/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/view/history_view_group_call_bar.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_group_call.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "ui/chat/group_call_bar.h" #include "ui/chat/group_call_userpics.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_call.h" #include "calls/calls_instance.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" namespace HistoryView { void GenerateUserpicsInRow( QImage &result, const std::vector &list, const style::GroupCallUserpics &st, int maxElements) { const auto count = int(list.size()); if (!count) { result = QImage(); return; } const auto limit = std::max(count, maxElements); const auto single = st.size; const auto shift = st.shift; const auto width = single + (limit - 1) * (single - shift); if (result.width() != width * cIntRetinaFactor()) { result = QImage( QSize(width, single) * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); } result.fill(Qt::transparent); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); auto q = Painter(&result); auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(q); auto pen = QPen(Qt::transparent); pen.setWidth(st.stroke); auto x = (count - 1) * (single - shift); for (auto i = count; i != 0;) { auto &entry = list[--i]; q.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); entry.peer->paintUserpic(q, entry.view, x, 0, single); entry.uniqueKey = entry.peer->userpicUniqueKey(entry.view); q.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); q.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); q.setPen(pen); q.drawEllipse(x, 0, single, single); x -= single - shift; } } rpl::producer GroupCallBarContentByCall( not_null call, int userpicSize) { struct State { std::vector userpics; Ui::GroupCallBarContent current; base::has_weak_ptr guard; bool someUserpicsNotLoaded = false; bool pushScheduled = false; }; // speaking DESC, std::max(date, lastActive) DESC static const auto SortKey = [](const Data::GroupCallParticipant &p) { const auto result = (p.speaking ? uint64(0x100000000ULL) : uint64(0)) | uint64(std::max(p.lastActive, p.date)); return (~uint64(0)) - result; // sorting with less(), so invert. }; constexpr auto kLimit = 3; static const auto FillMissingUserpics = []( not_null state, not_null call) { const auto already = int(state->userpics.size()); const auto &participants = call->participants(); if (already >= kLimit || participants.size() <= already) { return false; } std::array adding{ { nullptr } }; for (const auto &participant : call->participants()) { const auto alreadyInList = ranges::contains( state->userpics, participant.peer, &UserpicInRow::peer); if (alreadyInList) { continue; } for (auto i = 0; i != kLimit; ++i) { if (!adding[i]) { adding[i] = &participant; break; } else if (SortKey(participant) < SortKey(*adding[i])) { for (auto j = kLimit - 1; j != i; --j) { adding[j] = adding[j - 1]; } adding[i] = &participant; break; } } } for (auto i = 0; i != kLimit - already; ++i) { if (adding[i]) { state->userpics.push_back(UserpicInRow{ .peer = adding[i]->peer, .speaking = adding[i]->speaking, }); } } return true; }; static const auto RegenerateUserpics = []( not_null state, not_null call, int userpicSize, bool force = false) { const auto result = FillMissingUserpics(state, call) || force; if (!result) { return false; } state->current.users.reserve(state->userpics.size()); state->current.users.clear(); state->someUserpicsNotLoaded = false; for (auto &userpic : state->userpics) { userpic.peer->loadUserpic(); auto image = userpic.peer->generateUserpicImage( userpic.view, userpicSize); userpic.uniqueKey = userpic.peer->userpicUniqueKey(userpic.view); state->current.users.push_back({ .userpic = std::move(image), .userpicKey = userpic.uniqueKey, .id = userpic.peer->id.value, .speaking = userpic.speaking, }); if (userpic.peer->hasUserpic() && userpic.peer->useEmptyUserpic(userpic.view)) { state->someUserpicsNotLoaded = true; } } return true; }; static const auto RemoveUserpic = []( not_null state, not_null call, not_null participantPeer, int userpicSize) { const auto i = ranges::find( state->userpics, participantPeer, &UserpicInRow::peer); if (i == state->userpics.end()) { return false; } state->userpics.erase(i); RegenerateUserpics(state, call, userpicSize, true); return true; }; static const auto CheckPushToFront = []( not_null state, not_null call, not_null participantPeer, int userpicSize) { Expects(state->userpics.size() <= kLimit); const auto &participants = call->participants(); auto i = begin(state->userpics); // Find where to put a new speaking userpic. for (; i != end(state->userpics); ++i) { if (i->peer == participantPeer) { if (i->speaking) { return false; } const auto index = i - begin(state->userpics); state->current.users[index].speaking = i->speaking = true; return true; } const auto j = ranges::find( participants, i->peer, &Data::GroupCallParticipant::peer); if (j == end(participants) || !j->speaking) { // Found a non-speaking one, put the new speaking one here. break; } } if (i - state->userpics.begin() >= kLimit) { // Full kLimit of speaking userpics already. return false; } // Add the new speaking to the place we found. const auto added = state->userpics.insert(i, UserpicInRow{ .peer = participantPeer, .speaking = true, }); // Remove him from the tail, if he was there. for (auto i = added + 1; i != state->userpics.end(); ++i) { if (i->peer == participantPeer) { state->userpics.erase(i); break; } } if (state->userpics.size() > kLimit) { // Find last non-speaking userpic to remove. It must be there. for (auto i = state->userpics.end() - 1; i != added; --i) { const auto j = ranges::find( participants, i->peer, &Data::GroupCallParticipant::peer); if (j == end(participants) || !j->speaking) { // Found a non-speaking one, remove. state->userpics.erase(i); break; } } Assert(state->userpics.size() <= kLimit); } RegenerateUserpics(state, call, userpicSize, true); return true; }; return [=](auto consumer) { auto lifetime = rpl::lifetime(); auto state = lifetime.make_state(); state->current.shown = true; state->current.livestream = call->peer()->isBroadcast(); const auto pushNext = [=] { if (state->pushScheduled) { return; } state->pushScheduled = true; crl::on_main(&state->guard, [=] { state->pushScheduled = false; consumer.put_next_copy(state->current); }); }; using ParticipantUpdate = Data::GroupCall::ParticipantUpdate; call->participantUpdated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const ParticipantUpdate &update) { const auto participantPeer = update.now ? update.now->peer : update.was->peer; if (!update.now) { const auto removed = RemoveUserpic( state, call, participantPeer, userpicSize); if (removed) { pushNext(); } } else if (update.now->speaking && (!update.was || !update.was->speaking)) { const auto pushed = CheckPushToFront( state, call, participantPeer, userpicSize); if (pushed) { pushNext(); } } else { auto updateSpeakingState = update.was.has_value() && (update.now->speaking != update.was->speaking); if (updateSpeakingState) { const auto i = ranges::find( state->userpics, participantPeer, &UserpicInRow::peer); if (i != end(state->userpics)) { const auto index = i - begin(state->userpics); state->current.users[index].speaking = i->speaking = update.now->speaking; } else { updateSpeakingState = false; } } if (RegenerateUserpics(state, call, userpicSize) || updateSpeakingState) { pushNext(); } } }, lifetime); call->participantsReloaded( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return RegenerateUserpics(state, call, userpicSize); }) | rpl::start_with_next(pushNext, lifetime); call->peer()->session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return state->someUserpicsNotLoaded; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { for (const auto &userpic : state->userpics) { if (userpic.peer->userpicUniqueKey(userpic.view) != userpic.uniqueKey) { RegenerateUserpics(state, call, userpicSize, true); pushNext(); return; } } }, lifetime); RegenerateUserpics(state, call, userpicSize); rpl::combine( call->titleValue(), call->scheduleDateValue(), call->fullCountValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=]( const QString &title, TimeId scheduleDate, int count) { state->current.title = title; state->current.scheduleDate = scheduleDate; state->current.count = count; state->current.shown = (count > 0) || (scheduleDate != 0); consumer.put_next_copy(state->current); }, lifetime); return lifetime; }; } rpl::producer GroupCallBarContentByPeer( not_null peer, int userpicSize, bool showInForum) { const auto channel = peer->asChannel(); return rpl::combine( peer->session().changes().peerFlagsValue( peer, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::GroupCall), Core::App().calls().currentGroupCallValue(), ((showInForum || !channel) ? (rpl::single(false) | rpl::type_erased()) : Data::PeerFlagValue(channel, ChannelData::Flag::Forum)) ) | rpl::map([=](auto, Calls::GroupCall *current, bool hiddenByForum) { const auto call = peer->groupCall(); return (call && !hiddenByForum && (!current || current->peer() != peer)) ? call : nullptr; }) | rpl::distinct_until_changed( ) | rpl::map([=](Data::GroupCall *call) -> rpl::producer { if (!call) { return rpl::single(Ui::GroupCallBarContent{ .shown = false }); } call->reloadIfStale(); return GroupCallBarContentByCall(call, userpicSize); }) | rpl::flatten_latest(); } } // namespace HistoryView