/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/view/history_view_send_action.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_send_action.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "lang/lang_instance.h" // Instance::supportChoosingStickerReplacement #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "ui/effects/animations.h" #include "ui/text/text_options.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" namespace HistoryView { namespace { constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideTyping = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideRecordVideo = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideUploadVideo = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideRecordVoice = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideUploadVoice = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideRecordRound = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideUploadRound = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideUploadPhoto = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideUploadFile = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideChooseLocation = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideChooseContact = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideChooseSticker = 6 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsidePlayGame = 10 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kStatusShowClientsideSpeaking = 6 * crl::time(1000); } // namespace SendActionPainter::SendActionPainter(not_null history) : _history(history) , _weak(&_history->session()) , _st(st::dialogsTextStyle) , _sendActionText(st::dialogsTextWidthMin) { } bool SendActionPainter::updateNeedsAnimating( not_null user, const MTPSendMessageAction &action) { using Type = Api::SendProgressType; if (action.type() == mtpc_sendMessageCancelAction) { clear(user); return false; } const auto now = crl::now(); const auto emplaceAction = [&]( Type type, crl::time duration, int progress = 0) { _sendActions.emplace_or_assign(user, type, now + duration, progress); }; action.match([&](const MTPDsendMessageTypingAction &) { _typing.emplace_or_assign(user, now + kStatusShowClientsideTyping); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageRecordVideoAction &) { emplaceAction(Type::RecordVideo, kStatusShowClientsideRecordVideo); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageRecordAudioAction &) { emplaceAction(Type::RecordVoice, kStatusShowClientsideRecordVoice); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageRecordRoundAction &) { emplaceAction(Type::RecordRound, kStatusShowClientsideRecordRound); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageGeoLocationAction &) { emplaceAction( Type::ChooseLocation, kStatusShowClientsideChooseLocation); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageChooseContactAction &) { emplaceAction( Type::ChooseContact, kStatusShowClientsideChooseContact); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageUploadVideoAction &data) { emplaceAction( Type::UploadVideo, kStatusShowClientsideUploadVideo, data.vprogress().v); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageUploadAudioAction &data) { emplaceAction( Type::UploadVoice, kStatusShowClientsideUploadVoice, data.vprogress().v); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageUploadRoundAction &data) { emplaceAction( Type::UploadRound, kStatusShowClientsideUploadRound, data.vprogress().v); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageUploadPhotoAction &data) { emplaceAction( Type::UploadPhoto, kStatusShowClientsideUploadPhoto, data.vprogress().v); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageUploadDocumentAction &data) { emplaceAction( Type::UploadFile, kStatusShowClientsideUploadFile, data.vprogress().v); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageGamePlayAction &) { const auto i = _sendActions.find(user); if ((i == end(_sendActions)) || (i->second.type == Type::PlayGame) || (i->second.until <= now)) { emplaceAction(Type::PlayGame, kStatusShowClientsidePlayGame); } }, [&](const MTPDspeakingInGroupCallAction &) { _speaking.emplace_or_assign( user, now + kStatusShowClientsideSpeaking); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageHistoryImportAction &) { }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageChooseStickerAction &) { emplaceAction( Type::ChooseSticker, kStatusShowClientsideChooseSticker); }, [&](const MTPDsendMessageCancelAction &) { Unexpected("CancelAction here."); }); return updateNeedsAnimating(now, true); } bool SendActionPainter::paint( Painter &p, int x, int y, int availableWidth, int outerWidth, style::color color, crl::time ms) { if (_sendActionAnimation) { const auto animationWidth = _sendActionAnimation.width(); const auto extraAnimationWidth = _animationLeft ? animationWidth * 2 : 0; const auto left = (availableWidth < _animationLeft + extraAnimationWidth) ? 0 : _animationLeft; _sendActionAnimation.paint( p, color, left + x, y + st::normalFont->ascent, outerWidth, ms); // availableWidth should be the same // if an animation is in the middle of text. if (!left) { x += animationWidth; availableWidth -= _animationLeft ? extraAnimationWidth : animationWidth; } p.setPen(color); _sendActionText.drawElided(p, x, y, availableWidth); return true; } return false; } void SendActionPainter::paintSpeaking( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, style::color color, crl::time ms) { if (_speakingAnimation) { _speakingAnimation.paint( p, color, x, y, outerWidth, ms); } else { Ui::SendActionAnimation::PaintSpeakingIdle( p, color, x, y, outerWidth); } } bool SendActionPainter::updateNeedsAnimating(crl::time now, bool force) { if (!_weak) { return false; } auto sendActionChanged = false; auto speakingChanged = false; for (auto i = begin(_typing); i != end(_typing);) { if (now >= i->second) { i = _typing.erase(i); sendActionChanged = true; } else { ++i; } } for (auto i = begin(_speaking); i != end(_speaking);) { if (now >= i->second) { i = _speaking.erase(i); speakingChanged = true; } else { ++i; } } for (auto i = begin(_sendActions); i != end(_sendActions);) { if (now >= i->second.until) { i = _sendActions.erase(i); sendActionChanged = true; } else { ++i; } } const auto wasSpeakingAnimation = !!_speakingAnimation; if (force || sendActionChanged || speakingChanged) { QString newTypingString; auto typingCount = _typing.size(); if (typingCount > 2) { newTypingString = tr::lng_many_typing(tr::now, lt_count, typingCount); } else if (typingCount > 1) { newTypingString = tr::lng_users_typing( tr::now, lt_user, begin(_typing)->first->firstName, lt_second_user, (end(_typing) - 1)->first->firstName); } else if (typingCount) { newTypingString = _history->peer->isUser() ? tr::lng_typing(tr::now) : tr::lng_user_typing( tr::now, lt_user, begin(_typing)->first->firstName); } else if (!_sendActions.empty()) { // Handles all actions except game playing. using Type = Api::SendProgressType; const auto sendActionString = []( Type type, const QString &name) -> QString { switch (type) { case Type::RecordVideo: return name.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_send_action_record_video({}) : tr::lng_user_action_record_video({}, lt_user, name); case Type::UploadVideo: return name.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_send_action_upload_video({}) : tr::lng_user_action_upload_video({}, lt_user, name); case Type::RecordVoice: return name.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_send_action_record_audio({}) : tr::lng_user_action_record_audio({}, lt_user, name); case Type::UploadVoice: return name.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_send_action_upload_audio({}) : tr::lng_user_action_upload_audio({}, lt_user, name); case Type::RecordRound: return name.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_send_action_record_round({}) : tr::lng_user_action_record_round({}, lt_user, name); case Type::UploadRound: return name.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_send_action_upload_round({}) : tr::lng_user_action_upload_round({}, lt_user, name); case Type::UploadPhoto: return name.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_send_action_upload_photo({}) : tr::lng_user_action_upload_photo({}, lt_user, name); case Type::UploadFile: return name.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_send_action_upload_file({}) : tr::lng_user_action_upload_file({}, lt_user, name); case Type::ChooseLocation: case Type::ChooseContact: return name.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_typing({}) : tr::lng_user_typing({}, lt_user, name); case Type::ChooseSticker: return name.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_send_action_choose_sticker({}) : tr::lng_user_action_choose_sticker({}, lt_user, name); default: break; }; return QString(); }; for (const auto &[user, action] : _sendActions) { const auto isNamed = !_history->peer->isUser(); newTypingString = sendActionString( action.type, isNamed ? user->firstName : QString()); if (!newTypingString.isEmpty()) { _sendActionAnimation.start(action.type); // Add an animation to the middle of text. const auto &lang = Lang::GetInstance(); if (lang.supportChoosingStickerReplacement() && (action.type == Type::ChooseSticker)) { const auto index = newTypingString.size() - lang.rightIndexChoosingStickerReplacement( isNamed); _animationLeft = _st.font->width( newTypingString, 0, index); if (!_spacesCount) { _spacesCount = std::ceil( _sendActionAnimation.width() / _st.font->spacew); } newTypingString = newTypingString.replace( index, Lang::kChoosingStickerReplacement.utf8().size(), QString().fill(' ', _spacesCount).constData(), _spacesCount); } else { _animationLeft = 0; } break; } } // Everyone in sendActions are playing a game. if (newTypingString.isEmpty()) { int playingCount = _sendActions.size(); if (playingCount > 2) { newTypingString = tr::lng_many_playing_game( tr::now, lt_count, playingCount); } else if (playingCount > 1) { newTypingString = tr::lng_users_playing_game( tr::now, lt_user, begin(_sendActions)->first->firstName, lt_second_user, (end(_sendActions) - 1)->first->firstName); } else { newTypingString = _history->peer->isUser() ? tr::lng_playing_game(tr::now) : tr::lng_user_playing_game( tr::now, lt_user, begin(_sendActions)->first->firstName); } _sendActionAnimation.start(Type::PlayGame); } } if (typingCount > 0) { _sendActionAnimation.start(Api::SendProgressType::Typing); } else if (newTypingString.isEmpty()) { _sendActionAnimation.tryToFinish(); } if (_sendActionString != newTypingString) { _sendActionString = newTypingString; _sendActionText.setText( st::dialogsTextStyle, _sendActionString, Ui::NameTextOptions()); } if (_speaking.empty()) { _speakingAnimation.tryToFinish(); } else { _speakingAnimation.start(Api::SendProgressType::Speaking); } } else if (_speaking.empty() && _speakingAnimation) { _speakingAnimation.tryToFinish(); } const auto sendActionResult = !_typing.empty() || !_sendActions.empty(); const auto speakingResult = !_speaking.empty() || wasSpeakingAnimation; if (force || sendActionChanged || (sendActionResult && !anim::Disabled())) { _history->peer->owner().sendActionManager().updateAnimation({ _history, _animationLeft, _sendActionAnimation.width(), st::normalFont->height, (force || sendActionChanged) }); } if (force || speakingChanged || (speakingResult && !anim::Disabled())) { _history->peer->owner().sendActionManager().updateSpeakingAnimation({ _history }); } return sendActionResult || speakingResult; } void SendActionPainter::clear(not_null from) { auto updateAtMs = crl::time(0); auto i = _typing.find(from); if (i != _typing.cend()) { updateAtMs = crl::now(); i->second = updateAtMs; } auto j = _sendActions.find(from); if (j != _sendActions.cend()) { if (!updateAtMs) updateAtMs = crl::now(); j->second.until = updateAtMs; } if (updateAtMs) { updateNeedsAnimating(updateAtMs, true); } } } // namespace HistoryView