From 027c6fb9c087aa8f869db9a58b8d85db7fecf1b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Preston <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 14:32:56 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] langs updated

 Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_de.strings    |  8 ----
 Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_es.strings    | 18 +++------
 Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_it.strings    |  8 ----
 Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_ko.strings    | 40 ++++++++-----------
 Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_nl.strings    | 20 +++-------
 Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_pt_BR.strings |  8 ----
 6 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_de.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_de.strings
index 90b60d32a6..af025585cc 100644
--- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_de.strings
+++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_de.strings
@@ -716,16 +716,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_view_group" = "Gruppeninfo zeigen";
 "lng_context_view_channel" = "Kanalinfo anzeigen";
-"lng_context_open_link" = "Link öffnen";
 "lng_context_copy_link" = "Link kopieren";
 "lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Link kopieren";
-"lng_context_open_email" = "Email verfassen";
 "lng_context_copy_email" = "E-Mail-Adresse kopieren";
-"lng_context_open_hashtag" = "Nach Hashtag suchen";
 "lng_context_copy_hashtag" = "Hashtag kopieren";
-"lng_context_open_mention" = "Profil öffnen";
 "lng_context_copy_mention" = "Benutzername kopieren";
-"lng_context_open_image" = "Bild öffnen";
 "lng_context_save_image" = "Bild speichern unter";
 "lng_context_forward_image" = "Bild weiterleiten";
 "lng_context_delete_image" = "Bild löschen";
@@ -734,13 +729,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_cancel_download" = "Download abbrechen";
 "lng_context_show_in_folder" = "Im Ordner anzeigen";
 "lng_context_show_in_finder" = "Im Finder zeigen";
-"lng_context_open_video" = "Video öffnen";
 "lng_context_save_video" = "Video speichern unter..";
-"lng_context_open_audio" = "Sprachnachricht öffnen";
 "lng_context_save_audio" = "Sprachnachricht speichern unter..";
 "lng_context_pack_info" = "Sticker-Paket";
 "lng_context_pack_add" = "Sticker hinzufügen";
-"lng_context_open_file" = "Datei öffnen";
 "lng_context_save_file" = "Datei speichern als..";
 "lng_context_forward_file" = "Datei weiterleiten";
 "lng_context_delete_file" = "Datei löschen";
diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_es.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_es.strings
index eede26f55b..6c43144dc0 100644
--- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_es.strings
+++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_es.strings
@@ -561,10 +561,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Enlace copiado al portapapeles.";
-"lng_forwarded" = "Forwarded from {user}";
-"lng_forwarded_channel" = "Forwarded from {channel}";
-"lng_forwarded_via" = "Forwarded from {user} via {inline_bot}";
-"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "Forwarded from {channel} via {inline_bot}";
+"lng_forwarded" = "Reenviado desde {user}";
+"lng_forwarded_channel" = "Reenviado desde {channel}";
+"lng_forwarded_via" = "Reenviado desde {user} vía {inline_bot}";
+"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "Reenviado desde {channel} vía {inline_bot}";
 "lng_forwarded_signed" = "{channel} ({user})";
 "lng_in_reply_to" = "Respondiendo a";
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_message_ph" = "Escribe un mensaje...";
 "lng_comment_ph" = "Escribe un comentario...";
 "lng_broadcast_ph" = "Difunde un mensaje...";
-"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "Silent broadcast..";
+"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "Difusión en silencio...";
 "lng_record_cancel" = "Suelta fuera de aquí para cancelar";
 "lng_will_be_notified" = "Tu publicación será notificada";
 "lng_wont_be_notified" = "Tu publicación no será notificada";
@@ -716,16 +716,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_view_group" = "Ver información";
 "lng_context_view_channel" = "Ver información";
-"lng_context_open_link" = "Abrir enlace";
 "lng_context_copy_link" = "Copiar enlace";
 "lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Copiar enlace";
-"lng_context_open_email" = "Escribir a esta dirección";
 "lng_context_copy_email" = "Copiar dirección de correo electrónico";
-"lng_context_open_hashtag" = "Buscar por hashtag";
 "lng_context_copy_hashtag" = "Copiar hashtag";
-"lng_context_open_mention" = "Abrir perfil";
 "lng_context_copy_mention" = "Copiar alias";
-"lng_context_open_image" = "Abrir imagen";
 "lng_context_save_image" = "Guardar como...";
 "lng_context_forward_image" = "Reenviar imagen";
 "lng_context_delete_image" = "Eliminar imagen";
@@ -734,13 +729,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_cancel_download" = "Cancelar descarga";
 "lng_context_show_in_folder" = "Mostrar en la carpeta";
 "lng_context_show_in_finder" = "Mostrar en el Finder";
-"lng_context_open_video" = "Abrir vídeo";
 "lng_context_save_video" = "Guardar como...";
-"lng_context_open_audio" = "Abrir audio";
 "lng_context_save_audio" = "Guardar como...";
 "lng_context_pack_info" = "Información del pack";
 "lng_context_pack_add" = "Añadir stickers";
-"lng_context_open_file" = "Abrir archivo";
 "lng_context_save_file" = "Guardar como...";
 "lng_context_forward_file" = "Reenviar archivo";
 "lng_context_delete_file" = "Eliminar archivo";
diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_it.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_it.strings
index 8c49827618..071e7d8a7a 100644
--- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_it.strings
+++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_it.strings
@@ -716,16 +716,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_view_group" = "Visualizza info gruppo";
 "lng_context_view_channel" = "Visualizza info canale";
-"lng_context_open_link" = "Apri link";
 "lng_context_copy_link" = "Copia link";
 "lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Copia link post";
-"lng_context_open_email" = "Scrivi a questo indirizzo";
 "lng_context_copy_email" = "Copia indirizzo email";
-"lng_context_open_hashtag" = "Cerca via hashtag";
 "lng_context_copy_hashtag" = "Copia hashtag";
-"lng_context_open_mention" = "Apri profilo";
 "lng_context_copy_mention" = "Copia username";
-"lng_context_open_image" = "Apri immagine";
 "lng_context_save_image" = "Salva immagine come..";
 "lng_context_forward_image" = "Inoltra immagine";
 "lng_context_delete_image" = "Elimina immagine";
@@ -734,13 +729,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_cancel_download" = "Annulla download";
 "lng_context_show_in_folder" = "Mostra nella cartella";
 "lng_context_show_in_finder" = "Mostra nel Finder";
-"lng_context_open_video" = "Apri video";
 "lng_context_save_video" = "Salva video come..";
-"lng_context_open_audio" = "Apri audio";
 "lng_context_save_audio" = "Salva audio come..";
 "lng_context_pack_info" = "Mostra sticker";
 "lng_context_pack_add" = "Aggiungi sticker";
-"lng_context_open_file" = "Apri file";
 "lng_context_save_file" = "Salva file come..";
 "lng_context_forward_file" = "Inoltra file";
 "lng_context_delete_file" = "Elimina file";
diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_ko.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_ko.strings
index bda501dcf0..50a4e22900 100644
--- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_ko.strings
+++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_ko.strings
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_server_error" = "내부 서버 오류";
 "lng_flood_error" = "시도가 너무 많습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해주세요.";
 "lng_gif_error" = "GIF 애니메이션을 읽는 동안 에러가 발생하였습니다.";
-"lng_edit_error" = "You cannot edit this message";
-"lng_edit_deleted" = "This message was deleted";
-"lng_edit_too_long" = "Your message text is too long";
-"lng_edit_message" = "Edit message";
-"lng_edit_message_text" = "New message text..";
+"lng_edit_error" = "메시지를 수정 할 수 없습니다.";
+"lng_edit_deleted" = "메시지는 삭제 되었습니다.";
+"lng_edit_too_long" = "메시지 길이가 너무 깁니다.";
+"lng_edit_message" = "메시지 수정";
+"lng_edit_message_text" = "새로운 메시지 내용.";
 "lng_deleted" = "알 수 없음";
 "lng_deleted_message" = "삭제된 메시지";
@@ -561,10 +561,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "클립보드에 링크가 복사되었습니다.";
-"lng_forwarded" = "Forwarded from {user}";
-"lng_forwarded_channel" = "Forwarded from {channel}";
-"lng_forwarded_via" = "Forwarded from {user} via {inline_bot}";
-"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "Forwarded from {channel} via {inline_bot}";
+"lng_forwarded" = "{user}로 부터 전달 받음";
+"lng_forwarded_channel" = "{channel}로 부터 전달 받음";
+"lng_forwarded_via" = "{inline_bot}을 {user}로 부터 전달 받음";
+"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "{inline_bot}을 {channel}로 부터 전달 받음";
 "lng_forwarded_signed" = "{channel} ({user})";
 "lng_in_reply_to" = "다음 유저에게 답장 :";
@@ -655,10 +655,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_message_ph" = "메시지 쓰기";
 "lng_comment_ph" = "코멘트 쓰기..";
 "lng_broadcast_ph" = "단체메시지 쓰기.";
-"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "Silent broadcast..";
+"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "음소거 메시지..";
 "lng_record_cancel" = "이 영역 밖에서 마우스 클릭을 해제하시면 취소가 됩니다.";
-"lng_will_be_notified" = "Members will be notified when you post";
-"lng_wont_be_notified" = "Members will not be notified when you post";
+"lng_will_be_notified" = "메시지 작성시 구성원들에게 알림이 갑니다.";
+"lng_wont_be_notified" = "메시지 작성시 구성원들에게 알림이 가지 않습니다.";
 "lng_empty_history" = "";
 "lng_willbe_history" = "대화하실 방을 선택해주세요.";
 "lng_message_with_from" = "[c]{from}:[/c] {message}";
@@ -716,16 +716,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_view_group" = "그룹 정보 보기";
 "lng_context_view_channel" = "채널 정보 보기";
-"lng_context_open_link" = "링크 열기";
 "lng_context_copy_link" = "링크 복사";
-"lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Copy Post Link";
-"lng_context_open_email" = "이 주소로 메시지 보내기";
+"lng_context_copy_post_link" = "메시지 링크 복사";
 "lng_context_copy_email" = "이메일 복사";
-"lng_context_open_hashtag" = "해시태그로 검색";
 "lng_context_copy_hashtag" = "해시태그 복사";
-"lng_context_open_mention" = "프로필 열기";
 "lng_context_copy_mention" = "아이디 복사";
-"lng_context_open_image" = "이미지 열기";
 "lng_context_save_image" = "이미지를 다른 이름으로 저장..";
 "lng_context_forward_image" = "이미지 전달";
 "lng_context_delete_image" = "이미지 삭제";
@@ -734,13 +729,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_cancel_download" = "다운로드 취소";
 "lng_context_show_in_folder" = "탐색기에서 보기";
 "lng_context_show_in_finder" = "탐색기에서 보기";
-"lng_context_open_video" = "비디오 열기";
 "lng_context_save_video" = "비디오 이름을 다른이름으로 저장.";
-"lng_context_open_audio" = "음성메시지 열기";
 "lng_context_save_audio" = "음성메시지를 다른 이름으로 저장..";
 "lng_context_pack_info" = "팩 정보";
 "lng_context_pack_add" = "스티커 추가";
-"lng_context_open_file" = "파일 열기";
 "lng_context_save_file" = "파일을 다른 이름으로 저장..";
 "lng_context_forward_file" = "파일 전달";
 "lng_context_delete_file" = "파일 삭제";
@@ -749,7 +741,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_save_gif" = "GIF 저장";
 "lng_context_to_msg" = "메시지로 이동";
 "lng_context_reply_msg" = "답장";
-"lng_context_edit_msg" = "Edit";
+"lng_context_edit_msg" = "수정";
 "lng_context_forward_msg" = "메시지 전달";
 "lng_context_delete_msg" = "메시지 삭제";
 "lng_context_select_msg" = "메시지 선택";
@@ -786,7 +778,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_edit_group_title" = "그룹 이름 수정";
 "lng_edit_contact_title" = "연락처 이름 수정";
 "lng_edit_channel_title" = "채널 수정";
-"lng_edit_sign_messages" = "Sign messages";
+"lng_edit_sign_messages" = "서명 메시지";
 "lng_edit_group" = "그룹방 수정";
 "lng_edit_self_title" = "이름 수정";
 "lng_confirm_contact_data" = "새로운 연락처";
@@ -852,7 +844,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_new_version_wrap" = "텔레그램 데스크탑은  {version} 버전으로 업데이트 되었습니다.\n\n{changes}\n\n전체 버전 히스토리는 아래에서 확인 가능합니다:\n{link}";
 "lng_new_version_minor" = "— 버그 수정 및 일부 기능 향상";
-"lng_new_version_text" = "— Edit your messages in channels and supergroups.\n— Share links to specific posts in channels via the post context menu.\n— Add admin signatures to messages in channels.\n— Send silent messages in channels that will not notify members. Useful for non-urgent or late night posting.";
+"lng_new_version_text" = "— 채널과 슈퍼그룹에 메시지 수정\n— 메시지 작성란에서 특정 메시지 링크 공유\n— 채널 메시지에 관리자 서명 추가\n— 알림이 가지 않은 채널 메시지 작성. 급하지 않거나 늦은 시간 메시지등에 활용";
 "lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "유니코드 문자를 입력하세요.";
diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_nl.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_nl.strings
index 5edaad9d5a..99a49c8fb3 100644
--- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_nl.strings
+++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_nl.strings
@@ -561,10 +561,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_channel_public_link_copied" = "Link gekopieerd naar klembord";
-"lng_forwarded" = "Forwarded from {user}";
-"lng_forwarded_channel" = "Forwarded from {channel}";
-"lng_forwarded_via" = "Forwarded from {user} via {inline_bot}";
-"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "Forwarded from {channel} via {inline_bot}";
+"lng_forwarded" = "Doorgestuurd van {user}";
+"lng_forwarded_channel" = "Doorgestuurd van {channel}";
+"lng_forwarded_via" = "Doorgestuurd van {user} via {inline_bot}";
+"lng_forwarded_channel_via" = "Doorgestuurd van {channel} via {inline_bot}";
 "lng_forwarded_signed" = "{channel} ({user})";
 "lng_in_reply_to" = "Antwoord op";
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_message_ph" = "Bericht schrijven";
 "lng_comment_ph" = "Reactie";
 "lng_broadcast_ph" = "Massabericht";
-"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "Silent broadcast..";
+"lng_broadcast_silent_ph" = "Stil massabericht..";
 "lng_record_cancel" = "Annuleren: uit het vak loslaten";
 "lng_will_be_notified" = "Berichtgeving voor deelnemers";
 "lng_wont_be_notified" = "Geen berichtgeving voor deelnemers";
@@ -716,16 +716,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_view_group" = "Groepsinformatie weergeven";
 "lng_context_view_channel" = "Kanaalinformatie weergeven";
-"lng_context_open_link" = "Link openen";
 "lng_context_copy_link" = "Link kopiëren";
 "lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Link kopiëren";
-"lng_context_open_email" = "Naar dit adres sturen";
 "lng_context_copy_email" = "E-mailadres kopiëren";
-"lng_context_open_hashtag" = "Zoeken op hashtag";
 "lng_context_copy_hashtag" = "Hashtag kopiëren";
-"lng_context_open_mention" = "Profiel openen";
 "lng_context_copy_mention" = "Gebruikersnaam kopiëren";
-"lng_context_open_image" = "Afbeelding openen";
 "lng_context_save_image" = "Afbeelding opslaan als";
 "lng_context_forward_image" = "Afbeelding doorsturen";
 "lng_context_delete_image" = "Afbeelding verwijderen";
@@ -734,13 +729,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_cancel_download" = "Download annuleren";
 "lng_context_show_in_folder" = "Weergeven in map";
 "lng_context_show_in_finder" = "Weergeven in Finder";
-"lng_context_open_video" = "Video openen";
 "lng_context_save_video" = "Video opslaan als";
-"lng_context_open_audio" = "Geluidsbestand openen";
 "lng_context_save_audio" = "Geluidsbestand opslaan als";
 "lng_context_pack_info" = "Bundelinformatie";
 "lng_context_pack_add" = "Stickers toevoegen";
-"lng_context_open_file" = "Bestand openen";
 "lng_context_save_file" = "Bestand opslaan als";
 "lng_context_forward_file" = "Bestand doorsturen";
 "lng_context_delete_file" = "Bestand verwijderen";
@@ -852,7 +844,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_new_version_wrap" = "Telegram is bijgewerkt naar versie {version}\n\n{changes} \n\nVolledige versiegeschiedenis is hier te vinden:\n{link}";
 "lng_new_version_minor" = "— Probleemoplossing en andere kleine verbeteringen";
-"lng_new_version_text" = "— Edit your messages in channels and supergroups.\n— Share links to specific posts in channels via the post context menu.\n— Add admin signatures to messages in channels.\n— Send silent messages in channels that will not notify members. Useful for non-urgent or late night posting.";
+"lng_new_version_text" = "— Bewerk nu je berichten in kanalen en supergroepen.\n— Deel links naar specifieke berichten in kanalen via het contextmenu.\n— Onderteken berichten in kanalen.\n— Stuur 'stille berichten' in kanalen. Ideaal voor als je toch echt iets moet sturen in het holst van de nacht.";
 "lng_menu_insert_unicode" = "Unicode-besturingsteken invoegen";
diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_pt_BR.strings b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_pt_BR.strings
index 2c92adab34..73e7314ec6 100644
--- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_pt_BR.strings
+++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/langs/lang_pt_BR.strings
@@ -716,16 +716,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_view_group" = "Ver info do grupo";
 "lng_context_view_channel" = "Ver info do canal";
-"lng_context_open_link" = "Abrir Link";
 "lng_context_copy_link" = "Copiar Link";
 "lng_context_copy_post_link" = "Copiar Link do Post";
-"lng_context_open_email" = "Escrever para este endereço";
 "lng_context_copy_email" = "Copiar endereço de email";
-"lng_context_open_hashtag" = "Buscar pela hashtag";
 "lng_context_copy_hashtag" = "Copiar hashtag";
-"lng_context_open_mention" = "Abrir perfil";
 "lng_context_copy_mention" = "Copiar nome de usuário";
-"lng_context_open_image" = "Abrir Imagem";
 "lng_context_save_image" = "Salvar Imagem Como..";
 "lng_context_forward_image" = "Encaminhar Imagem";
 "lng_context_delete_image" = "Apagar Imagem";
@@ -734,13 +729,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
 "lng_context_cancel_download" = "Cancelar Download";
 "lng_context_show_in_folder" = "Mostrar na Pasta";
 "lng_context_show_in_finder" = "Mostrar no Finder";
-"lng_context_open_video" = "Abrir Vídeo";
 "lng_context_save_video" = "Salvar Vídeo Como..";
-"lng_context_open_audio" = "Abrir Áudio";
 "lng_context_save_audio" = "Salvar Áudio Como..";
 "lng_context_pack_info" = "Informação do pacote";
 "lng_context_pack_add" = "Adicionar aos Stickers";
-"lng_context_open_file" = "Abrir Arquivo";
 "lng_context_save_file" = "Salvar Arquivo Como..";
 "lng_context_forward_file" = "Encaminhar Arquivo";
 "lng_context_delete_file" = "Apagar Arquivo";