# [Telegram Desktop][telegram_desktop] – Official Messenger This is the complete source code and the build instructions for the alpha version of the official desktop client for the [Telegram][telegram] messenger, based on the [Telegram API][telegram_api] and the [MTProto][telegram_proto] secure protocol. The source code is published under GPLv3, the license is available [here][license]. ## Supported systems * Windows XP - Windows 10 (**not** RT) * Mac OS X 10.8 - Mac OS X 10.10 * Mac OS X 10.6 - Mac OS X 10.7 (separate build) * Ubuntu 12.04 - Ubuntu 14.04 * Fedora 22 ## Third-party libraries * Qt 5.3.2 and 5.5.0, slightly patched ([LGPL](http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/licensing.html)) * OpenSSL 1.0.1g ([OpenSSL License](https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html)) * zlib 1.2.8 ([zlib License](http://www.zlib.net/zlib_license.html)) * libexif 0.6.20 ([LGPL](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html)) * LZMA SDK 9.20 ([public domain](http://www.7-zip.org/sdk.html)) * liblzma ([public domain](http://tukaani.org/xz/)) * OpenAL Soft ([LGPL](http://kcat.strangesoft.net/openal.html)) * Opus codec ([BSD license](http://www.opus-codec.org/license/)) * FFmpeg ([LGPL](https://www.ffmpeg.org/legal.html)) * Open Sans font ([Apache License](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)) ## Build instructions * [Visual Studio 2013][msvc] * [XCode 6.4][xcode] * [XCode 6.4 for OS X 10.6 and 10.7][xcode_old] * [Qt Creator 3.2.0 Ubuntu][qtcreator] ## Projects in Telegram solution * ### Telegram [Telegram Desktop][telegram_desktop] messenger * ### Updater A little app, that is launched by Telegram when update is ready, replaces all files and launches it back. * ### Packer Compiles given files to single update file, compresses it with lzma and signs with a private key. It is not built in **Debug** and **Release** configurations of Telegram solution, because private key is inaccessible. * ### Prepare Prepares a release for deployment, puts all current files to deploy/{version} folder. **Windows**: * tsetup{version}.exe installer * Telegram.exe * Telegram.pdb (debug info for crash minidumps view) * tupdate{updversion} binary lzma update archive **Mac**: * tsetup{version}.dmg * Telegram.app * tmacupd{updversion} binary lzma update archive * ### MetaEmoji Creates four sprites and text2emoji replace code * SourceFiles/art/emoji.png * SourceFiles/art/emoji_125x.png * SourceFiles/art/emoji_150x.png * SourceFiles/art/emoji_200x.png * SourceFiles/art/emoji_250x.png * SourceFiles/gui/emoji_config.cpp * ### MetaStyle From two files and two sprites * Resources/style_classes.txt * Resources/style.txt * SourceFiles/art/sprite.png * SourceFiles/art/sprite_200x.png Creates two other sprites, four sprite grids and style constants code * SourceFiles/art/sprite_125x.png * SourceFiles/art/sprite_150x.png * SourceFiles/art/grid.png * SourceFiles/art/grid_125x.png * SourceFiles/art/grid_150x.png * SourceFiles/art/grid_200x.png * GeneratedFiles/style_classes.h * GeneratedFiles/style_auto.h * GeneratedFiles/style_auto.cpp * ### MetaLang Creates from languagepack file `Resources/lang.txt` language constants code and language file parse code: * GeneratedFiles/lang.h * GeneratedFiles/lang.cpp [//]: # (LINKS) [telegram]: https://telegram.org [telegram_desktop]: https://desktop.telegram.org [telegram_api]: https://core.telegram.org [telegram_proto]: https://core.telegram.org/mtproto [license]: LICENSE [msvc]: MSVC.md [xcode]: XCODE.md [xcode_old]: XCODEold.md [qtcreator]: QTCREATOR.md