/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "mtproto/dedicated_file_loader.h" #include "mtproto/session.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "messenger.h" namespace MTP { namespace { std::optional ExtractChannel( const MTPcontacts_ResolvedPeer &result) { const auto &data = result.c_contacts_resolvedPeer(); if (const auto peer = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer)) { for (const auto &chat : data.vchats.v) { if (chat.type() == mtpc_channel) { const auto &channel = chat.c_channel(); if (peer == peerFromChannel(channel.vid)) { return MTP_inputChannel( channel.vid, channel.vaccess_hash); } } } } return std::nullopt; } std::optional ParseFile( const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { const auto message = GetMessagesElement(result); if (!message || message->type() != mtpc_message) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP file message not found.")); return std::nullopt; } const auto &data = message->c_message(); if (!data.has_media() || data.vmedia.type() != mtpc_messageMediaDocument) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP file media not found.")); return std::nullopt; } const auto &document = data.vmedia.c_messageMediaDocument(); if (!document.has_document() || document.vdocument.type() != mtpc_document) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP file not found.")); return std::nullopt; } const auto &fields = document.vdocument.c_document(); const auto name = [&] { for (const auto &attribute : fields.vattributes.v) { if (attribute.type() == mtpc_documentAttributeFilename) { const auto &data = attribute.c_documentAttributeFilename(); return qs(data.vfile_name); } } return QString(); }(); if (name.isEmpty()) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP file name not found.")); return std::nullopt; } const auto size = fields.vsize.v; if (size <= 0) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP file size is invalid.")); return std::nullopt; } const auto location = MTP_inputDocumentFileLocation( fields.vid, fields.vaccess_hash, fields.vfile_reference); return DedicatedLoader::File{ name, size, fields.vdc_id.v, location }; } } // namespace WeakInstance::WeakInstance(QPointer instance) : _instance(instance) { if (!valid()) { return; } connect(_instance, &QObject::destroyed, this, [=] { _instance = nullptr; die(); }); subscribe(Messenger::Instance().authSessionChanged(), [=] { if (!AuthSession::Exists()) { die(); } }); } bool WeakInstance::valid() const { return (_instance != nullptr) && AuthSession::Exists(); } QPointer WeakInstance::instance() const { return _instance; } void WeakInstance::die() { const auto instance = _instance.data(); for (const auto &[requestId, fail] : base::take(_requests)) { if (instance) { instance->cancel(requestId); } fail(MTP::internal::rpcClientError("UNAVAILABLE")); } } bool WeakInstance::removeRequest(mtpRequestId requestId) { if (const auto i = _requests.find(requestId); i != end(_requests)) { _requests.erase(i); return true; } return false; } void WeakInstance::reportUnavailable( Fn callback) { InvokeQueued(this, [=] { callback(MTP::internal::rpcClientError("UNAVAILABLE")); }); } WeakInstance::~WeakInstance() { if (const auto instance = _instance.data()) { for (const auto &[requestId, fail] : base::take(_requests)) { instance->cancel(requestId); } } } AbstractDedicatedLoader::AbstractDedicatedLoader( const QString &filepath, int chunkSize) : _filepath(filepath) , _chunkSize(chunkSize) { } void AbstractDedicatedLoader::start() { if (!validateOutput() || (!_output.isOpen() && !_output.open(QIODevice::Append))) { QFile(_filepath).remove(); threadSafeFailed(); return; } LOG(("Update Info: Starting loading '%1' from %2 offset." ).arg(_filepath ).arg(alreadySize())); startLoading(); } int AbstractDedicatedLoader::alreadySize() const { QMutexLocker lock(&_sizesMutex); return _alreadySize; } int AbstractDedicatedLoader::totalSize() const { QMutexLocker lock(&_sizesMutex); return _totalSize; } rpl::producer AbstractDedicatedLoader::ready() const { return _ready.events(); } auto AbstractDedicatedLoader::progress() const -> rpl::producer { return _progress.events(); } rpl::producer<> AbstractDedicatedLoader::failed() const { return _failed.events(); } void AbstractDedicatedLoader::wipeFolder() { QFileInfo info(_filepath); const auto dir = info.dir(); const auto all = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files); for (auto i = all.begin(), e = all.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->absoluteFilePath() != info.absoluteFilePath()) { QFile::remove(i->absoluteFilePath()); } } } bool AbstractDedicatedLoader::validateOutput() { if (_filepath.isEmpty()) { return false; } QFileInfo info(_filepath); const auto dir = info.dir(); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(dir.absolutePath()); } _output.setFileName(_filepath); if (!info.exists()) { return true; } const auto fullSize = info.size(); if (fullSize < _chunkSize || fullSize > kMaxFileSize) { return _output.remove(); } const auto goodSize = int((fullSize % _chunkSize) ? (fullSize - (fullSize % _chunkSize)) : fullSize); if (_output.resize(goodSize)) { _alreadySize = goodSize; return true; } return false; } void AbstractDedicatedLoader::threadSafeProgress(Progress progress) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { _progress.fire_copy(progress); }); } void AbstractDedicatedLoader::threadSafeReady() { crl::on_main(this, [=] { _ready.fire_copy(_filepath); }); } void AbstractDedicatedLoader::threadSafeFailed() { crl::on_main(this, [=] { _failed.fire({}); }); } void AbstractDedicatedLoader::writeChunk(bytes::const_span data, int totalSize) { const auto size = data.size(); if (size > 0) { const auto written = _output.write(QByteArray::fromRawData( reinterpret_cast(data.data()), size)); if (written != size) { threadSafeFailed(); return; } } const auto progress = [&] { QMutexLocker lock(&_sizesMutex); if (!_totalSize) { _totalSize = totalSize; } _alreadySize += size; return Progress { _alreadySize, _totalSize }; }(); if (progress.size > 0 && progress.already >= progress.size) { _output.close(); threadSafeReady(); } else { threadSafeProgress(progress); } } rpl::lifetime &AbstractDedicatedLoader::lifetime() { return _lifetime; } DedicatedLoader::DedicatedLoader( QPointer instance, const QString &folder, const File &file) : AbstractDedicatedLoader(folder + '/' + file.name, kChunkSize) , _size(file.size) , _dcId(file.dcId) , _location(file.location) , _mtp(instance) { Expects(_size > 0); } void DedicatedLoader::startLoading() { if (!_mtp.valid()) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP is unavailable.")); threadSafeFailed(); return; } LOG(("Update Info: Loading using MTP from '%1'.").arg(_dcId)); _offset = alreadySize(); writeChunk({}, _size); sendRequest(); } void DedicatedLoader::sendRequest() { if (_requests.size() >= kRequestsCount || _offset >= _size) { return; } const auto offset = _offset; _requests.push_back({ offset }); _mtp.send( MTPupload_GetFile(_location, MTP_int(offset), MTP_int(kChunkSize)), [=](const MTPupload_File &result) { gotPart(offset, result); }, failHandler(), MTP::updaterDcId(_dcId)); _offset += kChunkSize; if (_requests.size() < kRequestsCount) { App::CallDelayed(kNextRequestDelay, this, [=] { sendRequest(); }); } } void DedicatedLoader::gotPart(int offset, const MTPupload_File &result) { Expects(!_requests.empty()); if (result.type() == mtpc_upload_fileCdnRedirect) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP does not support cdn right now.")); threadSafeFailed(); return; } const auto &data = result.c_upload_file(); if (data.vbytes.v.isEmpty()) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP empty part received.")); threadSafeFailed(); return; } const auto i = ranges::find( _requests, offset, [](const Request &request) { return request.offset; }); Assert(i != end(_requests)); i->bytes = data.vbytes.v; while (!_requests.empty() && !_requests.front().bytes.isEmpty()) { writeChunk(bytes::make_span(_requests.front().bytes), _size); _requests.pop_front(); } sendRequest(); } Fn DedicatedLoader::failHandler() { return [=](const RPCError &error) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP load failed with '%1'" ).arg(QString::number(error.code()) + ':' + error.type())); threadSafeFailed(); }; } void ResolveChannel( not_null mtp, const QString &username, Fn done, Fn fail) { const auto failed = [&] { LOG(("Dedicated MTP Error: Channel '%1' resolve failed." ).arg(username)); fail(); }; if (!AuthSession::Exists()) { failed(); return; } struct ResolveResult { base::weak_ptr auth; MTPInputChannel channel; }; static std::map ResolveCache; const auto i = ResolveCache.find(username); if (i != end(ResolveCache)) { if (i->second.auth.get() == &Auth()) { done(i->second.channel); return; } ResolveCache.erase(i); } const auto doneHandler = [=](const MTPcontacts_ResolvedPeer &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_contacts_resolvedPeer); if (const auto channel = ExtractChannel(result)) { ResolveCache.emplace( username, ResolveResult { base::make_weak(&Auth()), *channel }); done(*channel); } else { failed(); } }; const auto failHandler = [=](const RPCError &error) { LOG(("Dedicated MTP Error: Resolve failed with '%1'" ).arg(QString::number(error.code()) + ':' + error.type())); fail(); }; mtp->send( MTPcontacts_ResolveUsername(MTP_string(username)), doneHandler, failHandler); } std::optional GetMessagesElement( const MTPmessages_Messages &list) { const auto get = [](auto &&data) -> std::optional { return data.vmessages.v.isEmpty() ? std::nullopt : base::make_optional(data.vmessages.v[0]); }; switch (list.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: return get(list.c_messages_messages()); case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: return get(list.c_messages_messagesSlice()); case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: return get(list.c_messages_channelMessages()); case mtpc_messages_messagesNotModified: return std::nullopt; default: Unexpected("Type of messages.Messages (GetMessagesElement)"); } } void StartDedicatedLoader( not_null mtp, const DedicatedLoader::Location &location, const QString &folder, Fn)> ready) { const auto doneHandler = [=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { const auto file = ParseFile(result); ready(file ? std::make_unique( mtp->instance(), folder, *file) : nullptr); }; const auto failHandler = [=](const RPCError &error) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP check failed with '%1'" ).arg(QString::number(error.code()) + ':' + error.type())); ready(nullptr); }; const auto [username, postId] = location; ResolveChannel(mtp, username, [=, postId = postId]( const MTPInputChannel &channel) { mtp->send( MTPchannels_GetMessages( channel, MTP_vector( 1, MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(postId)))), doneHandler, failHandler); }, [=] { ready(nullptr); }); } } // namespace MTP