Version 0.10.16 stable: langs updated.

This commit is contained in:
John Preston 2016-10-19 21:54:11 +03:00
parent 9752224449
commit 5ad2fc12d9
7 changed files with 80 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_box_leave" = "Leave";
"lng_about_version" = "version {version}";
"lng_about_text_1" = "Official free messaging app based on [a href=\"\"]Telegram API[/a]\nfor speed and security";
"lng_about_text_1" = "Official free messaging app based on [a href=\"\"]Telegram API[/a]\nfor speed and security.";
"lng_about_text_2" = "This software is licensed under [a href=\"\"]GNU GPL[/a] version 3.\nSource code is available on [a href=\"\"]GitHub[/a].";
"lng_about_text_3" = "Visit {faq_open}Telegram FAQ{faq_close} for more info.";
"lng_about_done" = "Done";

View File

@ -244,10 +244,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_settings_show_name" = "Absendername anzeigen";
"lng_settings_show_preview" = "Nachrichtenvorschau anzeigen";
"lng_settings_use_windows" = "Windows Benachrichtigungen";
"lng_settings_use_native_notifications" = "Linux Benachrichtigungen";
"lng_settings_advanced_notifications" = "Position und Anzahl der Benachrichtigungen";
"lng_settings_notifications_position" = "Position auf dem Bildschirm";
"lng_settings_notifications_count" = "Anzahl der Benachrichtigungen";
"lng_settings_sound_notify" = "Ton abspielen";
"lng_settings_include_muted" = "Stummgeschaltete Chats mitzählen";
"lng_notification_preview" = "Du hast eine neue Nachricht";
"lng_notification_reply" = "Antworten";
"lng_notification_hide_all" = "Alle verstecken";
"lng_notification_sample" = "Eine Beispiel-Benachrichtigung";
"lng_settings_section_general" = "Allgemein";
"lng_settings_change_lang" = "Sprache ändern";
@ -472,7 +479,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_profile_shared_links" = "{count:_not_used_|# Geteilter Link|# Geteilte Links} »";
"lng_profile_shared_links_header" = "Links aus dem Chat";
"lng_profile_copy_phone" = "Telefonnummer kopieren";
"lng_profile_copy_fullname" = "Anzeigename kopieren";
"lng_profile_copy_fullname" = "Name kopieren";
"lng_profile_drop_area_title" = "Hierher ziehen";
"lng_profile_drop_area_subtitle" = "um es als Gruppenbild auszuwählen";
"lng_profile_drop_area_subtitle_channel" = "um es als Kanalbild auszuwählen";
@ -567,7 +574,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} hat den Gruppennamen zu «{title}» geändert";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "Kanalname wurde zu «{title}» geändert";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} hat die Gruppe «{title}» erstellt";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Kanal «{title}» erstellt";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Kanal erstellt";
"lng_action_group_migrate" = "Gruppe wurde in eine Supergruppe geändert";
"lng_action_pinned_message" = "{from} hat «{text}» angeheftet";
"lng_action_pinned_media" = "{from} hat {media} angeheftet";
@ -584,6 +591,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_pinned_media_game" = "das Spiel «{game}»";
"lng_action_game_score" = "{from} erzielte {count:# Punkte|# Punkt|# Punkte} bei {game}";
"lng_action_game_you_scored" = "Du hast {count:# Punkte|# Punkt|# Punkte} bei {game} erzielt";
"lng_action_game_score_no_game" = "{from} erzielte {count:# Punkte|# Punkt|# Punkte}";
"lng_action_game_you_scored_no_game" = "Du hast {count:# Punkte erzielt|# Punkt erzielt|# Punkte erzielt}";
"lng_profile_migrate_reached" = "Limit von {count:_not_used_|# Mitglied|# Mitgliedern} erreicht";
"lng_profile_migrate_body" = "Um das Limit aufzuheben, ändere die Gruppe in eine Supergruppe.";
@ -935,7 +944,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_box_leave" = "Verlassen";
"lng_about_version" = "Version {version}";
"lng_about_text_1" = "Dieser offizielle Messenger basiert auf [a href=\"\"]Telegram API[/a] für Geschwindigkeit und Sicherheit.";
"lng_about_text_1" = "Offizielle Messaging App basierend auf [a href=\"\"]Telegram API[/a]\nfür Geschwindigkeit und Sicherheit.";
"lng_about_text_2" = "Diese Software steht unter der [a href=\"\"]GNU GPL[/a] Version 3, der Quelltext ist bei [a href=\"\"]GitHub[/a] verfügbar.";
"lng_about_text_3" = "Fragen? Besuche doch {faq_open}unsere FAQ{faq_close} für mehr Infos.";
"lng_about_done" = "Fertig";
@ -967,7 +976,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop wurde aktualisiert auf Version {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nGesamter Versionsverlauf:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Fehlerbehebungen und Softwareoptimierungen";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Die Einstellungen ab sofort in neuer Optik\n— Fehlerbehebungen und kleinere Verbesserungen";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Neues Audio-Player Design\n\nWindows and Linux:\n— Schnellantwortfunktion direkt aus Benachrichtigungen\n— \"Alle Benachrichtigungen verstecken\"-Knopf hinzugefügt\n— Position und Anzahl der Benachrichtigungen einstellbar\n\nWindows 10:\n— Ruhezeiten der Benachrichtigungen werden beachtet\n\nLinux:\n— Native Linux-Benachrichtigungen in den Telegram Einstellungen aktivierbar";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Unicode-Steuerzeichen einfügen";

View File

@ -244,10 +244,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_settings_show_name" = "Mostrar el nombre del remitente";
"lng_settings_show_preview" = "Mostrar la vista previa del mensaje";
"lng_settings_use_windows" = "Usar notificaciones de Windows";
"lng_settings_use_native_notifications" = "Usar notificaciones nativas";
"lng_settings_advanced_notifications" = "Posición de las notificaciones y conteo";
"lng_settings_notifications_position" = "Ubicación en la pantalla";
"lng_settings_notifications_count" = "Conteo de notificaciones";
"lng_settings_sound_notify" = "Reproducir sonido";
"lng_settings_include_muted" = "Contar chats silenciados en los “no leídos”";
"lng_notification_preview" = "Tienes un nuevo mensaje";
"lng_notification_reply" = "Responder";
"lng_notification_hide_all" = "Ocultar todas";
"lng_notification_sample" = "Esta es una notificación de ejemplo";
"lng_settings_section_general" = "General";
"lng_settings_change_lang" = "Cambiar idioma";
@ -471,7 +478,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_profile_audios_header" = "Mensajes de voz";
"lng_profile_shared_links" = "{count:_not_used_|# enlace|# enlaces}";
"lng_profile_shared_links_header" = "Enlaces";
"lng_profile_copy_phone" = "Copiar número";
"lng_profile_copy_phone" = "Copiar número de teléfono";
"lng_profile_copy_fullname" = "Copiar nombre";
"lng_profile_drop_area_title" = "Arrastra tu imagen aquí";
"lng_profile_drop_area_subtitle" = "para ponerla como foto del grupo";
@ -567,7 +574,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} cambió el nombre del grupo a «{title}»";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "El nombre del canal fue cambiado a «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} creó el grupo «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Se creó el canal «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Canal creado";
"lng_action_group_migrate" = "Este grupo fue convertido en un supergrupo";
"lng_action_pinned_message" = "{from} ancló «{text}»";
"lng_action_pinned_media" = "{from} ancló {media}";
@ -584,6 +591,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_pinned_media_game" = "el juego «{game}»";
"lng_action_game_score" = "{from} consiguió {count:# puntos|# punto|# puntos} en {game}";
"lng_action_game_you_scored" = "Conseguiste {count:# puntos|# punto|# puntos} en {game}";
"lng_action_game_score_no_game" = "{from} consiguió {count:# puntos|# punto|# puntos}";
"lng_action_game_you_scored_no_game" = "Conseguiste {count:# puntos|# punto|# puntos}";
"lng_profile_migrate_reached" = "Límite de {count:_not_used_|# miembro|# miembros} alcanzado";
"lng_profile_migrate_body" = "Para superar este límite, puedes convertir tu grupo en un supergrupo.";
@ -828,7 +837,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_context_copy_link" = "Copiar enlace";
"lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Copiar enlace de la publicación";
"lng_context_copy_email" = "Copiar dirección de correo electrónico";
"lng_context_copy_email" = "Copiar e-mail";
"lng_context_copy_hashtag" = "Copiar hashtag";
"lng_context_copy_mention" = "Copiar alias";
"lng_context_save_image" = "Guardar como...";
@ -935,7 +944,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_box_leave" = "Salir";
"lng_about_version" = "versión {version}";
"lng_about_text_1" = "Aplicación oficial y gratuita basada en la [a href=\"\"]API de Telegram[/a], para su velocidad y seguridad.";
"lng_about_text_1" = "Aplicación oficial y gratuita basada en la [a href=\"\"]API de Telegram[/a]\npara su velocidad y seguridad.";
"lng_about_text_2" = "Este software está licenciado bajo [a href=\"\"]GNU GPL[/a] versión 3.\nCódigo fuente disponible en [a href=\"\"]GitHub[/a].";
"lng_about_text_3" = "Conoce más en las {faq_open}preguntas frecuentes de Telegram{faq_close}.";
"lng_about_done" = "Hecho";
@ -967,7 +976,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop ha sido actualizada a la versión {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nEl historial completo está disponible aquí:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Corrección de errores y otras mejoras menores";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Nuevo diseño para la ventana de Ajustes\n— Corrección de errores y otras mejoras menores";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Nuevo diseño del reproductor de audio\n\nWindows y Linux:\n— Respuesta rápida desde las notificaciones\n— Botón añadido para ocultar todas las notificaciones\n— Opción para cambiar la ubicación y conteo de las notificaciones\n\nWindows 10:\n— Cumplimiento de los períodos sin notificaciones\n\nLinux:\n— Puedes habilitar las notificaciones nativas en Ajustes";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Insertar caracteres de control Unicode";

View File

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_photo_caption" = "Didascalia";
"lng_phone_ph" = "Tuo numero di telefono";
"lng_phone_ph" = "Il tuo numero di telefono";
"lng_phone_title" = "Tuo telefono";
"lng_phone_desc" = "Per favore conferma il tuo prefisso nazionale e\ninserisci il tuo numero di telefono.";
"lng_phone_notreg" = "Nota: se non hai ancora un account Telegram,\nper favore [b]registrati[/b] con il tuo dispositivo [a href=\"\"]iOS / Android[/a] o {signup_start}qui »{signup_end}";
@ -244,10 +244,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_settings_show_name" = "Mostra nome del mittente";
"lng_settings_show_preview" = "Mostra anteprima messaggio";
"lng_settings_use_windows" = "Usa le notifiche di Windows";
"lng_settings_use_native_notifications" = "Usa notifiche native";
"lng_settings_advanced_notifications" = "Posizione e conteggio notifiche";
"lng_settings_notifications_position" = "Posizione sullo schermo";
"lng_settings_notifications_count" = "Conteggio notifiche";
"lng_settings_sound_notify" = "Riproduci suono";
"lng_settings_include_muted" = "Includi chat silenziate nel badge";
"lng_notification_preview" = "Hai un nuovo messaggio";
"lng_notification_reply" = "Rispondi";
"lng_notification_hide_all" = "Nascondi tutte";
"lng_notification_sample" = "Questa è un esempio di notifica";
"lng_settings_section_general" = "Generali";
"lng_settings_change_lang" = "Cambia lingua";
@ -567,7 +574,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} ha cambiato il nome del gruppo in «{title}»";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "Nome del canale cambiato in «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} ha creato il gruppo «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Canale «{title}» creato";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Canale creato";
"lng_action_group_migrate" = "Il gruppo è stato aggiornato a supergruppo";
"lng_action_pinned_message" = "{from} ha fissato «{text}»";
"lng_action_pinned_media" = "{from} ha fissato {media}";
@ -584,6 +591,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_pinned_media_game" = "il gioco «{game}»";
"lng_action_game_score" = "{from} ha totalizzato {count:# punti|# punto|# punti} a {game}";
"lng_action_game_you_scored" = "Hai totalizzato {count:# punti|# punto|# punti} a {game}";
"lng_action_game_score_no_game" = "{from} ha totalizzato {count:# punti|# punto|# punti}";
"lng_action_game_you_scored_no_game" = "Hai totalizzato {count:# punti|# punto|# punti}";
"lng_profile_migrate_reached" = "Limite di {count:_not_used_|# membro|# membri} raggiunto";
"lng_profile_migrate_body" = "Per superare questo limite, puoi aggiornare il gruppo a supergruppo.";
@ -935,7 +944,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_box_leave" = "Lascia";
"lng_about_version" = "versione {version}";
"lng_about_text_1" = "App ufficiale basata sulle [a href=\"\"]API di Telegram[/a]\nper velocità e sicurezza";
"lng_about_text_1" = "App ufficiale basata sulle [a href=\"\"]API di Telegram[/a]\nper velocità e sicurezza.";
"lng_about_text_2" = "Questo software è sotto licenza [a href=\"\"]GNU GPL[/a] versione 3.\nIl source code è disponibile su [a href=\"\"]GitHub[/a].";
"lng_about_text_3" = "Visita le {faq_open}domande frequenti{faq_close} per maggiori info.";
"lng_about_done" = "Fatto";
@ -967,7 +976,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop si è aggiornato alla versione {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nLa cronologia degli aggiornamenti è disponibile qui:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Risoluzione di problemi e altri miglioramenti minori";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Nuovo design per la pagina delle Impostazioni\n— Risoluzione di problemi e altri miglioramenti minori";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Nuovo design del player audio\n\nWindows e Linux:\n— Risposta veloce dalle notifiche\n— Aggiunto pulsante per nascondere tutte le notifiche\n— Cambia la posizione e il conteggio massimo delle notifiche\n\nWindows 10:\n— Rispetta la modalità non disturbare per le notifiche\n\nLinux:\n— Puoi attivare le notifiche native nelle Impostazioni";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Inserisci carattere di controllo Unicode";

View File

@ -244,10 +244,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_settings_show_name" = "발신인 표시";
"lng_settings_show_preview" = "메시지 미리보기";
"lng_settings_use_windows" = "윈도우 알림 사용";
"lng_settings_use_native_notifications" = "기존 알림 사용";
"lng_settings_advanced_notifications" = "알림 위치 및 개수";
"lng_settings_notifications_position" = "화면 위치";
"lng_settings_notifications_count" = "알림 개수";
"lng_settings_sound_notify" = "소리 재생";
"lng_settings_include_muted" = "안 읽은 메시지에 음소거된 채팅방 포함";
"lng_notification_preview" = "새로운 메시지가 있습니다.";
"lng_notification_reply" = "답장";
"lng_notification_hide_all" = "모두 숨기기";
"lng_notification_sample" = "샘플 알림입니다";
"lng_settings_section_general" = "일반";
"lng_settings_change_lang" = "언어 변경";
@ -567,7 +574,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} 님이 그룹이름을 «{title}» 로 바꾸셨습니다.";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "채널명이 «{title}»로 수정됨";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} 님이 그룹 «{title}» 을 생성하셨습니다.";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "채널명 «{title}» 생성됨";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "채널 생성됨";
"lng_action_group_migrate" = "이 그룹방은 슈퍼그룹방으로 변환되었습니다";
"lng_action_pinned_message" = "{from} 님이 «{text}» 를 고정함";
"lng_action_pinned_media" = "{from} 님이 {media} 를 고정함";
@ -584,6 +591,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_pinned_media_game" = " «{game}» 게임";
"lng_action_game_score" = "{game} 에서 {from} 님이 {count:#|#|#} 점 획득";
"lng_action_game_you_scored" = "{game} 에서 {count:#|#|#} 점 획득";
"lng_action_game_score_no_game" = "{from} 에서 {count:#|#|#} 점 획득";
"lng_action_game_you_scored_no_game" = "{count:#|#|#} 점 획득";
"lng_profile_migrate_reached" = "{count:_not_used_|# 명|# 명} 한계치에 도달 되었습니다.";
"lng_profile_migrate_body" = "제한을 초과하고 싶으실 경우, 슈퍼그룹으로 그룹 업그레이드가 가능합니다.";
@ -935,7 +944,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_box_leave" = "나가기";
"lng_about_version" = "버전 {version}";
"lng_about_text_1" = "[a href=\"\"]Telegram API[/a]에 기반하고 있는\n공식 무료 메시징 앱으로 빠르고 안전합니다.";
"lng_about_text_1" = "[a href=\"\"]Telegram API[/a]에 기반하고 있는 공식 무료 메시징 앱으로 빠르고 안전합니다.";
"lng_about_text_2" = "이 소프트웨어는 [a href=\"\"]GNU GPL[/a] version 3 를 채택하고 있으며,\n소스코드는 [a href=\"\"]GitHub[/a]에서 제공하고 있습니다.";
"lng_about_text_3" = "자세한 사항은 {faq_open}Telegram FAQ{faq_close} 에서 확인해주세요.";
"lng_about_done" = "완료";
@ -967,7 +976,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "텔레그램 데스크탑은 {version} 버전으로 업데이트 되었습니다.\n\n{changes}\n\n전체 버전 히스토리는 아래에서 확인 가능합니다:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— 버그 수정 및 일부 기능 향상";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— 이쁜 설정 페이지 디자인\n— 버그 수정 및 일부 기능 향상";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— 새로운 오디오 플레이어 디자인\n\n윈도우 및 리눅스:\n— 알림에서 빠른 답장 기능\n— 모두 숨기기 버튼 추가\n— 알림 위치 및 최대 개수 설정\n\n윈도우 10:\n— 알림 음소거 시간 설정\n\n리눅스:\n— 설정에서 기본 설정 활성화 가능";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "유니코드 문자를 입력하세요.";

View File

@ -244,10 +244,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_settings_show_name" = "Afzender weergeven";
"lng_settings_show_preview" = "Voorvertoning weergeven";
"lng_settings_use_windows" = "Windows-berichtgeving gebruiken";
"lng_settings_use_native_notifications" = "Linux-berichtgeving gebruiken";
"lng_settings_advanced_notifications" = "Plaats en teller voor meldingen";
"lng_settings_notifications_position" = "Plaats op het beeldscherm";
"lng_settings_notifications_count" = "Teller weergeven";
"lng_settings_sound_notify" = "Geluiden afspelen";
"lng_settings_include_muted" = "Stille chats meetellen in ongelezen";
"lng_notification_preview" = "Je hebt een nieuw bericht";
"lng_notification_reply" = "Antwoord";
"lng_notification_hide_all" = "Alles verbergen";
"lng_notification_sample" = "Berichtgevingsvoorbeeld";
"lng_settings_section_general" = "Algemeen";
"lng_settings_change_lang" = "Taal wijzigen";
@ -567,7 +574,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} heeft de groepsnaam gewijzigd naar \"{title}\"";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "Kanaalnaam gewijzigd naar \"{title}\"";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} heeft de groep \"{title}\" gemaakt";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Het kanaal \"{title}\" is gemaakt";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Kanaal aangemaakt";
"lng_action_group_migrate" = "De groep is opgewaardeerd naar een supergroep";
"lng_action_pinned_message" = "{from} heeft «{text}» vastgezet";
"lng_action_pinned_media" = "{from} heeft {media} vastgezet";
@ -584,6 +591,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_pinned_media_game" = "het spel «{game}»";
"lng_action_game_score" = "{from} heeft met {game} {count:# punten|# punt|# punten} behaald";
"lng_action_game_you_scored" = "Je hebt met {game} {count:# punten|# punt|# punten} behaald";
"lng_action_game_score_no_game" = "{from} heeft {count:# punten|# punt|# punten} behaald";
"lng_action_game_you_scored_no_game" = "Je hebt {count:# punten|# punt|# punten} behaald";
"lng_profile_migrate_reached" = "{count:_not_used_|# lid |# leden} limiet bereikt";
"lng_profile_migrate_body" = "Wil je een hogere limiet? Waardeer op naar een supergroep.";
@ -967,7 +976,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram is bijgewerkt naar versie {version}\n\n{changes} \n\nVolledige versiegeschiedenis is hier te vinden:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Probleemoplossing en andere kleine verbeteringen";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Nieuw ontwerp voor het tabblad met instellingen\n— Probleemoplossing en andere kleine verbeteringen";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Nieuw ontwerp voor de muziekspeler\n\nWindows en Linux:\n— Snel antwoorden op meldingen.\n— Alle meldingen middels een knop\n— Meldingsplaats en teller zijn aanpasbaar.\n\nWindows 10:\n— Stiltetijd voor meldingen werkt nu.\n\nLinux:\n— Je kunt Linux-berichtgeving inschakelen via de instellingen.";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Unicode-besturingsteken invoegen";

View File

@ -244,10 +244,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_settings_show_name" = "Mostrar nome de quem enviou";
"lng_settings_show_preview" = "Mostrar pré-visualização da mensagem";
"lng_settings_use_windows" = "Usar notificações do Windows";
"lng_settings_use_native_notifications" = "Usar notificações nativas";
"lng_settings_advanced_notifications" = "Posição e contador de notificações";
"lng_settings_notifications_position" = "Localização na tela";
"lng_settings_notifications_count" = "Contador de notificações";
"lng_settings_sound_notify" = "Tocar som";
"lng_settings_include_muted" = "Incluir os chats silenciados no contador";
"lng_notification_preview" = "Você tem uma nova mensagem";
"lng_notification_reply" = "Responder";
"lng_notification_hide_all" = "Esconder tudo";
"lng_notification_sample" = "Esse é um exemplo de notificação";
"lng_settings_section_general" = "Geral";
"lng_settings_change_lang" = "Alterar idioma";
@ -471,8 +478,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_profile_audios_header" = "Mensagens de voz";
"lng_profile_shared_links" = "{count:_not_used_|# link compartilhado|# links compartilhados}";
"lng_profile_shared_links_header" = "Links";
"lng_profile_copy_phone" = "Copiar número de telefone";
"lng_profile_copy_fullname" = "Copiar nome";
"lng_profile_copy_phone" = "Copiar Número de Telefone";
"lng_profile_copy_fullname" = "Copiar Nome";
"lng_profile_drop_area_title" = "Solte sua imagem aqui";
"lng_profile_drop_area_subtitle" = "para defini-la como foto do grupo";
"lng_profile_drop_area_subtitle_channel" = "para defini-la como foto do canal";
@ -567,7 +574,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_changed_title" = "{from} alterou o título do grupo para «{title}»";
"lng_action_changed_title_channel" = "Nome do canal foi alterado para «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_chat" = "{from} criou o grupo «{title}»";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Canal «{title}» criado";
"lng_action_created_channel" = "Canal criado";
"lng_action_group_migrate" = "O grupo foi convertido para um supergrupo";
"lng_action_pinned_message" = "{from} fixou «{text}»";
"lng_action_pinned_media" = "{from} fixou {media}";
@ -584,6 +591,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_action_pinned_media_game" = "o jogo «{game}»";
"lng_action_game_score" = "{from} marcou {count:# pontos|# ponto|# pontos} em {game}";
"lng_action_game_you_scored" = "Você marcou {count:# pontos|# ponto|# pontos} em {game}";
"lng_action_game_score_no_game" = "{from} marcou {count:# pontos|# ponto|# pontos}";
"lng_action_game_you_scored_no_game" = "Você marcou {count:# pontos|# ponto|# pontos}";
"lng_profile_migrate_reached" = "{count:_not_used_|# membro|# membros} limite alcançado";
"lng_profile_migrate_body" = "Para ir além desse limite, você pode converter seu grupo em um supergrupo.";
@ -828,9 +837,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_context_copy_link" = "Copiar Link";
"lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Copiar Link do Post";
"lng_context_copy_email" = "Copiar endereço de email";
"lng_context_copy_hashtag" = "Copiar hashtag";
"lng_context_copy_mention" = "Copiar nome de usuário";
"lng_context_copy_email" = "Copiar Endereço de Email";
"lng_context_copy_hashtag" = "Copiar Hashtag";
"lng_context_copy_mention" = "Copiar Nome de Usuário";
"lng_context_save_image" = "Salvar Imagem Como...";
"lng_context_forward_image" = "Encaminhar Imagem";
"lng_context_delete_image" = "Apagar Imagem";
@ -967,7 +976,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
"lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop foi atualizado para a versão {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nHistórico completo de mudanças disponível aqui:\n{link}";
"lng_new_version_minor" = "— Resolução de bugs e outras melhorias menores";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Novo design para a página de Configurações\n— Resolução de bugs e outras menores melhorias";
"lng_new_version_text" = "— Novo design do reprodutor de músicas\n\nWindows e Linux:\n— Resposta rápida através das notificações\n— Adicionado um botão para esconder as notificações\n— Altere a localização e o contador máximo das notificações\n\nWindows 10\n— Respeitando o período de silêncio para as notificações\n\nLinux:\n— Você pode habilitar as notificações nativas nas Configurações";
"lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Inserir caractere de controle Unicode";