/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "mtproto/mtp_abstract_socket.h" namespace MTP { namespace internal { class TlsSocket final : public AbstractSocket { public: TlsSocket( not_null thread, const bytes::vector &secret, const QNetworkProxy &proxy); void connectToHost(const QString &address, int port) override; bool isGoodStartNonce(bytes::const_span nonce) override; void timedOut() override; bool isConnected() override; bool hasBytesAvailable() override; int64 read(bytes::span buffer) override; void write(bytes::const_span prefix, bytes::const_span buffer) override; int32 debugState() override; private: enum class State { NotConnected, Connecting, WaitingHello, Connected, Error, }; [[nodiscard]] bytes::const_span domainFromSecret() const; [[nodiscard]] bytes::const_span keyFromSecret() const; void plainConnected(); void plainDisconnected(); void plainReadyRead(); void handleError(int errorCode = 0); [[nodiscard]] bool requiredHelloPartReady() const; void readHello(); void checkHelloParts12(int parts1Size); void checkHelloParts34(int parts123Size); void checkHelloDigest(); void readData(); [[nodiscard]] bool checkNextPacket(); void shiftIncomingBy(int amount); const bytes::vector _secret; QTcpSocket _socket; State _state = State::NotConnected; QByteArray _incoming; int _incomingGoodDataOffset = 0; int _incomingGoodDataLimit = 0; int16 _serverHelloLength = 0; }; } // namespace internal } // namespace MTP