/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "calls/group/calls_group_viewport_raster.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_common.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_viewport_tile.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_members_row.h" #include "data/data_peer.h" #include "media/view/media_view_pip.h" #include "webrtc/webrtc_video_track.h" #include "ui/image/image_prepare.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "styles/style_calls.h" #include "styles/palette.h" namespace Calls::Group { namespace { constexpr auto kBlurRadius = 15; } // namespace Viewport::RendererSW::RendererSW(not_null owner) : _owner(owner) , _pinIcon(st::groupCallVideoTile.pin) , _pinBackground( (st::groupCallVideoTile.pinPadding.top() + st::groupCallVideoTile.pin.icon.height() + st::groupCallVideoTile.pinPadding.bottom()) / 2, st::radialBg) { } void Viewport::RendererSW::paintFallback( Painter &&p, const QRegion &clip, Ui::GL::Backend backend) { auto bg = clip; auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); const auto bounding = clip.boundingRect(); for (auto &[tile, tileData] : _tileData) { tileData.stale = true; } for (const auto &tile : _owner->_tiles) { if (!tile->visible()) { continue; } paintTile(p, tile.get(), bounding, bg); } const auto fullscreen = _owner->_fullscreen; const auto color = fullscreen ? QColor(0, 0, 0) : st::groupCallBg->c; for (const auto &rect : bg) { p.fillRect(rect, color); } for (auto i = _tileData.begin(); i != _tileData.end();) { if (i->second.stale) { i = _tileData.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } void Viewport::RendererSW::validateUserpicFrame( not_null tile, TileData &data) { if (!_userpicFrame) { data.userpicFrame = QImage(); return; } else if (!data.userpicFrame.isNull()) { return; } const auto size = tile->trackOrUserpicSize(); data.userpicFrame = Images::BlurLargeImage( tile->row()->peer()->generateUserpicImage( tile->row()->ensureUserpicView(), size.width(), 0), kBlurRadius); } void Viewport::RendererSW::paintTile( Painter &p, not_null tile, const QRect &clip, QRegion &bg) { const auto track = tile->track(); const auto markGuard = gsl::finally([&] { tile->track()->markFrameShown(); }); const auto data = track->frameWithInfo(true); auto &tileData = _tileData[tile]; tileData.stale = false; _userpicFrame = (data.format == Webrtc::FrameFormat::None); _pausedFrame = (track->state() == Webrtc::VideoState::Paused); validateUserpicFrame(tile, tileData); if (_userpicFrame || !_pausedFrame) { tileData.blurredFrame = QImage(); } else if (tileData.blurredFrame.isNull()) { tileData.blurredFrame = Images::BlurLargeImage( data.original.scaled( VideoTile::PausedVideoSize(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio), kBlurRadius); } const auto &image = _userpicFrame ? tileData.userpicFrame : _pausedFrame ? tileData.blurredFrame : data.original; const auto frameRotation = _userpicFrame ? 0 : data.rotation; Assert(!image.isNull()); const auto background = _owner->_fullscreen ? QColor(0, 0, 0) : st::groupCallMembersBg->c; const auto fill = [&](QRect rect) { const auto intersected = rect.intersected(clip); if (!intersected.isEmpty()) { p.fillRect(intersected, background); bg -= intersected; } }; using namespace Media::View; const auto geometry = tile->geometry(); const auto x = geometry.x(); const auto y = geometry.y(); const auto width = geometry.width(); const auto height = geometry.height(); const auto scaled = FlipSizeByRotation( image.size(), frameRotation ).scaled(QSize(width, height), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); const auto left = (width - scaled.width()) / 2; const auto top = (height - scaled.height()) / 2; const auto target = QRect(QPoint(x + left, y + top), scaled); if (UsePainterRotation(frameRotation)) { if (frameRotation) { p.save(); p.rotate(frameRotation); } p.drawImage(RotatedRect(target, frameRotation), image); if (frameRotation) { p.restore(); } } else if (frameRotation) { p.drawImage(target, RotateFrameImage(image, frameRotation)); } else { p.drawImage(target, image); } bg -= target; if (left > 0) { fill({ x, y, left, height }); } if (const auto right = left + scaled.width(); right < width) { fill({ x + right, y, width - right, height }); } if (top > 0) { fill({ x, y, width, top }); } if (const auto bottom = top + scaled.height(); bottom < height) { fill({ x, y + bottom, width, height - bottom }); } paintTileControls(p, x, y, width, height, tile); paintTileOutline(p, x, y, width, height, tile); } void Viewport::RendererSW::paintTileOutline( Painter &p, int x, int y, int width, int height, not_null tile) { if (!tile->row()->speaking()) { return; } const auto outline = st::groupCallOutline; const auto &color = st::groupCallMemberActiveIcon; p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.fillRect(x, y, outline, height - outline, color); p.fillRect(x + outline, y, width - outline, outline, color); p.fillRect( x + width - outline, y + outline, outline, height - outline, color); p.fillRect(x, y + height - outline, width - outline, outline, color); } void Viewport::RendererSW::paintTileControls( Painter &p, int x, int y, int width, int height, not_null tile) { p.setClipRect(x, y, width, height); const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { p.setClipping(false); }); const auto wide = _owner->wide(); if (wide) { // Pin. const auto pinInner = tile->pinInner(); VideoTile::PaintPinButton( p, tile->pinned(), x + pinInner.x(), y + pinInner.y(), _owner->widget()->width(), &_pinBackground, &_pinIcon); // Back. const auto backInner = tile->backInner(); VideoTile::PaintBackButton( p, x + backInner.x(), y + backInner.y(), _owner->widget()->width(), &_pinBackground); } const auto &st = st::groupCallVideoTile; const auto nameTop = y + (height - st.namePosition.y() - st::semiboldFont->height); if (_pausedFrame) { p.fillRect(x, y, width, height, QColor(0, 0, 0, kShadowMaxAlpha)); const auto middle = (st::groupCallVideoPlaceholderHeight - st::groupCallPaused.height()) / 2; const auto pausedSpace = (nameTop - y) - st::groupCallPaused.height() - st::semiboldFont->height; const auto pauseIconSkip = middle - st::groupCallVideoPlaceholderIconTop; const auto pauseTextSkip = st::groupCallVideoPlaceholderTextTop - st::groupCallVideoPlaceholderIconTop; const auto pauseIconTop = !_owner->wide() ? (y + (height - st::groupCallPaused.height()) / 2) : (pausedSpace < 3 * st::semiboldFont->height) ? (pausedSpace / 3) : std::min( y + (height / 2) - pauseIconSkip, (nameTop - st::semiboldFont->height * 3 - st::groupCallPaused.height())); const auto pauseTextTop = (pausedSpace < 3 * st::semiboldFont->height) ? (nameTop - (pausedSpace / 3) - st::semiboldFont->height) : std::min( pauseIconTop + pauseTextSkip, nameTop - st::semiboldFont->height * 2); st::groupCallPaused.paint( p, x + (width - st::groupCallPaused.width()) / 2, pauseIconTop, width); if (_owner->wide()) { p.drawText( QRect(x, pauseTextTop, width, y + height - pauseTextTop), tr::lng_group_call_video_paused(tr::now), style::al_top); } } const auto shown = _owner->_controlsShownRatio; if (shown == 0.) { return; } const auto fullShift = st.namePosition.y() + st::normalFont->height; const auto shift = anim::interpolate(fullShift, 0, shown); // Shadow. if (_shadow.isNull()) { _shadow = Images::GenerateShadow( st.shadowHeight, 0, kShadowMaxAlpha); } const auto shadowRect = QRect( x, y + (height - anim::interpolate(0, st.shadowHeight, shown)), width, st.shadowHeight); const auto shadowFill = shadowRect.intersected({ x, y, width, height }); if (shadowFill.isEmpty()) { return; } const auto factor = style::DevicePixelRatio(); if (!_pausedFrame) { p.drawImage( shadowFill, _shadow, QRect( 0, (shadowFill.y() - shadowRect.y()) * factor, _shadow.width(), shadowFill.height() * factor)); } const auto row = tile->row(); row->lazyInitialize(st::groupCallMembersListItem); // Mute. const auto &icon = st::groupCallVideoCrossLine.icon; const auto iconLeft = x + width - st.iconPosition.x() - icon.width(); const auto iconTop = y + (height - st.iconPosition.y() - icon.height() + shift); row->paintMuteIcon( p, { iconLeft, iconTop, icon.width(), icon.height() }, MembersRowStyle::Video); // Name. p.setPen(st::groupCallVideoTextFg); const auto hasWidth = width - st.iconPosition.x() - icon.width() - st.namePosition.x(); const auto nameLeft = x + st.namePosition.x(); row->name().drawLeftElided( p, nameLeft, nameTop + shift, hasWidth, width); } } // namespace Calls::Group