
521 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
2018-01-09 17:08:31 +00:00
#include "history/view/history_view_service_message.h"
#include "history/history.h"
#include "history/history_service.h"
#include "history/history_media.h"
#include "history/history_item_components.h"
#include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h"
#include "data/data_abstract_structure.h"
2016-07-08 10:06:41 +00:00
#include "styles/style_history.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "layout.h"
2017-04-13 08:27:10 +00:00
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
2018-01-09 17:08:31 +00:00
namespace HistoryView {
namespace {
enum CircleMask {
NormalMask = 0x00,
InvertedMask = 0x01,
enum CircleMaskMultiplier {
MaskMultiplier = 0x04,
enum CornerVerticalSide {
CornerTop = 0x00,
CornerBottom = 0x02,
enum CornerHorizontalSide {
CornerLeft = 0x00,
CornerRight = 0x01,
class ServiceMessageStyleData : public Data::AbstractStructure {
// circle[CircleMask value]
QImage circle[2];
// corners[(CircleMask value) * MaskMultiplier | (CornerVerticalSide value) | (CornerHorizontalSide value)]
QPixmap corners[8];
Data::GlobalStructurePointer<ServiceMessageStyleData> serviceMessageStyle;
int historyServiceMsgRadius() {
static int HistoryServiceMsgRadius = ([]() {
auto minMsgHeight = (st::msgServiceFont->height + + st::msgServicePadding.bottom());
return minMsgHeight / 2;
return HistoryServiceMsgRadius;
int historyServiceMsgInvertedRadius() {
static int HistoryServiceMsgInvertedRadius = ([]() {
auto minRowHeight = st::msgServiceFont->height;
return minRowHeight - historyServiceMsgRadius();
return HistoryServiceMsgInvertedRadius;
int historyServiceMsgInvertedShrink() {
static int HistoryServiceMsgInvertedShrink = ([]() {
return (historyServiceMsgInvertedRadius() * 2) / 3;
return HistoryServiceMsgInvertedShrink;
void createCircleMasks() {
if (!serviceMessageStyle->circle[NormalMask].isNull()) return;
int size = historyServiceMsgRadius() * 2;
serviceMessageStyle->circle[NormalMask] = style::createCircleMask(size);
int sizeInverted = historyServiceMsgInvertedRadius() * 2;
2016-07-08 10:06:41 +00:00
serviceMessageStyle->circle[InvertedMask] = style::createInvertedCircleMask(sizeInverted);
QPixmap circleCorner(int corner) {
if (serviceMessageStyle->corners[corner].isNull()) {
2016-07-08 10:06:41 +00:00
int maskType = corner / MaskMultiplier;
int radius = (maskType == NormalMask ? historyServiceMsgRadius() : historyServiceMsgInvertedRadius());
2016-07-08 10:06:41 +00:00
int size = radius * cIntRetinaFactor();
int xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0;
if (corner & CornerRight) {
xoffset = size;
if (corner & CornerBottom) {
yoffset = size;
auto part = QRect(xoffset, yoffset, size, size);
auto result = style::colorizeImage(serviceMessageStyle->circle[maskType], st::msgServiceBg, part);
serviceMessageStyle->corners[corner] = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(result));
return serviceMessageStyle->corners[corner];
enum class SideStyle {
// Returns amount of pixels already painted vertically (so you can skip them in the complex rect shape).
int paintBubbleSide(Painter &p, int x, int y, int width, SideStyle style, CornerVerticalSide side) {
if (style == SideStyle::Rounded) {
auto left = circleCorner((NormalMask * MaskMultiplier) | side | CornerLeft);
int leftWidth = left.width() / cIntRetinaFactor();
p.drawPixmap(x, y, left);
auto right = circleCorner((NormalMask * MaskMultiplier) | side | CornerRight);
int rightWidth = right.width() / cIntRetinaFactor();
p.drawPixmap(x + width - rightWidth, y, right);
int cornerHeight = left.height() / cIntRetinaFactor();
p.fillRect(x + leftWidth, y, width - leftWidth - rightWidth, cornerHeight, st::msgServiceBg);
return cornerHeight;
} else if (style == SideStyle::Inverted) {
// CornerLeft and CornerRight are inverted for SideStyle::Inverted sprites.
auto left = circleCorner((InvertedMask * MaskMultiplier) | side | CornerRight);
int leftWidth = left.width() / cIntRetinaFactor();
p.drawPixmap(x - leftWidth, y, left);
auto right = circleCorner((InvertedMask * MaskMultiplier) | side | CornerLeft);
p.drawPixmap(x + width, y, right);
return 0;
void paintBubblePart(Painter &p, int x, int y, int width, int height, SideStyle topStyle, SideStyle bottomStyle, bool forceShrink = false) {
if (topStyle == SideStyle::Inverted || bottomStyle == SideStyle::Inverted || forceShrink) {
width -= historyServiceMsgInvertedShrink() * 2;
x += historyServiceMsgInvertedShrink();
2016-07-08 10:06:41 +00:00
if (int skip = paintBubbleSide(p, x, y, width, topStyle, CornerTop)) {
y += skip;
height -= skip;
2016-07-08 10:06:41 +00:00
int bottomSize = 0;
if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Rounded) {
bottomSize = historyServiceMsgRadius();
2016-07-08 10:06:41 +00:00
} else if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Inverted) {
bottomSize = historyServiceMsgInvertedRadius();
2016-07-08 10:06:41 +00:00
if (int skip = paintBubbleSide(p, x, y + height - bottomSize, width, bottomStyle, CornerBottom)) {
height -= skip;
p.fillRect(x, y, width, height, st::msgServiceBg);
void paintPreparedDate(Painter &p, const QString &dateText, int dateTextWidth, int y, int w) {
int left = st::msgServiceMargin.left();
int maxwidth = w;
if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
maxwidth = qMin(maxwidth, WideChatWidth());
w = maxwidth - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - st::msgServiceMargin.left();
left += (w - dateTextWidth - st::msgServicePadding.left() - st::msgServicePadding.right()) / 2;
int height = + st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.bottom();
2016-07-08 10:06:41 +00:00
ServiceMessagePainter::paintBubble(p, left, y +, dateTextWidth + st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.left(), height);
p.drawText(left + st::msgServicePadding.left(), y + + + st::msgServiceFont->ascent, dateText);
} // namepsace
int WideChatWidth() {
return st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left();
void ServiceMessagePainter::paintDate(Painter &p, const QDateTime &date, int y, int w) {
auto dateText = langDayOfMonthFull(;
auto dateTextWidth = st::msgServiceFont->width(dateText);
paintPreparedDate(p, dateText, dateTextWidth, y, w);
void ServiceMessagePainter::paintDate(Painter &p, const QString &dateText, int dateTextWidth, int y, int w) {
paintPreparedDate(p, dateText, dateTextWidth, y, w);
2016-07-08 10:06:41 +00:00
void ServiceMessagePainter::paintBubble(Painter &p, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
paintBubblePart(p, x, y, w, h, SideStyle::Rounded, SideStyle::Rounded);
void ServiceMessagePainter::paintComplexBubble(Painter &p, int left, int width, const Text &text, const QRect &textRect) {
auto lineWidths = countLineWidths(text, textRect);
int y =, previousRichWidth = 0;
bool previousShrink = false, forceShrink = false;
SideStyle topStyle = SideStyle::Rounded, bottomStyle;
for (int i = 0, count = lineWidths.size(); i < count; ++i) {
auto lineWidth =;
if (i + 1 < count) {
auto nextLineWidth = + 1);
if (nextLineWidth > lineWidth) {
bottomStyle = SideStyle::Inverted;
} else if (nextLineWidth < lineWidth) {
bottomStyle = SideStyle::Rounded;
} else {
bottomStyle = SideStyle::Plain;
} else {
bottomStyle = SideStyle::Rounded;
auto richWidth = lineWidth + st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right();
auto richHeight = st::msgServiceFont->height;
if (topStyle == SideStyle::Rounded) {
richHeight +=;
} else if (topStyle == SideStyle::Inverted) {
richHeight -= st::msgServicePadding.bottom();
if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Rounded) {
richHeight += st::msgServicePadding.bottom();
} else if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Inverted) {
richHeight -=;
forceShrink = previousShrink && (richWidth == previousRichWidth);
paintBubblePart(p, left + ((width - richWidth) / 2), y, richWidth, richHeight, topStyle, bottomStyle, forceShrink);
y += richHeight;
previousShrink = forceShrink || (topStyle == SideStyle::Inverted) || (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Inverted);
previousRichWidth = richWidth;
if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Inverted) {
topStyle = SideStyle::Rounded;
} else if (bottomStyle == SideStyle::Rounded) {
topStyle = SideStyle::Inverted;
} else {
topStyle = SideStyle::Plain;
QVector<int> ServiceMessagePainter::countLineWidths(const Text &text, const QRect &textRect) {
int linesCount = qMax(textRect.height() / st::msgServiceFont->height, 1);
QVector<int> lineWidths;
text.countLineWidths(textRect.width(), &lineWidths);
int minDelta = 2 * (historyServiceMsgRadius() + historyServiceMsgInvertedRadius() - historyServiceMsgInvertedShrink());
for (int i = 0, count = lineWidths.size(); i < count; ++i) {
int width = qMax(, 0);
if (i > 0) {
int widthBefore = - 1);
if (width < widthBefore && width + minDelta > widthBefore) {
width = widthBefore;
if (i + 1 < count) {
int widthAfter = + 1);
if (width < widthAfter && width + minDelta > widthAfter) {
width = widthAfter;
if (width > {
lineWidths[i] = width;
if (i > 0) {
int widthBefore = - 1);
if (widthBefore != width && widthBefore < width + minDelta && widthBefore + minDelta > width) {
i -= 2;
return lineWidths;
void paintEmpty(Painter &p, int width, int height) {
void serviceColorsUpdated() {
if (serviceMessageStyle) {
for (auto &corner : serviceMessageStyle->corners) {
corner = QPixmap();
not_null<ElementDelegate*> delegate,
not_null<HistoryService*> data)
: Element(delegate, data) {
not_null<HistoryService*> Service::message() const {
return static_cast<HistoryService*>(data().get());
QRect Service::countGeometry() const {
auto result = QRect(0, 0, width(), height());
if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
result.setWidth(qMin(result.width(), st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left()));
return result.marginsRemoved(st::msgServiceMargin);
QSize Service::performCountCurrentSize(int newWidth) {
const auto item = message();
const auto media = this->media();
auto newHeight = displayedDateHeight();
if (const auto bar = Get<UnreadBar>()) {
newHeight += bar->height();
if (item->_text.isEmpty()) {
item->_textHeight = 0;
} else {
auto contentWidth = newWidth;
if (Adaptive::ChatWide()) {
accumulate_min(contentWidth, st::msgMaxWidth + 2 * st::msgPhotoSkip + 2 * st::msgMargin.left());
contentWidth -= st::msgServiceMargin.left() + st::msgServiceMargin.left(); // two small margins
if (contentWidth < st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right() + 1) {
contentWidth = st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right() + 1;
auto nwidth = qMax(contentWidth - st::msgServicePadding.left() - st::msgServicePadding.right(), 0);
if (nwidth != item->_textWidth) {
item->_textWidth = nwidth;
item->_textHeight = item->_text.countHeight(nwidth);
if (contentWidth >= maxWidth()) {
newHeight += minHeight();
} else {
newHeight += item->_textHeight;
newHeight += + st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + + st::msgServiceMargin.bottom();
if (media) {
newHeight += + media->resizeGetHeight(media->width());
return { newWidth, newHeight };
QSize Service::performCountOptimalSize() {
const auto item = message();
const auto media = this->media();
auto maxWidth = item->_text.maxWidth() + st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right();
auto minHeight = item->_text.minHeight();
if (media) {
return { maxWidth, minHeight };
void Service::draw(
Painter &p,
QRect clip,
TextSelection selection,
TimeMs ms) const {
const auto item = message();
auto g = countGeometry();
if (g.width() < 1) {
auto height = this->height() - - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom();
auto dateh = 0;
auto unreadbarh = 0;
if (auto date = Get<DateBadge>()) {
dateh = date->height();
p.translate(0, dateh);
clip.translate(0, -dateh);
height -= dateh;
if (const auto bar = Get<UnreadBar>()) {
unreadbarh = bar->height();
if (clip.intersects(QRect(0, 0, width(), unreadbarh))) {
bar->paint(p, 0, width());
p.translate(0, unreadbarh);
clip.translate(0, -unreadbarh);
height -= unreadbarh;
auto fullAnimMs = App::main() ? App::main()->highlightStartTime(item) : 0LL;
if (fullAnimMs > 0 && fullAnimMs <= ms) {
auto animms = ms - fullAnimMs;
if (animms < st::activeFadeInDuration + st::activeFadeOutDuration) {
auto top =;
auto bottom = st::msgServiceMargin.bottom();
auto fill = qMin(top, bottom);
auto skiptop = top - fill;
auto fillheight = fill + height + fill;
auto dt = (animms > st::activeFadeInDuration) ? (1. - (animms - st::activeFadeInDuration) / float64(st::activeFadeOutDuration)) : (animms / float64(st::activeFadeInDuration));
auto o = p.opacity();
p.setOpacity(o * dt);
p.fillRect(0, skiptop, width(), fillheight, st::defaultTextPalette.selectOverlay);
if (auto media = this->media()) {
height -= + media->height();
auto left = st::msgServiceMargin.left() + (g.width() - media->maxWidth()) / 2, top = + height +;
p.translate(left, top);
media->draw(p, clip.translated(-left, -top), TextSelection(), ms);
p.translate(-left, -top);
auto trect = QRect(g.left(),, g.width(), height).marginsAdded(-st::msgServicePadding);
ServiceMessagePainter::paintComplexBubble(p, g.left(), g.width(), item->_text, trect);
item->_text.draw(p, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), Qt::AlignCenter, 0, -1, selection, false);
if (auto skiph = dateh + unreadbarh) {
p.translate(0, -skiph);
bool Service::hasPoint(QPoint point) const {
const auto item = message();
const auto media = this->media();
auto g = countGeometry();
if (g.width() < 1) {
return false;
if (const auto dateh = displayedDateHeight()) {
g.setTop( + dateh);
if (const auto bar = Get<UnreadBar>()) {
g.setTop( + bar->height());
if (media) {
g.setHeight(g.height() - ( + media->height()));
return g.contains(point);
HistoryTextState Service::getState(QPoint point, HistoryStateRequest request) const {
const auto item = message();
const auto media = this->media();
auto result = HistoryTextState(item);
auto g = countGeometry();
if (g.width() < 1) {
return result;
if (const auto dateh = displayedDateHeight()) {
point.setY(point.y() - dateh);
g.setHeight(g.height() - dateh);
if (const auto bar = Get<UnreadBar>()) {
auto unreadbarh = bar->height();
point.setY(point.y() - unreadbarh);
g.setHeight(g.height() - unreadbarh);
if (media) {
g.setHeight(g.height() - ( + media->height()));
auto trect = g.marginsAdded(-st::msgServicePadding);
if (trect.contains(point)) {
auto textRequest = request.forText();
textRequest.align = style::al_center;
result = HistoryTextState(item, item->_text.getState(
point - trect.topLeft(),
if (auto gamescore = item->Get<HistoryServiceGameScore>()) {
if (! && result.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState && g.contains(point)) { = gamescore->lnk;
} else if (auto payment = item->Get<HistoryServicePayment>()) {
if (! && result.cursor == HistoryInTextCursorState && g.contains(point)) { = payment->lnk;
} else if (media) {
result = media->getState(point - QPoint(st::msgServiceMargin.left() + (g.width() - media->maxWidth()) / 2, + g.height() +, request);
return result;
void Service::updatePressed(QPoint point) {
TextWithEntities Service::selectedText(TextSelection selection) const {
return message()->_text.originalTextWithEntities(selection);
TextSelection Service::adjustSelection(
TextSelection selection,
TextSelectType type) const {
return message()->_text.adjustSelection(selection, type);
2018-01-09 17:08:31 +00:00
} // namespace HistoryView