
990 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "codegen/emoji/generator.h"
#include <QtCore/QtPlugin>
#include <QtCore/QBuffer>
#include <QtGui/QFontDatabase>
#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include <QtGui/QImage>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
#elif defined Q_OS_WIN
#else // !Q_OS_MAC && !Q_OS_WIN
#endif // !Q_OS_MAC && !Q_OS_WIN
namespace codegen {
namespace emoji {
namespace {
constexpr auto kErrorCantWritePath = 851;
constexpr auto kOriginalBits = 12;
constexpr auto kIdSizeBits = 6;
constexpr auto kColumnBits = 6;
constexpr auto kRowBits = 6;
common::ProjectInfo Project = {
false, // forceReGenerate
QRect computeSourceRect(const QImage &image) {
auto size = image.width();
auto result = QRect(2, 2, size - 4, size - 4);
auto top = 1, bottom = 1, left = 1, right = 1;
auto rgbBits = reinterpret_cast<const QRgb*>(image.constBits());
for (auto i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
if (rgbBits[i] > 0
|| rgbBits[(size - 1) * size + i] > 0
|| rgbBits[i * size] > 0
|| rgbBits[i * size + (size - 1)] > 0) {
logDataError() << "Bad border.";
return QRect();
if (rgbBits[1 * size + i] > 0) {
top = -1;
} else if (top > 0 && rgbBits[2 * size + i] > 0) {
top = 0;
if (rgbBits[(size - 2) * size + i] > 0) {
bottom = -1;
} else if (bottom > 0 && rgbBits[(size - 3) * size + i] > 0) {
bottom = 0;
if (rgbBits[i * size + 1] > 0) {
left = -1;
} else if (left > 0 && rgbBits[i * size + 2] > 0) {
left = 0;
if (rgbBits[i * size + (size - 2)] > 0) {
right = -1;
} else if (right > 0 && rgbBits[i * size + (size - 3)] > 0) {
right = 0;
if (top < 0) {
if (bottom <= 0) {
logDataError() << "Bad vertical :(";
return QRect();
} else {
result.setY(result.y() + 1);
} else if (bottom < 0) {
if (top <= 0) {
logDataError() << "Bad vertical :(";
return QRect();
} else {
result.setY(result.y() - 1);
if (left < 0) {
if (right <= 0) {
logDataError() << "Bad horizontal :(";
return QRect();
} else {
result.setX(result.x() + 1);
} else if (right < 0) {
if (left <= 0) {
logDataError() << "Bad horizontal :(";
return QRect();
} else {
result.setX(result.x() - 1);
return result;
uint32 Crc32Table[256];
class Crc32Initializer {
Crc32Initializer() {
uint32 poly = 0x04C11DB7U;
for (auto i = 0; i != 256; ++i) {
Crc32Table[i] = reflect(i, 8) << 24;
for (auto j = 0; j != 8; ++j) {
Crc32Table[i] = (Crc32Table[i] << 1) ^ (Crc32Table[i] & (1 << 31) ? poly : 0);
Crc32Table[i] = reflect(Crc32Table[i], 32);
uint32 reflect(uint32 val, char ch) {
uint32 result = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < (ch + 1); ++i) {
if (val & 1) {
result |= 1 << (ch - i);
val >>= 1;
return result;
uint32 countCrc32(const void *data, std::size_t size) {
static Crc32Initializer InitTable;
auto buffer = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(data);
auto result = uint32(0xFFFFFFFFU);
for (auto i = std::size_t(0); i != size; ++i) {
result = (result >> 8) ^ Crc32Table[(result & 0xFFU) ^ buffer[i]];
return (result ^ 0xFFFFFFFFU);
} // namespace
Generator::Generator(const Options &options) : project_(Project)
, writeImages_(options.writeImages)
, data_(PrepareData())
, replaces_(PrepareReplaces(options.replacesPath)) {
QDir dir(options.outputPath);
if (!dir.mkpath(".")) {
common::logError(kErrorCantWritePath, "Command Line") << "can not open path for writing: " << dir.absolutePath().toStdString();
data_ = Data();
if (!CheckAndConvertReplaces(replaces_, data_)) {
replaces_ = Replaces(replaces_.filename);
outputPath_ = dir.absolutePath() + "/emoji";
spritePath_ = dir.absolutePath() + "/emoji";
suggestionsPath_ = dir.absolutePath() + "/emoji_suggestions_data";
int Generator::generate() {
if (data_.list.empty() || replaces_.list.isEmpty()) {
return -1;
if (writeImages_) {
return writeImages() ? 0 : -1;
if (!writeSource()) {
return -1;
if (!writeHeader()) {
return -1;
if (!writeSuggestionsSource()) {
return -1;
if (!writeSuggestionsHeader()) {
return -1;
return 0;
constexpr auto kVariantsCount = 5;
constexpr auto kEmojiInRow = 40;
QImage Generator::generateImage(int variantIndex) {
constexpr int kEmojiSizes[kVariantsCount + 1] = { 18, 22, 27, 36, 45, 180 };
constexpr bool kBadSizes[kVariantsCount] = { true, true, false, false, false };
constexpr int kEmojiFontSizes[kVariantsCount + 1] = { 14, 20, 27, 36, 45, 180 };
constexpr int kEmojiDeltas[kVariantsCount + 1] = { 15, 20, 25, 34, 42, 167 };
auto emojiCount = data_.list.size();
auto columnsCount = kEmojiInRow;
auto rowsCount = (emojiCount / columnsCount) + ((emojiCount % columnsCount) ? 1 : 0);
auto emojiSize = kEmojiSizes[variantIndex];
auto isBad = kBadSizes[variantIndex];
auto sourceSize = (isBad ? kEmojiSizes[kVariantsCount] : emojiSize);
auto font = QGuiApplication::font();
font.setFamily(QStringLiteral("Apple Color Emoji"));
font.setPixelSize(kEmojiFontSizes[isBad ? kVariantsCount : variantIndex]);
auto singleSize = 4 + sourceSize;
auto emojiImage = QImage(columnsCount * emojiSize, rowsCount * emojiSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
auto singleImage = QImage(singleSize, singleSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
QPainter p(&emojiImage);
auto column = 0;
auto row = 0;
for (auto &emoji : data_.list) {
QPainter q(&singleImage);
q.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 255));
q.drawText(2, 2 + kEmojiDeltas[isBad ? kVariantsCount : variantIndex],;
auto sourceRect = computeSourceRect(singleImage);
if (sourceRect.isEmpty()) {
return QImage();
auto targetRect = QRect(column * emojiSize, row * emojiSize, emojiSize, emojiSize);
if (isBad) {
p.drawImage(targetRect, singleImage.copy(sourceRect).scaled(emojiSize, emojiSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
} else {
p.drawImage(targetRect, singleImage, sourceRect);
if (column == columnsCount) {
column = 0;
return emojiImage;
bool Generator::writeImages() {
constexpr const char *variantPostfix[] = { "", "_125x", "_150x", "_200x", "_250x" };
for (auto variantIndex = 0; variantIndex != kVariantsCount; variantIndex++) {
auto image = generateImage(variantIndex);
auto postfix = variantPostfix[variantIndex];
auto filename = spritePath_ + postfix + ".webp";
auto bytes = QByteArray();
QBuffer buffer(&bytes);
if (!, "WEBP", (variantIndex < 3) ? 100 : 99)) {
logDataError() << "Could not save 'emoji" << postfix << ".webp'.";
return false;
auto needResave = !QFileInfo(filename).exists();
if (!needResave) {
QFile file(filename);
if (! {
needResave = true;
} else {
auto already = file.readAll();
if (already.size() != bytes.size() || memcmp(already.constData(), bytes.constData(), already.size())) {
needResave = true;
if (needResave) {
QFile file(filename);
if (! {
logDataError() << "Could not open 'emoji" << postfix << ".png'.";
return false;
} else {
if (file.write(bytes) != bytes.size()) {
logDataError() << "Could not write 'emoji" << postfix << ".png'.";
return false;
return true;
bool Generator::writeSource() {
source_ = std::make_unique<common::CppFile>(outputPath_ + ".cpp", project_);
source_->stream() << "\
std::vector<One> Items;\n\
if (!writeInitCode()) {
return false;
if (!writeSections()) {
return false;
if (!writeFindReplace()) {
return false;
if (!writeFind()) {
return false;
source_->stream() << "\
EmojiPtr ByIndex(int index) {\n\
return (index >= 0 && index < Items.size()) ? &Items[index] : nullptr;\n\
EmojiPtr FindReplace(const QChar *start, const QChar *end, int *outLength) {\n\
auto index = FindReplaceIndex(start, end, outLength);\n\
return index ? &Items[index - 1] : nullptr;\n\
EmojiPtr Find(const QChar *start, const QChar *end, int *outLength) {\n\
auto index = FindIndex(start, end, outLength);\n\
return index ? &Items[index - 1] : nullptr;\n\
void Init() {\n\
auto id = IdData;\n\
auto takeString = [&id](int size) {\n\
auto result = QString::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const QChar*>(id), size);\n\
id += size;\n\
return result;\n\
for (auto &data : Data) {\n\
Items.emplace_back(takeString(data.idSize), uint16(data.column), uint16(data.row), bool(data.postfixed), bool(data.variated), data.original ? &Items[data.original - 1] : nullptr, One::CreationTag());\n\
if (!writeGetSections()) {
return false;
return source_->finalize();
bool Generator::writeHeader() {
auto header = std::make_unique<common::CppFile>(outputPath_ + ".h", project_);
header->stream() << "\
void Init();\n\
EmojiPtr ByIndex(int index);\n\
EmojiPtr Find(const QChar *ch, const QChar *end, int *outLength = nullptr);\n\
inline bool IsReplaceEdge(const QChar *ch) {\n\
return true;\n\
// switch (ch->unicode()) {\n\
// case '.': case ',': case ':': case ';': case '!': case '?': case '#': case '@':\n\
// case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': case '<': case '>':\n\
// case '+': case '=': case '-': case '_': case '*': case '/': case '\\\\': case '^': case '$':\n\
// case '\"': case '\\'':\n\
// case 8212: case 171: case 187: // --, <<, >>\n\
// return true;\n\
// }\n\
// return false;\n\
EmojiPtr FindReplace(const QChar *ch, const QChar *end, int *outLength = nullptr);\n\
header->popNamespace().stream() << "\
enum class Section {\n\
int Index();\n\
int GetSectionCount(Section section);\n\
EmojiPack GetSection(Section section);\n\
return header->finalize();
template <typename Callback>
bool Generator::enumerateWholeList(Callback callback) {
auto column = 0;
auto row = 0;
auto index = 0;
auto variated = -1;
auto coloredCount = 0;
for (auto &item : data_.list) {
if (!callback(, column, row, item.postfixed, item.variated, item.colored, variated)) {
return false;
if (coloredCount > 0 && (item.variated || !item.colored)) {
if (!colorsCount_) {
colorsCount_ = coloredCount;
} else if (colorsCount_ != coloredCount) {
logDataError() << "different colored emoji count exist.";
return false;
coloredCount = 0;
if (item.variated) {
variated = index;
} else if (item.colored) {
if (variated <= 0) {
logDataError() << "wrong order of colored items.";
return false;
} else if (variated >= 0) {
variated = -1;
if (++column == kEmojiInRow) {
column = 0;
return true;
bool Generator::writeInitCode() {
source_->stream() << "\
struct DataStruct {\n\
ushort original : " << kOriginalBits << ";\n\
uchar idSize : " << kIdSizeBits << ";\n\
uchar column : " << kColumnBits << ";\n\
uchar row : " << kRowBits << ";\n\
bool postfixed : 1;\n\
bool variated : 1;\n\
const ushort IdData[] = {";
if (!enumerateWholeList([this](Id id, int column, int row, bool isPostfixed, bool isVariated, bool isColored, int original) {
return writeStringBinary(source_.get(), id);
})) {
return false;
if (_binaryFullLength >= std::numeric_limits<ushort>::max()) {
logDataError() << "Too many IdData elements.";
return false;
source_->stream() << " };\n\
const DataStruct Data[] = {\n";
if (!enumerateWholeList([this](Id id, int column, int row, bool isPostfixed, bool isVariated, bool isColored, int original) {
if (original + 1 >= (1 << kOriginalBits)) {
logDataError() << "Too many entries.";
return false;
if (id.size() >= (1 << kIdSizeBits)) {
logDataError() << "Too large id.";
return false;
if (column >= (1 << kColumnBits) || row >= (1 << kRowBits)) {
logDataError() << "Bad row-column.";
return false;
source_->stream() << "\
{ ushort(" << (isColored ? (original + 1) : 0) << "), uchar(" << id.size() << "), uchar(" << column << "), uchar(" << row << "), " << (isPostfixed ? "true" : "false") << ", " << (isVariated ? "true" : "false") << " },\n";
return true;
})) {
return false;
source_->stream() << "\
return true;
bool Generator::writeSections() {
source_->stream() << "\
const ushort SectionData[] = {";
for (auto &category : data_.categories) {
for (auto index : category) {
writeIntBinary(source_.get(), index);
source_->stream() << " };\n\
EmojiPack FillSection(int offset, int size) {\n\
auto result = EmojiPack();\n\
for (auto index : gsl::make_span(SectionData + offset, size)) {\n\
return result;\n\
return true;
bool Generator::writeGetSections() {
constexpr const char *sectionNames[] = {
source_->stream() << "\
int GetSectionCount(Section section) {\n\
switch (section) {\n\
case Section::Recent: return GetRecent().size();\n";
auto countIndex = 0;
for (auto name : sectionNames) {
if (countIndex >= int(data_.categories.size())) {
logDataError() << "category " << countIndex << " not found.";
return false;
source_->stream() << "\
case " << name << ": return " << data_.categories[countIndex++].size() << ";\n";
source_->stream() << "\
return 0;\n\
EmojiPack GetSection(Section section) {\n\
switch (section) {\n\
case Section::Recent: {\n\
auto result = EmojiPack();\n\
for (auto &item : GetRecent()) {\n\
return result;\n\
} break;\n";
auto index = 0;
auto offset = 0;
for (auto name : sectionNames) {
if (index >= int(data_.categories.size())) {
logDataError() << "category " << index << " not found.";
return false;
auto &category = data_.categories[index++];
source_->stream() << "\
case " << name << ": {\n\
static auto result = FillSection(" << offset << ", " << category.size() << ");\n\
return result;\n\
} break;\n";
offset += category.size();
source_->stream() << "\
return EmojiPack();\n\
return true;
bool Generator::writeFindReplace() {
source_->stream() << "\
int FindReplaceIndex(const QChar *start, const QChar *end, int *outLength) {\n\
auto ch = start;\n\
if (!writeFindFromDictionary(data_.replaces)) {
return false;
source_->stream() << "\
return true;
bool Generator::writeFind() {
source_->stream() << "\
int FindIndex(const QChar *start, const QChar *end, int *outLength) {\n\
auto ch = start;\n\
if (!writeFindFromDictionary(, true)) {
return false;
source_->stream() << "\
return true;
bool Generator::writeFindFromDictionary(const std::map<QString, int, std::greater<QString>> &dictionary, bool skipPostfixes) {
auto tabs = [](int size) {
return QString(size, '\t');
std::map<int, int> uniqueFirstChars;
auto foundMax = 0, foundMin = 65535;
for (auto &item : dictionary) {
auto ch = item.first[0].unicode();
if (foundMax < ch) foundMax = ch;
if (foundMin > ch) foundMin = ch;
uniqueFirstChars[ch] = 0;
enum class UsedCheckType {
auto checkTypes = QVector<UsedCheckType>();
auto chars = QString();
auto tabsUsed = 1;
auto lengthsCounted = std::map<QString, bool>();
auto writeSkipPostfix = [this, &tabs, skipPostfixes](int tabsCount) {
if (skipPostfixes) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsCount) << "if (++ch != end && ch->unicode() == kPostfix) ++ch;\n";
} else {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsCount) << "++ch;\n";
// Returns true if at least one check was finished.
auto finishChecksTillKey = [this, &chars, &checkTypes, &tabsUsed, tabs](const QString &key) {
auto result = false;
while (!chars.isEmpty() && key.midRef(0, chars.size()) != chars) {
result = true;
auto wasType = checkTypes.back();
chars.resize(chars.size() - 1);
if (wasType == UsedCheckType::Switch || wasType == UsedCheckType::If) {
if (wasType == UsedCheckType::Switch) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "break;\n";
if ((!chars.isEmpty() && key.midRef(0, chars.size()) != chars) || key == chars) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "}\n";
return result;
// Check if we can use "if" for a check on "charIndex" in "it" (otherwise only "switch")
auto canUseIfForCheck = [](auto it, auto end, int charIndex) {
auto key = it->first;
auto i = it;
auto keyStart = key.mid(0, charIndex);
for (++i; i != end; ++i) {
auto nextKey = i->first;
if (nextKey.mid(0, charIndex) != keyStart) {
return true;
} else if (nextKey.size() > charIndex && nextKey[charIndex] != key[charIndex]) {
return false;
return true;
for (auto i = dictionary.cbegin(), e = dictionary.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
auto &item = *i;
auto key = item.first;
auto weContinueOldSwitch = finishChecksTillKey(key);
while (chars.size() != key.size()) {
auto checking = chars.size();
auto partialKey = key.mid(0, checking);
if (dictionary.find(partialKey) != dictionary.cend()) {
if (lengthsCounted.find(partialKey) == lengthsCounted.cend()) {
lengthsCounted.insert(std::make_pair(partialKey, true));
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "if (outLength) *outLength = (ch - start);\n";
auto keyChar = key[checking];
auto keyCharString = "0x" + QString::number(keyChar.unicode(), 16);
auto usedIfForCheck = !weContinueOldSwitch && canUseIfForCheck(i, e, checking);
if (weContinueOldSwitch) {
weContinueOldSwitch = false;
} else if (!usedIfForCheck) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "if (ch != end) switch (ch->unicode()) {\n";
if (usedIfForCheck) {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "if (ch != end && ch->unicode() == " << keyCharString << ") {\n";
} else {
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "case " << keyCharString << ":\n";
if (lengthsCounted.find(key) == lengthsCounted.cend()) {
lengthsCounted.insert(std::make_pair(key, true));
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "if (outLength) *outLength = (ch - start);\n";
// While IsReplaceEdge() currently is always true we just return the value.
//source_->stream() << tabs(1 + chars.size()) << "if (ch + " << chars.size() << " == end || IsReplaceEdge(*(ch + " << chars.size() << ")) || (ch + " << chars.size() << ")->unicode() == ' ') {\n";
//source_->stream() << tabs(1 + chars.size()) << "\treturn &Items[" << item.second << "];\n";
//source_->stream() << tabs(1 + chars.size()) << "}\n";
source_->stream() << tabs(tabsUsed) << "return " << (item.second + 1) << ";\n";
source_->stream() << "\
return 0;\n";
return true;
bool Generator::writeSuggestionsSource() {
suggestionsSource_ = std::make_unique<common::CppFile>(suggestionsPath_ + ".cpp", project_);
suggestionsSource_->stream() << "\
#include <map>\n\
suggestionsSource_->stream() << "\
if (!writeReplacements()) {
return false;
if (!writeGetReplacements()) {
return false;
return suggestionsSource_->finalize();
bool Generator::writeSuggestionsHeader() {
auto maxLength = 0;
for (auto &replace : replaces_.list) {
if (maxLength < replace.replacement.size()) {
maxLength = replace.replacement.size();
auto header = std::make_unique<common::CppFile>(suggestionsPath_ + ".h", project_);
header->stream() << "\
struct Replacement {\n\
utf16string emoji;\n\
utf16string replacement;\n\
std::vector<utf16string> words;\n\
constexpr auto kReplacementMaxLength = " << maxLength << ";\n\
void InitReplacements();\n\
const std::vector<const Replacement*> *GetReplacements(utf16char first);\n\
utf16string GetReplacementEmoji(utf16string replacement);\n\
return header->finalize();
bool Generator::writeReplacements() {
QMap<QChar, QVector<int>> byCharIndices;
suggestionsSource_->stream() << "\
struct ReplacementStruct {\n\
small emojiSize;\n\
small replacementSize;\n\
small wordsCount;\n\
const utf16char ReplacementData[] = {";
for (auto i = 0, size = replaces_.list.size(); i != size; ++i) {
auto &replace = replaces_.list[i];
if (!writeStringBinary(suggestionsSource_.get(), {
return false;
if (!writeStringBinary(suggestionsSource_.get(), replace.replacement)) {
return false;
for (auto &word : replace.words) {
if (!writeStringBinary(suggestionsSource_.get(), word)) {
return false;
auto &index = byCharIndices[word[0]];
if (index.isEmpty() || index.back() != i) {
suggestionsSource_->stream() << " };\n\
const small ReplacementWordLengths[] = {";
for (auto &replace : replaces_.list) {
auto wordLengths = QStringList();
for (auto &word : replace.words) {
writeIntBinary(suggestionsSource_.get(), word.size());
suggestionsSource_->stream() << " };\n\
const ReplacementStruct ReplacementInitData[] = {\n";
for (auto &replace : replaces_.list) {
suggestionsSource_->stream() << "\
{ small(" << << "), small(" << replace.replacement.size() << "), small(" << replace.words.size() << ") },\n";
suggestionsSource_->stream() << "};\n\
const medium ReplacementIndices[] = {";
for (auto &byCharIndex : byCharIndices) {
for (auto index : byCharIndex) {
writeIntBinary(suggestionsSource_.get(), index);
suggestionsSource_->stream() << " };\n\
struct ReplacementIndexStruct {\n\
utf16char ch;\n\
medium count;\n\
const internal::checksum ReplacementChecksums[] = {\n";
for (auto &replace : replaces_.list) {
writeUintBinary(suggestionsSource_.get(), countCrc32(replace.replacement.constData(), replace.replacement.size() * sizeof(QChar)));
suggestionsSource_->stream() << " };\n\
const ReplacementIndexStruct ReplacementIndexData[] = {\n";
for (auto i = byCharIndices.cbegin(), e = byCharIndices.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
suggestionsSource_->stream() << "\
{ utf16char(" << i.key().unicode() << "), medium(" << i.value().size() << ") },\n";
suggestionsSource_->stream() << "};\n\
std::vector<Replacement> Replacements;\n\
std::map<utf16char, std::vector<const Replacement*>> ReplacementsMap;\n\
std::map<internal::checksum, const Replacement*> ReplacementsHash;\n\
return true;
bool Generator::writeGetReplacements() {
suggestionsSource_->stream() << "\
void InitReplacements() {\n\
if (!Replacements.empty()) {\n\
auto data = ReplacementData;\n\
auto takeString = [&data](int size) {\n\
auto result = utf16string(data, size);\n\
data += size;\n\
return result;\n\
auto wordSize = ReplacementWordLengths;\n\
Replacements.reserve(" << replaces_.list.size() << ");\n\
for (auto item : ReplacementInitData) {\n\
auto emoji = takeString(item.emojiSize);\n\
auto replacement = takeString(item.replacementSize);\n\
auto words = std::vector<utf16string>();\n\
for (auto i = 0; i != item.wordsCount; ++i) {\n\
Replacements.push_back({ std::move(emoji), std::move(replacement), std::move(words) });\n\
auto indices = ReplacementIndices;\n\
auto items = &Replacements[0];\n\
for (auto item : ReplacementIndexData) {\n\
auto index = std::vector<const Replacement*>();\n\
for (auto i = 0; i != item.count; ++i) {\n\
index.push_back(items + (*indices++));\n\
ReplacementsMap.emplace(, std::move(index));\n\
for (auto checksum : ReplacementChecksums) {\n\
ReplacementsHash.emplace(checksum, items++);\n\
const std::vector<const Replacement*> *GetReplacements(utf16char first) {\n\
if (ReplacementsMap.empty()) {\n\
auto it = ReplacementsMap.find(first);\n\
return (it == ReplacementsMap.cend()) ? nullptr : &it->second;\n\
utf16string GetReplacementEmoji(utf16string replacement) {\n\
auto code = internal::countChecksum(, replacement.size() * sizeof(utf16char));\n\
auto it = ReplacementsHash.find(code);\n\
return (it == ReplacementsHash.cend()) ? utf16string() : it->second->emoji;\n\
return true;
void Generator::startBinary() {
_binaryFullLength = _binaryCount = 0;
bool Generator::writeStringBinary(common::CppFile *source, const QString &string) {
if (string.size() >= 256) {
logDataError() << "Too long string: " << string.toStdString();
return false;
for (auto ch : string) {
if (_binaryFullLength > 0) source->stream() << ",";
if (!_binaryCount++) {
source->stream() << "\n";
} else {
if (_binaryCount == 12) {
_binaryCount = 0;
source->stream() << " ";
source->stream() << "0x" << QString::number(ch.unicode(), 16);
return true;
void Generator::writeIntBinary(common::CppFile *source, int data) {
if (_binaryFullLength > 0) source->stream() << ",";
if (!_binaryCount++) {
source->stream() << "\n";
} else {
if (_binaryCount == 12) {
_binaryCount = 0;
source->stream() << " ";
source->stream() << data;
void Generator::writeUintBinary(common::CppFile *source, uint32 data) {
if (_binaryFullLength > 0) source->stream() << ",";
if (!_binaryCount++) {
source->stream() << "\n";
} else {
if (_binaryCount == 12) {
_binaryCount = 0;
source->stream() << " ";
source->stream() << "0x" << QString::number(data, 16).toUpper() << "U";
} // namespace emoji
} // namespace codegen