/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_sponsored_messages.h" #include "api/api_text_entities.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_peer_id.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "ui/image/image_location_factory.h" namespace Data { namespace { constexpr auto kRequestTimeLimit = 5 * 60 * crl::time(1000); [[nodiscard]] bool TooEarlyForRequest(crl::time received) { return (received > 0) && (received + kRequestTimeLimit > crl::now()); } } // namespace SponsoredMessages::SponsoredMessages(not_null owner) : _session(&owner->session()) , _clearTimer([=] { clearOldRequests(); }) { } SponsoredMessages::~SponsoredMessages() { for (const auto &request : _requests) { _session->api().request(request.second.requestId).cancel(); } } void SponsoredMessages::clearOldRequests() { const auto now = crl::now(); while (true) { const auto i = ranges::find_if(_requests, [&](const auto &value) { const auto &request = value.second; return !request.requestId && (request.lastReceived + kRequestTimeLimit <= now); }); if (i == end(_requests)) { break; } _requests.erase(i); } } bool SponsoredMessages::append(not_null history) { const auto it = _data.find(history); if (it == end(_data)) { return false; } auto &list = it->second; if (list.showedAll || !TooEarlyForRequest(list.received)) { return false; } const auto entryIt = ranges::find_if(list.entries, [](const Entry &e) { return e.item == nullptr; }); if (entryIt == end(list.entries)) { list.showedAll = true; return false; } entryIt->item.reset(history->addNewLocalMessage( _session->data().nextLocalMessageId(), entryIt->sponsored.from, entryIt->sponsored.textWithEntities)); return true; } bool SponsoredMessages::canHaveFor(not_null history) const { return history->peer->isChannel(); } void SponsoredMessages::request(not_null history) { if (!canHaveFor(history)) { return; } auto &request = _requests[history]; if (request.requestId || TooEarlyForRequest(request.lastReceived)) { return; } { const auto it = _data.find(history); if (it != end(_data)) { auto &list = it->second; // Don't rebuild currently displayed messages. const auto proj = [](const Entry &e) { return e.item != nullptr; }; if (ranges::any_of(list.entries, proj)) { return; } } } const auto channel = history->peer->asChannel(); Assert(channel != nullptr); request.requestId = _session->api().request( MTPchannels_GetSponsoredMessages( channel->inputChannel) ).done([=](const MTPmessages_sponsoredMessages &result) { parse(history, result); }).fail([=] { _requests.remove(history); }).send(); } void SponsoredMessages::parse( not_null history, const MTPmessages_sponsoredMessages &list) { auto &request = _requests[history]; request.lastReceived = crl::now(); request.requestId = 0; if (!_clearTimer.isActive()) { _clearTimer.callOnce(kRequestTimeLimit * 2); } list.match([&](const MTPDmessages_sponsoredMessages &data) { _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); const auto &messages = data.vmessages().v; auto &list = _data.emplace(history, List()).first->second; list.entries.clear(); list.received = crl::now(); for (const auto &message : messages) { append(history, list, message); } }); } void SponsoredMessages::append( not_null history, List &list, const MTPSponsoredMessage &message) { const auto &data = message.data(); const auto randomId = data.vrandom_id().v; const auto hash = qs(data.vchat_invite_hash().value_or_empty()); const auto makeFrom = [&]( not_null peer, bool exactPost = false) { const auto channel = peer->asChannel(); return SponsoredFrom{ .peer = peer, .title = peer->name(), .isBroadcast = (channel && channel->isBroadcast()), .isMegagroup = (channel && channel->isMegagroup()), .isChannel = (channel != nullptr), .isPublic = (channel && channel->isPublic()), .isBot = (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->isBot()), .isExactPost = exactPost, .isRecommended = data.is_recommended(), .userpic = { .location = peer->userpicLocation() }, }; }; const auto from = [&]() -> SponsoredFrom { if (data.vfrom_id()) { return makeFrom( _session->data().peer(peerFromMTP(*data.vfrom_id())), (data.vchannel_post() != nullptr)); } Assert(data.vchat_invite()); return data.vchat_invite()->match([&](const MTPDchatInvite &data) { auto userpic = data.vphoto().match([&](const MTPDphoto &data) { for (const auto &size : data.vsizes().v) { const auto result = Images::FromPhotoSize( _session, data, size); if (result.location.valid()) { return result; } } return ImageWithLocation{}; }, [](const MTPDphotoEmpty &) { return ImageWithLocation{}; }); return SponsoredFrom{ .title = qs(data.vtitle()), .isBroadcast = data.is_broadcast(), .isMegagroup = data.is_megagroup(), .isChannel = data.is_channel(), .isPublic = data.is_public(), .userpic = std::move(userpic), }; }, [&](const MTPDchatInviteAlready &data) { const auto chat = _session->data().processChat(data.vchat()); if (const auto channel = chat->asChannel()) { channel->clearInvitePeek(); } return makeFrom(chat); }, [&](const MTPDchatInvitePeek &data) { const auto chat = _session->data().processChat(data.vchat()); if (const auto channel = chat->asChannel()) { channel->setInvitePeek(hash, data.vexpires().v); } return makeFrom(chat); }); }(); auto sharedMessage = SponsoredMessage{ .randomId = randomId, .from = from, .textWithEntities = { .text = qs(data.vmessage()), .entities = Api::EntitiesFromMTP( _session, data.ventities().value_or_empty()), }, .history = history, .msgId = data.vchannel_post().value_or_empty(), .chatInviteHash = hash, }; list.entries.push_back({ nullptr, std::move(sharedMessage) }); } void SponsoredMessages::clearItems(not_null history) { const auto it = _data.find(history); if (it == end(_data)) { return; } auto &list = it->second; for (auto &entry : list.entries) { entry.item.reset(); } list.showedAll = false; } const SponsoredMessages::Entry *SponsoredMessages::find( const FullMsgId &fullId) const { if (!peerIsChannel(fullId.peer)) { return nullptr; } const auto history = _session->data().history(fullId.peer); const auto it = _data.find(history); if (it == end(_data)) { return nullptr; } auto &list = it->second; const auto entryIt = ranges::find_if(list.entries, [&](const Entry &e) { return e.item->fullId() == fullId; }); if (entryIt == end(list.entries)) { return nullptr; } return &*entryIt; } void SponsoredMessages::view(const FullMsgId &fullId) { const auto entryPtr = find(fullId); if (!entryPtr) { return; } const auto randomId = entryPtr->sponsored.randomId; auto &request = _viewRequests[randomId]; if (request.requestId || TooEarlyForRequest(request.lastReceived)) { return; } const auto channel = entryPtr->item->history()->peer->asChannel(); Assert(channel != nullptr); request.requestId = _session->api().request( MTPchannels_ViewSponsoredMessage( channel->inputChannel, MTP_bytes(randomId)) ).done([=] { auto &request = _viewRequests[randomId]; request.lastReceived = crl::now(); request.requestId = 0; }).fail([=] { _viewRequests.remove(randomId); }).send(); } SponsoredMessages::Details SponsoredMessages::lookupDetails( const FullMsgId &fullId) const { const auto entryPtr = find(fullId); if (!entryPtr) { return {}; } const auto &hash = entryPtr->sponsored.chatInviteHash; return { .hash = hash.isEmpty() ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(hash), .peer = entryPtr->sponsored.from.peer, .msgId = entryPtr->sponsored.msgId, }; } } // namespace Data