/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/chat/message_bar.h" #include "ui/text/text_options.h" #include "ui/image/image_prepare.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" #include "styles/palette.h" namespace Ui { namespace { [[nodiscard]] int SameFirstPartLength(const QString &a, const QString &b) { const auto [i, j] = ranges::mismatch(a, b); return (i - a.begin()); } [[nodiscard]] bool MuchDifferent( int same, const QString &a, const QString &b) { return (same * 2 < a.size()) || (same * 2 < b.size()); } [[nodiscard]] bool MuchDifferent(const QString &a, const QString &b) { return MuchDifferent(SameFirstPartLength(a, b), a, b); } [[nodiscard]] bool ComplexTitleAnimation( int same, const QString &a, const QString &b) { return !MuchDifferent(same, a, b) && (same != a.size() || same != b.size()); } } // namespace MessageBar::MessageBar(not_null parent, const style::MessageBar &st) : _st(st) , _widget(parent) { setup(); style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _topBarGradient = _bottomBarGradient = QPixmap(); }, _widget.lifetime()); } void MessageBar::setup() { _widget.resize(0, st::historyReplyHeight); _widget.paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect rect) { auto p = Painter(&_widget); paint(p); }, _widget.lifetime()); } void MessageBar::set(MessageBarContent &&content) { _contentLifetime.destroy(); tweenTo(std::move(content)); } void MessageBar::set(rpl::producer content) { _contentLifetime.destroy(); std::move( content ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](MessageBarContent &&content) { tweenTo(std::move(content)); }, _contentLifetime); } MessageBar::BodyAnimation MessageBar::DetectBodyAnimationType( Animation *currentAnimation, const MessageBarContent ¤tContent, const MessageBarContent &nextContent) { const auto now = currentAnimation ? currentAnimation->bodyAnimation : BodyAnimation::None; const auto somethingChanged = (currentContent.text != nextContent.text) || (currentContent.title != nextContent.title) || (currentContent.index != nextContent.index) || (currentContent.count != nextContent.count); return (now == BodyAnimation::Full || MuchDifferent(currentContent.title, nextContent.title) || (currentContent.title.isEmpty() && somethingChanged)) ? BodyAnimation::Full : (now == BodyAnimation::Text || somethingChanged) ? BodyAnimation::Text : BodyAnimation::None; } void MessageBar::tweenTo(MessageBarContent &&content) { Expects(content.count > 0); Expects(content.index >= 0 && content.index < content.count); _widget.update(); if (!_st.duration || anim::Disabled() || _widget.size().isEmpty()) { updateFromContent(std::move(content)); return; } const auto hasImageChanged = (_content.preview.isNull() != content.preview.isNull()); const auto bodyChanged = (_content.index != content.index || _content.count != content.count || _content.title != content.title || _content.text != content.text || _content.preview.constBits() != content.preview.constBits()); const auto barCountChanged = (_content.count != content.count); const auto barFrom = _content.index; const auto barTo = content.index; auto animation = Animation(); animation.bodyAnimation = DetectBodyAnimationType( _animation.get(), _content, content); animation.movingTo = (content.index > _content.index) ? RectPart::Top : (content.index < _content.index) ? RectPart::Bottom : RectPart::None; animation.imageFrom = grabImagePart(); animation.bodyOrTextFrom = grabBodyOrTextPart(animation.bodyAnimation); const auto sameLength = SameFirstPartLength( _content.title, content.title); if (animation.bodyAnimation == BodyAnimation::Text && ComplexTitleAnimation(sameLength, _content.title, content.title)) { animation.titleSame = grabTitleBase(sameLength); animation.titleFrom = grabTitlePart(sameLength); } auto was = std::move(_animation); updateFromContent(std::move(content)); animation.imageTo = grabImagePart(); animation.bodyOrTextTo = grabBodyOrTextPart(animation.bodyAnimation); if (!animation.titleSame.isNull()) { animation.titleTo = grabTitlePart(sameLength); } if (was) { _animation = std::move(was); std::swap(*_animation, animation); _animation->imageShown = std::move(animation.imageShown); _animation->barScroll = std::move(animation.barScroll); _animation->barTop = std::move(animation.barTop); } else { _animation = std::make_unique(std::move(animation)); } if (hasImageChanged) { _animation->imageShown.start( [=] { _widget.update(); }, _image.isNull() ? 1. : 0., _image.isNull() ? 0. : 1., _st.duration); } if (bodyChanged) { _animation->bodyMoved.start( [=] { _widget.update(); }, 0., 1., _st.duration); } if (barCountChanged) { _animation->barScroll.stop(); _animation->barTop.stop(); } else if (barFrom != barTo) { const auto wasState = countBarState(barFrom); const auto nowState = countBarState(barTo); _animation->barScroll.start( [=] { _widget.update(); }, wasState.scroll, nowState.scroll, _st.duration); _animation->barTop.start( [] {}, wasState.offset, nowState.offset, _st.duration); } } void MessageBar::updateFromContent(MessageBarContent &&content) { _content = std::move(content); _title.setText(_st.title, _content.title); _text.setMarkedText(_st.text, _content.text, Ui::DialogTextOptions()); _image = prepareImage(_content.preview); } QRect MessageBar::imageRect() const { const auto left = st::msgReplyBarSkip + st::msgReplyBarSkip; const auto top = st::msgReplyPadding.top(); const auto size = st::msgReplyBarSize.height(); return QRect(left, top, size, size); } QRect MessageBar::titleRangeRect(int from, int till) const { auto result = bodyRect(); result.setHeight(st::msgServiceNameFont->height); const auto left = from ? st::msgServiceNameFont->width(_content.title.mid(0, from)) : 0; const auto right = (till <= _content.title.size()) ? st::msgServiceNameFont->width(_content.title.mid(0, till)) : result.width(); result.setLeft(result.left() + left); result.setWidth(right - left); return result; } QRect MessageBar::bodyRect(bool withImage) const { const auto innerLeft = st::msgReplyBarSkip + st::msgReplyBarSkip; const auto imageSkip = st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyBarSkip - st::msgReplyBarSize.width() - st::msgReplyBarPos.x(); const auto left = innerLeft + (withImage ? imageSkip : 0); const auto top = st::msgReplyPadding.top(); const auto width = _widget.width() - left - st::msgReplyPadding.right(); const auto height = st::msgReplyBarSize.height(); return QRect(left, top, width, height); } QRect MessageBar::bodyRect() const { return bodyRect(!_image.isNull()); } QRect MessageBar::textRect() const { auto result = bodyRect(); result.setTop(result.top() + st::msgServiceNameFont->height); return result; } auto MessageBar::makeGrabGuard() { auto imageShown = _animation ? std::move(_animation->imageShown) : Ui::Animations::Simple(); return gsl::finally([&, shown = std::move(imageShown)]() mutable { if (_animation) { _animation->imageShown = std::move(shown); } }); } QPixmap MessageBar::grabBodyOrTextPart(BodyAnimation type) { return (type == BodyAnimation::Full) ? grabBodyPart() : (type == BodyAnimation::Text) ? grabTextPart() : QPixmap(); } QPixmap MessageBar::grabTitleBase(int till) { return grabTitleRange(0, till); } QPixmap MessageBar::grabTitlePart(int from) { Expects(from <= _content.title.size()); return grabTitleRange(from, _content.title.size()); } QPixmap MessageBar::grabTitleRange(int from, int till) { const auto guard = makeGrabGuard(); return GrabWidget(widget(), titleRangeRect(from, till)); } QPixmap MessageBar::grabBodyPart() { const auto guard = makeGrabGuard(); return GrabWidget(widget(), bodyRect()); } QPixmap MessageBar::grabTextPart() { const auto guard = makeGrabGuard(); return GrabWidget(widget(), textRect()); } QPixmap MessageBar::grabImagePart() { if (!_animation) { return _image; } const auto guard = makeGrabGuard(); return (_animation->bodyMoved.animating() && !_animation->imageFrom.isNull() && !_animation->imageTo.isNull()) ? GrabWidget(widget(), imageRect()) : _animation->imageFrom; } void MessageBar::finishAnimating() { if (_animation) { _animation = nullptr; _widget.update(); } } QPixmap MessageBar::prepareImage(const QImage &preview) { return QPixmap::fromImage(preview, Qt::ColorOnly); } void MessageBar::paint(Painter &p) { const auto progress = _animation ? _animation->bodyMoved.value(1.) : 1.; const auto imageFinal = _image.isNull() ? 0. : 1.; const auto imageShown = _animation ? _animation->imageShown.value(imageFinal) : imageFinal; if (progress == 1. && imageShown == imageFinal && _animation) { _animation = nullptr; } const auto body = [&] { if (!_animation || !_animation->imageShown.animating()) { return bodyRect(); } const auto noImage = bodyRect(false); const auto withImage = bodyRect(true); return QRect( anim::interpolate(noImage.x(), withImage.x(), imageShown), noImage.y(), anim::interpolate(noImage.width(), withImage.width(), imageShown), noImage.height()); }(); const auto text = textRect(); const auto image = imageRect(); const auto width = _widget.width(); const auto noShift = !_animation || (_animation->movingTo == RectPart::None); const auto shiftFull = st::msgReplyBarSkip; const auto shiftTo = noShift ? 0 : (_animation->movingTo == RectPart::Top) ? anim::interpolate(shiftFull, 0, progress) : anim::interpolate(-shiftFull, 0, progress); const auto shiftFrom = noShift ? 0 : (_animation->movingTo == RectPart::Top) ? (shiftTo - shiftFull) : (shiftTo + shiftFull); paintLeftBar(p); if (!_animation) { if (!_image.isNull()) { p.drawPixmap(image, _image); } } else if (!_animation->imageTo.isNull() || (!_animation->imageFrom.isNull() && _animation->imageShown.animating())) { const auto rect = [&] { if (!_animation->imageShown.animating()) { return image; } const auto size = anim::interpolate(0, image.width(), imageShown); return QRect( image.x(), image.y() + (image.height() - size) / 2, size, size); }(); if (_animation->bodyMoved.animating()) { p.setOpacity(1. - progress); p.drawPixmap( rect.translated(0, shiftFrom), _animation->imageFrom); p.setOpacity(progress); p.drawPixmap(rect.translated(0, shiftTo), _animation->imageTo); p.setOpacity(1.); } else { p.drawPixmap(rect, _image); } } if (!_animation || _animation->bodyAnimation == BodyAnimation::None) { if (_title.isEmpty()) { // "Loading..." state. p.setPen(st::historyComposeAreaFgService); _text.drawLeftElided( p, body.x(), body.y() + (body.height() - st::normalFont->height) / 2, body.width(), width); } else { p.setPen(_st.textFg); p.setTextPalette(_st.textPalette); _text.drawLeftElided(p, body.x(), text.y(), body.width(), width); } } else if (_animation->bodyAnimation == BodyAnimation::Text) { p.setOpacity(1. - progress); p.drawPixmap( body.x(), text.y() + shiftFrom, _animation->bodyOrTextFrom); p.setOpacity(progress); p.drawPixmap(body.x(), text.y() + shiftTo, _animation->bodyOrTextTo); p.setOpacity(1.); } if (!_animation || _animation->bodyAnimation != BodyAnimation::Full) { if (_animation && !_animation->titleSame.isNull()) { const auto factor = style::DevicePixelRatio(); p.drawPixmap(body.x(), body.y(), _animation->titleSame); p.setOpacity(1. - progress); p.drawPixmap( body.x() + (_animation->titleSame.width() / factor), body.y() + shiftFrom, _animation->titleFrom); p.setOpacity(progress); p.drawPixmap( body.x() + (_animation->titleSame.width() / factor), body.y() + shiftTo, _animation->titleTo); p.setOpacity(1.); } else { p.setPen(_st.titleFg); _title.drawLeftElided(p, body.x(), body.y(), body.width(), width); } } else { p.setOpacity(1. - progress); p.drawPixmap( body.x(), body.y() + shiftFrom, _animation->bodyOrTextFrom); p.setOpacity(progress); p.drawPixmap(body.x(), body.y() + shiftTo, _animation->bodyOrTextTo); p.setOpacity(1.); } } auto MessageBar::countBarState(int index) const -> BarState { Expects(index >= 0 && index < _content.count); auto result = BarState(); const auto line = st::msgReplyBarSize.width(); const auto height = st::msgReplyBarSize.height(); const auto count = _content.count; const auto shownCount = std::min(count, 4); const auto dividers = (shownCount - 1) * line; const auto size = float64(st::msgReplyBarSize.height() - dividers) / shownCount; const auto fullHeight = count * size + (count - 1) * line; const auto topByIndex = [&](int index) { return index * (size + line); }; result.scroll = (count < 5 || index < 2) ? 0 : (index >= count - 2) ? (fullHeight - height) : (topByIndex(index) - (height - size) / 2); result.size = size; result.skip = line; result.offset = topByIndex(index); return result; } auto MessageBar::countBarState() const -> BarState { return countBarState(_content.index); } void MessageBar::ensureGradientsCreated(int size) { if (!_topBarGradient.isNull()) { return; } const auto rows = size * style::DevicePixelRatio() - 2; auto bottomMask = QImage( QSize(1, size) * style::DevicePixelRatio(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); const auto step = ((1ULL << 24) - 1) / rows; const auto limit = step * rows; auto bits = bottomMask.bits(); const auto perLine = bottomMask.bytesPerLine(); for (auto counter = uint32(0); counter != limit; counter += step) { const auto value = (counter >> 16); memset(bits, int(value), perLine); bits += perLine; } memset(bits, 255, perLine * 2); auto bottom = style::colorizeImage(bottomMask, st::historyPinnedBg); bottom.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); auto top = bottom.mirrored(); _bottomBarGradient = Images::PixmapFast(std::move(bottom)); _topBarGradient = Images::PixmapFast(std::move(top)); } void MessageBar::paintLeftBar(Painter &p) { const auto state = countBarState(); const auto gradientSize = int(std::ceil(state.size * 2.5)); if (_content.count > 4) { ensureGradientsCreated(gradientSize); } const auto scroll = _animation ? _animation->barScroll.value(state.scroll) : state.scroll; const auto offset = _animation ? _animation->barTop.value(state.offset) : state.offset; const auto line = st::msgReplyBarSize.width(); const auto height = st::msgReplyBarSize.height(); const auto activeFrom = offset - scroll; const auto activeTill = activeFrom + state.size; const auto single = state.size + state.skip; const auto barSkip = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarPos.y(); const auto fullHeight = barSkip + height + barSkip; const auto bar = QRect( st::msgReplyBarSkip + st::msgReplyBarPos.x(), barSkip, line, state.size); const auto paintFromScroll = std::max(scroll - barSkip, 0.); const auto paintFrom = int(std::floor(paintFromScroll / single)); const auto paintTillScroll = (scroll + height + barSkip); const auto paintTill = std::min( int(std::floor(paintTillScroll / single)) + 1, _content.count); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); const auto activeBrush = QBrush(st::msgInReplyBarColor); const auto inactiveBrush = QBrush(QColor( st::msgInReplyBarColor->c.red(), st::msgInReplyBarColor->c.green(), st::msgInReplyBarColor->c.blue(), st::msgInReplyBarColor->c.alpha() / 3)); const auto radius = line / 2.; auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); p.setClipRect(bar.x(), 0, bar.width(), fullHeight); for (auto i = paintFrom; i != paintTill; ++i) { const auto top = i * single - scroll; const auto bottom = top + state.size; const auto active = (top == activeFrom); p.setBrush(active ? activeBrush : inactiveBrush); p.drawRoundedRect(bar.translated(0, top), radius, radius); if (active || bottom - line <= activeFrom || top + line >= activeTill) { continue; } const auto partFrom = std::max(top, activeFrom); const auto partTill = std::min(bottom, activeTill); p.setBrush(activeBrush); p.drawRoundedRect( QRect(bar.x(), bar.y() + partFrom, line, partTill - partFrom), radius, radius); } p.setClipping(false); if (_content.count > 4) { const auto firstScroll = countBarState(2).scroll; const auto gradientTop = (scroll >= firstScroll) ? 0 : anim::interpolate(-gradientSize, 0, scroll / firstScroll); const auto lastScroll = countBarState(_content.count - 3).scroll; const auto largestScroll = countBarState(_content.count - 1).scroll; const auto gradientBottom = (scroll <= lastScroll) ? fullHeight : anim::interpolate( fullHeight, fullHeight + gradientSize, (scroll - lastScroll) / (largestScroll - lastScroll)); if (gradientTop > -gradientSize) { p.drawPixmap( QRect(bar.x(), gradientTop, bar.width(), gradientSize), _topBarGradient); } if (gradientBottom < fullHeight + gradientSize) { p.drawPixmap( QRect( bar.x(), gradientBottom - gradientSize, bar.width(), gradientSize), _bottomBarGradient); } } } } // namespace Ui