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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston,
#include "data/data_peer.h"
#include <rpl/filter.h>
#include <rpl/map.h>
#include "data/data_peer_values.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
#include "observer_peer.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "apiwrap.h"
#include "boxes/confirm_box.h"
#include "styles/style_history.h"
#include "auth_session.h"
#include "messenger.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "window/window_controller.h"
namespace {
constexpr auto kUpdateFullPeerTimeout = TimeMs(5000); // Not more than once in 5 seconds.
int peerColorIndex(const PeerId &peer) {
auto myId = Auth().userId();
auto peerId = peerToBareInt(peer);
auto both = (QByteArray::number(peerId) + QByteArray::number(myId)).mid(0, 15);
uchar md5[16];
hashMd5(both.constData(), both.size(), md5);
return (md5[peerId & 0x0F] & (peerIsUser(peer) ? 0x07 : 0x03));
ImagePtr generateUserpicImage(const style::icon &icon) {
auto data = QImage(icon.size() * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
Painter p(&data);
icon.paint(p, 0, 0, icon.width());
return ImagePtr(App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(data)), "PNG");
} // namespace
style::color peerUserpicColor(int index) {
static style::color peerColors[kUserColorsCount] = {
return peerColors[index];
class EmptyUserpic::Impl {
Impl(int index, const QString &name) : _color(peerUserpicColor(index)) {
void paint(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size);
void paintRounded(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size);
void paintSquare(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size);
StorageKey uniqueKey() const;
template <typename PaintBackground>
void paint(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size, PaintBackground paintBackground);
void fillString(const QString &name);
style::color _color;
QString _string;
template <typename PaintBackground>
void EmptyUserpic::Impl::paint(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size, PaintBackground paintBackground) {
auto fontsize = (size * 13) / 33;
auto font = st::historyPeerUserpicFont->f;
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
p.drawText(QRect(x, y, size, size), _string, QTextOption(style::al_center));
void EmptyUserpic::Impl::paint(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) {
paint(p, x, y, size, [&p, x, y, size] {
p.drawEllipse(x, y, size, size);
void EmptyUserpic::Impl::paintRounded(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) {
paint(p, x, y, size, [&p, x, y, size] {
p.drawRoundedRect(x, y, size, size, st::buttonRadius, st::buttonRadius);
void EmptyUserpic::Impl::paintSquare(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) {
paint(p, x, y, size, [&p, x, y, size] {
p.fillRect(x, y, size, size, p.brush());
StorageKey EmptyUserpic::Impl::uniqueKey() const {
auto first = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL | anim::getPremultiplied(_color->c);
auto second = uint64(0);
memcpy(&second, _string.constData(), qMin(sizeof(second), _string.size() * sizeof(QChar)));
return StorageKey(first, second);
void EmptyUserpic::Impl::fillString(const QString &name) {
QList<QString> letters;
QList<int> levels;
auto level = 0;
auto letterFound = false;
auto ch = name.constData(), end = ch + name.size();
while (ch != end) {
auto emojiLength = 0;
if (auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(ch, end, &emojiLength)) {
ch += emojiLength;
} else if (ch->isHighSurrogate()) {
if (ch != end && ch->isLowSurrogate()) {
} else if (!letterFound && ch->isLetterOrNumber()) {
letterFound = true;
if (ch + 1 != end && chIsDiac(*(ch + 1))) {
letters.push_back(QString(ch, 2));
} else {
letters.push_back(QString(ch, 1));
} else {
if (*ch == ' ') {
level = 0;
letterFound = false;
} else if (letterFound && *ch == '-') {
level = 1;
letterFound = true;
// We prefer the second letter to be after ' ', but it can also be after '-'.
_string = QString();
if (!letters.isEmpty()) {
_string += letters.front();
auto bestIndex = 0;
auto bestLevel = 2;
for (auto i = letters.size(); i != 1;) {
if (levels[--i] < bestLevel) {
bestIndex = i;
bestLevel = levels[i];
if (bestIndex > 0) {
_string += letters[bestIndex];
_string = _string.toUpper();
EmptyUserpic::EmptyUserpic() = default;
EmptyUserpic::EmptyUserpic(int index, const QString &name) : _impl(std::make_unique<Impl>(index, name)) {
void EmptyUserpic::set(int index, const QString &name) {
_impl = std::make_unique<Impl>(index, name);
void EmptyUserpic::clear() {
void EmptyUserpic::paint(Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, int size) const {
Expects(_impl != nullptr);
_impl->paint(p, rtl() ? (outerWidth - x - size) : x, y, size);
void EmptyUserpic::paintRounded(Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, int size) const {
Expects(_impl != nullptr);
_impl->paintRounded(p, rtl() ? (outerWidth - x - size) : x, y, size);
void EmptyUserpic::paintSquare(Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, int size) const {
Expects(_impl != nullptr);
_impl->paintSquare(p, rtl() ? (outerWidth - x - size) : x, y, size);
StorageKey EmptyUserpic::uniqueKey() const {
Expects(_impl != nullptr);
return _impl->uniqueKey();
QPixmap EmptyUserpic::generate(int size) {
auto result = QImage(QSize(size, size) * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
Painter p(&result);
paint(p, 0, 0, size, size);
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(result));
EmptyUserpic::~EmptyUserpic() = default;
using UpdateFlag = Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag;
NotifySettings globalNotifyAll, globalNotifyUsers, globalNotifyChats;
NotifySettingsPtr globalNotifyAllPtr = UnknownNotifySettings, globalNotifyUsersPtr = UnknownNotifySettings, globalNotifyChatsPtr = UnknownNotifySettings;
PeerClickHandler::PeerClickHandler(not_null<PeerData*> peer) : _peer(peer) {
void PeerClickHandler::onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const {
if (button == Qt::LeftButton && App::main()) {
if (_peer && _peer->isChannel() && App::main()->historyPeer() != _peer) {
if (!_peer->asChannel()->isPublic() && !_peer->asChannel()->amIn()) {
Ui::show(Box<InformBox>(lang((_peer->isMegagroup()) ? lng_group_not_accessible : lng_channel_not_accessible)));
} else {
} else {
PeerData::PeerData(const PeerId &id) : id(id), _colorIndex(peerColorIndex(id)) {
nameText.setText(st::msgNameStyle, QString(), _textNameOptions);
_userpicEmpty.set(_colorIndex, QString());
void PeerData::updateNameDelayed(const QString &newName, const QString &newNameOrPhone, const QString &newUsername) {
if (name == newName) {
if (isUser()) {
if (asUser()->nameOrPhone == newNameOrPhone && asUser()->username == newUsername) {
} else if (isChannel()) {
if (asChannel()->username == newUsername) {
} else if (isChat()) {
name = newName;
nameText.setText(st::msgNameStyle, name, _textNameOptions);
if (!_userpic) {
_userpicEmpty.set(_colorIndex, name);
Notify::PeerUpdate update(this);
update.flags |= UpdateFlag::NameChanged;
update.oldNameFirstChars = nameFirstChars();
if (isUser()) {
if (asUser()->username != newUsername) {
asUser()->username = newUsername;
update.flags |= UpdateFlag::UsernameChanged;
} else if (isChannel()) {
if (asChannel()->username != newUsername) {
asChannel()->username = newUsername;
if (newUsername.isEmpty()) {
} else {
update.flags |= UpdateFlag::UsernameChanged;
Notify::PeerUpdated().notify(update, true);
ClickHandlerPtr PeerData::createOpenLink() {
return MakeShared<PeerClickHandler>(this);
void PeerData::setUserpic(ImagePtr userpic) {
_userpic = userpic;
if (!_userpic || !_userpic->loaded()) {
_userpicEmpty.set(_colorIndex, name);
} else {
ImagePtr PeerData::currentUserpic() const {
if (_userpic) {
if (_userpic->loaded()) {
return _userpic;
return ImagePtr();
void PeerData::paintUserpic(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) const {
if (auto userpic = currentUserpic()) {
p.drawPixmap(x, y, userpic->pixCircled(size, size));
} else {
_userpicEmpty.paint(p, x, y, x + size + x, size);
void PeerData::paintUserpicRounded(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) const {
if (auto userpic = currentUserpic()) {
p.drawPixmap(x, y, userpic->pixRounded(size, size, ImageRoundRadius::Small));
} else {
_userpicEmpty.paintRounded(p, x, y, x + size + x, size);
void PeerData::paintUserpicSquare(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) const {
if (auto userpic = currentUserpic()) {
p.drawPixmap(x, y, userpic->pix(size, size));
} else {
_userpicEmpty.paintSquare(p, x, y, x + size + x, size);
StorageKey PeerData::userpicUniqueKey() const {
if (photoLoc.isNull() || !_userpic || !_userpic->loaded()) {
return _userpicEmpty.uniqueKey();
return storageKey(photoLoc);
void PeerData::saveUserpic(const QString &path, int size) const {
genUserpic(size).save(path, "PNG");
void PeerData::saveUserpicRounded(const QString &path, int size) const {
genUserpicRounded(size).save(path, "PNG");
QPixmap PeerData::genUserpic(int size) const {
if (auto userpic = currentUserpic()) {
return userpic->pixCircled(size, size);
auto result = QImage(QSize(size, size) * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
Painter p(&result);
paintUserpic(p, 0, 0, size);
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(result));
QPixmap PeerData::genUserpicRounded(int size) const {
if (auto userpic = currentUserpic()) {
return userpic->pixRounded(size, size, ImageRoundRadius::Small);
auto result = QImage(QSize(size, size) * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
Painter p(&result);
paintUserpicRounded(p, 0, 0, size);
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(result));
const Text &BotCommand::descriptionText() const {
if (_descriptionText.isEmpty() && !_description.isEmpty()) {
_descriptionText.setText(st::defaultTextStyle, _description, _textNameOptions);
return _descriptionText;
bool UserData::canShareThisContact() const {
return canShareThisContactFast() || !App::phoneFromSharedContact(peerToUser(id)).isEmpty();
void UserData::setPhoto(const MTPUserProfilePhoto &p) { // see Local::readPeer as well
PhotoId newPhotoId = photoId;
ImagePtr newPhoto = _userpic;
StorageImageLocation newPhotoLoc = photoLoc;
switch (p.type()) {
case mtpc_userProfilePhoto: {
const auto &d(p.c_userProfilePhoto());
newPhotoId = d.vphoto_id.v;
newPhotoLoc = App::imageLocation(160, 160, d.vphoto_small);
newPhoto = newPhotoLoc.isNull() ? ImagePtr() : ImagePtr(newPhotoLoc);
//App::feedPhoto(App::photoFromUserPhoto(peerToUser(id), MTP_int(unixtime()), p));
} break;
default: {
newPhotoId = 0;
if (id == ServiceUserId) {
if (!_userpic) {
newPhoto = ImagePtr(App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(Messenger::Instance().logoNoMargin().scaledToWidth(160, Qt::SmoothTransformation)), "PNG");
} else {
newPhoto = ImagePtr();
newPhotoLoc = StorageImageLocation();
} break;
if (newPhotoId != photoId || newPhoto.v() != _userpic.v() || newPhotoLoc != photoLoc) {
photoId = newPhotoId;
photoLoc = newPhotoLoc;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::PhotoChanged);
void PeerData::fillNames() {
auto toIndex = TextUtilities::RemoveAccents(name);
if (cRussianLetters().match(toIndex).hasMatch()) {
toIndex += ' ' + translitRusEng(toIndex);
if (isUser()) {
if (!asUser()->nameOrPhone.isEmpty() && asUser()->nameOrPhone != name) toIndex += ' ' + TextUtilities::RemoveAccents(asUser()->nameOrPhone);
if (!asUser()->username.isEmpty()) toIndex += ' ' + TextUtilities::RemoveAccents(asUser()->username);
} else if (isChannel()) {
if (!asChannel()->username.isEmpty()) toIndex += ' ' + TextUtilities::RemoveAccents(asChannel()->username);
toIndex += ' ' + rusKeyboardLayoutSwitch(toIndex);
auto namesList = TextUtilities::PrepareSearchWords(toIndex);
for (auto &name : namesList) {
bool UserData::setAbout(const QString &newAbout) {
if (_about == newAbout) {
return false;
_about = newAbout;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::AboutChanged);
return true;
void UserData::setRestrictionReason(const QString &text) {
if (_restrictionReason != text) {
_restrictionReason = text;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::RestrictionReasonChanged);
void UserData::setCommonChatsCount(int count) {
if (_commonChatsCount != count) {
_commonChatsCount = count;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::UserCommonChatsChanged);
void UserData::setName(const QString &newFirstName, const QString &newLastName, const QString &newPhoneName, const QString &newUsername) {
bool changeName = !newFirstName.isEmpty() || !newLastName.isEmpty();
QString newFullName;
if (changeName && newFirstName.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
firstName = newLastName;
lastName = QString();
newFullName = firstName;
} else {
if (changeName) {
firstName = newFirstName;
lastName = newLastName;
newFullName = lastName.isEmpty() ? firstName : lng_full_name(lt_first_name, firstName, lt_last_name, lastName);
updateNameDelayed(newFullName, newPhoneName, newUsername);
void UserData::setPhone(const QString &newPhone) {
_phone = newPhone;
void UserData::setBotInfoVersion(int version) {
if (version < 0) {
if (botInfo) {
if (!botInfo->commands.isEmpty()) {
botInfo = nullptr;
} else if (!botInfo) {
botInfo = std::make_unique<BotInfo>();
botInfo->version = version;
} else if (botInfo->version < version) {
if (!botInfo->commands.isEmpty()) {
botInfo->version = version;
botInfo->inited = false;
void UserData::setBotInfo(const MTPBotInfo &info) {
switch (info.type()) {
case mtpc_botInfo: {
const auto &d(info.c_botInfo());
if (peerFromUser(d.vuser_id.v) != id || !botInfo) return;
QString desc = qs(d.vdescription);
if (botInfo->description != desc) {
botInfo->description = desc;
botInfo->text = Text(st::msgMinWidth);
auto &v = d.vcommands.v;
auto changedCommands = false;
int32 j = 0;
for (int32 i = 0, l = v.size(); i < l; ++i) {
if ( != mtpc_botCommand) continue;
QString cmd = qs(, desc = qs(;
if (botInfo->commands.size() <= j) {
botInfo->commands.push_back(BotCommand(cmd, desc));
changedCommands = true;
} else {
if (botInfo->commands[j].command != cmd) {
botInfo->commands[j].command = cmd;
changedCommands = true;
if (botInfo->commands[j].setDescription(desc)) {
changedCommands = true;
while (j < botInfo->commands.size()) {
changedCommands = true;
botInfo->inited = true;
if (changedCommands) {
} break;
void UserData::setNameOrPhone(const QString &newNameOrPhone) {
if (nameOrPhone != newNameOrPhone) {
nameOrPhone = newNameOrPhone;
phoneText.setText(st::msgNameStyle, nameOrPhone, _textNameOptions);
void UserData::madeAction(TimeId when) {
if (botInfo || isServiceUser(id) || when <= 0) return;
if (onlineTill <= 0 && -onlineTill < when) {
onlineTill = -when - SetOnlineAfterActivity;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserOnlineChanged);
} else if (onlineTill > 0 && onlineTill < when + 1) {
onlineTill = when + SetOnlineAfterActivity;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserOnlineChanged);
void UserData::setAccessHash(uint64 accessHash) {
if (accessHash == kInaccessibleAccessHashOld) {
_accessHash = 0;
// _flags.add(MTPDuser_ClientFlag::f_inaccessible | 0);
} else {
_accessHash = accessHash;
void UserData::setBlockStatus(BlockStatus blockStatus) {
if (blockStatus != _blockStatus) {
_blockStatus = blockStatus;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::UserIsBlocked);
void UserData::setCallsStatus(CallsStatus callsStatus) {
if (callsStatus != _callsStatus) {
_callsStatus = callsStatus;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::UserHasCalls);
bool UserData::hasCalls() const {
return (callsStatus() != CallsStatus::Disabled) && (callsStatus() != CallsStatus::Unknown);
void ChatData::setPhoto(const MTPChatPhoto &p, const PhotoId &phId) { // see Local::readPeer as well
PhotoId newPhotoId = photoId;
ImagePtr newPhoto = _userpic;
StorageImageLocation newPhotoLoc = photoLoc;
switch (p.type()) {
case mtpc_chatPhoto: {
const auto &d(p.c_chatPhoto());
if (phId != UnknownPeerPhotoId) {
newPhotoId = phId;
newPhotoLoc = App::imageLocation(160, 160, d.vphoto_small);
newPhoto = newPhotoLoc.isNull() ? ImagePtr() : ImagePtr(newPhotoLoc);
// photoFull = newPhoto ? ImagePtr(640, 640, d.vphoto_big, ImagePtr()) : ImagePtr();
} break;
default: {
newPhotoId = 0;
newPhotoLoc = StorageImageLocation();
newPhoto = ImagePtr();
// photoFull = ImagePtr();
} break;
if (newPhotoId != photoId || newPhoto.v() != _userpic.v() || newPhotoLoc != photoLoc) {
photoId = newPhotoId;
photoLoc = newPhotoLoc;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::PhotoChanged);
void ChatData::setName(const QString &newName) {
updateNameDelayed(newName.isEmpty() ? name : newName, QString(), QString());
void ChatData::invalidateParticipants() {
auto wasCanEdit = canEdit();
botStatus = 0;
if (wasCanEdit != canEdit()) {
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChatCanEdit);
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged | Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::AdminsChanged);
void ChatData::setInviteLink(const QString &newInviteLink) {
if (newInviteLink != _inviteLink) {
_inviteLink = newInviteLink;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::InviteLinkChanged);
ChannelData::ChannelData(const PeerId &id)
: PeerData(id)
, inputChannel(MTP_inputChannel(MTP_int(bareId()), MTP_long(0))) {
Data::PeerFlagValue(this, MTPDchannel::Flag::f_megagroup)
| rpl::start_with_next([this](bool megagroup) {
if (megagroup) {
if (!mgInfo) {
mgInfo = std::make_unique<MegagroupInfo>();
} else if (mgInfo) {
mgInfo = nullptr;
}, _lifetime);
void ChannelData::setPhoto(const MTPChatPhoto &p, const PhotoId &phId) { // see Local::readPeer as well
PhotoId newPhotoId = photoId;
ImagePtr newPhoto = _userpic;
StorageImageLocation newPhotoLoc = photoLoc;
switch (p.type()) {
case mtpc_chatPhoto: {
const auto &d(p.c_chatPhoto());
if (phId != UnknownPeerPhotoId) {
newPhotoId = phId;
newPhotoLoc = App::imageLocation(160, 160, d.vphoto_small);
newPhoto = newPhotoLoc.isNull() ? ImagePtr() : ImagePtr(newPhotoLoc);
// photoFull = newPhoto ? ImagePtr(640, 640, d.vphoto_big, newPhoto) : ImagePtr();
} break;
default: {
newPhotoId = 0;
newPhotoLoc = StorageImageLocation();
newPhoto = ImagePtr();
// photoFull = ImagePtr();
} break;
if (newPhotoId != photoId || newPhoto.v() != _userpic.v() || newPhotoLoc != photoLoc) {
photoId = newPhotoId;
photoLoc = newPhotoLoc;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::PhotoChanged);
void ChannelData::setName(const QString &newName, const QString &newUsername) {
updateNameDelayed(newName.isEmpty() ? name : newName, QString(), newUsername);
void PeerData::updateFull() {
if (!_lastFullUpdate || getms(true) > _lastFullUpdate + kUpdateFullPeerTimeout) {
void PeerData::updateFullForced() {
if (auto channel = asChannel()) {
if (!channel->amCreator() && !channel->inviter) {
void PeerData::fullUpdated() {
_lastFullUpdate = getms(true);
bool ChannelData::setAbout(const QString &newAbout) {
if (_about == newAbout) {
return false;
_about = newAbout;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::AboutChanged);
return true;
void ChannelData::setInviteLink(const QString &newInviteLink) {
if (newInviteLink != _inviteLink) {
_inviteLink = newInviteLink;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::InviteLinkChanged);
void ChannelData::setMembersCount(int newMembersCount) {
if (_membersCount != newMembersCount) {
if (isMegagroup() && !mgInfo->lastParticipants.isEmpty()) {
mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus |= MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsCountOutdated;
mgInfo->lastParticipantsCount = membersCount();
_membersCount = newMembersCount;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged);
void ChannelData::setAdminsCount(int newAdminsCount) {
if (_adminsCount != newAdminsCount) {
_adminsCount = newAdminsCount;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::AdminsChanged);
void ChannelData::setRestrictedCount(int newRestrictedCount) {
if (_restrictedCount != newRestrictedCount) {
_restrictedCount = newRestrictedCount;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::BannedUsersChanged);
void ChannelData::setKickedCount(int newKickedCount) {
if (_kickedCount != newKickedCount) {
_kickedCount = newKickedCount;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::BannedUsersChanged);
MTPChannelBannedRights ChannelData::KickedRestrictedRights() {
using Flag = MTPDchannelBannedRights::Flag;
auto flags = Flag::f_view_messages | Flag::f_send_messages | Flag::f_send_media | Flag::f_embed_links | Flag::f_send_stickers | Flag::f_send_gifs | Flag::f_send_games | Flag::f_send_inline;
return MTP_channelBannedRights(MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(std::numeric_limits<int32>::max()));
void ChannelData::applyEditAdmin(not_null<UserData*> user, const MTPChannelAdminRights &oldRights, const MTPChannelAdminRights &newRights) {
auto flags = Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::AdminsChanged | Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::None;
if (mgInfo) {
if (!mgInfo->lastParticipants.contains(user)) { // If rights are empty - still add participant? TODO check
setMembersCount(membersCount() + 1);
if (user->botInfo && !mgInfo->bots.contains(user)) {
if (mgInfo->botStatus != 0 && mgInfo->botStatus < 2) {
mgInfo->botStatus = 2;
if (mgInfo->lastRestricted.contains(user)) { // If rights are empty - still remove restrictions? TODO check
if (restrictedCount() > 0) {
setRestrictedCount(restrictedCount() - 1);
auto it = mgInfo->lastAdmins.find(user);
if (newRights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v != 0) {
auto lastAdmin = MegagroupInfo::Admin { newRights };
lastAdmin.canEdit = true;
if (it == mgInfo->lastAdmins.cend()) {
mgInfo->lastAdmins.insert(user, lastAdmin);
setAdminsCount(adminsCount() + 1);
} else {
it.value() = lastAdmin;
} else {
if (it != mgInfo->lastAdmins.cend()) {
if (adminsCount() > 0) {
setAdminsCount(adminsCount() - 1);
if (oldRights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v && !newRights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v) {
// We removed an admin.
if (adminsCount() > 1) {
setAdminsCount(adminsCount() - 1);
if (!isMegagroup() && user->botInfo && membersCount() > 1) {
// Removing bot admin removes it from channel.
setMembersCount(membersCount() - 1);
} else if (!oldRights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v && newRights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v) {
// We added an admin.
setAdminsCount(adminsCount() + 1);
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, flags);
void ChannelData::applyEditBanned(not_null<UserData*> user, const MTPChannelBannedRights &oldRights, const MTPChannelBannedRights &newRights) {
auto flags = Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::BannedUsersChanged | Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::None;
if (mgInfo) {
if (mgInfo->lastAdmins.contains(user)) { // If rights are empty - still remove admin? TODO check
if (adminsCount() > 1) {
setAdminsCount(adminsCount() - 1);
} else {
flags |= Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::AdminsChanged;
auto isKicked = (newRights.c_channelBannedRights().vflags.v & MTPDchannelBannedRights::Flag::f_view_messages);
auto isRestricted = !isKicked && (newRights.c_channelBannedRights().vflags.v != 0);
auto it = mgInfo->lastRestricted.find(user);
if (isRestricted) {
if (it == mgInfo->lastRestricted.cend()) {
mgInfo->lastRestricted.insert(user, MegagroupInfo::Restricted { newRights });
setRestrictedCount(restrictedCount() + 1);
} else {
it->rights = newRights;
} else {
if (it != mgInfo->lastRestricted.cend()) {
if (restrictedCount() > 0) {
setRestrictedCount(restrictedCount() - 1);
if (isKicked) {
auto i = mgInfo->lastParticipants.indexOf(user);
if (i >= 0) {
if (membersCount() > 1) {
setMembersCount(membersCount() - 1);
} else {
mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus |= MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsCountOutdated;
mgInfo->lastParticipantsCount = 0;
setKickedCount(kickedCount() + 1);
if (mgInfo->bots.contains(user)) {
if (mgInfo->bots.isEmpty() && mgInfo->botStatus > 0) {
mgInfo->botStatus = -1;
flags |= Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged;
Auth().data().removeMegagroupParticipant(this, user);
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, flags);
void ChannelData::setRestrictionReason(const QString &text) {
if (_restrictionReason != text) {
_restrictionReason = text;
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::RestrictionReasonChanged);
bool ChannelData::canNotEditLastAdmin(not_null<UserData*> user) const {
if (mgInfo) {
auto i = mgInfo->lastAdmins.constFind(user);
if (i != mgInfo->lastAdmins.cend()) {
return !i->canEdit;
return (user == mgInfo->creator);
return false;
bool ChannelData::canEditAdmin(not_null<UserData*> user) const {
if (user->isSelf()) {
return false;
} else if (amCreator()) {
return true;
} else if (canNotEditLastAdmin(user)) {
return false;
return adminRights() & AdminRight::f_add_admins;
bool ChannelData::canRestrictUser(not_null<UserData*> user) const {
if (user->isSelf()) {
return false;
} else if (amCreator()) {
return true;
} else if (canNotEditLastAdmin(user)) {
return false;
return adminRights() & AdminRight::f_ban_users;
void ChannelData::setAdminRights(const MTPChannelAdminRights &rights) {
if (rights.c_channelAdminRights().vflags.v == adminRights()) {
if (isMegagroup()) {
if (hasAdminRights()) {
if (!amCreator()) {
auto me = MegagroupInfo::Admin { rights };
me.canEdit = false;
mgInfo->lastAdmins.insert(App::self(), me);
} else {
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::ChannelRightsChanged | UpdateFlag::AdminsChanged | UpdateFlag::BannedUsersChanged);
void ChannelData::setRestrictedRights(const MTPChannelBannedRights &rights) {
if (rights.c_channelBannedRights().vflags.v == restrictions()
&& rights.c_channelBannedRights().vuntil_date.v == _restrictedUntill) {
_restrictedUntill = rights.c_channelBannedRights().vuntil_date.v;
if (isMegagroup()) {
if (hasRestrictions()) {
if (!amCreator()) {
auto me = MegagroupInfo::Restricted { rights };
mgInfo->lastRestricted.insert(App::self(), me);
} else {
Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(this, UpdateFlag::ChannelRightsChanged | UpdateFlag::AdminsChanged | UpdateFlag::BannedUsersChanged);
uint64 PtsWaiter::ptsKey(PtsSkippedQueue queue, int32 pts) {
return _queue.insert(uint64(uint32(pts)) << 32 | (++_skippedKey), queue).key();
void PtsWaiter::setWaitingForSkipped(ChannelData *channel, int32 ms) {
if (ms >= 0) {
if (App::main()) {
App::main()->ptsWaiterStartTimerFor(channel, ms);
_waitingForSkipped = true;
} else {
_waitingForSkipped = false;
void PtsWaiter::setWaitingForShortPoll(ChannelData *channel, int32 ms) {
if (ms >= 0) {
if (App::main()) {
App::main()->ptsWaiterStartTimerFor(channel, ms);
_waitingForShortPoll = true;
} else {
_waitingForShortPoll = false;
void PtsWaiter::checkForWaiting(ChannelData *channel) {
if (!_waitingForSkipped && !_waitingForShortPoll && App::main()) {
App::main()->ptsWaiterStartTimerFor(channel, -1);
void PtsWaiter::applySkippedUpdates(ChannelData *channel) {
if (!_waitingForSkipped) return;
setWaitingForSkipped(channel, -1);
if (_queue.isEmpty()) return;
for (auto i = _queue.cbegin(), e = _queue.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
switch (i.value()) {
case SkippedUpdate: Auth().api().applyUpdateNoPtsCheck(_updateQueue.value(i.key())); break;
case SkippedUpdates: Auth().api().applyUpdatesNoPtsCheck(_updatesQueue.value(i.key())); break;
void PtsWaiter::clearSkippedUpdates() {
_applySkippedLevel = 0;
bool PtsWaiter::updated(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count, const MTPUpdates &updates) {
if (_requesting || _applySkippedLevel) {
return true;
} else if (pts <= _good && count > 0) {
return false;
} else if (check(channel, pts, count)) {
return true;
_updatesQueue.insert(ptsKey(SkippedUpdates, pts), updates);
return false;
bool PtsWaiter::updated(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count, const MTPUpdate &update) {
if (_requesting || _applySkippedLevel) {
return true;
} else if (pts <= _good && count > 0) {
return false;
} else if (check(channel, pts, count)) {
return true;
_updateQueue.insert(ptsKey(SkippedUpdate, pts), update);
return false;
bool PtsWaiter::updated(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count) {
if (_requesting || _applySkippedLevel) {
return true;
} else if (pts <= _good && count > 0) {
return false;
return check(channel, pts, count);
bool PtsWaiter::updateAndApply(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count, const MTPUpdates &updates) {
if (!updated(channel, pts, count, updates)) {
return false;
if (!_waitingForSkipped || _queue.isEmpty()) {
// Optimization - no need to put in queue and back.
} else {
_updatesQueue.insert(ptsKey(SkippedUpdates, pts), updates);
return true;
bool PtsWaiter::updateAndApply(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count, const MTPUpdate &update) {
if (!updated(channel, pts, count, update)) {
return false;
if (!_waitingForSkipped || _queue.isEmpty()) {
// Optimization - no need to put in queue and back.
} else {
_updateQueue.insert(ptsKey(SkippedUpdate, pts), update);
return true;
bool PtsWaiter::updateAndApply(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count) {
if (!updated(channel, pts, count)) {
return false;
return true;
bool PtsWaiter::check(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count) { // return false if need to save that update and apply later
if (!inited()) {
return true;
_last = qMax(_last, pts);
_count += count;
if (_last == _count) {
_good = _last;
return true;
} else if (_last < _count) {
setWaitingForSkipped(channel, 1);
} else {
setWaitingForSkipped(channel, WaitForSkippedTimeout);
return !count;