/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_layout.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_list.h" #include "lang.h" namespace Dialogs { namespace Layout { namespace { template void paintRow(Painter &p, History *history, HistoryItem *item, int w, bool active, bool selected, bool onlyBackground, PaintItemCallback paintItemCallback) { QRect fullRect(0, 0, w, st::dlgHeight); p.fillRect(fullRect, active ? st::dlgActiveBG : (selected ? st::dlgHoverBG : st::dlgBG)); if (onlyBackground) return; PeerData *userpicPeer = (history->peer->migrateTo() ? history->peer->migrateTo() : history->peer); userpicPeer->paintUserpicLeft(p, st::dlgPhotoSize, st::dlgPaddingHor, st::dlgPaddingVer, w); int32 nameleft = st::dlgPaddingHor + st::dlgPhotoSize + st::dlgPhotoPadding; int32 namewidth = w - nameleft - st::dlgPaddingHor; QRect rectForName(nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgNameTop, namewidth, st::msgNameFont->height); // draw chat icon if (history->peer->isChat() || history->peer->isMegagroup()) { p.drawSprite(QPoint(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChatImgPos.x(), rectForName.top() + st::dlgChatImgPos.y()), (active ? st::dlgActiveChatImg : st::dlgChatImg)); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dlgImgSkip); } else if (history->peer->isChannel()) { p.drawSprite(QPoint(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChannelImgPos.x(), rectForName.top() + st::dlgChannelImgPos.y()), (active ? st::dlgActiveChannelImg : st::dlgChannelImg)); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dlgImgSkip); } if (!item) { p.setFont(st::dlgHistFont); p.setPen(active ? st::dlgActiveColor : st::dlgSystemColor); if (history->typing.isEmpty() && history->sendActions.isEmpty()) { p.drawText(nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgFont->height + st::dlgFont->ascent + st::dlgSep, lang(lng_empty_history)); } else { history->typingText.drawElided(p, nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgFont->height + st::dlgSep, namewidth); } } else { // draw date QDateTime now(QDateTime::currentDateTime()), lastTime(item->date); QDate nowDate(now.date()), lastDate(lastTime.date()); QString dt; if (lastDate == nowDate) { dt = lastTime.toString(cTimeFormat()); } else if (lastDate.year() == nowDate.year() && lastDate.weekNumber() == nowDate.weekNumber()) { dt = langDayOfWeek(lastDate); } else { dt = lastDate.toString(qsl("d.MM.yy")); } int32 dtWidth = st::dlgDateFont->width(dt); rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - dtWidth - st::dlgDateSkip); p.setFont(st::dlgDateFont); p.setPen(active ? st::dlgActiveDateColor : st::dlgDateColor); p.drawText(rectForName.left() + rectForName.width() + st::dlgDateSkip, rectForName.top() + st::msgNameFont->height - st::msgDateFont->descent, dt); // draw check if (item->needCheck()) { const style::sprite *check; if (item->id > 0) { if (item->unread()) { check = active ? &st::dlgActiveCheckImg : &st::dlgCheckImg; } else { check = active ? &st::dlgActiveDblCheckImg : &st::dlgDblCheckImg; } } else { check = active ? &st::dlgActiveSendImg : &st::dlgSendImg; } rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - check->pxWidth() - st::dlgCheckSkip); p.drawSprite(QPoint(rectForName.left() + rectForName.width() + st::dlgCheckLeft, rectForName.top() + st::dlgCheckTop), *check); } paintItemCallback(nameleft, namewidth); } if (history->peer->isUser() && history->peer->isVerified()) { rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - st::verifiedCheck.pxWidth() - st::verifiedCheckPos.x()); p.drawSprite(rectForName.topLeft() + QPoint(qMin(history->peer->dialogName().maxWidth(), rectForName.width()), 0) + st::verifiedCheckPos, (active ? st::verifiedCheckInv : st::verifiedCheck)); } p.setPen(active ? st::dlgActiveColor : st::dlgNameColor); history->peer->dialogName().drawElided(p, rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), rectForName.width()); } class UnreadBadgeStyle : public StyleSheet { public: QImage circle; QPixmap left[4], right[4]; style::color bg[4] = { st::dlgUnreadBG, st::dlgActiveUnreadBG, st::dlgUnreadMutedBG, st::dlgActiveUnreadMutedBG }; }; StyleSheetPointer unreadBadgeStyle; void createCircleMask(int size) { if (!unreadBadgeStyle->circle.isNull()) return; unreadBadgeStyle->circle = QImage(size, size, QImage::Format::Format_Grayscale8); { QPainter pcircle(&unreadBadgeStyle->circle); pcircle.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true); pcircle.fillRect(0, 0, size, size, QColor(0, 0, 0)); pcircle.setPen(Qt::NoPen); pcircle.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255)); pcircle.drawEllipse(0, 0, size, size); } unreadBadgeStyle->circle.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } QImage colorizeCircleHalf(int size, int half, int xoffset, style::color color) { int a = color->c.alpha() + 1; int fg_r = color->c.red() * a, fg_g = color->c.green() * a, fg_b = color->c.blue() * a, fg_a = 255 * a; QImage result(size, size, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); uchar *bits = result.bits(), *maskbits = unreadBadgeStyle->circle.bits(); int bpl = result.bytesPerLine(), maskbpl = unreadBadgeStyle->circle.bytesPerLine(); for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < size; ++y) { int s = y * bpl + (x * 4); int o = maskbits[y * maskbpl + x + xoffset] + 1; bits[s + 0] = (fg_b * o) >> 16; bits[s + 1] = (fg_g * o) >> 16; bits[s + 2] = (fg_r * o) >> 16; bits[s + 3] = (fg_a * o) >> 16; } } result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); return result; } void paintUnreadBadge(Painter &p, const QRect &rect, bool active, bool muted) { int index = (active ? 0x01 : 0x00) | (muted ? 0x02 : 0x00); int size = rect.height(), sizehalf = size / 2; unreadBadgeStyle.createIfNull(); style::color bg = unreadBadgeStyle->bg[index]; if (unreadBadgeStyle->left[index].isNull()) { int imgsize = size * cIntRetinaFactor(), imgsizehalf = sizehalf * cIntRetinaFactor(); createCircleMask(imgsize); unreadBadgeStyle->left[index] = QPixmap::fromImage(colorizeCircleHalf(imgsize, imgsizehalf, 0, bg)); unreadBadgeStyle->right[index] = QPixmap::fromImage(colorizeCircleHalf(imgsize, imgsizehalf, imgsize - imgsizehalf, bg)); } int bar = rect.width() - 2 * sizehalf; p.drawPixmap(rect.x(), rect.y(), unreadBadgeStyle->left[index]); if (bar) { p.fillRect(rect.x() + sizehalf, rect.y(), bar, rect.height(), bg); } p.drawPixmap(rect.x() + sizehalf + bar, rect.y(), unreadBadgeStyle->right[index]); } } // namepsace void RowPainter::paint(Painter &p, const Row *row, int w, bool active, bool selected, bool onlyBackground) { auto history = row->history(); auto item = history->lastMsg; paintRow(p, history, item, w, active, selected, onlyBackground, [&p, w, active, history, item](int nameleft, int namewidth) { int32 lastWidth = namewidth, unread = history->unreadCount; if (history->peer->migrateFrom()) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(history->peer->migrateFrom()->id)) { unread += h->unreadCount; } } int texttop = st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgFont->height + st::dlgSep; if (unread) { QString unreadStr = QString::number(unread); int unreadWidth = st::dlgUnreadFont->width(unreadStr); int unreadRectWidth = unreadWidth + 2 * st::dlgUnreadPaddingHor; int unreadRectHeight = st::dlgUnreadHeight; accumulate_max(unreadRectWidth, unreadRectHeight); int unreadRectLeft = w - st::dlgPaddingHor - unreadRectWidth; int unreadRectTop = texttop + st::dlgHistFont->ascent - st::dlgUnreadFont->ascent - st::dlgUnreadTop; lastWidth -= unreadRectWidth + st::dlgUnreadPaddingHor; paintUnreadBadge(p, QRect(unreadRectLeft, unreadRectTop, unreadRectWidth, unreadRectHeight), active, history->mute); p.setFont(st::dlgUnreadFont); p.setPen(active ? st::dlgActiveUnreadColor : st::dlgUnreadColor); p.drawText(unreadRectLeft + (unreadRectWidth - unreadWidth) / 2, unreadRectTop + st::dlgUnreadTop + st::dlgUnreadFont->ascent, unreadStr); } if (history->typing.isEmpty() && history->sendActions.isEmpty()) { item->drawInDialog(p, QRect(nameleft, texttop, lastWidth, st::dlgFont->height), active, history->textCachedFor, history->lastItemTextCache); } else { p.setPen(active ? st::dlgActiveColor : st::dlgSystemColor); history->typingText.drawElided(p, nameleft, texttop, lastWidth); } }); } void RowPainter::paint(Painter &p, const FakeRow *row, int w, bool active, bool selected, bool onlyBackground) { auto item = row->item(); auto history = item->history(); paintRow(p, history, item, w, active, selected, onlyBackground, [&p, row, active, item](int nameleft, int namewidth) { int lastWidth = namewidth, texttop = st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgFont->height + st::dlgSep; item->drawInDialog(p, QRect(nameleft, texttop, lastWidth, st::dlgFont->height), active, row->_cacheFor, row->_cache); }); } namespace { using StyleSheets = OrderedSet; NeverFreedPointer styleSheets; } namespace internal { void registerStyleSheet(StyleSheet **p) { styleSheets.makeIfNull(); styleSheets->insert(p); } } // namespace internal void clearStyleSheets() { if (!styleSheets) return; for (auto &p : *styleSheets) { delete (*p); *p = nullptr; } styleSheets.clear(); } } // namespace Layout } // namespace Dialogs