/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "apiwrap.h" #include "api/api_authorizations.h" #include "api/api_attached_stickers.h" #include "api/api_blocked_peers.h" #include "api/api_chat_participants.h" #include "api/api_cloud_password.h" #include "api/api_hash.h" #include "api/api_invite_links.h" #include "api/api_media.h" #include "api/api_peer_photo.h" #include "api/api_polls.h" #include "api/api_sending.h" #include "api/api_text_entities.h" #include "api/api_self_destruct.h" #include "api/api_sensitive_content.h" #include "api/api_global_privacy.h" #include "api/api_updates.h" #include "api/api_user_privacy.h" #include "api/api_views.h" #include "api/api_confirm_phone.h" #include "api/api_unread_things.h" #include "api/api_ringtones.h" #include "api/api_transcribes.h" #include "api/api_premium.h" #include "api/api_user_names.h" #include "data/notify/data_notify_settings.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers.h" #include "data/data_drafts.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_web_page.h" #include "data/data_folder.h" #include "data/data_forum_topic.h" #include "data/data_forum.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_sparse_ids.h" #include "data/data_search_controller.h" #include "data/data_scheduled_messages.h" #include "data/data_channel_admins.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_cloud_themes.h" #include "data/data_chat_filters.h" #include "data/data_histories.h" #include "data/data_wall_paper.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_key.h" #include "core/core_cloud_password.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "base/random.h" #include "base/qt/qt_common_adapters.h" #include "base/call_delayed.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "boxes/add_contact_box.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "history/history_item_helpers.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_session_settings.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "ui/boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "boxes/stickers_box.h" #include "boxes/sticker_set_box.h" #include "boxes/premium_limits_box.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/window_lock_widgets.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_result.h" #include "chat_helpers/message_field.h" #include "ui/item_text_options.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "ui/emoji_config.h" #include "ui/chat/attach/attach_prepare.h" #include "ui/toasts/common_toasts.h" #include "support/support_helper.h" #include "settings/settings_premium.h" #include "storage/localimageloader.h" #include "storage/download_manager_mtproto.h" #include "storage/file_upload.h" #include "storage/storage_facade.h" #include "storage/storage_shared_media.h" #include "storage/storage_media_prepare.h" #include "storage/storage_account.h" namespace { // Save draft to the cloud with 1 sec extra delay. constexpr auto kSaveCloudDraftTimeout = 1000; constexpr auto kTopPromotionInterval = TimeId(60 * 60); constexpr auto kTopPromotionMinDelay = TimeId(10); constexpr auto kSmallDelayMs = 5; constexpr auto kReadFeaturedSetsTimeout = crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kFileLoaderQueueStopTimeout = crl::time(5000); constexpr auto kStickersByEmojiInvalidateTimeout = crl::time(6 * 1000); constexpr auto kNotifySettingSaveTimeout = crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kDialogsFirstLoad = 20; constexpr auto kDialogsPerPage = 500; using PhotoFileLocationId = Data::PhotoFileLocationId; using DocumentFileLocationId = Data::DocumentFileLocationId; using UpdatedFileReferences = Data::UpdatedFileReferences; [[nodiscard]] TimeId UnixtimeFromMsgId(mtpMsgId msgId) { return TimeId(msgId >> 32); } [[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr ShowForPeer( not_null peer) { const auto separate = Core::App().separateWindowForPeer(peer); const auto window = separate ? separate : Core::App().primaryWindow(); return std::make_shared(window); } void ShowChannelsLimitBox(not_null peer) { const auto primary = Core::App().primaryWindow(); if (!primary) { return; } primary->invokeForSessionController( &peer->session().account(), peer, [&](not_null controller) { controller->show(Box(ChannelsLimitBox, &peer->session())); }); } } // namespace ApiWrap::ApiWrap(not_null session) : MTP::Sender(&session->account().mtp()) , _session(session) , _messageDataResolveDelayed([=] { resolveMessageDatas(); }) , _webPagesTimer([=] { resolveWebPages(); }) , _draftsSaveTimer([=] { saveDraftsToCloud(); }) , _featuredSetsReadTimer([=] { readFeaturedSets(); }) , _dialogsLoadState(std::make_unique()) , _fileLoader(std::make_unique(kFileLoaderQueueStopTimeout)) , _topPromotionTimer([=] { refreshTopPromotion(); }) , _updateNotifyTimer([=] { sendNotifySettingsUpdates(); }) , _authorizations(std::make_unique(this)) , _attachedStickers(std::make_unique(this)) , _blockedPeers(std::make_unique(this)) , _cloudPassword(std::make_unique(this)) , _selfDestruct(std::make_unique(this)) , _sensitiveContent(std::make_unique(this)) , _globalPrivacy(std::make_unique(this)) , _userPrivacy(std::make_unique(this)) , _inviteLinks(std::make_unique(this)) , _views(std::make_unique(this)) , _confirmPhone(std::make_unique(this)) , _peerPhoto(std::make_unique(this)) , _polls(std::make_unique(this)) , _chatParticipants(std::make_unique(this)) , _unreadThings(std::make_unique(this)) , _ringtones(std::make_unique(this)) , _transcribes(std::make_unique(this)) , _premium(std::make_unique(this)) , _usernames(std::make_unique(this)) { crl::on_main(session, [=] { // You can't use _session->lifetime() in the constructor, // only queued, because it is not constructed yet. _session->data().chatsFilters().changed( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return _session->data().chatsFilters().archiveNeeded(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { requestMoreDialogsIfNeeded(); }, _session->lifetime()); setupSupportMode(); Core::App().settings().proxy().connectionTypeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshTopPromotion(); }, _session->lifetime()); }); } ApiWrap::~ApiWrap() = default; Main::Session &ApiWrap::session() const { return *_session; } Storage::Account &ApiWrap::local() const { return _session->local(); } Api::Updates &ApiWrap::updates() const { return _session->updates(); } void ApiWrap::setupSupportMode() { if (!_session->supportMode()) { return; } _session->settings().supportChatsTimeSliceValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int seconds) { _dialogsLoadTill = seconds ? std::max(base::unixtime::now() - seconds, 0) : 0; refreshDialogsLoadBlocked(); }, _session->lifetime()); } void ApiWrap::requestChangelog( const QString &sinceVersion, Fn callback) { request(MTPhelp_GetAppChangelog( MTP_string(sinceVersion) )).done( callback ).send(); } void ApiWrap::refreshTopPromotion() { const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); const auto next = (_topPromotionNextRequestTime != 0) ? _topPromotionNextRequestTime : now; if (_topPromotionRequestId) { getTopPromotionDelayed(now, next); return; } const auto key = [&]() -> std::pair { if (!Core::App().settings().proxy().isEnabled()) { return {}; } const auto &proxy = Core::App().settings().proxy().selected(); if (proxy.type != MTP::ProxyData::Type::Mtproto) { return {}; } return { proxy.host, proxy.port }; }(); if (_topPromotionKey == key && now < next) { getTopPromotionDelayed(now, next); return; } _topPromotionKey = key; _topPromotionRequestId = request(MTPhelp_GetPromoData( )).done([=](const MTPhelp_PromoData &result) { _topPromotionRequestId = 0; topPromotionDone(result); }).fail([=] { _topPromotionRequestId = 0; const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); const auto next = _topPromotionNextRequestTime = now + kTopPromotionInterval; if (!_topPromotionTimer.isActive()) { getTopPromotionDelayed(now, next); } }).send(); } void ApiWrap::getTopPromotionDelayed(TimeId now, TimeId next) { _topPromotionTimer.callOnce(std::min( std::max(next - now, kTopPromotionMinDelay), kTopPromotionInterval) * crl::time(1000)); }; void ApiWrap::topPromotionDone(const MTPhelp_PromoData &proxy) { _topPromotionNextRequestTime = proxy.match([&](const auto &data) { return data.vexpires().v; }); getTopPromotionDelayed( base::unixtime::now(), _topPromotionNextRequestTime); proxy.match([&](const MTPDhelp_promoDataEmpty &data) { _session->data().setTopPromoted(nullptr, QString(), QString()); }, [&](const MTPDhelp_promoData &data) { _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer()); const auto history = _session->data().history(peerId); _session->data().setTopPromoted( history, data.vpsa_type().value_or_empty(), data.vpsa_message().value_or_empty()); }); } void ApiWrap::requestDeepLinkInfo( const QString &path, Fn callback) { request(_deepLinkInfoRequestId).cancel(); _deepLinkInfoRequestId = request(MTPhelp_GetDeepLinkInfo( MTP_string(path) )).done([=](const MTPhelp_DeepLinkInfo &result) { _deepLinkInfoRequestId = 0; if (result.type() == mtpc_help_deepLinkInfo) { const auto &data = result.c_help_deepLinkInfo(); callback(TextWithEntities{ qs(data.vmessage()), Api::EntitiesFromMTP( _session, data.ventities().value_or_empty()) }, data.is_update_app()); } }).fail([=] { _deepLinkInfoRequestId = 0; }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestTermsUpdate() { if (_termsUpdateRequestId) { return; } const auto now = crl::now(); if (_termsUpdateSendAt && now < _termsUpdateSendAt) { base::call_delayed(_termsUpdateSendAt - now, _session, [=] { requestTermsUpdate(); }); return; } constexpr auto kTermsUpdateTimeoutMin = 10 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kTermsUpdateTimeoutMax = 86400 * crl::time(1000); _termsUpdateRequestId = request(MTPhelp_GetTermsOfServiceUpdate( )).done([=](const MTPhelp_TermsOfServiceUpdate &result) { _termsUpdateRequestId = 0; const auto requestNext = [&](auto &&data) { const auto timeout = (data.vexpires().v - base::unixtime::now()); _termsUpdateSendAt = crl::now() + std::clamp( timeout * crl::time(1000), kTermsUpdateTimeoutMin, kTermsUpdateTimeoutMax); requestTermsUpdate(); }; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_help_termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty: { const auto &data = result.c_help_termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty(); requestNext(data); } break; case mtpc_help_termsOfServiceUpdate: { const auto &data = result.c_help_termsOfServiceUpdate(); const auto &terms = data.vterms_of_service(); const auto &fields = terms.c_help_termsOfService(); session().lockByTerms( Window::TermsLock::FromMTP(_session, fields)); requestNext(data); } break; default: Unexpected("Type in requestTermsUpdate()."); } }).fail([=] { _termsUpdateRequestId = 0; _termsUpdateSendAt = crl::now() + kTermsUpdateTimeoutMin; requestTermsUpdate(); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::acceptTerms(bytes::const_span id) { request(MTPhelp_AcceptTermsOfService( MTP_dataJSON(MTP_bytes(id)) )).done([=] { requestTermsUpdate(); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::checkChatInvite( const QString &hash, FnMut done, Fn fail) { request(base::take(_checkInviteRequestId)).cancel(); _checkInviteRequestId = request(MTPmessages_CheckChatInvite( MTP_string(hash) )).done(std::move(done)).fail(std::move(fail)).send(); } void ApiWrap::savePinnedOrder(Data::Folder *folder) { const auto &order = _session->data().pinnedChatsOrder(folder); const auto input = [](Dialogs::Key key) { if (const auto history = key.history()) { return MTP_inputDialogPeer(history->peer->input); } else if (const auto folder = key.folder()) { return MTP_inputDialogPeerFolder(MTP_int(folder->id())); } Unexpected("Key type in pinnedDialogsOrder()."); }; auto peers = QVector(); peers.reserve(order.size()); ranges::transform( order, ranges::back_inserter(peers), input); request(MTPmessages_ReorderPinnedDialogs( MTP_flags(MTPmessages_ReorderPinnedDialogs::Flag::f_force), MTP_int(folder ? folder->id() : 0), MTP_vector(peers) )).send(); } void ApiWrap::savePinnedOrder(not_null forum) { const auto &order = _session->data().pinnedChatsOrder(forum); const auto input = [](Dialogs::Key key) { if (const auto topic = key.topic()) { return MTP_int(topic->rootId().bare); } Unexpected("Key type in pinnedDialogsOrder()."); }; auto topics = QVector(); topics.reserve(order.size()); ranges::transform( order, ranges::back_inserter(topics), input); request(MTPchannels_ReorderPinnedForumTopics( MTP_flags(MTPchannels_ReorderPinnedForumTopics::Flag::f_force), forum->channel()->inputChannel, MTP_vector(topics) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { applyUpdates(result); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::toggleHistoryArchived( not_null history, bool archived, Fn callback) { if (const auto already = _historyArchivedRequests.take(history)) { request(already->first).cancel(); } const auto isPinned = history->isPinnedDialog(0); const auto archiveId = Data::Folder::kId; const auto requestId = request(MTPfolders_EditPeerFolders( MTP_vector( 1, MTP_inputFolderPeer( history->peer->input, MTP_int(archived ? archiveId : 0))) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { applyUpdates(result); if (archived) { history->setFolder(_session->data().folder(archiveId)); } else { history->clearFolder(); } if (const auto data = _historyArchivedRequests.take(history)) { data->second(); } if (isPinned) { _session->data().notifyPinnedDialogsOrderUpdated(); } }).fail([=] { _historyArchivedRequests.remove(history); }).send(); _historyArchivedRequests.emplace(history, requestId, callback); } void ApiWrap::sendMessageFail( const MTP::Error &error, not_null peer, uint64 randomId, FullMsgId itemId) { sendMessageFail(error.type(), peer, randomId, itemId); } void ApiWrap::sendMessageFail( const QString &error, not_null peer, uint64 randomId, FullMsgId itemId) { const auto show = ShowForPeer(peer); if (error == u"PEER_FLOOD"_q) { show->showBox( Ui::MakeInformBox( PeerFloodErrorText(&session(), PeerFloodType::Send)), Ui::LayerOption::CloseOther); } else if (error == u"USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL"_q) { const auto link = Ui::Text::Link( tr::lng_cant_more_info(tr::now), session().createInternalLinkFull(u"spambot"_q)); show->showBox( Ui::MakeInformBox( tr::lng_error_public_groups_denied( tr::now, lt_more_info, link, Ui::Text::WithEntities)), Ui::LayerOption::CloseOther); } else if (error.startsWith(u"SLOWMODE_WAIT_"_q)) { const auto chop = u"SLOWMODE_WAIT_"_q.size(); const auto left = base::StringViewMid(error, chop).toInt(); if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { const auto seconds = channel->slowmodeSeconds(); if (seconds >= left) { channel->growSlowmodeLastMessage( base::unixtime::now() - (left - seconds)); } else { requestFullPeer(peer); } } } else if (error == u"SCHEDULE_STATUS_PRIVATE"_q) { auto &scheduled = _session->data().scheduledMessages(); Assert(peer->isUser()); if (const auto item = scheduled.lookupItem(peer->id, itemId.msg)) { scheduled.removeSending(item); show->showBox( Ui::MakeInformBox(tr::lng_cant_do_this()), Ui::LayerOption::CloseOther); } } else if (error == u"CHAT_FORWARDS_RESTRICTED"_q) { if (show->valid()) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = show->toastParent(), .text = { peer->isBroadcast() ? tr::lng_error_noforwards_channel(tr::now) : tr::lng_error_noforwards_group(tr::now) }, .duration = kJoinErrorDuration }); } } else if (error == u"PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED"_q) { Settings::ShowPremium(&session(), "premium_stickers"); } if (const auto item = _session->data().message(itemId)) { Assert(randomId != 0); _session->data().unregisterMessageRandomId(randomId); item->sendFailed(); if (error == u"TOPIC_CLOSED"_q) { if (const auto topic = item->topic()) { topic->setClosed(true); } } } } void ApiWrap::requestMessageData( PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, Fn done) { auto &requests = (peer && peer->isChannel()) ? _channelMessageDataRequests[peer->asChannel()][msgId] : _messageDataRequests[msgId]; if (done) { requests.callbacks.push_back(std::move(done)); } if (!requests.requestId) { _messageDataResolveDelayed.call(); } } QVector ApiWrap::collectMessageIds( const MessageDataRequests &requests) { auto result = QVector(); result.reserve(requests.size()); for (const auto &[msgId, request] : requests) { if (request.requestId > 0) { continue; } result.push_back(MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(msgId))); } return result; } auto ApiWrap::messageDataRequests(ChannelData *channel, bool onlyExisting) -> MessageDataRequests* { if (!channel) { return &_messageDataRequests; } const auto i = _channelMessageDataRequests.find(channel); if (i != end(_channelMessageDataRequests)) { return &i->second; } else if (onlyExisting) { return nullptr; } return &_channelMessageDataRequests.emplace( channel, MessageDataRequests() ).first->second; } void ApiWrap::resolveMessageDatas() { if (_messageDataRequests.empty() && _channelMessageDataRequests.empty()) { return; } const auto ids = collectMessageIds(_messageDataRequests); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { const auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_GetMessages( MTP_vector(ids) )).done([=]( const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { _session->data().processExistingMessages(nullptr, result); finalizeMessageDataRequest(nullptr, requestId); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { finalizeMessageDataRequest(nullptr, requestId); }).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send(); for (auto &[msgId, request] : _messageDataRequests) { if (request.requestId > 0) { continue; } request.requestId = requestId; } } for (auto j = _channelMessageDataRequests.begin(); j != _channelMessageDataRequests.cend();) { if (j->second.empty()) { j = _channelMessageDataRequests.erase(j); continue; } const auto ids = collectMessageIds(j->second); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { const auto channel = j->first; const auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_GetMessages( channel->inputChannel, MTP_vector(ids) )).done([=]( const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { _session->data().processExistingMessages(channel, result); finalizeMessageDataRequest(channel, requestId); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { finalizeMessageDataRequest(channel, requestId); }).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send(); for (auto &[msgId, request] : j->second) { if (request.requestId > 0) { continue; } request.requestId = requestId; } } ++j; } } void ApiWrap::finalizeMessageDataRequest( ChannelData *channel, mtpRequestId requestId) { auto requests = messageDataRequests(channel, true); if (!requests) { return; } auto callbacks = std::vector>(); for (auto i = requests->begin(); i != requests->cend();) { if (i->second.requestId == requestId) { auto &list = i->second.callbacks; if (callbacks.empty()) { callbacks = std::move(list); } else { callbacks.insert( end(callbacks), std::make_move_iterator(begin(list)), std::make_move_iterator(end(list))); } i = requests->erase(i); } else { ++i; } } if (channel && requests->empty()) { _channelMessageDataRequests.remove(channel); } for (const auto &callback : callbacks) { callback(); } } QString ApiWrap::exportDirectMessageLink( not_null item, bool inRepliesContext) { Expects(item->history()->peer->isChannel()); const auto itemId = item->fullId(); const auto channel = item->history()->peer->asChannel(); const auto fallback = [&] { auto linkChannel = channel; auto linkItemId = item->id; auto linkCommentId = MsgId(); auto linkThreadId = MsgId(); auto linkThreadIsTopic = false; if (inRepliesContext) { linkThreadIsTopic = item->history()->isForum(); const auto rootId = linkThreadIsTopic ? item->topicRootId() : item->replyToTop(); if (rootId) { const auto root = item->history()->owner().message( channel->id, rootId); const auto sender = root ? root->discussionPostOriginalSender() : nullptr; if (sender && sender->hasUsername()) { // Comment to a public channel. const auto forwarded = root->Get(); linkItemId = forwarded->savedFromMsgId; if (linkItemId) { linkChannel = sender; linkCommentId = item->id; } else { linkItemId = item->id; } } else { // Reply in a thread, maybe comment in a private channel. linkThreadId = rootId; } } } const auto base = linkChannel->hasUsername() ? linkChannel->username() : "c/" + QString::number(peerToChannel(linkChannel->id).bare); const auto post = QString::number(linkItemId.bare); const auto query = base + '/' + (linkCommentId ? (post + "?comment=" + QString::number(linkCommentId.bare)) : (linkThreadId && !linkThreadIsTopic) ? (post + "?thread=" + QString::number(linkThreadId.bare)) : linkThreadId ? (QString::number(linkThreadId.bare) + '/' + post) : post); if (linkChannel->hasUsername() && !linkChannel->isMegagroup() && !linkCommentId && !linkThreadId) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto document = media->document()) { if (document->isVideoMessage()) { return u"https://telesco.pe/"_q + query; } } } } return session().createInternalLinkFull(query); }; const auto i = _unlikelyMessageLinks.find(itemId); const auto current = (i != end(_unlikelyMessageLinks)) ? i->second : fallback(); request(MTPchannels_ExportMessageLink( MTP_flags(inRepliesContext ? MTPchannels_ExportMessageLink::Flag::f_thread : MTPchannels_ExportMessageLink::Flag(0)), channel->inputChannel, MTP_int(item->id) )).done([=](const MTPExportedMessageLink &result) { const auto link = result.match([&](const auto &data) { return qs(data.vlink()); }); if (current != link) { _unlikelyMessageLinks.emplace_or_assign(itemId, link); } }).send(); return current; } void ApiWrap::requestContacts() { if (_session->data().contactsLoaded().current() || _contactsRequestId) { return; } _contactsRequestId = request(MTPcontacts_GetContacts( MTP_long(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPcontacts_Contacts &result) { _contactsRequestId = 0; if (result.type() == mtpc_contacts_contactsNotModified) { return; } Assert(result.type() == mtpc_contacts_contacts); const auto &d = result.c_contacts_contacts(); _session->data().processUsers(d.vusers()); for (const auto &contact : d.vcontacts().v) { if (contact.type() != mtpc_contact) continue; const auto userId = UserId(contact.c_contact().vuser_id()); if (userId == _session->userId()) { _session->user()->setIsContact(true); } } _session->data().contactsLoaded() = true; }).fail([=] { _contactsRequestId = 0; }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestDialogs(Data::Folder *folder) { if (folder && !_foldersLoadState.contains(folder)) { _foldersLoadState.emplace(folder, DialogsLoadState()); } requestMoreDialogs(folder); } void ApiWrap::requestMoreDialogs(Data::Folder *folder) { const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder); if (!state) { return; } else if (state->requestId) { return; } else if (_dialogsLoadBlockedByDate.current()) { return; } const auto firstLoad = !state->offsetDate; const auto loadCount = firstLoad ? kDialogsFirstLoad : kDialogsPerPage; const auto flags = MTPmessages_GetDialogs::Flag::f_exclude_pinned | MTPmessages_GetDialogs::Flag::f_folder_id; const auto hash = uint64(0); state->requestId = request(MTPmessages_GetDialogs( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(folder ? folder->id() : 0), MTP_int(state->offsetDate), MTP_int(state->offsetId), (state->offsetPeer ? state->offsetPeer->input : MTP_inputPeerEmpty()), MTP_int(loadCount), MTP_long(hash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Dialogs &result) { const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder); const auto count = result.match([]( const MTPDmessages_dialogsNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: not-modified received for requested dialogs.")); return 0; }, [&](const MTPDmessages_dialogs &data) { if (state) { state->listReceived = true; dialogsLoadFinish(folder); // may kill 'state'. } return int(data.vdialogs().v.size()); }, [&](const MTPDmessages_dialogsSlice &data) { updateDialogsOffset( folder, data.vdialogs().v, data.vmessages().v); return data.vcount().v; }); result.match([](const MTPDmessages_dialogsNotModified & data) { LOG(("API Error: not-modified received for requested dialogs.")); }, [&](const auto &data) { _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); _session->data().applyDialogs( folder, data.vmessages().v, data.vdialogs().v, count); }); if (!folder && (!_dialogsLoadState || !_dialogsLoadState->listReceived)) { refreshDialogsLoadBlocked(); } requestMoreDialogsIfNeeded(); _session->data().chatsListChanged(folder); }).fail([=] { dialogsLoadState(folder)->requestId = 0; }).send(); if (!state->pinnedReceived) { requestPinnedDialogs(folder); } if (!folder) { refreshDialogsLoadBlocked(); } } void ApiWrap::refreshDialogsLoadBlocked() { _dialogsLoadMayBlockByDate = _dialogsLoadState && !_dialogsLoadState->listReceived && (_dialogsLoadTill > 0); _dialogsLoadBlockedByDate = _dialogsLoadState && !_dialogsLoadState->listReceived && !_dialogsLoadState->requestId && (_dialogsLoadTill > 0) && (_dialogsLoadState->offsetDate > 0) && (_dialogsLoadState->offsetDate <= _dialogsLoadTill); } void ApiWrap::requestMoreDialogsIfNeeded() { const auto dialogsReady = !_dialogsLoadState || _dialogsLoadState->listReceived; if (_session->data().chatsFilters().loadNextExceptions(dialogsReady)) { return; } else if (_dialogsLoadState && !_dialogsLoadState->listReceived) { if (_dialogsLoadState->requestId) { return; } requestDialogs(nullptr); } else if (const auto folder = _session->data().folderLoaded( Data::Folder::kId)) { if (_session->data().chatsFilters().archiveNeeded()) { requestMoreDialogs(folder); } } requestContacts(); } void ApiWrap::updateDialogsOffset( Data::Folder *folder, const QVector &dialogs, const QVector &messages) { auto lastDate = TimeId(0); auto lastPeer = PeerId(0); auto lastMsgId = MsgId(0); for (const auto &dialog : ranges::views::reverse(dialogs)) { dialog.match([&](const auto &dialog) { const auto peer = peerFromMTP(dialog.vpeer()); const auto messageId = dialog.vtop_message().v; if (!peer || !messageId) { return; } if (!lastPeer) { lastPeer = peer; } if (!lastMsgId) { lastMsgId = messageId; } for (const auto &message : ranges::views::reverse(messages)) { if (IdFromMessage(message) == messageId && PeerFromMessage(message) == peer) { if (const auto date = DateFromMessage(message)) { lastDate = date; } return; } } }); if (lastDate) { break; } } if (const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder)) { if (lastDate) { state->offsetDate = lastDate; state->offsetId = lastMsgId; state->offsetPeer = _session->data().peer(lastPeer); state->requestId = 0; } else { state->listReceived = true; dialogsLoadFinish(folder); } } } auto ApiWrap::dialogsLoadState(Data::Folder *folder) -> DialogsLoadState* { if (!folder) { return _dialogsLoadState.get(); } const auto i = _foldersLoadState.find(folder); return (i != end(_foldersLoadState)) ? &i->second : nullptr; } void ApiWrap::dialogsLoadFinish(Data::Folder *folder) { const auto notify = [&] { Core::App().postponeCall(crl::guard(_session, [=] { _session->data().chatsListDone(folder); })); }; const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder); if (!state || !state->listReceived || !state->pinnedReceived) { return; } if (folder) { _foldersLoadState.remove(folder); notify(); } else { _dialogsLoadState = nullptr; notify(); } } void ApiWrap::requestPinnedDialogs(Data::Folder *folder) { const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder); if (!state || state->pinnedReceived || state->pinnedRequestId) { return; } const auto finalize = [=] { if (const auto state = dialogsLoadState(folder)) { state->pinnedRequestId = 0; state->pinnedReceived = true; dialogsLoadFinish(folder); } }; state->pinnedRequestId = request(MTPmessages_GetPinnedDialogs( MTP_int(folder ? folder->id() : 0) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_PeerDialogs &result) { finalize(); result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_peerDialogs &data) { _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); _session->data().clearPinnedChats(folder); _session->data().applyDialogs( folder, data.vmessages().v, data.vdialogs().v); _session->data().chatsListChanged(folder); _session->data().notifyPinnedDialogsOrderUpdated(); }); }).fail([=] { finalize(); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestMoreBlockedByDateDialogs() { if (!_dialogsLoadState) { return; } const auto max = _session->settings().supportChatsTimeSlice(); _dialogsLoadTill = _dialogsLoadState->offsetDate ? (_dialogsLoadState->offsetDate - max) : (base::unixtime::now() - max); refreshDialogsLoadBlocked(); requestDialogs(); } rpl::producer ApiWrap::dialogsLoadMayBlockByDate() const { return _dialogsLoadMayBlockByDate.value(); } rpl::producer ApiWrap::dialogsLoadBlockedByDate() const { return _dialogsLoadBlockedByDate.value(); } void ApiWrap::requestWallPaper( const QString &slug, Fn done, Fn fail) { if (_wallPaperSlug != slug) { _wallPaperSlug = slug; if (_wallPaperRequestId) { request(base::take(_wallPaperRequestId)).cancel(); } } _wallPaperDone = std::move(done); _wallPaperFail = std::move(fail); if (_wallPaperRequestId) { return; } _wallPaperRequestId = request(MTPaccount_GetWallPaper( MTP_inputWallPaperSlug(MTP_string(slug)) )).done([=](const MTPWallPaper &result) { _wallPaperRequestId = 0; _wallPaperSlug = QString(); if (const auto paper = Data::WallPaper::Create(_session, result)) { if (const auto done = base::take(_wallPaperDone)) { done(*paper); } } else if (const auto fail = base::take(_wallPaperFail)) { fail(); } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _wallPaperRequestId = 0; _wallPaperSlug = QString(); if (const auto fail = base::take(_wallPaperFail)) { fail(); } }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestFullPeer(not_null peer) { if (_fullPeerRequests.contains(peer)) { return; } const auto requestId = [&] { const auto failHandler = [=](const MTP::Error &error) { _fullPeerRequests.remove(peer); migrateFail(peer, error.type()); }; if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { if (_session->supportMode()) { _session->supportHelper().refreshInfo(user); } return request(MTPusers_GetFullUser( user->inputUser )).done([=](const MTPusers_UserFull &result) { result.match([&](const MTPDusers_userFull &data) { _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); }); gotUserFull(user, result); }).fail(failHandler).send(); } else if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { return request(MTPmessages_GetFullChat( chat->inputChat )).done([=](const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result) { gotChatFull(peer, result); }).fail(failHandler).send(); } else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { return request(MTPchannels_GetFullChannel( channel->inputChannel )).done([=](const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result) { gotChatFull(peer, result); migrateDone(channel, channel); }).fail(failHandler).send(); } Unexpected("Peer type in requestFullPeer."); }(); _fullPeerRequests.emplace(peer, requestId); } void ApiWrap::processFullPeer( not_null peer, const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result) { gotChatFull(peer, result); } void ApiWrap::gotChatFull( not_null peer, const MTPmessages_ChatFull &result) { const auto &d = result.c_messages_chatFull(); _session->data().applyMaximumChatVersions(d.vchats()); _session->data().processUsers(d.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(d.vchats()); d.vfull_chat().match([&](const MTPDchatFull &data) { if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { Data::ApplyChatUpdate(chat, data); } else { LOG(("MTP Error: bad type in gotChatFull for channel: %1" ).arg(d.vfull_chat().type())); } }, [&](const MTPDchannelFull &data) { if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { Data::ApplyChannelUpdate(channel, data); } else { LOG(("MTP Error: bad type in gotChatFull for chat: %1" ).arg(d.vfull_chat().type())); } }); _fullPeerRequests.remove(peer); _session->changes().peerUpdated( peer, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::FullInfo); } void ApiWrap::gotUserFull( not_null user, const MTPusers_UserFull &result) { result.match([&](const MTPDusers_userFull &data) { data.vfull_user().match([&](const MTPDuserFull &fields) { if (user == _session->user() && !_session->validateSelf(fields.vid().v)) { constexpr auto kRequestUserAgainTimeout = crl::time(10000); base::call_delayed(kRequestUserAgainTimeout, _session, [=] { requestFullPeer(user); }); return; } Data::ApplyUserUpdate(user, fields); }); }); _fullPeerRequests.remove(user); _session->changes().peerUpdated( user, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::FullInfo); } void ApiWrap::requestPeerSettings(not_null peer) { if (!_requestedPeerSettings.emplace(peer).second) { return; } request(MTPmessages_GetPeerSettings( peer->input )).done([=](const MTPmessages_PeerSettings &result) { result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_peerSettings &data) { _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); peer->setSettings(data.vsettings()); _requestedPeerSettings.erase(peer); }); }).fail([=] { _requestedPeerSettings.erase(peer); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::migrateChat( not_null chat, FnMut)> done, Fn fail) { const auto callback = [&] { return MigrateCallbacks{ std::move(done), std::move(fail) }; }; const auto i = _migrateCallbacks.find(chat); if (i != _migrateCallbacks.end()) { i->second.push_back(callback()); return; } _migrateCallbacks.emplace(chat).first->second.push_back(callback()); if (const auto channel = chat->migrateTo()) { session().changes().peerUpdated( chat, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Migration); crl::on_main([=] { migrateDone(chat, channel); }); } else if (chat->isDeactivated()) { crl::on_main([=] { migrateFail( chat, MTP::Error::Local( "BAD_MIGRATION", "Chat is already deactivated").type()); }); return; } else if (!chat->amCreator()) { crl::on_main([=] { migrateFail( chat, MTP::Error::Local( "BAD_MIGRATION", "Current user is not the creator of that chat").type()); }); return; } request(MTPmessages_MigrateChat( chat->inputChat )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { applyUpdates(result); session().changes().sendNotifications(); if (const auto channel = chat->migrateTo()) { if (auto handlers = _migrateCallbacks.take(chat)) { _migrateCallbacks.emplace(channel, std::move(*handlers)); } requestFullPeer(channel); } else { migrateFail( chat, MTP::Error::Local("MIGRATION_FAIL", "No channel").type()); } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { migrateFail(chat, error.type()); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::migrateDone( not_null peer, not_null channel) { session().changes().sendNotifications(); if (auto handlers = _migrateCallbacks.take(peer)) { for (auto &handler : *handlers) { if (handler.done) { handler.done(channel); } } } } void ApiWrap::migrateFail(not_null peer, const QString &error) { if (error == u"CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH"_q) { ShowChannelsLimitBox(peer); } if (auto handlers = _migrateCallbacks.take(peer)) { for (auto &handler : *handlers) { if (handler.fail) { handler.fail(error); } } } } void ApiWrap::markContentsRead( const base::flat_set> &items) { auto markedIds = QVector(); auto channelMarkedIds = base::flat_map< not_null, QVector>(); markedIds.reserve(items.size()); for (const auto &item : items) { if (!item->markContentsRead(true) || !item->isRegular()) { continue; } if (const auto channel = item->history()->peer->asChannel()) { channelMarkedIds[channel].push_back(MTP_int(item->id)); } else { markedIds.push_back(MTP_int(item->id)); } } if (!markedIds.isEmpty()) { request(MTPmessages_ReadMessageContents( MTP_vector(markedIds) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) { applyAffectedMessages(result); }).send(); } for (const auto &channelIds : channelMarkedIds) { request(MTPchannels_ReadMessageContents( channelIds.first->inputChannel, MTP_vector(channelIds.second) )).send(); } } void ApiWrap::markContentsRead(not_null item) { if (!item->markContentsRead(true) || !item->isRegular()) { return; } const auto ids = MTP_vector(1, MTP_int(item->id)); if (const auto channel = item->history()->peer->asChannel()) { request(MTPchannels_ReadMessageContents( channel->inputChannel, ids )).send(); } else { request(MTPmessages_ReadMessageContents( ids )).done([=](const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) { applyAffectedMessages(result); }).send(); } } void ApiWrap::deleteAllFromParticipant( not_null channel, not_null from) { const auto history = _session->data().historyLoaded(channel); const auto ids = history ? history->collectMessagesFromParticipantToDelete(from) : std::vector(); for (const auto &msgId : ids) { if (const auto item = _session->data().message(channel->id, msgId)) { item->destroy(); } } _session->data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); deleteAllFromParticipantSend(channel, from); } void ApiWrap::deleteAllFromParticipantSend( not_null channel, not_null from) { request(MTPchannels_DeleteParticipantHistory( channel->inputChannel, from->input )).done([=](const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result) { const auto offset = applyAffectedHistory(channel, result); if (offset > 0) { deleteAllFromParticipantSend(channel, from); } else if (const auto history = _session->data().historyLoaded(channel)) { history->requestChatListMessage(); } }).send(); } void ApiWrap::scheduleStickerSetRequest(uint64 setId, uint64 access) { if (!_stickerSetRequests.contains(setId)) { _stickerSetRequests.emplace(setId, StickerSetRequest{ access }); } } void ApiWrap::requestStickerSets() { for (auto &[id, info] : _stickerSetRequests) { if (info.id) { continue; } info.id = request(MTPmessages_GetStickerSet( MTP_inputStickerSetID( MTP_long(id), MTP_long(info.accessHash)), MTP_int(0) // hash )).done([=, setId = id](const MTPmessages_StickerSet &result) { gotStickerSet(setId, result); }).fail([=, setId = id] { _stickerSetRequests.remove(setId); }).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send(); } } void ApiWrap::saveStickerSets( const Data::StickersSetsOrder &localOrder, const Data::StickersSetsOrder &localRemoved, Data::StickersType type) { auto &setDisenableRequests = (type == Data::StickersType::Emoji) ? _customEmojiSetDisenableRequests : (type == Data::StickersType::Masks) ? _maskSetDisenableRequests : _stickerSetDisenableRequests; const auto reorderRequestId = [=]() -> mtpRequestId & { return (type == Data::StickersType::Emoji) ? _customEmojiReorderRequestId : (type == Data::StickersType::Masks) ? _masksReorderRequestId : _stickersReorderRequestId; }; for (auto requestId : base::take(setDisenableRequests)) { request(requestId).cancel(); } request(base::take(reorderRequestId())).cancel(); request(base::take(_stickersClearRecentRequestId)).cancel(); request(base::take(_stickersClearRecentAttachedRequestId)).cancel(); const auto stickersSaveOrder = [=] { if (localOrder.size() < 2) { return; } QVector mtpOrder; mtpOrder.reserve(localOrder.size()); for (const auto setId : std::as_const(localOrder)) { mtpOrder.push_back(MTP_long(setId)); } using Flag = MTPmessages_ReorderStickerSets::Flag; const auto flags = (type == Data::StickersType::Emoji) ? Flag::f_emojis : (type == Data::StickersType::Masks) ? Flag::f_masks : Flag(0); reorderRequestId() = request(MTPmessages_ReorderStickerSets( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_vector(mtpOrder) )).done([=] { reorderRequestId() = 0; }).fail([=] { reorderRequestId() = 0; if (type == Data::StickersType::Emoji) { _session->data().stickers().setLastEmojiUpdate(0); updateCustomEmoji(); } else if (type == Data::StickersType::Masks) { _session->data().stickers().setLastMasksUpdate(0); updateMasks(); } else { _session->data().stickers().setLastUpdate(0); updateStickers(); } }).send(); }; const auto stickerSetDisenabled = [=](mtpRequestId requestId) { auto &setDisenableRequests = (type == Data::StickersType::Emoji) ? _customEmojiSetDisenableRequests : (type == Data::StickersType::Masks) ? _maskSetDisenableRequests : _stickerSetDisenableRequests; setDisenableRequests.remove(requestId); if (setDisenableRequests.empty()) { stickersSaveOrder(); } }; auto writeInstalled = true, writeRecent = false, writeCloudRecent = false, writeCloudRecentAttached = false, writeFaved = false, writeArchived = false; auto &recent = _session->data().stickers().getRecentPack(); auto &sets = _session->data().stickers().setsRef(); auto &order = (type == Data::StickersType::Emoji) ? _session->data().stickers().emojiSetsOrder() : (type == Data::StickersType::Masks) ? _session->data().stickers().maskSetsOrder() : _session->data().stickers().setsOrder(); auto &orderRef = (type == Data::StickersType::Emoji) ? _session->data().stickers().emojiSetsOrderRef() : (type == Data::StickersType::Masks) ? _session->data().stickers().maskSetsOrderRef() : _session->data().stickers().setsOrderRef(); using Flag = Data::StickersSetFlag; for (const auto removedSetId : localRemoved) { if ((removedSetId == Data::Stickers::CloudRecentSetId) || (removedSetId == Data::Stickers::CloudRecentAttachedSetId)) { if (sets.remove(Data::Stickers::CloudRecentSetId) != 0) { writeCloudRecent = true; } if (sets.remove(Data::Stickers::CloudRecentAttachedSetId) != 0) { writeCloudRecentAttached = true; } if (sets.remove(Data::Stickers::CustomSetId)) { writeInstalled = true; } if (!recent.isEmpty()) { recent.clear(); writeRecent = true; } const auto isAttached = (removedSetId == Data::Stickers::CloudRecentAttachedSetId); const auto flags = isAttached ? MTPmessages_ClearRecentStickers::Flag::f_attached : MTPmessages_ClearRecentStickers::Flags(0); auto &requestId = isAttached ? _stickersClearRecentAttachedRequestId : _stickersClearRecentRequestId; const auto finish = [=] { (isAttached ? _stickersClearRecentAttachedRequestId : _stickersClearRecentRequestId) = 0; }; requestId = request(MTPmessages_ClearRecentStickers( MTP_flags(flags) )).done(finish).fail(finish).send(); continue; } auto it = sets.find(removedSetId); if (it != sets.cend()) { const auto set = it->second.get(); for (auto i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) { if (set->stickers.indexOf(i->first) >= 0) { i = recent.erase(i); writeRecent = true; } else { ++i; } } const auto archived = !!(set->flags & Flag::Archived); if (!archived) { const auto featured = !!(set->flags & Flag::Featured); const auto special = !!(set->flags & Flag::Special); const auto emoji = !!(set->flags & Flag::Emoji); const auto locked = (set->locked > 0); const auto setId = set->mtpInput(); auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_UninstallStickerSet( setId )).done([=](const MTPBool &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { stickerSetDisenabled(requestId); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { stickerSetDisenabled(requestId); }).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send(); setDisenableRequests.insert(requestId); const auto removeIndex = order.indexOf(set->id); if (removeIndex >= 0) { orderRef.removeAt(removeIndex); } if (!featured && !special && !emoji && !locked) { sets.erase(it); } else { if (archived) { writeArchived = true; } set->flags &= ~(Flag::Installed | Flag::Archived); set->installDate = TimeId(0); } } } } // Clear all installed flags, set only for sets from order. for (auto &[id, set] : sets) { const auto archived = !!(set->flags & Flag::Archived); const auto thatType = !!(set->flags & Flag::Emoji) ? Data::StickersType::Emoji : !!(set->flags & Flag::Masks) ? Data::StickersType::Masks : Data::StickersType::Stickers; if (!archived && (type == thatType)) { set->flags &= ~Flag::Installed; } } orderRef.clear(); for (const auto setId : std::as_const(localOrder)) { auto it = sets.find(setId); if (it == sets.cend()) { continue; } const auto set = it->second.get(); const auto archived = !!(set->flags & Flag::Archived); if (archived && !localRemoved.contains(set->id)) { const auto mtpSetId = set->mtpInput(); const auto requestId = request(MTPmessages_InstallStickerSet( mtpSetId, MTP_boolFalse() )).done([=]( const MTPmessages_StickerSetInstallResult &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { stickerSetDisenabled(requestId); }).fail([=]( const MTP::Error &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { stickerSetDisenabled(requestId); }).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send(); setDisenableRequests.insert(requestId); set->flags &= ~Flag::Archived; writeArchived = true; } orderRef.push_back(setId); set->flags |= Flag::Installed; if (!set->installDate) { set->installDate = base::unixtime::now(); } } for (auto it = sets.begin(); it != sets.cend();) { const auto set = it->second.get(); if ((set->flags & Flag::Featured) || (set->flags & Flag::Installed) || (set->flags & Flag::Archived) || (set->flags & Flag::Special) || (set->flags & Flag::Emoji) || (set->locked > 0)) { ++it; } else { it = sets.erase(it); } } auto &storage = local(); if (writeInstalled) { if (type == Data::StickersType::Emoji) { storage.writeInstalledCustomEmoji(); } else if (type == Data::StickersType::Masks) { storage.writeInstalledMasks(); } else { storage.writeInstalledStickers(); } } if (writeRecent) { session().saveSettings(); } if (writeArchived) { if (type == Data::StickersType::Emoji) { } else if (type == Data::StickersType::Masks) { storage.writeArchivedMasks(); } else { storage.writeArchivedStickers(); } } if (writeCloudRecent) { storage.writeRecentStickers(); } if (writeCloudRecentAttached) { storage.writeRecentMasks(); } if (writeFaved) { storage.writeFavedStickers(); } _session->data().stickers().notifyUpdated(type); if (setDisenableRequests.empty()) { stickersSaveOrder(); } else { requestSendDelayed(); } } void ApiWrap::joinChannel(not_null channel) { if (channel->amIn()) { session().changes().peerUpdated( channel, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChannelAmIn); } else if (!_channelAmInRequests.contains(channel)) { const auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_JoinChannel( channel->inputChannel )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _channelAmInRequests.remove(channel); applyUpdates(result); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { const auto &type = error.type(); const auto show = ShowForPeer(channel); if (type == u"CHANNEL_PRIVATE"_q && channel->invitePeekExpires()) { channel->privateErrorReceived(); } else if (type == u"CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH"_q) { ShowChannelsLimitBox(channel); } else { const auto text = [&] { if (type == u"INVITE_REQUEST_SENT"_q) { return channel->isMegagroup() ? tr::lng_group_request_sent(tr::now) : tr::lng_group_request_sent_channel(tr::now); } else if (type == u"CHANNEL_PRIVATE"_q || type == u"CHANNEL_PUBLIC_GROUP_NA"_q || type == u"USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL"_q) { return channel->isMegagroup() ? tr::lng_group_not_accessible(tr::now) : tr::lng_channel_not_accessible(tr::now); } else if (type == u"USERS_TOO_MUCH"_q) { return tr::lng_group_full(tr::now); } return QString(); }(); if (!text.isEmpty() && show->valid()) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = show->toastParent(), .text = { text }, .duration = kJoinErrorDuration, }); } } _channelAmInRequests.remove(channel); }).send(); _channelAmInRequests.emplace(channel, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::leaveChannel(not_null channel) { if (!channel->amIn()) { session().changes().peerUpdated( channel, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChannelAmIn); } else if (!_channelAmInRequests.contains(channel)) { auto requestId = request(MTPchannels_LeaveChannel( channel->inputChannel )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _channelAmInRequests.remove(channel); applyUpdates(result); }).fail([=] { _channelAmInRequests.remove(channel); }).send(); _channelAmInRequests.emplace(channel, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::requestNotifySettings(const MTPInputNotifyPeer &peer) { const auto peerFromInput = [&](const MTPInputPeer &inputPeer) { return inputPeer.match([&](const MTPDinputPeerSelf &) { return _session->userPeerId(); }, [](const MTPDinputPeerEmpty &) { return PeerId(0); }, [](const MTPDinputPeerChannel &data) { return peerFromChannel(data.vchannel_id()); }, [](const MTPDinputPeerChat &data) { return peerFromChat(data.vchat_id()); }, [](const MTPDinputPeerUser &data) { return peerFromUser(data.vuser_id()); }, [](const auto &) -> PeerId { Unexpected("Type in ApiRequest::requestNotifySettings peer."); }); }; const auto key = peer.match([](const MTPDinputNotifyUsers &) { return NotifySettingsKey{ peerFromUser(1) }; }, [](const MTPDinputNotifyChats &) { return NotifySettingsKey{ peerFromChat(1) }; }, [](const MTPDinputNotifyBroadcasts &) { return NotifySettingsKey{ peerFromChannel(1) }; }, [&](const MTPDinputNotifyPeer &data) { return NotifySettingsKey{ peerFromInput(data.vpeer()) }; }, [&](const MTPDinputNotifyForumTopic &data) { return NotifySettingsKey{ peerFromInput(data.vpeer()), data.vtop_msg_id().v, }; }); if (_notifySettingRequests.contains(key)) { return; } const auto requestId = request(MTPaccount_GetNotifySettings( peer )).done([=](const MTPPeerNotifySettings &result) { _session->data().notifySettings().apply(peer, result); _notifySettingRequests.remove(key); }).fail([=] { _session->data().notifySettings().apply( peer, MTP_peerNotifySettings( MTP_flags(0), MTPBool(), MTPBool(), MTPint(), MTPNotificationSound(), MTPNotificationSound(), MTPNotificationSound())); _notifySettingRequests.erase(key); }).send(); _notifySettingRequests.emplace(key, requestId); } void ApiWrap::updateNotifySettingsDelayed( not_null thread) { const auto topic = thread->asTopic(); if (!topic) { return updateNotifySettingsDelayed(thread->peer()); } if (_updateNotifyTopics.emplace(topic).second) { topic->destroyed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _updateNotifyTopics.remove(topic); }, _updateNotifyQueueLifetime); _updateNotifyTimer.callOnce(kNotifySettingSaveTimeout); } } void ApiWrap::updateNotifySettingsDelayed(not_null peer) { if (_updateNotifyPeers.emplace(peer).second) { _updateNotifyTimer.callOnce(kNotifySettingSaveTimeout); } } void ApiWrap::updateNotifySettingsDelayed(Data::DefaultNotify type) { if (_updateNotifyDefaults.emplace(type).second) { _updateNotifyTimer.callOnce(kNotifySettingSaveTimeout); } } void ApiWrap::sendNotifySettingsUpdates() { _updateNotifyQueueLifetime.destroy(); for (const auto topic : base::take(_updateNotifyTopics)) { request(MTPaccount_UpdateNotifySettings( MTP_inputNotifyForumTopic( topic->channel()->input, MTP_int(topic->rootId())), topic->notify().serialize() )).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send(); } for (const auto peer : base::take(_updateNotifyPeers)) { request(MTPaccount_UpdateNotifySettings( MTP_inputNotifyPeer(peer->input), peer->notify().serialize() )).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send(); } const auto &settings = session().data().notifySettings(); for (const auto type : base::take(_updateNotifyDefaults)) { const auto input = [&] { switch (type) { case Data::DefaultNotify::User: return MTP_inputNotifyUsers(); case Data::DefaultNotify::Group: return MTP_inputNotifyChats(); case Data::DefaultNotify::Broadcast: return MTP_inputNotifyBroadcasts(); } Unexpected("Default notify type in sendNotifySettingsUpdates"); }(); request(MTPaccount_UpdateNotifySettings( input, settings.defaultSettings(type).serialize() )).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send(); } session().mtp().sendAnything(); } void ApiWrap::saveDraftToCloudDelayed(not_null thread) { _draftsSaveRequestIds.emplace(base::make_weak(thread), 0); if (!_draftsSaveTimer.isActive()) { _draftsSaveTimer.callOnce(kSaveCloudDraftTimeout); } } void ApiWrap::updatePrivacyLastSeens() { const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); _session->data().enumerateUsers([&](UserData *user) { if (user->isSelf() || !user->isLoaded()) { return; } if (user->onlineTill <= 0) { return; } if (user->onlineTill + 3 * 86400 >= now) { user->onlineTill = -2; // recently } else if (user->onlineTill + 7 * 86400 >= now) { user->onlineTill = -3; // last week } else if (user->onlineTill + 30 * 86400 >= now) { user->onlineTill = -4; // last month } else { user->onlineTill = 0; } session().changes().peerUpdated( user, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::OnlineStatus); session().data().maybeStopWatchForOffline(user); }); if (_contactsStatusesRequestId) { request(_contactsStatusesRequestId).cancel(); } _contactsStatusesRequestId = request(MTPcontacts_GetStatuses( )).done([=](const MTPVector &result) { _contactsStatusesRequestId = 0; for (const auto &item : result.v) { Assert(item.type() == mtpc_contactStatus); auto &data = item.c_contactStatus(); if (auto user = _session->data().userLoaded(data.vuser_id())) { auto oldOnlineTill = user->onlineTill; auto newOnlineTill = OnlineTillFromStatus( data.vstatus(), oldOnlineTill); if (oldOnlineTill != newOnlineTill) { user->onlineTill = newOnlineTill; session().changes().peerUpdated( user, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::OnlineStatus); session().data().maybeStopWatchForOffline(user); } } } }).fail([this] { _contactsStatusesRequestId = 0; }).send(); } int ApiWrap::OnlineTillFromStatus( const MTPUserStatus &status, int currentOnlineTill) { switch (status.type()) { case mtpc_userStatusEmpty: return 0; case mtpc_userStatusRecently: // Don't modify pseudo-online. return (currentOnlineTill > -10) ? -2 : currentOnlineTill; case mtpc_userStatusLastWeek: return -3; case mtpc_userStatusLastMonth: return -4; case mtpc_userStatusOffline: return status.c_userStatusOffline().vwas_online().v; case mtpc_userStatusOnline: return status.c_userStatusOnline().vexpires().v; } Unexpected("Bad UserStatus type."); } void ApiWrap::clearHistory(not_null peer, bool revoke) { deleteHistory(peer, true, revoke); } void ApiWrap::deleteConversation(not_null peer, bool revoke) { if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { request(MTPmessages_DeleteChatUser( MTP_flags(0), chat->inputChat, _session->user()->inputUser )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { applyUpdates(result); deleteHistory(peer, false, revoke); }).fail([=] { deleteHistory(peer, false, revoke); }).send(); } else { deleteHistory(peer, false, revoke); } } void ApiWrap::deleteHistory( not_null peer, bool justClear, bool revoke) { auto deleteTillId = MsgId(0); const auto history = _session->data().history(peer); if (justClear) { // In case of clear history we need to know the last server message. while (history->lastMessageKnown()) { const auto last = history->lastMessage(); if (!last) { // History is empty. return; } else if (!last->isRegular()) { // Destroy client-side message locally. last->destroy(); } else { break; } } if (!history->lastMessageKnown()) { history->owner().histories().requestDialogEntry(history, [=] { Expects(history->lastMessageKnown()); deleteHistory(peer, justClear, revoke); }); return; } deleteTillId = history->lastMessage()->id; } if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { if (!justClear && !revoke) { channel->ptsWaitingForShortPoll(-1); leaveChannel(channel); } else { if (const auto migrated = peer->migrateFrom()) { deleteHistory(migrated, justClear, revoke); } if (deleteTillId || (!justClear && revoke)) { history->owner().histories().deleteAllMessages( history, deleteTillId, justClear, revoke); } } } else { history->owner().histories().deleteAllMessages( history, deleteTillId, justClear, revoke); } if (!justClear) { _session->data().deleteConversationLocally(peer); } else if (history) { history->clear(History::ClearType::ClearHistory); } } void ApiWrap::applyUpdates( const MTPUpdates &updates, uint64 sentMessageRandomId) { this->updates().applyUpdates(updates, sentMessageRandomId); } int ApiWrap::applyAffectedHistory( PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result) { const auto &data = result.c_messages_affectedHistory(); if (const auto channel = peer ? peer->asChannel() : nullptr) { channel->ptsUpdateAndApply(data.vpts().v, data.vpts_count().v); } else { updates().updateAndApply(data.vpts().v, data.vpts_count().v); } return data.voffset().v; } void ApiWrap::applyAffectedMessages( not_null peer, const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) { const auto &data = result.c_messages_affectedMessages(); if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { channel->ptsUpdateAndApply(data.vpts().v, data.vpts_count().v); } else { applyAffectedMessages(result); } } void ApiWrap::applyAffectedMessages( const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) { const auto &data = result.c_messages_affectedMessages(); updates().updateAndApply(data.vpts().v, data.vpts_count().v); } void ApiWrap::saveCurrentDraftToCloud() { for (const auto &controller : _session->windows()) { controller->materializeLocalDrafts(); if (const auto thread = controller->activeChatCurrent().thread()) { const auto topic = thread->asTopic(); if (topic && topic->creating()) { continue; } const auto history = thread->owningHistory(); _session->local().writeDrafts(history); const auto topicRootId = thread->topicRootId(); const auto localDraft = history->localDraft(topicRootId); const auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft(topicRootId); if (!Data::DraftsAreEqual(localDraft, cloudDraft) && !_session->supportMode()) { saveDraftToCloudDelayed(thread); } } } } void ApiWrap::saveDraftsToCloud() { for (auto i = begin(_draftsSaveRequestIds); i != end(_draftsSaveRequestIds);) { const auto weak = i->first; const auto thread = weak.get(); if (!thread) { i = _draftsSaveRequestIds.erase(i); continue; } else if (i->second) { ++i; continue; // sent already } const auto history = thread->owningHistory(); const auto topicRootId = thread->topicRootId(); auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft(topicRootId); auto localDraft = history->localDraft(topicRootId); if (cloudDraft && cloudDraft->saveRequestId) { request(base::take(cloudDraft->saveRequestId)).cancel(); } if (!_session->supportMode()) { cloudDraft = history->createCloudDraft(topicRootId, localDraft); } else if (!cloudDraft) { cloudDraft = history->createCloudDraft(topicRootId, nullptr); } auto flags = MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flags(0); auto &textWithTags = cloudDraft->textWithTags; if (cloudDraft->previewState != Data::PreviewState::Allowed) { flags |= MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flag::f_no_webpage; } if (cloudDraft->msgId) { flags |= MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id; } if (cloudDraft->topicRootId) { flags |= MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flag::f_top_msg_id; } if (!textWithTags.tags.isEmpty()) { flags |= MTPmessages_SaveDraft::Flag::f_entities; } auto entities = Api::EntitiesToMTP( _session, TextUtilities::ConvertTextTagsToEntities(textWithTags.tags), Api::ConvertOption::SkipLocal); history->startSavingCloudDraft(topicRootId); cloudDraft->saveRequestId = request(MTPmessages_SaveDraft( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(cloudDraft->msgId), MTP_int(cloudDraft->topicRootId), history->peer->input, MTP_string(textWithTags.text), entities )).done([=](const MTPBool &result, const MTP::Response &response) { const auto requestId = response.requestId; history->finishSavingCloudDraft( topicRootId, UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId)); if (const auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft(topicRootId)) { if (cloudDraft->saveRequestId == requestId) { cloudDraft->saveRequestId = 0; history->draftSavedToCloud(topicRootId); } } const auto i = _draftsSaveRequestIds.find(weak); if (i != _draftsSaveRequestIds.cend() && i->second == requestId) { _draftsSaveRequestIds.erase(i); checkQuitPreventFinished(); } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error, const MTP::Response &response) { const auto requestId = response.requestId; history->finishSavingCloudDraft( topicRootId, UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId)); if (const auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft(topicRootId)) { if (cloudDraft->saveRequestId == requestId) { history->clearCloudDraft(topicRootId); } } const auto i = _draftsSaveRequestIds.find(weak); if (i != _draftsSaveRequestIds.cend() && i->second == requestId) { _draftsSaveRequestIds.erase(i); checkQuitPreventFinished(); } }).send(); i->second = cloudDraft->saveRequestId; ++i; } } bool ApiWrap::isQuitPrevent() { if (_draftsSaveRequestIds.empty()) { return false; } LOG(("ApiWrap prevents quit, saving drafts...")); saveDraftsToCloud(); return true; } void ApiWrap::checkQuitPreventFinished() { if (_draftsSaveRequestIds.empty()) { if (Core::Quitting()) { LOG(("ApiWrap doesn't prevent quit any more.")); } Core::App().quitPreventFinished(); } } void ApiWrap::registerModifyRequest( const QString &key, mtpRequestId requestId) { const auto i = _modifyRequests.find(key); if (i != end(_modifyRequests)) { request(i->second).cancel(); i->second = requestId; } else { _modifyRequests.emplace(key, requestId); } } void ApiWrap::clearModifyRequest(const QString &key) { _modifyRequests.remove(key); } void ApiWrap::gotStickerSet( uint64 setId, const MTPmessages_StickerSet &result) { _stickerSetRequests.remove(setId); result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_stickerSet &data) { _session->data().stickers().feedSetFull(data); }, [](const MTPDmessages_stickerSetNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: Unexpected messages.stickerSetNotModified.")); }); } void ApiWrap::requestWebPageDelayed(not_null page) { if (page->pendingTill <= 0) { return; } _webPagesPending.emplace(page, 0); auto left = (page->pendingTill - base::unixtime::now()) * 1000; if (!_webPagesTimer.isActive() || left <= _webPagesTimer.remainingTime()) { _webPagesTimer.callOnce((left < 0 ? 0 : left) + 1); } } void ApiWrap::clearWebPageRequest(not_null page) { _webPagesPending.remove(page); if (_webPagesPending.empty() && _webPagesTimer.isActive()) { _webPagesTimer.cancel(); } } void ApiWrap::clearWebPageRequests() { _webPagesPending.clear(); _webPagesTimer.cancel(); } void ApiWrap::resolveWebPages() { auto ids = QVector(); // temp_req_id = -1 using IndexAndMessageIds = QPair>; using MessageIdsByChannel = base::flat_map; MessageIdsByChannel idsByChannel; // temp_req_id = -index - 2 ids.reserve(_webPagesPending.size()); int32 t = base::unixtime::now(), m = INT_MAX; for (auto &[page, requestId] : _webPagesPending) { if (requestId > 0) { continue; } if (page->pendingTill <= t) { if (const auto item = _session->data().findWebPageItem(page)) { if (const auto channel = item->history()->peer->asChannel()) { auto channelMap = idsByChannel.find(channel); if (channelMap == idsByChannel.cend()) { channelMap = idsByChannel.emplace( channel, IndexAndMessageIds( idsByChannel.size(), QVector( 1, MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(item->id))))).first; } else { channelMap->second.second.push_back( MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(item->id))); } requestId = -channelMap->second.first - 2; } else { ids.push_back(MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(item->id))); requestId = -1; } } } else { m = std::min(m, page->pendingTill - t); } } auto requestId = mtpRequestId(0); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { requestId = request(MTPmessages_GetMessages( MTP_vector(ids) )).done([=]( const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { gotWebPages(nullptr, result, requestId); }).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send(); } QVector reqsByIndex(idsByChannel.size(), 0); for (auto i = idsByChannel.cbegin(), e = idsByChannel.cend(); i != e; ++i) { reqsByIndex[i->second.first] = request(MTPchannels_GetMessages( i->first->inputChannel, MTP_vector(i->second.second) )).done([=, channel = i->first]( const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { gotWebPages(channel, result, requestId); }).afterDelay(kSmallDelayMs).send(); } if (requestId || !reqsByIndex.isEmpty()) { for (auto &[page, pendingRequestId] : _webPagesPending) { if (pendingRequestId > 0) { continue; } else if (pendingRequestId < 0) { if (pendingRequestId == -1) { pendingRequestId = requestId; } else { pendingRequestId = reqsByIndex[-pendingRequestId - 2]; } } } } if (m < INT_MAX) { _webPagesTimer.callOnce(std::min(m, 86400) * crl::time(1000)); } } template void ApiWrap::requestFileReference( Data::FileOrigin origin, FileReferencesHandler &&handler, Request &&data) { const auto i = _fileReferenceHandlers.find(origin); if (i != end(_fileReferenceHandlers)) { i->second.push_back(std::move(handler)); return; } auto handlers = std::vector(); handlers.push_back(std::move(handler)); _fileReferenceHandlers.emplace(origin, std::move(handlers)); request(std::move(data)).done([=](const auto &result) { const auto parsed = Data::GetFileReferences(result); for (const auto &p : parsed.data) { // Unpack here the parsed pair by hand to workaround a GCC bug. // See https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=87122 const auto &origin = p.first; const auto &reference = p.second; const auto documentId = std::get_if( &origin); if (documentId) { _session->data().document( documentId->id )->refreshFileReference(reference); } const auto photoId = std::get_if(&origin); if (photoId) { _session->data().photo( photoId->id )->refreshFileReference(reference); } } const auto i = _fileReferenceHandlers.find(origin); Assert(i != end(_fileReferenceHandlers)); auto handlers = std::move(i->second); _fileReferenceHandlers.erase(i); for (auto &handler : handlers) { handler(parsed); } }).fail([=] { const auto i = _fileReferenceHandlers.find(origin); Assert(i != end(_fileReferenceHandlers)); auto handlers = std::move(i->second); _fileReferenceHandlers.erase(i); for (auto &handler : handlers) { handler(UpdatedFileReferences()); } }).send(); } void ApiWrap::refreshFileReference( Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null task, int requestId, const QByteArray ¤t) { return refreshFileReference(origin, crl::guard(task, [=]( const UpdatedFileReferences &data) { task->refreshFileReferenceFrom(data, requestId, current); })); } void ApiWrap::refreshFileReference( Data::FileOrigin origin, FileReferencesHandler &&handler) { const auto fail = [&] { handler(UpdatedFileReferences()); }; const auto request = [&]( auto &&data, Fn &&additional = nullptr) { requestFileReference( origin, std::move(handler), std::move(data)); if (additional) { const auto i = _fileReferenceHandlers.find(origin); Assert(i != end(_fileReferenceHandlers)); if (i->second.size() == 1) { i->second.push_back([=](auto&&) { additional(); }); } } }; v::match(origin.data, [&](Data::FileOriginMessage data) { if (const auto item = _session->data().message(data)) { if (item->isScheduled()) { const auto &scheduled = _session->data().scheduledMessages(); const auto realId = scheduled.lookupId(item); request(MTPmessages_GetScheduledMessages( item->history()->peer->input, MTP_vector(1, MTP_int(realId)))); } else if (const auto channel = item->history()->peer->asChannel()) { request(MTPchannels_GetMessages( channel->inputChannel, MTP_vector( 1, MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(item->id))))); } else { request(MTPmessages_GetMessages( MTP_vector( 1, MTP_inputMessageID(MTP_int(item->id))))); } } else { fail(); } }, [&](Data::FileOriginUserPhoto data) { if (const auto user = _session->data().user(data.userId)) { request(MTPphotos_GetUserPhotos( user->inputUser, MTP_int(-1), MTP_long(data.photoId), MTP_int(1))); } else { fail(); } }, [&](Data::FileOriginFullUser data) { if (const auto user = _session->data().user(data.userId)) { request(MTPusers_GetFullUser(user->inputUser)); } else { fail(); } }, [&](Data::FileOriginPeerPhoto data) { fail(); }, [&](Data::FileOriginStickerSet data) { const auto isRecentAttached = (data.setId == Data::Stickers::CloudRecentAttachedSetId); if (data.setId == Data::Stickers::CloudRecentSetId || data.setId == Data::Stickers::RecentSetId || isRecentAttached) { auto done = [=] { crl::on_main(_session, [=] { if (isRecentAttached) { local().writeRecentMasks(); } else { local().writeRecentStickers(); } }); }; request(MTPmessages_GetRecentStickers( MTP_flags(isRecentAttached ? MTPmessages_GetRecentStickers::Flag::f_attached : MTPmessages_GetRecentStickers::Flags(0)), MTP_long(0)), std::move(done)); } else if (data.setId == Data::Stickers::FavedSetId) { request(MTPmessages_GetFavedStickers(MTP_long(0)), [=] { crl::on_main(_session, [=] { local().writeFavedStickers(); }); }); } else { request(MTPmessages_GetStickerSet( MTP_inputStickerSetID( MTP_long(data.setId), MTP_long(data.accessHash)), MTP_int(0)), // hash [=] { crl::on_main(_session, [=] { local().writeInstalledStickers(); local().writeRecentStickers(); local().writeFavedStickers(); }); }); } }, [&](Data::FileOriginSavedGifs data) { request( MTPmessages_GetSavedGifs(MTP_long(0)), [=] { crl::on_main(_session, [=] { local().writeSavedGifs(); }); }); }, [&](Data::FileOriginWallpaper data) { const auto useSlug = data.ownerId && (data.ownerId != session().userId()) && !data.slug.isEmpty(); request(MTPaccount_GetWallPaper(useSlug ? MTP_inputWallPaperSlug(MTP_string(data.slug)) : MTP_inputWallPaper( MTP_long(data.paperId), MTP_long(data.accessHash)))); }, [&](Data::FileOriginTheme data) { request(MTPaccount_GetTheme( MTP_string(Data::CloudThemes::Format()), MTP_inputTheme( MTP_long(data.themeId), MTP_long(data.accessHash)))); }, [&](Data::FileOriginRingtones data) { request(MTPaccount_GetSavedRingtones(MTP_long(0))); }, [&](Data::FileOriginPremiumPreviews data) { request(MTPhelp_GetPremiumPromo()); }, [&](v::null_t) { fail(); }); } void ApiWrap::gotWebPages(ChannelData *channel, const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId req) { WebPageData::ApplyChanges(_session, channel, result); for (auto i = _webPagesPending.begin(); i != _webPagesPending.cend();) { if (i->second == req) { if (i->first->pendingTill > 0) { i->first->pendingTill = -1; _session->data().notifyWebPageUpdateDelayed(i->first); } i = _webPagesPending.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } _session->data().sendWebPageGamePollNotifications(); } void ApiWrap::updateStickers() { const auto now = crl::now(); requestStickers(now); requestRecentStickers(now); requestFavedStickers(now); requestFeaturedStickers(now); } void ApiWrap::updateSavedGifs() { const auto now = crl::now(); requestSavedGifs(now); } void ApiWrap::updateMasks() { const auto now = crl::now(); requestMasks(now); requestRecentStickers(now, true); } void ApiWrap::updateCustomEmoji() { const auto now = crl::now(); requestCustomEmoji(now); requestFeaturedEmoji(now); } void ApiWrap::requestRecentStickersForce(bool attached) { requestRecentStickersWithHash(0, attached); } void ApiWrap::setGroupStickerSet( not_null megagroup, const StickerSetIdentifier &set) { Expects(megagroup->mgInfo != nullptr); megagroup->mgInfo->stickerSet = set; request(MTPchannels_SetStickers( megagroup->inputChannel, Data::InputStickerSet(set) )).send(); _session->data().stickers().notifyUpdated(Data::StickersType::Stickers); } std::vector> *ApiWrap::stickersByEmoji( not_null emoji) { const auto it = _stickersByEmoji.find(emoji); const auto sendRequest = [&] { if (it == _stickersByEmoji.end()) { return true; } const auto received = it->second.received; const auto now = crl::now(); return (received > 0) && (received + kStickersByEmojiInvalidateTimeout) <= now; }(); if (sendRequest) { const auto hash = (it != _stickersByEmoji.end()) ? it->second.hash : uint64(0); request(MTPmessages_GetStickers( MTP_string(emoji->text()), MTP_long(hash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Stickers &result) { if (result.type() == mtpc_messages_stickersNotModified) { return; } Assert(result.type() == mtpc_messages_stickers); const auto &data = result.c_messages_stickers(); auto &entry = _stickersByEmoji[emoji]; entry.list.clear(); entry.list.reserve(data.vstickers().v.size()); for (const auto &sticker : data.vstickers().v) { const auto document = _session->data().processDocument( sticker); if (document->sticker()) { entry.list.push_back(document); } } entry.hash = data.vhash().v; entry.received = crl::now(); _session->data().stickers().notifyUpdated( Data::StickersType::Stickers); }).send(); } if (it == _stickersByEmoji.end()) { _stickersByEmoji.emplace(emoji, StickersByEmoji()); } else if (it->second.received > 0) { return &it->second.list; } return nullptr; } void ApiWrap::requestStickers(TimeId now) { if (!_session->data().stickers().updateNeeded(now) || _stickersUpdateRequest) { return; } const auto done = [=](const MTPmessages_AllStickers &result) { _session->data().stickers().setLastUpdate(crl::now()); _stickersUpdateRequest = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_allStickersNotModified&) { }, [&](const MTPDmessages_allStickers &data) { _session->data().stickers().setsReceived( data.vsets().v, data.vhash().v); }); }; _stickersUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetAllStickers( MTP_long(Api::CountStickersHash(_session, true)) )).done(done).fail([=] { LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get stickers!")); done(MTP_messages_allStickersNotModified()); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestMasks(TimeId now) { if (!_session->data().stickers().masksUpdateNeeded(now) || _masksUpdateRequest) { return; } const auto done = [=](const MTPmessages_AllStickers &result) { _session->data().stickers().setLastMasksUpdate(crl::now()); _masksUpdateRequest = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_allStickersNotModified&) { }, [&](const MTPDmessages_allStickers &data) { _session->data().stickers().masksReceived( data.vsets().v, data.vhash().v); }); }; _masksUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetMaskStickers( MTP_long(Api::CountMasksHash(_session, true)) )).done(done).fail([=] { LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get masks!")); done(MTP_messages_allStickersNotModified()); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestCustomEmoji(TimeId now) { if (!_session->data().stickers().emojiUpdateNeeded(now) || _customEmojiUpdateRequest) { return; } const auto done = [=](const MTPmessages_AllStickers &result) { _session->data().stickers().setLastEmojiUpdate(crl::now()); _customEmojiUpdateRequest = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_allStickersNotModified&) { }, [&](const MTPDmessages_allStickers &data) { _session->data().stickers().emojiReceived( data.vsets().v, data.vhash().v); }); }; _customEmojiUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetEmojiStickers( MTP_long(Api::CountCustomEmojiHash(_session, true)) )).done(done).fail([=] { LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get custom emoji!")); done(MTP_messages_allStickersNotModified()); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestRecentStickers(TimeId now, bool attached) { const auto needed = attached ? _session->data().stickers().recentAttachedUpdateNeeded(now) : _session->data().stickers().recentUpdateNeeded(now); if (!needed) { return; } requestRecentStickersWithHash( Api::CountRecentStickersHash(_session, attached), attached); } void ApiWrap::requestRecentStickersWithHash(uint64 hash, bool attached) { const auto requestId = [=]() -> mtpRequestId & { return attached ? _recentAttachedStickersUpdateRequest : _recentStickersUpdateRequest; }; if (requestId()) { return; } const auto finish = [=] { auto &stickers = _session->data().stickers(); if (attached) { stickers.setLastRecentAttachedUpdate(crl::now()); } else { stickers.setLastRecentUpdate(crl::now()); } requestId() = 0; }; const auto flags = attached ? MTPmessages_getRecentStickers::Flag::f_attached : MTPmessages_getRecentStickers::Flags(0); requestId() = request(MTPmessages_GetRecentStickers( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_long(hash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_RecentStickers &result) { finish(); switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_recentStickersNotModified: return; case mtpc_messages_recentStickers: { auto &d = result.c_messages_recentStickers(); _session->data().stickers().specialSetReceived( attached ? Data::Stickers::CloudRecentAttachedSetId : Data::Stickers::CloudRecentSetId, tr::lng_recent_stickers(tr::now), d.vstickers().v, d.vhash().v, d.vpacks().v, d.vdates().v); } return; default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::recentStickersDone()"); } }).fail([=] { finish(); LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get recent stickers!")); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestFavedStickers(TimeId now) { if (!_session->data().stickers().favedUpdateNeeded(now) || _favedStickersUpdateRequest) { return; } _favedStickersUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetFavedStickers( MTP_long(Api::CountFavedStickersHash(_session)) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_FavedStickers &result) { _session->data().stickers().setLastFavedUpdate(crl::now()); _favedStickersUpdateRequest = 0; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_favedStickersNotModified: return; case mtpc_messages_favedStickers: { auto &d = result.c_messages_favedStickers(); _session->data().stickers().specialSetReceived( Data::Stickers::FavedSetId, Lang::Hard::FavedSetTitle(), d.vstickers().v, d.vhash().v, d.vpacks().v); } return; default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::favedStickersDone()"); } }).fail([=] { _session->data().stickers().setLastFavedUpdate(crl::now()); _favedStickersUpdateRequest = 0; LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get faved stickers!")); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestFeaturedStickers(TimeId now) { if (!_session->data().stickers().featuredUpdateNeeded(now) || _featuredStickersUpdateRequest) { return; } _featuredStickersUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetFeaturedStickers( MTP_long(Api::CountFeaturedStickersHash(_session)) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_FeaturedStickers &result) { _featuredStickersUpdateRequest = 0; _session->data().stickers().featuredSetsReceived(result); }).fail([=] { _featuredStickersUpdateRequest = 0; _session->data().stickers().setLastFeaturedUpdate(crl::now()); LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get featured stickers!")); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestFeaturedEmoji(TimeId now) { if (!_session->data().stickers().featuredEmojiUpdateNeeded(now) || _featuredEmojiUpdateRequest) { return; } _featuredEmojiUpdateRequest = request( MTPmessages_GetFeaturedEmojiStickers( MTP_long(Api::CountFeaturedStickersHash(_session))) ).done([=](const MTPmessages_FeaturedStickers &result) { _featuredEmojiUpdateRequest = 0; _session->data().stickers().featuredEmojiSetsReceived(result); }).fail([=] { _featuredEmojiUpdateRequest = 0; _session->data().stickers().setLastFeaturedEmojiUpdate(crl::now()); LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get featured emoji!")); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::requestSavedGifs(TimeId now) { if (!_session->data().stickers().savedGifsUpdateNeeded(now) || _savedGifsUpdateRequest) { return; } _savedGifsUpdateRequest = request(MTPmessages_GetSavedGifs( MTP_long(Api::CountSavedGifsHash(_session)) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_SavedGifs &result) { _session->data().stickers().setLastSavedGifsUpdate(crl::now()); _savedGifsUpdateRequest = 0; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_savedGifsNotModified: return; case mtpc_messages_savedGifs: { auto &d = result.c_messages_savedGifs(); _session->data().stickers().gifsReceived( d.vgifs().v, d.vhash().v); } return; default: Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::savedGifsDone()"); } }).fail([=] { _session->data().stickers().setLastSavedGifsUpdate(crl::now()); _savedGifsUpdateRequest = 0; LOG(("App Fail: Failed to get saved gifs!")); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::readFeaturedSetDelayed(uint64 setId) { if (!_featuredSetsRead.contains(setId)) { _featuredSetsRead.insert(setId); _featuredSetsReadTimer.callOnce(kReadFeaturedSetsTimeout); } } void ApiWrap::readFeaturedSets() { const auto &sets = _session->data().stickers().sets(); auto count = _session->data().stickers().featuredSetsUnreadCount(); QVector wrappedIds; wrappedIds.reserve(_featuredSetsRead.size()); for (const auto setId : _featuredSetsRead) { const auto it = sets.find(setId); if (it != sets.cend()) { it->second->flags &= ~Data::StickersSetFlag::Unread; wrappedIds.append(MTP_long(setId)); if (count) { --count; } } } _featuredSetsRead.clear(); if (!wrappedIds.empty()) { auto requestData = MTPmessages_ReadFeaturedStickers( MTP_vector(wrappedIds)); request(std::move(requestData)).done([=] { local().writeFeaturedStickers(); _session->data().stickers().notifyUpdated( Data::StickersType::Stickers); }).send(); _session->data().stickers().setFeaturedSetsUnreadCount(count); } } void ApiWrap::resolveJumpToDate( Dialogs::Key chat, const QDate &date, Fn, MsgId)> callback) { if (const auto peer = chat.peer()) { const auto topic = chat.topic(); const auto rootId = topic ? topic->rootId() : 0; resolveJumpToHistoryDate(peer, rootId, date, std::move(callback)); } } template void ApiWrap::requestMessageAfterDate( not_null peer, MsgId topicRootId, const QDate &date, Callback &&callback) { // API returns a message with date <= offset_date. // So we request a message with offset_date = desired_date - 1 and add_offset = -1. // This should give us the first message with date >= desired_date. const auto offsetId = 0; const auto offsetDate = static_cast(date.startOfDay().toSecsSinceEpoch()) - 1; const auto addOffset = -1; const auto limit = 1; const auto maxId = 0; const auto minId = 0; const auto historyHash = uint64(0); auto send = [&](auto &&serialized) { request(std::move(serialized)).done([ =, callback = std::forward(callback) ](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { const auto handleMessages = [&](auto &messages) { _session->data().processUsers(messages.vusers()); _session->data().processChats(messages.vchats()); return &messages.vmessages().v; }; const auto list = result.match([&]( const MTPDmessages_messages &data) { return handleMessages(data); }, [&](const MTPDmessages_messagesSlice &data) { return handleMessages(data); }, [&](const MTPDmessages_channelMessages &data) { if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { channel->ptsReceived(data.vpts().v); channel->processTopics(data.vtopics()); } else { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when " "no channel was passed! (ApiWrap::jumpToDate)")); } return handleMessages(data); }, [&](const MTPDmessages_messagesNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: received messages.messagesNotModified! " "(ApiWrap::jumpToDate)")); return (const QVector*)nullptr; }); if (list) { _session->data().processMessages( *list, NewMessageType::Existing); for (const auto &message : *list) { if (DateFromMessage(message) >= offsetDate) { callback(IdFromMessage(message)); return; } } } callback(ShowAtUnreadMsgId); }).send(); }; if (topicRootId) { send(MTPmessages_GetReplies( peer->input, MTP_int(topicRootId), MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(offsetDate), MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(limit), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId), MTP_long(historyHash))); } else { send(MTPmessages_GetHistory( peer->input, MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(offsetDate), MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(limit), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId), MTP_long(historyHash))); } } void ApiWrap::resolveJumpToHistoryDate( not_null peer, MsgId topicRootId, const QDate &date, Fn, MsgId)> callback) { if (const auto channel = peer->migrateTo()) { return resolveJumpToHistoryDate( channel, topicRootId, date, std::move(callback)); } const auto jumpToDateInPeer = [=] { requestMessageAfterDate(peer, topicRootId, date, [=](MsgId itemId) { callback(peer, itemId); }); }; if (const auto chat = topicRootId ? nullptr : peer->migrateFrom()) { requestMessageAfterDate(chat, 0, date, [=](MsgId itemId) { if (itemId) { callback(chat, itemId); } else { jumpToDateInPeer(); } }); } else { jumpToDateInPeer(); } } void ApiWrap::requestSharedMedia( not_null peer, MsgId topicRootId, SharedMediaType type, MsgId messageId, SliceType slice) { const auto key = SharedMediaRequest{ peer, topicRootId, type, messageId, slice, }; if (_sharedMediaRequests.contains(key)) { return; } const auto prepared = Api::PrepareSearchRequest( peer, topicRootId, type, QString(), messageId, slice); if (!prepared) { return; } const auto history = _session->data().history(peer); auto &histories = history->owner().histories(); const auto requestType = Data::Histories::RequestType::History; histories.sendRequest(history, requestType, [=](Fn finish) { return request( std::move(*prepared) ).done([=](const Api::SearchRequestResult &result) { _sharedMediaRequests.remove(key); auto parsed = Api::ParseSearchResult( peer, type, messageId, slice, result); sharedMediaDone(peer, topicRootId, type, std::move(parsed)); finish(); }).fail([=] { _sharedMediaRequests.remove(key); finish(); }).send(); }); _sharedMediaRequests.emplace(key); } void ApiWrap::sharedMediaDone( not_null peer, MsgId topicRootId, SharedMediaType type, Api::SearchResult &&parsed) { const auto topic = peer->forumTopicFor(topicRootId); if (topicRootId && !topic) { return; } _session->storage().add(Storage::SharedMediaAddSlice( peer->id, topicRootId, type, std::move(parsed.messageIds), parsed.noSkipRange, parsed.fullCount )); if (type == SharedMediaType::Pinned && !parsed.messageIds.empty()) { peer->owner().history(peer)->setHasPinnedMessages(true); if (topic) { topic->setHasPinnedMessages(true); } } } void ApiWrap::sendAction(const SendAction &action) { if (!action.options.scheduled && !action.replaceMediaOf) { const auto topic = action.topicRootId ? action.history->peer->forumTopicFor(action.topicRootId) : nullptr; if (topic) { topic->readTillEnd(); } else { _session->data().histories().readInbox(action.history); } action.history->getReadyFor(ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } _sendActions.fire_copy(action); } void ApiWrap::finishForwarding(const SendAction &action) { const auto history = action.history; auto toForward = history->resolveForwardDraft(action.topicRootId); if (!toForward.items.empty()) { const auto error = GetErrorTextForSending( history->peer, { .topicRootId = action.topicRootId, .forward = &toForward.items, }); if (!error.isEmpty()) { return; } forwardMessages(std::move(toForward), action); history->setForwardDraft(action.topicRootId, {}); } _session->data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); _session->changes().historyUpdated( history, (action.options.scheduled ? Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::ScheduledSent : Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::MessageSent)); } void ApiWrap::forwardMessages( Data::ResolvedForwardDraft &&draft, const SendAction &action, FnMut &&successCallback) { Expects(!draft.items.empty()); auto &histories = _session->data().histories(); struct SharedCallback { int requestsLeft = 0; FnMut callback; }; const auto shared = successCallback ? std::make_shared() : std::shared_ptr(); if (successCallback) { shared->callback = std::move(successCallback); } const auto count = int(draft.items.size()); const auto genClientSideMessage = action.generateLocal && (count < 2) && (draft.options == Data::ForwardOptions::PreserveInfo); const auto history = action.history; const auto peer = history->peer; if (!action.options.scheduled) { histories.readInbox(history); } const auto anonymousPost = peer->amAnonymous(); const auto silentPost = ShouldSendSilent(peer, action.options); const auto sendAs = action.options.sendAs; auto flags = MessageFlags(); auto sendFlags = MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flags(0); FillMessagePostFlags(action, peer, flags); if (silentPost) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_silent; } if (action.options.scheduled) { flags |= MessageFlag::IsOrWasScheduled; sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_schedule_date; } if (draft.options != Data::ForwardOptions::PreserveInfo) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_drop_author; } if (draft.options == Data::ForwardOptions::NoNamesAndCaptions) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_drop_media_captions; } if (sendAs) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_send_as; } const auto kGeneralId = Data::ForumTopic::kGeneralId; const auto topMsgId = (action.topicRootId == kGeneralId) ? MsgId(0) : action.topicRootId; if (topMsgId) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_top_msg_id; } auto forwardFrom = draft.items.front()->history()->peer; auto ids = QVector(); auto randomIds = QVector(); auto localIds = std::shared_ptr>(); const auto sendAccumulated = [&] { if (shared) { ++shared->requestsLeft; } const auto requestType = Data::Histories::RequestType::Send; const auto idsCopy = localIds; histories.sendRequest(history, requestType, [=](Fn finish) { history->sendRequestId = request(MTPmessages_ForwardMessages( MTP_flags(sendFlags), forwardFrom->input, MTP_vector(ids), MTP_vector(randomIds), peer->input, MTP_int(topMsgId), MTP_int(action.options.scheduled), (sendAs ? sendAs->input : MTP_inputPeerEmpty()) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { applyUpdates(result); if (shared && !--shared->requestsLeft) { shared->callback(); } finish(); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { if (idsCopy) { for (const auto &[randomId, itemId] : *idsCopy) { sendMessageFail(error, peer, randomId, itemId); } } else { sendMessageFail(error, peer); } finish(); }).afterRequest( history->sendRequestId ).send(); return history->sendRequestId; }); ids.resize(0); randomIds.resize(0); localIds = nullptr; }; ids.reserve(count); randomIds.reserve(count); for (const auto item : draft.items) { const auto randomId = base::RandomValue(); if (genClientSideMessage) { const auto newId = FullMsgId( peer->id, _session->data().nextLocalMessageId()); const auto self = _session->user(); const auto messageFromId = sendAs ? sendAs->id : anonymousPost ? PeerId(0) : self->id; const auto messagePostAuthor = peer->isBroadcast() ? self->name() : QString(); history->addNewLocalMessage( newId.msg, flags, HistoryItem::NewMessageDate(action.options.scheduled), messageFromId, messagePostAuthor, item, topMsgId); _session->data().registerMessageRandomId(randomId, newId); if (!localIds) { localIds = std::make_shared>(); } localIds->emplace(randomId, newId); } const auto newFrom = item->history()->peer; if (forwardFrom != newFrom) { sendAccumulated(); forwardFrom = newFrom; } ids.push_back(MTP_int(item->id)); randomIds.push_back(MTP_long(randomId)); } sendAccumulated(); _session->data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); } void ApiWrap::shareContact( const QString &phone, const QString &firstName, const QString &lastName, const SendAction &action) { const auto userId = UserId(0); sendSharedContact(phone, firstName, lastName, userId, action); } void ApiWrap::shareContact( not_null user, const SendAction &action) { const auto userId = peerToUser(user->id); const auto phone = _session->data().findContactPhone(user); if (phone.isEmpty()) { return; } sendSharedContact( phone, user->firstName, user->lastName, userId, action); } void ApiWrap::sendSharedContact( const QString &phone, const QString &firstName, const QString &lastName, UserId userId, const SendAction &action) { sendAction(action); const auto history = action.history; const auto peer = history->peer; const auto newId = FullMsgId( peer->id, _session->data().nextLocalMessageId()); const auto anonymousPost = peer->amAnonymous(); auto flags = NewMessageFlags(peer); if (action.replyTo) { flags |= MessageFlag::HasReplyInfo; } const auto replyHeader = NewMessageReplyHeader(action); FillMessagePostFlags(action, peer, flags); if (action.options.scheduled) { flags |= MessageFlag::IsOrWasScheduled; } const auto messageFromId = action.options.sendAs ? action.options.sendAs->id : anonymousPost ? PeerId() : _session->userPeerId(); const auto messagePostAuthor = peer->isBroadcast() ? _session->user()->name() : QString(); const auto viaBotId = UserId(); const auto item = history->addNewLocalMessage( newId.msg, flags, viaBotId, action.replyTo, HistoryItem::NewMessageDate(action.options.scheduled), messageFromId, messagePostAuthor, TextWithEntities(), MTP_messageMediaContact( MTP_string(phone), MTP_string(firstName), MTP_string(lastName), MTP_string(), // vcard MTP_long(userId.bare)), HistoryMessageMarkupData()); const auto media = MTP_inputMediaContact( MTP_string(phone), MTP_string(firstName), MTP_string(lastName), MTP_string()); // vcard sendMedia(item, media, action.options); _session->data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); _session->changes().historyUpdated( history, (action.options.scheduled ? Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::ScheduledSent : Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::MessageSent)); } void ApiWrap::sendVoiceMessage( QByteArray result, VoiceWaveform waveform, int duration, const SendAction &action) { const auto caption = TextWithTags(); const auto to = fileLoadTaskOptions(action); _fileLoader->addTask(std::make_unique( &session(), result, duration, waveform, to, caption)); } void ApiWrap::editMedia( Ui::PreparedList &&list, SendMediaType type, TextWithTags &&caption, const SendAction &action) { if (list.files.empty()) return; auto &file = list.files.front(); const auto to = fileLoadTaskOptions(action); _fileLoader->addTask(std::make_unique( &session(), file.path, file.content, std::move(file.information), type, to, caption, file.spoiler)); } void ApiWrap::sendFiles( Ui::PreparedList &&list, SendMediaType type, TextWithTags &&caption, std::shared_ptr album, const SendAction &action) { const auto haveCaption = !caption.text.isEmpty(); if (haveCaption && !list.canAddCaption( album != nullptr, type == SendMediaType::Photo)) { auto message = MessageToSend(action); message.textWithTags = base::take(caption); message.action.clearDraft = false; sendMessage(std::move(message)); } const auto to = fileLoadTaskOptions(action); if (album) { album->options = to.options; } auto tasks = std::vector>(); tasks.reserve(list.files.size()); for (auto &file : list.files) { const auto uploadWithType = !album ? type : (file.type == Ui::PreparedFile::Type::Photo && type != SendMediaType::File) ? SendMediaType::Photo : SendMediaType::File; tasks.push_back(std::make_unique( &session(), file.path, file.content, std::move(file.information), uploadWithType, to, caption, file.spoiler, album)); caption = TextWithTags(); } if (album) { _sendingAlbums.emplace(album->groupId, album); album->items.reserve(tasks.size()); for (const auto &task : tasks) { album->items.emplace_back(task->id()); } } _fileLoader->addTasks(std::move(tasks)); } void ApiWrap::sendFile( const QByteArray &fileContent, SendMediaType type, const SendAction &action) { const auto to = fileLoadTaskOptions(action); auto caption = TextWithTags(); const auto spoiler = false; const auto information = nullptr; _fileLoader->addTask(std::make_unique( &session(), QString(), fileContent, information, type, to, caption, spoiler)); } void ApiWrap::sendUploadedPhoto( FullMsgId localId, Api::RemoteFileInfo info, Api::SendOptions options) { if (const auto item = _session->data().message(localId)) { const auto media = Api::PrepareUploadedPhoto(item, std::move(info)); if (const auto groupId = item->groupId()) { uploadAlbumMedia(item, groupId, media); } else { sendMedia(item, media, options); } } } void ApiWrap::sendUploadedDocument( FullMsgId localId, Api::RemoteFileInfo info, Api::SendOptions options) { if (const auto item = _session->data().message(localId)) { if (!item->media() || !item->media()->document()) { return; } const auto media = Api::PrepareUploadedDocument( item, std::move(info)); const auto groupId = item->groupId(); if (groupId) { uploadAlbumMedia(item, groupId, media); } else { sendMedia(item, media, options); } } } void ApiWrap::cancelLocalItem(not_null item) { Expects(item->isSending()); if (const auto groupId = item->groupId()) { sendAlbumWithCancelled(item, groupId); } } void ApiWrap::sendMessage(MessageToSend &&message) { const auto history = message.action.history; const auto peer = history->peer; auto &textWithTags = message.textWithTags; auto action = message.action; action.generateLocal = true; sendAction(action); const auto replyToId = action.replyTo; const auto replyTo = replyToId ? peer->owner().message(peer, replyToId) : nullptr; const auto topicRootId = replyTo ? replyTo->topicRootId() : action.topicRootId ? action.topicRootId : Data::ForumTopic::kGeneralId; const auto topic = peer->forumTopicFor(topicRootId); if (!(topic ? topic->canWrite() : peer->canWrite()) || Api::SendDice(message)) { return; } local().saveRecentSentHashtags(textWithTags.text); auto sending = TextWithEntities(); auto left = TextWithEntities { textWithTags.text, TextUtilities::ConvertTextTagsToEntities(textWithTags.tags) }; auto prepareFlags = Ui::ItemTextOptions( history, _session->user()).flags; TextUtilities::PrepareForSending(left, prepareFlags); HistoryItem *lastMessage = nullptr; auto &histories = history->owner().histories(); while (TextUtilities::CutPart(sending, left, MaxMessageSize)) { auto newId = FullMsgId( peer->id, _session->data().nextLocalMessageId()); auto randomId = base::RandomValue(); TextUtilities::Trim(sending); _session->data().registerMessageRandomId(randomId, newId); _session->data().registerMessageSentData(randomId, peer->id, sending.text); MTPstring msgText(MTP_string(sending.text)); auto flags = NewMessageFlags(peer); auto sendFlags = MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flags(0); if (action.replyTo) { flags |= MessageFlag::HasReplyInfo; sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id; if (action.topicRootId) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_top_msg_id; } } const auto replyHeader = NewMessageReplyHeader(action); MTPMessageMedia media = MTP_messageMediaEmpty(); if (message.webPageId == CancelledWebPageId) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_no_webpage; } else if (message.webPageId) { auto page = _session->data().webpage(message.webPageId); media = MTP_messageMediaWebPage( MTP_webPagePending( MTP_long(page->id), MTP_int(page->pendingTill))); } const auto anonymousPost = peer->amAnonymous(); const auto silentPost = ShouldSendSilent(peer, action.options); FillMessagePostFlags(action, peer, flags); if (silentPost) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_silent; } const auto sentEntities = Api::EntitiesToMTP( _session, sending.entities, Api::ConvertOption::SkipLocal); if (!sentEntities.v.isEmpty()) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_entities; } const auto clearCloudDraft = action.clearDraft; const auto topicRootId = action.topicRootId; if (clearCloudDraft) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_clear_draft; history->clearCloudDraft(topicRootId); history->startSavingCloudDraft(topicRootId); } const auto sendAs = action.options.sendAs; const auto messageFromId = sendAs ? sendAs->id : anonymousPost ? PeerId() : _session->userPeerId(); if (sendAs) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_send_as; } const auto messagePostAuthor = peer->isBroadcast() ? _session->user()->name() : QString(); if (action.options.scheduled) { flags |= MessageFlag::IsOrWasScheduled; sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_schedule_date; } const auto viaBotId = UserId(); lastMessage = history->addNewLocalMessage( newId.msg, flags, viaBotId, action.replyTo, HistoryItem::NewMessageDate(action.options.scheduled), messageFromId, messagePostAuthor, sending, media, HistoryMessageMarkupData()); histories.sendPreparedMessage( history, action.replyTo, topicRootId, randomId, Data::Histories::PrepareMessage( MTP_flags(sendFlags), peer->input, Data::Histories::ReplyToPlaceholder(), Data::Histories::TopicRootPlaceholder(), msgText, MTP_long(randomId), MTPReplyMarkup(), sentEntities, MTP_int(action.options.scheduled), (sendAs ? sendAs->input : MTP_inputPeerEmpty()) ), [=](const MTPUpdates &result, const MTP::Response &response) { if (clearCloudDraft) { history->finishSavingCloudDraft( topicRootId, UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId)); } }, [=](const MTP::Error &error, const MTP::Response &response) { if (error.type() == u"MESSAGE_EMPTY"_q) { lastMessage->destroy(); } else { sendMessageFail(error, peer, randomId, newId); } if (clearCloudDraft) { history->finishSavingCloudDraft( topicRootId, UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId)); } }); } finishForwarding(action); } void ApiWrap::sendBotStart( not_null bot, PeerData *chat, const QString &startTokenForChat) { Expects(bot->isBot()); if (chat && chat->isChannel() && !chat->isMegagroup()) { ShowAddParticipantsError("USER_BOT", chat, { 1, bot }); return; } auto &info = bot->botInfo; const auto token = chat ? startTokenForChat : info->startToken; if (token.isEmpty()) { auto message = MessageToSend( Api::SendAction(_session->data().history(chat ? chat : bot.get()))); message.textWithTags = { u"/start"_q, TextWithTags::Tags() }; if (chat) { message.textWithTags.text += '@' + bot->username(); } sendMessage(std::move(message)); return; } const auto randomId = base::RandomValue(); if (!chat) { info->startToken = QString(); } request(MTPmessages_StartBot( bot->inputUser, chat ? chat->input : MTP_inputPeerEmpty(), MTP_long(randomId), MTP_string(token) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { applyUpdates(result); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { if (chat) { ShowAddParticipantsError(error.type(), chat, { 1, bot }); } }).send(); } void ApiWrap::sendInlineResult( not_null bot, not_null data, const SendAction &action, std::optional localMessageId) { sendAction(action); const auto history = action.history; const auto peer = history->peer; const auto newId = FullMsgId( peer->id, localMessageId ? (*localMessageId) : _session->data().nextLocalMessageId()); const auto randomId = base::RandomValue(); const auto topicRootId = action.replyTo ? action.topicRootId : 0; auto flags = NewMessageFlags(peer); auto sendFlags = MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult::Flag::f_clear_draft | 0; if (action.replyTo) { flags |= MessageFlag::HasReplyInfo; sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id; if (topicRootId) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult::Flag::f_top_msg_id; } } const auto anonymousPost = peer->amAnonymous(); const auto silentPost = ShouldSendSilent(peer, action.options); FillMessagePostFlags(action, peer, flags); if (silentPost) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult::Flag::f_silent; } if (action.options.scheduled) { flags |= MessageFlag::IsOrWasScheduled; sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult::Flag::f_schedule_date; } if (action.options.hideViaBot) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult::Flag::f_hide_via; } const auto sendAs = action.options.sendAs; const auto messageFromId = sendAs ? sendAs->id : anonymousPost ? PeerId() : _session->userPeerId(); if (sendAs) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendInlineBotResult::Flag::f_send_as; } const auto messagePostAuthor = peer->isBroadcast() ? _session->user()->name() : QString(); _session->data().registerMessageRandomId(randomId, newId); data->addToHistory( history, flags, newId.msg, messageFromId, HistoryItem::NewMessageDate(action.options.scheduled), (bot && !action.options.hideViaBot) ? peerToUser(bot->id) : 0, action.replyTo, messagePostAuthor); history->clearCloudDraft(topicRootId); history->startSavingCloudDraft(topicRootId); auto &histories = history->owner().histories(); histories.sendPreparedMessage( history, action.replyTo, topicRootId, randomId, Data::Histories::PrepareMessage( MTP_flags(sendFlags), peer->input, Data::Histories::ReplyToPlaceholder(), Data::Histories::TopicRootPlaceholder(), MTP_long(randomId), MTP_long(data->getQueryId()), MTP_string(data->getId()), MTP_int(action.options.scheduled), (sendAs ? sendAs->input : MTP_inputPeerEmpty()) ), [=](const MTPUpdates &result, const MTP::Response &response) { history->finishSavingCloudDraft( topicRootId, UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId)); }, [=](const MTP::Error &error, const MTP::Response &response) { sendMessageFail(error, peer, randomId, newId); history->finishSavingCloudDraft( topicRootId, UnixtimeFromMsgId(response.outerMsgId)); }); finishForwarding(action); } void ApiWrap::uploadAlbumMedia( not_null item, const MessageGroupId &groupId, const MTPInputMedia &media) { const auto localId = item->fullId(); const auto failed = [=] { }; request(MTPmessages_UploadMedia( item->history()->peer->input, media )).done([=](const MTPMessageMedia &result) { const auto item = _session->data().message(localId); if (!item) { failed(); return; } auto spoiler = false; if (const auto media = item->media()) { spoiler = media->hasSpoiler(); if (const auto photo = media->photo()) { photo->setWaitingForAlbum(); } else if (const auto document = media->document()) { document->setWaitingForAlbum(); } } switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messageMediaPhoto: { const auto &data = result.c_messageMediaPhoto(); const auto photo = data.vphoto(); if (!photo || photo->type() != mtpc_photo) { failed(); return; } const auto &fields = photo->c_photo(); using Flag = MTPDinputMediaPhoto::Flag; const auto flags = Flag() | (data.vttl_seconds() ? Flag::f_ttl_seconds : Flag()) | (spoiler ? Flag::f_spoiler : Flag()); const auto media = MTP_inputMediaPhoto( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_inputPhoto( fields.vid(), fields.vaccess_hash(), fields.vfile_reference()), MTP_int(data.vttl_seconds().value_or_empty())); sendAlbumWithUploaded(item, groupId, media); } break; case mtpc_messageMediaDocument: { const auto &data = result.c_messageMediaDocument(); const auto document = data.vdocument(); if (!document || document->type() != mtpc_document) { failed(); return; } const auto &fields = document->c_document(); using Flag = MTPDinputMediaDocument::Flag; const auto flags = Flag() | (data.vttl_seconds() ? Flag::f_ttl_seconds : Flag()) | (spoiler ? Flag::f_spoiler : Flag()); const auto media = MTP_inputMediaDocument( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_inputDocument( fields.vid(), fields.vaccess_hash(), fields.vfile_reference()), MTP_int(data.vttl_seconds().value_or_empty()), MTPstring()); // query sendAlbumWithUploaded(item, groupId, media); } break; } }).fail([=] { failed(); }).send(); } void ApiWrap::sendMedia( not_null item, const MTPInputMedia &media, Api::SendOptions options) { const auto randomId = base::RandomValue(); _session->data().registerMessageRandomId(randomId, item->fullId()); sendMediaWithRandomId(item, media, options, randomId); } void ApiWrap::sendMediaWithRandomId( not_null item, const MTPInputMedia &media, Api::SendOptions options, uint64 randomId) { const auto history = item->history(); const auto replyTo = item->replyToId(); const auto topicRootId = item->topicRootId(); auto caption = item->originalText(); TextUtilities::Trim(caption); auto sentEntities = Api::EntitiesToMTP( _session, caption.entities, Api::ConvertOption::SkipLocal); const auto updateRecentStickers = Api::HasAttachedStickers(media); using Flag = MTPmessages_SendMedia::Flag; const auto flags = Flag(0) | (replyTo ? Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id : Flag(0)) | (topicRootId ? Flag::f_top_msg_id : Flag(0)) | (ShouldSendSilent(history->peer, options) ? Flag::f_silent : Flag(0)) | (!sentEntities.v.isEmpty() ? Flag::f_entities : Flag(0)) | (options.scheduled ? Flag::f_schedule_date : Flag(0)) | (options.sendAs ? Flag::f_send_as : Flag(0)); auto &histories = history->owner().histories(); const auto peer = history->peer; const auto itemId = item->fullId(); histories.sendPreparedMessage( history, replyTo, topicRootId, randomId, Data::Histories::PrepareMessage( MTP_flags(flags), peer->input, Data::Histories::ReplyToPlaceholder(), Data::Histories::TopicRootPlaceholder(), media, MTP_string(caption.text), MTP_long(randomId), MTPReplyMarkup(), sentEntities, MTP_int(options.scheduled), (options.sendAs ? options.sendAs->input : MTP_inputPeerEmpty()) ), [=](const MTPUpdates &result, const MTP::Response &response) { if (updateRecentStickers) { requestRecentStickersForce(true); } }, [=](const MTP::Error &error, const MTP::Response &response) { sendMessageFail(error, peer, randomId, itemId); }); } void ApiWrap::sendAlbumWithUploaded( not_null item, const MessageGroupId &groupId, const MTPInputMedia &media) { const auto localId = item->fullId(); const auto randomId = base::RandomValue(); _session->data().registerMessageRandomId(randomId, localId); const auto albumIt = _sendingAlbums.find(groupId.raw()); Assert(albumIt != _sendingAlbums.end()); const auto &album = albumIt->second; album->fillMedia(item, media, randomId); sendAlbumIfReady(album.get()); } void ApiWrap::sendAlbumWithCancelled( not_null item, const MessageGroupId &groupId) { const auto albumIt = _sendingAlbums.find(groupId.raw()); if (albumIt == _sendingAlbums.end()) { // Sometimes we destroy item being sent already after the album // was sent successfully. For example the message could be loaded // from server (by messages.getHistory or updateNewMessage) and // added to history and after that updateMessageID was received with // the same message id, in this case we destroy a detached local // item and sendAlbumWithCancelled is called for already sent album. return; } const auto &album = albumIt->second; album->removeItem(item); sendAlbumIfReady(album.get()); } void ApiWrap::sendAlbumIfReady(not_null album) { const auto groupId = album->groupId; if (album->items.empty()) { _sendingAlbums.remove(groupId); return; } auto sample = (HistoryItem*)nullptr; auto medias = QVector(); medias.reserve(album->items.size()); for (const auto &item : album->items) { if (!item.media) { return; } else if (!sample) { sample = _session->data().message(item.msgId); } medias.push_back(*item.media); } if (!sample) { _sendingAlbums.remove(groupId); return; } else if (medias.size() < 2) { const auto &single = medias.front().c_inputSingleMedia(); sendMediaWithRandomId( sample, single.vmedia(), album->options, single.vrandom_id().v); _sendingAlbums.remove(groupId); return; } const auto history = sample->history(); const auto replyTo = sample->replyToId(); const auto topicRootId = sample->topicRootId(); const auto sendAs = album->options.sendAs; using Flag = MTPmessages_SendMultiMedia::Flag; const auto flags = Flag(0) | (replyTo ? Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id : Flag(0)) | (topicRootId ? Flag::f_top_msg_id : Flag(0)) | (ShouldSendSilent(history->peer, album->options) ? Flag::f_silent : Flag(0)) | (album->options.scheduled ? Flag::f_schedule_date : Flag(0)) | (sendAs ? Flag::f_send_as : Flag(0)); auto &histories = history->owner().histories(); const auto peer = history->peer; histories.sendPreparedMessage( history, replyTo, topicRootId, uint64(0), // randomId Data::Histories::PrepareMessage( MTP_flags(flags), peer->input, Data::Histories::ReplyToPlaceholder(), Data::Histories::TopicRootPlaceholder(), MTP_vector(medias), MTP_int(album->options.scheduled), (sendAs ? sendAs->input : MTP_inputPeerEmpty()) ), [=](const MTPUpdates &result, const MTP::Response &response) { _sendingAlbums.remove(groupId); }, [=](const MTP::Error &error, const MTP::Response &response) { if (const auto album = _sendingAlbums.take(groupId)) { for (const auto &item : (*album)->items) { sendMessageFail(error, peer, item.randomId, item.msgId); } } else { sendMessageFail(error, peer); } }); } FileLoadTo ApiWrap::fileLoadTaskOptions(const SendAction &action) const { const auto peer = action.history->peer; return FileLoadTo( peer->id, action.options, action.replyTo, action.topicRootId, action.replaceMediaOf); } void ApiWrap::reloadContactSignupSilent() { if (_contactSignupSilentRequestId) { return; } const auto requestId = request(MTPaccount_GetContactSignUpNotification( )).done([=](const MTPBool &result) { _contactSignupSilentRequestId = 0; const auto silent = mtpIsTrue(result); _contactSignupSilent = silent; _contactSignupSilentChanges.fire_copy(silent); }).fail([=] { _contactSignupSilentRequestId = 0; }).send(); _contactSignupSilentRequestId = requestId; } rpl::producer ApiWrap::contactSignupSilent() const { return _contactSignupSilent ? _contactSignupSilentChanges.events_starting_with_copy( *_contactSignupSilent) : (_contactSignupSilentChanges.events() | rpl::type_erased()); } std::optional ApiWrap::contactSignupSilentCurrent() const { return _contactSignupSilent; } void ApiWrap::saveContactSignupSilent(bool silent) { request(base::take(_contactSignupSilentRequestId)).cancel(); const auto requestId = request(MTPaccount_SetContactSignUpNotification( MTP_bool(silent) )).done([=] { _contactSignupSilentRequestId = 0; _contactSignupSilent = silent; _contactSignupSilentChanges.fire_copy(silent); }).fail([=] { _contactSignupSilentRequestId = 0; }).send(); _contactSignupSilentRequestId = requestId; } void ApiWrap::saveSelfBio(const QString &text) { if (_bio.requestId) { if (text != _bio.requestedText) { request(_bio.requestId).cancel(); } else { return; } } _bio.requestedText = text; _bio.requestId = request(MTPaccount_UpdateProfile( MTP_flags(MTPaccount_UpdateProfile::Flag::f_about), MTPstring(), MTPstring(), MTP_string(text) )).done([=](const MTPUser &result) { _bio.requestId = 0; _session->data().processUser(result); _session->user()->setAbout(_bio.requestedText); }).fail([=] { _bio.requestId = 0; }).send(); } Api::Authorizations &ApiWrap::authorizations() { return *_authorizations; } Api::AttachedStickers &ApiWrap::attachedStickers() { return *_attachedStickers; } Api::BlockedPeers &ApiWrap::blockedPeers() { return *_blockedPeers; } Api::CloudPassword &ApiWrap::cloudPassword() { return *_cloudPassword; } Api::SelfDestruct &ApiWrap::selfDestruct() { return *_selfDestruct; } Api::SensitiveContent &ApiWrap::sensitiveContent() { return *_sensitiveContent; } Api::GlobalPrivacy &ApiWrap::globalPrivacy() { return *_globalPrivacy; } Api::UserPrivacy &ApiWrap::userPrivacy() { return *_userPrivacy; } Api::InviteLinks &ApiWrap::inviteLinks() { return *_inviteLinks; } Api::ViewsManager &ApiWrap::views() { return *_views; } Api::ConfirmPhone &ApiWrap::confirmPhone() { return *_confirmPhone; } Api::PeerPhoto &ApiWrap::peerPhoto() { return *_peerPhoto; } Api::Polls &ApiWrap::polls() { return *_polls; } Api::ChatParticipants &ApiWrap::chatParticipants() { return *_chatParticipants; } Api::UnreadThings &ApiWrap::unreadThings() { return *_unreadThings; } Api::Ringtones &ApiWrap::ringtones() { return *_ringtones; } Api::Transcribes &ApiWrap::transcribes() { return *_transcribes; } Api::Premium &ApiWrap::premium() { return *_premium; } Api::Usernames &ApiWrap::usernames() { return *_usernames; }