This is required because uname -p actually returns "unknown" for some hardware. The uname help documents this by stating that -p is non-portable. The -m flag is the one to use.
To be able to run on the same distributions as before we need to have
the same GLIBC version dependency as in Ubuntu 12.04, which is 2.15.
For that we need to remove all usages of GLIBC features from 2.16 and above.
Currently there are three methods used, so they're wrapped in a separate
static library, linux_glibc_wraps.
It is a separate library because it must be compiled without '-flto' flag,
otherwise the inline __asm__ is not working and we get unresolved symbols.
OnPropertyValueChanged() is called sometimes couple times a second
and sometimes when AudioMutex is locked already causing a deadlock.
Also some code added to support Desktop Bridge converter to UWP app.