stages[current]->hasBack() ? 1 : 0; animStep(0); if (_backFrom > 0 || _backTo > 0) { _back.show(); } else { _back.hide(); } stages[current]->deactivate(); stages[current + moving]->hide(); } void IntroWidget::onDoneStateChanged(int oldState, ButtonStateChangeSource source) { if (animating()) return; if (source == ButtonByPress) { if (oldState & Button::StateDown) { cacheForHide = QPixmap(); } else { makeHideCache(); } } else if (source == ButtonByHover && current != 2) { if (!createNext()) return; if (!cacheForShow) makeShowCache(current + 1); } } void IntroWidget::makeHideCache(int stage) { if (stage < 0) stage = current; int w = st::introSize.width(), h = st::introSize.height(); cacheForHide = myGrab(stages[stage], QRect(st::introSlideShift, 0, w, h)); cacheForHideInd = stage; } void IntroWidget::makeShowCache(int stage) { if (stage < 0) stage = current + moving; int w = st::introSize.width(), h = st::introSize.height(); cacheForShow = myGrab(stages[stage], QRect(st::introSlideShift, 0, w, h)); cacheForShowInd = stage; } void IntroWidget::animShow(const QPixmap &bgAnimCache, bool back) { _bgAnimCache = bgAnimCache; anim::stop(this); stages[current]->show(); if (stages[current]->hasBack()) { _back.setOpacity(1); _back.show(); } else { _back.hide(); } _animCache = myGrab(this, rect()); visibilityChanging = 1; a_coord = back ? anim::ivalue(-st::introSlideShift, 0) : anim::ivalue(st::introSlideShift, 0); a_alpha = anim::fvalue(0, 1); a_bgCoord = back ? anim::ivalue(0, st::introSlideShift) : anim::ivalue(0, -st::introSlideShift); a_bgAlpha = anim::fvalue(1, 0); stages[current]->deactivate(); stages[current]->hide(); _back.hide(); anim::start(this); show(); } bool IntroWidget::animStep(float64 ms) { float64 fullDuration = st::introSlideDelta + st::introSlideDuration, dt = ms / fullDuration; float64 dt1 = (ms > st::introSlideDuration) ? 1 : (ms / st::introSlideDuration), dt2 = (ms > st::introSlideDelta) ? (ms - st::introSlideDelta) / (st::introSlideDuration) : 0; bool res = true; if (visibilityChanging) { if (dt2 >= 1) { res = false; a_bgCoord.finish(); a_bgAlpha.finish(); a_coord.finish(); a_alpha.finish(); _animCache = _bgAnimCache = QPixmap(); visibilityChanging = 0; setFocus(); stages[current]->show(); stages[current]->activate(); if (stages[current]->hasBack()) { _back.setOpacity(1); _back.show(); } } else { a_bgCoord.update(dt1, st::introHideFunc); a_bgAlpha.update(dt1, st::introAlphaHideFunc); a_coord.update(dt2, st::introShowFunc); a_alpha.update(dt2, st::introAlphaShowFunc); } } else if (dt >= 1) { res = false; xCoordShow.finish(); cAlphaShow.finish(); cacheForHide = cacheForShow = QPixmap(); current += moving; moving = 0; setFocus(); stages[current]->activate(); if (!stages[current]->hasBack()) { _back.hide(); } } else { xCoordShow.update(dt2, st::introShowFunc); cAlphaShow.update(dt2, st::introAlphaShowFunc); xCoordHide.update(dt1, st::introHideFunc); cAlphaHide.update(dt1, st::introAlphaHideFunc); if (_backFrom != _backTo) { _back.setOpacity((_backFrom > _backTo) ? cAlphaHide.current() : cAlphaShow.current()); } else { _back.setOpacity(1); } } update(); return res; } void IntroWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { bool trivial = (rect() == e->rect()); setMouseTracking(true); QPainter p(this); if (!trivial) { p.setClipRect(e->rect()); } p.fillRect(e->rect(), st::white->b); if (animating()) { if (visibilityChanging) { p.setOpacity(a_bgAlpha.current()); p.drawPixmap(a_bgCoord.current(), 0, _bgAnimCache); p.setOpacity(a_alpha.current()); p.drawPixmap(a_coord.current(), 0, _animCache); } else { p.setOpacity(cAlphaHide.current()); p.drawPixmap(stages[current]->x() + st::introSlideShift + xCoordHide.current(), stages[current]->y(), cacheForHide); p.setOpacity(cAlphaShow.current()); p.drawPixmap(stages[current + moving]->x() + st::introSlideShift + xCoordShow.current(), stages[current + moving]->y(), cacheForShow); } } } QRect IntroWidget::innerRect() const { int innerWidth = st::introSize.width() + 2 * st::introSlideShift, innerHeight = st::introSize.height(); return QRect((width() - innerWidth) / 2, (height() - innerHeight) / 2, innerWidth, (height() + innerHeight) / 2); } QString IntroWidget::currentCountry() const { return countryForReg; } void IntroWidget::setPhone(const QString &phone, const QString &phone_hash, bool registered) { _phone = phone; _phone_hash = phone_hash; _registered = registered; } void IntroWidget::setCode(const QString &code) { _code = code; } void IntroWidget::setPwdSalt(const QByteArray &salt) { _pwdSalt = salt; delete signup; delete pwdcheck; stages[3] = stages[4] = 0; signup = 0; pwdcheck = 0; } void IntroWidget::setHasRecovery(bool has) { _hasRecovery = has; } void IntroWidget::setPwdHint(const QString &hint) { _pwdHint = hint; } void IntroWidget::setCodeByTelegram(bool byTelegram) { _codeByTelegram = byTelegram; if (code) code->updateDescText(); } void IntroWidget::setCallTimeout(int32 callTimeout) { _callTimeout = callTimeout; } const QString &IntroWidget::getPhone() const { return _phone; } const QString &IntroWidget::getPhoneHash() const { return _phone_hash; } const QString &IntroWidget::getCode() const { return _code; } int32 IntroWidget::getCallTimeout() const { return _callTimeout; } const QByteArray &IntroWidget::getPwdSalt() const { return _pwdSalt; } bool IntroWidget::getHasRecovery() const { return _hasRecovery; } const QString &IntroWidget::getPwdHint() const { return _pwdHint; } bool IntroWidget::codeByTelegram() const { return _codeByTelegram; } void IntroWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { QRect r(innerRect()); if (steps) steps->setGeometry(r); if (phone) phone->setGeometry(r); if (code) code->setGeometry(r); if (signup) signup->setGeometry(r); if (pwdcheck) pwdcheck->setGeometry(r); } void IntroWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { } void IntroWidget::finish(const MTPUser &user, const QImage &photo) { wnd->setupMain(true, &user); if (!photo.isNull()) { App::app()->uploadProfilePhoto(photo, MTP::authedId()); } } void IntroWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (animating()) return; if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { stages[current]->onBack(); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Space) { stages[current]->onNext(); } } void IntroWidget::updateWideMode() { } void IntroWidget::rpcInvalidate() { if (phone) phone->rpcInvalidate(); if (code) code->rpcInvalidate(); if (signup) signup->rpcInvalidate(); if (pwdcheck) pwdcheck->rpcInvalidate(); } IntroWidget::~IntroWidget() { delete steps; delete phone; delete code; delete signup; delete pwdcheck; if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->noIntro(this); }