/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "passport/passport_panel_controller.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "passport/passport_panel_edit_document.h" #include "passport/passport_panel_details_row.h" #include "passport/passport_panel_edit_contact.h" #include "passport/passport_panel_edit_scans.h" #include "passport/passport_panel.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "ui/countryinput.h" #include "layout.h" namespace Passport { constexpr auto kMaxNameSize = 255; constexpr auto kMaxDocumentSize = 24; constexpr auto kMaxStreetSize = 64; constexpr auto kMinCitySize = 2; constexpr auto kMaxCitySize = 64; constexpr auto kMinPostcodeSize = 2; constexpr auto kMaxPostcodeSize = 12; EditDocumentScheme GetDocumentScheme( Scope::Type type, base::optional scansType) { using Scheme = EditDocumentScheme; using ValueClass = Scheme::ValueClass; const auto DontFormat = nullptr; const auto CountryFormat = [](const QString &value) { const auto result = CountrySelectBox::NameByISO(value); return result.isEmpty() ? value : result; }; const auto GenderFormat = [](const QString &value) { if (value == qstr("male")) { return lang(lng_passport_gender_male); } else if (value == qstr("female")) { return lang(lng_passport_gender_female); } return value; }; const auto DontValidate = nullptr; const auto LimitedValidate = [](int max, int min = 1) { return [=](const QString &value) { return (value.size() >= min) && (value.size() <= max); }; }; const auto NameValidate = LimitedValidate(kMaxNameSize); const auto DocumentValidate = LimitedValidate(kMaxDocumentSize); const auto StreetValidate = LimitedValidate(kMaxStreetSize); const auto CityValidate = LimitedValidate(kMaxCitySize, kMinCitySize); const auto PostcodeValidate = LimitedValidate( kMaxPostcodeSize, kMinPostcodeSize); const auto DateValidate = [](const QString &value) { return QRegularExpression( "^\\d{2}\\.\\d{2}\\.\\d{4}$" ).match(value).hasMatch(); }; const auto DateOrEmptyValidate = [=](const QString &value) { return value.isEmpty() || DateValidate(value); }; const auto GenderValidate = [](const QString &value) { return value == qstr("male") || value == qstr("female"); }; const auto CountryValidate = [=](const QString &value) { return !CountryFormat(value).isEmpty(); }; switch (type) { case Scope::Type::Identity: { auto result = Scheme(); result.rowsHeader = lang(lng_passport_personal_details); if (scansType) { switch (*scansType) { case Value::Type::Passport: result.scansHeader = lang(lng_passport_identity_passport); break; case Value::Type::DriverLicense: result.scansHeader = lang(lng_passport_identity_license); break; case Value::Type::IdentityCard: result.scansHeader = lang(lng_passport_identity_card); break; default: Unexpected("scansType in GetDocumentScheme:Identity."); } } result.rows = { { ValueClass::Fields, PanelDetailsType::Text, qsl("first_name"), lang(lng_passport_first_name), NameValidate, DontFormat, kMaxNameSize, }, { ValueClass::Fields, PanelDetailsType::Text, qsl("last_name"), lang(lng_passport_last_name), NameValidate, DontFormat, kMaxNameSize, }, { ValueClass::Fields, PanelDetailsType::Date, qsl("birth_date"), lang(lng_passport_birth_date), DateValidate, DontFormat, }, { ValueClass::Fields, PanelDetailsType::Gender, qsl("gender"), lang(lng_passport_gender), GenderValidate, GenderFormat, }, { ValueClass::Fields, PanelDetailsType::Country, qsl("country_code"), lang(lng_passport_country), CountryValidate, CountryFormat, }, { ValueClass::Scans, PanelDetailsType::Text, qsl("document_no"), lang(lng_passport_document_number), DocumentValidate, DontFormat, kMaxDocumentSize, }, { ValueClass::Scans, PanelDetailsType::Date, qsl("expiry_date"), lang(lng_passport_expiry_date), DateOrEmptyValidate, DontFormat, }, }; return result; } break; case Scope::Type::Address: { auto result = Scheme(); result.rowsHeader = lang(lng_passport_address); if (scansType) { switch (*scansType) { case Value::Type::UtilityBill: result.scansHeader = lang(lng_passport_address_bill); break; case Value::Type::BankStatement: result.scansHeader = lang(lng_passport_address_statement); break; case Value::Type::RentalAgreement: result.scansHeader = lang(lng_passport_address_agreement); break; default: Unexpected("scansType in GetDocumentScheme:Address."); } } result.rows = { { ValueClass::Fields, PanelDetailsType::Text, qsl("street_line1"), lang(lng_passport_street), StreetValidate, DontFormat, kMaxStreetSize, }, { ValueClass::Fields, PanelDetailsType::Text, qsl("street_line2"), lang(lng_passport_street), DontValidate, DontFormat, kMaxStreetSize, }, { ValueClass::Fields, PanelDetailsType::Text, qsl("city"), lang(lng_passport_city), CityValidate, DontFormat, kMaxStreetSize, }, { ValueClass::Fields, PanelDetailsType::Text, qsl("state"), lang(lng_passport_state), DontValidate, DontFormat, kMaxStreetSize, }, { ValueClass::Fields, PanelDetailsType::Country, qsl("country_code"), lang(lng_passport_country), CountryValidate, CountryFormat, }, { ValueClass::Fields, PanelDetailsType::Text, qsl("post_code"), lang(lng_passport_postcode), PostcodeValidate, DontFormat, kMaxPostcodeSize, }, }; return result; } break; } Unexpected("Type in GetDocumentScheme()."); } EditContactScheme GetContactScheme(Scope::Type type) { using Scheme = EditContactScheme; using ValueType = Scheme::ValueType; switch (type) { case Scope::Type::Phone: { auto result = Scheme(ValueType::Phone); result.aboutExisting = lang(lng_passport_use_existing_phone); result.newHeader = lang(lng_passport_new_phone); result.aboutNew = lang(lng_passport_new_phone_code); result.validate = [](const QString &value) { return QRegularExpression( "^\\d{2,12}$" ).match(value).hasMatch(); }; result.format = [](const QString &value) { return App::formatPhone(value); }; result.postprocess = [](QString value) { return value.replace(QRegularExpression("[^\\d]"), QString()); }; return result; } break; case Scope::Type::Email: { auto result = Scheme(ValueType::Text); result.aboutExisting = lang(lng_passport_use_existing_email); result.newHeader = lang(lng_passport_new_email); result.newPlaceholder = langFactory(lng_passport_email_title); result.aboutNew = lang(lng_passport_new_email_code); result.validate = [](const QString &value) { const auto at = value.indexOf('@'); const auto dot = value.lastIndexOf('.'); return (at > 0) && (dot > at); }; result.format = result.postprocess = [](const QString &value) { return value.trimmed(); }; return result; } break; } Unexpected("Type in GetContactScheme()."); } BoxPointer::BoxPointer(QPointer value) : _value(value) { } BoxPointer::BoxPointer(BoxPointer &&other) : _value(base::take(other._value)) { } BoxPointer &BoxPointer::operator=(BoxPointer &&other) { std::swap(_value, other._value); return *this; } BoxPointer::~BoxPointer() { if (const auto strong = get()) { strong->closeBox(); } } BoxContent *BoxPointer::get() const { return _value.data(); } BoxPointer::operator BoxContent*() const { return get(); } BoxPointer::operator bool() const { return get(); } BoxContent *BoxPointer::operator->() const { return get(); } PanelController::PanelController(not_null form) : _form(form) , _scopes(ComputeScopes(_form)) { _form->secretReadyEvents( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (_panel) { _panel->showForm(); } }, lifetime()); _form->verificationNeeded( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null value) { processVerificationNeeded(value); }, lifetime()); _form->verificationUpdate( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null field) { return (field->verification.codeLength == 0); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null field) { _verificationBoxes.erase(field); }, lifetime()); _scopes = ComputeScopes(_form); } not_null PanelController::bot() const { return _form->bot(); } QString PanelController::privacyPolicyUrl() const { return _form->privacyPolicyUrl(); } void PanelController::fillRows( base::lambda callback) { if (_scopes.empty()) { _scopes = ComputeScopes(_form); } for (const auto &scope : _scopes) { const auto row = ComputeScopeRow(scope); const auto main = scope.fields; if (!row.ready.isEmpty()) { _submitErrors.erase( ranges::remove(_submitErrors, main), _submitErrors.end()); } const auto submitError = base::contains(_submitErrors, main); callback( row.title, (!row.error.isEmpty() ? row.error : !row.ready.isEmpty() ? row.ready : row.description), !row.ready.isEmpty(), !row.error.isEmpty() || submitError); } } rpl::producer<> PanelController::refillRows() const { return rpl::merge( _submitFailed.events(), _form->valueSaveFinished() | rpl::map([] { return rpl::empty_value(); })); } void PanelController::submitForm() { _submitErrors = _form->submitGetErrors(); if (!_submitErrors.empty()) { _submitFailed.fire({}); } } void PanelController::submitPassword(const QString &password) { _form->submitPassword(password); } rpl::producer PanelController::passwordError() const { return _form->passwordError(); } QString PanelController::passwordHint() const { return _form->passwordHint(); } QString PanelController::defaultEmail() const { return _form->defaultEmail(); } QString PanelController::defaultPhoneNumber() const { return _form->defaultPhoneNumber(); } bool PanelController::canAddScan() const { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); Expects(_editDocument != nullptr); return _form->canAddScan(_editDocument); } void PanelController::uploadScan(QByteArray &&content) { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); Expects(_editDocument != nullptr); _form->uploadScan(_editDocument, std::move(content)); } void PanelController::deleteScan(int fileIndex) { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); Expects(_editDocument != nullptr); _form->deleteScan(_editDocument, fileIndex); } void PanelController::restoreScan(int fileIndex) { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); Expects(_editDocument != nullptr); _form->restoreScan(_editDocument, fileIndex); } void PanelController::uploadSelfie(QByteArray &&content) { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); Expects(_editDocument != nullptr); Expects(_editScope->selfieRequired); _form->uploadSelfie(_editDocument, std::move(content)); } void PanelController::deleteSelfie() { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); Expects(_editDocument != nullptr); Expects(_editScope->selfieRequired); _form->deleteSelfie(_editDocument); } void PanelController::restoreSelfie() { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); Expects(_editDocument != nullptr); Expects(_editScope->selfieRequired); _form->restoreSelfie(_editDocument); } rpl::producer PanelController::scanUpdated() const { return _form->scanUpdated( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null file) { return (file->value == _editDocument); }) | rpl::map([=](not_null file) { return collectScanInfo(*file); }); } rpl::producer PanelController::saveErrors() const { return _saveErrors.events(); } ScanInfo PanelController::collectScanInfo(const EditFile &file) const { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); Expects(_editDocument != nullptr); const auto status = [&] { if (file.fields.accessHash) { if (file.fields.downloadOffset < 0) { return lang(lng_attach_failed); } else if (file.fields.downloadOffset < file.fields.size) { return formatDownloadText( file.fields.downloadOffset, file.fields.size); } else { return lng_passport_scan_uploaded( lt_date, langDateTimeFull(ParseDateTime(file.fields.date))); } } else if (file.uploadData) { if (file.uploadData->offset < 0) { return lang(lng_attach_failed); } else if (file.uploadData->fullId) { return formatDownloadText( file.uploadData->offset, file.uploadData->bytes.size()); } else { return lng_passport_scan_uploaded( lt_date, langDateTimeFull(ParseDateTime(file.fields.date))); } } else { return formatDownloadText(0, file.fields.size); } }(); auto isSelfie = (file.value == _editDocument) && (_editDocument->selfieInEdit.has_value()) && (&file == &*_editDocument->selfieInEdit); return { FileKey{ file.fields.id, file.fields.dcId }, status, file.fields.image, file.deleted, isSelfie, file.fields.error }; } std::vector PanelController::collectErrors( not_null value) const { auto result = std::vector(); if (!value->scanMissingError.isEmpty()) { result.push_back({ FileKey(), value->scanMissingError }); } const auto addFileError = [&](const EditFile &file) { if (!file.fields.error.isEmpty()) { const auto key = FileKey{ file.fields.id, file.fields.dcId }; result.push_back({ key, file.fields.error }); } }; for (const auto &scan : value->scansInEdit) { addFileError(scan); } if (value->selfieInEdit) { addFileError(*value->selfieInEdit); } for (const auto &[key, value] : value->data.parsedInEdit.fields) { if (!value.error.isEmpty()) { result.push_back({ key, value.error }); } } return result; } auto PanelController::deleteValueLabel() const -> base::optional> { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); if (hasValueDocument()) { return Lang::Viewer(lng_passport_delete_document); } if (!hasValueFields()) { return base::none; } switch (_editScope->type) { case Scope::Type::Identity: return Lang::Viewer(lng_passport_delete_details); case Scope::Type::Address: return Lang::Viewer(lng_passport_delete_address); case Scope::Type::Email: return Lang::Viewer(lng_passport_delete_email); case Scope::Type::Phone: return Lang::Viewer(lng_passport_delete_phone); } Unexpected("Type in PanelController::deleteValueLabel."); } bool PanelController::hasValueDocument() const { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); if (!_editDocument) { return false; } return !_editDocument->data.parsed.fields.empty() || !_editDocument->scans.empty() || _editDocument->selfie.has_value(); } bool PanelController::hasValueFields() const { Expects(_editValue != nullptr); return !_editValue->data.parsed.fields.empty(); } void PanelController::deleteValue() { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); if (savingScope()) { return; } const auto text = [&] { switch (_editScope->type) { case Scope::Type::Identity: return lang(hasValueDocument() ? lng_passport_delete_document_sure : lng_passport_delete_details_sure); case Scope::Type::Address: return lang(hasValueDocument() ? lng_passport_delete_document_sure : lng_passport_delete_address_sure); case Scope::Type::Phone: return lang(lng_passport_delete_phone_sure); case Scope::Type::Email: return lang(lng_passport_delete_email_sure); } Unexpected("Type in deleteValue."); }(); const auto checkbox = (hasValueDocument() && hasValueFields()) ? [&] { switch (_editScope->type) { case Scope::Type::Identity: return lang(lng_passport_delete_details); case Scope::Type::Address: return lang(lng_passport_delete_address); } Unexpected("Type in deleteValue."); }() : QString(); _editScopeBoxes.emplace_back(show(ConfirmDeleteDocument( [=](bool withDetails) { deleteValueSure(withDetails); }, text, checkbox))); } void PanelController::deleteValueSure(bool withDetails) { Expects(_editValue != nullptr); if (hasValueDocument()) { _form->deleteValueEdit(_editDocument); } if (withDetails || !hasValueDocument()) { _form->deleteValueEdit(_editValue); } } QString PanelController::getDefaultContactValue(Scope::Type type) const { switch (type) { case Scope::Type::Phone: return _form->defaultPhoneNumber(); case Scope::Type::Email: return _form->defaultEmail(); } Unexpected("Type in PanelController::getDefaultContactValue()."); } void PanelController::showAskPassword() { ensurePanelCreated(); _panel->showAskPassword(); } void PanelController::showNoPassword() { ensurePanelCreated(); _panel->showNoPassword(); } void PanelController::showPasswordUnconfirmed() { ensurePanelCreated(); _panel->showPasswordUnconfirmed(); } void PanelController::showCriticalError(const QString &error) { ensurePanelCreated(); _panel->showCriticalError(error); } void PanelController::ensurePanelCreated() { if (!_panel) { _panel = std::make_unique(this); } } int PanelController::findNonEmptyIndex( const std::vector> &files) const { const auto i = ranges::find_if(files, [](not_null file) { return !file->scans.empty(); }); if (i != end(files)) { return (i - begin(files)); } return -1; } void PanelController::editScope(int index) { Expects(_panel != nullptr); Expects(index >= 0 && index < _scopes.size()); if (_scopes[index].documents.empty()) { editScope(index, -1); } else { const auto documentIndex = findNonEmptyIndex( _scopes[index].documents); if (documentIndex >= 0) { editScope(index, documentIndex); } else if (_scopes[index].documents.size() > 1) { requestScopeFilesType(index); } else { editWithUpload(index, 0); } } } void PanelController::requestScopeFilesType(int index) { Expects(_panel != nullptr); Expects(index >= 0 && index < _scopes.size()); const auto type = _scopes[index].type; _scopeDocumentTypeBox = [&] { if (type == Scope::Type::Identity) { return show(RequestIdentityType( [=](int documentIndex) { editWithUpload(index, documentIndex); }, ranges::view::all( _scopes[index].documents ) | ranges::view::transform([](auto value) { return value->type; }) | ranges::view::transform([](Value::Type type) { switch (type) { case Value::Type::Passport: return lang(lng_passport_identity_passport); case Value::Type::IdentityCard: return lang(lng_passport_identity_card); case Value::Type::DriverLicense: return lang(lng_passport_identity_license); default: Unexpected("IdentityType in requestScopeFilesType"); } }) | ranges::to_vector)); } else if (type == Scope::Type::Address) { return show(RequestAddressType( [=](int documentIndex) { editWithUpload(index, documentIndex); }, ranges::view::all( _scopes[index].documents ) | ranges::view::transform([](auto value) { return value->type; }) | ranges::view::transform([](Value::Type type) { switch (type) { case Value::Type::UtilityBill: return lang(lng_passport_address_bill); case Value::Type::BankStatement: return lang(lng_passport_address_statement); case Value::Type::RentalAgreement: return lang(lng_passport_address_agreement); default: Unexpected("AddressType in requestScopeFilesType"); } }) | ranges::to_vector)); } else { Unexpected("Type in processVerificationNeeded."); } }(); } void PanelController::editWithUpload(int index, int documentIndex) { Expects(_panel != nullptr); Expects(index >= 0 && index < _scopes.size()); Expects(documentIndex >= 0 && documentIndex < _scopes[index].documents.size()); EditScans::ChooseScan( base::lambda_guarded(_panel.get(), [=](QByteArray &&content) { base::take(_scopeDocumentTypeBox); editScope(index, documentIndex); uploadScan(std::move(content)); })); } void PanelController::editScope(int index, int documentIndex) { Expects(_panel != nullptr); Expects(index >= 0 && index < _scopes.size()); Expects((documentIndex < 0) || (documentIndex >= 0 && documentIndex < _scopes[index].documents.size())); _editScope = &_scopes[index]; _editValue = _editScope->fields; _editDocument = (documentIndex >= 0) ? _scopes[index].documents[documentIndex].get() : nullptr; _form->startValueEdit(_editValue); if (_editDocument) { _form->startValueEdit(_editDocument); } auto content = [&]() -> object_ptr { switch (_editScope->type) { case Scope::Type::Identity: case Scope::Type::Address: { auto result = _editDocument ? object_ptr( _panel.get(), this, GetDocumentScheme( _editScope->type, _editDocument->type), _editValue->data.parsedInEdit, _editDocument->data.parsedInEdit, valueFiles(*_editDocument), (_editScope->selfieRequired ? valueSelfie(*_editDocument) : nullptr)) : object_ptr( _panel.get(), this, GetDocumentScheme(_editScope->type), _editValue->data.parsedInEdit); const auto weak = make_weak(result.data()); _panelHasUnsavedChanges = [=] { return weak ? weak->hasUnsavedChanges() : false; }; return std::move(result); } break; case Scope::Type::Phone: case Scope::Type::Email: { const auto &parsed = _editValue->data.parsedInEdit; const auto valueIt = parsed.fields.find("value"); const auto value = (valueIt == end(parsed.fields) ? QString() : valueIt->second.text); const auto existing = getDefaultContactValue(_editScope->type); _panelHasUnsavedChanges = nullptr; return object_ptr( _panel.get(), this, GetContactScheme(_editScope->type), value, (existing.toLower().trimmed() != value.toLower().trimmed() ? existing : QString())); } break; } Unexpected("Type in PanelController::editScope()."); }(); content->lifetime().add([=] { cancelValueEdit(); }); _panel->setBackAllowed(true); _panel->backRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { cancelEditScope(); }, content->lifetime()); _form->valueSaveFinished( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null value) { processValueSaveFinished(value); }, content->lifetime()); _panel->showEditValue(std::move(content)); } void PanelController::processValueSaveFinished( not_null value) { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); const auto boxIt = _verificationBoxes.find(value); if (boxIt != end(_verificationBoxes)) { const auto saved = std::move(boxIt->second); _verificationBoxes.erase(boxIt); } if ((_editValue == value || _editDocument == value) && !savingScope()) { if (auto errors = collectErrors(value); !errors.empty()) { for (auto &&error : errors) { _saveErrors.fire(std::move(error)); } } else { _panel->showForm(); } } } bool PanelController::savingScope() const { Expects(_editValue != nullptr); return _form->savingValue(_editValue) || (_editDocument && _form->savingValue(_editDocument)); } void PanelController::processVerificationNeeded( not_null value) { const auto i = _verificationBoxes.find(value); if (i != _verificationBoxes.end()) { LOG(("API Error: Requesting for verification repeatedly.")); return; } const auto textIt = value->data.parsedInEdit.fields.find("value"); Assert(textIt != end(value->data.parsedInEdit.fields)); const auto text = textIt->second.text; const auto type = value->type; const auto update = _form->verificationUpdate( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null field) { return (field == value); }); const auto box = [&] { if (type == Value::Type::Phone) { return show(VerifyPhoneBox( text, value->verification.codeLength, [=](const QString &code) { _form->verify(value, code); }, value->verification.call ? rpl::single( value->verification.call->getText() ) | rpl::then(rpl::duplicate( update ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null field) { return field->verification.call != nullptr; }) | rpl::map([=](not_null field) { return field->verification.call->getText(); })) : (rpl::single(QString()) | rpl::type_erased()), rpl::duplicate( update ) | rpl::map([=](not_null field) { return field->verification.error; }) | rpl::distinct_until_changed())); } else if (type == Value::Type::Email) { return show(VerifyEmailBox( text, value->verification.codeLength, [=](const QString &code) { _form->verify(value, code); }, rpl::duplicate( update ) | rpl::map([=](not_null field) { return field->verification.error; }) | rpl::distinct_until_changed())); } else { Unexpected("Type in processVerificationNeeded."); } }(); box->boxClosing( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _form->cancelValueVerification(value); }, lifetime()); _verificationBoxes.emplace(value, box); } std::vector PanelController::valueFiles( const Value &value) const { auto result = std::vector(); for (const auto &scan : value.scansInEdit) { result.push_back(collectScanInfo(scan)); } return result; } std::unique_ptr PanelController::valueSelfie( const Value &value) const { if (value.selfieInEdit) { return std::make_unique( collectScanInfo(*value.selfieInEdit)); } return std::make_unique(); } void PanelController::cancelValueEdit() { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); _editScopeBoxes.clear(); _form->cancelValueEdit(base::take(_editValue)); if (const auto document = base::take(_editDocument)) { _form->cancelValueEdit(document); } _editScope = nullptr; } void PanelController::saveScope(ValueMap &&data, ValueMap &&filesData) { Expects(_panel != nullptr); Expects(_editValue != nullptr); if (savingScope()) { return; } _form->saveValueEdit(_editValue, std::move(data)); if (_editDocument) { _form->saveValueEdit(_editDocument, std::move(filesData)); } else { Assert(filesData.fields.empty()); } } bool PanelController::editScopeChanged( const ValueMap &data, const ValueMap &filesData) const { Expects(_editValue != nullptr); if (_form->editValueChanged(_editValue, data)) { return true; } else if (_editDocument) { return _form->editValueChanged(_editDocument, filesData); } return false; } void PanelController::cancelEditScope() { Expects(_editScope != nullptr); if (_panelHasUnsavedChanges && _panelHasUnsavedChanges()) { if (!_confirmForgetChangesBox) { _confirmForgetChangesBox = show(Box( lang(lng_passport_sure_cancel), lang(lng_continue), [=] { _panel->showForm(); })); _editScopeBoxes.emplace_back(_confirmForgetChangesBox); } } else { _panel->showForm(); } } int PanelController::closeGetDuration() { if (_panel) { return _panel->hideAndDestroyGetDuration(); } return 0; } void PanelController::cancelAuth() { _form->cancel(); } void PanelController::showBox(object_ptr box) { _panel->showBox(std::move(box)); } void PanelController::showToast(const QString &text) { Expects(_panel != nullptr); auto toast = Ui::Toast::Config(); toast.text = text; Ui::Toast::Show(_panel.get(), toast); } rpl::lifetime &PanelController::lifetime() { return _lifetime; } PanelController::~PanelController() = default; } // namespace Passport