/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "platform/linux/notifications_manager_linux.h" #include "base/options.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "base/platform/linux/base_linux_dbus_utilities.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/sandbox.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "data/data_forum_topic.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "ui/empty_userpic.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "base/weak_ptr.h" #include "window/notifications_utilities.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Platform { namespace Notifications { namespace { constexpr auto kService = "org.freedesktop.Notifications"; constexpr auto kObjectPath = "/org/freedesktop/Notifications"; constexpr auto kInterface = kService; constexpr auto kPropertiesInterface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"; using PropertyMap = std::map; struct ServerInformation { Glib::ustring name; Glib::ustring vendor; QVersionNumber version; QVersionNumber specVersion; }; bool ServiceRegistered = false; ServerInformation CurrentServerInformation; std::vector CurrentCapabilities; [[nodiscard]] bool HasCapability(const char *value) { return ranges::contains(CurrentCapabilities, value, &Glib::ustring::raw); } void Noexcept(Fn callback, Fn failed = nullptr) noexcept { try { callback(); return; } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG(("Native Notification Error: %1").arg(e.what())); } if (failed) { failed(); } } std::unique_ptr CreateServiceWatcher() { try { const auto connection = Gio::DBus::Connection::get_sync( Gio::DBus::BusType::SESSION); const auto activatable = [&] { try { return ranges::contains( base::Platform::DBus::ListActivatableNames(connection), kService, &Glib::ustring::raw); } catch (...) { // avoid service restart loop in sandboxed environments return true; } }(); return std::make_unique( connection, kService, [=]( const Glib::ustring &service, const Glib::ustring &oldOwner, const Glib::ustring &newOwner) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { if (activatable && newOwner.empty()) { Core::App().notifications().clearAll(); } else { Core::App().notifications().createManager(); } }); }); } catch (...) { } return nullptr; } void StartServiceAsync(Fn callback) { try { const auto connection = Gio::DBus::Connection::get_sync( Gio::DBus::BusType::SESSION); base::Platform::DBus::StartServiceByNameAsync( connection, kService, [=](Fn result) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { Noexcept([&] { try { result(); // get the error if any } catch (const Glib::Error &e) { static const auto NotSupportedErrors = { "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", }; const auto errorName = Gio::DBus::ErrorUtils::get_remote_error(e) .raw(); if (!ranges::contains( NotSupportedErrors, errorName)) { throw; } } }); callback(); }); }); return; } catch (...) { } callback(); } bool GetServiceRegistered() { try { const auto connection = Gio::DBus::Connection::get_sync( Gio::DBus::BusType::SESSION); const auto hasOwner = [&] { try { return base::Platform::DBus::NameHasOwner( connection, kService); } catch (...) { return false; } }(); static const auto activatable = [&] { try { return ranges::contains( base::Platform::DBus::ListActivatableNames(connection), kService, &Glib::ustring::raw); } catch (...) { return false; } }(); return hasOwner || activatable; } catch (...) { } return false; } void GetServerInformation(Fn callback) { Noexcept([&] { const auto connection = Gio::DBus::Connection::get_sync( Gio::DBus::BusType::SESSION); connection->call( kObjectPath, kInterface, "GetServerInformation", {}, [=](const Glib::RefPtr &result) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { Noexcept([&] { const auto reply = connection->call_finish(result); const auto name = reply .get_child(0) .get_dynamic(); const auto vendor = reply .get_child(1) .get_dynamic(); const auto version = reply .get_child(2) .get_dynamic(); const auto specVersion = reply .get_child(3) .get_dynamic(); callback(ServerInformation{ name, vendor, QVersionNumber::fromString( QString::fromStdString(version)), QVersionNumber::fromString( QString::fromStdString(specVersion)), }); }, [&] { callback({}); }); }); }, kService); }, [&] { callback({}); }); } void GetCapabilities(Fn &)> callback) { Noexcept([&] { const auto connection = Gio::DBus::Connection::get_sync( Gio::DBus::BusType::SESSION); connection->call( kObjectPath, kInterface, "GetCapabilities", {}, [=](const Glib::RefPtr &result) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { Noexcept([&] { callback( connection->call_finish(result) .get_child(0) .get_dynamic>() ); }, [&] { callback({}); }); }); }, kService); }, [&] { callback({}); }); } void GetInhibited(Fn callback) { Noexcept([&] { const auto connection = Gio::DBus::Connection::get_sync( Gio::DBus::BusType::SESSION); connection->call( kObjectPath, kPropertiesInterface, "Get", Glib::create_variant(std::tuple{ Glib::ustring(kInterface), Glib::ustring("Inhibited"), }), [=](const Glib::RefPtr &result) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { Noexcept([&] { callback( connection->call_finish(result) .get_child(0) .get_dynamic>() .get() ); }, [&] { callback(false); }); }); }, kService); }, [&] { callback(false); }); } Glib::ustring GetImageKey(const QVersionNumber &specificationVersion) { const auto normalizedVersion = specificationVersion.normalized(); if (normalizedVersion.isNull()) { LOG(("Native Notification Error: specification version is null")); return {}; } if (normalizedVersion >= QVersionNumber(1, 2)) { return "image-data"; } else if (normalizedVersion == QVersionNumber(1, 1)) { return "image_data"; } return "icon_data"; } bool UseGNotification() { if (!Gio::Application::get_default()) { return false; } if (Window::Notifications::OptionGNotification.value()) { return true; } return KSandbox::isFlatpak() && !ServiceRegistered; } class NotificationData final : public base::has_weak_ptr { public: using NotificationId = Window::Notifications::Manager::NotificationId; NotificationData( not_null manager, NotificationId id); [[nodiscard]] bool init( const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, Window::Notifications::Manager::DisplayOptions options); NotificationData(const NotificationData &other) = delete; NotificationData &operator=(const NotificationData &other) = delete; NotificationData(NotificationData &&other) = delete; NotificationData &operator=(NotificationData &&other) = delete; ~NotificationData(); void show(); void close(); void setImage(QImage image); private: const not_null _manager; NotificationId _id; Glib::RefPtr _application; Glib::RefPtr _notification; const std::string _guid; Glib::RefPtr _dbusConnection; Glib::ustring _title; Glib::ustring _body; std::vector _actions; std::map _hints; Glib::ustring _imageKey; uint _notificationId = 0; uint _actionInvokedSignalId = 0; uint _activationTokenSignalId = 0; uint _notificationRepliedSignalId = 0; uint _notificationClosedSignalId = 0; void notificationClosed(uint id, uint reason); void actionInvoked(uint id, const Glib::ustring &actionName); void activationToken(uint id, const Glib::ustring &token); void notificationReplied(uint id, const Glib::ustring &text); }; using Notification = std::unique_ptr; NotificationData::NotificationData( not_null manager, NotificationId id) : _manager(manager) , _id(id) , _application(UseGNotification() ? Gio::Application::get_default() : nullptr) , _guid(_application ? Gio::DBus::generate_guid() : std::string()) { } bool NotificationData::init( const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, Window::Notifications::Manager::DisplayOptions options) { if (_application) { _notification = Gio::Notification::create( subtitle.isEmpty() ? title.toStdString() : subtitle.toStdString() + " (" + title.toStdString() + ')'); _notification->set_body(msg.toStdString()); _notification->set_icon( Gio::ThemedIcon::create(base::IconName().toStdString())); // for chat messages, according to // https://docs.gtk.org/gio/enum.NotificationPriority.html _notification->set_priority(Gio::Notification::Priority::HIGH); // glib 2.70+, we keep glib 2.56+ compatibility static const auto set_category = [] { // reset dlerror after dlsym call const auto guard = gsl::finally([] { dlerror(); }); return reinterpret_cast( dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "g_notification_set_category")); }(); if (set_category) { set_category(_notification->gobj(), "im.received"); } const auto idTuple = _id.toTuple(); _notification->set_default_action( "app.notification-activate", idTuple); if (!options.hideMarkAsRead) { _notification->add_button( tr::lng_context_mark_read(tr::now).toStdString(), "app.notification-mark-as-read", idTuple); } return true; } Noexcept([&] { _dbusConnection = Gio::DBus::Connection::get_sync( Gio::DBus::BusType::SESSION); }); if (!_dbusConnection) { return false; } const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); const auto signalEmitted = crl::guard(weak, [=]( const Glib::RefPtr &connection, const Glib::ustring &sender_name, const Glib::ustring &object_path, const Glib::ustring &interface_name, const Glib::ustring &signal_name, const Glib::VariantContainerBase ¶meters) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { Noexcept([&] { if (signal_name == "ActionInvoked") { const auto id = parameters .get_child(0) .get_dynamic(); const auto actionName = parameters .get_child(1) .get_dynamic(); actionInvoked(id, actionName); } else if (signal_name == "ActivationToken") { const auto id = parameters .get_child(0) .get_dynamic(); const auto token = parameters .get_child(1) .get_dynamic(); activationToken(id, token); } else if (signal_name == "NotificationReplied") { const auto id = parameters .get_child(0) .get_dynamic(); const auto text = parameters .get_child(1) .get_dynamic(); notificationReplied(id, text); } else if (signal_name == "NotificationClosed") { const auto id = parameters .get_child(0) .get_dynamic(); const auto reason = parameters .get_child(1) .get_dynamic(); notificationClosed(id, reason); } }); }); }); _imageKey = GetImageKey(CurrentServerInformation.specVersion); if (HasCapability("body-markup")) { _title = title.toStdString(); _body = subtitle.isEmpty() ? msg.toHtmlEscaped().toStdString() : u"%1\n%2"_q.arg( subtitle.toHtmlEscaped(), msg.toHtmlEscaped()).toStdString(); } else { _title = subtitle.isEmpty() ? title.toStdString() : subtitle.toStdString() + " (" + title.toStdString() + ')'; _body = msg.toStdString(); } if (HasCapability("actions")) { _actions.push_back("default"); _actions.push_back(tr::lng_open_link(tr::now).toStdString()); if (!options.hideMarkAsRead) { // icon name according to https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html _actions.push_back("mail-mark-read"); _actions.push_back( tr::lng_context_mark_read(tr::now).toStdString()); } if (HasCapability("inline-reply") && !options.hideReplyButton) { _actions.push_back("inline-reply"); _actions.push_back( tr::lng_notification_reply(tr::now).toStdString()); _notificationRepliedSignalId = _dbusConnection->signal_subscribe( signalEmitted, kService, kInterface, "NotificationReplied", kObjectPath); } _actionInvokedSignalId = _dbusConnection->signal_subscribe( signalEmitted, kService, kInterface, "ActionInvoked", kObjectPath); _activationTokenSignalId = _dbusConnection->signal_subscribe( signalEmitted, kService, kInterface, "ActivationToken", kObjectPath); } if (HasCapability("action-icons")) { _hints["action-icons"] = Glib::create_variant(true); } // suppress system sound if telegram sound activated, // otherwise use system sound if (HasCapability("sound")) { if (Core::App().settings().soundNotify()) { _hints["suppress-sound"] = Glib::create_variant(true); } else { // sound name according to http://0pointer.de/public/sound-naming-spec.html _hints["sound-name"] = Glib::create_variant( Glib::ustring("message-new-instant")); } } if (HasCapability("x-canonical-append")) { _hints["x-canonical-append"] = Glib::create_variant( Glib::ustring("true")); } _hints["category"] = Glib::create_variant(Glib::ustring("im.received")); _hints["desktop-entry"] = Glib::create_variant( Glib::ustring(QGuiApplication::desktopFileName().toStdString())); _notificationClosedSignalId = _dbusConnection->signal_subscribe( signalEmitted, kService, kInterface, "NotificationClosed", kObjectPath); return true; } NotificationData::~NotificationData() { if (_dbusConnection) { if (_actionInvokedSignalId != 0) { _dbusConnection->signal_unsubscribe(_actionInvokedSignalId); } if (_activationTokenSignalId != 0) { _dbusConnection->signal_unsubscribe(_activationTokenSignalId); } if (_notificationRepliedSignalId != 0) { _dbusConnection->signal_unsubscribe(_notificationRepliedSignalId); } if (_notificationClosedSignalId != 0) { _dbusConnection->signal_unsubscribe(_notificationClosedSignalId); } } } void NotificationData::show() { if (_application && _notification) { _application->send_notification(_guid, _notification); return; } // a hack for snap's activation restriction const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); StartServiceAsync(crl::guard(weak, [=] { const auto iconName = _imageKey.empty() || _hints.find(_imageKey) == end(_hints) ? Glib::ustring(base::IconName().toStdString()) : Glib::ustring(); const auto connection = _dbusConnection; connection->call( kObjectPath, kInterface, "Notify", Glib::create_variant(std::tuple{ Glib::ustring(std::string(AppName)), uint(0), iconName, _title, _body, _actions, _hints, -1, }), crl::guard(weak, [=]( const Glib::RefPtr &result) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { Noexcept([&] { _notificationId = connection->call_finish(result) .get_child(0) .get_dynamic(); }, [&] { _manager->clearNotification(_id); }); }); }), kService); })); } void NotificationData::close() { if (_application) { _application->withdraw_notification(_guid); _manager->clearNotification(_id); return; } _dbusConnection->call( kObjectPath, kInterface, "CloseNotification", Glib::create_variant(std::tuple{ _notificationId, }), {}, kService, -1, Gio::DBus::CallFlags::NO_AUTO_START); _manager->clearNotification(_id); } void NotificationData::setImage(QImage image) { if (_notification) { const auto imageData = [&] { QByteArray ba; QBuffer buffer(&ba); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); image.save(&buffer, "PNG"); return ba; }(); _notification->set_icon( Gio::BytesIcon::create( Glib::Bytes::create( imageData.constData(), imageData.size()))); return; } if (_imageKey.empty()) { return; } if (image.hasAlphaChannel()) { image.convertTo(QImage::Format_RGBA8888); } else { image.convertTo(QImage::Format_RGB888); } _hints[_imageKey] = Glib::create_variant(std::tuple{ image.width(), image.height(), int(image.bytesPerLine()), image.hasAlphaChannel(), 8, image.hasAlphaChannel() ? 4 : 3, std::vector( image.constBits(), image.constBits() + image.sizeInBytes()), }); } void NotificationData::notificationClosed(uint id, uint reason) { /* * From: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/notification-spec/latest/ar01s09.html * The reason the notification was closed * 1 - The notification expired. * 2 - The notification was dismissed by the user. * 3 - The notification was closed by a call to CloseNotification. * 4 - Undefined/reserved reasons. * * If the notification was dismissed by the user (reason == 2), the notification is not kept in notification history. * We do not need to send a "CloseNotification" call later to clear it from history. * Therefore we can drop the notification reference now. * In all other cases we keep the notification reference so that we may clear the notification later from history, * if the message for that notification is read (e.g. chat is opened or read from another device). */ if (id == _notificationId && reason == 2) { _manager->clearNotification(_id); } } void NotificationData::actionInvoked( uint id, const Glib::ustring &actionName) { if (id != _notificationId) { return; } if (actionName == "default") { _manager->notificationActivated(_id); } else if (actionName == "mail-mark-read") { _manager->notificationReplied(_id, {}); } } void NotificationData::activationToken(uint id, const Glib::ustring &token) { if (id == _notificationId) { qputenv("XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN", QByteArray::fromStdString(token)); } } void NotificationData::notificationReplied( uint id, const Glib::ustring &text) { if (id == _notificationId) { _manager->notificationReplied( _id, { QString::fromStdString(text), {} }); } } } // namespace bool SkipToastForCustom() { return false; } void MaybePlaySoundForCustom(Fn playSound) { playSound(); } void MaybeFlashBounceForCustom(Fn flashBounce) { flashBounce(); } bool WaitForInputForCustom() { return true; } bool Supported() { return ServiceRegistered || UseGNotification(); } bool Enforced() { // Wayland doesn't support positioning // and custom notifications don't work here return IsWayland() || (Gio::Application::get_default() && Window::Notifications::OptionGNotification.value()); } bool ByDefault() { // The capabilities are static, equivalent to 'body' and 'actions' only if (UseGNotification()) { return false; } // A list of capabilities that offer feature parity // with custom notifications return ranges::all_of(std::array{ // To show message content "body", // To have buttons on notifications "actions", // To have quick reply "inline-reply", // To not to play sound with Don't Disturb activated // (no, using sound capability is not a way) "inhibitions", }, [](const auto *capability) { return HasCapability(capability); }); } void Create(Window::Notifications::System *system) { static const auto ServiceWatcher = CreateServiceWatcher(); const auto managerSetter = [=] { using ManagerType = Window::Notifications::ManagerType; if ((Core::App().settings().nativeNotifications() || Enforced()) && Supported()) { if (system->manager().type() != ManagerType::Native) { system->setManager(std::make_unique(system)); } } else if (Enforced()) { if (system->manager().type() != ManagerType::Dummy) { using DummyManager = Window::Notifications::DummyManager; system->setManager(std::make_unique(system)); } } else if (system->manager().type() != ManagerType::Default) { system->setManager(nullptr); } }; const auto counter = std::make_shared(2); const auto oneReady = [=] { if (!--*counter) { managerSetter(); } }; // snap doesn't allow access when the daemon is not running :( StartServiceAsync([=] { ServiceRegistered = GetServiceRegistered(); if (!ServiceRegistered) { CurrentServerInformation = {}; CurrentCapabilities = {}; managerSetter(); return; } GetServerInformation([=](const ServerInformation &result) { CurrentServerInformation = result; oneReady(); }); GetCapabilities([=](const std::vector &result) { CurrentCapabilities = result; oneReady(); }); }); } class Manager::Private : public base::has_weak_ptr { public: explicit Private(not_null manager); void showNotification( not_null peer, MsgId topicRootId, Ui::PeerUserpicView &userpicView, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, DisplayOptions options); void clearAll(); void clearFromItem(not_null item); void clearFromTopic(not_null topic); void clearFromHistory(not_null history); void clearFromSession(not_null session); void clearNotification(NotificationId id); void invokeIfNotInhibited(Fn callback); ~Private(); private: const not_null _manager; base::flat_map< ContextId, base::flat_map> _notifications; Glib::RefPtr _dbusConnection; bool _inhibited = false; uint _inhibitedSignalId = 0; }; Manager::Private::Private(not_null manager) : _manager(manager) { const auto &serverInformation = CurrentServerInformation; if (!serverInformation.name.empty()) { LOG(("Notification daemon product name: %1") .arg(serverInformation.name.c_str())); } if (!serverInformation.vendor.empty()) { LOG(("Notification daemon vendor name: %1") .arg(serverInformation.vendor.c_str())); } if (!serverInformation.version.isNull()) { LOG(("Notification daemon version: %1") .arg(serverInformation.version.toString())); } if (!serverInformation.specVersion.isNull()) { LOG(("Notification daemon specification version: %1") .arg(serverInformation.specVersion.toString())); } if (!CurrentCapabilities.empty()) { LOG(("Notification daemon capabilities: %1").arg( ranges::fold_left( CurrentCapabilities, "", [](const Glib::ustring &a, const Glib::ustring &b) { return a + (a.empty() ? "" : ", ") + b; }).c_str())); } if (HasCapability("inhibitions")) { Noexcept([&] { _dbusConnection = Gio::DBus::Connection::get_sync( Gio::DBus::BusType::SESSION); }); if (!_dbusConnection) { return; } const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); GetInhibited(crl::guard(weak, [=](bool result) { _inhibited = result; })); _inhibitedSignalId = _dbusConnection->signal_subscribe( crl::guard(weak, [=]( const Glib::RefPtr &connection, const Glib::ustring &sender_name, const Glib::ustring &object_path, const Glib::ustring &interface_name, const Glib::ustring &signal_name, const Glib::VariantContainerBase ¶meters) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { Noexcept([&] { const auto interface = parameters .get_child(0) .get_dynamic(); if (interface != kInterface) { return; } _inhibited = parameters .get_child(1) .get_dynamic() .at("Inhibited") .get_dynamic(); }); }); }), kService, kPropertiesInterface, "PropertiesChanged", kObjectPath); } } void Manager::Private::showNotification( not_null peer, MsgId topicRootId, Ui::PeerUserpicView &userpicView, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, DisplayOptions options) { const auto key = ContextId{ .sessionId = peer->session().uniqueId(), .peerId = peer->id, .topicRootId = topicRootId, }; const auto notificationId = NotificationId{ .contextId = key, .msgId = msgId, }; auto notification = std::make_unique( _manager, notificationId); const auto inited = notification->init( title, subtitle, msg, options); if (!inited) { return; } if (!options.hideNameAndPhoto) { notification->setImage( Window::Notifications::GenerateUserpic(peer, userpicView)); } auto i = _notifications.find(key); if (i != end(_notifications)) { auto j = i->second.find(msgId); if (j != end(i->second)) { auto oldNotification = std::move(j->second); i->second.erase(j); oldNotification->close(); i = _notifications.find(key); } } if (i == end(_notifications)) { i = _notifications.emplace( key, base::flat_map()).first; } const auto j = i->second.emplace( msgId, std::move(notification)).first; j->second->show(); } void Manager::Private::clearAll() { for (const auto &[key, notifications] : base::take(_notifications)) { for (const auto &[msgId, notification] : notifications) { notification->close(); } } } void Manager::Private::clearFromItem(not_null item) { const auto key = ContextId{ .sessionId = item->history()->session().uniqueId(), .peerId = item->history()->peer->id, .topicRootId = item->topicRootId(), }; const auto i = _notifications.find(key); if (i == _notifications.cend()) { return; } const auto j = i->second.find(item->id); if (j == i->second.end()) { return; } const auto taken = base::take(j->second); i->second.erase(j); if (i->second.empty()) { _notifications.erase(i); } taken->close(); } void Manager::Private::clearFromTopic(not_null topic) { const auto key = ContextId{ .sessionId = topic->session().uniqueId(), .peerId = topic->history()->peer->id }; const auto i = _notifications.find(key); if (i != _notifications.cend()) { const auto temp = base::take(i->second); _notifications.erase(i); for (const auto &[msgId, notification] : temp) { notification->close(); } } } void Manager::Private::clearFromHistory(not_null history) { const auto sessionId = history->session().uniqueId(); const auto peerId = history->peer->id; auto i = _notifications.lower_bound(ContextId{ .sessionId = sessionId, .peerId = peerId, }); while (i != _notifications.cend() && i->first.sessionId == sessionId && i->first.peerId == peerId) { const auto temp = base::take(i->second); i = _notifications.erase(i); for (const auto &[msgId, notification] : temp) { notification->close(); } } } void Manager::Private::clearFromSession(not_null session) { const auto sessionId = session->uniqueId(); auto i = _notifications.lower_bound(ContextId{ .sessionId = sessionId, }); while (i != _notifications.cend() && i->first.sessionId == sessionId) { const auto temp = base::take(i->second); i = _notifications.erase(i); for (const auto &[msgId, notification] : temp) { notification->close(); } } } void Manager::Private::clearNotification(NotificationId id) { auto i = _notifications.find(id.contextId); if (i != _notifications.cend()) { if (i->second.remove(id.msgId) && i->second.empty()) { _notifications.erase(i); } } } void Manager::Private::invokeIfNotInhibited(Fn callback) { if (!_inhibited) { callback(); } } Manager::Private::~Private() { clearAll(); if (_dbusConnection) { if (_inhibitedSignalId != 0) { _dbusConnection->signal_unsubscribe(_inhibitedSignalId); } } } Manager::Manager(not_null system) : NativeManager(system) , _private(std::make_unique(this)) { } void Manager::clearNotification(NotificationId id) { _private->clearNotification(id); } Manager::~Manager() = default; void Manager::doShowNativeNotification( not_null peer, MsgId topicRootId, Ui::PeerUserpicView &userpicView, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, DisplayOptions options) { _private->showNotification( peer, topicRootId, userpicView, msgId, title, subtitle, msg, options); } void Manager::doClearAllFast() { _private->clearAll(); } void Manager::doClearFromItem(not_null item) { _private->clearFromItem(item); } void Manager::doClearFromTopic(not_null topic) { _private->clearFromTopic(topic); } void Manager::doClearFromHistory(not_null history) { _private->clearFromHistory(history); } void Manager::doClearFromSession(not_null session) { _private->clearFromSession(session); } bool Manager::doSkipToast() const { return false; } void Manager::doMaybePlaySound(Fn playSound) { _private->invokeIfNotInhibited(std::move(playSound)); } void Manager::doMaybeFlashBounce(Fn flashBounce) { _private->invokeIfNotInhibited(std::move(flashBounce)); } } // namespace Notifications } // namespace Platform