/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "core/version.h" #include "settings.h" enum { MaxSelectedItems = 100, MaxPhoneCodeLength = 4, // max length of country phone code MaxPhoneTailLength = 32, // rest of the phone number, without country code (seen 12 at least), need more for service numbers LocalEncryptIterCount = 4000, // key derivation iteration count LocalEncryptNoPwdIterCount = 4, // key derivation iteration count without pwd (not secure anyway) LocalEncryptSaltSize = 32, // 256 bit AnimationTimerDelta = 7, ClipThreadsCount = 8, AverageGifSize = 320 * 240, WaitBeforeGifPause = 200, // wait 200ms for gif draw before pausing it RecentInlineBotsLimit = 10, AVBlockSize = 4096, // 4Kb for ffmpeg blocksize AutoSearchTimeout = 900, // 0.9 secs SearchPerPage = 50, SearchManyPerPage = 100, LinksOverviewPerPage = 12, MediaOverviewStartPerPage = 5, AudioVoiceMsgMaxLength = 100 * 60, // 100 minutes AudioVoiceMsgChannels = 2, // stereo PreloadHeightsCount = 3, // when 3 screens to scroll left make a preload request SearchPeopleLimit = 5, UsernameCheckTimeout = 200, MaxMessageSize = 4096, WebPageUserId = 701000, UpdateDelayConstPart = 8 * 3600, // 8 hour min time between update check requests UpdateDelayRandPart = 8 * 3600, // 8 hour max - min time between update check requests WrongPasscodeTimeout = 1500, ChoosePeerByDragTimeout = 1000, // 1 second mouse not moved to choose dialog when dragging a file }; inline const char *cGUIDStr() { #ifndef OS_MAC_STORE static const char *gGuidStr = "{87A94AB0-E370-4cde-98D3-ACC110C5967D}"; #else // OS_MAC_STORE static const char *gGuidStr = "{E51FB841-8C0B-4EF9-9E9E-5A0078567627}"; #endif // OS_MAC_STORE return gGuidStr; } static const char *UpdatesPublicKey = "\ -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n\ MIGJAoGBAMA4ViQrjkPZ9xj0lrer3r23JvxOnrtE8nI69XLGSr+sRERz9YnUptnU\n\ BZpkIfKaRcl6XzNJiN28cVwO1Ui5JSa814UAiDHzWUqCaXUiUEQ6NmNTneiGx2sQ\n\ +9PKKlb8mmr3BB9A45ZNwLT6G9AK3+qkZLHojeSA+m84/a6GP4svAgMBAAE=\n\ -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\ "; static const char *UpdatesPublicBetaKey = "\ -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n\ MIGJAoGBALWu9GGs0HED7KG7BM73CFZ6o0xufKBRQsdnq3lwA8nFQEvmdu+g/I1j\n\ 0LQ+0IQO7GW4jAgzF/4+soPDb6uHQeNFrlVx1JS9DZGhhjZ5rf65yg11nTCIHZCG\n\ w/CVnbwQOw0g5GBwwFV3r0uTTvy44xx8XXxk+Qknu4eBCsmrAFNnAgMBAAE=\n\ -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\ "; #if defined TDESKTOP_API_ID && defined TDESKTOP_API_HASH constexpr auto ApiId = TDESKTOP_API_ID; constexpr auto ApiHash = MACRO_TO_STRING(TDESKTOP_API_HASH); #else // TDESKTOP_API_ID && TDESKTOP_API_HASH // To build your version of Telegram Desktop you're required to provide // your own 'api_id' and 'api_hash' for the Telegram API access. // // How to obtain your 'api_id' and 'api_hash' is described here: // https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id // // If you're building the application not for deployment, // but only for test purposes you can comment out the error below. // // This will allow you to use TEST ONLY 'api_id' and 'api_hash' which are // very limited by the Telegram API server. // // Your users will start getting internal server errors on login // if you deploy an app using those 'api_id' and 'api_hash'. #error You are required to provide API_ID and API_HASH. constexpr auto ApiId = 17349; constexpr auto ApiHash = "344583e45741c457fe1862106095a5eb"; #endif // TDESKTOP_API_ID && TDESKTOP_API_HASH #if Q_BYTE_ORDER == Q_BIG_ENDIAN #error "Only little endian is supported!" #endif // Q_BYTE_ORDER == Q_BIG_ENDIAN #if (TDESKTOP_ALPHA_VERSION != 0) // Private key for downloading closed alphas. #include "../../../DesktopPrivate/alpha_private.h" #else static const char *AlphaPrivateKey = ""; #endif extern QString gKeyFile; inline const QString &cDataFile() { if (!gKeyFile.isEmpty()) return gKeyFile; static const QString res(qsl("data")); return res; } inline const QRegularExpression &cRussianLetters() { static QRegularExpression regexp(QString::fromUtf8("[а-яА-ЯёЁ]")); return regexp; }