/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ffmpeg/ffmpeg_frame_generator.h" #include "ffmpeg/ffmpeg_utility.h" #include "base/debug_log.h" namespace FFmpeg { namespace { constexpr auto kMaxArea = 1920 * 1080 * 4; } // namespace class FrameGenerator::Impl final { public: explicit Impl(const QByteArray &bytes); [[nodiscard]] Frame renderNext( QImage storage, QSize size, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode); [[nodiscard]] Frame renderCurrent( QImage storage, QSize size, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode); void jumpToStart(); private: struct ReadFrame { FramePointer frame; crl::time position = 0; crl::time duration = 0; }; void readNextFrame(); void resolveNextFrameTiming(); [[nodiscard]] QString wrapError(int result) const; bool rotationSwapWidthHeight() const { return (_rotation == 90) || (_rotation == 270); } [[nodiscard]] static int Read( void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size); [[nodiscard]] static int64_t Seek( void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence); [[nodiscard]] int read(uint8_t *buf, int buf_size); [[nodiscard]] int64_t seek(int64_t offset, int whence); const QByteArray _bytes; int _deviceOffset = 0; FormatPointer _format; ReadFrame _current; ReadFrame _next; CodecPointer _codec; SwscalePointer _scale; int _streamId = 0; int _rotation = 0; //AVRational _aspect = kNormalAspect; crl::time _framePosition = 0; int _nextFrameDelay = 0; int _currentFrameDelay = 0; }; FrameGenerator::Impl::Impl(const QByteArray &bytes) : _bytes(bytes) { _format = MakeFormatPointer( static_cast(this), &FrameGenerator::Impl::Read, nullptr, &FrameGenerator::Impl::Seek); auto error = 0; if ((error = avformat_find_stream_info(_format.get(), nullptr))) { return; } _streamId = av_find_best_stream( _format.get(), AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, nullptr, 0); if (_streamId < 0) { return; } const auto info = _format->streams[_streamId]; _rotation = ReadRotationFromMetadata(info); //_aspect = ValidateAspectRatio(info->sample_aspect_ratio); _codec = MakeCodecPointer({ .stream = info }); } int FrameGenerator::Impl::Read(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) { return static_cast(opaque)->read(buf, buf_size); } int FrameGenerator::Impl::read(uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) { const auto available = _bytes.size() - _deviceOffset; if (available <= 0) { return AVERROR_EOF; } const auto fill = std::min(int(available), buf_size); memcpy(buf, _bytes.data() + _deviceOffset, fill); _deviceOffset += fill; return fill; } int64_t FrameGenerator::Impl::Seek( void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence) { return static_cast(opaque)->seek(offset, whence); } int64_t FrameGenerator::Impl::seek(int64_t offset, int whence) { if (whence == AVSEEK_SIZE) { return _bytes.size(); } const auto now = [&] { switch (whence) { case SEEK_SET: return offset; case SEEK_CUR: return _deviceOffset + offset; case SEEK_END: return int64_t(_bytes.size()) + offset; } return int64_t(-1); }(); if (now < 0 || now > _bytes.size()) { return -1; } _deviceOffset = now; return now; } FrameGenerator::Frame FrameGenerator::Impl::renderCurrent( QImage storage, QSize size, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode) { Expects(_current.frame != nullptr); const auto frame = _current.frame.get(); const auto width = frame->width; const auto height = frame->height; if (!width || !height) { LOG(("Webm Error: Bad frame size: %1x%2 ").arg(width).arg(height)); return {}; } auto scaled = QSize(width, height).scaled(size, mode); if (!scaled.isEmpty() && rotationSwapWidthHeight()) { scaled.transpose(); } if (!GoodStorageForFrame(storage, size)) { storage = CreateFrameStorage(size); } const auto dx = (size.width() - scaled.width()) / 2; const auto dy = (size.height() - scaled.height()) / 2; Assert(dx >= 0 && dy >= 0 && (!dx || !dy)); const auto srcFormat = (frame->format == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) ? _codec->pix_fmt : frame->format; const auto srcSize = QSize(frame->width, frame->height); const auto dstFormat = AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA; const auto dstSize = scaled; const auto bgra = (srcFormat == AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA); const auto withAlpha = bgra || (srcFormat == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P); const auto dstPerLine = storage.bytesPerLine(); auto dst = storage.bits() + dx * sizeof(int32) + dy * dstPerLine; if (srcSize == dstSize && bgra) { const auto srcPerLine = frame->linesize[0]; const auto perLine = std::min(srcPerLine, int(dstPerLine)); auto src = frame->data[0]; for (auto y = 0, height = srcSize.height(); y != height; ++y) { memcpy(dst, src, perLine); src += srcPerLine; dst += dstPerLine; } } else { _scale = MakeSwscalePointer( srcSize, srcFormat, dstSize, dstFormat, &_scale); Assert(_scale != nullptr); // AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS defined in AVFrame struct uint8_t *dstData[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { dst, nullptr }; int dstLinesize[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { int(dstPerLine), 0 }; sws_scale( _scale.get(), frame->data, frame->linesize, 0, frame->height, dstData, dstLinesize); } if (dx && size.height() > 0) { auto dst = storage.bits(); const auto line = scaled.width() * sizeof(int32); memset(dst, 0, dx * sizeof(int32)); dst += dx * sizeof(int32); for (auto y = 0; y != size.height() - 1; ++y) { memset(dst + line, 0, (dstPerLine - line)); dst += dstPerLine; } dst += line; memset(dst, 0, (size.width() - scaled.width() - dx) * sizeof(int32)); } else if (dy && size.width() > 0) { const auto dst = storage.bits(); memset(dst, 0, dstPerLine * dy); memset( dst + dstPerLine * (dy + scaled.height()), 0, dstPerLine * (size.height() - scaled.height() - dy)); } if (withAlpha) { PremultiplyInplace(storage); } if (_rotation != 0) { auto transform = QTransform(); transform.rotate(_rotation); storage = storage.transformed(transform); } const auto duration = _next.frame ? (_next.position - _current.position) : _current.duration; return { .duration = duration, .image = std::move(storage), .last = !_next.frame, }; } FrameGenerator::Frame FrameGenerator::Impl::renderNext( QImage storage, QSize size, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode) { if (!_current.frame) { readNextFrame(); } std::swap(_current, _next); if (!_current.frame) { return {}; } readNextFrame(); return renderCurrent(std::move(storage), size, mode); } void FrameGenerator::Impl::jumpToStart() { auto result = 0; if ((result = avformat_seek_file(_format.get(), _streamId, std::numeric_limits::min(), 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 0)) < 0) { if ((result = av_seek_frame(_format.get(), _streamId, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE)) < 0) { if ((result = av_seek_frame(_format.get(), _streamId, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME)) < 0) { if ((result = av_seek_frame(_format.get(), _streamId, 0, 0)) < 0) { LOG(("Webm Error: Unable to av_seek_frame() to the start, ") + wrapError(result)); return; } } } } avcodec_flush_buffers(_codec.get()); _current = ReadFrame(); _next = ReadFrame(); _currentFrameDelay = _nextFrameDelay = 0; _framePosition = 0; } void FrameGenerator::Impl::resolveNextFrameTiming() { const auto base = _format->streams[_streamId]->time_base; const auto duration = _next.frame->pkt_duration; const auto framePts = _next.frame->pts; auto framePosition = (framePts * 1000LL * base.num) / base.den; _currentFrameDelay = _nextFrameDelay; if (_framePosition + _currentFrameDelay < framePosition) { _currentFrameDelay = int32(framePosition - _framePosition); } else if (framePosition < _framePosition + _currentFrameDelay) { framePosition = _framePosition + _currentFrameDelay; } if (duration == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) { _nextFrameDelay = 0; } else { _nextFrameDelay = (duration * 1000LL * base.num) / base.den; } _framePosition = framePosition; _next.position = _framePosition; _next.duration = _nextFrameDelay; } void FrameGenerator::Impl::readNextFrame() { auto frame = _next.frame ? base::take(_next.frame) : MakeFramePointer(); while (true) { auto result = avcodec_receive_frame(_codec.get(), frame.get()); if (result >= 0) { if (frame->width * frame->height > kMaxArea) { return; } _next.frame = std::move(frame); resolveNextFrameTiming(); return; } if (result == AVERROR_EOF) { return; } else if (result != AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { LOG(("Webm Error: Unable to avcodec_receive_frame(), ") + wrapError(result)); return; } auto packet = Packet(); auto finished = false; do { const auto result = av_read_frame( _format.get(), &packet.fields()); if (result == AVERROR_EOF) { finished = true; break; } else if (result < 0) { LOG(("Webm Error: Unable to av_read_frame(), ") + wrapError(result)); return; } } while (packet.fields().stream_index != _streamId); if (finished) { result = avcodec_send_packet(_codec.get(), nullptr); // Drain. } else { const auto native = &packet.fields(); const auto guard = gsl::finally([ &, size = native->size, data = native->data ] { native->size = size; native->data = data; packet = Packet(); }); result = avcodec_send_packet(_codec.get(), native); } if (result < 0) { LOG(("Webm Error: Unable to avcodec_send_packet(), ") + wrapError(result)); return; } } } QString FrameGenerator::Impl::wrapError(int result) const { auto error = std::array{}; return u"error %1, %2"_q .arg(result) .arg(av_make_error_string(error.data(), error.size(), result)); } FrameGenerator::FrameGenerator(const QByteArray &bytes) : _impl(std::make_unique(bytes)) { } FrameGenerator::~FrameGenerator() = default; int FrameGenerator::count() { return 0; } double FrameGenerator::rate() { return 0.; } FrameGenerator::Frame FrameGenerator::renderNext( QImage storage, QSize size, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode) { return _impl->renderNext(std::move(storage), size, mode); } FrameGenerator::Frame FrameGenerator::renderCurrent( QImage storage, QSize size, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode) { return _impl->renderCurrent(std::move(storage), size, mode); } void FrameGenerator::jumpToStart() { _impl->jumpToStart(); } } // namespace FFmpeg