
158 lines
3.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "statistics/segment_tree.h"
#include "statistics/statistics_common.h"
#include "statistics/view/abstract_chart_view.h"
#include "ui/effects/animations.h"
#include "ui/effects/animation_value.h"
namespace Data {
struct StatisticalChart;
} // namespace Data
namespace Statistic {
struct Limits;
class StackLinearChartView final : public AbstractChartView {
~StackLinearChartView() override final;
void paint(QPainter &p, const PaintContext &c) override;
void paintSelectedXIndex(
QPainter &p,
const PaintContext &c,
int selectedXIndex,
float64 progress) override;
int findXIndexByPosition(
const Data::StatisticalChart &chartData,
const Limits &xPercentageLimits,
const QRect &rect,
float64 x) override;
void setEnabled(int id, bool enabled, crl::time now) override;
[[nodiscard]] bool isEnabled(int id) const override;
[[nodiscard]] bool isFinished() const override;
[[nodiscard]] float64 alpha(int id) const override;
[[nodiscard]] HeightLimits heightLimits(
Data::StatisticalChart &chartData,
Limits xIndices) override;
void tick(crl::time now) override;
void update(float64 dt) override;
LocalZoomResult maybeLocalZoom(const LocalZoomArgs &args) override final;
void setUpdateCallback(Fn<void()> callback);
void handleMouseMove(
const Data::StatisticalChart &chartData,
const QPoint &center,
const QPoint &p);
enum class TransitionStep {
void paintChartOrZoomAnimation(QPainter &p, const PaintContext &c);
void paintZoomed(QPainter &p, const PaintContext &c);
void paintZoomedFooter(QPainter &p, const PaintContext &c);
void paintPieText(QPainter &p, const PaintContext &c);
[[nodiscard]] bool skipSelectedTranslation() const;
struct PiePartData {
float64 roundedPercentage = 0; // 0.XX.
float64 stackedAngle = 0.;
void prepareZoom(const PaintContext &c, TransitionStep step);
void saveZoomRange(const PaintContext &c);
void savePieTextParts(const PaintContext &c);
void applyParts(const std::vector<PiePartData> &parts);
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<PiePartData> partsPercentage(
const Data::StatisticalChart &chartData,
const Limits &xIndices);
struct SelectedPoints final {
int lastXIndex = -1;
Limits lastHeightLimits;
Limits lastXLimits;
float64 xPoint = 0.;
SelectedPoints _selectedPoints;
struct Entry final {
bool enabled = false;
crl::time startedAt = 0;
float64 alpha = 1.;
anim::value anim;
bool disabled = false;
base::flat_map<int, Entry> _entries;
bool _isFinished = true;
struct Transition {
struct TransitionLine {
QPointF start;
QPointF end;
float64 angle = 0.;
float64 sum = 0.;
std::vector<TransitionLine> lines;
float64 progress = 0;
bool pendingPrepareToZoomIn = false;
Limits zoomedOutXIndices;
Limits zoomedOutXIndicesAdditional;
Limits zoomedOutXPercentage;
Limits zoomedInLimit;
Limits zoomedInLimitXIndices;
Limits zoomedInRange;
Limits zoomedInRangeXIndices;
std::vector<PiePartData> textParts;
} _transition;
std::vector<bool> _skipPoints;
class PiePartController final {
using LineId = int;
bool set(LineId id);
[[nodiscard]] float64 progress(LineId id) const;
[[nodiscard]] QPointF offset(LineId id, float64 angle) const;
[[nodiscard]] LineId selected() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isFinished() const;
void update(LineId id);
base::flat_map<LineId, crl::time> _startedAt;
LineId _selected = -1;
PiePartController _piePartController;
Ui::Animations::Basic _piePartAnimation;
bool _pieHasSinglePart = false;
} // namespace Statistic