diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_de.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_de.strings index f1fad4804b..90b60d32a6 100644 --- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_de.strings +++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_de.strings @@ -123,6 +123,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_server_error" = "Interner Serverfehler."; "lng_flood_error" = "Zu viele Versuche, bitte später erneut probieren."; "lng_gif_error" = "Ein Fehler ist beim Laden der GIF-Animation aufgetreten :("; +"lng_edit_error" = "Du kannst diese Nachricht nicht bearbeiten"; +"lng_edit_deleted" = "Diese Nachricht wurde gelöscht"; +"lng_edit_too_long" = "Der Text ist leider zu lang"; +"lng_edit_message" = "Nachricht bearbeiten"; +"lng_edit_message_text" = "Neuer Text.."; "lng_deleted" = "Gelöschter Kontakt"; "lng_deleted_message" = "Gelöschte Nachricht"; @@ -556,7 +561,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Link in die Zwischenablage kopiert.\n"; -"lng_forwarded_from" = "Weitergeleitet von"; +"lng_forwarded" = "Weitergeleitet von {user}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel" = "Weitergeleitet aus {channel}"; +"lng_forwarded_via" = "Weitergeleitet von {user} via {inline_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "Weitergeleitet aus {channel} via {inline_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_signed" = "{channel} ({user})"; "lng_in_reply_to" = "Antwort auf"; "lng_attach_failed" = "Uploadfehler"; @@ -645,8 +654,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_send_button" = "Senden"; "lng_message_ph" = "Schreibe deine Nachricht.."; "lng_comment_ph" = "Schreibe ein Kommentar.."; -"lng_broadcast_ph" = "Schicke einen Broadcast.."; +"lng_broadcast_ph" = "Sende einen Broadcast.."; +"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "Lautloser Broadcast"; "lng_record_cancel" = "Zum Abbrechen rausbewegen"; +"lng_will_be_notified" = "Mitglieder werden benachrichtigt"; +"lng_wont_be_notified" = "Mitglieder werden nicht benachrichtigt"; "lng_empty_history" = ""; "lng_willbe_history" = "Chat auswählen um zu schreiben"; "lng_message_with_from" = "[c]{from}:[/c] {message}"; @@ -706,6 +718,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_open_link" = "Link öffnen"; "lng_context_copy_link" = "Link kopieren"; +"lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Link kopieren"; "lng_context_open_email" = "Email verfassen"; "lng_context_copy_email" = "E-Mail-Adresse kopieren"; "lng_context_open_hashtag" = "Nach Hashtag suchen"; @@ -736,6 +749,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_save_gif" = "GIF speichern"; "lng_context_to_msg" = "Zur Nachricht"; "lng_context_reply_msg" = "Antworten"; +"lng_context_edit_msg" = "Bearbeiten"; "lng_context_forward_msg" = "Nachricht weiterleiten"; "lng_context_delete_msg" = "Nachricht löschen"; "lng_context_select_msg" = "Nachricht auswählen"; @@ -772,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_edit_group_title" = "Gruppennamen ändern"; "lng_edit_contact_title" = "Kontaktnamen ändern"; "lng_edit_channel_title" = "Kanal bearbeiten"; +"lng_edit_sign_messages" = "Nachrichten unterschreiben"; "lng_edit_group" = "Gruppe bearbeiten"; "lng_edit_self_title" = "Name bearbeiten"; "lng_confirm_contact_data" = "Neuer Kontakt"; @@ -837,7 +852,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop wurde aktualisiert auf Version {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nGesamter Versionsverlauf:\n{link}"; "lng_new_version_minor" = "— Fehlerbehebungen und Softwareoptimierungen"; -"lng_new_version_text" = "— Neue Option in den Einstellungen unter 'Hintergrund' hinzugefügt (nennt sich dort \"Flexibles Layout für breite Bildschirme\"), um das Layout bei besonders breiten Bildschirmen zu ändern\n— Abstürze in der Linux-Version behoben"; +"lng_new_version_text" = "— Bearbeite deine Nachrichten in Kanälen und Supergruppen.\n— Teile direkt Links zu einzelnen Kanal-Nachrichten über das Teilen-Symbol neben der Nachricht.\n— Unterschreibe Nachrichten in Kanälen - so kann jeder sehen, welcher Admin die Nachricht geschrieben hat.\n— Sende 'lautlose Nachrichten' in Kanälen. Klasse, wenn man mal wieder mitten in der Nacht eine Nachricht senden muss."; "lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Unicode-Steuerzeichen einfügen"; diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_es.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_es.strings index 4370b950bc..eede26f55b 100644 --- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_es.strings +++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_es.strings @@ -123,6 +123,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_server_error" = "Error interno del servidor."; "lng_flood_error" = "Muchos intentos. Por favor, reinténtalo más tarde."; "lng_gif_error" = "Ocurrió un error al leer la animación GIF :("; +"lng_edit_error" = "No puedes editar este mensaje"; +"lng_edit_deleted" = "Este mensaje fue eliminado"; +"lng_edit_too_long" = "Tu texto es demasiado largo"; +"lng_edit_message" = "Editar mensaje"; +"lng_edit_message_text" = "Nuevo texto..."; "lng_deleted" = "Desconocido"; "lng_deleted_message" = "Mensaje eliminado"; @@ -556,7 +561,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Enlace copiado al portapapeles."; -"lng_forwarded_from" = "Reenviado desde"; +"lng_forwarded" = "Forwarded from {user}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel" = "Forwarded from {channel}"; +"lng_forwarded_via" = "Forwarded from {user} via {inline_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "Forwarded from {channel} via {inline_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_signed" = "{channel} ({user})"; "lng_in_reply_to" = "Respondiendo a"; "lng_attach_failed" = "Fallido"; @@ -646,7 +655,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_message_ph" = "Escribe un mensaje..."; "lng_comment_ph" = "Escribe un comentario..."; "lng_broadcast_ph" = "Difunde un mensaje..."; +"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "Silent broadcast.."; "lng_record_cancel" = "Suelta fuera de aquí para cancelar"; +"lng_will_be_notified" = "Tu publicación será notificada"; +"lng_wont_be_notified" = "Tu publicación no será notificada"; "lng_empty_history" = ""; "lng_willbe_history" = "Selecciona un chat para comenzar"; "lng_message_with_from" = "[c]{from}:[/c] {message}"; @@ -706,6 +718,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_open_link" = "Abrir enlace"; "lng_context_copy_link" = "Copiar enlace"; +"lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Copiar enlace"; "lng_context_open_email" = "Escribir a esta dirección"; "lng_context_copy_email" = "Copiar dirección de correo electrónico"; "lng_context_open_hashtag" = "Buscar por hashtag"; @@ -736,6 +749,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_save_gif" = "Guardar GIF"; "lng_context_to_msg" = "Ir al mensaje"; "lng_context_reply_msg" = "Responder"; +"lng_context_edit_msg" = "Editar"; "lng_context_forward_msg" = "Reenviar mensaje"; "lng_context_delete_msg" = "Eliminar mensaje"; "lng_context_select_msg" = "Seleccionar mensaje"; @@ -772,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_edit_group_title" = "Editar nombre del grupo"; "lng_edit_contact_title" = "Editar nombre del contacto"; "lng_edit_channel_title" = "Editar canal"; +"lng_edit_sign_messages" = "Firmar los mensajes"; "lng_edit_group" = "Editar grupo"; "lng_edit_self_title" = "Editar tu nombre"; "lng_confirm_contact_data" = "Nuevo contacto"; @@ -837,7 +852,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop ha sido actualizada a la versión {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nEl historial completo está disponible aquí:\n{link}"; "lng_new_version_minor" = "— Corrección de errores y otras mejoras menores"; -"lng_new_version_text" = "— Ajuste para activar o desactivar el diseño adaptable para pantallas anchas \n— Arreglado el cierre inesperado en la versión para Linux"; +"lng_new_version_text" = "— Edita tus mensajes en canales y supergrupos.\n— Comparte enlaces a publicaciones específicas en canales, a través del menú contextual de la publicación. \n— Añade firmas de los administradores a los mensajes en canales.\n— Envía mensajes silenciosos en canales, que no serán notificados a los miembros. Es útil para publicaciones que no son urgentes o en medio de la noche."; "lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Insertar caracteres de control Unicode"; diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_it.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_it.strings index 7563d169ce..8c49827618 100644 --- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_it.strings +++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_it.strings @@ -123,6 +123,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_server_error" = "Errore interno del server."; "lng_flood_error" = "Troppi tentativi. Per favore riprova più tardi."; "lng_gif_error" = "C'è stato un errore nel leggere la GIF :("; +"lng_edit_error" = "Non puoi modificare questo messaggio"; +"lng_edit_deleted" = "Questo messaggio è stato eliminato"; +"lng_edit_too_long" = "Il tuo messaggio è troppo lungo"; +"lng_edit_message" = "Modifica messaggio"; +"lng_edit_message_text" = "Nuovo testo messaggio.."; "lng_deleted" = "Sconosciuto"; "lng_deleted_message" = "Messaggio eliminato"; @@ -556,7 +561,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Link copiato negli appunti."; -"lng_forwarded_from" = "Inoltrato da"; +"lng_forwarded" = "Inoltrato da {user}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel" = "Inoltrato da {channel}"; +"lng_forwarded_via" = "Inoltrato da {user} via {inline_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "Inoltrato da {channel} via {inline_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_signed" = "{channel} ({user})"; "lng_in_reply_to" = "In risposta a"; "lng_attach_failed" = "Fallito"; @@ -646,7 +655,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_message_ph" = "Scrivi un messaggio.."; "lng_comment_ph" = "Scrivi un commento.."; "lng_broadcast_ph" = "Diffondi un messaggio.."; +"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "Broadcast silenzioso.."; "lng_record_cancel" = "Rilascia fuori da qui per annullare"; +"lng_will_be_notified" = "I membri saranno notificati quando pubblichi"; +"lng_wont_be_notified" = "I membri non saranno notificati quando pubblichi"; "lng_empty_history" = ""; "lng_willbe_history" = "Seleziona una chat per iniziare a messaggiare"; "lng_message_with_from" = "[c]{from}:[/c] {message}"; @@ -706,6 +718,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_open_link" = "Apri link"; "lng_context_copy_link" = "Copia link"; +"lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Copia link post"; "lng_context_open_email" = "Scrivi a questo indirizzo"; "lng_context_copy_email" = "Copia indirizzo email"; "lng_context_open_hashtag" = "Cerca via hashtag"; @@ -736,6 +749,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_save_gif" = "Salva GIF"; "lng_context_to_msg" = "Vai al messaggio"; "lng_context_reply_msg" = "Rispondi"; +"lng_context_edit_msg" = "Modifica"; "lng_context_forward_msg" = "Inoltra messaggio"; "lng_context_delete_msg" = "Elimina messaggio"; "lng_context_select_msg" = "Seleziona messaggio"; @@ -772,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_edit_group_title" = "Modifica nome gruppo"; "lng_edit_contact_title" = "Modifica nome contatto"; "lng_edit_channel_title" = "Modifica canale"; +"lng_edit_sign_messages" = "Firma messaggi"; "lng_edit_group" = "Modifica gruppo"; "lng_edit_self_title" = "Modifica il tuo nome"; "lng_confirm_contact_data" = "Nuovo contatto"; @@ -837,7 +852,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop si è aggiornato alla versione {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nLa cronologia degli aggiornamenti è disponibile qui:\n{link}"; "lng_new_version_minor" = "— Risoluzione di problemi e altri miglioramenti minori"; -"lng_new_version_text" = "— Interruttore per il layout adattivo per grandi schermi aggiunto nelle Impostazioni\n— Risoluzione dei crash su Linux"; +"lng_new_version_text" = "— Modifica i tuoi messaggi nei canali e nei supergruppi.\n— Condividi link per post specifici nei canali con il menu contestuale dei post.\n— Aggiungi le firme per i messaggi degli amministratori nei canali.\n— Invia messaggi silenziosi nei canali che non notificheranno i membri.\nUtile per i post non urgenti o fatti di notte."; "lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Inserisci carattere di controllo Unicode"; diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_ko.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_ko.strings index 4164413533..bda501dcf0 100644 --- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_ko.strings +++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_ko.strings @@ -123,6 +123,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_server_error" = "내부 서버 오류"; "lng_flood_error" = "시도가 너무 많습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해주세요."; "lng_gif_error" = "GIF 애니메이션을 읽는 동안 에러가 발생하였습니다."; +"lng_edit_error" = "You cannot edit this message"; +"lng_edit_deleted" = "This message was deleted"; +"lng_edit_too_long" = "Your message text is too long"; +"lng_edit_message" = "Edit message"; +"lng_edit_message_text" = "New message text.."; "lng_deleted" = "알 수 없음"; "lng_deleted_message" = "삭제된 메시지"; @@ -556,7 +561,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "클립보드에 링크가 복사되었습니다."; -"lng_forwarded_from" = "전달받음"; +"lng_forwarded" = "Forwarded from {user}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel" = "Forwarded from {channel}"; +"lng_forwarded_via" = "Forwarded from {user} via {inline_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "Forwarded from {channel} via {inline_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_signed" = "{channel} ({user})"; "lng_in_reply_to" = "다음 유저에게 답장 :"; "lng_attach_failed" = "실패"; @@ -646,7 +655,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_message_ph" = "메시지 쓰기"; "lng_comment_ph" = "코멘트 쓰기.."; "lng_broadcast_ph" = "단체메시지 쓰기."; +"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "Silent broadcast.."; "lng_record_cancel" = "이 영역 밖에서 마우스 클릭을 해제하시면 취소가 됩니다."; +"lng_will_be_notified" = "Members will be notified when you post"; +"lng_wont_be_notified" = "Members will not be notified when you post"; "lng_empty_history" = ""; "lng_willbe_history" = "대화하실 방을 선택해주세요."; "lng_message_with_from" = "[c]{from}:[/c] {message}"; @@ -706,6 +718,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_open_link" = "링크 열기"; "lng_context_copy_link" = "링크 복사"; +"lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Copy Post Link"; "lng_context_open_email" = "이 주소로 메시지 보내기"; "lng_context_copy_email" = "이메일 복사"; "lng_context_open_hashtag" = "해시태그로 검색"; @@ -736,6 +749,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_save_gif" = "GIF 저장"; "lng_context_to_msg" = "메시지로 이동"; "lng_context_reply_msg" = "답장"; +"lng_context_edit_msg" = "Edit"; "lng_context_forward_msg" = "메시지 전달"; "lng_context_delete_msg" = "메시지 삭제"; "lng_context_select_msg" = "메시지 선택"; @@ -772,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_edit_group_title" = "그룹 이름 수정"; "lng_edit_contact_title" = "연락처 이름 수정"; "lng_edit_channel_title" = "채널 수정"; +"lng_edit_sign_messages" = "Sign messages"; "lng_edit_group" = "그룹방 수정"; "lng_edit_self_title" = "이름 수정"; "lng_confirm_contact_data" = "새로운 연락처"; @@ -837,7 +852,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_new_version_wrap" = "텔레그램 데스크탑은 {version} 버전으로 업데이트 되었습니다.\n\n{changes}\n\n전체 버전 히스토리는 아래에서 확인 가능합니다:\n{link}"; "lng_new_version_minor" = "— 버그 수정 및 일부 기능 향상"; -"lng_new_version_text" = "— 와이드 스크린 레이아웃 설정 적용\n— 리눅스 버전 크래시 수정"; +"lng_new_version_text" = "— Edit your messages in channels and supergroups.\n— Share links to specific posts in channels via the post context menu.\n— Add admin signatures to messages in channels.\n— Send silent messages in channels that will not notify members. Useful for non-urgent or late night posting."; "lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "유니코드 문자를 입력하세요."; diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_nl.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_nl.strings index 5d5e5d0cf9..5edaad9d5a 100644 --- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_nl.strings +++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_nl.strings @@ -123,6 +123,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_server_error" = "Interne serverfout."; "lng_flood_error" = "Teveel pogingen. Probeer het later opnieuw."; "lng_gif_error" = "Er is iets een fout opgetreden bij het lezen van de GIF :("; +"lng_edit_error" = "Je mag dit bericht niet bewerken"; +"lng_edit_deleted" = "Bericht is gewist"; +"lng_edit_too_long" = "Je bericht is te lang"; +"lng_edit_message" = "Bericht bewerken"; +"lng_edit_message_text" = "Nieuw bericht..."; "lng_deleted" = "Onbekend"; "lng_deleted_message" = "Verwijderd bericht"; @@ -556,7 +561,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Link gekopieerd naar klembord"; -"lng_forwarded_from" = "Doorgestuurd van"; +"lng_forwarded" = "Forwarded from {user}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel" = "Forwarded from {channel}"; +"lng_forwarded_via" = "Forwarded from {user} via {inline_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "Forwarded from {channel} via {inline_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_signed" = "{channel} ({user})"; "lng_in_reply_to" = "Antwoord op"; "lng_attach_failed" = "Mislukt"; @@ -646,7 +655,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_message_ph" = "Bericht schrijven"; "lng_comment_ph" = "Reactie"; "lng_broadcast_ph" = "Massabericht"; +"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "Silent broadcast.."; "lng_record_cancel" = "Annuleren: uit het vak loslaten"; +"lng_will_be_notified" = "Berichtgeving voor deelnemers"; +"lng_wont_be_notified" = "Geen berichtgeving voor deelnemers"; "lng_empty_history" = ""; "lng_willbe_history" = "Kies een chat om te beginnen"; "lng_message_with_from" = "[c]{from}:[/c] {message}"; @@ -706,6 +718,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_open_link" = "Link openen"; "lng_context_copy_link" = "Link kopiëren"; +"lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Link kopiëren"; "lng_context_open_email" = "Naar dit adres sturen"; "lng_context_copy_email" = "E-mailadres kopiëren"; "lng_context_open_hashtag" = "Zoeken op hashtag"; @@ -736,6 +749,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_save_gif" = "GIF opslaan"; "lng_context_to_msg" = "Naar bericht gaan"; "lng_context_reply_msg" = "Antwoord"; +"lng_context_edit_msg" = "Bewerken"; "lng_context_forward_msg" = "Bericht doorsturen"; "lng_context_delete_msg" = "Bericht verwijderen"; "lng_context_select_msg" = "Bericht kiezen"; @@ -772,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_edit_group_title" = "Groepsnaam bewerken"; "lng_edit_contact_title" = "Naam bewerken"; "lng_edit_channel_title" = "Kanaal wijzigen"; +"lng_edit_sign_messages" = "Ondertekenen"; "lng_edit_group" = "Groep bewerken"; "lng_edit_self_title" = "Je naam bewerken"; "lng_confirm_contact_data" = "Nieuw contact"; @@ -837,7 +852,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram is bijgewerkt naar versie {version}\n\n{changes} \n\nVolledige versiegeschiedenis is hier te vinden:\n{link}"; "lng_new_version_minor" = "— Probleemoplossing en andere kleine verbeteringen"; -"lng_new_version_text" = "— Adaptieve layout voor brede schermen toegevoegd aan instellingen\n— Crashes in de Linuxversie opgelost"; +"lng_new_version_text" = "— Edit your messages in channels and supergroups.\n— Share links to specific posts in channels via the post context menu.\n— Add admin signatures to messages in channels.\n— Send silent messages in channels that will not notify members. Useful for non-urgent or late night posting."; "lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Unicode-besturingsteken invoegen"; diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_pt_BR.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_pt_BR.strings index fb36ee6188..2c92adab34 100644 --- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_pt_BR.strings +++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_pt_BR.strings @@ -123,6 +123,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_server_error" = "Erro interno do servidor."; "lng_flood_error" = "Muitas tentativas. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."; "lng_gif_error" = "Um erro ocorreu com a animação do GIF :("; +"lng_edit_error" = "Você não pode editar essa mensagem"; +"lng_edit_deleted" = "Essa mensagem foi apagada"; +"lng_edit_too_long" = "Sua mensagem está muito longa"; +"lng_edit_message" = "Editar mensagem"; +"lng_edit_message_text" = "Nova mensagem..."; "lng_deleted" = "Desconhecido"; "lng_deleted_message" = "Mensagem apagada"; @@ -556,7 +561,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Link copiado para área de transferência."; -"lng_forwarded_from" = "Encaminhado de"; +"lng_forwarded" = "Encaminhado de {user}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel" = "Encaminhado de {channel}"; +"lng_forwarded_via" = "Encaminhado de {user} via {online_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "Encaminhado de {channel} via {online_bot}"; +"lng_forwarded_signed" = "{channel} ({user})"; "lng_in_reply_to" = "Em resposta a"; "lng_attach_failed" = "Falhou"; @@ -646,7 +655,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_message_ph" = "Escrever a mensagem.."; "lng_comment_ph" = "Escreva um comentário..."; "lng_broadcast_ph" = "Transmitir a mensagem..."; +"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "Silenciar transmissão..."; "lng_record_cancel" = "Solte fora desse campo para cancelar"; +"lng_will_be_notified" = "Os membros serão notificados quando você postar"; +"lng_wont_be_notified" = "Os membros não serão notificados quando você postar"; "lng_empty_history" = ""; "lng_willbe_history" = "Selecione um chat para começar a conversar"; "lng_message_with_from" = "[c]{from}:[/c] {message}"; @@ -706,6 +718,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_open_link" = "Abrir Link"; "lng_context_copy_link" = "Copiar Link"; +"lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Copiar Link do Post"; "lng_context_open_email" = "Escrever para este endereço"; "lng_context_copy_email" = "Copiar endereço de email"; "lng_context_open_hashtag" = "Buscar pela hashtag"; @@ -736,6 +749,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_context_save_gif" = "Salvar GIF"; "lng_context_to_msg" = "Ir Para Mensagem"; "lng_context_reply_msg" = "Responder"; +"lng_context_edit_msg" = "Editar"; "lng_context_forward_msg" = "Encaminhar Mensagem"; "lng_context_delete_msg" = "Apagar Mensagem"; "lng_context_select_msg" = "Selecionar Mensagem"; @@ -772,6 +786,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_edit_group_title" = "Editar nome do grupo"; "lng_edit_contact_title" = "Editar nome de contato"; "lng_edit_channel_title" = "Editar Canal"; +"lng_edit_sign_messages" = "Assinar mensagens"; "lng_edit_group" = "Editar grupo"; "lng_edit_self_title" = "Editar seu nome"; "lng_confirm_contact_data" = "Novo Contato"; @@ -837,7 +852,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org "lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram Desktop foi atualizado para a versão {version}\n\n{changes}\n\nHistórico completo de mudanças disponível aqui:\n{link}"; "lng_new_version_minor" = "— Resolução de bugs e outras melhorias menores"; -"lng_new_version_text" = "— Layout adaptativo para wide screens adicionado em Configurações\n— Resolvido crash nas versões Linux"; +"lng_new_version_text" = "— Edite suas mensagens em canais e supergrupos.\n— Compartilhe links para postagens específicas nos canais pelo menu de contexto do post.\n— Adicione assinaturas de administradores nas mensagens dos canais.\n— Envie mensagens silenciosas em canais, que não notificarão os membros. Útil para mensagens não urgentes ou enviadas tarde da noite."; "lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Inserir caractere de controle Unicode";