/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/boxes/edit_invite_link.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "ui/boxes/choose_date_time.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/widgets/input_fields.h" #include "ui/widgets/checkbox.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "styles/style_settings.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" #include "styles/style_info.h" namespace Ui { namespace { constexpr auto kMaxLimit = std::numeric_limits::max(); constexpr auto kHour = 3600; constexpr auto kDay = 86400; [[nodiscard]] QString FormatExpireDate(TimeId date) { if (date > 0) { return langDateTime(base::unixtime::parse(date)); } else if (-date < kDay) { return tr::lng_group_call_duration_hours( tr::now, lt_count, (-date / kHour)); } else if (-date < 7 * kDay) { return tr::lng_group_call_duration_days( tr::now, lt_count, (-date / kDay)); } else { return tr::lng_local_storage_limit_weeks( tr::now, lt_count, (-date / (7 * kDay))); } } } // namespace void EditInviteLinkBox( not_null box, const InviteLinkFields &data, Fn done) { const auto link = data.link; box->setTitle(link.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_group_invite_new_title() : tr::lng_group_invite_edit_title()); const auto container = box->verticalLayout(); const auto addTitle = [&](rpl::producer text) { container->add( object_ptr( container, std::move(text), st::settingsSubsectionTitle), st::settingsSubsectionTitlePadding); }; const auto addDivider = [&]( rpl::producer text, style::margins margins = style::margins()) { container->add( object_ptr( container, object_ptr( container, std::move(text), st::boxDividerLabel), st::settingsDividerLabelPadding), margins); }; addTitle(tr::lng_group_invite_expire_title()); const auto expiresWrap = container->add( object_ptr(container), style::margins(0, 0, 0, st::settingsSectionSkip)); addDivider( tr::lng_group_invite_expire_about(), style::margins(0, 0, 0, st::settingsSectionSkip)); addTitle(tr::lng_group_invite_usage_title()); const auto usagesWrap = container->add( object_ptr(container), style::margins(0, 0, 0, st::settingsSectionSkip)); addDivider(tr::lng_group_invite_usage_about()); static const auto addButton = []( not_null container, const std::shared_ptr &group, int value, const QString &text) { return container->add( object_ptr( container, group, value, text), st::inviteLinkLimitMargin); }; const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); const auto expire = data.expireDate ? data.expireDate : kMaxLimit; const auto expireGroup = std::make_shared(expire); const auto usage = data.usageLimit ? data.usageLimit : kMaxLimit; const auto usageGroup = std::make_shared(usage); using Buttons = base::flat_map>; struct State { Buttons expireButtons; Buttons usageButtons; int expireValue = 0; int usageValue = 0; }; const auto state = box->lifetime().make_state(State{ .expireValue = expire, .usageValue = usage }); const auto regenerate = [=] { expireGroup->setValue(state->expireValue); usageGroup->setValue(state->usageValue); auto expires = std::vector{ kMaxLimit, -kHour, -kDay, -kDay * 7, 0 }; auto usages = std::vector{ kMaxLimit, 1, 10, 100, 0 }; auto defaults = State(); for (auto i = begin(expires); i != end(expires); ++i) { if (*i == state->expireValue) { break; } else if (*i == kMaxLimit) { continue; } else if (!*i || (now - *i >= state->expireValue)) { expires.insert(i, state->expireValue); break; } } for (auto i = begin(usages); i != end(usages); ++i) { if (*i == state->usageValue) { break; } else if (*i == kMaxLimit) { continue; } else if (!*i || *i > state->usageValue) { usages.insert(i, state->usageValue); break; } } state->expireButtons.clear(); state->usageButtons.clear(); for (const auto limit : expires) { const auto text = (limit == kMaxLimit) ? tr::lng_group_invite_expire_never(tr::now) : !limit ? tr::lng_group_invite_expire_custom(tr::now) : FormatExpireDate(limit); state->expireButtons.emplace( limit, addButton(expiresWrap, expireGroup, limit, text)); } for (const auto limit : usages) { const auto text = (limit == kMaxLimit) ? tr::lng_group_invite_usage_any(tr::now) : !limit ? tr::lng_group_invite_usage_custom(tr::now) : QString("%L1").arg(limit); state->usageButtons.emplace( limit, addButton(usagesWrap, usageGroup, limit, text)); } }; const auto guard = MakeWeak(box); expireGroup->setChangedCallback([=](int value) { if (value) { state->expireValue = value; return; } expireGroup->setValue(state->expireValue); box->getDelegate()->show(Box([=](not_null box) { const auto save = [=](TimeId result) { if (!result) { return; } if (guard) { state->expireValue = result; regenerate(); } box->closeBox(); }; const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); const auto time = (state->expireValue == kMaxLimit) ? (now + kDay) : (state->expireValue > now) ? state->expireValue : (state->expireValue < 0) ? (now - state->expireValue) : (now + kDay); ChooseDateTimeBox( box, tr::lng_group_invite_expire_after(), tr::lng_settings_save(), save, time); })); }); usageGroup->setChangedCallback([=](int value) { if (value) { state->usageValue = value; return; } usageGroup->setValue(state->usageValue); box->getDelegate()->show(Box([=](not_null box) { const auto height = st::boxPadding.bottom() + st::defaultInputField.heightMin + st::boxPadding.bottom(); box->setTitle(tr::lng_group_invite_expire_after()); const auto wrap = box->addRow(object_ptr( box, height)); const auto input = CreateChild( wrap, st::defaultInputField, tr::lng_group_invite_custom_limit(), (state->usageValue == kMaxLimit ? QString() : QString::number(state->usageValue)), 200'000); wrap->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { input->resize(width, input->height()); input->moveToLeft(0, st::boxPadding.bottom()); }, input->lifetime()); box->setFocusCallback([=] { input->setFocusFast(); }); const auto save = [=] { const auto value = input->getLastText().toInt(); if (value <= 0) { input->showError(); return; } if (guard) { state->usageValue = value; regenerate(); } box->closeBox(); }; QObject::connect(input, &NumberInput::submitted, save); box->addButton(tr::lng_settings_save(), save); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); })); }); regenerate(); const auto &saveLabel = link.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_formatting_link_create : tr::lng_settings_save; box->addButton(saveLabel(), [=] { const auto expireDate = (state->expireValue == kMaxLimit) ? 0 : (state->expireValue < 0) ? (base::unixtime::now() - state->expireValue) : state->expireValue; const auto usageLimit = (state->usageValue == kMaxLimit) ? 0 : state->usageValue; done(InviteLinkFields{ .link = link, .expireDate = expireDate, .usageLimit = usageLimit }); }); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); } void CreateInviteLinkBox( not_null box, Fn done) { EditInviteLinkBox(box, InviteLinkFields(), std::move(done)); } } // namespace Ui