mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 05:31:22 +00:00
Merge branch 'dev' of https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop into dev
This commit is contained in:
@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop was updated to version {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nFull version history is available here:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Bug fixes and other minor improvements";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Spam report buttons in new chats\n— Other fixes and improvements\n— OS X 10.8 notifications fixed";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Introducing Channels — a great new way to broadcast your messages to unlimited audiences\n— Other fixes and improvements\n\nMore about channels here: {link}";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Insert Unicode control character";
@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ void Application::checkMapVersion() {
if (cDevVersion() && Local::oldMapVersion() < 8059) {
versionFeatures = QString::fromUtf8("\xe2\x80\x94 Channels members and admins management added\n\xe2\x80\x94 Bug fixes and other minor improvements\n\nMore info about channels here:\nhttps://telegram.org/blog/channels");// .replace('@', qsl("@") + QChar(0x200D));
} else if (Local::oldMapVersion() < 8056) {
versionFeatures = lang(lng_new_version_text).trimmed();
versionFeatures = lng_new_version_text(lt_link, qsl("https://telegram.org/blog/channels"));//lang(lng_new_version_text).trimmed();
} else {
versionFeatures = lang(lng_new_version_minor).trimmed();
@ -1417,8 +1417,8 @@ bool ContactsBox::creationFail(const RPCError &error) {
MembersInner::MembersInner(ChannelData *channel, MembersFilter filter) : _channel(channel), _filter(filter),
@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_chat_status_members" = "{count:keine Mitglieder|# Mitglied|# Mitglieder}";
"lng_chat_status_members_online" = "{count:_not_used_|# Mitglied|# Mitglieder}, {count_online:_not_used_|# online|# online}";
"lng_channel_status" = "Kanal";
"lng_channel_members_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# Mitglied|# Mitglieder} »";
"lng_channel_admins_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# Administrator|# Administratoren} »";
"lng_server_error" = "Interner Serverfehler.";
"lng_flood_error" = "Zu viele Versuche, bitte später erneut probieren.";
"lng_deleted" = "Gelöschter Kontakt";
@ -158,7 +163,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_dlg_filter" = "Suche";
"lng_dlg_new_group_name" = "Name der Gruppe";
"lng_dlg_create_group" = "Erstellen";
"lng_dlg_new_channel_name" = "Kanalname";
"lng_no_contacts" = "Du hast keine Kontakte";
"lng_no_chats" = "Noch keine Chats";
"lng_contacts_loading" = "Lade..";
@ -352,19 +357,25 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "Gruppe nicht verfügbar";
"lng_topbar_info" = "Info";
"lng_profile_about_section" = "Info";
"lng_profile_description_section" = "Beschreibung";
"lng_profile_settings_section" = "Einstellungen";
"lng_profile_actions_section" = "Aktionen";
"lng_profile_bot_settings" = "Einstellungen";
"lng_profile_bot_help" = "Hilfe";
"lng_profile_create_public_link" = "Öffentlichen Link erstellen";
"lng_profile_edit_public_link" = "Öffentlichen Link bearbeiten";
"lng_profile_participants_section" = "Teilnehmer";
"lng_profile_info" = "Kontaktinfo";
"lng_profile_group_info" = "Gruppeninfo";
"lng_profile_channel_info" = "Info";
"lng_profile_add_contact" = "Kontakt hinzufügen";
"lng_profile_edit_contact" = "Bearbeiten";
"lng_profile_enable_notifications" = "Benachrichtigungen";
"lng_profile_clear_history" = "Chatverlauf löschen";
"lng_profile_delete_conversation" = "Chat entfernen";
"lng_profile_clear_and_exit" = "Löschen und verlassen";
"lng_profile_leave_channel" = "Kanal verlassen";
"lng_profile_delete_channel" = "Kanal löschen";
"lng_profile_search_messages" = "In diesem Chat suchen";
"lng_profile_block_user" = "Blockieren";
"lng_profile_unblock_user" = "Freigeben";
@ -379,6 +390,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_delete_and_exit" = "Verlassen";
"lng_profile_kick" = "Entfernen";
"lng_profile_sure_kick" = "{user} aus der Gruppe entfernen?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_channel" = "{user} aus dem Kanal entfernen?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_admin" = "{user} als Administrator entfernen?";
"lng_profile_loading" = "Lade..";
"lng_profile_shared_media" = "Geteilte Medien";
"lng_profile_no_media" = "Noch keine Medien in diesem Chat";
@ -393,43 +406,87 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_shared_links" = "{count:_not_used_|# Link|# Links} »";
"lng_profile_shared_links_header" = "Linkübersicht";
"lng_profile_audio_files_header" = "Wiedergabeliste";
"lng_profile_show_all_types" = "Alle Filter anzeigen";
"lng_profile_copy_phone" = "Telefonnummer kopieren";
"lng_channel_add_admins" = "Hinzufügen";
"lng_channel_members" = "Mitglieder";
"lng_channel_admins" = "Administratoren";
"lng_channel_add_admin" = "Administrator hinzufügen";
"lng_channel_admin_sure" = "Soll {user} Administrator werden?";
"lng_participant_filter" = "Suche";
"lng_participant_invite" = "Einladen";
"lng_create_new_group" = "Neue Gruppe";
"lng_participant_invite_sorry" = "Du kannst selbst nur die ersten {count}\nMitglieder in einen Kanal einladen.\n\nWeitere Mitglieder können deinem Kanal\nüber den Einladungslink beitreten.";
"lng_create_group_back" = "Zurück";
"lng_create_group_next" = "Weiter";
"lng_create_group_create" = "Erstellen";
"lng_create_group_title" = "Neue Gruppe erstellen";
"lng_create_group_about" = "{count} Personen passen in jede Gruppe, praktisch für eine kleinere Gemeinschaft.";
"lng_create_channel_title" = "Neuen Kanal erstellen";
"lng_create_channel_about" = "In einen Kanal passen unbegrenzt viele Leute, also ideal für ein großes Publikum.";
"lng_create_public_channel_title" = "Öffentlicher Kanal";
"lng_create_public_channel_about" = "Jeder kann deinen Kanal finden und beitreten";
"lng_create_private_channel_title" = "Privater Kanal";
"lng_create_private_channel_about" = "Man kann nur per Einladungslink deinem Kanal beitreten";
"lng_create_channel_comments" = "Kommentare aktivieren";
"lng_create_channel_comments_about" = "Wenn du Kommentare aktivierst, können sich alle an der Diskussion beteiligen";
"lng_create_group_save" = "Speichern";
"lng_create_group_skip" = "Überspringen";
"lng_create_channel_link_invalid" = "Dieser Link ist ungültig";
"lng_create_channel_link_occupied" = "Der Linkname ist bereits belegt";
"lng_create_channel_link_too_short" = "Dieser Link ist zu kurz";
"lng_create_channel_link_bad_symbols" = "Nur a-z, 0-9 und Unterstriche erlaubt";
"lng_create_channel_link_available" = "Dieser Link ist verfügbar";
"lng_create_channel_link_copied" = "Link in die Zwischenablage kopiert";
"lng_create_group_crop" = "Sichtbaren Bereich für Bild wählen";
"lng_create_channel_crop" = "Sichtbaren Bereich für Bild wählen";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "Kann Teilnehmer nicht hinzufügen. Später erneut versuchen.";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Wenn man eine Gruppe verlässt, kann nur \nein gemeinsamer Kontakt die Person erneut \neinladen (beide Seiten müssen die Nummer\n des anderen gespeichert haben).";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Wenn man eine Gruppe verlässt, kann nur\nein gemeinsamer Kontakt die Person erneut\neinladen (beide Seiten müssen die Nummer\ndes anderen gespeichert haben).";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual_channel" = "Wenn man einen Kanal verlässt, kann nur\nein gemeinsamer Kontakt die Person erneut\neinladen (beide Seiten müssen die Nummer\ndes anderen gespeichert haben).";
"lng_sure_delete_contact" = "Bist du sicher, dass du {contact} von deinen Kontakten löschen willst?";
"lng_sure_delete_history" = "Sicher, dass du den kompletten Verlauf mit {contact} löschen willst?\n\nDas kann man nicht rückgängig machen.";
"lng_sure_delete_group_history" = "Möchtest du wirklich deinen Verlauf von «{group}» löschen?\n\nDas kann man nicht rückgängig machen.";
"lng_sure_delete_and_exit" = "Deinen Verlauf von «{group}» löschen und die Gruppe verlassen?\n\nDas kann man nicht rückgängig machen.";
"lng_sure_leave_channel" = "Sicher, dass du diesen \nKanal verlassen willst?";
"lng_sure_delete_channel" = "Sicher, dass du diesen\nKanal löschen willst?\n\nAlle Mitglieder und \nNachrichten werden entfernt.";
"lng_message_empty" = "Leere Nachricht";
"lng_media_unsupported" = "Format Nicht Unterstützt";
"lng_action_add_user" = "{from} hat {user} hinzugefügt";
"lng_action_add_you" = "{from} hat dich zum Kanal hinzugefügt";
"lng_action_you_joined" = "Du bist dem Kanal beigetreten";
"lng_action_kick_user" = "{from} hat {user} entfernt";
"lng_action_user_left" = "{from} hat die Gruppe verlassen";
"lng_action_user_joined" = "{from} ist der Gruppe beigetreten";
"lng_action_user_joined_by_link" = "{from} ist der Gruppe über den Einladungslink beigetreten";
"lng_action_user_registered" = "{from} benutzt nun auch Telegram";
"lng_action_removed_photo" = "{from} hat das Gruppenbild entfernt";
"lng_action_removed_photo_channel" = "Das Kanalbild wurde entfernt";
"lng_action_changed_photo" = "{from} hat das Gruppenbild geändert";
"lng_action_changed_photo_channel" = "Das Kanalbild wurde geändert";
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} hat den Gruppennamen zu «{title}» geändert";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "Kanalname wurde zu «{title}» geändert";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} hat die Gruppe «{title}» erstellt";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Kanal «{title}» erstellt";
"lng_channel_comments_count" = "{count:_not_used_|# Kommentar|# Kommentare} »";
"lng_channel_hide_comments" = "Kommentare verstecken";
"lng_channel_not_accessible" = "Dieser Kanal ist nicht zugänglich";
"lng_channels_too_much_public_existing" = "Du hast bereits zuviele\nöffentliche Kanäle erstellt. \n\nZuerst musst du einen löschen.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public" = "Du hast zuviele \nöffentliche Kanäle erstellt.\n\nErstelle entweder einen privaten Kanal \noder lösche einen der öffentlichen Kanäle. ";
"lng_group_invite_bad_link" = "Der Einladungslink ist \nnicht mehr gültig.";
"lng_group_invite_want_join" = "Möchtest du der Gruppe «{title}» beitreten?";
"lng_group_invite_want_join_channel" = "Möchtest du dem Kanal «{title}» beitreten?";
"lng_group_invite_join" = "Beitreten";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "Einladungslink";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "Einladungslink:";
"lng_group_invite_create" = "Neuer Link";
"lng_group_invite_about" = "Jeder, der Telegram installiert hat,\nkann anhand dieses Links in deine Gruppe.";
"lng_group_invite_create_new" = "Link widerrufen";
@ -437,6 +494,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_group_invite_copied" = "Der Einladungslink für die Gruppe\nwurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.";
"lng_group_invite_no_room" = "Leider kannst du dieser Gruppe nicht mehr\nbeitreten, da sie bereits voll ist.";
"lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Link in die Zwischenablage kopiert.\n";
"lng_forwarded_from" = "Weitergeleitet von";
"lng_in_reply_to" = "Antwort auf";
@ -490,13 +549,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_report_spam_thanks" = "Danke!";
"lng_report_spam_sure" = "Möchtest du wirklich Spam\nvon diesem Nutzer melden?";
"lng_report_spam_sure_group" = "Möchtest du wirklich Spam\nin dieser Gruppe melden?";
"lng_report_spam_sure_channel" = "Möchtest du wirklich Spam\nin diesem Kanal melden?";
"lng_report_spam_ok" = "Melden";
"lng_cant_send_to_not_contact" = "Derzeit kannst du nur Personen schreiben, wenn ihr eure Nummern ausgetauscht habt. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact" = "Du kannst nur Personen hinzufügen, wenn ihr eure Nummern ausgetauscht habt. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact_channel" = "Du kannst nur Personen hinzufügen,wenn ihr\neure Nummern ausgetauscht habt. {more_info}\n";
"lng_cant_more_info" = "Weitere Infos »";
"lng_send_button" = "Senden";
"lng_message_ph" = "Schreibe deine Nachricht..";
"lng_comment_ph" = "Schreibe ein Kommentar..";
"lng_broadcast_ph" = "Schicke einen Broadcast..";
"lng_record_cancel" = "Zum Abbrechen rausbewegen";
"lng_empty_history" = "";
"lng_willbe_history" = "Chat auswählen um zu schreiben";
@ -504,6 +567,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_from_you" = "Ich";
"lng_bot_description" = "Was kann dieser Bot?";
"lng_unblock_button" = "Freigeben";
"lng_channel_join" = "Kanal beitreten";
"lng_channel_mute" = "Stumm";
"lng_channel_unmute" = "Stumm aus";
"lng_open_this_link" = "Diesen Link öffnen?";
"lng_open_link" = "Öffnen";
@ -591,6 +657,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_send_image_compressed" = "Bild komprimieren";
"lng_forward_choose" = "Empfänger wählen..";
"lng_forward_cant" = "Weiterleiten nicht möglich :(";
"lng_forward_confirm" = "An {recipient} weiterleiten?";
"lng_forward_share_contact" = "Kontakt an {recipient} senden?";
"lng_forward_send_file_confirm" = "«{name}» an {recipient} senden?";
@ -605,6 +672,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_enter_contact_data" = "Neuer Kontakt";
"lng_edit_group_title" = "Gruppennamen ändern";
"lng_edit_contact_title" = "Kontaktnamen ändern";
"lng_edit_channel_title" = "Kanal bearbeiten";
"lng_edit_self_title" = "Name bearbeiten";
"lng_confirm_contact_data" = "Neuer Kontakt";
"lng_add_contact" = "Erstellen";
@ -612,7 +680,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_contacts_header" = "Kontakte";
"lng_contact_not_joined" = "Leider hat {name} noch kein Telegram, aber du kannst deinen Kontakt gerne einladen.\n\nSobald jemand aus deinem Telefonbuch Telegram nutzt, informieren wir dich.";
"lng_try_other_contact" = "Andere probieren";
"lng_contacts_done" = "Abbrechen";
"lng_contacts_done" = "Schließen";
"lng_create_group_link" = "Link";
"lng_create_group_invite_link" = "Einladungslink";
"lng_create_group_photo" = "Bild festlegen";
"lng_create_group_description" = "Beschreibung (optional)";
"lng_drag_images_here" = "Hierher ziehen";
"lng_drag_photos_here" = "Hierher ziehen";
@ -647,6 +719,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mediaview_files_all" = "Alle Dateien anzeigen";
"lng_mediaview_single_photo" = "Bild";
"lng_mediaview_group_photo" = "Bild";
"lng_mediaview_channel_photo" = "Bild";
"lng_mediaview_profile_photo" = "Profilbild";
"lng_mediaview_file_n_of_count" = "{file} {n} von {count}";
"lng_mediaview_n_of_count" = "Bild {n} von {count}";
@ -661,10 +734,12 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop wurde aktualisiert auf Version {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nGesamter Versionsverlauf:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Fehlerbehebungen und Softwareoptimierungen";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Unerwünschte Nachrichten (Spam) in neuen Chats melden\n— Sonstige Fehlerbehungen und Verbesserungen\n— OS X 10.8 Benachrichtigungen funktionieren wieder";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Kanäle: Du kannst nun Nachrichten an eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Leuten schicken (ersetzen die alten Verteilerlisten)\n— Sonstige Fehlerbehungen und Verbesserungen\n\nMehr Infos über dieses Update: {link}";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Unicode-Steuerzeichen einfügen";
"lng_full_name" = "{first_name} {last_name}";
// Wnd specific
"lng_wnd_choose_program_menu" = "Öffnen mit...";
@ -711,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mac_menu_contacts" = "Kontakte";
"lng_mac_menu_add_contact" = "Kontakt hinzufügen";
"lng_mac_menu_new_group" = "Neue Gruppe";
"lng_mac_menu_new_channel" = "Neuer Kanal";
"lng_mac_menu_show" = "Telegram anzeigen";
// Keys finished
@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_chat_status_members" = "{count:sin miembros|# miembro|# miembros}";
"lng_chat_status_members_online" = "{count:_not_used_|# miembro|# miembros}, {count_online:_not_used_|# en línea|# en línea}";
"lng_channel_status" = "canal";
"lng_channel_members_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# miembro|# miembros} »";
"lng_channel_admins_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# administrador|# administradores} »";
"lng_server_error" = "Error interno del servidor.";
"lng_flood_error" = "Muchos intentos. Por favor, reinténtalo más tarde.";
"lng_deleted" = "Desconocido";
@ -158,7 +163,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_dlg_filter" = "Buscar";
"lng_dlg_new_group_name" = "Nombre del grupo";
"lng_dlg_create_group" = "Crear";
"lng_dlg_new_channel_name" = "Nombre del canal";
"lng_no_contacts" = "No tienes contactos";
"lng_no_chats" = "Tus chats estarán aquí";
"lng_contacts_loading" = "Cargando...";
@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_settings_save" = "Guardar";
"lng_settings_upload" = "Poner foto de perfil";
"lng_settings_crop_profile" = "Elige el cuadrado para tu foto de perfil";
"lng_settings_crop_profile" = "Elige el área para tu foto de perfil";
"lng_settings_uploading_photo" = "Cargando foto...";
"lng_username_title" = "Cambiar alias";
@ -352,19 +357,25 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "El grupo es inaccesible";
"lng_topbar_info" = "Información";
"lng_profile_about_section" = "Acerca de";
"lng_profile_description_section" = "Descripción";
"lng_profile_settings_section" = "Ajustes";
"lng_profile_actions_section" = "Acciones";
"lng_profile_bot_settings" = "Ajustes";
"lng_profile_bot_help" = "Ayuda";
"lng_profile_create_public_link" = "Crear enlace público";
"lng_profile_edit_public_link" = "Editar enlace público";
"lng_profile_participants_section" = "Miembros";
"lng_profile_info" = "Información";
"lng_profile_group_info" = "Información";
"lng_profile_channel_info" = "Información";
"lng_profile_add_contact" = "Añadir contacto";
"lng_profile_edit_contact" = "Editar";
"lng_profile_enable_notifications" = "Notificaciones";
"lng_profile_clear_history" = "Borrar historial";
"lng_profile_delete_conversation" = "Eliminar chat";
"lng_profile_clear_and_exit" = "Eliminar y salir";
"lng_profile_leave_channel" = "Dejar el canal";
"lng_profile_delete_channel" = "Eliminar el canal";
"lng_profile_search_messages" = "Buscar mensajes";
"lng_profile_block_user" = "Bloquear";
"lng_profile_unblock_user" = "Desbloquear";
@ -375,10 +386,12 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_invite_to_group" = "Añadir al grupo";
"lng_profile_delete_contact" = "Eliminar";
"lng_profile_set_group_photo" = "Poner foto";
"lng_profile_add_participant" = "Añadir miembro";
"lng_profile_add_participant" = "Añadir miembros";
"lng_profile_delete_and_exit" = "Dejar grupo";
"lng_profile_kick" = "Expulsar";
"lng_profile_sure_kick" = "¿Quieres expulsar a {user} del grupo?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick" = "¿Expulsar a {user} del grupo?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_channel" = "¿Expulsar a {user} del canal?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_admin" = "¿Expulsar a {user} de los administradores?";
"lng_profile_loading" = "Cargando...";
"lng_profile_shared_media" = "Todos los archivos";
"lng_profile_no_media" = "No hay multimedia en este chat.";
@ -393,43 +406,87 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_shared_links" = "{count:_not_used_|# enlace|# enlaces} »";
"lng_profile_shared_links_header" = "Enlaces";
"lng_profile_audio_files_header" = "Lista de reproducción";
"lng_profile_show_all_types" = "Mostrar todos los tipos";
"lng_profile_copy_phone" = "Copiar número";
"lng_channel_add_admins" = "Añadir";
"lng_channel_members" = "Miembros";
"lng_channel_admins" = "Administradores";
"lng_channel_add_admin" = "Añadir administrador";
"lng_channel_admin_sure" = "¿Añadir a {user} como administrador?";
"lng_participant_filter" = "Buscar";
"lng_participant_invite" = "Invitar";
"lng_create_new_group" = "Nuevo grupo";
"lng_participant_invite_sorry" = "Lo sentimos, sólo puedes añadir a los\nprimeros {count} miembros a un canal. \n\nDe ahí en adelante, será necesario\nun enlace de invitación para unirse.";
"lng_create_group_back" = "Atrás";
"lng_create_group_next" = "Siguiente";
"lng_create_group_create" = "Crear";
"lng_create_group_title" = "Nuevo grupo";
"lng_create_group_about" = "Los grupos son ideales para comunidades más pequeñas. Pueden tener hasta {count} miembros.";
"lng_create_channel_title" = "Nuevo canal";
"lng_create_channel_about" = "Los canales permiten difundir tus mensajes a audiencias ilimitadas";
"lng_create_public_channel_title" = "Canal público";
"lng_create_public_channel_about" = "Cualquiera puede encontrar el canal en la búsqueda y unirse";
"lng_create_private_channel_title" = "Canal privado";
"lng_create_private_channel_about" = "Sólo las personas con el enlace de invitación especial podrán unirse";
"lng_create_channel_comments" = "Activar comentarios";
"lng_create_channel_comments_about" = "Si activas los comentarios, las personas podrán hablar de tus mensajes en el canal";
"lng_create_group_save" = "Guardar";
"lng_create_group_skip" = "Omitir";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "No se pudo añadir el usuario. Por favor, inténtalo más tarde.";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Si una persona dejó el grupo, sólo\nun contacto mutuo puede volver \na invitarlo (necesitan tener tu \nnúmero y tú el de ellos).";
"lng_create_channel_link_invalid" = "Este enlace es inválido";
"lng_create_channel_link_occupied" = "Lo sentimos, este enlace ya está ocupado";
"lng_create_channel_link_too_short" = "Lo sentimos, este enlace es muy corto";
"lng_create_channel_link_bad_symbols" = "Lo sentimos, este enlace tiene símbolos equivocados";
"lng_create_channel_link_available" = "Este enlace está disponible";
"lng_create_channel_link_copied" = "Enlace copiado al portapapeles";
"lng_create_group_crop" = "Elige el área para la foto de grupo";
"lng_create_channel_crop" = "Elige el área para la foto del canal";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "No se pudo añadir al usuario. Por favor, reinténtalo más tarde.";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Lo sentimos, si una persona deja un\ngrupo, sólo un contacto mutuo puede \ntraerlo de vuelta (ellos necesitan tener\ntu número, y tú el suyo).";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual_channel" = "Lo sentimos, si una persona deja el canal, \nsólo un contacto mutuo puede volver \na invitarlo (necesitan tener tu \nnúmero y tú el de ellos).";
"lng_sure_delete_contact" = "¿Quieres eliminar a {contact} de tu lista de contactos?";
"lng_sure_delete_history" = "¿Quieres eliminar todo el historial de mensajes con {contact}?\n\nEsta acción no se puede deshacer.";
"lng_sure_delete_group_history" = "¿Quieres borrar todo el historial en «{group}»?\n\nEsta acción no se puede deshacer.";
"lng_sure_delete_and_exit" = "¿Quieres eliminar todo el historial de mensajes y dejar el grupo «{group}»?\n\nEsta acción no se puede deshacer.";
"lng_sure_leave_channel" = "¿Quieres dejar este canal?";
"lng_sure_delete_channel" = "¿Quieres eliminar este canal?\n\nTodos los miembros y mensajes\nserán eliminados.";
"lng_message_empty" = "Mensaje vacío";
"lng_media_unsupported" = "Multimedia no soportada";
"lng_action_add_user" = "{from} añadió a {user}";
"lng_action_add_you" = "{from} te añadió a este canal";
"lng_action_you_joined" = "Te uniste a este canal";
"lng_action_kick_user" = "{from} expulsó a {user}";
"lng_action_user_left" = "{from} dejó el grupo";
"lng_action_user_joined" = "{from} se unió al grupo";
"lng_action_user_joined_by_link" = "{from} se unió al grupo con un enlace de invitación";
"lng_action_user_registered" = "{from} se acaba de unir a Telegram";
"lng_action_removed_photo" = "{from} quitó la foto del grupo";
"lng_action_changed_photo" = "{from} cambió la foto del grupo";
"lng_action_removed_photo_channel" = "Foto del canal eliminada";
"lng_action_changed_photo" = "{from} actualizó la foto del grupo";
"lng_action_changed_photo_channel" = "Foto del canal actualizada";
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} cambió el nombre del grupo a «{title}»";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "El nombre del canal fue cambiado a «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} creó el grupo «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Se creó el canal «{title}»";
"lng_channel_comments_count" = "{count:_not_used_|# comentario|# comentarios}";
"lng_channel_hide_comments" = "Ocultar comentarios";
"lng_channel_not_accessible" = "Lo sentimos, este canal no es accesible.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public_existing" = "Lo sentimos, has creado\nmuchos canales públicos.\n\nPor favor, elimina uno primero.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public" = "Lo sentimos, has creado\nmuchos canales públicos.\n\nPuedes crear un canal privado\no eliminar uno de los públicos primero.";
"lng_group_invite_bad_link" = "El enlace de invitación está \nroto o ha expirado.";
"lng_group_invite_want_join" = "¿Quieres unirte al grupo «{title}»?";
"lng_group_invite_want_join_channel" = "¿Quieres unirte al canal «{title}»?";
"lng_group_invite_join" = "Unirme";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "Invitación";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "Enlace de invitación:";
"lng_group_invite_create" = "Crear un enlace de invitación";
"lng_group_invite_about" = "Los usuarios de Telegram podrán unirse\na tu grupo a través de este enlace.";
"lng_group_invite_create_new" = "Anular enlace";
@ -437,6 +494,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_group_invite_copied" = "Enlace de invitación copiado al portapapeles.";
"lng_group_invite_no_room" = "No puedes unirte a este grupo porque\nhay muchos miembros en él.";
"lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Enlace copiado al portapapeles.";
"lng_forwarded_from" = "Reenviado desde";
"lng_in_reply_to" = "Respondiendo a";
@ -490,13 +549,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_report_spam_thanks" = "¡Gracias por tu reporte!";
"lng_report_spam_sure" = "¿Quieres reportar el\nspam de este usuario?";
"lng_report_spam_sure_group" = "¿Quieres reportar el\nspam en este grupo?";
"lng_report_spam_sure_channel" = "¿Quieres reportar a\neste canal como spam?";
"lng_report_spam_ok" = "Reportar";
"lng_cant_send_to_not_contact" = "Por ahora, sólo puedes enviar mensajes\na contactos mutuos. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact" = "Por ahora, sólo puedes añadir contactos \nmutuos a grupos. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact_channel" = "Lo sentimos, sólo puedes añadir contactos\nmutuos a canales. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_more_info" = "Más información »";
"lng_send_button" = "Enviar";
"lng_message_ph" = "Escribir un mensaje...";
"lng_comment_ph" = "Escribe un comentario...";
"lng_broadcast_ph" = "Difunde un mensaje...";
"lng_record_cancel" = "Suelta fuera de aquí para cancelar";
"lng_empty_history" = "";
"lng_willbe_history" = "Por favor, elige un chat para comenzar";
@ -504,6 +567,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_from_you" = "Tú";
"lng_bot_description" = "¿Qué puede hacer este bot?";
"lng_unblock_button" = "Desbloquear";
"lng_channel_join" = "Unirse al canal";
"lng_channel_mute" = "Silenciar";
"lng_channel_unmute" = "No silenciar";
"lng_open_this_link" = "¿Abrir este enlace?";
"lng_open_link" = "Abrir";
@ -591,6 +657,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_send_image_compressed" = "Enviar imagen comprimida";
"lng_forward_choose" = "Elegir destinatario...";
"lng_forward_cant" = "Lo sentimos, no puedes reenviar aquí :(";
"lng_forward_confirm" = "¿Reenviar a {recipient}?";
"lng_forward_share_contact" = "¿Compartir contacto con {recipient}?";
"lng_forward_send_file_confirm" = "¿Enviar «{name}» a {recipient}?";
@ -605,6 +672,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_enter_contact_data" = "Nuevo contacto";
"lng_edit_group_title" = "Editar nombre del grupo";
"lng_edit_contact_title" = "Editar nombre del contacto";
"lng_edit_channel_title" = "Editar canal";
"lng_edit_self_title" = "Editar tu nombre";
"lng_confirm_contact_data" = "Nuevo contacto";
"lng_add_contact" = "Crear";
@ -612,7 +680,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_contacts_header" = "Contactos";
"lng_contact_not_joined" = "Desafortunadamente {name} no se ha unido a Telegram aún, pero puedes enviarle una invitación.\n\nTe informaremos cuando alguno de tus contactos se una a Telegram.";
"lng_try_other_contact" = "Intentar con otro";
"lng_contacts_done" = "Cancelar";
"lng_contacts_done" = "Cerrar";
"lng_create_group_link" = "Enlace";
"lng_create_group_invite_link" = "Invitación";
"lng_create_group_photo" = "Poner foto";
"lng_create_group_description" = "Descripción (opcional)";
"lng_drag_images_here" = "Arrastra imágenes aquí";
"lng_drag_photos_here" = "Arrastra fotos aquí";
@ -647,6 +719,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mediaview_files_all" = "Ver todos los archivos";
"lng_mediaview_single_photo" = "Foto";
"lng_mediaview_group_photo" = "Foto del grupo";
"lng_mediaview_channel_photo" = "Foto del canal";
"lng_mediaview_profile_photo" = "Foto de perfil";
"lng_mediaview_file_n_of_count" = "{file} {n} de {count}";
"lng_mediaview_n_of_count" = "Foto {n} de {count}";
@ -661,10 +734,12 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop fue actualizada a la versión {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nEl historial completo está disponible aquí:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Corrección de errores y otras mejoras menores";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Botones para reportar spam en los nuevos chats\n— Otras mejoras y correcciones\n— Notificaciones en OS X 10.8 arregladas";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Presentamos los Canales - una nueva gran forma de difundir tus mensajes a audiencias ilimitadas\n— Otras correciones y mejoras\n\nMás sobre los canales aquí: {link}";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Insertar caracteres de control Unicode";
"lng_full_name" = "{first_name} {last_name}";
// Wnd specific
"lng_wnd_choose_program_menu" = "Elegir programa predeterminado...";
@ -711,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mac_menu_contacts" = "Contactos";
"lng_mac_menu_add_contact" = "Añadir contacto";
"lng_mac_menu_new_group" = "Nuevo grupo";
"lng_mac_menu_new_channel" = "Nuevo canal";
"lng_mac_menu_show" = "Mostrar Telegram";
// Keys finished
@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_chat_status_members" = "{count:nessun membro|# membro|# membri}";
"lng_chat_status_members_online" = "{count:_not_used_|# membro|# membri}, {count_online:_not_used_|# in linea|# in linea}";
"lng_channel_status" = "canale";
"lng_channel_members_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# membro|# membri} »";
"lng_channel_admins_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# amministratore|# amministratori} »";
"lng_server_error" = "Errore interno del server.";
"lng_flood_error" = "Troppi tentativi. Per favore riprova più tardi.";
"lng_deleted" = "Sconosciuto";
@ -158,7 +163,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_dlg_filter" = "Cerca";
"lng_dlg_new_group_name" = "Nome gruppo";
"lng_dlg_create_group" = "Crea";
"lng_dlg_new_channel_name" = "Nome canale";
"lng_no_contacts" = "Non hai contatti";
"lng_no_chats" = "Le tua chat saranno qui";
"lng_contacts_loading" = "Caricamento..";
@ -172,7 +177,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_settings_uploading_photo" = "Caricamento foto..";
"lng_username_title" = "Cambia username";
"lng_username_about" = "Puoi scegliere un username su Telegram.\nSe lo fai, le altre persone potranno trovarti\ntramite questo nome utente e contattarti \nsenza conoscere il tuo numero di telefono.\n\nPuoi usare a-z, 0-9 e underscore.\nLa lunghezza minima è di 5 caratteri.";
"lng_username_about" = "Puoi scegliere un username su Telegram.\nSe lo fai, le altre persone potranno trovarti\ntramite questo username e contattarti \nsenza conoscere il tuo numero di telefono.\n\nPuoi usare a-z, 0-9 e underscore.\nLa lunghezza minima è di 5 caratteri.";
"lng_username_invalid" = "L'username non è valido.";
"lng_username_occupied" = "L'username è già occupato.";
"lng_username_too_short" = "L'username è troppo corto.";
@ -234,7 +239,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_download_path_dont_ask" = "Non chiedere il percorso di download per ogni file";
"lng_download_path_label" = "Percorso di download:";
"lng_download_path_temp" = "cartella temporanea";
"lng_download_path_default" = "cartella di default";
"lng_download_path_default" = "cartella predefinita";
"lng_download_path_clear" = "Elimina tutto";
"lng_download_path_header" = "Scegli il percorso di download";
"lng_download_path_default_radio" = "Cartella Telegram in «Download»";
@ -309,8 +314,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_cloud_password_is_same" = "La password non è stata cambiata";
"lng_connection_type" = "Tipo di connessione:";
"lng_connection_auto_connecting" = "Default (connetto..)";
"lng_connection_auto" = "Predefinito ({transport} in uso)";
"lng_connection_auto_connecting" = "Predefinita (connetto..)";
"lng_connection_auto" = "Predefinita ({transport} in uso)";
"lng_connection_proxy_connecting" = "Connetto tramite proxy..";
"lng_connection_proxy" = "{transport} con proxy";
"lng_connection_header" = "Tipo di connessione";
@ -352,19 +357,25 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "Gruppo non accessibile";
"lng_topbar_info" = "Info";
"lng_profile_about_section" = "Info";
"lng_profile_description_section" = "Descrizione";
"lng_profile_settings_section" = "Impostazioni";
"lng_profile_actions_section" = "Azioni";
"lng_profile_bot_settings" = "Impostazioni";
"lng_profile_bot_help" = "Aiuto";
"lng_profile_create_public_link" = "Crea link pubblico";
"lng_profile_edit_public_link" = "Modifica link pubblico";
"lng_profile_participants_section" = "Membri";
"lng_profile_info" = "Info contatto";
"lng_profile_group_info" = "Nome gruppo";
"lng_profile_channel_info" = "Info canale";
"lng_profile_add_contact" = "Aggiungi contatto";
"lng_profile_edit_contact" = "Modifica";
"lng_profile_enable_notifications" = "Notifiche";
"lng_profile_clear_history" = "Cancella la cronologia";
"lng_profile_delete_conversation" = "Elimina chat";
"lng_profile_clear_and_exit" = "Elimina ed esci";
"lng_profile_leave_channel" = "Lascia il canale";
"lng_profile_delete_channel" = "Elimina canale";
"lng_profile_search_messages" = "Cerca messaggi";
"lng_profile_block_user" = "Blocca utente";
"lng_profile_unblock_user" = "Sblocca utente";
@ -375,10 +386,12 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_invite_to_group" = "Aggiungi a un gruppo";
"lng_profile_delete_contact" = "Elimina";
"lng_profile_set_group_photo" = "Imposta foto";
"lng_profile_add_participant" = "Aggiungi membro";
"lng_profile_add_participant" = "Aggiungi membri";
"lng_profile_delete_and_exit" = "Esci";
"lng_profile_kick" = "Rimuovi";
"lng_profile_sure_kick" = "Rimuovere {user} dal gruppo?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_channel" = "Rimuovere {user} dal canale?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_admin" = "Rimuovere {user} dagli amministratori?";
"lng_profile_loading" = "Caricamento..";
"lng_profile_shared_media" = "Media condivisi";
"lng_profile_no_media" = "Nessun media in questa chat.";
@ -393,43 +406,87 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_shared_links" = "{count:_not_used_|# link condiviso|# link condivisi} »";
"lng_profile_shared_links_header" = "Panoramica link condivisi";
"lng_profile_audio_files_header" = "Playlist";
"lng_profile_show_all_types" = "Mostra tutti i tipi";
"lng_profile_copy_phone" = "Copia numero di telefono";
"lng_channel_add_admins" = "Aggiungi";
"lng_channel_members" = "Membri";
"lng_channel_admins" = "Amministratori";
"lng_channel_add_admin" = "Aggiungi amministratore";
"lng_channel_admin_sure" = "Aggiungere {user} agli amministratori?";
"lng_participant_filter" = "Cerca";
"lng_participant_invite" = "Invita";
"lng_create_new_group" = "Nuovo gruppo";
"lng_participant_invite_sorry" = "Spiacenti, puoi aggiungere solo\ni primi {count} membri a un canale.\n\nDa adesso, le persone potranno\nunirsi tramite il tuo link di invito.";
"lng_create_group_back" = "Indietro";
"lng_create_group_next" = "Avanti";
"lng_create_group_create" = "Crea";
"lng_create_group_title" = "Nuovo gruppo";
"lng_create_group_about" = "I gruppi sono ideali per le piccole community, possono avere fino a {count} membri";
"lng_create_channel_title" = "Nuovo canale";
"lng_create_channel_about" = "I canali sono uno strumento per diffondere i tuoi messaggi a un pubblico illimitato";
"lng_create_public_channel_title" = "Canale pubblico";
"lng_create_public_channel_about" = "Chiunque può cercare il canale nella ricerca e unirsi";
"lng_create_private_channel_title" = "Canale privato";
"lng_create_private_channel_about" = "Solo le persone con uno speciale link di invito potranno unirsi";
"lng_create_channel_comments" = "Attiva i commenti";
"lng_create_channel_comments_about" = "Se attivi i commenti, i membri potranno discutere quello che pubblichi nel canale.";
"lng_create_group_save" = "Salva";
"lng_create_group_skip" = "Salta";
"lng_create_channel_link_invalid" = "Questo link non è valido";
"lng_create_channel_link_occupied" = "Spiacenti, questo link è già occupato";
"lng_create_channel_link_too_short" = "Spiacenti, questo link è troppo corto";
"lng_create_channel_link_bad_symbols" = "Spiacenti, questo link ha simboli errati";
"lng_create_channel_link_available" = "Questo link è disponibile";
"lng_create_channel_link_copied" = "Link copiato negli appunti";
"lng_create_group_crop" = "Seleziona un'area quadrata per la foto del gruppo";
"lng_create_channel_crop" = "Seleziona un'area quadrata per la foto del canale";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "Impossibile aggiungere l'utente. Riprova più tardi.";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Spiacenti, se una persona lascia un gruppo,\nsolo un contatto in comune può reinvitarla\n(chi ti invita deve avere il tuo\ncontatto su Telegram, e viceversa).";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Spiacenti, se una persona lascia un gruppo,\nsolo un contatto in comune può reinvitarla\n(chi ti invita deve avere il tuo contatto\nsu Telegram, e viceversa).";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual_channel" = "Spiacenti, se una persona lascia un canale,\nsolo un contatto in comune può reinvitarla\n(chi ti invita deve avere il tuo contatto\nsu Telegram, e viceversa).";
"lng_sure_delete_contact" = "Sicuro di volere eliminare {contact} dalla tua lista dei contatti?";
"lng_sure_delete_history" = "Sicuro di voler eliminare tutta la cronologia dei messaggi con {contact}?\n\nQuesta azione non può essere annullata.";
"lng_sure_delete_group_history" = "Sicuro di voler eliminare tutta la cronologia dei messaggi in «{group}»?\n\nQuesta azione non può essere annullata.";
"lng_sure_delete_and_exit" = "Sicuro di voler eliminare tutta la cronologia dei messaggi e abbandonare «{group}»?\n\nQuesta azione non può essere annullata.";
"lng_sure_leave_channel" = "Sei sicuro di voler \nlasciare questo canale?";
"lng_sure_delete_channel" = "Sei sicuro di voler\neliminare questo canale?\n\nTutti i membri verranno rimossi\ne i messaggi verranno persi.";
"lng_message_empty" = "Messaggio vuoto";
"lng_media_unsupported" = "Media non supportato";
"lng_action_add_user" = "{from} ha aggiunto {user}";
"lng_action_add_you" = "{from} ti ha aggiunto a questo canale";
"lng_action_you_joined" = "Ti sei unito a questo canale";
"lng_action_kick_user" = "{from} ha rimosso {user}";
"lng_action_user_left" = "{from} ha lasciato il gruppo";
"lng_action_user_joined" = "{from} si è unito al gruppo";
"lng_action_user_joined_by_link" = "{from} si è unito al gruppo tramite link di invito";
"lng_action_user_registered" = "{from} si è unito a Telegram";
"lng_action_removed_photo" = "{from} ha rimosso la foto del gruppo";
"lng_action_changed_photo" = "{from} ha cambiato la foto del gruppo";
"lng_action_removed_photo_channel" = "Foto del canale rimossa";
"lng_action_changed_photo" = "{from} ha aggiornato la foto del gruppo";
"lng_action_changed_photo_channel" = "Foto del canale aggiornata";
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} ha cambiato il nome del gruppo in «{title}»";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "Nome del canale cambiato in «{title}»?";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} ha creato il gruppo «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Canale «{title}» creato";
"lng_channel_comments_count" = "{count:_not_used_|# commento|# commenti}";
"lng_channel_hide_comments" = "Nascondi commenti";
"lng_channel_not_accessible" = "Spiacenti, questo canale non è accessibile.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public_existing" = "Spiacenti, hai già creato\ntroppi canali pubblici.\n\nPrima devi eliminarne qualcuno.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public" = "Spiacenti, hai creato\ntroppi canali pubblici.\n\nPuoi o creare un canale privato o eliminare uno \ndei tuoi precedenti canali per poi crearne un altro.";
"lng_group_invite_bad_link" = "Questo link di invito non funziona\no è scaduto.";
"lng_group_invite_want_join" = "Vuoi unirti al gruppo «{title}»?";
"lng_group_invite_want_join_channel" = "Vuoi unirti al canale «{title}»?";
"lng_group_invite_join" = "Unisciti";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "Link di invito";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "Link di invito:";
"lng_group_invite_create" = "Crea un link di invito";
"lng_group_invite_about" = "Gli utenti di Telegram saranno in grado di \naggiungersi al tuo gruppo aprendo il link.";
"lng_group_invite_create_new" = "Revoca link";
@ -437,6 +494,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_group_invite_copied" = "Link di invito copiato negli appunti.";
"lng_group_invite_no_room" = "Impossibile unirsi a questo gruppo\nperché ci sono già troppi membri.";
"lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Link copiato negli appunti.";
"lng_forwarded_from" = "Inoltrato da";
"lng_in_reply_to" = "In risposta a";
@ -490,13 +549,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_report_spam_thanks" = "Grazie per la tua segnalazione!";
"lng_report_spam_sure" = "Sei sicuro di voler segnalare\nquesto utente come spam?";
"lng_report_spam_sure_group" = "Sei sicuro di voler segnalare\ndello spam in questo gruppo?";
"lng_report_spam_sure_channel" = "Sei sicuro di voler segnalare\ndello spam in questo canale?";
"lng_report_spam_ok" = "Segnala";
"lng_cant_send_to_not_contact" = "Spiacenti, ma al momento puoi scrivere\nsolo a contatti in comune. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact" = "Spiacenti, ma al momento puoi aggiungere\nai gruppi solo a contatti in comune. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact" = "Spiacenti, ma al momento puoi aggiungere\nai gruppi solo contatti in comune. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact_channel" = "Spiacenti, ma al momento puoi aggiungere\nai canali solo contatti in comune. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_more_info" = "Più info »";
"lng_send_button" = "Invia";
"lng_message_ph" = "Scrivi un messaggio..";
"lng_comment_ph" = "Scrivi un commento..";
"lng_broadcast_ph" = "Diffondi un messaggio..";
"lng_record_cancel" = "Rilascia fuori da qui per annullare";
"lng_empty_history" = "";
"lng_willbe_history" = "Seleziona una chat per iniziare a messaggiare";
@ -504,6 +567,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_from_you" = "Tu";
"lng_bot_description" = "Cosa può fare questo bot?";
"lng_unblock_button" = "Sblocca";
"lng_channel_join" = "Unisciti al canale";
"lng_channel_mute" = "Silenzia";
"lng_channel_unmute" = "Suona";
"lng_open_this_link" = "Aprire questo link?";
"lng_open_link" = "Apri";
@ -591,6 +657,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_send_image_compressed" = "Invia immagine compressa";
"lng_forward_choose" = "Scegli destinatario..";
"lng_forward_cant" = "Spiacenti, non è possibile inoltrare qui :(";
"lng_forward_confirm" = "Inoltra a {recipient}?";
"lng_forward_share_contact" = "Condividi contatto con {recipient}?";
"lng_forward_send_file_confirm" = "Invia «{name}» a {recipient}?";
@ -605,6 +672,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_enter_contact_data" = "Nuovo contatto";
"lng_edit_group_title" = "Modifica nome gruppo";
"lng_edit_contact_title" = "Modifica nome contatto";
"lng_edit_channel_title" = "Modifica canale";
"lng_edit_self_title" = "Modifica il tuo nome";
"lng_confirm_contact_data" = "Nuovo contatto";
"lng_add_contact" = "Crea";
@ -612,7 +680,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_contacts_header" = "Contatti";
"lng_contact_not_joined" = "Sfortunatamente {name} non si è ancora unito a Telegram, ma puoi inviargli un invito.\n\nTi notificheremo non appena qualcuno dei tuoi contatti si unirà a Telegram.";
"lng_try_other_contact" = "Prova un altro";
"lng_contacts_done" = "Annulla";
"lng_contacts_done" = "Chiudi";
"lng_create_group_link" = "Link";
"lng_create_group_invite_link" = "Link di invito";
"lng_create_group_photo" = "Imposta foto";
"lng_create_group_description" = "Descrizione (opzionale)";
"lng_drag_images_here" = "Rilascia immagini qui";
"lng_drag_photos_here" = "Rilascia foto qui";
@ -647,6 +719,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mediaview_files_all" = "Visualizza tutti i file";
"lng_mediaview_single_photo" = "Foto singola";
"lng_mediaview_group_photo" = "Foto gruppo";
"lng_mediaview_channel_photo" = "Foto canale";
"lng_mediaview_profile_photo" = "Foto profilo";
"lng_mediaview_file_n_of_count" = "{file} {n} di {count}";
"lng_mediaview_n_of_count" = "Foto {n} di {count}";
@ -661,13 +734,15 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop si è aggiornato alla versione {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nLa cronologia degli aggiornamenti è disponibile qui:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Bug fix e altri miglioramenti minori";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Pulsante per segnalare lo spam nelle nuove chat\n— Altri fix e miglioramenti\n— Risoluzione problema alle notifiche in OS X 10.8";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Nuovi Canali — una nuova modalità per diffondere i tuoi messaggi ad un pubblico infinito\n— Risoluzione di problemi e miglioramenti\n\nPiù info sui canali qui: {link}";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Inserisci carattere di controllo Unicode";
"lng_full_name" = "{first_name} {last_name}";
// Wnd specific
"lng_wnd_choose_program_menu" = "Programma predefinito...";
"lng_wnd_choose_program_menu" = "Scegli programma predefinito...";
"lng_wnd_menu_undo" = "Annulla";
"lng_wnd_menu_redo" = "Ripeti";
@ -711,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mac_menu_contacts" = "Contatti";
"lng_mac_menu_add_contact" = "Aggiungi contatto";
"lng_mac_menu_new_group" = "Nuovo gruppo";
"lng_mac_menu_new_channel" = "Nuovo canale";
"lng_mac_menu_show" = "Mostra Telegram";
// Keys finished
@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_chat_status_members" = "{count:맴버 없음|#명|#명}";
"lng_chat_status_members_online" = "{count:_not_used_|#명|#명}중 {count_online:_not_used_|#명 접속중|#명 접속중}";
"lng_channel_status" = "채널";
"lng_channel_members_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# 구성원|# 구성원} »";
"lng_channel_admins_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# 관리자|# 관리자} »";
"lng_server_error" = "내부 서버 오류";
"lng_flood_error" = "시도가 너무 많습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해주세요.";
"lng_deleted" = "알 수 없음";
@ -158,7 +163,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_dlg_filter" = "검색";
"lng_dlg_new_group_name" = "그룹이름";
"lng_dlg_create_group" = "만들기";
"lng_dlg_new_channel_name" = "채널명";
"lng_no_contacts" = "연락처가 없습니다.";
"lng_no_chats" = "대화시 대화방이 존재 할 곳입니다.";
"lng_contacts_loading" = "로드중..";
@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_settings_save" = "저장";
"lng_settings_upload" = "프로필 이미지 선택";
"lng_settings_crop_profile" = "프로필 사진으로 사용할 영역을 선택하세요";
"lng_settings_crop_profile" = "프로필 사진으로 사용할 사각영역을 선택하세요";
"lng_settings_uploading_photo" = "사진 업로드중..";
"lng_username_title" = "아이디 변경";
@ -352,19 +357,25 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "그룹에 접근할 수 없습니다.";
"lng_topbar_info" = "정보";
"lng_profile_about_section" = "취소";
"lng_profile_description_section" = "설명";
"lng_profile_settings_section" = "환경설정";
"lng_profile_actions_section" = "동작";
"lng_profile_bot_settings" = "환경설정";
"lng_profile_bot_help" = "도움말";
"lng_profile_create_public_link" = "공개 링크 생성";
"lng_profile_edit_public_link" = "공개링크 수정";
"lng_profile_participants_section" = "사용자";
"lng_profile_info" = "연락처 정보";
"lng_profile_group_info" = "그룹 정보";
"lng_profile_channel_info" = "채널 정보";
"lng_profile_add_contact" = "연락처 추가";
"lng_profile_edit_contact" = "수정";
"lng_profile_enable_notifications" = "알림";
"lng_profile_clear_history" = "히스토리 초기화";
"lng_profile_delete_conversation" = "대화 지우기";
"lng_profile_clear_and_exit" = "삭제 후 종료";
"lng_profile_leave_channel" = "채널 나가기";
"lng_profile_delete_channel" = "채널 삭제";
"lng_profile_search_messages" = "메시지 검색";
"lng_profile_block_user" = "차단하기";
"lng_profile_unblock_user" = "차단해제하기";
@ -375,10 +386,12 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_invite_to_group" = "그룹에 추가";
"lng_profile_delete_contact" = "삭제";
"lng_profile_set_group_photo" = "사진 설정";
"lng_profile_add_participant" = "대화상대 추가";
"lng_profile_add_participant" = "구성원 추가";
"lng_profile_delete_and_exit" = "나가기";
"lng_profile_kick" = "추방";
"lng_profile_sure_kick" = "{user}를 그룹에서 추방하시겠습니까?";
"lng_profile_kick" = "삭제";
"lng_profile_sure_kick" = "{user}를 추방하시겠습니까?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_channel" = "{user}를 추방하시겠습니까?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_admin" = "{user}를 관리자에서 제외 하시겠습니까?";
"lng_profile_loading" = "로딩중..";
"lng_profile_shared_media" = "공유된 미디어";
"lng_profile_no_media" = "대화에 미디어가 존재하지 않습니다.";
@ -393,43 +406,87 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_shared_links" = "{count:_not_used_|# 공유된 링크|# 공유된 링크} »";
"lng_profile_shared_links_header" = "공유된 링크 현황";
"lng_profile_audio_files_header" = "재생목록";
"lng_profile_show_all_types" = "모든 유형 보기";
"lng_profile_copy_phone" = "전화번호 복사";
"lng_channel_add_admins" = "추가";
"lng_channel_members" = "구성원";
"lng_channel_admins" = "관리자";
"lng_channel_add_admin" = "관리자 추가";
"lng_channel_admin_sure" = "{user}를 관리자로 추가하시겠습니까?";
"lng_participant_filter" = "검색";
"lng_participant_invite" = "초대";
"lng_create_new_group" = "새로운 그룹";
"lng_participant_invite_sorry" = "죄송합니다, 초기 {count}명 구성원만\n채널에 개별적으로 추가 할 수 있습니다.\n\n이후로는 초대링크를 통하여 \n입장해야합니다.";
"lng_create_group_back" = "뒤로가기";
"lng_create_group_next" = "다음";
"lng_create_group_create" = "만들기";
"lng_create_group_title" = "새로운 그룹";
"lng_create_group_about" = "작은 커뮤니티에게는 {count}명까지 한계인 그룹대화가 적합합니다.";
"lng_create_channel_title" = "새로운 채널";
"lng_create_channel_about" = "채널은 제한이 없는 구성원들에게 메시지를 전달하는 툴입니다.";
"lng_create_public_channel_title" = "공개 채널";
"lng_create_public_channel_about" = "누구나 채널을 검색하고 입장할 수 있습니다.";
"lng_create_private_channel_title" = "비공개 채널";
"lng_create_private_channel_about" = "초대 링크를 통해서만 입장이 가능합니다.";
"lng_create_channel_comments" = "코멘트 허용";
"lng_create_channel_comments_about" = "코멘트가 허용되면, 구성원들이 글에 대하여 토론이 가능합니다.";
"lng_create_group_save" = "저장";
"lng_create_group_skip" = "건너뛰기";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "사용자를 초대할 수 없습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해주세요.";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "죄송합니다. 그룹방에서 대화상대방이 나갔을 경우,\n상대 전화번호가 있는 분만 초대가 가능합니다.\n(서로 전화번호가 등록되어져 있어야만 가능)";
"lng_create_channel_link_invalid" = "올바르지 않은 링크입니다.";
"lng_create_channel_link_occupied" = "사용중인 링크입니다.";
"lng_create_channel_link_too_short" = "링크가 너무 짧습니다.";
"lng_create_channel_link_bad_symbols" = "링크에 허용되지 않은 심볼이 있습니다.";
"lng_create_channel_link_available" = "사용 가능한 링크입니다.";
"lng_create_channel_link_copied" = "링크가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다.";
"lng_create_group_crop" = "그룹프로필 사진으로 사용할 사각영역을 선택하세요";
"lng_create_channel_crop" = "채널프로필 사진으로 사용할 사각영역을 선택하세요";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "사용자를 추가 하지 못하였습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해주세요";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "죄송합니다. 그룹방에서 대화상대방이 나갔을 경우, \n상대 전화번호가 있는 분만 초대가 가능합니다. \n(서로 전화번호가 등록되어져 있어야만 가능)";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual_channel" = "죄송합니다. 채널에서 대화상대방이 나갔을 경우,\n상대 전화번호가 있는 분만 초대가 가능합니다.\n(서로 전화번호가 등록되어져 있어야만 가능)";
"lng_sure_delete_contact" = "{contact} 님을 주소록에서 \n삭제하시겠습니까?";
"lng_sure_delete_history" = "{contact} 님과 관련된 모든 메시지를 \n삭제하시겠습니까?\n\n삭제 하실 경우 취소가 불가능합니다.";
"lng_sure_delete_group_history" = "그룹<<{group}>> 방의 모든 메시지 기록을 삭제하시겠습니까?\n\n이 작업은 취소가 불가능합니다.";
"lng_sure_delete_and_exit" = "그룹 «{group}» 방에서 모든 메시지를 \n삭제하시고 퇴장하시겠습니까?\n\n삭제 하실 경우 취소가 불가능합니다.";
"lng_sure_leave_channel" = "채널에서\n나가시겠습니까?";
"lng_sure_delete_channel" = "채널을 삭제하시겠습니까?\n\n모든 구성원과 메시지가\n삭제됩니다.";
"lng_message_empty" = "메시지 없음";
"lng_media_unsupported" = "지원하지 않는 미디어";
"lng_action_add_user" = "{from} 님께서 {user} 님을 초대하셨습니다.";
"lng_action_add_you" = "{from} 님께서 채널에 초대하셨습니다.";
"lng_action_you_joined" = "채널에 입장하였습니다.";
"lng_action_kick_user" = "{from} 님께서 {user} 님을 추방하셨습니다.";
"lng_action_user_left" = "{from} 님이 그룹을 나가셨습니다.";
"lng_action_user_joined" = "{from} 님이 그룹에 들어오셨습니다.";
"lng_action_user_joined_by_link" = "초대링크를 타고 {from} 님이 그룹에 참여하였습니다.";
"lng_action_user_registered" = "{from} 님이 텔레그램에 가입하셨습니다.";
"lng_action_removed_photo" = "{from} 님이 그룹사진을 삭제하셨습니다.";
"lng_action_changed_photo" = "{from} 님이 그룹사진을 변경하셨습니다.";
"lng_action_removed_photo_channel" = "채널 사진 삭제됨";
"lng_action_changed_photo" = "{from} 님이 그룹사진을 업데이트 하였습니다.";
"lng_action_changed_photo_channel" = "채널 사진 업데이트됨";
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} 님이 그룹이름을 «{title}» 로 바꾸셨습니다.";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "채널명이 «{title}»로 수정됨";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} 님이 그룹 «{title}» 을 생성하셨습니다.";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "채널명 «{title}» 생성됨";
"lng_channel_comments_count" = "{count:_not_used_|# 코멘트|# 코멘트}";
"lng_channel_hide_comments" = "코멘트 숨기기";
"lng_channel_not_accessible" = "채널에 접근 할 수 없습니다.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public_existing" = "너무 많은 공개 채널을\n생성하였습니다.\n\n기존 공개채널을 삭제해주세요.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public" = "너무 많은 공개 채널을\n생성하였습니다.\n\n비공개 채널을 생성하시던가,\n기존 공개채널을 삭제해주세요";
"lng_group_invite_bad_link" = "초대링크가 깨졌거나,\n폐기되었습니다.";
"lng_group_invite_want_join" = "«{title}» 그룹방에 참여하시겠습니까?";
"lng_group_invite_want_join_channel" = "«{title}» 채널에 참여하시겠습니까?";
"lng_group_invite_join" = "참여";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "초대링크";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "초대링크: ";
"lng_group_invite_create" = "초대링크 생성";
"lng_group_invite_about" = "이 링크를 통하여,\n그룹방에 초대가 가능합니다.";
"lng_group_invite_create_new" = "초대링크 폐기";
@ -437,6 +494,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_group_invite_copied" = "클립보드에 초대링크가 복사 되었습니다.";
"lng_group_invite_no_room" = "그룹방 인원 최대치가 도달하여\n더이상 참여가 안됩니다.";
"lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "클립보드에 링크가 복사되었습니다.";
"lng_forwarded_from" = "전달받음";
"lng_in_reply_to" = "다음 유저에게 답장 :";
@ -490,13 +549,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_report_spam_thanks" = "신고해주셔서 감사합니다!";
"lng_report_spam_sure" = "선택한 사용자 메사자를\n스팸으로 신고하겠습니까?";
"lng_report_spam_sure_group" = "선택한 그룹 메시지를\n스팸으로 신고하시겠습니까?";
"lng_report_spam_sure_channel" = "선택한 채널메시지를\n스팸으로 신고하시겠습니까?";
"lng_report_spam_ok" = "신고하기";
"lng_cant_send_to_not_contact" = "죄송하지만, 현재 서로 연락처가 추가된\n회원들끼리만 전송이 가능합니다. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact" = "죄송하지만, 현재 서로 연락처가 추가된\n회원들끼리만 추가 가능합니다. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact_channel" = "죄송하지만, 현재 서로 연락처가 추가된\n회원들끼리만 추가 가능합니다. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_more_info" = "자세한 정보 »";
"lng_send_button" = "보내기";
"lng_message_ph" = "메시지 쓰기";
"lng_comment_ph" = "코멘트 쓰기..";
"lng_broadcast_ph" = "단체메시지 쓰기.";
"lng_record_cancel" = "이 영역 밖에서 마우스 클릭을 해제하시면 취소가 됩니다.";
"lng_empty_history" = "";
"lng_willbe_history" = "대화하실 방을 선택해주세요.";
@ -504,6 +567,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_from_you" = "회원님";
"lng_bot_description" = "봇이 할 수 있는 일은 무엇일까요?";
"lng_unblock_button" = "차단해제";
"lng_channel_join" = "채널 입장";
"lng_channel_mute" = "음소거";
"lng_channel_unmute" = "음소거 취소";
"lng_open_this_link" = "이 링크로 이동하시겠나요?";
"lng_open_link" = "열기";
@ -591,6 +657,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_send_image_compressed" = "압축된 이미지를 전송";
"lng_forward_choose" = "수신자를 선택하세요..";
"lng_forward_cant" = "이쪽으로 전달 할 수 없습니다 :(";
"lng_forward_confirm" = "{recipient} 님에게 전달하시겠습니까?";
"lng_forward_share_contact" = "{recipient} 님에게 연락처를 공유하시겠습니까?";
"lng_forward_send_file_confirm" = "«{name}» 을 {recipient} 님에게 보내시겠습니까?";
@ -605,6 +672,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_enter_contact_data" = "새로운 연락처";
"lng_edit_group_title" = "그룹 이름 수정";
"lng_edit_contact_title" = "연락처 이름 수정";
"lng_edit_channel_title" = "채널 수정";
"lng_edit_self_title" = "이름 수정";
"lng_confirm_contact_data" = "새로운 연락처";
"lng_add_contact" = "추가";
@ -612,7 +680,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_contacts_header" = "연락처";
"lng_contact_not_joined" = "{name}님은 아직 텔레그램에 가입되어져 있지 않지만 초대메시지를 보낼 수 있습니다.\n\n회원님 친구분들 중 텔레그램에 새로 가입을 할 경우 알림을 드리고 있습니다.";
"lng_try_other_contact" = "다시 시도";
"lng_contacts_done" = "취소";
"lng_contacts_done" = "닫기";
"lng_create_group_link" = "링크";
"lng_create_group_invite_link" = "초대링크";
"lng_create_group_photo" = "사진 설정";
"lng_create_group_description" = "설명 (선택사항)";
"lng_drag_images_here" = "이미지를 여기로 놓으세요.";
"lng_drag_photos_here" = "사진을 여기로 놓으세요.";
@ -647,6 +719,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mediaview_files_all" = "모든 파일 보기";
"lng_mediaview_single_photo" = "단일 사진";
"lng_mediaview_group_photo" = "그룹 사진";
"lng_mediaview_channel_photo" = "채널 사진";
"lng_mediaview_profile_photo" = "프로필 사진";
"lng_mediaview_file_n_of_count" = "{file} {n} 중 {count}";
"lng_mediaview_n_of_count" = "사진 {n} 중 {count}";
@ -661,10 +734,12 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "텔레그램 데스크탑은 {version} 버전으로 업데이트 되었습니다.\n\n{changes}\n\n전체 버전 히스토리는 아래에서 확인 가능합니다:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— 버그 수정 및 일부 기능 향상";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— 스팸 신고 버튼 추가\n— 기타 오류 수정 및 기능 향상\n— OS X 10.8 알림 수정";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— 채널을 소개합니다. - 인원제한 없이 단체 메시지를 보낼 수 있는 새롭고 멋진 기능입니다.\n— 이외 버그 수정 및 기능 향상\n\n채널에 대한 자세한 사항은 링크를 클릭: {link}";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "유니코드 문자를 입력하세요.";
"lng_full_name" = "{last_name} {first_name}";
// Wnd specific
"lng_wnd_choose_program_menu" = "기본 실행 프로그램을 선택해주세요..";
@ -711,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mac_menu_contacts" = "주소록";
"lng_mac_menu_add_contact" = "연락처 추가";
"lng_mac_menu_new_group" = "새로운 그룹";
"lng_mac_menu_new_channel" = "새로운 채널";
"lng_mac_menu_show" = "텔레그램 보기";
// Keys finished
@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_chat_status_members" = "{count:geen deelnemers|# deelnemer|# deelnemers}";
"lng_chat_status_members_online" = "{count:_not_used_|# deelnemer|# deelnemers}, {count_online:_not_used_|# online|# online}";
"lng_channel_status" = "kanaal";
"lng_channel_members_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# deelnemer|# deelnemers} »";
"lng_channel_admins_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# beheerder|# beheerders} »";
"lng_server_error" = "Interne serverfout.";
"lng_flood_error" = "Teveel pogingen. Probeer het later opnieuw.";
"lng_deleted" = "Onbekend";
@ -126,7 +131,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_bad_phone" = "Ongeldig telefoonnummer. \nProbeer het opnieuw.";
"lng_bad_phone_noreg" = "Telefoonnummer is niet geregistreerd.";
"lng_bad_code" = "Je hebt een ongeldige code ingevoerd. \nProbeer het opnieuw.";
"lng_bad_code" = "Je hebt een ongeldige code ingevoerd.\nProbeer het opnieuw.";
"lng_bad_name" = "Voer je voor- en achternaam in.";
"lng_bad_photo" = "Ongeldig bestand gekozen.";
@ -158,7 +163,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_dlg_filter" = "Zoeken";
"lng_dlg_new_group_name" = "Groepsnaam";
"lng_dlg_create_group" = "Maak";
"lng_dlg_new_channel_name" = "Kanaalnaam";
"lng_no_contacts" = "Je hebt geen contacten";
"lng_no_chats" = "Hier komen je chats";
"lng_contacts_loading" = "Bezig met laden";
@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_settings_save" = "Opslaan";
"lng_settings_upload" = "Profielfoto instellen";
"lng_settings_crop_profile" = "Kies een vierkant gebied voor de foto";
"lng_settings_crop_profile" = "Kies een vierkant voor je profielfoto";
"lng_settings_uploading_photo" = "Foto uploaden";
"lng_username_title" = "Gebruikersnaam wijzigen";
@ -352,19 +357,25 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "Groep is ontoegankelijk";
"lng_topbar_info" = "Info";
"lng_profile_about_section" = "Over";
"lng_profile_description_section" = "Beschrijving";
"lng_profile_settings_section" = "Instellingen";
"lng_profile_actions_section" = "Acties";
"lng_profile_bot_settings" = "Instellingen";
"lng_profile_bot_help" = "Help";
"lng_profile_create_public_link" = "Publieke link maken";
"lng_profile_edit_public_link" = "Publieke link wijzigen";
"lng_profile_participants_section" = "Deelnemers";
"lng_profile_info" = "Contactinformatie";
"lng_profile_group_info" = "Groepsinformatie";
"lng_profile_channel_info" = "Kanaalinformatie";
"lng_profile_add_contact" = "Contact toevoegen";
"lng_profile_edit_contact" = "Wijzig";
"lng_profile_enable_notifications" = "Meldingen";
"lng_profile_clear_history" = "Geschiedenis wissen";
"lng_profile_delete_conversation" = "Gesprek verwijderen";
"lng_profile_clear_and_exit" = "Verwijder en verlaat";
"lng_profile_leave_channel" = "Kanaal verlaten";
"lng_profile_delete_channel" = "Kanaal verwijderen";
"lng_profile_search_messages" = "Zoek berichten";
"lng_profile_block_user" = "Blokkeer gebruiker";
"lng_profile_unblock_user" = "Deblokkeer gebruiker";
@ -378,7 +389,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_add_participant" = "Lid toevoegen";
"lng_profile_delete_and_exit" = "Verlaat";
"lng_profile_kick" = "Verwijder";
"lng_profile_sure_kick" = " {user} uit de groep verwijderen?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick" = "{user} uit de groep verwijderen?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_channel" = "{user} uit het kanaal verwijderen?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_admin" = "{user} ontslaan als beheerder?";
"lng_profile_loading" = "Bezig met laden";
"lng_profile_shared_media" = "Gedeelde media";
"lng_profile_no_media" = "Geen media in deze chat.";
@ -393,43 +406,87 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_shared_links" = "{count:_not_used_|# gedeelde link|# gedeelde links} »";
"lng_profile_shared_links_header" = "Overzicht van gedeelde links";
"lng_profile_audio_files_header" = "Afspeellijst";
"lng_profile_show_all_types" = "Alles weergeven";
"lng_profile_copy_phone" = "Telefoonnummer kopiëren";
"lng_channel_add_admins" = "Toevoegen";
"lng_channel_members" = "Deelnemers";
"lng_channel_admins" = "Beheerders";
"lng_channel_add_admin" = "Beheerder toevoegen";
"lng_channel_admin_sure" = "{user} aan beheerders toevoegen?";
"lng_participant_filter" = "Zoeken";
"lng_participant_invite" = "Uitnodigen";
"lng_create_new_group" = "Nieuwe groep";
"lng_participant_invite_sorry" = "De eerste {count} deelnemers\nkun je persoonlijk uitnodigen.\n\nDaarna kunnen mensen via de\nuitnodigingslink deelnemen.";
"lng_create_group_back" = "Vorige";
"lng_create_group_next" = "Volgende";
"lng_create_group_create" = "Maak";
"lng_create_group_title" = "Nieuwe groep";
"lng_create_group_about" = "Groepen zijn voor kleinere gemeenschappen, met maximaal {count} deelnemers";
"lng_create_channel_title" = "Nieuw kanaal";
"lng_create_channel_about" = "Kanalen kennen geen limiet en zijn geschikt om een groot publiek te bereiken";
"lng_create_public_channel_title" = "Publiek kanaal";
"lng_create_public_channel_about" = "Iedereen kan je kanaal vinden en deelnemen";
"lng_create_private_channel_title" = "Privé-kanaal";
"lng_create_private_channel_about" = "Deelnemen kan alleen via de uitnodigingslink";
"lng_create_channel_comments" = "Reacties inschakelen";
"lng_create_channel_comments_about" = "Als je reacties inschakelt kunnen deelnemers reageren op je bericht in het kanaal.";
"lng_create_group_save" = "Opslaan";
"lng_create_group_skip" = "Overslaan";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "Gebruiker toevoegen mislukt. Probeer het later nog eens.";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Sorry, als een persoon verlaat, \nKan alleen een wederzijds\ncontact ze weer toevoegen\n(opgeslagen telefoonnummers).";
"lng_create_channel_link_invalid" = "Deze naam is ongeldig.";
"lng_create_channel_link_occupied" = "Deze naam is bezet";
"lng_create_channel_link_too_short" = "Deze naam is te kort";
"lng_create_channel_link_bad_symbols" = "Deze naam bevat ongeldige tekens";
"lng_create_channel_link_available" = "Deze naam is beschikbaar.";
"lng_create_channel_link_copied" = "Link gekopieerd naar klembord";
"lng_create_group_crop" = "Kies een vierkant voor de groepsfoto";
"lng_create_channel_crop" = "Kies een vierkant voor de kanaalfoto";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "Gebruiker toevoegen mislukt. Probeer het later.";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Iemand die de groep verlaat kan alleen\nDoor een wederzijds contact \nworden toegevoegd \n(opgeslagen nummers) ";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual_channel" = "Iemand die het kanaal verlaat kan alleen\nDoor een wederzijds contact \nworden toegevoegd \n(opgeslagen nummers) ";
"lng_sure_delete_contact" = "{contact} echt verwijderen uit contacten?";
"lng_sure_delete_history" = "Geschiedenis met {contact} echt wissen? \n\nDeze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.";
"lng_sure_delete_group_history" = "Echt de geschiedenis van «{group}» wissen?\n\nHerstellen is niet mogelijk. ";
"lng_sure_delete_and_exit" = "Wil je de groep «{group}» verlaten en de geschiedenis wissen?\n\nDeze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.";
"lng_sure_leave_channel" = "Kanaal echt verlaten?";
"lng_sure_delete_channel" = "Kanaal echt verwijderen?\n\nBerichten worden gewist en\nalle deelnemers verwijderd.";
"lng_message_empty" = "Leeg bericht";
"lng_media_unsupported" = "Niet-ondersteunde media";
"lng_action_add_user" = "{from} heeft {user} toegevoegd";
"lng_action_add_you" = "{from} heeft je toegevoegd aan dit kanaal";
"lng_action_you_joined" = "Je neemt deel aan het kanaal";
"lng_action_kick_user" = "{from} heeft {user} verwijderd";
"lng_action_user_left" = "{from} heeft de groep verlaten";
"lng_action_user_joined" = "{from} neemt deel aan de groep";
"lng_action_user_joined_by_link" = "{from} neemt deel aan de groep via uitnodigingslink";
"lng_action_user_registered" = "{from} heeft nu Telegram";
"lng_action_removed_photo" = "{from} heeft de groepsafbeelding verwijderd";
"lng_action_removed_photo_channel" = "Kanaalfoto verwijderd";
"lng_action_changed_photo" = "{from} heeft de groepsafbeelding gewijzigd";
"lng_action_changed_photo_channel" = "Kanaalfoto bijgewerkt";
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} heeft de groepsnaam gewijzigd naar «{title}»";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "Kanaalnaam gewijzigd naar «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} heeft de groep «{title}» gemaakt";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Het kanaal «{title}» is gemaakt";
"lng_channel_comments_count" = "{count:_not_used_|# reactie|# reacties}";
"lng_channel_hide_comments" = "Reacties verbergen";
"lng_channel_not_accessible" = "Sorry, dit kanaal is privé.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public_existing" = "Je hebt teveel publieke\nKanäle gemaakt\n\nVerwijder er eerst één.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public" = "Het maximale aantal publieke \nkanalen is bereikt. \n\nMaak een privé-kanaal of verwijder\neerst een publiek kanaal.";
"lng_group_invite_bad_link" = "Deze uitnodigingslink is \ndefect of verlopen.";
"lng_group_invite_want_join" = "Wil je deelnemen aan de groep «{title}»?";
"lng_group_invite_want_join_channel" = "Wil je deelnemen aan het kanaal «{title}»?";
"lng_group_invite_join" = "Deelnemen";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "Uitnodigingslink";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "Uitnodigingslink:";
"lng_group_invite_create" = "Uitnodigingslink maken";
"lng_group_invite_about" = "Gebruikers kunnen aan je groep \ndeelnemen met deze link.";
"lng_group_invite_create_new" = "Intrekken";
@ -437,6 +494,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_group_invite_copied" = "Link gekopieerd naar klembord.";
"lng_group_invite_no_room" = "Sorry, deze groep is al vol.";
"lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Link gekopieerd naar klembord";
"lng_forwarded_from" = "Doorgestuurd van";
"lng_in_reply_to" = "Antwoord op";
@ -487,16 +546,20 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_report_spam" = "Spam melden";
"lng_report_spam_hide" = "Verbergen";
"lng_report_spam_thanks" = "Bedankt voor je melding!";
"lng_report_spam_thanks" = "Bedankt!";
"lng_report_spam_sure" = "Spam van deze\ngebruiker echt melden? ";
"lng_report_spam_sure_group" = "Spam van deze\ngroep echt melden? ";
"lng_report_spam_sure_channel" = "Echt spam melden\nvoor dit kanaal?";
"lng_report_spam_ok" = "Melden";
"lng_cant_send_to_not_contact" = "Op dit moment kun je alleen berichten\nversturen naar onderlinge contacten. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact" = "Op dit moment kun je alleen onderlinge\ncontacten aan groepen toevoegen. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact_channel" = "Je kunt momenteel alleen onderlinge\ncontacten aan kanalen toevoegen.\n{more_info}";
"lng_cant_more_info" = "Meer informatie »";
"lng_send_button" = "Stuur";
"lng_message_ph" = "Bericht schrijven";
"lng_comment_ph" = "Reactie";
"lng_broadcast_ph" = "Massabericht";
"lng_record_cancel" = "Annuleren: uit het vak loslaten";
"lng_empty_history" = "";
"lng_willbe_history" = "Kies een chat om te beginnen";
@ -504,6 +567,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_from_you" = "Jij";
"lng_bot_description" = "Wat kan deze bot? ";
"lng_unblock_button" = "Deblokkeer";
"lng_channel_join" = "Deelnemen";
"lng_channel_mute" = "Geluid uit";
"lng_channel_unmute" = "Geluid aan";
"lng_open_this_link" = "Link openen?";
"lng_open_link" = "Openen";
@ -591,6 +657,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_send_image_compressed" = "Gecomprimeerde afbeelding sturen";
"lng_forward_choose" = "Ontvanger kiezen";
"lng_forward_cant" = "Sorry, doorsturen hierheen kan niet :(";
"lng_forward_confirm" = "Doorsturen naar {recipient}?";
"lng_forward_share_contact" = "Contact delen met {recipient}?";
"lng_forward_send_file_confirm" = " «{name}» naar {recipient} versturen?";
@ -605,6 +672,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_enter_contact_data" = "Nieuw contact";
"lng_edit_group_title" = "Groepsnaam bewerken";
"lng_edit_contact_title" = "Naam bewerken";
"lng_edit_channel_title" = "Kanaal wijzigen";
"lng_edit_self_title" = "Je naam bewerken";
"lng_confirm_contact_data" = "Nieuw contact";
"lng_add_contact" = "Opslaan";
@ -612,7 +680,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_contacts_header" = "Contacten";
"lng_contact_not_joined" = "{name} heeft zich nog niet aangemeld bij Telegram, je kunt je vriend een uitnodiging sturen.\n\nWe infomeren je wanneer een contact van jou lid is geworden van Telegram.";
"lng_try_other_contact" = "Probeer een andere";
"lng_contacts_done" = "Annuleren";
"lng_contacts_done" = "Sluiten";
"lng_create_group_link" = "Link";
"lng_create_group_invite_link" = "Uitnodigingslink";
"lng_create_group_photo" = "Foto instellen";
"lng_create_group_description" = "Beschrijving (optioneel)";
"lng_drag_images_here" = "Sleep afbeeldingen hierheen";
"lng_drag_photos_here" = "Sleep foto's hierheen";
@ -647,6 +719,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mediaview_files_all" = "Alle bestanden weergeven";
"lng_mediaview_single_photo" = "Foto";
"lng_mediaview_group_photo" = "Groepsafbeelding";
"lng_mediaview_channel_photo" = "Kanaalfoto";
"lng_mediaview_profile_photo" = "Profielfoto";
"lng_mediaview_file_n_of_count" = "{file} {n} van {count}";
"lng_mediaview_n_of_count" = "Foto {n} van {count}";
@ -661,10 +734,12 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram is bijgewerkt naar versie {version}\n\n{changes} \n\nVolledige versiegeschiedenis is hier te vinden:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Probleemoplossing en andere kleine verbeteringen";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— 'Spam melden'-optie in nieuwe chats\n— Probleemoplossing en kleine verbeteringen\n— Problemen met OS X 10.8 berichtmeldingen opgelost";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Nieuw, kanalen - een perfecte manier om berichten naar een ongelimiteerd publiek te versturen \n— Probleemoplossing en verbeteringen\n\nMeer over deze kanalen: {link}";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Unicode-besturingsteken invoegen";
"lng_full_name" = "{first_name} {last_name}";
// Wnd specific
"lng_wnd_choose_program_menu" = "Standaardprogramma selecteren... ";
@ -711,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mac_menu_contacts" = "Contacten";
"lng_mac_menu_add_contact" = "Contact toevoegen";
"lng_mac_menu_new_group" = "Nieuwe groep";
"lng_mac_menu_new_channel" = "Nieuw kanaal";
"lng_mac_menu_show" = "Telegram weergeven";
// Keys finished
@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_chat_status_members" = "{count:nenhum membro|# membro|# membros}";
"lng_chat_status_members_online" = "{count:_not_used_|# membro|# membros}, {count_online:_not_used_|# online|# online}";
"lng_channel_status" = "canal";
"lng_channel_members_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# membro|# membros} »";
"lng_channel_admins_link" = "{count:_not_used_|# administrador|# administradores} »";
"lng_server_error" = "Erro interno do servidor.";
"lng_flood_error" = "Muitas tentativas. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.";
"lng_deleted" = "Desconhecido";
@ -158,7 +163,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_dlg_filter" = "Buscar";
"lng_dlg_new_group_name" = "Nome do grupo";
"lng_dlg_create_group" = "Criar";
"lng_dlg_new_channel_name" = "Nome do canal";
"lng_no_contacts" = "Você não possui contatos";
"lng_no_chats" = "Seus chats estarão aqui";
"lng_contacts_loading" = "Carregando..";
@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_settings_save" = "Salvar";
"lng_settings_upload" = "Definir Foto de Perfil";
"lng_settings_crop_profile" = "Selecione uma área quadrangular para sua foto de perfil";
"lng_settings_crop_profile" = "Selecione uma área para a foto do perfil";
"lng_settings_uploading_photo" = "Carregando foto..";
"lng_username_title" = "Alterar nome de usuário";
@ -352,19 +357,25 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_chat_unaccessible" = "Grupo inacessível";
"lng_topbar_info" = "Info";
"lng_profile_about_section" = "Sobre";
"lng_profile_description_section" = "Descrição";
"lng_profile_settings_section" = "Configurações";
"lng_profile_actions_section" = "Ações";
"lng_profile_bot_settings" = "Configurações";
"lng_profile_bot_help" = "Ajuda";
"lng_profile_create_public_link" = "Criar link público";
"lng_profile_edit_public_link" = "Editar link público";
"lng_profile_participants_section" = "Membros";
"lng_profile_info" = "Informação de contato";
"lng_profile_group_info" = "Informação do grupo";
"lng_profile_channel_info" = "Info do Canal";
"lng_profile_add_contact" = "Adicionar Contato";
"lng_profile_edit_contact" = "Editar";
"lng_profile_enable_notifications" = "Notificações";
"lng_profile_clear_history" = "Limpar histórico";
"lng_profile_delete_conversation" = "Apagar conversa";
"lng_profile_clear_and_exit" = "Apagar e sair";
"lng_profile_leave_channel" = "Sair do Canal";
"lng_profile_delete_channel" = "Apagar Canal";
"lng_profile_search_messages" = "Buscar mensagens";
"lng_profile_block_user" = "Bloquear usuário";
"lng_profile_unblock_user" = "Desbloquear usuário";
@ -375,10 +386,12 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_invite_to_group" = "Adicionar ao Grupo";
"lng_profile_delete_contact" = "Apagar";
"lng_profile_set_group_photo" = "Definir Foto";
"lng_profile_add_participant" = "Adicionar Membro";
"lng_profile_add_participant" = "Adicionar Membros";
"lng_profile_delete_and_exit" = "Sair";
"lng_profile_kick" = "Remover";
"lng_profile_sure_kick" = "Remover {user} do grupo?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_channel" = "Remover {user} do canal?";
"lng_profile_sure_kick_admin" = "Remover {user} dos administradores?";
"lng_profile_loading" = "Carregando..";
"lng_profile_shared_media" = "Mídia compartilhada";
"lng_profile_no_media" = "Nenhuma mídia nessa conversa.";
@ -393,43 +406,87 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_profile_shared_links" = "{count:_not_used_|# link|# links} »";
"lng_profile_shared_links_header" = "Links";
"lng_profile_audio_files_header" = "Reprodução";
"lng_profile_show_all_types" = "Mostrar todos os tipos";
"lng_profile_copy_phone" = "Copiar número de telefone";
"lng_channel_add_admins" = "Adicionar";
"lng_channel_members" = "Membros";
"lng_channel_admins" = "Administradores";
"lng_channel_add_admin" = "Adicionar Administrador";
"lng_channel_admin_sure" = "Adicionar {user} aos administradores?";
"lng_participant_filter" = "Buscar";
"lng_participant_invite" = "Convidar";
"lng_create_new_group" = "Novo Grupo";
"lng_participant_invite_sorry" = "Desculpe, você só pode adicionar\nos primeiros {count} ao canal.\n\nDe agora em diante, precisarão\ndo link de convite para entrar.";
"lng_create_group_back" = "Voltar";
"lng_create_group_next" = "Próximo";
"lng_create_group_create" = "Criar";
"lng_create_group_title" = "Novo Grupo";
"lng_create_group_about" = "Grupos são ideais para comunidades menores, eles podem ter até {count} membros";
"lng_create_channel_title" = "Novo Canal";
"lng_create_channel_about" = "Canais são uma ferramenta para transmitir suas mensagens para audiências ilimitadas";
"lng_create_public_channel_title" = "Canal Público";
"lng_create_public_channel_about" = "Qualquer um pode encontrar o canal na busca e entrar";
"lng_create_private_channel_title" = "Canal privado";
"lng_create_private_channel_about" = "Somente pessoas com um link especial de convite poderão entrar";
"lng_create_channel_comments" = "Habilitar Comentários";
"lng_create_channel_comments_about" = "Se você habilitar comentários, membros poderão discutir seus posts no canal";
"lng_create_group_save" = "Salvar";
"lng_create_group_skip" = "Pular";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "Não foi possível adicionar o usuário. Tente novamente mais tarde.";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Desculpe, se uma pessoa deixou o\ngrupo, apenas um contato mútuo pode\ncolocá-la de volta (eles precisam do seu \ncontato no telefone e você o deles)";
"lng_create_channel_link_invalid" = "Esse link é inválido";
"lng_create_channel_link_occupied" = "Esse link já está em uso";
"lng_create_channel_link_too_short" = "Esse link é muito curto";
"lng_create_channel_link_bad_symbols" = "Esse link contém símbolos incompatíveis";
"lng_create_channel_link_available" = "Esse link está disponível";
"lng_create_channel_link_copied" = "Link copiado para área de transferência";
"lng_create_group_crop" = "Selecione uma área para a foto do grupo";
"lng_create_channel_crop" = "Selecione uma área para a foto do canal";
"lng_failed_add_participant" = "Usuário não pôde ser adicionado. Tente novamente mais tarde.";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual" = "Se uma pessoa deixou o grupo, apenas um\ncontato mútuo pode colocá-la novamente\n(eles precisam do seu número na agenda\ndo telefone e você do número deles).";
"lng_failed_add_not_mutual_channel" = "Se uma pessoa deixou o canal, apenas um\ncontato mútuo pode colocá-la novamente\n(eles precisam do seu número na agenda\ndo telefone e você do número deles).";
"lng_sure_delete_contact" = "Você tem certeza que deseja remover {contact} da sua lista de contatos?";
"lng_sure_delete_history" = "Você tem certeza que deseja apagar todo o seu histórico de mensagens com {contact}?\n\nEssa ação não pode ser desfeita.";
"lng_sure_delete_group_history" = "Você tem certeza que deseja apagar todo o histórico de «{group}»?\n\nEssa ação não pode ser desfeita.";
"lng_sure_delete_and_exit" = "Você tem certeza que deseja apagar todo o seu histórico de mensagens e deixar «{group}»?\n\nEssa ação não pode ser desfeita.";
"lng_sure_leave_channel" = "Tem certeza que deseja\nsair deste canal?";
"lng_sure_delete_channel" = "Tem certeza que deseja\napagar este canal?\n\nTodos os membros serão removidos\ne todas as mensagens serão perdidas.";
"lng_message_empty" = "Mensagem Vazia";
"lng_media_unsupported" = "Mídia Não-Suportada";
"lng_action_add_user" = "{from} adicionou {user}";
"lng_action_add_you" = "{from} adicionou você ao canal";
"lng_action_you_joined" = "Você entrou no canal";
"lng_action_kick_user" = "{from} removeu {user}";
"lng_action_user_left" = "{from} deixou o grupo";
"lng_action_user_joined" = "{from} entrou no grupo";
"lng_action_user_joined_by_link" = "{from} entrou no grupo via link de convite";
"lng_action_user_registered" = "{from} entrou para o Telegram";
"lng_action_removed_photo" = "{from} removeu a foto do grupo";
"lng_action_changed_photo" = "{from} alterou a foto do grupo";
"lng_action_removed_photo_channel" = "Foto do canal removida";
"lng_action_changed_photo" = "{from} atualizou a foto do grupo";
"lng_action_changed_photo_channel" = "Foto do canal atualizada";
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} alterou o título do grupo para «{title}»";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "Nome do canal foi alterado para «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} criou o grupo «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Canal «{title}» criado";
"lng_channel_comments_count" = "{count:_not_used_|# comentário|# comentários}";
"lng_channel_hide_comments" = "Ocultar Comentários";
"lng_channel_not_accessible" = "Desculpe, esse canal não está acessível.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public_existing" = "Desculpe, você já criou\nmuitos canais públicos.\n\nApague um primeiro.";
"lng_channels_too_much_public" = "Desculpe, você já criou\nmuitos canal públicos.\n\nVocê pode criar um canal privado ou \napagar um de seus canais públicos.";
"lng_group_invite_bad_link" = "Link de convite quebrado\nou expirado.";
"lng_group_invite_want_join" = "Você deseja entrar no grupo «{title}»?";
"lng_group_invite_want_join_channel" = "Você deseja entrar no canal «{title}»?";
"lng_group_invite_join" = "Entrar";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "Link de convite";
"lng_group_invite_link" = "Link de convite:";
"lng_group_invite_create" = "Criar um link de convite";
"lng_group_invite_about" = "Usuários do Telegram poderão entrar\nem seu grupo clicando no link.";
"lng_group_invite_create_new" = "Desativar link";
@ -437,6 +494,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_group_invite_copied" = "Link copiado para área de transferência.";
"lng_group_invite_no_room" = "Não foi possível entrar no grupo porque\nele já possui muitos membros.";
"lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Link copiado para área de transferência.";
"lng_forwarded_from" = "Encaminhado de";
"lng_in_reply_to" = "Em resposta a";
@ -489,14 +548,18 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_report_spam_hide" = "Ocultar";
"lng_report_spam_thanks" = "Obrigado por reportar!";
"lng_report_spam_sure" = "Tem certeza que deseja\nreportar spam deste usuário?";
"lng_report_spam_sure_group" = "Tem certeza que seseja\nreportar por spam nesse grupo?";
"lng_report_spam_sure_group" = "Tem certeza que deseja\nreportar esse grupo por spam?";
"lng_report_spam_sure_channel" = "Você tem certeza que deseja\nreportar esse canal por spam?";
"lng_report_spam_ok" = "Reportar";
"lng_cant_send_to_not_contact" = "Você só pode enviar mensagens para\ncontatos mútuos no momento. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact" = "Você só pode adicionar contatos\nmútuos ao grupo no momento. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_invite_not_contact_channel" = "Desculpe, você só pode adicionar contatos\nmútuos para canais no momento. {more_info}";
"lng_cant_more_info" = "Informações »";
"lng_send_button" = "Enviar";
"lng_message_ph" = "Escrever a mensagem..";
"lng_comment_ph" = "Escreva um comentário...";
"lng_broadcast_ph" = "Transmitir a mensagem...";
"lng_record_cancel" = "Solte fora desse campo para cancelar";
"lng_empty_history" = "";
"lng_willbe_history" = "Selecione um chat para começar a conversar";
@ -504,6 +567,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_from_you" = "Você";
"lng_bot_description" = "O que esse bot pode fazer?";
"lng_unblock_button" = "Desbloquear";
"lng_channel_join" = "Entrar no Canal";
"lng_channel_mute" = "Silenciar";
"lng_channel_unmute" = "Restaurar Som";
"lng_open_this_link" = "Abrir este link?";
"lng_open_link" = "Abrir";
@ -591,6 +657,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_send_image_compressed" = "Enviar imagem comprimida";
"lng_forward_choose" = "Escolher recipiente..";
"lng_forward_cant" = "Desculpe, não há como encaminhar aqui :(";
"lng_forward_confirm" = "Encaminhar para {recipient}?";
"lng_forward_share_contact" = "Compartilhar contato com {recipient}?";
"lng_forward_send_file_confirm" = "Enviar «{name}» para {recipient}";
@ -605,6 +672,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_enter_contact_data" = "Novo Contato";
"lng_edit_group_title" = "Editar nome do grupo";
"lng_edit_contact_title" = "Editar nome de contato";
"lng_edit_channel_title" = "Editar Canal";
"lng_edit_self_title" = "Editar seu nome";
"lng_confirm_contact_data" = "Novo Contato";
"lng_add_contact" = "Criar";
@ -612,7 +680,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_contacts_header" = "Contatos";
"lng_contact_not_joined" = "Infelizmente {name} não entrou para o Telegram ainda, mas você pode enviá-lo um convite.\n\nNós iremos te notificar sobre qualquer um de seus contatos que entrarem para o Telegram.";
"lng_try_other_contact" = "Tentar outro";
"lng_contacts_done" = "Cancelar";
"lng_contacts_done" = "Fechar";
"lng_create_group_link" = "Link";
"lng_create_group_invite_link" = "Link de convite";
"lng_create_group_photo" = "Definir Foto";
"lng_create_group_description" = "Descrição (opcional)";
"lng_drag_images_here" = "Soltar imagens aqui";
"lng_drag_photos_here" = "Soltar fotos aqui";
@ -647,6 +719,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mediaview_files_all" = "Visualizar Arquivos";
"lng_mediaview_single_photo" = "Foto Única";
"lng_mediaview_group_photo" = "Grupo de Fotos";
"lng_mediaview_channel_photo" = "Foto do Canal";
"lng_mediaview_profile_photo" = "Foto de Perfil";
"lng_mediaview_file_n_of_count" = "{file} {n} de {count}";
"lng_mediaview_n_of_count" = "Foto {n} de {count}";
@ -661,10 +734,12 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop foi atualizado para a versão {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nHistórico completo de mudanças disponível aqui:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Resolução de bugs e outras menores melhorias";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Botões para reportar spam em novos chats\n— Outras melhorias e resoluções de erros\n— OS X 10.8 problemas com notificações solucionadas";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Introduzindo Canais — Uma grande nova maneira de transmitir suas mensagens, com audiência ilimitada\n— Outras melhorias e resoluções\n\nMais sobre os canais aqui: {link}";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Inserir caractere de controle Unicode";
"lng_full_name" = "{first_name} {last_name}";
// Wnd specific
"lng_wnd_choose_program_menu" = "Escolher programa padrão...";
@ -711,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
"lng_mac_menu_contacts" = "Contatos";
"lng_mac_menu_add_contact" = "Adicionar Contato";
"lng_mac_menu_new_group" = "Novo Grupo";
"lng_mac_menu_new_channel" = "Novo Canal";
"lng_mac_menu_show" = "Mostrar Telegram";
// Keys finished
Reference in New Issue
Block a user