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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "codegen/common/basic_tokenized_file.h"
#include "codegen/common/logging.h"
#include "codegen/common/clean_file_reader.h"
#include "codegen/common/checked_utf8_string.h"
using Token = codegen::common::BasicTokenizedFile::Token;
using Type = Token::Type;
namespace codegen {
namespace common {
namespace {
constexpr int kErrorUnterminatedStringLiteral = 201;
constexpr int kErrorIncorrectUtf8String = 202;
constexpr int kErrorIncorrectToken = 203;
constexpr int kErrorUnexpectedToken = 204;
bool isDigitChar(char ch) {
return (ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9');
bool isNameChar(char ch) {
return isDigitChar(ch) || ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) || ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) || (ch == '_');
bool isWhitespaceChar(char ch) {
return (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == ' ' || ch == '\t');
Token invalidToken() {
return { Type::Invalid, QString(), ConstUtf8String(nullptr, 0), false };
} // namespace
BasicTokenizedFile::BasicTokenizedFile(const QString &filepath) : reader_(filepath) {
BasicTokenizedFile::BasicTokenizedFile(const QByteArray &content, const QString &filepath) : reader_(content, filepath) {
bool BasicTokenizedFile::putBack() {
if (currentToken_ > 0) {
return true;
return false;
Token BasicTokenizedFile::getAnyToken() {
if (currentToken_ >= tokens_.size()) {
if (readToken() == Type::Invalid) {
return invalidToken();
Token BasicTokenizedFile::getToken(Type typeCondition) {
if (auto token = getAnyToken()) {
if (token.type == typeCondition) {
return token;
return invalidToken();
Type BasicTokenizedFile::readToken() {
auto result = readOneToken(StartWithWhitespace::Allow);
// Try to read double token.
if (result == Type::Int) {
if (readOneToken(StartWithWhitespace::Deny) == Type::Dot) {
// We got int and dot, so it is double already.
result = uniteLastTokens(Type::Double);
// Try to read one more int (after dot).
if (readOneToken(StartWithWhitespace::Deny) == Type::Int) {
result = uniteLastTokens(Type::Double);
} else if (result == Type::Dot) {
if (readOneToken(StartWithWhitespace::Deny) == Type::Int) {
//We got dot and int, so it is double.
result = uniteLastTokens(Type::Double);
return result;
Type BasicTokenizedFile::readOneToken(StartWithWhitespace condition) {
if (tokenStartWhitespace_ && condition == StartWithWhitespace::Deny) {
return Type::Invalid;
if (reader_.atEnd()) {
return Type::Invalid;
auto ch = reader_.currentChar();
if (ch == '"') {
return readString();
} else if (isNameChar(ch)) {
return readNameOrNumber();
return readSingleLetter();
Type BasicTokenizedFile::saveToken(Type type, const QString &value) {
ConstUtf8String original = { tokenStart_, reader_.currentPtr() };
tokens_.push_back({ type, value, original, tokenStartWhitespace_ });
return type;
Type BasicTokenizedFile::uniteLastTokens(Type type) {
auto size = tokens_.size();
if (size < 2) {
return Type::Invalid;
auto &token(tokens_[size - 2]);
auto originalFrom =;
auto originalTill = tokens_.back().original.end();
token.type = type;
token.original = { originalFrom, originalTill };
token.value += tokens_.back().value;
return type;
QString BasicTokenizedFile::getCurrentLineComment() {
if (lineNumber_ > singleLineComments_.size()) {
reader_.logError(kErrorInternal, lineNumber_) << "internal tokenizer error (line number larger than comments list size).";
failed_ = true;
return QString();
auto commentBytes = singleLineComments_[lineNumber_ - 1].mid(2); // Skip "//"
CheckedUtf8String comment(commentBytes);
if (!comment.isValid()) {
reader_.logError(kErrorIncorrectUtf8String, lineNumber_) << "incorrect UTF-8 string in the comment.";
failed_ = true;
return QString();
return comment.toString().trimmed();
Type BasicTokenizedFile::readNameOrNumber() {
while (!reader_.atEnd()) {
if (!isDigitChar(reader_.currentChar())) {
bool onlyDigits = true;
while (!reader_.atEnd()) {
if (!isNameChar(reader_.currentChar())) {
onlyDigits = false;
return saveToken(onlyDigits ? Type::Int : Type::Name);
Type BasicTokenizedFile::readString() {
auto offset = reader_.currentPtr();
QByteArray value;
while (!reader_.atEnd()) {
auto ch = reader_.currentChar();
if (ch == '"') {
2017-04-12 19:17:55 +00:00
if (reader_.currentPtr() > offset) {
value.append(offset, reader_.currentPtr() - offset);
if (ch == '\n') {
reader_.logError(kErrorUnterminatedStringLiteral, lineNumber_) << "unterminated string literal.";
failed_ = true;
return Type::Invalid;
if (ch == '\\') {
2017-04-12 19:17:55 +00:00
if (reader_.currentPtr() > offset) {
value.append(offset, reader_.currentPtr() - offset);
ch = reader_.currentChar();
if (reader_.atEnd() || ch == '\n') {
reader_.logError(kErrorUnterminatedStringLiteral, lineNumber_) << "unterminated string literal.";
failed_ = true;
return Type::Invalid;
offset = reader_.currentPtr() + 1;
if (ch == 'n') {
} else if (ch == 't') {
} else if (ch == '"') {
} else if (ch == '\\') {
if (reader_.atEnd()) {
reader_.logError(kErrorUnterminatedStringLiteral, lineNumber_) << "unterminated string literal.";
failed_ = true;
return Type::Invalid;
CheckedUtf8String checked(value);
if (!checked.isValid()) {
reader_.logError(kErrorIncorrectUtf8String, lineNumber_) << "incorrect UTF-8 string literal.";
failed_ = true;
return Type::Invalid;
return saveToken(Type::String, checked.toString());
Type BasicTokenizedFile::readSingleLetter() {
auto type = singleLetterTokens_.value(reader_.currentChar(), Type::Invalid);
if (type == Type::Invalid) {
reader_.logError(kErrorIncorrectToken, lineNumber_) << "incorrect token '" << reader_.currentChar() << "'";
return Type::Invalid;
return saveToken(type);
void BasicTokenizedFile::skipWhitespaces() {
if (reader_.atEnd()) return;
auto ch = reader_.currentChar();
tokenStartWhitespace_ = isWhitespaceChar(ch);
if (tokenStartWhitespace_) {
do {
if (ch == '\n') {
ch = reader_.currentChar();
} while (!reader_.atEnd() && isWhitespaceChar(ch));
tokenStart_ = reader_.currentPtr();
LogStream operator<<(LogStream &&stream, BasicTokenizedFile::Token::Type type) {
const char *value = "'invalid'";
switch (type) {
case Type::Invalid: break;
case Type::Int: value = "'int'"; break;
case Type::Double: value = "'double'"; break;
case Type::String: value = "'string'"; break;
case Type::LeftParenthesis: value = "'('"; break;
case Type::RightParenthesis: value = "')'"; break;
case Type::LeftBrace: value = "'{'"; break;
case Type::RightBrace: value = "'}'"; break;
case Type::LeftBracket: value = "'['"; break;
case Type::RightBracket: value = "']'"; break;
case Type::Colon: value = "':'"; break;
case Type::Semicolon: value = "';'"; break;
case Type::Comma: value = "','"; break;
case Type::Dot: value = "'.'"; break;
case Type::Number: value = "'#'"; break;
case Type::Plus: value = "'+'"; break;
case Type::Minus: value = "'-'"; break;
case Type::Equals: value = "'='"; break;
case Type::Name: value = "'identifier'"; break;
return std::forward<LogStream>(stream) << value;
LogStream BasicTokenizedFile::logError(int code) const {
return reader_.logError(code, lineNumber_);
LogStream BasicTokenizedFile::logErrorUnexpectedToken() const {
if (currentToken_ < tokens_.size()) {
auto token =;
return logError(kErrorUnexpectedToken) << "unexpected token '" << token << "', expected ";
return logError(kErrorUnexpectedToken) << "unexpected token, expected ";
BasicTokenizedFile::~BasicTokenizedFile() = default;
} // namespace common
} // namespace codegen