/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "core/launcher.h" #include "platform/platform_launcher.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "base/options.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_file_utilities.h" #include "ui/main_queue_processor.h" #include "core/crash_reports.h" #include "core/update_checker.h" #include "core/sandbox.h" #include "base/concurrent_timer.h" #include "base/options.h" #include #include namespace Core { namespace { uint64 InstallationTag = 0; base::options::toggle OptionFreeType({ .id = kOptionFreeType, .name = "FreeType font engine", .description = "Use the font engine from Linux instead of the system one.", .scope = base::options::windows | base::options::macos, .restartRequired = true, }); class FilteredCommandLineArguments { public: FilteredCommandLineArguments(int argc, char **argv); int &count(); char **values(); private: static constexpr auto kForwardArgumentCount = 1; int _count = 0; std::vector _owned; std::vector _arguments; void pushArgument(const char *text); }; FilteredCommandLineArguments::FilteredCommandLineArguments( int argc, char **argv) { // For now just pass only the first argument, the executable path. for (auto i = 0; i != kForwardArgumentCount; ++i) { pushArgument(argv[i]); } #if defined Q_OS_WIN || defined Q_OS_MAC if (OptionFreeType.value()) { pushArgument("-platform"); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN pushArgument("windows:fontengine=freetype"); #else // Q_OS_WIN pushArgument("cocoa:fontengine=freetype"); #endif // !Q_OS_WIN } #endif // Q_OS_WIN || Q_OS_MAC pushArgument(nullptr); } int &FilteredCommandLineArguments::count() { _count = _arguments.size() - 1; return _count; } char **FilteredCommandLineArguments::values() { return _arguments.data(); } void FilteredCommandLineArguments::pushArgument(const char *text) { _owned.emplace_back(text); _arguments.push_back(_owned.back().data()); } QString DebugModeSettingPath() { return cWorkingDir() + u"tdata/withdebug"_q; } void WriteDebugModeSetting() { auto file = QFile(DebugModeSettingPath()); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { file.write(Logs::DebugEnabled() ? "1" : "0"); } } void ComputeDebugMode() { Logs::SetDebugEnabled(cAlphaVersion() != 0); const auto debugModeSettingPath = DebugModeSettingPath(); auto file = QFile(debugModeSettingPath); if (file.exists() && file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { Logs::SetDebugEnabled(file.read(1) != "0"); } if (cDebugMode()) { Logs::SetDebugEnabled(true); } if (Logs::DebugEnabled()) { QLoggingCategory::setFilterRules("qt.qpa.gl.debug=true"); } } void ComputeExternalUpdater() { auto locations = QStandardPaths::standardLocations( QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation); if (locations.isEmpty()) { locations << QString(); } locations[0] = QDir::cleanPath(cWorkingDir()); locations << QDir::cleanPath(cExeDir()); for (const auto &location : locations) { const auto dir = location + u"/externalupdater.d"_q; for (const auto &info : QDir(dir).entryInfoList(QDir::Files)) { QFile file(info.absoluteFilePath()); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream fileStream(&file); while (!fileStream.atEnd()) { const auto path = fileStream.readLine(); if (path == (cExeDir() + cExeName())) { SetUpdaterDisabledAtStartup(); return; } } } } } } QString InstallBetaVersionsSettingPath() { return cWorkingDir() + u"tdata/devversion"_q; } void WriteInstallBetaVersionsSetting() { QFile f(InstallBetaVersionsSettingPath()); if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { f.write(cInstallBetaVersion() ? "1" : "0"); } } void ComputeInstallBetaVersions() { const auto installBetaSettingPath = InstallBetaVersionsSettingPath(); if (cAlphaVersion()) { cSetInstallBetaVersion(false); } else if (QFile::exists(installBetaSettingPath)) { QFile f(installBetaSettingPath); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { cSetInstallBetaVersion(f.read(1) != "0"); } } else if (AppBetaVersion) { WriteInstallBetaVersionsSetting(); } } void ComputeInstallationTag() { InstallationTag = 0; auto file = QFile(cWorkingDir() + u"tdata/usertag"_q); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { const auto result = file.read( reinterpret_cast(&InstallationTag), sizeof(uint64)); if (result != sizeof(uint64)) { InstallationTag = 0; } file.close(); } if (!InstallationTag) { auto generator = std::mt19937(std::random_device()()); auto distribution = std::uniform_int_distribution(); do { InstallationTag = distribution(generator); } while (!InstallationTag); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { file.write( reinterpret_cast(&InstallationTag), sizeof(uint64)); file.close(); } } } bool MoveLegacyAlphaFolder(const QString &folder, const QString &file) { const auto was = cExeDir() + folder; const auto now = cExeDir() + u"TelegramForcePortable"_q; if (QDir(was).exists() && !QDir(now).exists()) { const auto oldFile = was + "/tdata/" + file; const auto newFile = was + "/tdata/alpha"; if (QFile::exists(oldFile) && !QFile::exists(newFile)) { if (!QFile(oldFile).copy(newFile)) { LOG(("FATAL: Could not copy '%1' to '%2'").arg( oldFile, newFile)); return false; } } if (!QDir().rename(was, now)) { LOG(("FATAL: Could not rename '%1' to '%2'").arg(was, now)); return false; } } return true; } bool MoveLegacyAlphaFolder() { if (!MoveLegacyAlphaFolder(u"TelegramAlpha_data"_q, u"alpha"_q) || !MoveLegacyAlphaFolder(u"TelegramBeta_data"_q, u"beta"_q)) { return false; } return true; } bool CheckPortableVersionFolder() { if (!MoveLegacyAlphaFolder()) { return false; } const auto portable = cExeDir() + u"TelegramForcePortable"_q; QFile key(portable + u"/tdata/alpha"_q); if (cAlphaVersion()) { Assert(*AlphaPrivateKey != 0); cForceWorkingDir(portable); QDir().mkpath(cWorkingDir() + u"tdata"_q); cSetAlphaPrivateKey(QByteArray(AlphaPrivateKey)); if (!key.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { LOG(("FATAL: Could not open '%1' for writing private key!" ).arg(key.fileName())); return false; } QDataStream dataStream(&key); dataStream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_3); dataStream << quint64(cRealAlphaVersion()) << cAlphaPrivateKey(); return true; } if (!QDir(portable).exists()) { return true; } cForceWorkingDir(portable); if (!key.exists()) { return true; } if (!key.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { LOG(("FATAL: could not open '%1' for reading private key. " "Delete it or reinstall private alpha version." ).arg(key.fileName())); return false; } QDataStream dataStream(&key); dataStream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_3); quint64 v; QByteArray k; dataStream >> v >> k; if (dataStream.status() != QDataStream::Ok || k.isEmpty()) { LOG(("FATAL: '%1' is corrupted. " "Delete it or reinstall private alpha version." ).arg(key.fileName())); return false; } cSetAlphaVersion(AppVersion * 1000ULL); cSetAlphaPrivateKey(k); cSetRealAlphaVersion(v); return true; } base::options::toggle OptionFractionalScalingEnabled({ .id = kOptionFractionalScalingEnabled, .name = "Enable precise High DPI scaling", .description = "Follow system interface scale settings exactly.", .scope = base::options::windows | base::options::linux, .restartRequired = true, }); } // namespace const char kOptionFractionalScalingEnabled[] = "fractional-scaling-enabled"; const char kOptionFreeType[] = "freetype"; Launcher *Launcher::InstanceSetter::Instance = nullptr; std::unique_ptr Launcher::Create(int argc, char *argv[]) { return std::make_unique(argc, argv); } Launcher::Launcher(int argc, char *argv[]) : _argc(argc) , _argv(argv) , _arguments(readArguments(_argc, _argv)) , _baseIntegration(_argc, _argv) , _initialWorkingDir(QDir::currentPath() + '/') { crl::toggle_fp_exceptions(true); base::Integration::Set(&_baseIntegration); } Launcher::~Launcher() { InstanceSetter::Instance = nullptr; } void Launcher::init() { prepareSettings(); initQtMessageLogging(); QApplication::setApplicationName(u"TelegramDesktop"_q); #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) // fallback session management is useless for tdesktop since it doesn't have // any "are you sure you want to close this window?" dialogs // but it produces bugs like https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/issues/5022 // and https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/issues/7549 // and https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/issues/948 // more info: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qguiapplication.html#isFallbackSessionManagementEnabled QApplication::setFallbackSessionManagementEnabled(false); #endif // Qt < 6.0.0 initHook(); } void Launcher::initHighDpi() { #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 2, 0) qputenv("QT_DPI_ADJUSTMENT_POLICY", "AdjustDpi"); #endif // Qt < 6.2.0 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling, true); #endif // Qt < 6.0.0 if (OptionFractionalScalingEnabled.value()) { QApplication::setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy( Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::PassThrough); } else { QApplication::setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy( Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::RoundPreferFloor); } } int Launcher::exec() { init(); if (cLaunchMode() == LaunchModeFixPrevious) { return psFixPrevious(); } else if (cLaunchMode() == LaunchModeCleanup) { return psCleanup(); } // Must be started before Platform is started. Logs::start(); base::options::init(cWorkingDir() + "tdata/experimental_options.json"); // Must be called after options are inited. initHighDpi(); if (Logs::DebugEnabled()) { const auto openalLogPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators( cWorkingDir() + u"DebugLogs/last_openal_log.txt"_q); qputenv("ALSOFT_LOGLEVEL", "3"); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN _wputenv_s( L"ALSOFT_LOGFILE", openalLogPath.toStdWString().c_str()); #else // Q_OS_WIN qputenv( "ALSOFT_LOGFILE", QFile::encodeName(openalLogPath)); #endif // !Q_OS_WIN } // Must be started before Sandbox is created. Platform::start(); auto result = executeApplication(); DEBUG_LOG(("Telegram finished, result: %1").arg(result)); if (!UpdaterDisabled() && cRestartingUpdate()) { DEBUG_LOG(("Sandbox Info: executing updater to install update.")); if (!launchUpdater(UpdaterLaunch::PerformUpdate)) { base::Platform::DeleteDirectory(cWorkingDir() + u"tupdates/temp"_q); } } else if (cRestarting()) { DEBUG_LOG(("Sandbox Info: executing Telegram because of restart.")); launchUpdater(UpdaterLaunch::JustRelaunch); } CrashReports::Finish(); Platform::finish(); Logs::finish(); return result; } bool Launcher::validateCustomWorkingDir() { if (customWorkingDir()) { if (_customWorkingDir == cWorkingDir()) { _customWorkingDir = QString(); return false; } cForceWorkingDir(_customWorkingDir); return true; } return false; } void Launcher::workingFolderReady() { srand((unsigned int)time(nullptr)); ComputeDebugMode(); ComputeExternalUpdater(); ComputeInstallBetaVersions(); ComputeInstallationTag(); } void Launcher::writeDebugModeSetting() { WriteDebugModeSetting(); } void Launcher::writeInstallBetaVersionsSetting() { WriteInstallBetaVersionsSetting(); } bool Launcher::checkPortableVersionFolder() { return CheckPortableVersionFolder(); } QStringList Launcher::readArguments(int argc, char *argv[]) const { Expects(argc >= 0); if (const auto native = readArgumentsHook(argc, argv)) { return *native; } auto result = QStringList(); result.reserve(argc); for (auto i = 0; i != argc; ++i) { result.push_back(base::FromUtf8Safe(argv[i])); } return result; } const QStringList &Launcher::arguments() const { return _arguments; } QString Launcher::initialWorkingDir() const { return _initialWorkingDir; } bool Launcher::customWorkingDir() const { return !_customWorkingDir.isEmpty(); } void Launcher::prepareSettings() { auto path = base::Platform::CurrentExecutablePath(_argc, _argv); LOG(("Executable path before check: %1").arg(path)); if (cExeName().isEmpty()) { LOG(("WARNING: Could not compute executable path, some features will be disabled.")); } processArguments(); } void Launcher::initQtMessageLogging() { static QtMessageHandler OriginalMessageHandler = nullptr; OriginalMessageHandler = qInstallMessageHandler([]( QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) { if (OriginalMessageHandler) { OriginalMessageHandler(type, context, msg); } if (Logs::DebugEnabled() || !Logs::started()) { if (!Logs::WritingEntry()) { // Sometimes Qt logs something inside our own logging. LOG((msg)); } } }); } uint64 Launcher::installationTag() const { return InstallationTag; } void Launcher::processArguments() { enum class KeyFormat { NoValues, OneValue, AllLeftValues, }; auto parseMap = std::map { { "-debug" , KeyFormat::NoValues }, { "-key" , KeyFormat::OneValue }, { "-autostart" , KeyFormat::NoValues }, { "-fixprevious" , KeyFormat::NoValues }, { "-cleanup" , KeyFormat::NoValues }, { "-noupdate" , KeyFormat::NoValues }, { "-tosettings" , KeyFormat::NoValues }, { "-startintray" , KeyFormat::NoValues }, { "-quit" , KeyFormat::NoValues }, { "-sendpath" , KeyFormat::AllLeftValues }, { "-workdir" , KeyFormat::OneValue }, { "--" , KeyFormat::OneValue }, { "-scale" , KeyFormat::OneValue }, }; auto parseResult = QMap(); auto parsingKey = QByteArray(); auto parsingFormat = KeyFormat::NoValues; for (const auto &argument : std::as_const(_arguments)) { switch (parsingFormat) { case KeyFormat::OneValue: { parseResult[parsingKey] = QStringList(argument.mid(0, 8192)); parsingFormat = KeyFormat::NoValues; } break; case KeyFormat::AllLeftValues: { parseResult[parsingKey].push_back(argument.mid(0, 8192)); } break; case KeyFormat::NoValues: { parsingKey = argument.toLatin1(); auto it = parseMap.find(parsingKey); if (it != parseMap.end()) { parsingFormat = it->second; parseResult[parsingKey] = QStringList(); } } break; } } static const auto RegExp = QRegularExpression("[^a-z0-9\\-_]"); gDebugMode = parseResult.contains("-debug"); gKeyFile = parseResult .value("-key", {}) .join(QString()) .toLower() .replace(RegExp, {}); gLaunchMode = parseResult.contains("-autostart") ? LaunchModeAutoStart : parseResult.contains("-fixprevious") ? LaunchModeFixPrevious : parseResult.contains("-cleanup") ? LaunchModeCleanup : LaunchModeNormal; gNoStartUpdate = parseResult.contains("-noupdate"); gStartToSettings = parseResult.contains("-tosettings"); gStartInTray = parseResult.contains("-startintray"); gQuit = parseResult.contains("-quit"); gSendPaths = parseResult.value("-sendpath", {}); _customWorkingDir = parseResult.value("-workdir", {}).join(QString()); if (!_customWorkingDir.isEmpty()) { _customWorkingDir = QDir(_customWorkingDir).absolutePath() + '/'; } gStartUrl = parseResult.value("--", {}).join(QString()); const auto scaleKey = parseResult.value("-scale", {}); if (scaleKey.size() > 0) { using namespace style; const auto value = scaleKey[0].toInt(); gConfigScale = ((value < kScaleMin) || (value > kScaleMax)) ? kScaleAuto : value; } } int Launcher::executeApplication() { FilteredCommandLineArguments arguments(_argc, _argv); Sandbox sandbox(arguments.count(), arguments.values()); Ui::MainQueueProcessor processor; base::ConcurrentTimerEnvironment environment; return sandbox.start(); } } // namespace Core