/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "data/data_document.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_item.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "media/media_audio.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "history/history_media_types.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "messenger.h" QString joinList(const QStringList &list, const QString &sep) { QString result; if (list.isEmpty()) return result; int32 l = list.size(), s = sep.size() * (l - 1); for (int32 i = 0; i < l; ++i) { s += list.at(i).size(); } result.reserve(s); result.append(list.at(0)); for (int32 i = 1; i < l; ++i) { result.append(sep).append(list.at(i)); } return result; } QString saveFileName(const QString &title, const QString &filter, const QString &prefix, QString name, bool savingAs, const QDir &dir) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN name = name.replace(QRegularExpression(qsl("[\\\\\\/\\:\\*\\?\\\"\\<\\>\\|]")), qsl("_")); #elif defined Q_OS_MAC name = name.replace(QRegularExpression(qsl("[\\:]")), qsl("_")); #elif defined Q_OS_LINUX name = name.replace(QRegularExpression(qsl("[\\/]")), qsl("_")); #endif if (Global::AskDownloadPath() || savingAs) { if (!name.isEmpty() && name.at(0) == QChar::fromLatin1('.')) { name = filedialogDefaultName(prefix, name); } else if (dir.path() != qsl(".")) { QString path = dir.absolutePath(); if (path != cDialogLastPath()) { cSetDialogLastPath(path); Local::writeUserSettings(); } } // check if extension of filename is present in filter // it should be in first filter section on the first place // place it there, if it is not QString ext = QFileInfo(name).suffix(), fil = filter, sep = qsl(";;"); if (!ext.isEmpty()) { if (QRegularExpression(qsl("^[a-zA-Z_0-9]+$")).match(ext).hasMatch()) { QStringList filters = filter.split(sep); if (filters.size() > 1) { QString first = filters.at(0); int32 start = first.indexOf(qsl("(*.")); if (start >= 0) { if (!QRegularExpression(qsl("\\(\\*\\.") + ext + qsl("[\\)\\s]"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(first).hasMatch()) { QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl(" \\*\\.") + ext + qsl("[\\)\\s]"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(first); if (m.hasMatch() && m.capturedStart() > start + 3) { int32 oldpos = m.capturedStart(), oldend = m.capturedEnd(); fil = first.mid(0, start + 3) + ext + qsl(" *.") + first.mid(start + 3, oldpos - start - 3) + first.mid(oldend - 1) + sep + joinList(filters.mid(1), sep); } else { fil = first.mid(0, start + 3) + ext + qsl(" *.") + first.mid(start + 3) + sep + joinList(filters.mid(1), sep); } } } else { fil = QString(); } } else { fil = QString(); } } else { fil = QString(); } } return filedialogGetSaveFile(name, title, fil, name) ? name : QString(); } QString path; if (Global::DownloadPath().isEmpty()) { path = psDownloadPath(); } else if (Global::DownloadPath() == qsl("tmp")) { path = cTempDir(); } else { path = Global::DownloadPath(); } if (name.isEmpty()) name = qsl(".unknown"); if (name.at(0) == QChar::fromLatin1('.')) { if (!QDir().exists(path)) QDir().mkpath(path); return filedialogDefaultName(prefix, name, path); } if (dir.path() != qsl(".")) { path = dir.absolutePath() + '/'; } QString nameStart, extension; int32 extPos = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (extPos >= 0) { nameStart = name.mid(0, extPos); extension = name.mid(extPos); } else { nameStart = name; } QString nameBase = path + nameStart; name = nameBase + extension; for (int i = 0; QFileInfo(name).exists(); ++i) { name = nameBase + QString(" (%1)").arg(i + 2) + extension; } if (!QDir().exists(path)) QDir().mkpath(path); return name; } bool StickerData::setInstalled() const { switch (set.type()) { case mtpc_inputStickerSetID: { auto it = Global::StickerSets().constFind(set.c_inputStickerSetID().vid.v); return (it != Global::StickerSets().cend()) && !(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) && (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed); } break; case mtpc_inputStickerSetShortName: { auto name = qs(set.c_inputStickerSetShortName().vshort_name).toLower(); for (auto it = Global::StickerSets().cbegin(), e = Global::StickerSets().cend(); it != e; ++it) { if (it->shortName.toLower() == name) { return !(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) && (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed); } } } break; } return false; } QString documentSaveFilename(const DocumentData *data, bool forceSavingAs = false, const QString already = QString(), const QDir &dir = QDir()) { auto alreadySavingFilename = data->loadingFilePath(); if (!alreadySavingFilename.isEmpty()) { return alreadySavingFilename; } QString name, filter, caption, prefix; MimeType mimeType = mimeTypeForName(data->mime); QStringList p = mimeType.globPatterns(); QString pattern = p.isEmpty() ? QString() : p.front(); if (data->voice()) { bool mp3 = (data->mime == qstr("audio/mp3")); name = already.isEmpty() ? (mp3 ? qsl(".mp3") : qsl(".ogg")) : already; filter = mp3 ? qsl("MP3 Audio (*.mp3);;") : qsl("OGG Opus Audio (*.ogg);;"); filter += FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); caption = lang(lng_save_audio); prefix = qsl("audio"); } else if (data->isVideo()) { name = already.isEmpty() ? data->name : already; if (name.isEmpty()) { name = pattern.isEmpty() ? qsl(".mov") : pattern.replace('*', QString()); } if (pattern.isEmpty()) { filter = qsl("MOV Video (*.mov);;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); } else { filter = mimeType.filterString() + qsl(";;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); } caption = lang(lng_save_video); prefix = qsl("video"); } else { name = already.isEmpty() ? data->name : already; if (name.isEmpty()) { name = pattern.isEmpty() ? qsl(".unknown") : pattern.replace('*', QString()); } if (pattern.isEmpty()) { filter = QString(); } else { filter = mimeType.filterString() + qsl(";;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); } caption = lang(data->song() ? lng_save_audio_file : lng_save_file); prefix = qsl("doc"); } return saveFileName(caption, filter, prefix, name, forceSavingAs, dir); } void DocumentOpenClickHandler::doOpen(DocumentData *data, HistoryItem *context, ActionOnLoad action) { if (!data->date) return; auto msgId = context ? context->fullId() : FullMsgId(); bool playVoice = data->voice(); bool playMusic = data->tryPlaySong(); bool playVideo = data->isVideo(); bool playAnimation = data->isAnimation(); auto &location = data->location(true); if (auto applyTheme = data->isTheme()) { if (!location.isEmpty() && location.accessEnable()) { Messenger::Instance().showDocument(data, context); location.accessDisable(); return; } } if (!location.isEmpty() || (!data->data().isEmpty() && (playVoice || playMusic || playVideo || playAnimation))) { using State = Media::Player::State; if (playVoice) { auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); if (state.id == AudioMsgId(data, msgId) && !Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) { if (Media::Player::IsPaused(state.state) || state.state == State::Pausing) { Media::Player::mixer()->resume(state.id); } else { Media::Player::mixer()->pause(state.id); } } else { auto audio = AudioMsgId(data, msgId); Media::Player::mixer()->play(audio); Media::Player::Updated().notify(audio); if (App::main()) { App::main()->mediaMarkRead(data); } } } else if (playMusic) { auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Song); if (state.id == AudioMsgId(data, msgId) && !Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) { if (Media::Player::IsPaused(state.state) || state.state == State::Pausing) { Media::Player::mixer()->resume(state.id); } else { Media::Player::mixer()->pause(state.id); } } else { auto song = AudioMsgId(data, msgId); Media::Player::mixer()->play(song); Media::Player::Updated().notify(song); } } else if (playVideo) { if (!data->data().isEmpty()) { Messenger::Instance().showDocument(data, context); } else if (location.accessEnable()) { Messenger::Instance().showDocument(data, context); location.accessDisable(); } else { auto filepath = location.name(); if (documentIsValidMediaFile(filepath)) { File::Launch(filepath); } } if (App::main()) App::main()->mediaMarkRead(data); } else if (data->voice() || data->song() || data->isVideo()) { auto filepath = location.name(); if (documentIsValidMediaFile(filepath)) { File::Launch(filepath); } if (App::main()) App::main()->mediaMarkRead(data); } else if (data->size < App::kImageSizeLimit) { if (!data->data().isEmpty() && playAnimation) { if (action == ActionOnLoadPlayInline && context && context->getMedia()) { context->getMedia()->playInline(); } else { Messenger::Instance().showDocument(data, context); } } else if (location.accessEnable()) { if (data->isAnimation() || QImageReader(location.name()).canRead()) { if (action == ActionOnLoadPlayInline && context && context->getMedia()) { context->getMedia()->playInline(); } else { Messenger::Instance().showDocument(data, context); } } else { File::Launch(location.name()); } location.accessDisable(); } else { File::Launch(location.name()); } } else { File::Launch(location.name()); } return; } if (data->status != FileReady) return; QString filename; if (!data->saveToCache()) { filename = documentSaveFilename(data); if (filename.isEmpty()) return; } data->save(filename, action, msgId); } void DocumentOpenClickHandler::onClickImpl() const { auto item = App::hoveredLinkItem() ? App::hoveredLinkItem() : (App::contextItem() ? App::contextItem() : nullptr); doOpen(document(), item, document()->voice() ? ActionOnLoadNone : ActionOnLoadOpen); } void GifOpenClickHandler::onClickImpl() const { auto item = App::hoveredLinkItem() ? App::hoveredLinkItem() : (App::contextItem() ? App::contextItem() : nullptr); doOpen(document(), item, ActionOnLoadPlayInline); } void DocumentSaveClickHandler::doSave(DocumentData *data, bool forceSavingAs) { if (!data->date) return; auto filepath = data->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveSaveFromDataSilent, forceSavingAs); if (!filepath.isEmpty() && !forceSavingAs) { File::OpenWith(filepath, QCursor::pos()); } else { auto fileinfo = QFileInfo(filepath); auto filedir = filepath.isEmpty() ? QDir() : fileinfo.dir(); auto filename = filepath.isEmpty() ? QString() : fileinfo.fileName(); auto newfname = documentSaveFilename(data, forceSavingAs, filename, filedir); if (!newfname.isEmpty()) { auto action = (filename.isEmpty() || forceSavingAs) ? ActionOnLoadNone : ActionOnLoadOpenWith; auto actionMsgId = App::hoveredLinkItem() ? App::hoveredLinkItem()->fullId() : (App::contextItem() ? App::contextItem()->fullId() : FullMsgId()); data->save(newfname, action, actionMsgId); } } } void DocumentSaveClickHandler::onClickImpl() const { doSave(document()); } void DocumentCancelClickHandler::onClickImpl() const { auto data = document(); if (!data->date) return; if (data->uploading()) { if (auto item = App::hoveredLinkItem() ? App::hoveredLinkItem() : (App::contextItem() ? App::contextItem() : nullptr)) { if (auto media = item->getMedia()) { if (media->getDocument() == data) { App::contextItem(item); App::main()->cancelUploadLayer(); } } } } else { data->cancel(); } } VoiceData::~VoiceData() { if (!waveform.isEmpty() && waveform.at(0) == -1 && waveform.size() > int32(sizeof(TaskId))) { TaskId taskId = 0; memcpy(&taskId, waveform.constData() + 1, sizeof(taskId)); Local::cancelTask(taskId); } } DocumentData::DocumentData(DocumentId id, int32 dc, uint64 accessHash, int32 version, const QString &url, const QVector &attributes) : id(id) , _dc(dc) , _access(accessHash) , _version(version) , _url(url) { setattributes(attributes); if (_dc && _access) { _location = Local::readFileLocation(mediaKey()); } } DocumentData *DocumentData::create(DocumentId id) { return new DocumentData(id, 0, 0, 0, QString(), QVector()); } DocumentData *DocumentData::create(DocumentId id, int32 dc, uint64 accessHash, int32 version, const QVector &attributes) { return new DocumentData(id, dc, accessHash, version, QString(), attributes); } DocumentData *DocumentData::create(DocumentId id, const QString &url, const QVector &attributes) { return new DocumentData(id, 0, 0, 0, url, attributes); } void DocumentData::setattributes(const QVector &attributes) { for (int32 i = 0, l = attributes.size(); i < l; ++i) { switch (attributes[i].type()) { case mtpc_documentAttributeImageSize: { auto &d = attributes[i].c_documentAttributeImageSize(); dimensions = QSize(d.vw.v, d.vh.v); } break; case mtpc_documentAttributeAnimated: if (type == FileDocument || type == StickerDocument || type == VideoDocument) { type = AnimatedDocument; _additional = nullptr; } break; case mtpc_documentAttributeSticker: { auto &d = attributes[i].c_documentAttributeSticker(); if (type == FileDocument) { type = StickerDocument; _additional = std::make_unique(); } if (sticker()) { sticker()->alt = qs(d.valt); if (sticker()->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetID || d.vstickerset.type() == mtpc_inputStickerSetID) { sticker()->set = d.vstickerset; } } } break; case mtpc_documentAttributeVideo: { auto &d = attributes[i].c_documentAttributeVideo(); if (type == FileDocument) { type = d.is_round_message() ? RoundVideoDocument : VideoDocument; } _duration = d.vduration.v; dimensions = QSize(d.vw.v, d.vh.v); } break; case mtpc_documentAttributeAudio: { auto &d = attributes[i].c_documentAttributeAudio(); if (type == FileDocument) { if (d.is_voice()) { type = VoiceDocument; _additional = std::make_unique(); } else { type = SongDocument; _additional = std::make_unique(); } } if (voice()) { voice()->duration = d.vduration.v; VoiceWaveform waveform = documentWaveformDecode(qba(d.vwaveform)); uchar wavemax = 0; for (int32 i = 0, l = waveform.size(); i < l; ++i) { uchar waveat = waveform.at(i); if (wavemax < waveat) wavemax = waveat; } voice()->waveform = waveform; voice()->wavemax = wavemax; } else if (song()) { song()->duration = d.vduration.v; song()->title = qs(d.vtitle); song()->performer = qs(d.vperformer); } } break; case mtpc_documentAttributeFilename: name = qs(attributes[i].c_documentAttributeFilename().vfile_name); break; } } if (type == StickerDocument) { if (dimensions.width() <= 0 || dimensions.height() <= 0 || dimensions.width() > StickerMaxSize || dimensions.height() > StickerMaxSize || !saveToCache()) { type = FileDocument; _additional = nullptr; } } } bool DocumentData::saveToCache() const { return (type == StickerDocument && size < Storage::kMaxStickerInMemory) || (isAnimation() && size < Storage::kMaxAnimationInMemory) || (voice() && size < Storage::kMaxVoiceInMemory); } void DocumentData::forget() { thumb->forget(); if (sticker()) sticker()->img->forget(); replyPreview->forget(); _data.clear(); } void DocumentData::automaticLoad(const HistoryItem *item) { if (loaded() || status != FileReady) return; if (saveToCache() && _loader != CancelledMtpFileLoader) { if (type == StickerDocument) { save(QString(), _actionOnLoad, _actionOnLoadMsgId); } else if (isAnimation()) { bool loadFromCloud = false; if (item) { if (item->history()->peer->isUser()) { loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadGif() & dbiadNoPrivate); } else { loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadGif() & dbiadNoGroups); } } else { // if load at least anywhere loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadGif() & dbiadNoPrivate) || !(cAutoDownloadGif() & dbiadNoGroups); } save(QString(), _actionOnLoad, _actionOnLoadMsgId, loadFromCloud ? LoadFromCloudOrLocal : LoadFromLocalOnly, true); } else if (voice()) { if (item) { bool loadFromCloud = false; if (item->history()->peer->isUser()) { loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadAudio() & dbiadNoPrivate); } else { loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadAudio() & dbiadNoGroups); } save(QString(), _actionOnLoad, _actionOnLoadMsgId, loadFromCloud ? LoadFromCloudOrLocal : LoadFromLocalOnly, true); } } } } void DocumentData::automaticLoadSettingsChanged() { if (loaded() || status != FileReady || (!isAnimation() && !voice()) || !saveToCache() || _loader != CancelledMtpFileLoader) { return; } _loader = nullptr; } void DocumentData::performActionOnLoad() { if (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadNone) return; auto loc = location(true); auto already = loc.name(); auto item = _actionOnLoadMsgId.msg ? App::histItemById(_actionOnLoadMsgId) : nullptr; auto showImage = !isVideo() && (size < App::kImageSizeLimit); auto playVoice = voice() && (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadPlayInline || _actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadOpen); auto playMusic = tryPlaySong() && (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadPlayInline || _actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadOpen); auto playAnimation = isAnimation() && (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadPlayInline || _actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadOpen) && showImage && item && item->getMedia(); if (auto applyTheme = isTheme()) { if (!loc.isEmpty() && loc.accessEnable()) { Messenger::Instance().showDocument(this, item); loc.accessDisable(); return; } } using State = Media::Player::State; if (playVoice) { if (loaded()) { auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); if (state.id == AudioMsgId(this, _actionOnLoadMsgId) && !Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) { if (Media::Player::IsPaused(state.state) || state.state == State::Pausing) { Media::Player::mixer()->resume(state.id); } else { Media::Player::mixer()->pause(state.id); } } else if (Media::Player::IsStopped(state.state)) { Media::Player::mixer()->play(AudioMsgId(this, _actionOnLoadMsgId)); if (App::main()) App::main()->mediaMarkRead(this); } } } else if (playMusic) { if (loaded()) { auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Song); if (state.id == AudioMsgId(this, _actionOnLoadMsgId) && !Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) { if (Media::Player::IsPaused(state.state) || state.state == State::Pausing) { Media::Player::mixer()->resume(state.id); } else { Media::Player::mixer()->pause(state.id); } } else if (Media::Player::IsStopped(state.state)) { auto song = AudioMsgId(this, _actionOnLoadMsgId); Media::Player::mixer()->play(song); Media::Player::Updated().notify(song); } } } else if (playAnimation) { if (loaded()) { if (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadPlayInline && item->getMedia()) { item->getMedia()->playInline(); } else { Messenger::Instance().showDocument(this, item); } } } else { if (already.isEmpty()) return; if (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadOpenWith) { File::OpenWith(already, QCursor::pos()); } else if (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadOpen || _actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadPlayInline) { if (voice() || song() || isVideo()) { if (documentIsValidMediaFile(already)) { File::Launch(already); } if (App::main()) App::main()->mediaMarkRead(this); } else if (loc.accessEnable()) { if (showImage && QImageReader(loc.name()).canRead()) { if (_actionOnLoad == ActionOnLoadPlayInline && item && item->getMedia()) { item->getMedia()->playInline(); } else { Messenger::Instance().showDocument(this, item); } } else { File::Launch(already); } loc.accessDisable(); } else { File::Launch(already); } } } _actionOnLoad = ActionOnLoadNone; } bool DocumentData::loaded(FilePathResolveType type) const { if (loading() && _loader->finished()) { if (_loader->cancelled()) { destroyLoaderDelayed(CancelledMtpFileLoader); } else { auto that = const_cast(this); that->_location = FileLocation(_loader->fileName()); that->_data = _loader->bytes(); if (that->sticker() && !_loader->imagePixmap().isNull()) { that->sticker()->img = ImagePtr(_data, _loader->imageFormat(), _loader->imagePixmap()); } destroyLoaderDelayed(); } notifyLayoutChanged(); } return !data().isEmpty() || !filepath(type).isEmpty(); } void DocumentData::destroyLoaderDelayed(mtpFileLoader *newValue) const { _loader->stop(); auto loader = std::unique_ptr(std::exchange(_loader, newValue)); Auth().downloader().delayedDestroyLoader(std::move(loader)); } bool DocumentData::loading() const { return _loader && _loader != CancelledMtpFileLoader; } QString DocumentData::loadingFilePath() const { return loading() ? _loader->fileName() : QString(); } bool DocumentData::displayLoading() const { return loading() ? (!_loader->loadingLocal() || !_loader->autoLoading()) : uploading(); } float64 DocumentData::progress() const { if (uploading()) { return snap((size > 0) ? float64(uploadOffset) / size : 0., 0., 1.); } return loading() ? _loader->currentProgress() : (loaded() ? 1. : 0.); } int32 DocumentData::loadOffset() const { return loading() ? _loader->currentOffset() : 0; } bool DocumentData::uploading() const { return status == FileUploading; } void DocumentData::save(const QString &toFile, ActionOnLoad action, const FullMsgId &actionMsgId, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) { if (loaded(FilePathResolveChecked)) { auto &l = location(true); if (!toFile.isEmpty()) { if (!_data.isEmpty()) { QFile f(toFile); f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); f.write(_data); f.close(); setLocation(FileLocation(toFile)); Local::writeFileLocation(mediaKey(), FileLocation(toFile)); } else if (l.accessEnable()) { auto alreadyName = l.name(); if (alreadyName != toFile) { QFile(toFile).remove(); QFile(alreadyName).copy(toFile); } l.accessDisable(); } } _actionOnLoad = action; _actionOnLoadMsgId = actionMsgId; performActionOnLoad(); return; } if (_loader == CancelledMtpFileLoader) _loader = nullptr; if (_loader) { if (!_loader->setFileName(toFile)) { cancel(); // changes _actionOnLoad _loader = nullptr; } } _actionOnLoad = action; _actionOnLoadMsgId = actionMsgId; if (_loader) { if (fromCloud == LoadFromCloudOrLocal) _loader->permitLoadFromCloud(); } else { status = FileReady; if (!_access && !_url.isEmpty()) { _loader = new webFileLoader(_url, toFile, fromCloud, autoLoading); } else { _loader = new mtpFileLoader(_dc, id, _access, _version, locationType(), toFile, size, (saveToCache() ? LoadToCacheAsWell : LoadToFileOnly), fromCloud, autoLoading); } _loader->connect(_loader, SIGNAL(progress(FileLoader*)), App::main(), SLOT(documentLoadProgress(FileLoader*))); _loader->connect(_loader, SIGNAL(failed(FileLoader*,bool)), App::main(), SLOT(documentLoadFailed(FileLoader*,bool))); _loader->start(); } notifyLayoutChanged(); } void DocumentData::cancel() { if (!loading()) return; auto loader = std::unique_ptr(std::exchange(_loader, CancelledMtpFileLoader)); loader->cancel(); loader->stop(); Auth().downloader().delayedDestroyLoader(std::move(loader)); notifyLayoutChanged(); if (auto main = App::main()) { main->documentLoadProgress(this); } _actionOnLoad = ActionOnLoadNone; } void DocumentData::notifyLayoutChanged() const { auto &items = App::documentItems(); for (auto item : items.value(const_cast(this))) { Auth().data().markItemLayoutChanged(item); } if (auto items = InlineBots::Layout::documentItems()) { for (auto item : items->value(const_cast(this))) { item->layoutChanged(); } } } VoiceWaveform documentWaveformDecode(const QByteArray &encoded5bit) { auto bitsCount = static_cast(encoded5bit.size() * 8); auto valuesCount = bitsCount / 5; if (!valuesCount) { return VoiceWaveform(); } // Read each 5 bit of encoded5bit as 0-31 unsigned char. // We count the index of the byte in which the desired 5-bit sequence starts. // And then we read a uint16 starting from that byte to guarantee to get all of those 5 bits. // // BUT! if it is the last byte we have, we're not allowed to read a uint16 starting with it. // Because it will be an overflow (we'll access one byte after the available memory). // We see, that only the last 5 bits could start in the last available byte and be problematic. // So we read in a general way all the entries in a general way except the last one. auto result = VoiceWaveform(valuesCount, 0); auto bitsData = encoded5bit.constData(); for (auto i = 0, l = valuesCount - 1; i != l; ++i) { auto byteIndex = (i * 5) / 8; auto bitShift = (i * 5) % 8; auto value = *reinterpret_cast(bitsData + byteIndex); result[i] = static_cast((value >> bitShift) & 0x1F); } auto lastByteIndex = ((valuesCount - 1) * 5) / 8; auto lastBitShift = ((valuesCount - 1) * 5) % 8; auto lastValue = (lastByteIndex == encoded5bit.size() - 1) ? static_cast(*reinterpret_cast(bitsData + lastByteIndex)) : *reinterpret_cast(bitsData + lastByteIndex); result[valuesCount - 1] = static_cast((lastValue >> lastBitShift) & 0x1F); return result; } QByteArray documentWaveformEncode5bit(const VoiceWaveform &waveform) { auto bitsCount = waveform.size() * 5; auto bytesCount = (bitsCount + 7) / 8; auto result = QByteArray(bytesCount + 1, 0); auto bitsData = result.data(); // Write each 0-31 unsigned char as 5 bit to result. // We reserve one extra byte to be able to dereference any of required bytes // as a uint16 without overflowing, even the byte with index "bytesCount - 1". for (auto i = 0, l = waveform.size(); i < l; ++i) { auto byteIndex = (i * 5) / 8; auto bitShift = (i * 5) % 8; auto value = (static_cast(waveform[i]) & 0x1F) << bitShift; *reinterpret_cast(bitsData + byteIndex) |= value; } result.resize(bytesCount); return result; } QByteArray DocumentData::data() const { return _data; } const FileLocation &DocumentData::location(bool check) const { if (check && !_location.check()) { const_cast(this)->_location = Local::readFileLocation(mediaKey()); } return _location; } void DocumentData::setLocation(const FileLocation &loc) { if (loc.check()) { _location = loc; } } QString DocumentData::filepath(FilePathResolveType type, bool forceSavingAs) const { bool check = (type != FilePathResolveCached); QString result = (check && _location.name().isEmpty()) ? QString() : location(check).name(); bool saveFromData = result.isEmpty() && !data().isEmpty(); if (saveFromData) { if (type != FilePathResolveSaveFromData && type != FilePathResolveSaveFromDataSilent) { saveFromData = false; } else if (type == FilePathResolveSaveFromDataSilent && (Global::AskDownloadPath() || forceSavingAs)) { saveFromData = false; } } if (saveFromData) { QString filename = documentSaveFilename(this, forceSavingAs); if (!filename.isEmpty()) { QFile f(filename); if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { if (f.write(data()) == data().size()) { f.close(); const_cast(this)->_location = FileLocation(filename); Local::writeFileLocation(mediaKey(), _location); result = filename; } } } } return result; } ImagePtr DocumentData::makeReplyPreview() { if (replyPreview->isNull() && !thumb->isNull()) { if (thumb->loaded()) { int w = thumb->width(), h = thumb->height(); if (w <= 0) w = 1; if (h <= 0) h = 1; auto thumbSize = (w > h) ? QSize(w * st::msgReplyBarSize.height() / h, st::msgReplyBarSize.height()) : QSize(st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), h * st::msgReplyBarSize.height() / w); thumbSize *= cIntRetinaFactor(); auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | (isRoundVideo() ? Images::Option::Circled : Images::Option::None) | Images::Option::TransparentBackground; auto outerSize = st::msgReplyBarSize.height(); auto image = thumb->pixNoCache(thumbSize.width(), thumbSize.height(), options, outerSize, outerSize); replyPreview = ImagePtr(image, "PNG"); } else { thumb->load(); } } return replyPreview; } bool fileIsImage(const QString &name, const QString &mime) { QString lowermime = mime.toLower(), namelower = name.toLower(); if (lowermime.startsWith(qstr("image/"))) { return true; } else if (namelower.endsWith(qstr(".bmp")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".jpg")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".jpeg")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".gif")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".webp")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".tga")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".tiff")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".tif")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".psd")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".png"))) { return true; } return false; } void DocumentData::recountIsImage() { if (isAnimation() || isVideo()) { return; } _duration = fileIsImage(name, mime) ? 1 : -1; // hack } bool DocumentData::setRemoteVersion(int32 version) { if (_version == version) { return false; } _version = version; _location = FileLocation(); _data = QByteArray(); status = FileReady; if (loading()) { destroyLoaderDelayed(); } return true; } void DocumentData::setRemoteLocation(int32 dc, uint64 access) { _dc = dc; _access = access; if (isValid()) { if (_location.check()) { Local::writeFileLocation(mediaKey(), _location); } else { _location = Local::readFileLocation(mediaKey()); } } } void DocumentData::setContentUrl(const QString &url) { _url = url; } void DocumentData::collectLocalData(DocumentData *local) { if (local == this) return; if (!local->_data.isEmpty()) { _data = local->_data; if (voice()) { if (!Local::copyAudio(local->mediaKey(), mediaKey())) { Local::writeAudio(mediaKey(), _data); } } else { if (!Local::copyStickerImage(local->mediaKey(), mediaKey())) { Local::writeStickerImage(mediaKey(), _data); } } } if (!local->_location.isEmpty()) { _location = local->_location; Local::writeFileLocation(mediaKey(), _location); } } DocumentData::~DocumentData() { if (loading()) { destroyLoaderDelayed(); } } QString DocumentData::composeNameString(const QString &filename, const QString &songTitle, const QString &songPerformer) { if (songTitle.isEmpty() && songPerformer.isEmpty()) { return filename.isEmpty() ? qsl("Unknown File") : filename; } if (songPerformer.isEmpty()) { return songTitle; } auto trackTitle = (songTitle.isEmpty() ? qsl("Unknown Track") : songTitle); return songPerformer + QString::fromUtf8(" \xe2\x80\x93 ") + trackTitle; }