/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/view/controls/history_view_voice_record_button.h" #include "ui/paint/blobs.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" #include namespace HistoryView::Controls { namespace { constexpr auto kMaxLevel = 1800.; constexpr auto kBlobAlpha = 76. / 255.; constexpr auto kBlobMaxSpeed = 5.0; constexpr auto kLevelDuration = 100. + 500. * 0.33; constexpr auto kBlobsScaleEnterDuration = crl::time(250); auto Blobs() { return std::vector{ { .segmentsCount = 9, .minScale = 0.605229, .minRadius = (float)st::historyRecordMinorBlobMinRadius, .maxRadius = (float)st::historyRecordMinorBlobMaxRadius, .speedScale = 1., .alpha = kBlobAlpha, .maxSpeed = kBlobMaxSpeed, }, { .segmentsCount = 12, .minScale = 0.553943, .minRadius = (float)st::historyRecordMajorBlobMinRadius, .maxRadius = (float)st::historyRecordMajorBlobMaxRadius, .speedScale = 1., .alpha = kBlobAlpha, .maxSpeed = kBlobMaxSpeed, }, }; } } // namespace VoiceRecordButton::VoiceRecordButton( not_null parent, const style::RecordBar &st) : AbstractButton(parent) , _blobs(std::make_unique( Blobs(), kLevelDuration, kMaxLevel)) , _center(_blobs->maxRadius()) { resize(_center * 2, _center * 2); init(); } VoiceRecordButton::~VoiceRecordButton() = default; void VoiceRecordButton::requestPaintLevel(quint16 level) { if (_blobsHideLastTime) { return; } _blobs->setLevel(level); update(); } void VoiceRecordButton::init() { const auto currentState = lifetime().make_state(_state.current()); rpl::single( anim::Disabled() ) | rpl::then( anim::Disables() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool hide) { if (hide) { _blobs->setLevel(0.); } _blobsHideLastTime = hide ? crl::now() : 0; if (!hide && !_animation.animating() && isVisible()) { _animation.start(); } }, lifetime()); const auto &mainRadiusMin = st::historyRecordMainBlobMinRadius; const auto mainRadiusDiff = st::historyRecordMainBlobMaxRadius - mainRadiusMin; paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QRect &clip) { auto p = QPainter(this); const auto hideProgress = _blobsHideLastTime ? 1. - std::clamp( ((crl::now() - _blobsHideLastTime) / (float64)kBlobsScaleEnterDuration), 0., 1.) : 1.; const auto showProgress = _showProgress.current(); const auto complete = (showProgress == 1.); p.translate(_center, _center); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); const auto brush = QBrush(anim::color( st::historyRecordVoiceFgInactive, st::historyRecordVoiceFgActive, _colorProgress)); _blobs->paint(p, brush, showProgress * hideProgress); const auto radius = (mainRadiusMin + (mainRadiusDiff * _blobs->currentLevel())) * showProgress; p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(brush); p.drawEllipse(QPointF(), radius, radius); if (!complete) { p.setOpacity(showProgress); } // Paint icon. { const auto stateProgress = _stateChangedAnimation.value(0.); const auto scale = (std::cos(M_PI * 2 * stateProgress) + 1.) * .5; if (scale < 1.) { p.scale(scale, scale); } const auto state = *currentState; const auto icon = (state == Type::Send) ? st::historySendIcon : st::historyRecordVoiceActive; const auto position = (state == Type::Send) ? st::historyRecordSendIconPosition : QPoint(0, 0); icon.paint( p, -icon.width() / 2 + position.x(), -icon.height() / 2 + position.y(), 0, st::historyRecordVoiceFgActiveIcon->c); } }, lifetime()); _animation.init([=](crl::time now) { if (const auto &last = _blobsHideLastTime; (last > 0) && (now - last >= kBlobsScaleEnterDuration)) { _animation.stop(); return false; } _blobs->updateLevel(now - _lastUpdateTime); _lastUpdateTime = now; update(); return true; }); rpl::merge( shownValue(), _showProgress.value( ) | rpl::map(rpl::mappers::_1 != 0.) | rpl::distinct_until_changed() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool show) { setVisible(show); setMouseTracking(show); if (!show) { _animation.stop(); _showProgress = 0.; _blobs->resetLevel(); _state = Type::Record; } else { if (!_animation.animating()) { _animation.start(); } } }, lifetime()); actives( ) | rpl::distinct_until_changed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool active) { setPointerCursor(active); }, lifetime()); _state.changes( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Type newState) { const auto to = 1.; auto callback = [=](float64 value) { if (value >= (to * .5)) { *currentState = newState; } update(); }; constexpr auto kDuration = st::universalDuration * 2; _stateChangedAnimation.start(std::move(callback), 0., to, kDuration); }, lifetime()); } rpl::producer VoiceRecordButton::actives() const { return events( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null e) { return (e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove || e->type() == QEvent::Leave || e->type() == QEvent::Enter); }) | rpl::map([=](not_null e) { switch(e->type()) { case QEvent::MouseMove: return inCircle((static_cast(e.get()))->pos()); case QEvent::Leave: return false; case QEvent::Enter: return inCircle(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); default: return false; } }); } rpl::producer<> VoiceRecordButton::clicks() const { return Ui::AbstractButton::clicks( ) | rpl::to_empty | rpl::filter([=] { return inCircle(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); }); } bool VoiceRecordButton::inCircle(const QPoint &localPos) const { const auto &radii = st::historyRecordMainBlobMaxRadius; const auto dx = std::abs(localPos.x() - _center); if (dx > radii) { return false; } const auto dy = std::abs(localPos.y() - _center); if (dy > radii) { return false; } else if (dx + dy <= radii) { return true; } return ((dx * dx + dy * dy) <= (radii * radii)); } void VoiceRecordButton::requestPaintProgress(float64 progress) { _showProgress = progress; update(); } void VoiceRecordButton::requestPaintColor(float64 progress) { if (_colorProgress == progress) { return; } _colorProgress = progress; update(); } void VoiceRecordButton::setType(Type state) { _state = state; } } // namespace HistoryView::Controls