/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_scheduled_messages.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "data/data_peer.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "api/api_hash.h" #include "api/api_text_entities.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "history/history_message.h" #include "apiwrap.h" namespace Data { namespace { constexpr auto kRequestTimeLimit = 60 * crl::time(1000); [[nodiscard]] bool TooEarlyForRequest(crl::time received) { return (received > 0) && (received + kRequestTimeLimit > crl::now()); } [[nodiscard]] bool HasScheduledDate(not_null item) { return (item->date() != ScheduledMessages::kScheduledUntilOnlineTimestamp) && (item->date() > base::unixtime::now()); } MTPMessage PrepareMessage(const MTPMessage &message) { return message.match([&](const MTPDmessageEmpty &data) { return MTP_messageEmpty( data.vflags(), data.vid(), data.vpeer_id() ? *data.vpeer_id() : MTPPeer()); }, [&](const MTPDmessageService &data) { return MTP_messageService( MTP_flags(data.vflags().v | MTPDmessageService::Flag( MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_scheduled)), data.vid(), data.vfrom_id() ? *data.vfrom_id() : MTPPeer(), data.vpeer_id(), data.vreply_to() ? *data.vreply_to() : MTPMessageReplyHeader(), data.vdate(), data.vaction(), MTP_int(data.vttl_period().value_or_empty())); }, [&](const MTPDmessage &data) { return MTP_message( MTP_flags(data.vflags().v | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_scheduled), data.vid(), data.vfrom_id() ? *data.vfrom_id() : MTPPeer(), data.vpeer_id(), data.vfwd_from() ? *data.vfwd_from() : MTPMessageFwdHeader(), MTP_long(data.vvia_bot_id().value_or_empty()), data.vreply_to() ? *data.vreply_to() : MTPMessageReplyHeader(), data.vdate(), data.vmessage(), data.vmedia() ? *data.vmedia() : MTPMessageMedia(), data.vreply_markup() ? *data.vreply_markup() : MTPReplyMarkup(), (data.ventities() ? *data.ventities() : MTPVector()), MTP_int(data.vviews().value_or_empty()), MTP_int(data.vforwards().value_or_empty()), data.vreplies() ? *data.vreplies() : MTPMessageReplies(), MTP_int(data.vedit_date().value_or_empty()), MTP_bytes(data.vpost_author().value_or_empty()), MTP_long(data.vgrouped_id().value_or_empty()), MTPMessageReactions(), MTPVector(), MTP_int(data.vttl_period().value_or_empty())); }); } } // namespace ScheduledMessages::ScheduledMessages(not_null owner) : _session(&owner->session()) , _clearTimer([=] { clearOldRequests(); }) { owner->itemRemoved( ) | rpl::filter([](not_null item) { return item->isScheduled(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null item) { remove(item); }, _lifetime); } ScheduledMessages::~ScheduledMessages() { for (const auto &request : _requests) { _session->api().request(request.second.requestId).cancel(); } } void ScheduledMessages::clearOldRequests() { const auto now = crl::now(); while (true) { const auto i = ranges::find_if(_requests, [&](const auto &value) { const auto &request = value.second; return !request.requestId && (request.lastReceived + kRequestTimeLimit <= now); }); if (i == end(_requests)) { break; } _requests.erase(i); } } MsgId ScheduledMessages::lookupId(not_null item) const { Expects(item->isScheduled()); const auto i = _data.find(item->history()); Assert(i != end(_data)); const auto &list = i->second; const auto j = list.idByItem.find(item); Assert(j != end(list.idByItem)); return j->second; } HistoryItem *ScheduledMessages::lookupItem(PeerId peer, MsgId msg) const { const auto history = _session->data().historyLoaded(peer); if (!history) { return nullptr; } const auto i = _data.find(history); if (i == end(_data)) { return nullptr; } const auto &items = i->second.items; const auto j = ranges::find_if(items, [&](auto &item) { return item->id == msg; }); if (j == end(items)) { return nullptr; } return (*j).get(); } HistoryItem *ScheduledMessages::lookupItem(FullMsgId itemId) const { return lookupItem(itemId.peer, itemId.msg); } int ScheduledMessages::count(not_null history) const { const auto i = _data.find(history); return (i != end(_data)) ? i->second.items.size() : 0; } void ScheduledMessages::sendNowSimpleMessage( const MTPDupdateShortSentMessage &update, not_null local) { Expects(local->isSending()); Expects(local->isScheduled()); if (HasScheduledDate(local)) { LOG(("Error: trying to put to history a new local message, " "that has scheduled date.")); return; } // When the user sends a text message scheduled until online // while the recipient is already online, the server sends // updateShortSentMessage to the client and the client calls this method. // Since such messages can only be sent to recipients, // we know for sure that a message can't have fields such as the author, // views count, etc. const auto history = local->history(); auto action = Api::SendAction(history); action.replyTo = local->replyToId(); const auto replyHeader = NewMessageReplyHeader(action); const auto localFlags = NewMessageFlags(history->peer); const auto flags = MTPDmessage::Flag::f_entities | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id | (local->replyToId() ? MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_to : MTPDmessage::Flag(0)) | (update.vttl_period() ? MTPDmessage::Flag::f_ttl_period : MTPDmessage::Flag(0)) | ((localFlags & MessageFlag::Outgoing) ? MTPDmessage::Flag::f_out : MTPDmessage::Flag(0)); const auto views = 1; const auto forwards = 0; history->addNewMessage( update.vid().v, MTP_message( MTP_flags(flags), update.vid(), peerToMTP(local->from()->id), peerToMTP(history->peer->id), MTPMessageFwdHeader(), MTPlong(), // via_bot_id replyHeader, update.vdate(), MTP_string(local->originalText().text), MTP_messageMediaEmpty(), MTPReplyMarkup(), Api::EntitiesToMTP( &history->session(), local->originalText().entities), MTP_int(views), MTP_int(forwards), MTPMessageReplies(), MTPint(), // edit_date MTP_string(), MTPlong(), MTPMessageReactions(), MTPVector(), MTP_int(update.vttl_period().value_or_empty())), localFlags, NewMessageType::Unread); local->destroy(); } void ScheduledMessages::apply(const MTPDupdateNewScheduledMessage &update) { const auto &message = update.vmessage(); const auto peer = PeerFromMessage(message); if (!peer) { return; } const auto history = _session->data().historyLoaded(peer); if (!history) { return; } auto &list = _data[history]; append(history, list, message); sort(list); _updates.fire_copy(history); } void ScheduledMessages::checkEntitiesAndUpdate(const MTPDmessage &data) { // When the user sends a message with a media scheduled until online // while the recipient is already online, or scheduled message // is already due and is sent immediately, the server sends // updateNewMessage or updateNewChannelMessage to the client // and the client calls this method. const auto peer = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer_id()); const auto history = _session->data().historyLoaded(peer); if (!history) { return; } const auto i = _data.find(history); if (i == end(_data)) { return; } const auto &itemMap = i->second.itemById; const auto j = itemMap.find(data.vid().v); if (j == end(itemMap)) { return; } const auto existing = j->second; if (!HasScheduledDate(existing)) { // Destroy a local message, that should be in history. existing->updateSentContent({ qs(data.vmessage()), Api::EntitiesFromMTP(_session, data.ventities().value_or_empty()) }, data.vmedia()); existing->updateReplyMarkup( HistoryMessageMarkupData(data.vreply_markup())); existing->updateForwardedInfo(data.vfwd_from()); _session->data().requestItemTextRefresh(existing); existing->destroy(); } } void ScheduledMessages::apply( const MTPDupdateDeleteScheduledMessages &update) { const auto peer = peerFromMTP(update.vpeer()); if (!peer) { return; } const auto history = _session->data().historyLoaded(peer); if (!history) { return; } auto i = _data.find(history); if (i == end(_data)) { return; } for (const auto &id : update.vmessages().v) { const auto &list = i->second; const auto j = list.itemById.find(id.v); if (j != end(list.itemById)) { j->second->destroy(); i = _data.find(history); if (i == end(_data)) { break; } } } _updates.fire_copy(history); } void ScheduledMessages::apply( const MTPDupdateMessageID &update, not_null local) { const auto id = update.vid().v; const auto i = _data.find(local->history()); Assert(i != end(_data)); auto &list = i->second; const auto j = list.itemById.find(id); if (j != end(list.itemById)) { local->destroy(); } else { Assert(!list.itemById.contains(local->id)); Assert(!list.idByItem.contains(local)); local->setRealId(local->history()->nextNonHistoryEntryId()); list.idByItem.emplace(local, id); list.itemById.emplace(id, local); } } void ScheduledMessages::appendSending(not_null item) { Expects(item->isSending()); Expects(item->isScheduled()); const auto history = item->history(); auto &list = _data[history]; list.items.emplace_back(item); sort(list); _updates.fire_copy(history); } void ScheduledMessages::removeSending(not_null item) { Expects(item->isSending() || item->hasFailed()); Expects(item->isScheduled()); item->destroy(); } rpl::producer<> ScheduledMessages::updates(not_null history) { request(history); return _updates.events( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null value) { return (value == history); }) | rpl::to_empty; } Data::MessagesSlice ScheduledMessages::list(not_null history) { auto result = Data::MessagesSlice(); const auto i = _data.find(history); if (i == end(_data)) { const auto i = _requests.find(history); if (i == end(_requests)) { return result; } result.fullCount = result.skippedAfter = result.skippedBefore = 0; return result; } const auto &list = i->second.items; result.skippedAfter = result.skippedBefore = 0; result.fullCount = int(list.size()); result.ids = ranges::views::all( list ) | ranges::views::transform( &HistoryItem::fullId ) | ranges::to_vector; return result; } void ScheduledMessages::request(not_null history) { const auto peer = history->peer; if (peer->isBroadcast() && !peer->canWrite()) { return; } auto &request = _requests[history]; if (request.requestId || TooEarlyForRequest(request.lastReceived)) { return; } const auto i = _data.find(history); const auto hash = (i != end(_data)) ? countListHash(i->second) : uint64(0); request.requestId = _session->api().request( MTPmessages_GetScheduledHistory(peer->input, MTP_long(hash)) ).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { parse(history, result); }).fail([=] { _requests.remove(history); }).send(); } void ScheduledMessages::parse( not_null history, const MTPmessages_Messages &list) { auto &request = _requests[history]; request.lastReceived = crl::now(); request.requestId = 0; if (!_clearTimer.isActive()) { _clearTimer.callOnce(kRequestTimeLimit * 2); } list.match([&](const MTPDmessages_messagesNotModified &data) { }, [&](const auto &data) { _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); const auto &messages = data.vmessages().v; if (messages.isEmpty()) { clearNotSending(history); return; } auto received = base::flat_set>(); auto clear = base::flat_set>(); auto &list = _data.emplace(history, List()).first->second; for (const auto &message : messages) { if (const auto item = append(history, list, message)) { received.emplace(item); } } for (const auto &owned : list.items) { const auto item = owned.get(); if (!item->isSending() && !received.contains(item)) { clear.emplace(item); } } updated(history, received, clear); }); } HistoryItem *ScheduledMessages::append( not_null history, List &list, const MTPMessage &message) { const auto id = message.match([&](const auto &data) { return data.vid().v; }); const auto i = list.itemById.find(id); if (i != end(list.itemById)) { const auto existing = i->second; message.match([&](const MTPDmessage &data) { // Scheduled messages never have an edit date, // so if we receive a flag about it, // probably this message was edited. if (data.is_edit_hide()) { existing->applyEdition(HistoryMessageEdition(_session, data)); } existing->updateSentContent({ qs(data.vmessage()), Api::EntitiesFromMTP( _session, data.ventities().value_or_empty()) }, data.vmedia()); existing->updateReplyMarkup( HistoryMessageMarkupData(data.vreply_markup())); existing->updateForwardedInfo(data.vfwd_from()); existing->updateDate(data.vdate().v); history->owner().requestItemTextRefresh(existing); }, [&](const auto &data) {}); return existing; } const auto item = _session->data().addNewMessage( history->nextNonHistoryEntryId(), PrepareMessage(message), MessageFlags(), // localFlags NewMessageType::Existing); if (!item || item->history() != history) { LOG(("API Error: Bad data received in scheduled messages.")); return nullptr; } list.items.emplace_back(item); list.itemById.emplace(id, item); list.idByItem.emplace(item, id); return item; } void ScheduledMessages::clearNotSending(not_null history) { const auto i = _data.find(history); if (i == end(_data)) { return; } auto clear = base::flat_set>(); for (const auto &owned : i->second.items) { if (!owned->isSending() && !owned->hasFailed()) { clear.emplace(owned.get()); } } updated(history, {}, clear); } void ScheduledMessages::updated( not_null history, const base::flat_set> &added, const base::flat_set> &clear) { if (!clear.empty()) { for (const auto &item : clear) { item->destroy(); } } const auto i = _data.find(history); if (i != end(_data)) { sort(i->second); } if (!added.empty() || !clear.empty()) { _updates.fire_copy(history); } } void ScheduledMessages::sort(List &list) { ranges::sort(list.items, ranges::less(), &HistoryItem::position); } void ScheduledMessages::remove(not_null item) { const auto history = item->history(); const auto i = _data.find(history); Assert(i != end(_data)); auto &list = i->second; if (!item->isSending() && !item->hasFailed()) { const auto j = list.idByItem.find(item); Assert(j != end(list.idByItem)); list.itemById.remove(j->second); list.idByItem.erase(j); } const auto k = ranges::find(list.items, item, &OwnedItem::get); Assert(k != list.items.end()); k->release(); list.items.erase(k); if (list.items.empty()) { _data.erase(i); } _updates.fire_copy(history); } uint64 ScheduledMessages::countListHash(const List &list) const { using namespace Api; auto hash = HashInit(); auto &&serverside = ranges::views::all( list.items ) | ranges::views::filter([](const OwnedItem &item) { return !item->isSending() && !item->hasFailed(); }) | ranges::views::reverse; for (const auto &item : serverside) { const auto j = list.idByItem.find(item.get()); HashUpdate(hash, j->second.bare); if (const auto edited = item->Get()) { HashUpdate(hash, edited->date); } else { HashUpdate(hash, TimeId(0)); } HashUpdate(hash, item->date()); } return HashFinalize(hash); } } // namespace Data