/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "base/observer.h" #include "mtproto/auth_key.h" #include "base/timer.h" class AuthSession; class AuthSessionSettings; class MainWidget; class FileUploader; class Translator; class MediaView; class BoxContent; namespace Storage { class Databases; } // namespace Storage namespace Core { class Launcher; } // namespace Core namespace Window { struct TermsLock; } // namespace Window namespace App { void quit(); } // namespace App namespace MTP { class DcOptions; class Instance; class AuthKey; using AuthKeyPtr = std::shared_ptr; using AuthKeysList = std::vector; } // namespace MTP namespace Media { namespace Audio { class Instance; } // namespace Audio } // namespace Media namespace Lang { class Instance; class Translator; class CloudManager; } // namespace Lang class Messenger final : public QObject, public RPCSender, private base::Subscriber { Q_OBJECT public: Messenger(not_null launcher); Messenger(const Messenger &other) = delete; Messenger &operator=(const Messenger &other) = delete; ~Messenger(); not_null launcher() const { return _launcher; } // Windows interface. MainWindow *getActiveWindow() const; bool closeActiveWindow(); bool minimizeActiveWindow(); QWidget *getFileDialogParent(); QWidget *getGlobalShortcutParent() { return &_globalShortcutParent; } // MediaView interface. void checkMediaViewActivation(); bool hideMediaView(); void showPhoto(not_null link); void showPhoto(not_null photo, HistoryItem *item); void showPhoto(not_null photo, not_null item); void showDocument(not_null document, HistoryItem *item); PeerData *ui_getPeerForMouseAction(); QPoint getPointForCallPanelCenter() const; QImage logo() const { return _logo; } QImage logoNoMargin() const { return _logoNoMargin; } static Messenger *InstancePointer(); static Messenger &Instance() { auto result = InstancePointer(); Assert(result != nullptr); return *result; } // MTProto components. MTP::DcOptions *dcOptions() { return _dcOptions.get(); } void setCurrentProxy(const ProxyData &proxy, bool enabled); void badMtprotoConfigurationError(); // Set from legacy storage. void setMtpMainDcId(MTP::DcId mainDcId); void setMtpKey(MTP::DcId dcId, const MTP::AuthKey::Data &keyData); void setAuthSessionUserId(UserId userId); void setAuthSessionFromStorage( std::unique_ptr data); AuthSessionSettings *getAuthSessionSettings(); // Serialization. QByteArray serializeMtpAuthorization() const; void setMtpAuthorization(const QByteArray &serialized); void startMtp(); MTP::Instance *mtp() { return _mtproto.get(); } void suggestMainDcId(MTP::DcId mainDcId); void destroyStaleAuthorizationKeys(); // Databases Storage::Databases &databases() { return *_databases; } // AuthSession component. AuthSession *authSession() { return _authSession.get(); } Lang::Instance &langpack() { return *_langpack; } Lang::CloudManager *langCloudManager() { return _langCloudManager.get(); } void authSessionCreate(UserId userId); base::Observable &authSessionChanged() { return _authSessionChanged; } void logOut(); // Media component. Media::Audio::Instance &audio() { return *_audio; } // Internal links. void setInternalLinkDomain(const QString &domain) const; QString createInternalLink(const QString &query) const; QString createInternalLinkFull(const QString &query) const; void checkStartUrl(); bool openLocalUrl(const QString &url, QVariant context); void killDownloadSessionsStart(MTP::DcId dcId); void killDownloadSessionsStop(MTP::DcId dcId); void forceLogOut(const TextWithEntities &explanation); void checkLocalTime(); void lockByPasscode(); void unlockPasscode(); [[nodiscard]] bool passcodeLocked() const; rpl::producer passcodeLockChanges() const; rpl::producer passcodeLockValue() const; void lockByTerms(const Window::TermsLock &data); void unlockTerms(); [[nodiscard]] base::optional termsLocked() const; rpl::producer termsLockChanges() const; rpl::producer termsLockValue() const; void termsDeleteNow(); [[nodiscard]] bool locked() const; rpl::producer lockChanges() const; rpl::producer lockValue() const; void registerLeaveSubscription(QWidget *widget); void unregisterLeaveSubscription(QWidget *widget); void quitPreventFinished(); void handleAppActivated(); void handleAppDeactivated(); void call_handleUnreadCounterUpdate(); void call_handleDelayedPeerUpdates(); void call_handleObservables(); void callDelayed(int duration, FnMut &&lambda) { _callDelayedTimer.call(duration, std::move(lambda)); } protected: bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) override; public slots: void onAllKeysDestroyed(); void onSwitchDebugMode(); void onSwitchWorkMode(); void onSwitchTestMode(); void killDownloadSessions(); void onAppStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState state); private: void destroyMtpKeys(MTP::AuthKeysList &&keys); void startLocalStorage(); friend void App::quit(); static void QuitAttempt(); void quitDelayed(); void resetAuthorizationKeys(); void authSessionDestroy(); void clearPasscodeLock(); void loggedOut(); not_null _launcher; QMap killDownloadSessionTimes; SingleTimer killDownloadSessionsTimer; // Some fields are just moved from the declaration. struct Private; const std::unique_ptr _private; QWidget _globalShortcutParent; std::unique_ptr _databases; std::unique_ptr _window; std::unique_ptr _mediaView; std::unique_ptr _langpack; std::unique_ptr _langCloudManager; std::unique_ptr _translator; std::unique_ptr _dcOptions; std::unique_ptr _mtproto; std::unique_ptr _mtprotoForKeysDestroy; std::unique_ptr _authSession; base::Observable _authSessionChanged; base::Observable _passcodedChanged; QPointer _badProxyDisableBox; std::unique_ptr _audio; QImage _logo; QImage _logoNoMargin; rpl::variable _passcodeLock; rpl::event_stream _termsLockChanges; std::unique_ptr _termsLock; base::DelayedCallTimer _callDelayedTimer; struct LeaveSubscription { LeaveSubscription( QPointer pointer, rpl::lifetime &&subscription) : pointer(pointer), subscription(std::move(subscription)) { } QPointer pointer; rpl::lifetime subscription; }; std::vector _leaveSubscriptions; };