/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "profile/profile_cover.h" #include "styles/style_profile.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "profile/profile_cover_drop_area.h" #include "profile/profile_userpic_button.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "boxes/contacts_box.h" #include "boxes/photo_crop_box.h" #include "lang.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "platform/platform_file_utilities.h" namespace Profile { namespace { using UpdateFlag = Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag; const auto ButtonsUpdateFlags = UpdateFlag::UserCanShareContact | UpdateFlag::BotCanAddToGroups | UpdateFlag::ChatCanEdit | UpdateFlag::ChannelCanEditPhoto | UpdateFlag::ChannelCanAddMembers | UpdateFlag::ChannelAmIn; } // namespace CoverWidget::CoverWidget(QWidget *parent, PeerData *peer) : TWidget(parent) , _peer(peer) , _peerUser(peer->asUser()) , _peerChat(peer->asChat()) , _peerChannel(peer->asChannel()) , _peerMegagroup(peer->isMegagroup() ? _peerChannel : nullptr) , _userpicButton(this, peer) , _name(this, st::profileNameLabel) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); setAcceptDrops(true); _name->setSelectable(true); _name->setContextCopyText(lang(lng_profile_copy_fullname)); auto observeEvents = ButtonsUpdateFlags | UpdateFlag::NameChanged | UpdateFlag::UserOnlineChanged | UpdateFlag::MembersChanged | UpdateFlag::PhotoChanged; subscribe(Notify::PeerUpdated(), Notify::PeerUpdatedHandler(observeEvents, [this](const Notify::PeerUpdate &update) { notifyPeerUpdated(update); })); connect(App::app(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoDone(PeerId)), this, SLOT(onPhotoUploadStatusChanged(PeerId))); connect(App::app(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoFail(PeerId)), this, SLOT(onPhotoUploadStatusChanged(PeerId))); connect(_userpicButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onPhotoShow())); validatePhoto(); refreshNameText(); refreshStatusText(); refreshButtons(); } PhotoData *CoverWidget::validatePhoto() const { auto photo = (_peer->photoId && _peer->photoId != UnknownPeerPhotoId) ? App::photo(_peer->photoId) : nullptr; _userpicButton->setPointerCursor(photo != nullptr && photo->date != 0); if ((_peer->photoId == UnknownPeerPhotoId) || (_peer->photoId && (!photo || !photo->date))) { App::api()->requestFullPeer(_peer); return nullptr; } return photo; } void CoverWidget::onPhotoShow() { if (auto photo = validatePhoto()) { App::wnd()->showPhoto(photo, _peer); } } void CoverWidget::onCancelPhotoUpload() { Messenger::Instance().cancelPhotoUpdate(_peer->id); refreshStatusText(); } int CoverWidget::countPhotoLeft(int newWidth) const { int result = st::profilePhotoLeftMin; result += (newWidth - st::windowMinWidth) / 2; return qMin(result, st::profilePhotoLeftMax); } int CoverWidget::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) { int newHeight = 0; newHeight += st::profileMarginTop; _photoLeft = countPhotoLeft(newWidth); _userpicButton->moveToLeft(_photoLeft, newHeight); refreshNameGeometry(newWidth); int infoLeft = _userpicButton->x() + _userpicButton->width(); _statusPosition = QPoint(infoLeft + st::profileStatusLeft, _userpicButton->y() + st::profileStatusTop); if (_cancelPhotoUpload) { _cancelPhotoUpload->moveToLeft(_statusPosition.x() + st::profileStatusFont->width(_statusText) + st::profileStatusFont->spacew, _statusPosition.y()); } moveAndToggleButtons(newWidth); newHeight += st::profilePhotoSize; newHeight += st::profileMarginBottom; _dividerTop = newHeight; newHeight += st::profileDividerLeft.height(); newHeight += st::profileBlocksTop; resizeDropArea(newWidth); return newHeight; } void CoverWidget::refreshNameGeometry(int newWidth) { int infoLeft = _userpicButton->x() + _userpicButton->width(); int nameLeft = infoLeft + st::profileNameLeft - st::profileNameLabel.margin.left(); int nameTop = _userpicButton->y() + st::profileNameTop - st::profileNameLabel.margin.top(); int nameWidth = newWidth - infoLeft - st::profileNameLeft; if (_peer->isVerified()) { nameWidth -= st::profileVerifiedCheckShift + st::profileVerifiedCheck.width(); } int marginsAdd = st::profileNameLabel.margin.left() + st::profileNameLabel.margin.right(); _name->resizeToWidth(qMin(nameWidth - marginsAdd, _name->naturalWidth()) + marginsAdd); _name->moveToLeft(nameLeft, nameTop); } // A more generic solution would be allowing an optional icon button // for each text button. But currently we use only one, so it is done easily: // There can be primary + secondary + icon buttons. If primary + secondary fit, // then icon is hidden, otherwise secondary is hidden and icon is shown. void CoverWidget::moveAndToggleButtons(int newWidth) { int buttonLeft = _userpicButton->x() + _userpicButton->width() + st::profileButtonLeft; int buttonsRight = newWidth - st::profileButtonSkip; for (int i = 0, count = _buttons.size(); i < count; ++i) { auto &button = _buttons.at(i); button.widget->moveToLeft(buttonLeft, st::profileButtonTop); if (button.replacement) { button.replacement->moveToLeft(buttonLeft, st::profileButtonTop); if (buttonLeft + button.widget->width() > buttonsRight) { button.widget->hide(); button.replacement->show(); buttonLeft += button.replacement->width() + st::profileButtonSkip; } else { button.widget->show(); button.replacement->hide(); buttonLeft += button.widget->width() + st::profileButtonSkip; } } else if (i == 1 && (buttonLeft + button.widget->width() > buttonsRight)) { // If second button is not fitting. button.widget->hide(); } else { button.widget->show(); buttonLeft += button.widget->width() + st::profileButtonSkip; } } } void CoverWidget::showFinished() { _userpicButton->showFinished(); } bool CoverWidget::shareContactButtonShown() const { return _peerUser && (_buttons.size() > 1) && !(_buttons.at(1).widget->isHidden()); } void CoverWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); p.fillRect(e->rect(), st::profileBg); p.setFont(st::profileStatusFont); p.setPen(_statusTextIsOnline ? st::profileStatusFgActive : st::profileStatusFg); p.drawTextLeft(_statusPosition.x(), _statusPosition.y(), width(), _statusText); if (_peer->isVerified()) { st::profileVerifiedCheck.paint(p, _name->x() + _name->width() + st::profileVerifiedCheckShift, _name->y(), width()); } paintDivider(p); } void CoverWidget::resizeDropArea(int newWidth) { if (_dropArea) { _dropArea->setGeometry(0, 0, newWidth, _dividerTop); } } void CoverWidget::dropAreaHidden(CoverDropArea *dropArea) { if (_dropArea == dropArea) { _dropArea.destroyDelayed(); } } bool CoverWidget::canEditPhoto() const { if (_peerChat && _peerChat->canEdit()) { return true; } else if (_peerMegagroup && _peerMegagroup->canEditPhoto()) { return true; } else if (_peerChannel && _peerChannel->canEditPhoto()) { return true; } return false; } bool CoverWidget::mimeDataHasImage(const QMimeData *mimeData) const { if (!mimeData) return false; if (mimeData->hasImage()) return true; auto uriListFormat = qsl("text/uri-list"); if (!mimeData->hasFormat(uriListFormat)) return false; const auto &urls = mimeData->urls(); if (urls.size() != 1) return false; auto &url = urls.at(0); if (!url.isLocalFile()) return false; auto file = Platform::File::UrlToLocal(url); QFileInfo info(file); if (info.isDir()) return false; if (info.size() > App::kImageSizeLimit) return false; for (auto &ext : cImgExtensions()) { if (file.endsWith(ext, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return true; } } return false; } void CoverWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e) { if (!canEditPhoto() || !mimeDataHasImage(e->mimeData())) { e->ignore(); return; } if (!_dropArea) { auto title = lang(lng_profile_drop_area_title); QString subtitle; if (_peerChat || _peerMegagroup) { subtitle = lang(lng_profile_drop_area_subtitle); } else { subtitle = lang(lng_profile_drop_area_subtitle_channel); } _dropArea.create(this, title, subtitle); resizeDropArea(width()); } _dropArea->showAnimated(); e->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); e->accept(); } void CoverWidget::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *e) { if (_dropArea && !_dropArea->hiding()) { _dropArea->hideAnimated([this](CoverDropArea *area) { dropAreaHidden(area); }); } } void CoverWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e) { auto mimeData = e->mimeData(); QImage img; if (mimeData->hasImage()) { img = qvariant_cast(mimeData->imageData()); } else { const auto &urls = mimeData->urls(); if (urls.size() == 1) { auto &url = urls.at(0); if (url.isLocalFile()) { img = App::readImage(Platform::File::UrlToLocal(url)); } } } if (!_dropArea->hiding()) { _dropArea->hideAnimated([this](CoverDropArea *area) { dropAreaHidden(area); }); } e->acceptProposedAction(); showSetPhotoBox(img); } void CoverWidget::paintDivider(Painter &p) { auto dividerHeight = st::profileDividerLeft.height(); auto dividerLeft = Adaptive::OneColumn() ? 0 : st::lineWidth; auto divider = rtlrect(dividerLeft, _dividerTop, width() - dividerLeft, dividerHeight, width()); p.fillRect(divider, st::profileDividerBg); if (!Adaptive::OneColumn()) { st::profileDividerLeft.paint(p, QPoint(dividerLeft, _dividerTop), width()); } auto dividerFillLeft = Adaptive::OneColumn() ? 0 : (st::lineWidth + st::profileDividerLeft.width()); auto dividerFillTop = rtlrect(dividerFillLeft, _dividerTop, width() - dividerFillLeft, st::profileDividerTop.height(), width()); st::profileDividerTop.fill(p, dividerFillTop); auto dividerFillBottom = rtlrect(dividerFillLeft, _dividerTop + dividerHeight - st::profileDividerBottom.height(), width() - dividerFillLeft, st::profileDividerBottom.height(), width()); st::profileDividerBottom.fill(p, dividerFillBottom); } void CoverWidget::notifyPeerUpdated(const Notify::PeerUpdate &update) { if (update.peer != _peer) { return; } if ((update.flags & ButtonsUpdateFlags) != 0) { refreshButtons(); } if (update.flags & UpdateFlag::NameChanged) { refreshNameText(); } if (update.flags & UpdateFlag::PhotoChanged) { validatePhoto(); } if (update.flags & (UpdateFlag::UserOnlineChanged | UpdateFlag::MembersChanged)) { refreshStatusText(); } } void CoverWidget::refreshNameText() { _name->setText(App::peerName(_peer)); refreshNameGeometry(width()); } void CoverWidget::refreshStatusText() { if (Messenger::Instance().isPhotoUpdating(_peer->id)) { _statusText = lang(lng_settings_uploading_photo); _statusTextIsOnline = false; if (!_cancelPhotoUpload) { _cancelPhotoUpload.create(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::defaultLinkButton); connect(_cancelPhotoUpload, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onCancelPhotoUpload())); _cancelPhotoUpload->show(); _cancelPhotoUpload->moveToLeft(_statusPosition.x() + st::profileStatusFont->width(_statusText) + st::profileStatusFont->spacew, _statusPosition.y()); } update(); return; } _cancelPhotoUpload.destroy(); int currentTime = unixtime(); if (_peerUser) { _statusText = App::onlineText(_peerUser, currentTime, true); _statusTextIsOnline = App::onlineColorUse(_peerUser, currentTime); } else if (_peerChat && _peerChat->amIn()) { int fullCount = qMax(_peerChat->count, _peerChat->participants.size()); if (_onlineCount > 0 && _onlineCount <= fullCount) { _statusText = lng_chat_status_members_online(lt_count, fullCount, lt_count_online, _onlineCount); } else { _statusText = lng_chat_status_members(lt_count, _peerChat->count); } } else if (_peerChannel) { int fullCount = _peerChannel->membersCount(); if (_onlineCount > 0 && _onlineCount <= fullCount) { _statusText = lng_chat_status_members_online(lt_count, fullCount, lt_count_online, _onlineCount); } else if (fullCount > 0 ) { _statusText = lng_chat_status_members(lt_count, _peerChannel->membersCount()); } else { _statusText = lang(_peerChannel->isMegagroup() ? lng_group_status : lng_channel_status); } } else { _statusText = lang(lng_chat_status_unaccessible); } update(); } void CoverWidget::refreshButtons() { clearButtons(); if (_peerUser) { setUserButtons(); } else if (_peerChat) { setChatButtons(); } else if (_peerMegagroup) { setMegagroupButtons(); } else if (_peerChannel) { setChannelButtons(); } resizeToWidth(width()); } void CoverWidget::setUserButtons() { addButton(lang(lng_profile_send_message), SLOT(onSendMessage())); if (_peerUser->botInfo && !_peerUser->botInfo->cantJoinGroups) { addButton(lang(lng_profile_invite_to_group), SLOT(onAddBotToGroup()), &st::profileAddMemberButton); } else if (_peerUser->canShareThisContact()) { addButton(lang(lng_profile_share_contact), SLOT(onShareContact())); } } void CoverWidget::setChatButtons() { if (_peerChat->canEdit()) { addButton(lang(lng_profile_set_group_photo), SLOT(onSetPhoto())); addButton(lang(lng_profile_add_participant), SLOT(onAddMember()), &st::profileAddMemberButton); } } void CoverWidget::setMegagroupButtons() { if (_peerMegagroup->amIn()) { if (_peerMegagroup->canEditPhoto()) { addButton(lang(lng_profile_set_group_photo), SLOT(onSetPhoto())); } } else { addButton(lang(lng_profile_join_channel), SLOT(onJoin())); } if (_peerMegagroup->canAddMembers()) { addButton(lang(lng_profile_add_participant), SLOT(onAddMember()), &st::profileAddMemberButton); } } void CoverWidget::setChannelButtons() { if (_peerChannel->amCreator()) { addButton(lang(lng_profile_set_group_photo), SLOT(onSetPhoto())); } else if (_peerChannel->amIn()) { addButton(lang(lng_profile_view_channel), SLOT(onViewChannel())); } else { addButton(lang(lng_profile_join_channel), SLOT(onJoin())); } } void CoverWidget::clearButtons() { auto buttons = base::take(_buttons); for_const (auto button, buttons) { delete button.widget; delete button.replacement; } } void CoverWidget::addButton(const QString &text, const char *slot, const style::RoundButton *replacementStyle) { auto &buttonStyle = _buttons.isEmpty() ? st::profilePrimaryButton : st::profileSecondaryButton; auto button = new Ui::RoundButton(this, text, buttonStyle); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, slot); button->show(); auto replacement = replacementStyle ? new Ui::RoundButton(this, QString(), *replacementStyle) : nullptr; if (replacement) { connect(replacement, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, slot); replacement->hide(); } _buttons.push_back({ button, replacement }); } void CoverWidget::onOnlineCountUpdated(int onlineCount) { _onlineCount = onlineCount; refreshStatusText(); } void CoverWidget::onSendMessage() { Ui::showPeerHistory(_peer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId, Ui::ShowWay::Forward); } void CoverWidget::onShareContact() { App::main()->shareContactLayer(_peerUser); } void CoverWidget::onSetPhoto() { App::CallDelayed(st::profilePrimaryButton.ripple.hideDuration, this, [this] { auto imgExtensions = cImgExtensions(); auto filter = qsl("Image files (*") + imgExtensions.join(qsl(" *")) + qsl(");;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); FileDialog::GetOpenPath(lang(lng_choose_image), filter, base::lambda_guarded(this, [this](const FileDialog::OpenResult &result) { if (result.paths.isEmpty() && result.remoteContent.isEmpty()) { return; } QImage img; if (!result.remoteContent.isEmpty()) { img = App::readImage(result.remoteContent); } else { img = App::readImage(result.paths.front()); } showSetPhotoBox(img); })); }); } void CoverWidget::showSetPhotoBox(const QImage &img) { if (img.isNull() || img.width() > 10 * img.height() || img.height() > 10 * img.width()) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_bad_photo))); return; } auto box = Ui::show(Box(img, _peer)); connect(box, SIGNAL(closed()), this, SLOT(onPhotoUploadStatusChanged())); } void CoverWidget::onPhotoUploadStatusChanged(PeerId peerId) { if (!peerId || peerId == _peer->id) { refreshStatusText(); } } void CoverWidget::onAddMember() { if (_peerChat) { if (_peerChat->count >= Global::ChatSizeMax() && _peerChat->amCreator()) { Ui::show(Box(_peerChat)); } else { Ui::show(Box(_peerChat, MembersFilter::Recent)); } } else if (_peerChannel && _peerChannel->mgInfo) { MembersAlreadyIn already; for_const (auto user, _peerChannel->mgInfo->lastParticipants) { already.insert(user); } Ui::show(Box(_peerChannel, MembersFilter::Recent, already)); } } void CoverWidget::onAddBotToGroup() { if (_peerUser && _peerUser->botInfo) { Ui::show(Box(_peerUser)); } } void CoverWidget::onJoin() { if (!_peerChannel) return; App::api()->joinChannel(_peerChannel); } void CoverWidget::onViewChannel() { Ui::showPeerHistory(_peer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } } // namespace Profile