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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "inline_bots/inline_bot_result.h"
#include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_item.h"
#include "inline_bots/inline_bot_send_data.h"
#include "mtproto/file_download.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
namespace InlineBots {
namespace {
using ResultsByLoaderMap = QMap<FileLoader*, Result*>;
NeverFreedPointer<ResultsByLoaderMap> ResultsByLoader;
void regLoader(FileLoader *loader, Result *result) {
ResultsByLoader.createIfNull([]() -> ResultsByLoaderMap* {
return new ResultsByLoaderMap();
ResultsByLoader->insert(loader, result);
void unregLoader(FileLoader *loader) {
if (!ResultsByLoader) {
} // namespace
Result *getResultFromLoader(FileLoader *loader) {
if (!ResultsByLoader) {
return nullptr;
return ResultsByLoader->value(loader, nullptr);
Result::Result(const Creator &creator) : _queryId(creator.queryId), _type(creator.type) {
UniquePointer<Result> Result::create(uint64 queryId, const MTPBotInlineResult &mtpData) {
using StringToTypeMap = QMap<QString, Result::Type>;
StaticNeverFreedPointer<StringToTypeMap> stringToTypeMap{ ([]() -> StringToTypeMap* {
auto result = MakeUnique<StringToTypeMap>();
result->insert(qsl("photo"), Result::Type::Photo);
result->insert(qsl("video"), Result::Type::Video);
result->insert(qsl("audio"), Result::Type::Audio);
result->insert(qsl("sticker"), Result::Type::Sticker);
result->insert(qsl("file"), Result::Type::File);
result->insert(qsl("gif"), Result::Type::Gif);
result->insert(qsl("article"), Result::Type::Article);
result->insert(qsl("contact"), Result::Type::Contact);
result->insert(qsl("venue"), Result::Type::Venue);
return result.release();
})() };
auto getInlineResultType = [&stringToTypeMap](const MTPBotInlineResult &inlineResult) -> Type {
QString type;
switch (inlineResult.type()) {
case mtpc_botInlineResult: type = qs(inlineResult.c_botInlineResult().vtype); break;
case mtpc_botInlineMediaResult: type = qs(inlineResult.c_botInlineMediaResult().vtype); break;
return stringToTypeMap->value(type, Type::Unknown);
Type type = getInlineResultType(mtpData);
if (type == Type::Unknown) {
return UniquePointer<Result>();
auto result = MakeUnique<Result>(Creator{ queryId, type });
const MTPBotInlineMessage *message = nullptr;
switch (mtpData.type()) {
case mtpc_botInlineResult: {
const auto &r(mtpData.c_botInlineResult());
result->_id = qs(r.vid);
if (r.has_title()) result->_title = qs(r.vtitle);
if (r.has_description()) result->_description = qs(r.vdescription);
if (r.has_url()) result->_url = qs(r.vurl);
if (r.has_thumb_url()) result->_thumb_url = qs(r.vthumb_url);
if (r.has_content_type()) result->_content_type = qs(r.vcontent_type);
if (r.has_content_url()) result->_content_url = qs(r.vcontent_url);
if (r.has_w()) result->_width = r.vw.v;
if (r.has_h()) result->_height = r.vh.v;
if (r.has_duration()) result->_duration = r.vduration.v;
if (!result->_thumb_url.isEmpty() && (result->_thumb_url.startsWith(qstr("http://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || result->_thumb_url.startsWith(qstr("https://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))) {
result->_thumb = ImagePtr(result->_thumb_url);
message = &r.vsend_message;
} break;
case mtpc_botInlineMediaResult: {
const auto &r(mtpData.c_botInlineMediaResult());
result->_id = qs(r.vid);
if (r.has_title()) result->_title = qs(r.vtitle);
if (r.has_description()) result->_description = qs(r.vdescription);
if (r.has_photo()) {
result->_photo = App::feedPhoto(r.vphoto);
if (r.has_document()) {
result->_document = App::feedDocument(r.vdocument);
message = &r.vsend_message;
} break;
bool badAttachment = (result->_photo && !result->_photo->access) || (result->_document && !result->_document->isValid());
if (!message) {
return UniquePointer<Result>();
switch (message->type()) {
case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaAuto: {
const auto &r(message->c_botInlineMessageMediaAuto());
if (result->_type == Type::Photo) {
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendPhoto(result->_photo, result->_content_url, qs(r.vcaption)));
} else {
if (!result->_document) {
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendFile(result->_document, result->_content_url, qs(r.vcaption)));
if (r.has_reply_markup()) {
result->_mtpKeyboard = MakeUnique<MTPReplyMarkup>(r.vreply_markup);
} break;
case mtpc_botInlineMessageText: {
const auto &r(message->c_botInlineMessageText());
EntitiesInText entities = r.has_entities() ? entitiesFromMTP(r.ventities.c_vector().v) : EntitiesInText();
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendText(qs(r.vmessage), entities, r.is_no_webpage()));
if (r.has_reply_markup()) {
result->_mtpKeyboard = MakeUnique<MTPReplyMarkup>(r.vreply_markup);
} break;
case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaGeo: {
const auto &r(message->c_botInlineMessageMediaGeo());
if (r.vgeo.type() == mtpc_geoPoint) {
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendGeo(r.vgeo.c_geoPoint()));
} else {
badAttachment = true;
if (r.has_reply_markup()) {
result->_mtpKeyboard = MakeUnique<MTPReplyMarkup>(r.vreply_markup);
} break;
case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaVenue: {
const auto &r(message->c_botInlineMessageMediaVenue());
if (r.vgeo.type() == mtpc_geoPoint) {
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendVenue(r.vgeo.c_geoPoint(), qs(r.vvenue_id), qs(r.vprovider), qs(r.vtitle), qs(r.vaddress)));
} else {
badAttachment = true;
if (r.has_reply_markup()) {
result->_mtpKeyboard = MakeUnique<MTPReplyMarkup>(r.vreply_markup);
} break;
case mtpc_botInlineMessageMediaContact: {
const auto &r(message->c_botInlineMessageMediaContact());
result->sendData.reset(new internal::SendContact(qs(r.vfirst_name), qs(r.vlast_name), qs(r.vphone_number)));
if (r.has_reply_markup()) {
result->_mtpKeyboard = MakeUnique<MTPReplyMarkup>(r.vreply_markup);
} break;
default: {
badAttachment = true;
} break;
if (badAttachment || !result->sendData || !result->sendData->isValid()) {
return UniquePointer<Result>();
LocationCoords location;
if (result->getLocationCoords(&location)) {
int32 w = st::inlineThumbSize, h = st::inlineThumbSize;
int32 zoom = 13, scale = 1;
if (cScale() == dbisTwo || cRetina()) {
scale = 2;
w /= 2;
h /= 2;
QString coords = qsl("%1,%2").arg(;
QString url = qsl("") + coords + qsl("&zoom=%1&size=%2x%3&maptype=roadmap&scale=%4&markers=color:red|size:big|").arg(zoom).arg(w).arg(h).arg(scale) + coords + qsl("&sensor=false");
result->_locationThumb = ImagePtr(url);
return result;
bool Result::onChoose(Layout::ItemBase *layout) {
if (_photo && _type == Type::Photo) {
if (_photo->medium->loaded() || _photo->thumb->loaded()) {
return true;
} else if (!_photo->medium->loading()) {
if (_document && (
_type == Type::Video ||
_type == Type::Audio ||
_type == Type::Sticker ||
_type == Type::File ||
_type == Type::Gif)) {
if (_type == Type::Gif) {
if (_document->loaded()) {
return true;
} else if (_document->loading()) {
} else {
DocumentOpenClickHandler::doOpen(_document, ActionOnLoadNone);
} else {
return true;
if (_type == Type::Photo) {
if (_thumb->loaded()) {
return true;
} else if (!_thumb->loading()) {
} else if (_type == Type::Gif) {
if (loaded()) {
return true;
} else if (loading()) {
} else {
saveFile(QString(), LoadFromCloudOrLocal, false);
} else {
return true;
return false;
void Result::automaticLoadGif() {
if (loaded() || _type != Type::Gif) {
if (_content_type != qstr("video/mp4") && _content_type != qstr("image/gif")) {
if (_loader != CancelledWebFileLoader) {
// if load at least anywhere
bool loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadGif() & dbiadNoPrivate) || !(cAutoDownloadGif() & dbiadNoGroups);
saveFile(QString(), loadFromCloud ? LoadFromCloudOrLocal : LoadFromLocalOnly, true);
void Result::automaticLoadSettingsChangedGif() {
if (loaded() || _loader != CancelledWebFileLoader) return;
_loader = nullptr;
void Result::saveFile(const QString &toFile, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) {
if (loaded()) {
if (_loader == CancelledWebFileLoader) _loader = nullptr;
if (_loader) {
if (!_loader->setFileName(toFile)) {
_loader = nullptr;
if (_loader) {
if (fromCloud == LoadFromCloudOrLocal) _loader->permitLoadFromCloud();
} else {
_loader = new webFileLoader(_content_url, toFile, fromCloud, autoLoading);
regLoader(_loader, this);
_loader->connect(_loader, SIGNAL(progress(FileLoader*)), App::main(), SLOT(inlineResultLoadProgress(FileLoader*)));
_loader->connect(_loader, SIGNAL(failed(FileLoader*, bool)), App::main(), SLOT(inlineResultLoadFailed(FileLoader*, bool)));
void Result::openFile() {
//if (loaded()) {
// bool playVoice = data->voice() && audioPlayer() && item;
// bool playMusic = data->song() && audioPlayer() && item;
// bool playAnimation = data->isAnimation() && item && item->getMedia();
// const FileLocation &location(data->location(true));
// if (!location.isEmpty() || (!data->data().isEmpty() && (playVoice || playMusic || playAnimation))) {
// if (playVoice) {
// AudioMsgId playing;
// AudioPlayerState playingState = AudioPlayerStopped;
// audioPlayer()->currentState(&playing, &playingState);
// if (playing.msgId == item->fullId() && !(playingState & AudioPlayerStoppedMask) && playingState != AudioPlayerFinishing) {
// audioPlayer()->pauseresume(OverviewVoiceFiles);
// } else {
// AudioMsgId audio(data, item->fullId());
// audioPlayer()->play(audio);
// if (App::main()) {
// App::main()->audioPlayProgress(audio);
// App::main()->mediaMarkRead(data);
// }
// }
// } else if (playMusic) {
// SongMsgId playing;
// AudioPlayerState playingState = AudioPlayerStopped;
// audioPlayer()->currentState(&playing, &playingState);
// if (playing.msgId == item->fullId() && !(playingState & AudioPlayerStoppedMask) && playingState != AudioPlayerFinishing) {
// audioPlayer()->pauseresume(OverviewFiles);
// } else {
// SongMsgId song(data, item->fullId());
// audioPlayer()->play(song);
// if (App::main()) App::main()->documentPlayProgress(song);
// }
// } else if (data->voice() || data->isVideo()) {
// psOpenFile(;
// if (App::main()) App::main()->mediaMarkRead(data);
// } else if (data->size < MediaViewImageSizeLimit) {
// if (!data->data().isEmpty() && playAnimation) {
// if (action == ActionOnLoadPlayInline && item->getMedia()) {
// item->getMedia()->playInline(item);
// } else {
// App::wnd()->showDocument(data, item);
// }
// } else if (location.accessEnable()) {
// if (item && (data->isAnimation() || QImageReader( {
// if (action == ActionOnLoadPlayInline && item->getMedia()) {
// item->getMedia()->playInline(item);
// } else {
// App::wnd()->showDocument(data, item);
// }
// } else {
// psOpenFile(;
// }
// location.accessDisable();
// } else {
// psOpenFile(;
// }
// } else {
// psOpenFile(;
// }
// return;
// }
//QString filename = documentSaveFilename(data);
//if (filename.isEmpty()) return;
//if (!data->saveToCache()) {
// filename = documentSaveFilename(data);
// if (filename.isEmpty()) return;
//data->save(filename, action, item ? item->fullId() : FullMsgId());
void Result::cancelFile() {
if (!loading()) return;
webFileLoader *l = _loader;
_loader = CancelledWebFileLoader;
if (l) {
QByteArray Result::data() const {
return _data;
bool Result::loading() const {
return _loader && _loader != CancelledWebFileLoader;
bool Result::loaded() const {
if (loading() && _loader->done()) {
if (_loader->fileType() == mtpc_storage_fileUnknown) {
_loader = CancelledWebFileLoader;
} else {
Result *that = const_cast<Result*>(this);
that->_data = _loader->bytes();
_loader = nullptr;
return !_data.isEmpty();
bool Result::displayLoading() const {
return loading() ? (!_loader->loadingLocal() || !_loader->autoLoading()) : false;
void Result::forget() {
if (_document) {
if (_photo) {
float64 Result::progress() const {
return loading() ? _loader->currentProgress() : (loaded() ? 1 : 0); return false;
bool Result::hasThumbDisplay() const {
if (!_thumb->isNull()) {
return true;
if (_type == Type::Contact) {
return true;
if (sendData->hasLocationCoords()) {
return true;
return false;
void Result::addToHistory(History *history, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId msgId, UserId fromId, MTPint mtpDate, UserId viaBotId, MsgId replyToId) const {
flags |= MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_from_inline_bot;
MTPReplyMarkup markup = MTPnullMarkup;
if (_mtpKeyboard) {
flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_markup;
markup = *_mtpKeyboard;
sendData->addToHistory(this, history, flags, msgId, fromId, mtpDate, viaBotId, replyToId, markup);
bool Result::getLocationCoords(LocationCoords *outLocation) const {
return sendData->getLocationCoords(outLocation);
QString Result::getLayoutTitle() const {
return sendData->getLayoutTitle(this);
QString Result::getLayoutDescription() const {
return sendData->getLayoutDescription(this);
Result::~Result() {
} // namespace InlineBots