/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_histories.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_folder.h" #include "data/data_scheduled_messages.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/view/history_view_element.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "apiwrap.h" namespace Data { namespace { constexpr auto kReadRequestTimeout = 3 * crl::time(1000); } // namespace Histories::Histories(not_null owner) : _owner(owner) , _readRequestsTimer([=] { sendReadRequests(); }) { } Session &Histories::owner() const { return *_owner; } Main::Session &Histories::session() const { return _owner->session(); } History *Histories::find(PeerId peerId) { const auto i = peerId ? _map.find(peerId) : end(_map); return (i != end(_map)) ? i->second.get() : nullptr; } not_null Histories::findOrCreate(PeerId peerId) { Expects(peerId != 0); if (const auto result = find(peerId)) { return result; } const auto [i, ok] = _map.emplace( peerId, std::make_unique(&owner(), peerId)); return i->second.get(); } void Histories::unloadAll() { for (const auto &[peerId, history] : _map) { history->clear(History::ClearType::Unload); } } void Histories::clearAll() { _map.clear(); } void Histories::readInbox(not_null history) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: readInbox called.")); if (history->lastServerMessageKnown()) { const auto last = history->lastServerMessage(); DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: last known, reading till %1." ).arg(last ? last->id.bare : 0)); readInboxTill(history, last ? last->id : 0); return; } else if (history->loadedAtBottom()) { if (const auto lastId = history->maxMsgId()) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: loaded at bottom, maxMsgId %1." ).arg(lastId.bare)); readInboxTill(history, lastId); return; } else if (history->loadedAtTop()) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: loaded at bottom, loaded at top.")); readInboxTill(history, 0); return; } DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: loaded at bottom, but requesting entry.")); } requestDialogEntry(history, [=] { Expects(history->lastServerMessageKnown()); const auto last = history->lastServerMessage(); DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: got entry, reading till %1." ).arg(last ? last->id.bare : 0)); readInboxTill(history, last ? last->id : 0); }); } void Histories::readInboxTill(not_null item) { const auto history = item->history(); if (!item->isRegular()) { readClientSideMessage(item); auto view = item->mainView(); if (!view) { return; } auto block = view->block(); auto blockIndex = block->indexInHistory(); auto itemIndex = view->indexInBlock(); while (blockIndex > 0 || itemIndex > 0) { if (itemIndex > 0) { view = block->messages[--itemIndex].get(); } else { while (blockIndex > 0) { block = history->blocks[--blockIndex].get(); itemIndex = block->messages.size(); if (itemIndex > 0) { view = block->messages[--itemIndex].get(); break; } } } item = view->data(); if (item->isRegular()) { break; } } if (!item->isRegular()) { LOG(("App Error: " "Can't read history till unknown local message.")); return; } } readInboxTill(history, item->id); } void Histories::readInboxTill(not_null history, MsgId tillId) { readInboxTill(history, tillId, false); } void Histories::readInboxTill( not_null history, MsgId tillId, bool force) { Expects(IsServerMsgId(tillId) || (!tillId && !force)); DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: readInboxTill %1, force %2." ).arg(tillId.bare ).arg(Logs::b(force))); const auto syncGuard = gsl::finally([&] { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: in guard, unread %1." ).arg(history->unreadCount())); if (history->unreadCount() > 0) { if (const auto last = history->lastServerMessage()) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: checking last %1 and %2." ).arg(last->id.bare ).arg(tillId.bare)); if (last->id == tillId) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: locally marked as read.")); history->setUnreadCount(0); history->updateChatListEntry(); } } } }); Core::App().notifications().clearIncomingFromHistory(history); const auto needsRequest = history->readInboxTillNeedsRequest(tillId); if (!needsRequest && !force) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: readInboxTill finish 1.")); return; } else if (!history->trackUnreadMessages()) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: readInboxTill finish 2.")); return; } const auto maybeState = lookup(history); if (maybeState && maybeState->sentReadTill >= tillId) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: readInboxTill finish 3 with %1." ).arg(maybeState->sentReadTill.bare)); return; } else if (maybeState && maybeState->willReadTill >= tillId) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: readInboxTill finish 4 with %1 and force %2." ).arg(maybeState->sentReadTill.bare ).arg(Logs::b(force))); if (force) { sendPendingReadInbox(history); } return; } else if (!needsRequest && (!maybeState || !maybeState->willReadTill)) { return; } const auto stillUnread = history->countStillUnreadLocal(tillId); if (!force && stillUnread && history->unreadCountKnown() && *stillUnread == history->unreadCount()) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: count didn't change so just update till %1" ).arg(tillId.bare)); history->setInboxReadTill(tillId); return; } auto &state = maybeState ? *maybeState : _states[history]; state.willReadTill = tillId; if (force || !stillUnread || !*stillUnread) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: will read till %1 with still unread %2" ).arg(tillId.bare ).arg(stillUnread.value_or(-666))); state.willReadWhen = 0; sendReadRequests(); if (!stillUnread) { return; } } else if (!state.willReadWhen) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: will read till %1 with postponed" ).arg(tillId.bare)); state.willReadWhen = crl::now() + kReadRequestTimeout; if (!_readRequestsTimer.isActive()) { _readRequestsTimer.callOnce(kReadRequestTimeout); } } else { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: will read till %1 postponed already" ).arg(tillId.bare)); } DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: marking now with till %1 and still %2" ).arg(tillId.bare ).arg(*stillUnread)); history->setInboxReadTill(tillId); history->setUnreadCount(*stillUnread); history->updateChatListEntry(); } void Histories::readInboxOnNewMessage(not_null item) { if (!item->isRegular()) { readClientSideMessage(item); } else { readInboxTill(item->history(), item->id, true); } } void Histories::readClientSideMessage(not_null item) { if (item->out() || !item->unread()) { return; } const auto history = item->history(); item->markClientSideAsRead(); if (const auto unread = history->unreadCount()) { history->setUnreadCount(unread - 1); } } void Histories::requestDialogEntry(not_null folder) { if (_dialogFolderRequests.contains(folder)) { return; } _dialogFolderRequests.emplace(folder); auto peers = QVector( 1, MTP_inputDialogPeerFolder(MTP_int(folder->id()))); session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetPeerDialogs( MTP_vector(std::move(peers)) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_PeerDialogs &result) { applyPeerDialogs(result); _dialogFolderRequests.remove(folder); }).fail([=] { _dialogFolderRequests.remove(folder); }).send(); } void Histories::requestDialogEntry( not_null history, Fn callback) { const auto i = _dialogRequests.find(history); if (i != end(_dialogRequests)) { if (callback) { i->second.push_back(std::move(callback)); } return; } const auto [j, ok] = _dialogRequestsPending.try_emplace(history); if (callback) { j->second.push_back(std::move(callback)); } if (!ok) { return; } postponeRequestDialogEntries(); } void Histories::postponeRequestDialogEntries() { if (_dialogRequestsPending.size() > 1) { return; } Core::App().postponeCall(crl::guard(&session(), [=] { sendDialogRequests(); })); } void Histories::sendDialogRequests() { if (_dialogRequestsPending.empty()) { return; } const auto histories = ranges::views::all( _dialogRequestsPending ) | ranges::views::transform([](const auto &pair) { return pair.first; }) | ranges::views::filter([&](not_null history) { const auto state = lookup(history); if (!state) { return true; } else if (!postponeEntryRequest(*state)) { return true; } state->postponedRequestEntry = true; return false; }) | ranges::to_vector; auto peers = QVector(); const auto dialogPeer = [](not_null history) { return MTP_inputDialogPeer(history->peer->input); }; ranges::transform( histories, ranges::back_inserter(peers), dialogPeer); for (auto &[history, callbacks] : base::take(_dialogRequestsPending)) { _dialogRequests.emplace(history, std::move(callbacks)); } const auto finalize = [=] { for (const auto &history : histories) { const auto state = lookup(history); if (!state || !state->postponedRequestEntry) { dialogEntryApplied(history); history->updateChatListExistence(); } } }; session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetPeerDialogs( MTP_vector(std::move(peers)) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_PeerDialogs &result) { applyPeerDialogs(result); finalize(); }).fail([=] { finalize(); }).send(); } void Histories::dialogEntryApplied(not_null history) { const auto state = lookup(history); if (state && state->postponedRequestEntry) { return; } history->dialogEntryApplied(); if (const auto callbacks = _dialogRequestsPending.take(history)) { for (const auto &callback : *callbacks) { callback(); } } if (const auto callbacks = _dialogRequests.take(history)) { for (const auto &callback : *callbacks) { callback(); } } if (state && state->sentReadTill && state->sentReadDone) { history->setInboxReadTill(base::take(state->sentReadTill)); checkEmptyState(history); } } void Histories::applyPeerDialogs(const MTPmessages_PeerDialogs &dialogs) { Expects(dialogs.type() == mtpc_messages_peerDialogs); const auto &data = dialogs.c_messages_peerDialogs(); _owner->processUsers(data.vusers()); _owner->processChats(data.vchats()); _owner->processMessages(data.vmessages(), NewMessageType::Last); for (const auto &dialog : data.vdialogs().v) { dialog.match([&](const MTPDdialog &data) { if (const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer())) { _owner->history(peerId)->applyDialog(nullptr, data); } }, [&](const MTPDdialogFolder &data) { const auto folder = _owner->processFolder(data.vfolder()); folder->applyDialog(data); }); } _owner->sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); } void Histories::changeDialogUnreadMark( not_null history, bool unread) { history->setUnreadMark(unread); using Flag = MTPmessages_MarkDialogUnread::Flag; session().api().request(MTPmessages_MarkDialogUnread( MTP_flags(unread ? Flag::f_unread : Flag(0)), MTP_inputDialogPeer(history->peer->input) )).send(); } void Histories::requestFakeChatListMessage( not_null history) { if (_fakeChatListRequests.contains(history)) { return; } _fakeChatListRequests.emplace(history); sendRequest(history, RequestType::History, [=](Fn finish) { return session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetHistory( history->peer->input, MTP_int(0), // offset_id MTP_int(0), // offset_date MTP_int(0), // add_offset MTP_int(2), // limit MTP_int(0), // max_id MTP_int(0), // min_id MTP_long(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _fakeChatListRequests.erase(history); history->setFakeChatListMessageFrom(result); finish(); }).fail([=] { _fakeChatListRequests.erase(history); history->setFakeChatListMessageFrom(MTP_messages_messages( MTP_vector(0), MTP_vector(0), MTP_vector(0))); finish(); }).send(); }); } void Histories::requestGroupAround(not_null item) { const auto history = item->history(); const auto id = item->id; const auto i = _chatListGroupRequests.find(history); if (i != end(_chatListGroupRequests)) { if (i->second.aroundId == id) { return; } else { cancelRequest(i->second.requestId); _chatListGroupRequests.erase(i); } } constexpr auto kMaxAlbumCount = 10; const auto requestId = sendRequest(history, RequestType::History, [=]( Fn finish) { return session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetHistory( history->peer->input, MTP_int(id), MTP_int(0), // offset_date MTP_int(-kMaxAlbumCount), MTP_int(2 * kMaxAlbumCount - 1), MTP_int(0), // max_id MTP_int(0), // min_id MTP_long(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _owner->processExistingMessages( history->peer->asChannel(), result); _chatListGroupRequests.remove(history); history->migrateToOrMe()->applyChatListGroup( history->peer->id, result); finish(); }).fail([=] { _chatListGroupRequests.remove(history); finish(); }).send(); }); _chatListGroupRequests.emplace( history, ChatListGroupRequest{ .aroundId = id, .requestId = requestId }); } void Histories::sendPendingReadInbox(not_null history) { if (const auto state = lookup(history)) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: send pending now with till %1 and when %2" ).arg(state->willReadTill.bare ).arg(state->willReadWhen)); if (state->willReadTill && state->willReadWhen) { state->willReadWhen = 0; sendReadRequests(); } } } void Histories::sendReadRequests() { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: send requests with count %1.").arg(_states.size())); if (_states.empty()) { return; } const auto now = crl::now(); auto next = std::optional(); for (auto &[history, state] : _states) { if (!state.willReadTill) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: skipping zero till.")); continue; } else if (state.willReadWhen <= now) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: sending with till %1." ).arg(state.willReadTill.bare)); sendReadRequest(history, state); } else if (!next || *next > state.willReadWhen) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: scheduling for later send.")); next = state.willReadWhen; } } if (next.has_value()) { _readRequestsTimer.callOnce(*next - now); } else { _readRequestsTimer.cancel(); } } void Histories::sendReadRequest(not_null history, State &state) { Expects(state.willReadTill > state.sentReadTill); const auto tillId = state.sentReadTill = base::take(state.willReadTill); state.willReadWhen = 0; state.sentReadDone = false; DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: sending request now with till %1." ).arg(tillId.bare)); sendRequest(history, RequestType::ReadInbox, [=](Fn finish) { DEBUG_LOG(("Reading: sending request invoked with till %1." ).arg(tillId.bare)); const auto finished = [=] { const auto state = lookup(history); Assert(state != nullptr); if (state->sentReadTill == tillId) { state->sentReadDone = true; if (history->unreadCountRefreshNeeded(tillId)) { requestDialogEntry(history); } else { state->sentReadTill = 0; } } else { Assert(!state->sentReadTill || state->sentReadTill > tillId); } sendReadRequests(); finish(); }; if (const auto channel = history->peer->asChannel()) { return session().api().request(MTPchannels_ReadHistory( channel->inputChannel, MTP_int(tillId) )).done(finished).fail(finished).send(); } else { return session().api().request(MTPmessages_ReadHistory( history->peer->input, MTP_int(tillId) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) { session().api().applyAffectedMessages(history->peer, result); finished(); }).fail([=] { finished(); }).send(); } }); } void Histories::checkEmptyState(not_null history) { const auto empty = [](const State &state) { return state.postponed.empty() && !state.postponedRequestEntry && state.sent.empty() && (state.willReadTill == 0) && (state.sentReadTill == 0); }; const auto i = _states.find(history); if (i != end(_states) && empty(i->second)) { _states.erase(i); } } bool Histories::postponeHistoryRequest(const State &state) const { const auto proj = [](const auto &pair) { return pair.second.type; }; const auto i = ranges::find(state.sent, RequestType::Delete, proj); return (i != end(state.sent)); } bool Histories::postponeEntryRequest(const State &state) const { return ranges::any_of(state.sent, [](const auto &pair) { return pair.second.type != RequestType::History; }); } void Histories::deleteMessages( not_null history, const QVector &ids, bool revoke) { sendRequest(history, RequestType::Delete, [=](Fn finish) { const auto done = [=](const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) { session().api().applyAffectedMessages(history->peer, result); finish(); history->requestChatListMessage(); }; if (const auto channel = history->peer->asChannel()) { return session().api().request(MTPchannels_DeleteMessages( channel->inputChannel, MTP_vector(ids) )).done(done).fail(finish).send(); } else { using Flag = MTPmessages_DeleteMessages::Flag; return session().api().request(MTPmessages_DeleteMessages( MTP_flags(revoke ? Flag::f_revoke : Flag(0)), MTP_vector(ids) )).done(done).fail(finish).send(); } }); } void Histories::deleteAllMessages( not_null history, MsgId deleteTillId, bool justClear, bool revoke) { sendRequest(history, RequestType::Delete, [=](Fn finish) { const auto peer = history->peer; const auto chat = peer->asChat(); const auto channel = peer->asChannel(); if (!justClear && revoke && channel && channel->canDelete()) { return session().api().request(MTPchannels_DeleteChannel( channel->inputChannel )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { session().api().applyUpdates(result); //}).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { // if (error.type() == qstr("CHANNEL_TOO_LARGE")) { // Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_cant_delete_channel(tr::now))); // } }).send(); } else if (channel) { using Flag = MTPchannels_DeleteHistory::Flag; return session().api().request(MTPchannels_DeleteHistory( MTP_flags(revoke ? Flag::f_for_everyone : Flag(0)), channel->inputChannel, MTP_int(deleteTillId) )).done(finish).fail(finish).send(); } else if (revoke && chat && chat->amCreator()) { return session().api().request(MTPmessages_DeleteChat( chat->inputChat )).done(finish).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { if (error.type() == "PEER_ID_INVALID") { // Try to join and delete, // while delete fails for non-joined. session().api().request(MTPmessages_AddChatUser( chat->inputChat, MTP_inputUserSelf(), MTP_int(0) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &updates) { session().api().applyUpdates(updates); deleteAllMessages( history, deleteTillId, justClear, revoke); }).send(); } finish(); }).send(); } else { using Flag = MTPmessages_DeleteHistory::Flag; const auto flags = Flag(0) | (justClear ? Flag::f_just_clear : Flag(0)) | (revoke ? Flag::f_revoke : Flag(0)); return session().api().request(MTPmessages_DeleteHistory( MTP_flags(flags), peer->input, MTP_int(0), MTPint(), // min_date MTPint() // max_date )).done([=](const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result) { const auto offset = session().api().applyAffectedHistory( peer, result); if (offset > 0) { deleteAllMessages( history, deleteTillId, justClear, revoke); } finish(); }).fail(finish).send(); } }); } void Histories::deleteMessagesByDates( not_null history, QDate firstDayToDelete, QDate lastDayToDelete, bool revoke) { const auto firstSecondToDelete = base::unixtime::serialize( { firstDayToDelete, QTime(0, 0) } ); const auto lastSecondToDelete = base::unixtime::serialize( { lastDayToDelete, QTime(23, 59, 59) } ); deleteMessagesByDates( history, firstSecondToDelete - 1, lastSecondToDelete + 1, revoke); } void Histories::deleteMessagesByDates( not_null history, TimeId minDate, TimeId maxDate, bool revoke) { sendRequest(history, RequestType::Delete, [=](Fn finish) { const auto peer = history->peer; using Flag = MTPmessages_DeleteHistory::Flag; const auto flags = Flag::f_just_clear | Flag::f_min_date | Flag::f_max_date | (revoke ? Flag::f_revoke : Flag(0)); return session().api().request(MTPmessages_DeleteHistory( MTP_flags(flags), peer->input, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(minDate), MTP_int(maxDate) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result) { const auto offset = session().api().applyAffectedHistory( peer, result); if (offset > 0) { deleteMessagesByDates(history, minDate, maxDate, revoke); } finish(); }).fail(finish).send(); }); history->destroyMessagesByDates(minDate, maxDate); } void Histories::deleteMessages(const MessageIdsList &ids, bool revoke) { auto remove = std::vector>(); remove.reserve(ids.size()); base::flat_map, QVector> idsByPeer; base::flat_map, QVector> scheduledIdsByPeer; for (const auto &itemId : ids) { if (const auto item = _owner->message(itemId)) { const auto history = item->history(); if (item->isScheduled()) { const auto wasOnServer = !item->isSending() && !item->hasFailed(); if (wasOnServer) { scheduledIdsByPeer[history->peer].push_back(MTP_int( _owner->scheduledMessages().lookupId(item))); } else { _owner->scheduledMessages().removeSending(item); } continue; } remove.push_back(item); if (item->isRegular()) { idsByPeer[history].push_back(MTP_int(itemId.msg)); } } } for (const auto &[history, ids] : idsByPeer) { history->owner().histories().deleteMessages(history, ids, revoke); } for (const auto &[peer, ids] : scheduledIdsByPeer) { peer->session().api().request(MTPmessages_DeleteScheduledMessages( peer->input, MTP_vector(ids) )).done([peer = peer](const MTPUpdates &result) { peer->session().api().applyUpdates(result); }).send(); } for (const auto item : remove) { const auto history = item->history(); const auto wasLast = (history->lastMessage() == item); const auto wasInChats = (history->chatListMessage() == item); item->destroy(); if (wasLast || wasInChats) { history->requestChatListMessage(); } } } int Histories::sendRequest( not_null history, RequestType type, Fn finish)> generator) { Expects(type != RequestType::None); auto &state = _states[history]; const auto id = ++_requestAutoincrement; _historyByRequest.emplace(id, history); if (type == RequestType::History && postponeHistoryRequest(state)) { state.postponed.emplace( id, PostponedHistoryRequest{ std::move(generator) }); return id; } const auto requestId = generator([=] { checkPostponed(history, id); }); state.sent.emplace(id, SentRequest{ std::move(generator), requestId, type }); if (!state.postponedRequestEntry && postponeEntryRequest(state) && _dialogRequests.contains(history)) { state.postponedRequestEntry = true; } if (postponeHistoryRequest(state)) { const auto resendHistoryRequest = [&](auto &pair) { auto &[id, sent] = pair; if (sent.type != RequestType::History) { return false; } state.postponed.emplace( id, PostponedHistoryRequest{ std::move(sent.generator) }); session().api().request(sent.id).cancel(); return true; }; state.sent.erase( ranges::remove_if(state.sent, resendHistoryRequest), end(state.sent)); } return id; } int Histories::sendPreparedMessage( not_null history, MsgId replyTo, uint64 randomId, PreparedMessage message, Fn done, Fn fail) { return v::match(message, [&](const auto &request) { const auto type = RequestType::Send; return sendRequest(history, type, [=](Fn finish) { const auto session = &_owner->session(); const auto api = &session->api(); history->sendRequestId = api->request( base::duplicate(request) ).done([=]( const MTPUpdates &result, const MTP::Response &response) { api->applyUpdates(result, randomId); done(result, response); finish(); }).fail([=]( const MTP::Error &error, const MTP::Response &response) { fail(error, response); finish(); }).afterRequest( history->sendRequestId ).send(); return history->sendRequestId; }); }); } void Histories::checkPostponed(not_null history, int id) { if (const auto state = lookup(history)) { finishSentRequest(history, state, id); } } void Histories::cancelRequest(int id) { if (!id) { return; } const auto history = _historyByRequest.take(id); if (!history) { return; } const auto state = lookup(*history); if (!state) { return; } state->postponed.remove(id); finishSentRequest(*history, state, id); } void Histories::finishSentRequest( not_null history, not_null state, int id) { _historyByRequest.remove(id); const auto i = state->sent.find(id); if (i != end(state->sent)) { session().api().request(i->second.id).cancel(); state->sent.erase(i); } if (!state->postponed.empty() && !postponeHistoryRequest(*state)) { for (auto &[id, postponed] : base::take(state->postponed)) { const auto requestId = postponed.generator([=, id=id] { checkPostponed(history, id); }); state->sent.emplace(id, SentRequest{ std::move(postponed.generator), requestId, RequestType::History }); } } if (state->postponedRequestEntry && !postponeEntryRequest(*state)) { const auto i = _dialogRequests.find(history); Assert(i != end(_dialogRequests)); const auto [j, ok] = _dialogRequestsPending.emplace( history, std::move(i->second)); Assert(ok); _dialogRequests.erase(i); state->postponedRequestEntry = false; postponeRequestDialogEntries(); } checkEmptyState(history); } Histories::State *Histories::lookup(not_null history) { const auto i = _states.find(history); return (i != end(_states)) ? &i->second : nullptr; } } // namespace Data