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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/value_ordering.h"
2018-07-13 21:25:47 +00:00
#include "ui/text/text.h" // For QFIXED_MAX
namespace Storage {
namespace Cache {
struct Key;
} // namespace Cache
} // namespace Storage
class HistoryItem;
using HistoryItemsList = std::vector<not_null<HistoryItem*>>;
2018-05-21 21:31:46 +00:00
namespace Ui {
class InputField;
} // namespace Ui
class StorageImageLocation;
class WebFileLocation;
struct GeoPointLocation;
namespace Data {
struct UploadState {
UploadState(int size) : size(size) {
int offset = 0;
int size = 0;
bool waitingForAlbum = false;
Storage::Cache::Key DocumentCacheKey(int32 dcId, uint64 id);
Storage::Cache::Key DocumentThumbCacheKey(int32 dcId, uint64 id);
Storage::Cache::Key StorageCacheKey(const StorageImageLocation &location);
Storage::Cache::Key WebDocumentCacheKey(const WebFileLocation &location);
Storage::Cache::Key UrlCacheKey(const QString &location);
Storage::Cache::Key GeoPointCacheKey(const GeoPointLocation &location);
constexpr auto kImageCacheTag = uint8(0x01);
constexpr auto kStickerCacheTag = uint8(0x02);
constexpr auto kVoiceMessageCacheTag = uint8(0x03);
constexpr auto kVideoMessageCacheTag = uint8(0x04);
constexpr auto kAnimationCacheTag = uint8(0x05);
} // namespace Data
struct MessageGroupId {
using Underlying = uint64;
enum Type : Underlying {
None = 0,
} value;
MessageGroupId(Type value = None) : value(value) {
static MessageGroupId FromRaw(Underlying value) {
return static_cast<Type>(value);
explicit operator bool() const {
return value != None;
Underlying raw() const {
return static_cast<Underlying>(value);
friend inline Type value_ordering_helper(MessageGroupId value) {
return value.value;
class PeerData;
class UserData;
class ChatData;
class ChannelData;
class BotCommand;
struct BotInfo;
namespace Data {
class Feed;
} // namespace Data
using UserId = int32;
using ChatId = int32;
using ChannelId = int32;
2018-01-04 09:40:58 +00:00
using FeedId = int32;
constexpr auto NoChannel = ChannelId(0);
using PeerId = uint64;
constexpr auto PeerIdMask = PeerId(0xFFFFFFFFULL);
constexpr auto PeerIdTypeMask = PeerId(0x300000000ULL);
constexpr auto PeerIdUserShift = PeerId(0x000000000ULL);
constexpr auto PeerIdChatShift = PeerId(0x100000000ULL);
constexpr auto PeerIdChannelShift = PeerId(0x200000000ULL);
inline bool peerIsUser(const PeerId &id) {
return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdUserShift;
inline bool peerIsChat(const PeerId &id) {
return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdChatShift;
inline bool peerIsChannel(const PeerId &id) {
return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdChannelShift;
inline PeerId peerFromUser(UserId user_id) {
return PeerIdUserShift | uint64(uint32(user_id));
inline PeerId peerFromChat(ChatId chat_id) {
return PeerIdChatShift | uint64(uint32(chat_id));
inline PeerId peerFromChannel(ChannelId channel_id) {
return PeerIdChannelShift | uint64(uint32(channel_id));
inline PeerId peerFromUser(const MTPint &user_id) {
return peerFromUser(user_id.v);
inline PeerId peerFromChat(const MTPint &chat_id) {
return peerFromChat(chat_id.v);
inline PeerId peerFromChannel(const MTPint &channel_id) {
return peerFromChannel(channel_id.v);
inline int32 peerToBareInt(const PeerId &id) {
return int32(uint32(id & PeerIdMask));
inline UserId peerToUser(const PeerId &id) {
return peerIsUser(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : 0;
inline ChatId peerToChat(const PeerId &id) {
return peerIsChat(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : 0;
inline ChannelId peerToChannel(const PeerId &id) {
return peerIsChannel(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : NoChannel;
inline MTPint peerToBareMTPInt(const PeerId &id) {
return MTP_int(peerToBareInt(id));
inline PeerId peerFromMTP(const MTPPeer &peer) {
switch (peer.type()) {
case mtpc_peerUser: return peerFromUser(peer.c_peerUser().vuser_id);
case mtpc_peerChat: return peerFromChat(peer.c_peerChat().vchat_id);
case mtpc_peerChannel: return peerFromChannel(peer.c_peerChannel().vchannel_id);
return 0;
inline MTPpeer peerToMTP(const PeerId &id) {
if (peerIsUser(id)) {
return MTP_peerUser(peerToBareMTPInt(id));
} else if (peerIsChat(id)) {
return MTP_peerChat(peerToBareMTPInt(id));
} else if (peerIsChannel(id)) {
return MTP_peerChannel(peerToBareMTPInt(id));
return MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(0));
using MsgId = int32;
constexpr auto StartClientMsgId = MsgId(-0x7FFFFFFF);
constexpr auto EndClientMsgId = MsgId(-0x40000000);
constexpr auto ShowAtTheEndMsgId = MsgId(-0x40000000);
constexpr auto SwitchAtTopMsgId = MsgId(-0x3FFFFFFF);
constexpr auto ShowAtProfileMsgId = MsgId(-0x3FFFFFFE);
constexpr auto ShowAndStartBotMsgId = MsgId(-0x3FFFFFD);
constexpr auto ShowAtGameShareMsgId = MsgId(-0x3FFFFFC);
constexpr auto ServerMaxMsgId = MsgId(0x3FFFFFFF);
constexpr auto ShowAtUnreadMsgId = MsgId(0);
constexpr inline bool IsClientMsgId(MsgId id) {
return (id >= StartClientMsgId && id < EndClientMsgId);
constexpr inline bool IsServerMsgId(MsgId id) {
return (id > 0 && id < ServerMaxMsgId);
struct MsgRange {
MsgRange() = default;
MsgRange(MsgId from, MsgId till) : from(from), till(till) {
MsgId from = 0;
MsgId till = 0;
inline bool operator==(const MsgRange &a, const MsgRange &b) {
return (a.from == b.from) && (a.till == b.till);
inline bool operator!=(const MsgRange &a, const MsgRange &b) {
return !(a == b);
struct FullMsgId {
2018-01-09 17:08:31 +00:00
constexpr FullMsgId() = default;
constexpr FullMsgId(ChannelId channel, MsgId msg) : channel(channel), msg(msg) {
2018-01-09 17:08:31 +00:00
explicit operator bool() const {
return msg != 0;
2018-01-09 17:08:31 +00:00
inline constexpr bool operator<(const FullMsgId &other) const {
if (channel < {
return true;
} else if (channel > {
return false;
return msg < other.msg;
inline constexpr bool operator>(const FullMsgId &other) const {
return other < *this;
inline constexpr bool operator<=(const FullMsgId &other) const {
return !(other < *this);
inline constexpr bool operator>=(const FullMsgId &other) const {
return !(*this < other);
inline constexpr bool operator==(const FullMsgId &other) const {
return (channel == && (msg == other.msg);
inline constexpr bool operator!=(const FullMsgId &other) const {
return !(*this == other);
ChannelId channel = NoChannel;
MsgId msg = 0;
2018-01-09 17:08:31 +00:00
using MessageIdsList = std::vector<FullMsgId>;
2018-12-17 08:16:06 +00:00
PeerId PeerFromMessage(const MTPmessage &message);
MTPDmessage::Flags FlagsFromMessage(const MTPmessage &message);
MsgId IdFromMessage(const MTPmessage &message);
TimeId DateFromMessage(const MTPmessage &message);
class DocumentData;
class PhotoData;
struct WebPageData;
struct GameData;
2018-12-18 05:43:11 +00:00
struct PollData;
class AudioMsgId;
class PhotoClickHandler;
class PhotoOpenClickHandler;
class PhotoSaveClickHandler;
class PhotoCancelClickHandler;
class DocumentClickHandler;
class DocumentSaveClickHandler;
class DocumentOpenClickHandler;
class DocumentCancelClickHandler;
class GifOpenClickHandler;
class VoiceSeekClickHandler;
using PhotoId = uint64;
using VideoId = uint64;
using AudioId = uint64;
using DocumentId = uint64;
using WebPageId = uint64;
using GameId = uint64;
2018-12-18 05:43:11 +00:00
using PollId = uint64;
2019-01-16 12:25:29 +00:00
using WallPaperId = uint64;
constexpr auto CancelledWebPageId = WebPageId(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL);
using PreparedPhotoThumbs = QMap<char, QImage>;
// [0] == -1 -- counting, [0] == -2 -- could not count
using VoiceWaveform = QVector<signed char>;
enum ActionOnLoad {
enum LocationType {
UnknownFileLocation = 0,
// 1, 2, etc are used as "version" value in mediaKey() method.
DocumentFileLocation = 0x4e45abe9, // mtpc_inputDocumentFileLocation
AudioFileLocation = 0x74dc404d, // mtpc_inputAudioFileLocation
VideoFileLocation = 0x3d0364ec, // mtpc_inputVideoFileLocation
SecureFileLocation = 0xcbc7ee28, // mtpc_inputSecureFileLocation
enum FileStatus {
FileDownloadFailed = -2,
FileUploadFailed = -1,
FileReady = 1,
// Don't change the values. This type is used for serialization.
enum DocumentType {
FileDocument = 0,
VideoDocument = 1,
SongDocument = 2,
StickerDocument = 3,
AnimatedDocument = 4,
VoiceDocument = 5,
RoundVideoDocument = 6,
2019-01-16 12:25:29 +00:00
WallPaperDocument = 7,
using MediaKey = QPair<uint64, uint64>;
class AudioMsgId {
enum class Type {
AudioMsgId() = default;
DocumentData *audio,
const FullMsgId &msgId,
uint32 playId = 0)
: _audio(audio)
, _contextId(msgId)
, _playId(playId) {
Type type() const {
return _type;
DocumentData *audio() const {
return _audio;
FullMsgId contextId() const {
return _contextId;
uint32 playId() const {
return _playId;
explicit operator bool() const {
return _audio != nullptr;
void setTypeFromAudio();
DocumentData *_audio = nullptr;
Type _type = Type::Unknown;
FullMsgId _contextId;
uint32 _playId = 0;
inline bool operator<(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) {
if (quintptr( < quintptr( {
return true;
} else if (quintptr( < quintptr( {
return false;
} else if (a.contextId() < b.contextId()) {
return true;
} else if (b.contextId() < a.contextId()) {
return false;
return (a.playId() < b.playId());
inline bool operator==(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) {
return ( ==
&& (a.contextId() == b.contextId())
&& (a.playId() == b.playId());
inline bool operator!=(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) {
return !(a == b);
inline MsgId clientMsgId() {
static MsgId CurrentClientMsgId = StartClientMsgId;
Assert(CurrentClientMsgId < EndClientMsgId);
return CurrentClientMsgId++;
struct MessageCursor {
MessageCursor() = default;
MessageCursor(int position, int anchor, int scroll)
2018-05-21 21:31:46 +00:00
: position(position)
, anchor(anchor)
, scroll(scroll) {
2018-05-21 21:31:46 +00:00
MessageCursor(not_null<const Ui::InputField*> field) {
2018-05-21 21:31:46 +00:00
void fillFrom(not_null<const Ui::InputField*> field);
void applyTo(not_null<Ui::InputField*> field);
int position = 0;
int anchor = 0;
int scroll = QFIXED_MAX;
inline bool operator==(
const MessageCursor &a,
const MessageCursor &b) {
return (a.position == b.position)
&& (a.anchor == b.anchor)
&& (a.scroll == b.scroll);
struct SendAction {
enum class Type {
Type type,
TimeMs until,
int progress = 0)
: type(type)
, until(until)
, progress(progress) {
Type type = Type::Typing;
TimeMs until = 0;
int progress = 0;
class FileClickHandler : public LeftButtonClickHandler {
FileClickHandler(FullMsgId context) : _context(context) {
void setMessageId(FullMsgId context) {
_context = context;
FullMsgId context() const {
return _context;
HistoryItem *getActionItem() const;
FullMsgId _context;