/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "boxes/change_phone_box.h" #include #include #include #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/widgets/input_fields.h" #include "ui/wrap/fade_wrap.h" #include "boxes/confirm_phone_box.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" namespace { void createErrorLabel( QWidget *parent, object_ptr> &label, const QString &text, int x, int y) { if (label) { label->hide(anim::type::normal); auto saved = label.data(); auto destroy = [old = std::move(label)]() mutable { old.destroyDelayed(); }; using namespace rpl::mappers; saved->shownValue() | rpl::filter(_1 == false) | rpl::take(1) | rpl::start_with_done( std::move(destroy), saved->lifetime()); } if (!text.isEmpty()) { label.create( parent, object_ptr( parent, text, Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::changePhoneError)); label->hide(anim::type::instant); label->moveToLeft(x, y); label->show(anim::type::normal); } } } // namespace class ChangePhoneBox::EnterPhone : public BoxContent { public: EnterPhone(QWidget*) { } void setInnerFocus() override { _phone->setFocusFast(); } protected: void prepare() override; private: void submit(); void sendPhoneDone(const QString &phoneNumber, const MTPauth_SentCode &result); bool sendPhoneFail(const QString &phoneNumber, const RPCError &error); void showError(const QString &text); void hideError() { showError(QString()); } object_ptr _phone = { nullptr }; object_ptr> _error = { nullptr }; mtpRequestId _requestId = 0; }; class ChangePhoneBox::EnterCode : public BoxContent { public: EnterCode(QWidget*, const QString &phone, const QString &hash, int codeLength, int callTimeout); void setInnerFocus() override { _code->setFocusFast(); } protected: void prepare() override; private: void submit(); void sendCall(); void updateCall(); bool sendCodeFail(const RPCError &error); void showError(const QString &text); void hideError() { showError(QString()); } int countHeight(); QString _phone; QString _hash; int _codeLength = 0; int _callTimeout = 0; object_ptr _code = { nullptr }; object_ptr> _error = { nullptr }; object_ptr _callLabel = { nullptr }; mtpRequestId _requestId = 0; SentCodeCall _call; }; void ChangePhoneBox::EnterPhone::prepare() { setTitle(langFactory(lng_change_phone_title)); auto phoneValue = QString(); _phone.create(this, st::defaultInputField, langFactory(lng_change_phone_new_title), phoneValue); _phone->resize(st::boxWidth - 2 * st::boxPadding.left(), _phone->height()); _phone->moveToLeft(st::boxPadding.left(), st::boxLittleSkip); connect(_phone, &Ui::PhoneInput::submitted, this, [this] { submit(); }); auto description = object_ptr(this, lang(lng_change_phone_new_description), Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::changePhoneLabel); auto errorSkip = st::boxLittleSkip + st::changePhoneError.style.font->height; description->moveToLeft(st::boxPadding.left(), _phone->y() + _phone->height() + errorSkip + st::boxLittleSkip); setDimensions(st::boxWidth, description->bottomNoMargins() + st::boxLittleSkip); addButton(langFactory(lng_change_phone_new_submit), [this] { submit(); }); addButton(langFactory(lng_cancel), [this] { closeBox(); }); } void ChangePhoneBox::EnterPhone::submit() { if (_requestId) { return; } hideError(); auto phoneNumber = _phone->getLastText().trimmed(); _requestId = MTP::send(MTPaccount_SendChangePhoneCode(MTP_flags(0), MTP_string(phoneNumber), MTP_bool(false)), rpcDone(base::lambda_guarded(this, [this, phoneNumber](const MTPauth_SentCode &result) { return sendPhoneDone(phoneNumber, result); })), rpcFail(base::lambda_guarded(this, [this, phoneNumber](const RPCError &error) { return sendPhoneFail(phoneNumber, error); }))); } void ChangePhoneBox::EnterPhone::sendPhoneDone(const QString &phoneNumber, const MTPauth_SentCode &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_auth_sentCode); _requestId = 0; auto codeLength = 0; auto &data = result.c_auth_sentCode(); switch (data.vtype.type()) { case mtpc_auth_sentCodeTypeApp: LOG(("Error: should not be in-app code!")); showError(Lang::Hard::ServerError()); return; case mtpc_auth_sentCodeTypeSms: codeLength = data.vtype.c_auth_sentCodeTypeSms().vlength.v; break; case mtpc_auth_sentCodeTypeCall: codeLength = data.vtype.c_auth_sentCodeTypeCall().vlength.v; break; case mtpc_auth_sentCodeTypeFlashCall: LOG(("Error: should not be flashcall!")); showError(Lang::Hard::ServerError()); return; } auto phoneCodeHash = qs(data.vphone_code_hash); auto callTimeout = 0; if (data.has_next_type() && data.vnext_type.type() == mtpc_auth_codeTypeCall) { callTimeout = data.has_timeout() ? data.vtimeout.v : 60; } Ui::show( Box( phoneNumber, phoneCodeHash, codeLength, callTimeout), LayerOption::KeepOther); } bool ChangePhoneBox::EnterPhone::sendPhoneFail(const QString &phoneNumber, const RPCError &error) { auto errorText = Lang::Hard::ServerError(); if (MTP::isFloodError(error)) { errorText = lang(lng_flood_error); } else if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) { return false; } else if (error.type() == qstr("PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID")) { errorText = lang(lng_bad_phone); } else if (error.type() == qstr("PHONE_NUMBER_OCCUPIED")) { Ui::show(Box(lng_change_phone_occupied(lt_phone, App::formatPhone(phoneNumber)), lang(lng_box_ok))); _requestId = 0; return true; } showError(errorText); _requestId = 0; return true; } void ChangePhoneBox::EnterPhone::showError(const QString &text) { createErrorLabel(this, _error, text, st::boxPadding.left(), _phone->y() + _phone->height() + st::boxLittleSkip); if (!text.isEmpty()) { _phone->showError(); } } ChangePhoneBox::EnterCode::EnterCode(QWidget*, const QString &phone, const QString &hash, int codeLength, int callTimeout) : _phone(phone) , _hash(hash) , _codeLength(codeLength) , _callTimeout(callTimeout) , _call(this, [this] { sendCall(); }, [this] { updateCall(); }) { } void ChangePhoneBox::EnterCode::prepare() { setTitle(langFactory(lng_change_phone_title)); auto descriptionText = lng_change_phone_code_description(lt_phone, textcmdStartSemibold() + App::formatPhone(_phone) + textcmdStopSemibold()); auto description = object_ptr(this, descriptionText, Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Rich, st::changePhoneLabel); description->moveToLeft(st::boxPadding.left(), 0); auto phoneValue = QString(); _code.create(this, st::defaultInputField, langFactory(lng_change_phone_code_title), phoneValue); _code->setAutoSubmit(_codeLength, [this] { submit(); }); _code->setChangedCallback([this] { hideError(); }); _code->resize(st::boxWidth - 2 * st::boxPadding.left(), _code->height()); _code->moveToLeft(st::boxPadding.left(), description->bottomNoMargins()); connect(_code, &Ui::InputField::submitted, this, [this] { submit(); }); setDimensions(st::boxWidth, countHeight()); if (_callTimeout > 0) { _call.setStatus({ SentCodeCall::State::Waiting, _callTimeout }); updateCall(); } addButton(langFactory(lng_change_phone_new_submit), [this] { submit(); }); addButton(langFactory(lng_cancel), [this] { closeBox(); }); } int ChangePhoneBox::EnterCode::countHeight() { auto errorSkip = st::boxLittleSkip + st::changePhoneError.style.font->height; return _code->bottomNoMargins() + errorSkip + 3 * st::boxLittleSkip; } void ChangePhoneBox::EnterCode::submit() { if (_requestId) { return; } hideError(); auto code = _code->getLastText().trimmed(); _requestId = MTP::send(MTPaccount_ChangePhone( MTP_string(_phone), MTP_string(_hash), MTP_string(code) ), rpcDone([weak = make_weak(this)](const MTPUser &result) { App::feedUser(result); if (weak) { Ui::hideLayer(); } Ui::Toast::Show(lang(lng_change_phone_success)); }), rpcFail(base::lambda_guarded(this, [this](const RPCError &error) { return sendCodeFail(error); }))); } void ChangePhoneBox::EnterCode::sendCall() { MTP::send(MTPauth_ResendCode(MTP_string(_phone), MTP_string(_hash)), rpcDone(base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { _call.callDone(); }))); } void ChangePhoneBox::EnterCode::updateCall() { auto text = _call.getText(); if (text.isEmpty()) { _callLabel.destroy(); } else if (!_callLabel) { _callLabel.create(this, text, Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::changePhoneLabel); _callLabel->moveToLeft(st::boxPadding.left(), countHeight() - _callLabel->height()); _callLabel->show(); } else { _callLabel->setText(text); } } void ChangePhoneBox::EnterCode::showError(const QString &text) { createErrorLabel(this, _error, text, st::boxPadding.left(), _code->y() + _code->height() + st::boxLittleSkip); if (!text.isEmpty()) { _code->showError(); } } bool ChangePhoneBox::EnterCode::sendCodeFail(const RPCError &error) { auto errorText = Lang::Hard::ServerError(); if (MTP::isFloodError(error)) { errorText = lang(lng_flood_error); } else if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) { return false; } else if (error.type() == qstr("PHONE_CODE_EMPTY") || error.type() == qstr("PHONE_CODE_INVALID")) { errorText = lang(lng_bad_code); } else if (error.type() == qstr("PHONE_CODE_EXPIRED")) { closeBox(); // Go back to phone input. _requestId = 0; return true; } else if (error.type() == qstr("PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID")) { errorText = lang(lng_bad_phone); } _requestId = 0; showError(errorText); return true; } void ChangePhoneBox::prepare() { setTitle(langFactory(lng_change_phone_title)); addButton(langFactory(lng_change_phone_button), [] { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_change_phone_warning), [] { Ui::show(Box()); })); }); addButton(langFactory(lng_cancel), [this] { closeBox(); }); auto label = object_ptr(this, lang(lng_change_phone_description), Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Rich, st::changePhoneDescription); label->moveToLeft((st::boxWideWidth - label->width()) / 2, st::changePhoneDescriptionTop); setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, label->bottomNoMargins() + st::boxLittleSkip); } void ChangePhoneBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { BoxContent::paintEvent(e); Painter p(this); st::changePhoneIcon.paint(p, (width() - st::changePhoneIcon.width()) / 2, st::changePhoneIconTop, width()); }