
1162 lines
46 KiB
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
import glob, re, binascii, os, sys
input_files = []
output_path = ''
next_output_path = False
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if next_output_path:
next_output_path = False
output_path = arg
elif arg == '-o':
next_output_path = True
elif re.match(r'^-o(.+)', arg):
output_path = arg[2:]
if len(input_files) == 0:
print('Input file required.')
if output_path == '':
print('Output path required.')
output_header = output_path + '/scheme.h'
output_source = output_path + '/scheme.cpp'
# define some checked flag conversions
# the key flag type should be a subset of the value flag type
# with exact the same names, then the key flag can be implicitly
# casted to the value flag type
parentFlags = {};
parentFlagsList = [];
def addChildParentFlags(child, parent):
parentFlags[child] = parent;
addChildParentFlags('MTPDmessageService', 'MTPDmessage');
addChildParentFlags('MTPDupdateShortMessage', 'MTPDmessage');
addChildParentFlags('MTPDupdateShortChatMessage', 'MTPDmessage');
addChildParentFlags('MTPDupdateShortSentMessage', 'MTPDmessage');
addChildParentFlags('MTPDreplyKeyboardHide', 'MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup');
addChildParentFlags('MTPDreplyKeyboardForceReply', 'MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup');
addChildParentFlags('MTPDinputPeerNotifySettings', 'MTPDpeerNotifySettings');
addChildParentFlags('MTPDpeerNotifySettings', 'MTPDinputPeerNotifySettings');
addChildParentFlags('MTPDchannelForbidden', 'MTPDchannel');
addChildParentFlags('MTPDdialogFolder', 'MTPDdialog');
# this is a map (key flags -> map (flag name -> flag bit))
# each key flag of parentFlags should be a subset of the value flag here
parentFlagsCheck = {};
2018-04-25 09:24:48 +00:00
countedTypeIdExceptions = {};
2018-08-10 19:19:46 +00:00
countedTypeIdExceptions['channel#c88974ac'] = True
countedTypeIdExceptions['ipPortSecret#37982646'] = True
countedTypeIdExceptions['accessPointRule#4679b65f'] = True
countedTypeIdExceptions['help.configSimple#5a592a6c'] = True
renamedTypes = {};
renamedTypes['passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow'] = 'passwordKdfAlgoModPow';
2018-04-25 09:24:48 +00:00
lines = [];
layer = '';
2018-04-25 09:24:48 +00:00
layerIndex = 0;
funcs = 0
types = 0;
consts = 0
funcsNow = 0
enums = [];
funcsDict = {};
2015-03-19 11:24:23 +00:00
funcsList = [];
typesDict = {};
TypesDict = {};
typesList = [];
boxed = {};
funcsText = '';
typesText = '';
dataTexts = '';
creatorProxyText = '';
factories = '';
flagOperators = '';
methods = '';
inlineMethods = '';
visitorMethods = '';
textSerializeInit = '';
textSerializeMethods = '';
forwards = '';
forwTypedefs = '';
for input_file in input_files:
with open(input_file) as f:
for line in f:
layerline = re.match(r'// LAYER (\d+)', line)
if (layerline):
layerIndex = int(;
layer = 'inline constexpr mtpPrime CurrentLayer = mtpPrime(' + str(layerIndex) + ');';
2018-04-25 09:24:48 +00:00
for line in lines:
nocomment = re.match(r'^(.*?)//', line)
if (nocomment):
line =;
if (re.match(r'\-\-\-functions\-\-\-', line)):
funcsNow = 1;
if (re.match(r'\-\-\-types\-\-\-', line)):
funcsNow = 0;
if (re.match(r'^\s*$', line)):
2017-06-26 17:38:16 +00:00
nametype = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z\.0-9_]+)(#[0-9a-f]+)?([^=]*)=\s*([a-zA-Z\.<>0-9_]+);', line);
if (not nametype):
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (not re.match(r'vector#1cb5c415 \{t:Type\} # \[ t \] = Vector t;', line)):
print('Bad line found: ' + line);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
2018-08-10 19:19:46 +00:00
originalname =;
name = originalname;
if (name in renamedTypes):
name = renamedTypes[name];
nameInd = name.find('.');
if (nameInd >= 0):
Name = name[0:nameInd] + '_' + name[nameInd + 1:nameInd + 2].upper() + name[nameInd + 2:];
name = name.replace('.', '_');
Name = name[0:1].upper() + name[1:];
typeid =;
2017-06-26 17:38:16 +00:00
if (typeid and len(typeid) > 0):
typeid = typeid[1:]; # Skip '#'
while (typeid and len(typeid) > 0 and typeid[0] == '0'):
typeid = typeid[1:];
cleanline = + + '= ' +;
cleanline = re.sub(r' [a-zA-Z0-9_]+\:flags\.[0-9]+\?true', '', cleanline);
cleanline = cleanline.replace('<', ' ').replace('>', ' ').replace(' ', ' ');
cleanline = re.sub(r'^ ', '', cleanline);
cleanline = re.sub(r' $', '', cleanline);
cleanline = cleanline.replace(':bytes ', ':string ');
cleanline = cleanline.replace('?bytes ', '?string ');
cleanline = cleanline.replace('{', '');
cleanline = cleanline.replace('}', '');
countTypeId = binascii.crc32(binascii.a2b_qp(cleanline));
if (countTypeId < 0):
countTypeId += 2 ** 32;
2018-08-10 19:19:46 +00:00
countTypeId = re.sub(r'^0x|L$', '', hex(countTypeId));
2017-06-26 17:38:16 +00:00
if (typeid and len(typeid) > 0):
2018-08-10 19:19:46 +00:00
typeid = typeid;
2017-06-26 17:38:16 +00:00
if (typeid != countTypeId):
2018-08-10 19:19:46 +00:00
key = originalname + '#' + typeid;
if (not key in countedTypeIdExceptions):
print('Warning: counted ' + countTypeId + ' mismatch with provided ' + typeid + ' (' + key + ', ' + cleanline + ')');
2018-05-02 19:27:03 +00:00
2017-06-26 17:38:16 +00:00
typeid = countTypeId;
2018-08-10 19:19:46 +00:00
typeid = '0x' + typeid;
params =;
restype =;
if (restype.find('<') >= 0):
templ = re.match(r'^([vV]ector<)([A-Za-z0-9\._]+)>$', restype);
if (templ):
vectemplate =;
2019-05-20 14:57:25 +00:00
if (re.match(r'^[A-Z]', vectemplate) or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[A-Z]', vectemplate)):
restype = + 'MTP' + vectemplate.replace('.', '_') + '>';
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
elif (vectemplate == 'int' or vectemplate == 'long' or vectemplate == 'string' or vectemplate == 'bytes'):
restype = + 'MTP' + vectemplate.replace('.', '_') + '>';
foundmeta = '';
for metatype in typesDict:
for typedata in typesDict[metatype]:
if (typedata[0] == vectemplate):
foundmeta = metatype;
if (len(foundmeta) > 0):
if (len(foundmeta) > 0):
ptype = + 'MTP' + foundmeta.replace('.', '_') + '>';
print('Bad vector param: ' + vectemplate);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
print('Bad template type: ' + restype);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
resType = restype.replace('.', '_');
if (restype.find('.') >= 0):
parts = re.match(r'([a-z]+)\.([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9<>\._]+)', restype)
if (parts):
restype = + '_' +[0:1].lower() +[1:];
print('Bad result type name with dot: ' + restype);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
if (re.match(r'^[A-Z]', restype)):
restype = restype[:1].lower() + restype[1:];
print('Bad result type name: ' + restype);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
boxed[resType] = restype;
boxed[Name] = name;
enums.append('\tmtpc_' + name + ' = ' + typeid);
paramsList = params.strip().split(' ');
prms = {};
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
conditions = {};
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
trivialConditions = {}; # true type
prmsList = [];
conditionsList = [];
isTemplate = hasFlags = hasTemplate = '';
for param in paramsList:
if (re.match(r'^\s*$', param)):
templ = re.match(r'^{([A-Za-z]+):Type}$', param);
if (templ):
hasTemplate =;
2018-08-10 19:19:46 +00:00
pnametype = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*):([A-Za-z0-9<>\._]+|![a-zA-Z]+|\#|[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*\.[0-9]+\?[A-Za-z0-9<>\._]+)$', param);
if (not pnametype):
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
print('Bad param found: "' + param + '" in line: ' + line);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
pname =;
ptypewide =;
if (re.match(r'^!([a-zA-Z]+)$', ptypewide)):
if ('!' + hasTemplate == ptypewide):
isTemplate = pname;
ptype = 'TQueryType';
print('Bad template param name: "' + param + '" in line: ' + line);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
elif (ptypewide == '#'):
hasFlags = pname;
if funcsNow:
ptype = 'flags<MTP' + name + '::Flags>';
ptype = 'flags<MTPD' + name + '::Flags>';
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
ptype = ptypewide;
if (ptype.find('?') >= 0):
pmasktype = re.match(r'([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)\.([0-9]+)\?([A-Za-z0-9<>\._]+)', ptype);
if (not pmasktype or != hasFlags):
print('Bad param found: "' + param + '" in line: ' + line);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
ptype =;
if (ptype.find('<') >= 0):
templ = re.match(r'^([vV]ector<)([A-Za-z0-9\._]+)>$', ptype);
if (templ):
vectemplate =;
2019-05-20 14:57:25 +00:00
if (re.match(r'^[A-Z]', vectemplate) or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[A-Z]', vectemplate)):
ptype = + 'MTP' + vectemplate.replace('.', '_') + '>';
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
elif (vectemplate == 'int' or vectemplate == 'long' or vectemplate == 'string' or vectemplate == 'bytes'):
ptype = + 'MTP' + vectemplate.replace('.', '_') + '>';
foundmeta = '';
for metatype in typesDict:
for typedata in typesDict[metatype]:
if (typedata[0] == vectemplate):
foundmeta = metatype;
if (len(foundmeta) > 0):
if (len(foundmeta) > 0):
ptype = + 'MTP' + foundmeta.replace('.', '_') + '>';
print('Bad vector param: ' + vectemplate);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
print('Bad template type: ' + ptype);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
if (not pname in conditions):
conditions[pname] =;
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (ptype == 'true'):
trivialConditions[pname] = 1;
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
elif (ptype.find('<') >= 0):
templ = re.match(r'^([vV]ector<)([A-Za-z0-9\._]+)>$', ptype);
if (templ):
vectemplate =;
2019-05-20 14:57:25 +00:00
if (re.match(r'^[A-Z]', vectemplate) or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[A-Z]', vectemplate)):
ptype = + 'MTP' + vectemplate.replace('.', '_') + '>';
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
elif (vectemplate == 'int' or vectemplate == 'long' or vectemplate == 'string' or vectemplate == 'bytes'):
ptype = + 'MTP' + vectemplate.replace('.', '_') + '>';
foundmeta = '';
for metatype in typesDict:
for typedata in typesDict[metatype]:
if (typedata[0] == vectemplate):
foundmeta = metatype;
if (len(foundmeta) > 0):
if (len(foundmeta) > 0):
ptype = + 'MTP' + foundmeta.replace('.', '_') + '>';
print('Bad vector param: ' + vectemplate);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
print('Bad template type: ' + ptype);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
prms[pname] = ptype.replace('.', '_');
if (isTemplate == '' and resType == 'X'):
print('Bad response type "X" in "' + name +'" in line: ' + line);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
if funcsNow:
methodBodies = ''
if (isTemplate != ''):
funcsText += '\ntemplate <typename TQueryType>';
funcsText += '\nclass MTP' + name + ' { // RPC method \'' + + '\'\n'; # class
funcsText += 'public:\n';
prmsStr = [];
prmsInit = [];
prmsNames = [];
if (hasFlags != ''):
funcsText += '\tenum class Flag : uint32 {\n';
maxbit = 0;
parentFlagsCheck['MTP' + name] = {};
for paramName in conditionsList:
funcsText += '\t\tf_' + paramName + ' = (1U << ' + conditions[paramName] + '),\n';
parentFlagsCheck['MTP' + name][paramName] = conditions[paramName];
maxbit = max(maxbit, int(conditions[paramName]));
if (maxbit > 0):
funcsText += '\n';
funcsText += '\t\tMAX_FIELD = (1U << ' + str(maxbit) + '),\n';
funcsText += '\t};\n';
2017-08-31 16:28:58 +00:00
funcsText += '\tusing Flags = base::flags<Flag>;\n';
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
funcsText += '\tfriend inline constexpr bool is_flag_type(Flag) { return true; };\n';
funcsText += '\n';
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (len(prms) > len(trivialConditions)):
for paramName in prmsList:
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (paramName in trivialConditions):
paramType = prms[paramName];
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
prmsInit.append('_' + paramName + '(' + paramName + '_)');
prmsNames.append(paramName + '_');
if (paramName == isTemplate):
ptypeFull = paramType;
ptypeFull = 'MTP' + paramType;
if (paramType in ['int', 'Int', 'bool', 'Bool', 'flags<Flags>']):
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
prmsStr.append(ptypeFull + ' ' + paramName + '_');
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
prmsStr.append('const ' + ptypeFull + ' &' + paramName + '_');
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
funcsText += '\tMTP' + name + '();\n';# = default; # constructor
if (isTemplate != ''):
methodBodies += 'template <typename TQueryType>\n'
methodBodies += 'MTP' + name + '<TQueryType>::MTP' + name + '() = default;\n';
methodBodies += 'MTP' + name + '::MTP' + name + '() = default;\n';
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (len(prms) > len(trivialConditions)):
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
funcsText += '\tMTP' + name + '(' + ', '.join(prmsStr) + ');\n';
if (isTemplate != ''):
methodBodies += 'template <typename TQueryType>\n'
methodBodies += 'MTP' + name + '<TQueryType>::MTP' + name + '(' + ', '.join(prmsStr) + ') : ' + ', '.join(prmsInit) + ' {\n}\n';
methodBodies += 'MTP' + name + '::MTP' + name + '(' + ', '.join(prmsStr) + ') : ' + ', '.join(prmsInit) + ' {\n}\n';
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
funcsText += '\n';
funcsText += '\tuint32 innerLength() const;\n'; # count size
if (isTemplate != ''):
methodBodies += 'template <typename TQueryType>\n'
methodBodies += 'uint32 MTP' + name + '<TQueryType>::innerLength() const {\n';
methodBodies += 'uint32 MTP' + name + '::innerLength() const {\n';
size = [];
for k in prmsList:
v = prms[k];
if (k in conditionsList):
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (not k in trivialConditions):
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
size.append('((_' + hasFlags + '.v & Flag::f_' + k + ') ? _' + k + '.innerLength() : 0)');
2015-04-06 22:15:29 +00:00
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
size.append('_' + k + '.innerLength()');
if (not len(size)):
methodBodies += '\treturn ' + ' + '.join(size) + ';\n';
methodBodies += '}\n';
funcsText += '\tmtpTypeId type() const {\n\t\treturn mtpc_' + name + ';\n\t}\n'; # type id
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
funcsText += '\t[[nodiscard]] bool read(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons = mtpc_' + name + ');\n'; # read method
if (isTemplate != ''):
methodBodies += 'template <typename TQueryType>\n'
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
methodBodies += 'bool MTP' + name + '<TQueryType>::read(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons) {\n';
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
methodBodies += 'bool MTP' + name + '::read(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons) {\n';
readFunc = ''
for k in prmsList:
v = prms[k];
if (k in conditionsList):
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (not k in trivialConditions):
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
readFunc += '\t\t&& ((_' + hasFlags + '.v & Flag::f_' + k + ') ? _' + k + '.read(from, end) : ((_' + k + ' = MTP' + v + '()), true))\n';
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
readFunc += '\t\t&& _' + k + '.read(from, end)\n';
if readFunc != '':
methodBodies += '\treturn' + readFunc[4:len(readFunc)-1] + ';\n';
methodBodies += '\treturn true;\n';
methodBodies += '}\n';
funcsText += '\tvoid write(mtpBuffer &to) const;\n'; # write method
if (isTemplate != ''):
methodBodies += 'template <typename TQueryType>\n'
methodBodies += 'void MTP' + name + '<TQueryType>::write(mtpBuffer &to) const {\n';
methodBodies += 'void MTP' + name + '::write(mtpBuffer &to) const {\n';
for k in prmsList:
v = prms[k];
if (k in conditionsList):
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (not k in trivialConditions):
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
methodBodies += '\tif (_' + hasFlags + '.v & Flag::f_' + k + ') _' + k + '.write(to);\n';
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
methodBodies += '\t_' + k + '.write(to);\n';
methodBodies += '}\n';
if (isTemplate != ''):
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
funcsText += '\n\tusing ResponseType = typename TQueryType::ResponseType;\n\n';
inlineMethods += methodBodies;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
funcsText += '\n\tusing ResponseType = MTP' + resType + ';\n\n'; # method return type
methods += methodBodies;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (len(prms) > len(trivialConditions)):
funcsText += 'private:\n';
for paramName in prmsList:
if (paramName in trivialConditions):
paramType = prms[paramName];
if (paramName == isTemplate):
ptypeFull = paramType;
ptypeFull = 'MTP' + paramType;
funcsText += '\t' + ptypeFull + ' _' + paramName + ';\n';
funcsText += '\n';
funcsText += '};\n'; # class ending
if (isTemplate != ''):
funcsText += 'template <typename TQueryType>\n';
funcsText += 'using MTP' + Name + ' = MTPBoxed<MTP' + name + '<TQueryType>>;\n';
funcsText += 'using MTP' + Name + ' = MTPBoxed<MTP' + name + '>;\n';
funcs = funcs + 1;
if (not restype in funcsDict):
2015-03-19 11:24:23 +00:00
funcsDict[restype] = [];
# TypesDict[restype] = resType;
funcsDict[restype].append([name, typeid, prmsList, prms, hasFlags, conditionsList, conditions, trivialConditions, isTemplate]);
if (isTemplate != ''):
print('Template types not allowed: "' + resType + '" in line: ' + line);
if (not restype in typesDict):
typesDict[restype] = [];
TypesDict[restype] = resType;
typesDict[restype].append([name, typeid, prmsList, prms, hasFlags, conditionsList, conditions, trivialConditions, isTemplate]);
consts = consts + 1;
# text serialization: types and funcs
2015-03-19 11:24:23 +00:00
def addTextSerialize(lst, dct, dataLetter):
result = '';
2015-03-19 11:24:23 +00:00
for restype in lst:
v = dct[restype];
for data in v:
name = data[0];
prmsList = data[2];
prms = data[3];
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
hasFlags = data[4];
conditionsList = data[5];
conditions = data[6];
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
trivialConditions = data[7];
isTemplate = data[8];
templateArgument = ''
if (isTemplate != ''):
templateArgument = '<MTP::SecureRequest>'
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
result += 'bool Serialize_' + name + '(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, uint32 iflag) {\n';
if (len(conditions)):
result += '\tauto flag = MTP' + dataLetter + name + templateArgument + '::Flags::from_raw(iflag);\n\n';
if (len(prms)):
result += '\tif (stage) {\n';
result += '\t\tto.add(",\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n';
result += '\t} else {\n';
result += '\t\tto.add("{ ' + name + '");\n';
result += '\t\tto.add("\\n").addSpaces(lev);\n';
result += '\t}\n';
result += '\tswitch (stage) {\n';
2014-10-25 09:25:18 +00:00
stage = 0;
for k in prmsList:
v = prms[k];
result += '\tcase ' + str(stage) + ': to.add(" ' + k + ': "); ++stages.back(); ';
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
if (k == hasFlags):
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
result += 'if (start >= end) return false; else flags.back() = *start; ';
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (k in trivialConditions):
result += 'if (flag & MTP' + dataLetter + name + templateArgument + '::Flag::f_' + k + ') { ';
2015-11-02 05:49:25 +00:00
result += 'to.add("YES [ BY BIT ' + conditions[k] + ' IN FIELD ' + hasFlags + ' ]"); ';
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
result += '} else { to.add("[ SKIPPED BY BIT ' + conditions[k] + ' IN FIELD ' + hasFlags + ' ]"); } ';
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (k in conditions):
result += 'if (flag & MTP' + dataLetter + name + templateArgument + '::Flag::f_' + k + ') { ';
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
result += 'types.push_back(';
vtypeget = re.match(r'^[Vv]ector<MTP([A-Za-z0-9\._]+)>', v);
if (vtypeget):
if (not re.match(r'^[A-Z]', v)):
result += 'mtpc_vector';
result += '0';
restype =;
if boxed[restype]:
restype = 0;
except KeyError:
if re.match(r'^[A-Z]', restype):
restype = 0;
restype = v;
if boxed[restype]:
restype = 0;
except KeyError:
if re.match(r'^[A-Z]', restype):
restype = 0;
if (restype):
conses = typesDict[restype];
if (len(conses) > 1):
print('Complex bare type found: "' + restype + '" trying to serialize "' + k + '" of type "' + v + '"');
if (vtypeget):
result += '); vtypes.push_back(';
result += 'mtpc_' + conses[0][0];
if (not vtypeget):
result += '); vtypes.push_back(0';
except KeyError:
if (vtypeget):
result += '); vtypes.push_back(';
if (re.match(r'^flags<', restype)):
result += 'mtpc_flags';
result += 'mtpc_' + restype + '+0';
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (not vtypeget):
result += '); vtypes.push_back(0';
2018-05-02 19:27:03 +00:00
if (not vtypeget):
result += '0';
result += '); vtypes.push_back(0';
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
result += '); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); ';
if (k in conditions):
result += '} else { to.add("[ SKIPPED BY BIT ' + conditions[k] + ' IN FIELD ' + hasFlags + ' ]"); } ';
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
result += 'break;\n';
2014-10-25 09:25:18 +00:00
stage = stage + 1;
result += '\tdefault: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n';
result += '\t}\n';
result += '\tto.add("{ ' + name + ' }"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back();\n';
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
result += '\treturn true;\n';
result += '}\n\n';
return result;
# text serialization: types and funcs
def addTextSerializeInit(lst, dct):
result = '';
for restype in lst:
v = dct[restype];
for data in v:
name = data[0];
result += '\tresult.insert(mtpc_' + name + ', Serialize_' + name + ');\n';
return result;
textSerializeMethods += addTextSerialize(typesList, typesDict, 'D');
textSerializeInit += addTextSerializeInit(typesList, typesDict) + '\n';
textSerializeMethods += addTextSerialize(funcsList, funcsDict, '');
textSerializeInit += addTextSerializeInit(funcsList, funcsDict) + '\n';
for restype in typesList:
v = typesDict[restype];
resType = TypesDict[restype];
withData = 0;
creatorsDeclarations = '';
creatorsBodies = '';
flagDeclarations = '';
constructsText = '';
constructsBodies = '';
forwards += 'class MTP' + restype + ';\n';
forwTypedefs += 'using MTP' + resType + ' = MTPBoxed<MTP' + restype + '>;\n';
withType = (len(v) > 1);
switchLines = '';
friendDecl = '';
getters = '';
visitor = '';
reader = '';
writer = '';
sizeList = [];
sizeFast = '';
newFast = '';
sizeCases = '';
for data in v:
name = data[0];
typeid = data[1];
prmsList = data[2];
prms = data[3];
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
hasFlags = data[4];
conditionsList = data[5];
conditions = data[6];
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
trivialConditions = data[7];
dataText = '';
if (len(prms) > len(trivialConditions)):
withData = 1;
dataText += '\nclass MTPD' + name + ' : public MTP::internal::TypeData {\n'; # data class
dataText += '\nclass MTPD' + name + ' {\n'; # empty data class for visitors
dataText += 'public:\n';
dataText += '\ttemplate <typename Other>\n';
dataText += '\tstatic constexpr bool Is() { return std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Other>, MTPD' + name + '>; };\n\n';
sizeList = [];
creatorParams = [];
creatorParamsList = [];
readText = '';
writeText = '';
if (hasFlags != ''):
dataText += '\tenum class Flag : uint32 {\n';
maxbit = 0;
parentFlagsCheck['MTPD' + name] = {};
for paramName in conditionsList:
dataText += '\t\tf_' + paramName + ' = (1U << ' + conditions[paramName] + '),\n';
parentFlagsCheck['MTPD' + name][paramName] = conditions[paramName];
maxbit = max(maxbit, int(conditions[paramName]));
if (maxbit > 0):
dataText += '\n';
dataText += '\t\tMAX_FIELD = (1U << ' + str(maxbit) + '),\n';
dataText += '\t};\n';
2017-08-31 16:28:58 +00:00
dataText += '\tusing Flags = base::flags<Flag>;\n';
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
dataText += '\tfriend inline constexpr bool is_flag_type(Flag) { return true; };\n';
dataText += '\n';
if (len(conditions)):
for paramName in conditionsList:
if (paramName in trivialConditions):
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
dataText += '\t[[nodiscard]] bool is_' + paramName + '() const;\n';
constructsBodies += 'bool MTPD' + name + '::is_' + paramName + '() const {\n';
constructsBodies += '\treturn _' + hasFlags + '.v & Flag::f_' + paramName + ';\n';
constructsBodies += '}\n';
dataText += '\n';
switchLines += '\tcase mtpc_' + name + ': '; # for by-type-id type constructor
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
getters += '\t[[nodiscard]] const MTPD' + name + ' &c_' + name + '() const;\n'; # const getter
visitor += '\tcase mtpc_' + name + ': return base::match_method(c_' + name + '(), std::forward<Method>(method), std::forward<Methods>(methods)...);\n';
forwards += 'class MTPD' + name + ';\n'; # data class forward declaration
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (len(prms) > len(trivialConditions)):
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
dataText += '\tMTPD' + name + '();\n'; # default constructor
switchLines += 'setData(new MTPD' + name + '()); ';
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
constructsBodies += 'MTPD' + name + '::MTPD' + name + '() = default;\n';
constructsBodies += 'const MTPD' + name + ' &MTP' + restype + '::c_' + name + '() const {\n';
if (withType):
2018-06-02 14:29:21 +00:00
constructsBodies += '\tExpects(_type == mtpc_' + name + ');\n\n';
constructsBodies += '\treturn queryData<MTPD' + name + '>();\n';
constructsBodies += '}\n';
constructsText += '\texplicit MTP' + restype + '(const MTPD' + name + ' *data);\n'; # by-data type constructor
constructsBodies += 'MTP' + restype + '::MTP' + restype + '(const MTPD' + name + ' *data) : TypeDataOwner(data)';
if (withType):
constructsBodies += ', _type(mtpc_' + name + ')';
constructsBodies += ' {\n}\n';
dataText += '\tMTPD' + name + '('; # params constructor
prmsStr = [];
prmsInit = [];
for paramName in prmsList:
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (paramName in trivialConditions):
paramType = prms[paramName];
if (paramType in ['int', 'Int', 'bool', 'Bool']):
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
prmsStr.append('MTP' + paramType + ' ' + paramName + '_');
creatorParams.append('MTP' + paramType + ' ' + paramName + '_');
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
prmsStr.append('const MTP' + paramType + ' &' + paramName + '_');
creatorParams.append('const MTP' + paramType + ' &' + paramName + '_');
creatorParamsList.append(paramName + '_');
prmsInit.append('_' + paramName + '(' + paramName + '_)');
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (paramName in conditions):
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
readText += '\t\t&& (v' + paramName + '() ? _' + paramName + '.read(from, end) : ((_' + paramName + ' = MTP' + paramType + '()), true))\n';
writeText += '\t\tif (const auto v' + paramName + ' = v.v' + paramName + '()) v' + paramName + '->write(to);\n';
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
sizeList.append('(v.v' + paramName + '() ? v.v' + paramName + '()->innerLength() : 0)');
2015-03-13 13:01:25 +00:00
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
readText += '\t\t&& _' + paramName + '.read(from, end)\n';
writeText += '\t\tv.v' + paramName + '().write(to);\n';
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
sizeList.append('v.v' + paramName + '().innerLength()');
dataText += ', '.join(prmsStr) + ');\n';
constructsBodies += 'MTPD' + name + '::MTPD' + name + '(' + ', '.join(prmsStr) + ') : ' + ', '.join(prmsInit) + ' {\n}\n';
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
dataText += '\n';
dataText += '\t[[nodiscard]] bool read(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end);\n';
dataText += '\n';
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
constructsBodies += 'bool MTPD' + name + '::read(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end) {\n';
if readText != '':
constructsBodies += '\treturn' + readText[4:len(readText)-1] + ';\n';
constructsBodies += '\treturn true;\n';
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
constructsBodies += '}\n';
if len(prmsList) > 0:
for paramName in prmsList: # getters
if (paramName in trivialConditions):
paramType = prms[paramName];
if (paramName in conditions):
dataText += '\t[[nodiscard]] MTP::conditional<MTP' + paramType + '> v' + paramName + '() const;\n';
constructsBodies += 'MTP::conditional<MTP' + paramType + '> MTPD' + name + '::v' + paramName + '() const {\n';
constructsBodies += '\treturn (_' + hasFlags + '.v & Flag::f_' + paramName + ') ? &_' + paramName + ' : nullptr;\n';
constructsBodies += '}\n';
dataText += '\t[[nodiscard]] const MTP' + paramType + ' &v' + paramName + '() const;\n';
constructsBodies += 'const MTP' + paramType + ' &MTPD' + name + '::v' + paramName + '() const {\n';
constructsBodies += '\treturn _' + paramName + ';\n';
constructsBodies += '}\n';
dataText += '\n';
dataText += 'private:\n';
for paramName in prmsList: # fields declaration
if (paramName in trivialConditions):
paramType = prms[paramName];
dataText += '\tMTP' + paramType + ' _' + paramName + ';\n';
dataText += '\n';
sizeCases += '\tcase mtpc_' + name + ': {\n';
sizeCases += '\t\tconst MTPD' + name + ' &v(c_' + name + '());\n';
sizeCases += '\t\treturn ' + ' + '.join(sizeList) + ';\n';
sizeCases += '\t}\n';
sizeFast = '\tconst MTPD' + name + ' &v(c_' + name + '());\n\treturn ' + ' + '.join(sizeList) + ';\n';
newFast = 'new MTPD' + name + '()';
constructsBodies += 'const MTPD' + name + ' &MTP' + restype + '::c_' + name + '() const {\n';
if (withType):
constructsBodies += '\tExpects(_type == mtpc_' + name + ');\n\n';
constructsBodies += '\tstatic const MTPD' + name + ' result;\n';
constructsBodies += '\treturn result;\n';
constructsBodies += '}\n';
sizeFast = '\treturn 0;\n';
switchLines += 'break;\n';
dataText += '};\n'; # class ending
dataTexts += dataText; # add data class
if (not friendDecl):
friendDecl += '\tfriend class MTP::internal::TypeCreator;\n';
creatorProxyText += '\tinline static MTP' + restype + ' new_' + name + '(' + ', '.join(creatorParams) + ') {\n';
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (len(prms) > len(trivialConditions)): # creator with params
creatorProxyText += '\t\treturn MTP' + restype + '(new MTPD' + name + '(' + ', '.join(creatorParamsList) + '));\n';
if (withType): # creator by type
creatorProxyText += '\t\treturn MTP' + restype + '(mtpc_' + name + ');\n';
else: # single creator
creatorProxyText += '\t\treturn MTP' + restype + '();\n';
creatorProxyText += '\t}\n';
creatorsDeclarations += 'MTP' + restype + ' MTP_' + name + '(' + ', '.join(creatorParams) + ');\n';
creatorsBodies += 'MTP' + restype + ' MTP_' + name + '(' + ', '.join(creatorParams) + ') {\n';
creatorsBodies += '\treturn MTP::internal::TypeCreator::new_' + name + '(' + ', '.join(creatorParamsList) + ');\n';
creatorsBodies += '}\n';
if (withType):
reader += '\tcase mtpc_' + name + ': _type = cons; '; # read switch line
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (len(prms) > len(trivialConditions)):
reader += '{\n';
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
reader += '\t\tif (const auto data = new MTPD' + name + '(); data->read(from, end)) {\n';
reader += '\t\t\tsetData(data);\n';
reader += '\t\t} else {\n';
reader += '\t\t\tdelete data;\n';
reader += '\t\t\treturn false;\n';
reader += '\t\t}\n';
reader += '\t} break;\n';
writer += '\tcase mtpc_' + name + ': {\n'; # write switch line
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
writer += '\t\tconst MTPD' + name + ' &v = c_' + name + '();\n';
writer += writeText;
writer += '\t} break;\n';
reader += 'break;\n';
2015-10-29 00:16:52 +00:00
if (len(prms) > len(trivialConditions)):
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
reader += '\tif (const auto data = new MTPD' + name + '(); data->read(from, end)) {\n';
reader += '\t\tsetData(data);\n';
reader += '\t} else {\n';
reader += '\t\tdelete data;\n';
reader += '\t\treturn false;\n';
reader += '\t}\n';
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
writer += '\tconst MTPD' + name + ' &v = c_' + name + '();\n';
writer += writeText;
forwards += '\n';
typesText += '\nclass MTP' + restype; # type class declaration
if (withData):
typesText += ' : private MTP::internal::TypeDataOwner'; # if has data fields
typesText += ' {\n';
typesText += 'public:\n';
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
typesText += '\tMTP' + restype + '();\n'; # default constructor
if (withData and not withType):
methods += '\nMTP' + restype + '::MTP' + restype + '() : TypeDataOwner(' + newFast + ') {\n}\n';
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
methods += '\nMTP' + restype + '::MTP' + restype + '() = default;\n';
typesText += getters;
typesText += '\n';
typesText += '\ttemplate <typename Method, typename ...Methods>\n';
typesText += '\tdecltype(auto) match(Method &&method, Methods &&...methods) const;\n';
visitorMethods += 'template <typename Method, typename ...Methods>\n';
visitorMethods += 'decltype(auto) MTP' + restype + '::match(Method &&method, Methods &&...methods) const {\n';
if (withType):
visitorMethods += '\tswitch (_type) {\n';
visitorMethods += visitor;
visitorMethods += '\t}\n';
visitorMethods += '\tUnexpected("Type in MTP' + restype + '::match.");\n';
visitorMethods += '\treturn base::match_method(c_' + v[0][0] + '(), std::forward<Method>(method), std::forward<Methods>(methods)...);\n';
visitorMethods += '}\n\n';
typesText += '\n\tuint32 innerLength() const;\n'; # size method
methods += '\nuint32 MTP' + restype + '::innerLength() const {\n';
if (withType and sizeCases):
methods += '\tswitch (_type) {\n';
methods += sizeCases;
methods += '\t}\n';
methods += '\treturn 0;\n';
methods += sizeFast;
methods += '}\n';
typesText += '\tmtpTypeId type() const;\n'; # type id method
methods += 'mtpTypeId MTP' + restype + '::type() const {\n';
if (withType):
2018-06-02 14:29:21 +00:00
methods += '\tExpects(_type != 0);\n\n';
methods += '\treturn _type;\n';
methods += '\treturn mtpc_' + v[0][0] + ';\n';
methods += '}\n';
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
typesText += '\t[[nodiscard]] bool read(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons'; # read method
if (not withType):
typesText += ' = mtpc_' + name;
typesText += ');\n';
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
methods += 'bool MTP' + restype + '::read(const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpTypeId cons) {\n';
if (withData):
if not (withType):
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
methods += '\tif (cons != mtpc_' + v[0][0] + ') return false;\n';
if (withType):
methods += '\tswitch (cons) {\n'
methods += reader;
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
methods += '\tdefault: return false;\n';
methods += '\t}\n';
methods += reader;
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
methods += '\treturn true;\n';
methods += '}\n';
typesText += '\tvoid write(mtpBuffer &to) const;\n'; # write method
methods += 'void MTP' + restype + '::write(mtpBuffer &to) const {\n';
if (withType and writer != ''):
methods += '\tswitch (_type) {\n';
methods += writer;
methods += '\t}\n';
methods += writer;
methods += '}\n';
typesText += '\n\tusing ResponseType = void;\n'; # no response types declared
typesText += '\nprivate:\n'; # private constructors
if (withType): # by-type-id constructor
typesText += '\texplicit MTP' + restype + '(mtpTypeId type);\n';
methods += 'MTP' + restype + '::MTP' + restype + '(mtpTypeId type) : ';
methods += '_type(type)';
methods += ' {\n';
methods += '\tswitch (type) {\n'; # type id check
methods += switchLines;
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
methods += '\tdefault: Unexpected("Type in MTP' + restype + '::MTP' + restype + '.");\n';
methods += '\t}\n';
methods += '}\n'; # by-type-id constructor end
if (withData):
typesText += constructsText;
methods += constructsBodies;
if (friendDecl):
typesText += '\n' + friendDecl;
if (withType):
typesText += '\n\tmtpTypeId _type = 0;\n'; # type field var
typesText += '};\n'; # type class ended
flagOperators += flagDeclarations;
factories += creatorsDeclarations;
methods += creatorsBodies;
typesText += 'using MTP' + resType + ' = MTPBoxed<MTP' + restype + '>;\n'; # boxed type definition
flagOperators += '\n'
for childName in parentFlagsList:
parentName = parentFlags[childName];
for flag in parentFlagsCheck[childName]:
2017-06-04 11:09:29 +00:00
# 'channelForbidden' has 'until_date' flag and 'channel' doesn't have it.
# But as long as flags don't collide this is not a problem.
# if (not flag in parentFlagsCheck[parentName]):
# print('Flag ' + flag + ' not found in ' + parentName + ' which should be a flags-parent of ' + childName);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
# sys.exit(1);
2017-06-04 11:09:29 +00:00
if (flag in parentFlagsCheck[parentName]):
if (parentFlagsCheck[childName][flag] != parentFlagsCheck[parentName][flag]):
print('Flag ' + flag + ' has different value in ' + parentName + ' which should be a flags-parent of ' + childName);
2018-04-19 06:03:17 +00:00
2017-06-04 11:09:29 +00:00
parentFlagsCheck[parentName][flag] = parentFlagsCheck[childName][flag];
2017-08-31 16:28:58 +00:00
flagOperators += 'inline ' + parentName + '::Flags mtpCastFlags(' + childName + '::Flags flags) { return static_cast<' + parentName + '::Flag>(flags.value()); }\n';
flagOperators += 'inline ' + parentName + '::Flags mtpCastFlags(MTPflags<' + childName + '::Flags> flags) { return mtpCastFlags(flags.v); }\n';
# manual types added here
textSerializeMethods += '\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
bool _serialize_rpc_result(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, uint32 iflag) {\n\
if (stage) {\n\
} else {\n\
to.add("{ rpc_result");\n\
switch (stage) {\n\
case 0: to.add(" req_msg_id: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_long); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
case 1: to.add(" result: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(0); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
default: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
return true;\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
bool _serialize_msg_container(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, uint32 iflag) {\n\
if (stage) {\n\
} else {\n\
to.add("{ msg_container");\n\
switch (stage) {\n\
case 0: to.add(" messages: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_vector); vtypes.push_back(mtpc_core_message); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
default: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
return true;\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
bool _serialize_core_message(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, uint32 iflag) {\n\
if (stage) {\n\
} else {\n\
to.add("{ core_message");\n\
switch (stage) {\n\
case 0: to.add(" msg_id: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_long); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
case 1: to.add(" seq_no: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_int); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
case 2: to.add(" bytes: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(mtpc_int); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
case 3: to.add(" body: "); ++stages.back(); types.push_back(0); vtypes.push_back(0); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0); break;\n\
default: to.add("}"); types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back(); break;\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
return true;\n\
textSerializeInit += '\
result.insert(mtpc_rpc_result, _serialize_rpc_result);\n\
result.insert(mtpc_msg_container, _serialize_msg_container);\n\
result.insert(mtpc_core_message, _serialize_core_message);\n';
# module itself
header = '\
WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\
Created from \'' + os.path.basename(input_file) + '\' by \'codegen_scheme\'\n\
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n\
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.\n\
For license and copyright information please follow this link:\n\\n\
#pragma once\n\
#include "mtproto/core_types.h"\n\
2017-08-31 16:28:58 +00:00
#include "base/flags.h"\n\
// Creator current layer and proxy class declaration\n\
namespace MTP {\n\
namespace internal {\n\
' + layer + '\n\
class TypeCreator;\n\
} // namespace internal\n\
} // namespace MTP\n\
// Type id constants\n\
enum {\n\
' + ',\n'.join(enums) + '\n\
// Type forward declarations\n\
' + forwards + '\n\
// Boxed types definitions\n\
' + forwTypedefs + '\n\
// Type classes definitions\n\
' + typesText + '\n\
// Type constructors with data\n\
' + dataTexts + '\n\
// RPC methods\n\
' + funcsText + '\n\
// Template methods definition\n\
' + inlineMethods + '\n\
// Visitor definition\n\
' + visitorMethods + '\n\
// Flag operators definition\n\
' + flagOperators + '\n\
// Factory methods declaration\n\
' + factories + '\n\
// Human-readable text serialization\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
[[nodiscard]] bool mtpTextSerializeType(MTPStringLogger &to, const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpPrime cons, uint32 level, mtpPrime vcons);\n'
source = '\
WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\
Created from \'' + os.path.basename(input_file) + '\' by \'codegen_scheme\'\n\
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n\
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.\n\
For license and copyright information please follow this link:\n\\n\
#include "scheme.h"\n\
// Creator proxy class definition\n\
namespace MTP {\n\
namespace internal {\n\
class TypeCreator {\n\
' + creatorProxyText + '\n\
} // namespace internal\n\
} // namespace MTP\n\
// Methods definition\n\
' + methods + '\n\
using Types = QVector<mtpTypeId>;\n\
using StagesFlags = QVector<int32>;\n\
' + textSerializeMethods + '\n\
namespace {\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
using TextSerializer = bool (*)(MTPStringLogger &to, int32 stage, int32 lev, Types &types, Types &vtypes, StagesFlags &stages, StagesFlags &flags, const mtpPrime *start, const mtpPrime *end, uint32 iflag);\n\
using TextSerializers = QMap<mtpTypeId, TextSerializer>;\n\
QMap<mtpTypeId, TextSerializer> createTextSerializers() {\n\
auto result = QMap<mtpTypeId, TextSerializer>();\n\
' + textSerializeInit + '\n\
return result;\n\
} // namespace\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
bool mtpTextSerializeType(MTPStringLogger &to, const mtpPrime *&from, const mtpPrime *end, mtpPrime cons, uint32 level, mtpPrime vcons) {\n\
static auto serializers = createTextSerializers();\n\
QVector<mtpTypeId> types, vtypes;\n\
QVector<int32> stages, flags;\n\
types.reserve(20); vtypes.reserve(20); stages.reserve(20); flags.reserve(20);\n\
types.push_back(mtpTypeId(cons)); vtypes.push_back(mtpTypeId(vcons)); stages.push_back(0); flags.push_back(0);\n\
mtpTypeId type = cons, vtype = vcons;\n\
int32 stage = 0, flag = 0;\n\
while (!types.isEmpty()) {\n\
type = types.back();\n\
vtype = vtypes.back();\n\
stage = stages.back();\n\
flag = flags.back();\n\
if (!type) {\n\
if (from >= end) {\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
to.error("insufficient data");\n\
return false;\n\
} else if (stage) {\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
to.error("unknown type on stage > 0");\n\
return false;\n\
types.back() = type = *from;\n\
2019-01-17 07:17:44 +00:00
int32 lev = level + types.size() - 1;\n\
auto it = serializers.constFind(type);\n\
if (it != serializers.cend()) {\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
if (!(*it.value())(to, stage, lev, types, vtypes, stages, flags, from, end, flag)) {\n\
return false;\n\
} else if (mtpTextSerializeCore(to, from, end, type, lev, vtype)) {\n\
types.pop_back(); vtypes.pop_back(); stages.pop_back(); flags.pop_back();\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
} else {\n\
return false;\n\
2019-07-18 14:06:38 +00:00
return true;\n\
already_header = ''
if os.path.isfile(output_header):
with open(output_header, 'r') as already:
already_header =
if already_header != header:
with open(output_header, 'w') as out:
already_source = ''
if os.path.isfile(output_source):
with open(output_source, 'r') as already:
already_source =
if already_source != source:
with open(output_source, 'w') as out: