/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "window/window_title_qt.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "ui/platform/ui_platform_utility.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "styles/style_calls.h" // st::callShadow #include "base/call_delayed.h" #include #include namespace Window { namespace { // If we toggle frameless window hint in maximized window, and // show it back too quickly, the mouse position inside the window // won't be correct (from Qt-s point of view) until we Alt-Tab from // that window. If we show the window back with this delay it works. constexpr auto kShowAfterFramelessToggleDelay = crl::time(1000); style::margins ShadowExtents() { return st::callShadow.extend; } } // namespace TitleWidgetQt::TitleWidgetQt(QWidget *parent) : TitleWidget(parent) , _st(st::defaultWindowTitle) , _minimize(this, _st.minimize) , _maximizeRestore(this, _st.maximize) , _close(this, _st.close) , _shadow(this, st::titleShadow) , _maximizedState(parent->window()->windowState() & Qt::WindowMaximized) { _minimize->setClickedCallback([=] { window()->setWindowState( window()->windowState() | Qt::WindowMinimized); _minimize->clearState(); }); _minimize->setPointerCursor(false); _maximizeRestore->setClickedCallback([=] { window()->setWindowState(_maximizedState ? Qt::WindowNoState : Qt::WindowMaximized); _maximizeRestore->clearState(); }); _maximizeRestore->setPointerCursor(false); _close->setClickedCallback([=] { window()->close(); _close->clearState(); }); _close->setPointerCursor(false); Core::App().settings().windowControlsLayoutChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateControlsPosition(); }, lifetime()); QCoreApplication::instance()->installEventFilter(this); _windowWasFrameless = (window()->windowFlags() & Qt::FramelessWindowHint) != 0; if (!_windowWasFrameless) { toggleFramelessWindow(true); } setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); resize(width(), _st.height); updateWindowExtents(); } TitleWidgetQt::~TitleWidgetQt() { restoreCursor(); if (!_windowWasFrameless) { toggleFramelessWindow(false); } if (_extentsSet) { Platform::UnsetWindowExtents(window()->windowHandle()); } } void TitleWidgetQt::toggleFramelessWindow(bool enabled) { // setWindowFlag calls setParent(parentWidget(), newFlags), which // always calls hide() explicitly, we have to show() the window back. const auto top = window(); const auto hidden = top->isHidden(); top->setWindowFlag(Qt::FramelessWindowHint, enabled); if (!hidden) { base::call_delayed( kShowAfterFramelessToggleDelay, top, [=] { top->show(); }); } } void TitleWidgetQt::init() { connect( window()->windowHandle(), &QWindow::windowStateChanged, this, [=](Qt::WindowState state) { windowStateChanged(state); }); connect( window()->windowHandle(), &QWindow::visibleChanged, this, [=](bool visible) { visibleChanged(visible); }); _maximizedState = (window()->windowState() & Qt::WindowMaximized); _activeState = isActiveWindow(); updateButtonsState(); } bool TitleWidgetQt::hasShadow() const { const auto center = window()->geometry().center(); return Platform::WindowsNeedShadow() && Ui::Platform::TranslucentWindowsSupported(center); } void TitleWidgetQt::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { auto active = isActiveWindow(); if (_activeState != active) { _activeState = active; updateButtonsState(); } Painter(this).fillRect(rect(), active ? _st.bgActive : _st.bg); } void TitleWidgetQt::updateWindowExtents() { if (hasShadow()) { if (!_maximizedState) { Platform::SetWindowExtents( window()->windowHandle(), ShadowExtents()); } else { Platform::SetWindowExtents( window()->windowHandle(), QMargins()); } _extentsSet = true; } else if (_extentsSet) { Platform::UnsetWindowExtents(window()->windowHandle()); _extentsSet = false; } } void TitleWidgetQt::updateControlsPosition() { const auto controlsLayout = Core::App().settings().windowControlsLayout(); const auto controlsLeft = controlsLayout.left; const auto controlsRight = controlsLayout.right; if (ranges::contains(controlsLeft, Control::Minimize) || ranges::contains(controlsRight, Control::Minimize)) { _minimize->show(); } else { _minimize->hide(); } if (ranges::contains(controlsLeft, Control::Maximize) || ranges::contains(controlsRight, Control::Maximize)) { _maximizeRestore->show(); } else { _maximizeRestore->hide(); } if (ranges::contains(controlsLeft, Control::Close) || ranges::contains(controlsRight, Control::Close)) { _close->show(); } else { _close->hide(); } updateControlsPositionBySide(controlsLeft, false); updateControlsPositionBySide(controlsRight, true); } void TitleWidgetQt::updateControlsPositionBySide( const std::vector &controls, bool right) { const auto preparedControls = right ? (ranges::view::reverse(controls) | ranges::to_vector) : controls; auto position = 0; for (const auto &control : preparedControls) { switch (control) { case Control::Minimize: if (right) { _minimize->moveToRight(position, 0); } else { _minimize->moveToLeft(position, 0); } position += _minimize->width(); break; case Control::Maximize: if (right) { _maximizeRestore->moveToRight(position, 0); } else { _maximizeRestore->moveToLeft(position, 0); } position += _maximizeRestore->width(); break; case Control::Close: if (right) { _close->moveToRight(position, 0); } else { _close->moveToLeft(position, 0); } position += _close->width(); break; } } } void TitleWidgetQt::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { updateControlsPosition(); _shadow->setGeometry(0, height() - st::lineWidth, width(), st::lineWidth); } void TitleWidgetQt::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { startMove(); } else if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) { Platform::ShowWindowMenu(window()->windowHandle()); } } void TitleWidgetQt::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_maximizedState) { window()->setWindowState(Qt::WindowNoState); } else { window()->setWindowState(Qt::WindowMaximized); } } bool TitleWidgetQt::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) { // I tried to listen only QEvent::Move and QEvent::Resize // but that doesn't work on Wayland if (obj->isWidgetType() && window() == static_cast(obj) && Platform::IsWayland()) { updateWindowExtents(); } if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove || e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { if (window()->isAncestorOf(static_cast(obj))) { const auto mouseEvent = static_cast(e); const auto edges = edgesFromPos( mouseEvent->windowPos().toPoint()); if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove && mouseEvent->buttons() == Qt::NoButton) { updateCursor(edges); } if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton && !_maximizedState) { return startResize(edges); } } } else if (e->type() == QEvent::Leave) { if (window() == static_cast(obj)) { restoreCursor(); } } else if (e->type() == QEvent::Move || e->type() == QEvent::Resize) { if (window() == static_cast(obj)) { updateWindowExtents(); } } return TitleWidget::eventFilter(obj, e); } void TitleWidgetQt::windowStateChanged(Qt::WindowState state) { if (state == Qt::WindowMinimized) { return; } const auto maximized = (state == Qt::WindowMaximized); if (_maximizedState != maximized) { _maximizedState = maximized; updateButtonsState(); updateWindowExtents(); } } void TitleWidgetQt::visibleChanged(bool visible) { if (visible) { updateWindowExtents(); } } void TitleWidgetQt::updateButtonsState() { _minimize->setIconOverride(_activeState ? &_st.minimizeIconActive : nullptr, _activeState ? &_st.minimizeIconActiveOver : nullptr); if (_maximizedState) { _maximizeRestore->setIconOverride( _activeState ? &_st.restoreIconActive : &_st.restoreIcon, _activeState ? &_st.restoreIconActiveOver : &_st.restoreIconOver); } else { _maximizeRestore->setIconOverride(_activeState ? &_st.maximizeIconActive : nullptr, _activeState ? &_st.maximizeIconActiveOver : nullptr); } _close->setIconOverride(_activeState ? &_st.closeIconActive : nullptr, _activeState ? &_st.closeIconActiveOver : nullptr); } int TitleWidgetQt::getResizeArea(Qt::Edge edge) const { if (!hasShadow()) { return st::windowResizeArea; } if (edge == Qt::LeftEdge) { return ShadowExtents().left(); } else if (edge == Qt::RightEdge) { return ShadowExtents().right(); } else if (edge == Qt::TopEdge) { return ShadowExtents().top(); } else if (edge == Qt::BottomEdge) { return ShadowExtents().bottom(); } return 0; } Qt::Edges TitleWidgetQt::edgesFromPos(const QPoint &pos) { if (pos.x() <= getResizeArea(Qt::LeftEdge)) { if (pos.y() <= getResizeArea(Qt::TopEdge)) { return Qt::LeftEdge | Qt::TopEdge; } else if (pos.y() >= (window()->height() - getResizeArea(Qt::BottomEdge))) { return Qt::LeftEdge | Qt::BottomEdge; } return Qt::LeftEdge; } else if (pos.x() >= (window()->width() - getResizeArea(Qt::RightEdge))) { if (pos.y() <= getResizeArea(Qt::TopEdge)) { return Qt::RightEdge | Qt::TopEdge; } else if (pos.y() >= (window()->height() - getResizeArea(Qt::BottomEdge))) { return Qt::RightEdge | Qt::BottomEdge; } return Qt::RightEdge; } else if (pos.y() <= getResizeArea(Qt::TopEdge)) { return Qt::TopEdge; } else if (pos.y() >= (window()->height() - getResizeArea(Qt::BottomEdge))) { return Qt::BottomEdge; } else { return 0; } } void TitleWidgetQt::restoreCursor() { if (_cursorOverriden) { _cursorOverriden = false; QGuiApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } } void TitleWidgetQt::updateCursor(Qt::Edges edges) { if (!edges || _maximizedState) { restoreCursor(); return; } else if (!QGuiApplication::overrideCursor()) { _cursorOverriden = false; } if (!_cursorOverriden) { _cursorOverriden = true; QGuiApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor()); } if (((edges & Qt::LeftEdge) && (edges & Qt::TopEdge)) || ((edges & Qt::RightEdge) && (edges & Qt::BottomEdge))) { QGuiApplication::changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::SizeFDiagCursor)); } else if (((edges & Qt::LeftEdge) && (edges & Qt::BottomEdge)) || ((edges & Qt::RightEdge) && (edges & Qt::TopEdge))) { QGuiApplication::changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::SizeBDiagCursor)); } else if ((edges & Qt::LeftEdge) || (edges & Qt::RightEdge)) { QGuiApplication::changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::SizeHorCursor)); } else if ((edges & Qt::TopEdge) || (edges & Qt::BottomEdge)) { QGuiApplication::changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::SizeVerCursor)); } } bool TitleWidgetQt::startMove() { if (Platform::StartSystemMove(window()->windowHandle())) { return true; } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) || defined DESKTOP_APP_QT_PATCHED if (window()->windowHandle()->startSystemMove()) { return true; } #endif // Qt >= 5.15 || DESKTOP_APP_QT_PATCHED return false; } bool TitleWidgetQt::startResize(Qt::Edges edges) { if (edges) { if (Platform::StartSystemResize(window()->windowHandle(), edges)) { return true; } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) || defined DESKTOP_APP_QT_PATCHED if (window()->windowHandle()->startSystemResize(edges)) { return true; } #endif // Qt >= 5.15 || DESKTOP_APP_QT_PATCHED } return false; } } // namespace Window