/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "export/export_api_wrap.h" #include "export/export_settings.h" #include "export/data/export_data_types.h" #include "export/output/export_output_result.h" #include "export/output/export_output_file.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_response.h" #include "base/bytes.h" #include "base/random.h" #include #include namespace Export { namespace { constexpr auto kUserpicsSliceLimit = 100; constexpr auto kFileChunkSize = 128 * 1024; constexpr auto kFileRequestsCount = 2; //constexpr auto kFileNextRequestDelay = crl::time(20); constexpr auto kChatsSliceLimit = 100; constexpr auto kMessagesSliceLimit = 100; constexpr auto kTopPeerSliceLimit = 100; constexpr auto kFileMaxSize = 4000 * int64(1024 * 1024); constexpr auto kLocationCacheSize = 100'000; constexpr auto kMaxEmojiPerRequest = 100; struct LocationKey { uint64 type; uint64 id; inline bool operator<(const LocationKey &other) const { return std::tie(type, id) < std::tie(other.type, other.id); } }; LocationKey ComputeLocationKey(const Data::FileLocation &value) { auto result = LocationKey(); result.type = value.dcId; value.data.match([&](const MTPDinputDocumentFileLocation &data) { const auto letter = data.vthumb_size().v.isEmpty() ? char(0) : data.vthumb_size().v[0]; result.type |= (2ULL << 24); result.type |= (uint64(uint32(letter)) << 16); result.id = data.vid().v; }, [&](const MTPDinputPhotoFileLocation &data) { const auto letter = data.vthumb_size().v.isEmpty() ? char(0) : data.vthumb_size().v[0]; result.type |= (6ULL << 24); result.type |= (uint64(uint32(letter)) << 16); result.id = data.vid().v; }, [&](const MTPDinputTakeoutFileLocation &data) { result.type |= (5ULL << 24); }, [](const auto &data) { Unexpected("File location type in Export::ComputeLocationKey."); }); return result; } Settings::Type SettingsFromDialogsType(Data::DialogInfo::Type type) { using DialogType = Data::DialogInfo::Type; switch (type) { case DialogType::Self: case DialogType::Personal: return Settings::Type::PersonalChats; case DialogType::Bot: return Settings::Type::BotChats; case DialogType::PrivateGroup: case DialogType::PrivateSupergroup: return Settings::Type::PrivateGroups; case DialogType::PublicSupergroup: return Settings::Type::PublicGroups; case DialogType::PrivateChannel: return Settings::Type::PrivateChannels; case DialogType::PublicChannel: return Settings::Type::PublicChannels; } return Settings::Type(0); } } // namespace class ApiWrap::LoadedFileCache { public: using Location = Data::FileLocation; LoadedFileCache(int limit); void save(const Location &location, const QString &relativePath); std::optional find(const Location &location) const; private: int _limit = 0; std::map _map; std::deque _list; }; struct ApiWrap::StartProcess { FnMut done; enum class Step { UserpicsCount, SplitRanges, DialogsCount, LeftChannelsCount, }; std::deque steps; int splitIndex = 0; StartInfo info; }; struct ApiWrap::ContactsProcess { FnMut done; Data::ContactsList result; int topPeersOffset = 0; }; struct ApiWrap::UserpicsProcess { FnMut start; Fn fileProgress; Fn handleSlice; FnMut finish; int processed = 0; std::optional slice; uint64 maxId = 0; bool lastSlice = false; int fileIndex = 0; }; struct ApiWrap::OtherDataProcess { Data::File file; FnMut done; }; struct ApiWrap::FileProcess { FileProcess(const QString &path, Output::Stats *stats); Output::File file; QString relativePath; Fn progress; FnMut done; uint64 randomId = 0; Data::FileLocation location; Data::FileOrigin origin; int64 offset = 0; int64 size = 0; struct Request { int64 offset = 0; QByteArray bytes; }; std::deque requests; mtpRequestId requestId = 0; }; struct ApiWrap::FileProgress { int64 ready = 0; int64 total = 0; }; struct ApiWrap::ChatsProcess { Fn progress; FnMut done; Data::DialogsInfo info; int processedCount = 0; std::map indexByPeer; }; struct ApiWrap::LeftChannelsProcess : ChatsProcess { int fullCount = 0; int offset = 0; bool finished = false; }; struct ApiWrap::DialogsProcess : ChatsProcess { int splitIndexPlusOne = 0; TimeId offsetDate = 0; int32 offsetId = 0; MTPInputPeer offsetPeer = MTP_inputPeerEmpty(); }; struct ApiWrap::ChatProcess { Data::DialogInfo info; FnMut start; Fn fileProgress; Fn handleSlice; FnMut done; FnMut requestDone; int localSplitIndex = 0; int32 largestIdPlusOne = 1; Data::ParseMediaContext context; std::optional slice; bool lastSlice = false; int fileIndex = 0; }; template class ApiWrap::RequestBuilder { public: using Original = MTP::ConcurrentSender::SpecificRequestBuilder; using Response = typename Request::ResponseType; RequestBuilder( Original &&builder, Fn commonFailHandler); [[nodiscard]] RequestBuilder &done(FnMut &&handler); [[nodiscard]] RequestBuilder &done( FnMut &&handler); [[nodiscard]] RequestBuilder &fail( Fn &&handler); mtpRequestId send(); private: Original _builder; Fn _commonFailHandler; }; template ApiWrap::RequestBuilder::RequestBuilder( Original &&builder, Fn commonFailHandler) : _builder(std::move(builder)) , _commonFailHandler(std::move(commonFailHandler)) { } template auto ApiWrap::RequestBuilder::done( FnMut &&handler ) -> RequestBuilder& { if (handler) { [[maybe_unused]] auto &silence_warning = _builder.done(std::move(handler)); } return *this; } template auto ApiWrap::RequestBuilder::done( FnMut &&handler ) -> RequestBuilder& { if (handler) { [[maybe_unused]] auto &silence_warning = _builder.done(std::move(handler)); } return *this; } template auto ApiWrap::RequestBuilder::fail( Fn &&handler ) -> RequestBuilder& { if (handler) { [[maybe_unused]] auto &silence_warning = _builder.fail([ common = base::take(_commonFailHandler), specific = std::move(handler) ](const MTP::Error &error) { if (!specific(error)) { common(error); } }); } return *this; } template mtpRequestId ApiWrap::RequestBuilder::send() { return _commonFailHandler ? _builder.fail(base::take(_commonFailHandler)).send() : _builder.send(); } ApiWrap::LoadedFileCache::LoadedFileCache(int limit) : _limit(limit) { Expects(limit >= 0); } void ApiWrap::LoadedFileCache::save( const Location &location, const QString &relativePath) { if (!location) { return; } const auto key = ComputeLocationKey(location); _map[key] = relativePath; _list.push_back(key); if (_list.size() > _limit) { const auto key = _list.front(); _list.pop_front(); _map.erase(key); } } std::optional ApiWrap::LoadedFileCache::find( const Location &location) const { if (!location) { return std::nullopt; } const auto key = ComputeLocationKey(location); if (const auto i = _map.find(key); i != end(_map)) { return i->second; } return std::nullopt; } ApiWrap::FileProcess::FileProcess(const QString &path, Output::Stats *stats) : file(path, stats) { } template auto ApiWrap::mainRequest(Request &&request) { Expects(_takeoutId.has_value()); auto original = std::move(_mtp.request(MTPInvokeWithTakeout( MTP_long(*_takeoutId), std::forward(request) )).toDC(MTP::ShiftDcId(0, MTP::kExportDcShift))); return RequestBuilder>( std::move(original), [=](const MTP::Error &result) { error(result); }); } template auto ApiWrap::splitRequest(int index, Request &&request) { Expects(index < _splits.size()); //if (index == _splits.size() - 1) { // return mainRequest(std::forward(request)); //} return mainRequest(MTPInvokeWithMessagesRange( _splits[index], std::forward(request))); } auto ApiWrap::fileRequest(const Data::FileLocation &location, int64 offset) { Expects(location.dcId != 0 || location.data.type() == mtpc_inputTakeoutFileLocation); Expects(_takeoutId.has_value()); Expects(_fileProcess->requestId == 0); return std::move(_mtp.request(MTPInvokeWithTakeout( MTP_long(*_takeoutId), MTPupload_GetFile( MTP_flags(0), location.data, MTP_long(offset), MTP_int(kFileChunkSize)) )).fail([=](const MTP::Error &result) { _fileProcess->requestId = 0; if (result.type() == u"TAKEOUT_FILE_EMPTY"_q && _otherDataProcess != nullptr) { filePartDone( 0, MTP_upload_file( MTP_storage_filePartial(), MTP_int(0), MTP_bytes())); } else if (result.type() == u"LOCATION_INVALID"_q || result.type() == u"VERSION_INVALID"_q || result.type() == u"LOCATION_NOT_AVAILABLE"_q) { filePartUnavailable(); } else if (result.code() == 400 && result.type().startsWith(u"FILE_REFERENCE_"_q)) { filePartRefreshReference(offset); } else { error(std::move(result)); } }).toDC(MTP::ShiftDcId(location.dcId, MTP::kExportMediaDcShift))); } ApiWrap::ApiWrap(QPointer weak, Fn)> runner) : _mtp(weak, std::move(runner)) , _fileCache(std::make_unique(kLocationCacheSize)) { } rpl::producer ApiWrap::errors() const { return _errors.events(); } rpl::producer ApiWrap::ioErrors() const { return _ioErrors.events(); } void ApiWrap::startExport( const Settings &settings, Output::Stats *stats, FnMut done) { Expects(_settings == nullptr); Expects(_startProcess == nullptr); _settings = std::make_unique(settings); _stats = stats; _startProcess = std::make_unique(); _startProcess->done = std::move(done); using Step = StartProcess::Step; if (_settings->types & Settings::Type::Userpics) { _startProcess->steps.push_back(Step::UserpicsCount); } if (_settings->types & Settings::Type::AnyChatsMask) { _startProcess->steps.push_back(Step::SplitRanges); } if (_settings->types & Settings::Type::AnyChatsMask) { _startProcess->steps.push_back(Step::DialogsCount); } if (_settings->types & Settings::Type::GroupsChannelsMask) { if (!_settings->onlySinglePeer()) { _startProcess->steps.push_back(Step::LeftChannelsCount); } } startMainSession([=] { sendNextStartRequest(); }); } void ApiWrap::sendNextStartRequest() { Expects(_startProcess != nullptr); auto &steps = _startProcess->steps; if (steps.empty()) { finishStartProcess(); return; } using Step = StartProcess::Step; const auto step = steps.front(); steps.pop_front(); switch (step) { case Step::UserpicsCount: return requestUserpicsCount(); case Step::SplitRanges: return requestSplitRanges(); case Step::DialogsCount: return requestDialogsCount(); case Step::LeftChannelsCount: return requestLeftChannelsCount(); } Unexpected("Step in ApiWrap::sendNextStartRequest."); } void ApiWrap::requestUserpicsCount() { Expects(_startProcess != nullptr); mainRequest(MTPphotos_GetUserPhotos( _user, MTP_int(0), // offset MTP_long(0), // max_id MTP_int(0) // limit )).done([=](const MTPphotos_Photos &result) { Expects(_settings != nullptr); Expects(_startProcess != nullptr); _startProcess->info.userpicsCount = result.match( [](const MTPDphotos_photos &data) { return int(data.vphotos().v.size()); }, [](const MTPDphotos_photosSlice &data) { return data.vcount().v; }); sendNextStartRequest(); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestSplitRanges() { Expects(_startProcess != nullptr); mainRequest(MTPmessages_GetSplitRanges( )).done([=](const MTPVector &result) { _splits = result.v; if (_splits.empty()) { _splits.push_back(MTP_messageRange( MTP_int(1), MTP_int(std::numeric_limits::max()))); } _startProcess->splitIndex = useOnlyLastSplit() ? (_splits.size() - 1) : 0; sendNextStartRequest(); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestDialogsCount() { Expects(_startProcess != nullptr); if (_settings->onlySinglePeer()) { _startProcess->info.dialogsCount = (_settings->singlePeer.type() == mtpc_inputPeerChannel ? 1 : _splits.size()); sendNextStartRequest(); return; } const auto offsetDate = 0; const auto offsetId = 0; const auto offsetPeer = MTP_inputPeerEmpty(); const auto limit = 1; const auto hash = uint64(0); splitRequest(_startProcess->splitIndex, MTPmessages_GetDialogs( MTP_flags(0), MTPint(), // folder_id MTP_int(offsetDate), MTP_int(offsetId), offsetPeer, MTP_int(limit), MTP_long(hash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Dialogs &result) { Expects(_settings != nullptr); Expects(_startProcess != nullptr); const auto count = result.match( [](const MTPDmessages_dialogs &data) { return int(data.vdialogs().v.size()); }, [](const MTPDmessages_dialogsSlice &data) { return data.vcount().v; }, [](const MTPDmessages_dialogsNotModified &data) { return -1; }); if (count < 0) { error("Unexpected dialogsNotModified received."); return; } _startProcess->info.dialogsCount += count; if (++_startProcess->splitIndex >= _splits.size()) { sendNextStartRequest(); } else { requestDialogsCount(); } }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestLeftChannelsCount() { Expects(_startProcess != nullptr); Expects(_leftChannelsProcess == nullptr); _leftChannelsProcess = std::make_unique(); requestLeftChannelsSliceGeneric([=] { Expects(_startProcess != nullptr); Expects(_leftChannelsProcess != nullptr); _startProcess->info.dialogsCount += _leftChannelsProcess->fullCount; sendNextStartRequest(); }); } void ApiWrap::finishStartProcess() { Expects(_startProcess != nullptr); const auto process = base::take(_startProcess); process->done(process->info); } bool ApiWrap::useOnlyLastSplit() const { return !(_settings->types & Settings::Type::NonChannelChatsMask); } void ApiWrap::requestLeftChannelsList( Fn progress, FnMut done) { Expects(_leftChannelsProcess != nullptr); _leftChannelsProcess->progress = std::move(progress); _leftChannelsProcess->done = std::move(done); requestLeftChannelsSlice(); } void ApiWrap::requestLeftChannelsSlice() { requestLeftChannelsSliceGeneric([=] { Expects(_leftChannelsProcess != nullptr); if (_leftChannelsProcess->finished) { const auto process = base::take(_leftChannelsProcess); process->done(std::move(process->info)); } else { requestLeftChannelsSlice(); } }); } void ApiWrap::requestDialogsList( Fn progress, FnMut done) { Expects(_dialogsProcess == nullptr); _dialogsProcess = std::make_unique(); _dialogsProcess->splitIndexPlusOne = _splits.size(); _dialogsProcess->progress = std::move(progress); _dialogsProcess->done = std::move(done); requestDialogsSlice(); } void ApiWrap::startMainSession(FnMut done) { using Type = Settings::Type; const auto sizeLimit = _settings->media.sizeLimit; const auto hasFiles = ((_settings->media.types != 0) && (sizeLimit > 0)) || (_settings->types & Type::Userpics); using Flag = MTPaccount_InitTakeoutSession::Flag; const auto flags = Flag(0) | (_settings->types & Type::Contacts ? Flag::f_contacts : Flag(0)) | (hasFiles ? Flag::f_files : Flag(0)) | ((hasFiles && sizeLimit < kFileMaxSize) ? Flag::f_file_max_size : Flag(0)) | (_settings->types & (Type::PersonalChats | Type::BotChats) ? Flag::f_message_users : Flag(0)) | (_settings->types & Type::PrivateGroups ? (Flag::f_message_chats | Flag::f_message_megagroups) : Flag(0)) | (_settings->types & Type::PublicGroups ? Flag::f_message_megagroups : Flag(0)) | (_settings->types & (Type::PrivateChannels | Type::PublicChannels) ? Flag::f_message_channels : Flag(0)); _mtp.request(MTPusers_GetUsers( MTP_vector(1, MTP_inputUserSelf()) )).done([=, done = std::move(done)]( const MTPVector &result) mutable { for (const auto &user : result.v) { user.match([&](const MTPDuser &data) { if (data.is_self()) { _selfId.emplace(data.vid()); } }, [&](const MTPDuserEmpty&) { }); } if (!_selfId) { error("Could not retrieve selfId."); return; } _mtp.request(MTPaccount_InitTakeoutSession( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_long(sizeLimit) )).done([=, done = std::move(done)]( const MTPaccount_Takeout &result) mutable { _takeoutId = result.match([](const MTPDaccount_takeout &data) { return data.vid().v; }); done(); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &result) { error(result); }).toDC(MTP::ShiftDcId(0, MTP::kExportDcShift)).send(); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &result) { error(result); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestPersonalInfo(FnMut done) { mainRequest(MTPusers_GetFullUser( _user )).done([=, done = std::move(done)](const MTPusers_UserFull &result) mutable { result.match([&](const MTPDusers_userFull &data) { if (!data.vusers().v.empty()) { done(Data::ParsePersonalInfo(data)); } else { error("Bad user type."); } }); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestOtherData( const QString &suggestedPath, FnMut done) { Expects(_otherDataProcess == nullptr); _otherDataProcess = std::make_unique(); _otherDataProcess->done = std::move(done); _otherDataProcess->file.location.data = MTP_inputTakeoutFileLocation(); _otherDataProcess->file.suggestedPath = suggestedPath; loadFile( _otherDataProcess->file, Data::FileOrigin(), [](FileProgress progress) { return true; }, [=](const QString &result) { otherDataDone(result); }); } void ApiWrap::otherDataDone(const QString &relativePath) { Expects(_otherDataProcess != nullptr); const auto process = base::take(_otherDataProcess); process->file.relativePath = relativePath; if (relativePath.isEmpty()) { process->file.skipReason = Data::File::SkipReason::Unavailable; } process->done(std::move(process->file)); } void ApiWrap::requestUserpics( FnMut start, Fn progress, Fn slice, FnMut finish) { Expects(_userpicsProcess == nullptr); _userpicsProcess = std::make_unique(); _userpicsProcess->start = std::move(start); _userpicsProcess->fileProgress = std::move(progress); _userpicsProcess->handleSlice = std::move(slice); _userpicsProcess->finish = std::move(finish); mainRequest(MTPphotos_GetUserPhotos( _user, MTP_int(0), // offset MTP_long(_userpicsProcess->maxId), MTP_int(kUserpicsSliceLimit) )).done([=](const MTPphotos_Photos &result) mutable { Expects(_userpicsProcess != nullptr); auto startInfo = result.match( [](const MTPDphotos_photos &data) { return Data::UserpicsInfo{ int(data.vphotos().v.size()) }; }, [](const MTPDphotos_photosSlice &data) { return Data::UserpicsInfo{ data.vcount().v }; }); if (!_userpicsProcess->start(std::move(startInfo))) { return; } handleUserpicsSlice(result); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::handleUserpicsSlice(const MTPphotos_Photos &result) { Expects(_userpicsProcess != nullptr); result.match([&](const auto &data) { if constexpr (MTPDphotos_photos::Is()) { _userpicsProcess->lastSlice = true; } loadUserpicsFiles(Data::ParseUserpicsSlice( data.vphotos(), _userpicsProcess->processed)); }); } void ApiWrap::loadUserpicsFiles(Data::UserpicsSlice &&slice) { Expects(_userpicsProcess != nullptr); Expects(!_userpicsProcess->slice.has_value()); if (slice.list.empty()) { _userpicsProcess->lastSlice = true; } _userpicsProcess->slice = std::move(slice); _userpicsProcess->fileIndex = 0; loadNextUserpic(); } void ApiWrap::loadNextUserpic() { Expects(_userpicsProcess != nullptr); Expects(_userpicsProcess->slice.has_value()); for (auto &list = _userpicsProcess->slice->list ; _userpicsProcess->fileIndex < list.size() ; ++_userpicsProcess->fileIndex) { const auto ready = processFileLoad( list[_userpicsProcess->fileIndex].image.file, Data::FileOrigin(), [=](FileProgress value) { return loadUserpicProgress(value); }, [=](const QString &path) { loadUserpicDone(path); }); if (!ready) { return; } } finishUserpicsSlice(); } void ApiWrap::finishUserpicsSlice() { Expects(_userpicsProcess != nullptr); Expects(_userpicsProcess->slice.has_value()); auto slice = *base::take(_userpicsProcess->slice); if (!slice.list.empty()) { _userpicsProcess->processed += slice.list.size(); _userpicsProcess->maxId = slice.list.back().id; if (!_userpicsProcess->handleSlice(std::move(slice))) { return; } } if (_userpicsProcess->lastSlice) { finishUserpics(); return; } mainRequest(MTPphotos_GetUserPhotos( _user, MTP_int(0), // offset MTP_long(_userpicsProcess->maxId), MTP_int(kUserpicsSliceLimit) )).done([=](const MTPphotos_Photos &result) { handleUserpicsSlice(result); }).send(); } bool ApiWrap::loadUserpicProgress(FileProgress progress) { Expects(_fileProcess != nullptr); Expects(_userpicsProcess != nullptr); Expects(_userpicsProcess->slice.has_value()); Expects((_userpicsProcess->fileIndex >= 0) && (_userpicsProcess->fileIndex < _userpicsProcess->slice->list.size())); return _userpicsProcess->fileProgress(DownloadProgress{ _fileProcess->randomId, _fileProcess->relativePath, _userpicsProcess->fileIndex, progress.ready, progress.total }); } void ApiWrap::loadUserpicDone(const QString &relativePath) { Expects(_userpicsProcess != nullptr); Expects(_userpicsProcess->slice.has_value()); Expects((_userpicsProcess->fileIndex >= 0) && (_userpicsProcess->fileIndex < _userpicsProcess->slice->list.size())); const auto index = _userpicsProcess->fileIndex; auto &file = _userpicsProcess->slice->list[index].image.file; file.relativePath = relativePath; if (relativePath.isEmpty()) { file.skipReason = Data::File::SkipReason::Unavailable; } loadNextUserpic(); } void ApiWrap::finishUserpics() { Expects(_userpicsProcess != nullptr); base::take(_userpicsProcess)->finish(); } void ApiWrap::requestContacts(FnMut done) { Expects(_contactsProcess == nullptr); _contactsProcess = std::make_unique(); _contactsProcess->done = std::move(done); mainRequest(MTPcontacts_GetSaved( )).done([=](const MTPVector &result) { _contactsProcess->result = Data::ParseContactsList(result); requestTopPeersSlice(); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestTopPeersSlice() { Expects(_contactsProcess != nullptr); using Flag = MTPcontacts_GetTopPeers::Flag; mainRequest(MTPcontacts_GetTopPeers( MTP_flags(Flag::f_correspondents | Flag::f_bots_inline | Flag::f_phone_calls), MTP_int(_contactsProcess->topPeersOffset), MTP_int(kTopPeerSliceLimit), MTP_long(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPcontacts_TopPeers &result) { Expects(_contactsProcess != nullptr); if (!Data::AppendTopPeers(_contactsProcess->result, result)) { error("Unexpected data in ApiWrap::requestTopPeersSlice."); return; } const auto offset = _contactsProcess->topPeersOffset; const auto loaded = result.match( [](const MTPDcontacts_topPeersNotModified &data) { return true; }, [](const MTPDcontacts_topPeersDisabled &data) { return true; }, [&](const MTPDcontacts_topPeers &data) { for (const auto &category : data.vcategories().v) { const auto loaded = category.match( [&](const MTPDtopPeerCategoryPeers &data) { return offset + data.vpeers().v.size() >= data.vcount().v; }); if (!loaded) { return false; } } return true; }); if (loaded) { auto process = base::take(_contactsProcess); process->done(std::move(process->result)); } else { _contactsProcess->topPeersOffset = std::max(std::max( _contactsProcess->result.correspondents.size(), _contactsProcess->result.inlineBots.size()), _contactsProcess->result.phoneCalls.size()); requestTopPeersSlice(); } }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestSessions(FnMut done) { mainRequest(MTPaccount_GetAuthorizations( )).done([=, done = std::move(done)]( const MTPaccount_Authorizations &result) mutable { auto list = Data::ParseSessionsList(result); mainRequest(MTPaccount_GetWebAuthorizations( )).done([=, done = std::move(done), list = std::move(list)]( const MTPaccount_WebAuthorizations &result) mutable { list.webList = Data::ParseWebSessionsList(result).webList; done(std::move(list)); }).send(); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestMessages( const Data::DialogInfo &info, FnMut start, Fn progress, Fn slice, FnMut done) { Expects(_chatProcess == nullptr); Expects(_selfId.has_value()); _chatProcess = std::make_unique(); _chatProcess->context.selfPeerId = peerFromUser(*_selfId); _chatProcess->info = info; _chatProcess->start = std::move(start); _chatProcess->fileProgress = std::move(progress); _chatProcess->handleSlice = std::move(slice); _chatProcess->done = std::move(done); requestMessagesCount(0); } void ApiWrap::requestMessagesCount(int localSplitIndex) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(localSplitIndex < _chatProcess->info.splits.size()); requestChatMessages( _chatProcess->info.splits[localSplitIndex], 0, // offset_id 0, // add_offset 1, // limit [=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); const auto count = result.match( [](const MTPDmessages_messages &data) { return int(data.vmessages().v.size()); }, [](const MTPDmessages_messagesSlice &data) { return data.vcount().v; }, [](const MTPDmessages_channelMessages &data) { return data.vcount().v; }, [](const MTPDmessages_messagesNotModified &data) { return -1; }); if (count < 0) { error("Unexpected messagesNotModified received."); return; } const auto skipSplit = !Data::SingleMessageAfter( result, _settings->singlePeerFrom); if (skipSplit) { // No messages from the requested range, skip this split. messagesCountLoaded(localSplitIndex, 0); return; } checkFirstMessageDate(localSplitIndex, count); }); } void ApiWrap::checkFirstMessageDate(int localSplitIndex, int count) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(localSplitIndex < _chatProcess->info.splits.size()); if (_settings->singlePeerTill <= 0) { messagesCountLoaded(localSplitIndex, count); return; } // Request first message in this split to check if its' date < till. requestChatMessages( _chatProcess->info.splits[localSplitIndex], 1, // offset_id -1, // add_offset 1, // limit [=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); const auto skipSplit = !Data::SingleMessageBefore( result, _settings->singlePeerTill); messagesCountLoaded(localSplitIndex, skipSplit ? 0 : count); }); } void ApiWrap::messagesCountLoaded(int localSplitIndex, int count) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(localSplitIndex < _chatProcess->info.splits.size()); _chatProcess->info.messagesCountPerSplit[localSplitIndex] = count; if (localSplitIndex + 1 < _chatProcess->info.splits.size()) { requestMessagesCount(localSplitIndex + 1); } else if (_chatProcess->start(_chatProcess->info)) { requestMessagesSlice(); } } void ApiWrap::finishExport(FnMut done) { const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { _takeoutId = std::nullopt; }); mainRequest(MTPaccount_FinishTakeoutSession( MTP_flags(MTPaccount_FinishTakeoutSession::Flag::f_success) )).done(std::move(done)).send(); } void ApiWrap::skipFile(uint64 randomId) { if (!_fileProcess || _fileProcess->randomId != randomId) { return; } LOG(("Export Info: File skipped.")); Assert(!_fileProcess->requests.empty()); Assert(_fileProcess->requestId != 0); _mtp.request(base::take(_fileProcess->requestId)).cancel(); base::take(_fileProcess)->done(QString()); } void ApiWrap::cancelExportFast() { if (_takeoutId.has_value()) { const auto requestId = mainRequest(MTPaccount_FinishTakeoutSession( MTP_flags(0) )).send(); _mtp.request(requestId).detach(); } } void ApiWrap::requestSinglePeerDialog() { auto doneSinglePeer = [=](const auto &result) { appendSinglePeerDialogs( Data::ParseDialogsInfo(_settings->singlePeer, result)); }; const auto requestUser = [&](const MTPInputUser &data) { mainRequest(MTPusers_GetUsers( MTP_vector(1, data) )).done(std::move(doneSinglePeer)).send(); }; _settings->singlePeer.match([&](const MTPDinputPeerUser &data) { requestUser(MTP_inputUser(data.vuser_id(), data.vaccess_hash())); }, [&](const MTPDinputPeerChat &data) { mainRequest(MTPmessages_GetChats( MTP_vector(1, data.vchat_id()) )).done(std::move(doneSinglePeer)).send(); }, [&](const MTPDinputPeerChannel &data) { mainRequest(MTPchannels_GetChannels( MTP_vector( 1, MTP_inputChannel(data.vchannel_id(), data.vaccess_hash())) )).done(std::move(doneSinglePeer)).send(); }, [&](const MTPDinputPeerSelf &data) { requestUser(MTP_inputUserSelf()); }, [&](const MTPDinputPeerUserFromMessage &data) { Unexpected("From message peer in ApiWrap::requestSinglePeerDialog."); }, [&](const MTPDinputPeerChannelFromMessage &data) { Unexpected("From message peer in ApiWrap::requestSinglePeerDialog."); }, [](const MTPDinputPeerEmpty &data) { Unexpected("Empty peer in ApiWrap::requestSinglePeerDialog."); }); } mtpRequestId ApiWrap::requestSinglePeerMigrated( const Data::DialogInfo &info) { const auto input = info.input.match([&]( const MTPDinputPeerChannel & data) { return MTP_inputChannel( data.vchannel_id(), data.vaccess_hash()); }, [](auto&&) -> MTPinputChannel { Unexpected("Peer type in a supergroup."); }); return mainRequest(MTPchannels_GetFullChannel( input )).done([=](const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result) { auto info = result.match([&]( const MTPDmessages_chatFull &data) { const auto migratedChatId = data.vfull_chat().match([&]( const MTPDchannelFull &data) { return data.vmigrated_from_chat_id().value_or_empty(); }, [](auto &&other) -> BareId { return 0; }); return migratedChatId ? Data::ParseDialogsInfo( MTP_inputPeerChat(MTP_long(migratedChatId)), MTP_messages_chats(data.vchats())) : Data::DialogsInfo(); }); appendSinglePeerDialogs(std::move(info)); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::appendSinglePeerDialogs(Data::DialogsInfo &&info) { const auto isSupergroupType = [](Data::DialogInfo::Type type) { using Type = Data::DialogInfo::Type; return (type == Type::PrivateSupergroup) || (type == Type::PublicSupergroup); }; const auto isChannelType = [](Data::DialogInfo::Type type) { using Type = Data::DialogInfo::Type; return (type == Type::PrivateChannel) || (type == Type::PublicChannel); }; auto migratedRequestId = mtpRequestId(0); const auto last = _dialogsProcess->splitIndexPlusOne - 1; for (auto &info : info.chats) { if (isSupergroupType(info.type) && !migratedRequestId) { migratedRequestId = requestSinglePeerMigrated(info); continue; } else if (isChannelType(info.type)) { continue; } for (auto i = last; i != 0; --i) { info.splits.push_back(i - 1); info.messagesCountPerSplit.push_back(0); } } if (!migratedRequestId) { _dialogsProcess->processedCount += info.chats.size(); } appendDialogsSlice(std::move(info)); if (migratedRequestId || !_dialogsProcess->progress(_dialogsProcess->processedCount)) { return; } finishDialogsList(); } void ApiWrap::requestDialogsSlice() { Expects(_dialogsProcess != nullptr); if (_settings->onlySinglePeer()) { requestSinglePeerDialog(); return; } const auto splitIndex = _dialogsProcess->splitIndexPlusOne - 1; const auto hash = uint64(0); splitRequest(splitIndex, MTPmessages_GetDialogs( MTP_flags(0), MTPint(), // folder_id MTP_int(_dialogsProcess->offsetDate), MTP_int(_dialogsProcess->offsetId), _dialogsProcess->offsetPeer, MTP_int(kChatsSliceLimit), MTP_long(hash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Dialogs &result) { if (result.type() == mtpc_messages_dialogsNotModified) { error("Unexpected dialogsNotModified received."); return; } auto finished = result.match( [](const MTPDmessages_dialogs &data) { return true; }, [](const MTPDmessages_dialogsSlice &data) { return data.vdialogs().v.isEmpty(); }, [](const MTPDmessages_dialogsNotModified &data) { return true; }); auto info = Data::ParseDialogsInfo(result); _dialogsProcess->processedCount += info.chats.size(); const auto last = info.chats.empty() ? Data::DialogInfo() : info.chats.back(); appendDialogsSlice(std::move(info)); if (!_dialogsProcess->progress(_dialogsProcess->processedCount)) { return; } if (!finished && last.topMessageDate > 0) { _dialogsProcess->offsetId = last.topMessageId; _dialogsProcess->offsetDate = last.topMessageDate; _dialogsProcess->offsetPeer = last.input; } else if (!useOnlyLastSplit() && --_dialogsProcess->splitIndexPlusOne > 0) { _dialogsProcess->offsetId = 0; _dialogsProcess->offsetDate = 0; _dialogsProcess->offsetPeer = MTP_inputPeerEmpty(); } else { requestLeftChannelsIfNeeded(); return; } requestDialogsSlice(); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::appendDialogsSlice(Data::DialogsInfo &&info) { Expects(_dialogsProcess != nullptr); Expects(_dialogsProcess->splitIndexPlusOne <= _splits.size()); appendChatsSlice( *_dialogsProcess, _dialogsProcess->info.chats, std::move(info.chats), _dialogsProcess->splitIndexPlusOne - 1); } void ApiWrap::requestLeftChannelsIfNeeded() { if (_settings->types & Settings::Type::GroupsChannelsMask) { requestLeftChannelsList([=](int count) { Expects(_dialogsProcess != nullptr); return _dialogsProcess->progress( _dialogsProcess->processedCount + count); }, [=](Data::DialogsInfo &&result) { Expects(_dialogsProcess != nullptr); _dialogsProcess->info.left = std::move(result.left); finishDialogsList(); }); } else { finishDialogsList(); } } void ApiWrap::finishDialogsList() { Expects(_dialogsProcess != nullptr); const auto process = base::take(_dialogsProcess); Data::FinalizeDialogsInfo(process->info, *_settings); process->done(std::move(process->info)); } void ApiWrap::requestLeftChannelsSliceGeneric(FnMut done) { Expects(_leftChannelsProcess != nullptr); mainRequest(MTPchannels_GetLeftChannels( MTP_int(_leftChannelsProcess->offset) )).done([=, done = std::move(done)]( const MTPmessages_Chats &result) mutable { Expects(_leftChannelsProcess != nullptr); appendLeftChannelsSlice(Data::ParseLeftChannelsInfo(result)); const auto process = _leftChannelsProcess.get(); process->offset += result.match( [](const auto &data) { return int(data.vchats().v.size()); }); process->fullCount = result.match( [](const MTPDmessages_chats &data) { return int(data.vchats().v.size()); }, [](const MTPDmessages_chatsSlice &data) { return data.vcount().v; }); process->finished = result.match( [](const MTPDmessages_chats &data) { return true; }, [](const MTPDmessages_chatsSlice &data) { return data.vchats().v.isEmpty(); }); if (process->progress) { if (!process->progress(process->info.left.size())) { return; } } done(); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::appendLeftChannelsSlice(Data::DialogsInfo &&info) { Expects(_leftChannelsProcess != nullptr); Expects(!_splits.empty()); appendChatsSlice( *_leftChannelsProcess, _leftChannelsProcess->info.left, std::move(info.left), _splits.size() - 1); } void ApiWrap::appendChatsSlice( ChatsProcess &process, std::vector &to, std::vector &&from, int splitIndex) { Expects(_settings != nullptr); const auto types = _settings->types; const auto goodByTypes = [&](const Data::DialogInfo &info) { return ((types & SettingsFromDialogsType(info.type)) != 0); }; auto filtered = ranges::views::all( from ) | ranges::views::filter([&](const Data::DialogInfo &info) { if (goodByTypes(info)) { return true; } else if (info.migratedToChannelId && (((types & Settings::Type::PublicGroups) != 0) || ((types & Settings::Type::PrivateGroups) != 0))) { return true; } return false; }); to.reserve(to.size() + from.size()); for (auto &info : filtered) { const auto nextIndex = to.size(); if (info.migratedToChannelId) { const auto toPeerId = PeerId(info.migratedToChannelId); const auto i = process.indexByPeer.find(toPeerId); if (i != process.indexByPeer.end() && Data::AddMigrateFromSlice( to[i->second], info, splitIndex, int(_splits.size()))) { continue; } else if (!goodByTypes(info)) { continue; } } const auto [i, ok] = process.indexByPeer.emplace( info.peerId, nextIndex); if (ok) { to.push_back(std::move(info)); } to[i->second].splits.push_back(splitIndex); to[i->second].messagesCountPerSplit.push_back(0); } } void ApiWrap::requestMessagesSlice() { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); const auto count = _chatProcess->info.messagesCountPerSplit[ _chatProcess->localSplitIndex]; if (!count) { loadMessagesFiles({}); return; } requestChatMessages( _chatProcess->info.splits[_chatProcess->localSplitIndex], _chatProcess->largestIdPlusOne, -kMessagesSliceLimit, kMessagesSliceLimit, [=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_messagesNotModified &data) { error("Unexpected messagesNotModified received."); }, [&](const auto &data) { if constexpr (MTPDmessages_messages::Is()) { _chatProcess->lastSlice = true; } loadMessagesFiles(Data::ParseMessagesSlice( _chatProcess->context, data.vmessages(), data.vusers(), data.vchats(), _chatProcess->info.relativePath)); }); }); } void ApiWrap::requestChatMessages( int splitIndex, int offsetId, int addOffset, int limit, FnMut done) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); _chatProcess->requestDone = std::move(done); const auto doneHandler = [=](MTPmessages_Messages &&result) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); base::take(_chatProcess->requestDone)(std::move(result)); }; const auto splitsCount = int(_splits.size()); const auto realPeerInput = (splitIndex >= 0) ? _chatProcess->info.input : _chatProcess->info.migratedFromInput; const auto realSplitIndex = (splitIndex >= 0) ? splitIndex : (splitsCount + splitIndex); if (_chatProcess->info.onlyMyMessages) { splitRequest(realSplitIndex, MTPmessages_Search( MTP_flags(MTPmessages_Search::Flag::f_from_id), realPeerInput, MTP_string(), // query MTP_inputPeerSelf(), MTPint(), // top_msg_id MTP_inputMessagesFilterEmpty(), MTP_int(0), // min_date MTP_int(0), // max_date MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(limit), MTP_int(0), // max_id MTP_int(0), // min_id MTP_long(0) // hash )).done(doneHandler).send(); } else { splitRequest(realSplitIndex, MTPmessages_GetHistory( realPeerInput, MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(0), // offset_date MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(limit), MTP_int(0), // max_id MTP_int(0), // min_id MTP_long(0) // hash )).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); if (error.type() == u"CHANNEL_PRIVATE"_q) { if (realPeerInput.type() == mtpc_inputPeerChannel && !_chatProcess->info.onlyMyMessages) { // Perhaps we just left / were kicked from channel. // Just switch to only my messages. _chatProcess->info.onlyMyMessages = true; requestChatMessages( splitIndex, offsetId, addOffset, limit, base::take(_chatProcess->requestDone)); return true; } } return false; }).done(doneHandler).send(); } } void ApiWrap::loadMessagesFiles(Data::MessagesSlice &&slice) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(!_chatProcess->slice.has_value()); collectMessagesCustomEmoji(slice); if (slice.list.empty()) { _chatProcess->lastSlice = true; } _chatProcess->slice = std::move(slice); _chatProcess->fileIndex = 0; resolveCustomEmoji(); } void ApiWrap::collectMessagesCustomEmoji(const Data::MessagesSlice &slice) { for (const auto &message : slice.list) { for (const auto &part : message.text) { if (part.type == Data::TextPart::Type::CustomEmoji) { if (const auto id = part.additional.toULongLong()) { if (!_resolvedCustomEmoji.contains(id)) { _unresolvedCustomEmoji.emplace(id); } } } } } } void ApiWrap::resolveCustomEmoji() { if (_unresolvedCustomEmoji.empty()) { loadNextMessageFile(); return; } const auto count = std::min( int(_unresolvedCustomEmoji.size()), kMaxEmojiPerRequest); auto v = QVector(); v.reserve(count); const auto till = end(_unresolvedCustomEmoji); const auto from = end(_unresolvedCustomEmoji) - count; for (auto i = from; i != till; ++i) { v.push_back(MTP_long(*i)); } _unresolvedCustomEmoji.erase(from, till); const auto finalize = [=] { for (const auto &id : v) { if (_resolvedCustomEmoji.contains(id.v)) { continue; } _resolvedCustomEmoji.emplace( id.v, Data::Document{ .file = { .skipReason = Data::File::SkipReason::Unavailable, }, }); } resolveCustomEmoji(); }; mainRequest(MTPmessages_GetCustomEmojiDocuments( MTP_vector(v) )).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { LOG(("Export Error: Failed to get documents for emoji.")); finalize(); return true; }).done([=](const MTPVector &result) { for (const auto &entry : result.v) { auto document = Data::ParseDocument( _chatProcess->context, entry, _chatProcess->info.relativePath, TimeId()); _resolvedCustomEmoji.emplace(document.id, std::move(document)); } finalize(); }).send(); } Data::Message *ApiWrap::currentFileMessage() const { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(_chatProcess->slice.has_value()); return &_chatProcess->slice->list[_chatProcess->fileIndex]; } Data::FileOrigin ApiWrap::currentFileMessageOrigin() const { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(_chatProcess->slice.has_value()); const auto splitIndex = _chatProcess->info.splits[ _chatProcess->localSplitIndex]; auto result = Data::FileOrigin(); result.messageId = currentFileMessage()->id; result.split = (splitIndex >= 0) ? splitIndex : (int(_splits.size()) + splitIndex); result.peer = (splitIndex >= 0) ? _chatProcess->info.input : _chatProcess->info.migratedFromInput; return result; } bool ApiWrap::messageCustomEmojiReady(Data::Message &message) { for (auto &part : message.text) { if (part.type == Data::TextPart::Type::CustomEmoji) { if (const auto id = part.additional.toULongLong()) { const auto i = _resolvedCustomEmoji.find(id); if (i == end(_resolvedCustomEmoji)) { part.additional = Data::TextPart::UnavailableEmoji(); } else { auto &file = i->second.file; const auto fileProgress = [=](FileProgress value) { return loadMessageEmojiProgress(value); }; const auto ready = processFileLoad( file, { .customEmojiId = id }, fileProgress, [=](const QString &path) { loadMessageEmojiDone(id, path); }); if (!ready) { return false; } using SkipReason = Data::File::SkipReason; if (file.skipReason == SkipReason::Unavailable) { part.additional = Data::TextPart::UnavailableEmoji(); } else if (file.skipReason == SkipReason::FileType || file.skipReason == SkipReason::FileSize) { part.additional = QByteArray(); } else { part.additional = file.relativePath.toUtf8(); } } } } } return true; } void ApiWrap::loadNextMessageFile() { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(_chatProcess->slice.has_value()); for (auto &list = _chatProcess->slice->list ; _chatProcess->fileIndex < list.size() ; ++_chatProcess->fileIndex) { auto &message = list[_chatProcess->fileIndex]; if (Data::SkipMessageByDate(message, *_settings)) { continue; } if (!messageCustomEmojiReady(message)) { return; } const auto fileProgress = [=](FileProgress value) { return loadMessageFileProgress(value); }; const auto ready = processFileLoad( list[_chatProcess->fileIndex].file(), currentFileMessageOrigin(), fileProgress, [=](const QString &path) { loadMessageFileDone(path); }, currentFileMessage()); if (!ready) { return; } const auto thumbProgress = [=](FileProgress value) { return loadMessageThumbProgress(value); }; const auto thumbReady = processFileLoad( list[_chatProcess->fileIndex].thumb().file, currentFileMessageOrigin(), thumbProgress, [=](const QString &path) { loadMessageThumbDone(path); }, currentFileMessage()); if (!thumbReady) { return; } } finishMessagesSlice(); } void ApiWrap::finishMessagesSlice() { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(_chatProcess->slice.has_value()); auto slice = *base::take(_chatProcess->slice); if (!slice.list.empty()) { _chatProcess->largestIdPlusOne = slice.list.back().id + 1; const auto splitIndex = _chatProcess->info.splits[ _chatProcess->localSplitIndex]; if (splitIndex < 0) { slice = AdjustMigrateMessageIds(std::move(slice)); } if (!_chatProcess->handleSlice(std::move(slice))) { return; } } if (_chatProcess->lastSlice && (++_chatProcess->localSplitIndex < _chatProcess->info.splits.size())) { _chatProcess->lastSlice = false; _chatProcess->largestIdPlusOne = 1; } if (!_chatProcess->lastSlice) { requestMessagesSlice(); } else { finishMessages(); } } bool ApiWrap::loadMessageFileProgress(FileProgress progress) { Expects(_fileProcess != nullptr); Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(_chatProcess->slice.has_value()); Expects((_chatProcess->fileIndex >= 0) && (_chatProcess->fileIndex < _chatProcess->slice->list.size())); return _chatProcess->fileProgress(DownloadProgress{ .randomId = _fileProcess->randomId, .path = _fileProcess->relativePath, .itemIndex = _chatProcess->fileIndex, .ready = progress.ready, .total = progress.total }); } void ApiWrap::loadMessageFileDone(const QString &relativePath) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(_chatProcess->slice.has_value()); Expects((_chatProcess->fileIndex >= 0) && (_chatProcess->fileIndex < _chatProcess->slice->list.size())); const auto index = _chatProcess->fileIndex; auto &file = _chatProcess->slice->list[index].file(); file.relativePath = relativePath; if (relativePath.isEmpty()) { file.skipReason = Data::File::SkipReason::Unavailable; } loadNextMessageFile(); } bool ApiWrap::loadMessageThumbProgress(FileProgress progress) { return loadMessageFileProgress(progress); } void ApiWrap::loadMessageThumbDone(const QString &relativePath) { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(_chatProcess->slice.has_value()); Expects((_chatProcess->fileIndex >= 0) && (_chatProcess->fileIndex < _chatProcess->slice->list.size())); const auto index = _chatProcess->fileIndex; auto &file = _chatProcess->slice->list[index].thumb().file; file.relativePath = relativePath; if (relativePath.isEmpty()) { file.skipReason = Data::File::SkipReason::Unavailable; } loadNextMessageFile(); } bool ApiWrap::loadMessageEmojiProgress(FileProgress progress) { return loadMessageFileProgress(progress); } void ApiWrap::loadMessageEmojiDone(uint64 id, const QString &relativePath) { const auto i = _resolvedCustomEmoji.find(id); if (i != end(_resolvedCustomEmoji)) { i->second.file.relativePath = relativePath; if (relativePath.isEmpty()) { i->second.file.skipReason = Data::File::SkipReason::Unavailable; } } loadNextMessageFile(); } void ApiWrap::finishMessages() { Expects(_chatProcess != nullptr); Expects(!_chatProcess->slice.has_value()); const auto process = base::take(_chatProcess); process->done(); } bool ApiWrap::processFileLoad( Data::File &file, const Data::FileOrigin &origin, Fn progress, FnMut done, Data::Message *message) { using SkipReason = Data::File::SkipReason; if (!file.relativePath.isEmpty() || file.skipReason != SkipReason::None) { return true; } else if (!file.location && file.content.isEmpty()) { file.skipReason = SkipReason::Unavailable; return true; } else if (writePreloadedFile(file, origin)) { return !file.relativePath.isEmpty(); } using Type = MediaSettings::Type; const auto type = message ? v::match(message->media.content, [&]( const Data::Document &data) { if (data.isSticker) { return Type::Sticker; } else if (data.isVideoMessage) { return Type::VideoMessage; } else if (data.isVoiceMessage) { return Type::VoiceMessage; } else if (data.isAnimated) { return Type::GIF; } else if (data.isVideoFile) { return Type::Video; } else { return Type::File; } }, [](const auto &data) { return Type::Photo; }) : Type(0); const auto limit = _settings->media.sizeLimit; if (message && Data::SkipMessageByDate(*message, *_settings)) { file.skipReason = SkipReason::DateLimits; return true; } else if ((_settings->media.types & type) != type) { file.skipReason = SkipReason::FileType; return true; } else if ((message ? message->file().size : file.size) >= limit) { // Don't load thumbs for large files that we skip. file.skipReason = SkipReason::FileSize; return true; } loadFile(file, origin, std::move(progress), std::move(done)); return false; } bool ApiWrap::writePreloadedFile( Data::File &file, const Data::FileOrigin &origin) { Expects(_settings != nullptr); using namespace Output; if (const auto path = _fileCache->find(file.location)) { file.relativePath = *path; return true; } else if (!file.content.isEmpty()) { const auto process = prepareFileProcess(file, origin); if (const auto result = process->file.writeBlock(file.content)) { file.relativePath = process->relativePath; _fileCache->save(file.location, file.relativePath); } else { ioError(result); } return true; } return false; } void ApiWrap::loadFile( const Data::File &file, const Data::FileOrigin &origin, Fn progress, FnMut done) { Expects(_fileProcess == nullptr); Expects(file.location.dcId != 0 || file.location.data.type() == mtpc_inputTakeoutFileLocation); _fileProcess = prepareFileProcess(file, origin); _fileProcess->progress = std::move(progress); _fileProcess->done = std::move(done); if (_fileProcess->progress) { const auto progress = FileProgress{ _fileProcess->file.size(), _fileProcess->size }; if (!_fileProcess->progress(progress)) { return; } } loadFilePart(); Ensures(_fileProcess->requestId != 0); } auto ApiWrap::prepareFileProcess( const Data::File &file, const Data::FileOrigin &origin) const -> std::unique_ptr { Expects(_settings != nullptr); const auto relativePath = Output::File::PrepareRelativePath( _settings->path, file.suggestedPath); auto result = std::make_unique( _settings->path + relativePath, _stats); result->relativePath = relativePath; result->location = file.location; result->size = file.size; result->origin = origin; result->randomId = base::RandomValue(); return result; } void ApiWrap::loadFilePart() { if (!_fileProcess || _fileProcess->requestId || _fileProcess->requests.size() >= kFileRequestsCount || (_fileProcess->size > 0 && _fileProcess->offset >= _fileProcess->size)) { return; } const auto offset = _fileProcess->offset; _fileProcess->requests.push_back({ offset }); _fileProcess->requestId = fileRequest( _fileProcess->location, _fileProcess->offset ).done([=](const MTPupload_File &result) { _fileProcess->requestId = 0; filePartDone(offset, result); }).send(); _fileProcess->offset += kFileChunkSize; if (_fileProcess->size > 0 && _fileProcess->requests.size() < kFileRequestsCount) { // Only one request at a time supported right now. //const auto runner = _runner; //crl::on_main([=] { // QTimer::singleShot(kFileNextRequestDelay, [=] { // runner([=] { // loadFilePart(); // }); // }); //}); } } void ApiWrap::filePartDone(int64 offset, const MTPupload_File &result) { Expects(_fileProcess != nullptr); Expects(!_fileProcess->requests.empty()); if (result.type() == mtpc_upload_fileCdnRedirect) { error("Cdn redirect is not supported."); return; } const auto &data = result.c_upload_file(); if (data.vbytes().v.isEmpty()) { if (_fileProcess->size > 0) { error("Empty bytes received in file part."); return; } const auto result = _fileProcess->file.writeBlock({}); if (!result) { ioError(result); return; } } else { using Request = FileProcess::Request; auto &requests = _fileProcess->requests; const auto i = ranges::find( requests, offset, [](const Request &request) { return request.offset; }); Assert(i != end(requests)); i->bytes = data.vbytes().v; auto &file = _fileProcess->file; while (!requests.empty() && !requests.front().bytes.isEmpty()) { const auto &bytes = requests.front().bytes; if (const auto result = file.writeBlock(bytes); !result) { ioError(result); return; } requests.pop_front(); } if (_fileProcess->progress) { _fileProcess->progress(FileProgress{ file.size(), _fileProcess->size }); } if (!requests.empty() || !_fileProcess->size || _fileProcess->size > _fileProcess->offset) { loadFilePart(); return; } } auto process = base::take(_fileProcess); const auto relativePath = process->relativePath; _fileCache->save(process->location, relativePath); process->done(process->relativePath); } void ApiWrap::filePartRefreshReference(int64 offset) { Expects(_fileProcess != nullptr); Expects(_fileProcess->requestId == 0); const auto &origin = _fileProcess->origin; if (!origin.messageId) { error("FILE_REFERENCE error for non-message file."); return; } if (origin.peer.type() == mtpc_inputPeerChannel || origin.peer.type() == mtpc_inputPeerChannelFromMessage) { const auto channel = (origin.peer.type() == mtpc_inputPeerChannel) ? MTP_inputChannel( origin.peer.c_inputPeerChannel().vchannel_id(), origin.peer.c_inputPeerChannel().vaccess_hash()) : MTP_inputChannelFromMessage( origin.peer.c_inputPeerChannelFromMessage().vpeer(), origin.peer.c_inputPeerChannelFromMessage().vmsg_id(), origin.peer.c_inputPeerChannelFromMessage().vchannel_id()); _fileProcess->requestId = mainRequest(MTPchannels_GetMessages( channel, MTP_vector( 1, MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(origin.messageId))) )).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _fileProcess->requestId = 0; filePartUnavailable(); return true; }).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _fileProcess->requestId = 0; filePartExtractReference(offset, result); }).send(); } else { _fileProcess->requestId = splitRequest( origin.split, MTPmessages_GetMessages( MTP_vector( 1, MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(origin.messageId))) ) ).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _fileProcess->requestId = 0; filePartUnavailable(); return true; }).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _fileProcess->requestId = 0; filePartExtractReference(offset, result); }).send(); } } void ApiWrap::filePartExtractReference( int64 offset, const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { Expects(_fileProcess != nullptr); Expects(_fileProcess->requestId == 0); result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_messagesNotModified &data) { error("Unexpected messagesNotModified received."); }, [&](const auto &data) { Expects(_selfId.has_value()); auto context = Data::ParseMediaContext(); context.selfPeerId = peerFromUser(*_selfId); const auto messages = Data::ParseMessagesSlice( context, data.vmessages(), data.vusers(), data.vchats(), _chatProcess->info.relativePath); for (const auto &message : messages.list) { if (message.id == _fileProcess->origin.messageId) { const auto refresh1 = Data::RefreshFileReference( _fileProcess->location, message.file().location); const auto refresh2 = Data::RefreshFileReference( _fileProcess->location, message.thumb().file.location); if (refresh1 || refresh2) { _fileProcess->requestId = fileRequest( _fileProcess->location, offset ).done([=](const MTPupload_File &result) { _fileProcess->requestId = 0; filePartDone(offset, result); }).send(); return; } } } filePartUnavailable(); }); } void ApiWrap::filePartUnavailable() { Expects(_fileProcess != nullptr); Expects(!_fileProcess->requests.empty()); LOG(("Export Error: File unavailable.")); base::take(_fileProcess)->done(QString()); } void ApiWrap::error(const MTP::Error &error) { _errors.fire_copy(error); } void ApiWrap::error(const QString &text) { error(MTP::Error( MTP_rpc_error(MTP_int(0), MTP_string("API_ERROR: " + text)))); } void ApiWrap::ioError(const Output::Result &result) { _ioErrors.fire_copy(result); } ApiWrap::~ApiWrap() = default; } // namespace Export