
1730 lines
50 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "export/data/export_data_types.h"
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
#include "export/export_settings.h"
#include "export/output/export_output_file.h"
2019-10-20 10:22:46 +00:00
#include "base/base_file_utilities.h"
#include "core/mime_type.h"
#include "core/utils.h"
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include <QtCore/QRegularExpression>
#include <QtGui/QImageReader>
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
#include <range/v3/algorithm/max_element.hpp>
2018-12-22 20:08:15 +00:00
#include <range/v3/view/all.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
#include <range/v3/range/conversion.hpp>
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
namespace App { // Hackish..
QString formatPhone(QString phone);
} // namespace App
namespace HistoryView {
QString FillAmountAndCurrency(uint64 amount, const QString &currency);
} // namespace HistoryView
QString formatSizeText(qint64 size);
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
QString formatDurationText(qint64 duration);
namespace Export {
namespace Data {
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
namespace {
constexpr auto kUserPeerIdShift = (1ULL << 32);
constexpr auto kChatPeerIdShift = (2ULL << 32);
constexpr auto kMaxImageSize = 10000;
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
QString PrepareFileNameDatePart(TimeId date) {
return date
? ('@' + QString::fromUtf8(FormatDateTime(date, '-', '-', '_')))
: QString();
QString PreparePhotoFileName(int index, TimeId date) {
return "photo_"
+ QString::number(index)
+ PrepareFileNameDatePart(date)
+ ".jpg";
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
} // namespace
PeerId UserPeerId(int32 userId) {
return kUserPeerIdShift | uint32(userId);
PeerId ChatPeerId(int32 chatId) {
return kChatPeerIdShift | uint32(chatId);
int32 BarePeerId(PeerId peerId) {
return int32(peerId & 0xFFFFFFFFULL);
int PeerColorIndex(int32 bareId) {
const auto index = std::abs(bareId) % 7;
const int map[] = { 0, 7, 4, 1, 6, 3, 5 };
return map[index];
int StringBarePeerId(const Utf8String &data) {
auto result = 0xFF;
for (const auto ch : data) {
result *= 239;
result += ch;
result &= 0xFF;
return result;
int ApplicationColorIndex(int applicationId) {
static const auto official = std::map<int, int> {
{ 1, 0 }, // iOS
{ 7, 0 }, // iOS X
{ 6, 1 }, // Android
{ 21724, 1 }, // Android X
{ 2834, 2 }, // macOS
{ 2496, 3 }, // Webogram
{ 2040, 4 }, // Desktop
{ 1429, 5 }, // Windows Phone
if (const auto i = official.find(applicationId); i != end(official)) {
return i->second;
return PeerColorIndex(applicationId);
int DomainApplicationId(const Utf8String &data) {
return 0x1000 + StringBarePeerId(data);
2018-06-20 00:01:41 +00:00
bool IsChatPeerId(PeerId peerId) {
return (peerId & kChatPeerIdShift) == kChatPeerIdShift;
bool IsUserPeerId(PeerId peerId) {
return (peerId & kUserPeerIdShift) == kUserPeerIdShift;
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
PeerId ParsePeerId(const MTPPeer &data) {
return data.match([](const MTPDpeerUser &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return UserPeerId(data.vuser_id().v);
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
}, [](const MTPDpeerChat &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return ChatPeerId(data.vchat_id().v);
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
}, [](const MTPDpeerChannel &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return ChatPeerId(data.vchannel_id().v);
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
Utf8String ParseString(const MTPstring &data) {
return data.v;
std::vector<TextPart> ParseText(
const MTPstring &data,
const QVector<MTPMessageEntity> &entities) {
using Type = TextPart::Type;
const auto text = QString::fromUtf8(data.v);
const auto size = data.v.size();
const auto mid = [&](int offset, int length) {
return text.mid(offset, length).toUtf8();
auto result = std::vector<TextPart>();
auto offset = 0;
auto addTextPart = [&](int till) {
if (till > offset) {
auto part = TextPart();
part.text = mid(offset, till - offset);
offset = till;
for (const auto &entity : entities) {
const auto start = entity.match([](const auto &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return data.voffset().v;
const auto length = entity.match([](const auto &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return data.vlength().v;
if (start < offset || length <= 0 || start + length > size) {
auto part = TextPart();
part.type = entity.match(
[](const MTPDmessageEntityUnknown&) { return Type::Unknown; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityMention&) { return Type::Mention; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityHashtag&) { return Type::Hashtag; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityBotCommand&) {
return Type::BotCommand; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityUrl&) { return Type::Url; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityEmail&) { return Type::Email; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityBold&) { return Type::Bold; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityItalic&) { return Type::Italic; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityCode&) { return Type::Code; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityPre&) { return Type::Pre; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityTextUrl&) { return Type::TextUrl; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityMentionName&) {
return Type::MentionName; },
[](const MTPDinputMessageEntityMentionName&) {
return Type::MentionName; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityPhone&) { return Type::Phone; },
2019-06-06 15:42:15 +00:00
[](const MTPDmessageEntityCashtag&) { return Type::Cashtag; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityUnderline&) { return Type::Underline; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityStrike&) { return Type::Strike; },
2020-02-07 16:06:35 +00:00
[](const MTPDmessageEntityBlockquote&) {
return Type::Blockquote; },
[](const MTPDmessageEntityBankCard&) { return Type::BankCard; });
part.text = mid(start, length);
part.additional = entity.match(
[](const MTPDmessageEntityPre &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return ParseString(data.vlanguage());
}, [](const MTPDmessageEntityTextUrl &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return ParseString(data.vurl());
}, [](const MTPDmessageEntityMentionName &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return NumberToString(data.vuser_id().v);
}, [](const auto &) { return Utf8String(); });
offset = start + length;
return result;
2018-06-13 13:12:36 +00:00
Utf8String FillLeft(const Utf8String &data, int length, char filler) {
if (length <= data.size()) {
return data;
auto result = Utf8String();
for (auto i = 0, count = length - data.size(); i != count; ++i) {
return result;
bool RefreshFileReference(FileLocation &to, const FileLocation &from) {
if (to.dcId != from.dcId || != {
return false;
if ( == mtpc_inputPhotoFileLocation) {
const auto &toData =;
const auto &fromData =;
if (toData.vid().v != fromData.vid().v
|| toData.vthumb_size().v != fromData.vthumb_size().v) {
return false;
to = from;
return true;
} else if ( == mtpc_inputDocumentFileLocation) {
const auto &toData =;
const auto &fromData =;
if (toData.vid().v != fromData.vid().v
|| toData.vthumb_size().v != fromData.vthumb_size().v) {
return false;
to = from;
return true;
return false;
Image ParseMaxImage(
const MTPDphoto &photo,
const QString &suggestedPath) {
auto result = Image();
result.file.suggestedPath = suggestedPath;
auto maxArea = int64(0);
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
for (const auto &size : photo.vsizes().v) {
size.match([](const MTPDphotoSizeEmpty &) {
2018-12-21 13:54:42 +00:00
}, [](const MTPDphotoStrippedSize &) {
// Max image size should not be a stripped image.
}, [&](const auto &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto area = data.vw().v * int64(data.vh().v);
if (area > maxArea) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.width = data.vw().v;
result.height = data.vh().v;
result.file.location = FileLocation{
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
data.vtype()) };
if constexpr (MTPDphotoCachedSize::Is<decltype(data)>()) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.file.content = data.vbytes().v;
result.file.size = result.file.content.size();
} else {
result.file.content = QByteArray();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.file.size = data.vsize().v;
maxArea = area;
return result;
Photo ParsePhoto(const MTPPhoto &data, const QString &suggestedPath) {
auto result = Photo();
data.match([&](const MTPDphoto &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v; = data.vdate().v;
result.image = ParseMaxImage(data, suggestedPath);
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDphotoEmpty &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v;
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
return result;
void ParseAttributes(
Document &result,
const MTPVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> &attributes) {
for (const auto &value : attributes.v) {
value.match([&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeImageSize &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.width = data.vw().v;
result.height = data.vh().v;
}, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeAnimated &data) {
result.isAnimated = true;
}, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeSticker &data) {
result.isSticker = true;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.stickerEmoji = ParseString(data.valt());
}, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeVideo &data) {
if (data.is_round_message()) {
result.isVideoMessage = true;
} else {
result.isVideoFile = true;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.width = data.vw().v;
result.height = data.vh().v;
result.duration = data.vduration().v;
}, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeAudio &data) {
if (data.is_voice()) {
result.isVoiceMessage = true;
} else {
result.isAudioFile = true;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto performer = data.vperformer()) {
result.songPerformer = ParseString(*performer);
if (const auto title = data.vtitle()) {
result.songTitle = ParseString(*title);
result.duration = data.vduration().v;
}, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeFilename &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = ParseString(data.vfile_name());
}, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeHasStickers &data) {
QString ComputeDocumentName(
ParseMediaContext &context,
const Document &data,
TimeId date) {
if (! {
return QString::fromUtf8(;
const auto mimeString = QString::fromUtf8(data.mime);
const auto mimeType = Core::MimeTypeForName(mimeString);
const auto hasMimeType = [&](QLatin1String mime) {
return !, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
const auto patterns = mimeType.globPatterns();
const auto pattern = patterns.isEmpty() ? QString() : patterns.front();
if (data.isVoiceMessage) {
const auto isMP3 = hasMimeType(qstr("audio/mp3"));
2018-06-23 21:08:03 +00:00
return qsl("audio_")
+ QString::number(++context.audios)
+ PrepareFileNameDatePart(date)
+ (isMP3 ? qsl(".mp3") : qsl(".ogg"));
} else if (data.isVideoFile) {
const auto extension = pattern.isEmpty()
? qsl(".mov")
: QString(pattern).replace('*', QString());
2018-06-23 21:08:03 +00:00
return qsl("video_")
+ QString::number(++context.videos)
+ PrepareFileNameDatePart(date)
+ extension;
} else {
const auto extension = pattern.isEmpty()
? qsl(".unknown")
: QString(pattern).replace('*', QString());
2018-06-23 21:08:03 +00:00
return qsl("file_")
+ QString::number(++context.files)
+ PrepareFileNameDatePart(date)
+ extension;
QString DocumentFolder(const Document &data) {
if (data.isVideoFile) {
2018-06-23 21:08:03 +00:00
return "video_files";
} else if (data.isAnimated) {
2018-06-23 21:08:03 +00:00
return "animations";
} else if (data.isSticker) {
2018-06-23 21:08:03 +00:00
return "stickers";
} else if (data.isVoiceMessage) {
2018-06-23 21:08:03 +00:00
return "voice_messages";
} else if (data.isVideoMessage) {
2018-06-23 21:08:03 +00:00
return "round_video_messages";
2018-06-23 21:08:03 +00:00
return "files";
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
Image ParseDocumentThumb(
const MTPDdocument &document,
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
const QString &documentPath) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto thumbs = document.vthumbs();
if (!thumbs) {
return Image();
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
const auto area = [](const MTPPhotoSize &size) {
return size.match([](const MTPDphotoSizeEmpty &) {
return 0;
}, [](const MTPDphotoStrippedSize &) {
return 0;
}, [](const auto &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return data.vw().v * data.vh().v;
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto &list = thumbs->v;
const auto i = ranges::max_element(list, ranges::less(), area);
if (i == list.end()) {
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
return Image();
return i->match([](const MTPDphotoSizeEmpty &) {
return Image();
}, [](const MTPDphotoStrippedSize &) {
return Image();
}, [&](const auto &data) {
auto result = Image();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.width = data.vw().v;
result.height = data.vh().v;
result.file.location = FileLocation{
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
data.vtype()) };
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
if constexpr (MTPDphotoCachedSize::Is<decltype(data)>()) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.file.content = data.vbytes().v;
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
result.file.size = result.file.content.size();
} else {
result.file.content = QByteArray();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.file.size = data.vsize().v;
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
result.file.suggestedPath = documentPath + "_thumb.jpg";
return result;
Document ParseDocument(
ParseMediaContext &context,
const MTPDocument &data,
const QString &suggestedFolder,
TimeId date) {
auto result = Document();
data.match([&](const MTPDdocument &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v; = data.vdate().v;
result.mime = ParseString(data.vmime_type());
ParseAttributes(result, data.vattributes());
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.file.size = data.vsize().v;
result.file.location.dcId = data.vdc_id().v; = MTP_inputDocumentFileLocation(
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
result.file.suggestedPath = suggestedFolder
+ DocumentFolder(result) + '/'
2019-10-20 10:22:46 +00:00
+ base::FileNameFromUserString(
ComputeDocumentName(context, result, date));
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
result.thumb = ParseDocumentThumb(
2019-01-03 14:39:19 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDdocumentEmpty &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v;
return result;
SharedContact ParseSharedContact(
ParseMediaContext &context,
const MTPDmessageMediaContact &data,
const QString &suggestedFolder) {
auto result = SharedContact();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vuser_id().v; = ParseString(data.vfirst_name()); = ParseString(data.vlast_name()); = ParseString(data.vphone_number());
if (!data.vvcard().v.isEmpty()) {
result.vcard.content = data.vvcard().v;
result.vcard.size = data.vvcard().v.size();
result.vcard.suggestedPath = suggestedFolder
+ "contacts/contact_"
+ QString::number(++context.contacts)
+ ".vcard";
return result;
GeoPoint ParseGeoPoint(const MTPGeoPoint &data) {
auto result = GeoPoint();
data.match([&](const MTPDgeoPoint &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.latitude = data.vlat().v;
result.longitude = data.vlong().v;
result.valid = true;
}, [](const MTPDgeoPointEmpty &data) {});
return result;
Venue ParseVenue(const MTPDmessageMediaVenue &data) {
auto result = Venue();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.point = ParseGeoPoint(data.vgeo());
result.title = ParseString(data.vtitle());
result.address = ParseString(data.vaddress());
return result;
Game ParseGame(const MTPGame &data, int32 botId) {
return data.match([&](const MTPDgame &data) {
auto result = Game();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v;
result.title = ParseString(data.vtitle());
result.description = ParseString(data.vdescription());
result.shortName = ParseString(data.vshort_name());
result.botId = botId;
return result;
Invoice ParseInvoice(const MTPDmessageMediaInvoice &data) {
auto result = Invoice();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.title = ParseString(data.vtitle());
result.description = ParseString(data.vdescription());
result.currency = ParseString(data.vcurrency());
result.amount = data.vtotal_amount().v;
if (const auto receiptMsgId = data.vreceipt_msg_id()) {
result.receiptMsgId = receiptMsgId->v;
return result;
2018-12-22 20:08:15 +00:00
Poll ParsePoll(const MTPDmessageMediaPoll &data) {
auto result = Poll();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
data.vpoll().match([&](const MTPDpoll &poll) { = poll.vid().v;
result.question = ParseString(poll.vquestion());
2018-12-22 20:08:15 +00:00
result.closed = poll.is_closed();
result.answers = ranges::view::all(
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
2018-12-22 20:08:15 +00:00
) | ranges::view::transform([](const MTPPollAnswer &answer) {
return answer.match([](const MTPDpollAnswer &answer) {
auto result = Poll::Answer();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.text = ParseString(answer.vtext());
result.option = answer.voption().v;
2018-12-22 20:08:15 +00:00
return result;
}) | ranges::to_vector;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
data.vresults().match([&](const MTPDpollResults &results) {
if (const auto totalVotes = results.vtotal_voters()) {
result.totalVotes = totalVotes->v;
2018-12-22 20:08:15 +00:00
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto resultsList = results.vresults()) {
for (const auto &single : resultsList->v) {
2018-12-22 20:08:15 +00:00
single.match([&](const MTPDpollAnswerVoters &voters) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto &option = voters.voption().v;
2018-12-22 20:08:15 +00:00
const auto i = ranges::find(
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
2018-12-22 20:08:15 +00:00
if (i == end(result.answers)) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
i->votes = voters.vvoters().v;
2018-12-22 20:08:15 +00:00
if (voters.is_chosen()) {
i->my = true;
return result;
UserpicsSlice ParseUserpicsSlice(
const MTPVector<MTPPhoto> &data,
int baseIndex) {
const auto &list = data.v;
auto result = UserpicsSlice();
for (const auto &photo : list) {
2018-06-23 21:08:03 +00:00
const auto suggestedPath = "profile_pictures/"
+ PreparePhotoFileName(
(photo.type() == mtpc_photo
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
? photo.c_photo().vdate().v
: TimeId(0)));
result.list.push_back(ParsePhoto(photo, suggestedPath));
return result;
std::pair<QString, QSize> WriteImageThumb(
const QString &basePath,
const QString &largePath,
Fn<QSize(QSize)> convertSize,
2018-09-21 16:28:46 +00:00
std::optional<QByteArray> format,
std::optional<int> quality,
const QString &postfix) {
if (largePath.isEmpty()) {
return {};
const auto path = basePath + largePath;
QImageReader reader(path);
if (!reader.canRead()) {
return {};
const auto size = reader.size();
if (size.isEmpty()
|| size.width() >= kMaxImageSize
|| size.height() >= kMaxImageSize) {
return {};
auto image =;
if (image.isNull()) {
return {};
const auto finalSize = convertSize(image.size());
if (finalSize.isEmpty()) {
return {};
image = std::move(image).scaled(
const auto finalFormat = format ? *format : reader.format();
const auto finalQuality = quality ? *quality : reader.quality();
const auto lastSlash = largePath.lastIndexOf('/');
const auto firstDot = largePath.indexOf('.', lastSlash + 1);
const auto thumb = (firstDot >= 0)
? largePath.mid(0, firstDot) + postfix + largePath.mid(firstDot)
: largePath + postfix;
const auto result = Output::File::PrepareRelativePath(basePath, thumb);
if (! + result, finalFormat, finalQuality)) {
return {};
return { result, finalSize };
QString WriteImageThumb(
const QString &basePath,
const QString &largePath,
int width,
int height,
const QString &postfix) {
return WriteImageThumb(
[=](QSize size) { return QSize(width, height); },
2018-09-21 16:28:46 +00:00
ContactInfo ParseContactInfo(const MTPUser &data) {
auto result = ContactInfo();
data.match([&](const MTPDuser &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.userId = data.vid().v;
if (const auto firstName = data.vfirst_name()) {
result.firstName = ParseString(*firstName);
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto lastName = data.vlast_name()) {
result.lastName = ParseString(*lastName);
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto phone = data.vphone()) {
result.phoneNumber = ParseString(*phone);
}, [&](const MTPDuserEmpty &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.userId = data.vid().v;
return result;
int ContactColorIndex(const ContactInfo &data) {
if (data.userId != 0) {
return PeerColorIndex(data.userId);
return PeerColorIndex(StringBarePeerId(data.phoneNumber));
User ParseUser(const MTPUser &data) {
auto result = User(); = ParseContactInfo(data);
data.match([&](const MTPDuser &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v;
if (const auto username = data.vusername()) {
result.username = ParseString(*username);
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (data.vbot_info_version()) {
result.isBot = true;
2018-06-23 20:27:41 +00:00
if (data.is_self()) {
result.isSelf = true;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.input = MTP_inputUser(
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDuserEmpty &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.input = MTP_inputUser(data.vid(), MTP_long(0));
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
return result;
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
std::map<int32, User> ParseUsersList(const MTPVector<MTPUser> &data) {
auto result = std::map<int32, User>();
for (const auto &user : data.v) {
auto parsed = ParseUser(user);
result.emplace(, std::move(parsed));
return result;
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
Chat ParseChat(const MTPChat &data) {
auto result = Chat();
data.match([&](const MTPDchat &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v;
result.title = ParseString(data.vtitle());
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
result.input = MTP_inputPeerChat(MTP_int(;
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDchatEmpty &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v;
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
result.input = MTP_inputPeerChat(MTP_int(;
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDchatForbidden &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v;
result.title = ParseString(data.vtitle());
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
result.input = MTP_inputPeerChat(MTP_int(;
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDchannel &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v;
2018-06-23 20:27:41 +00:00
result.isBroadcast = data.is_broadcast();
result.isSupergroup = data.is_megagroup();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.title = ParseString(data.vtitle());
if (const auto username = data.vusername()) {
result.username = ParseString(*username);
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
result.input = MTP_inputPeerChannel(
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDchannelForbidden &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v;
2018-06-23 20:27:41 +00:00
result.isBroadcast = data.is_broadcast();
result.isSupergroup = data.is_megagroup();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.title = ParseString(data.vtitle());
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
result.input = MTP_inputPeerChannel(
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
return result;
std::map<int32, Chat> ParseChatsList(const MTPVector<MTPChat> &data) {
auto result = std::map<int32, Chat>();
for (const auto &chat : data.v) {
auto parsed = ParseChat(chat);
result.emplace(, std::move(parsed));
return result;
Utf8String ContactInfo::name() const {
return firstName.isEmpty()
? (lastName.isEmpty()
? Utf8String()
: lastName)
: (lastName.isEmpty()
? firstName
: firstName + ' ' + lastName);
Utf8String User::name() const {
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
const User *Peer::user() const {
return base::get_if<User>(&data);
const Chat *Peer::chat() const {
return base::get_if<Chat>(&data);
PeerId Peer::id() const {
if (const auto user = this->user()) {
return UserPeerId(user->info.userId);
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
} else if (const auto chat = this->chat()) {
return ChatPeerId(chat->id);
Unexpected("Variant in Peer::id.");
Utf8String Peer::name() const {
if (const auto user = this->user()) {
return user->name();
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
} else if (const auto chat = this->chat()) {
return chat->title;
Unexpected("Variant in Peer::id.");
MTPInputPeer Peer::input() const {
if (const auto user = this->user()) {
if (user->input.type() == mtpc_inputUser) {
const auto &input = user->input.c_inputUser();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return MTP_inputPeerUser(input.vuser_id(), input.vaccess_hash());
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
return MTP_inputPeerEmpty();
} else if (const auto chat = this->chat()) {
return chat->input;
Unexpected("Variant in Peer::id.");
std::map<PeerId, Peer> ParsePeersLists(
const MTPVector<MTPUser> &users,
const MTPVector<MTPChat> &chats) {
auto result = std::map<PeerId, Peer>();
for (const auto &user : users.v) {
auto parsed = ParseUser(user);
Peer{ std::move(parsed) });
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
for (const auto &chat : chats.v) {
auto parsed = ParseChat(chat);
result.emplace(ChatPeerId(, Peer{ std::move(parsed) });
return result;
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
User EmptyUser(int32 userId) {
return ParseUser(MTP_userEmpty(MTP_int(userId)));
Chat EmptyChat(int32 chatId) {
return ParseChat(MTP_chatEmpty(MTP_int(chatId)));
Peer EmptyPeer(PeerId peerId) {
2018-06-20 00:01:41 +00:00
if (IsUserPeerId(peerId)) {
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
return Peer{ EmptyUser(BarePeerId(peerId)) };
2018-06-20 00:01:41 +00:00
} else if (IsChatPeerId(peerId)) {
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
return Peer{ EmptyChat(BarePeerId(peerId)) };
Unexpected("PeerId in EmptyPeer.");
File &Media::file() {
return content.match([](Photo &data) -> File& {
return data.image.file;
}, [](Document &data) -> File& {
return data.file;
}, [](SharedContact &data) -> File& {
return data.vcard;
}, [](auto&) -> File& {
static File result;
return result;
const File &Media::file() const {
return content.match([](const Photo &data) -> const File& {
return data.image.file;
}, [](const Document &data) -> const File& {
return data.file;
}, [](const SharedContact &data) -> const File& {
return data.vcard;
}, [](const auto &) -> const File& {
static const File result;
return result;
Image &Media::thumb() {
return content.match([](Document &data) -> Image& {
return data.thumb;
}, [](auto&) -> Image& {
static Image result;
return result;
const Image &Media::thumb() const {
return content.match([](const Document &data) -> const Image& {
return data.thumb;
}, [](const auto &) -> const Image& {
static const Image result;
return result;
Media ParseMedia(
ParseMediaContext &context,
const MTPMessageMedia &data,
const QString &folder,
TimeId date) {
Expects(folder.isEmpty() || folder.endsWith(QChar('/')));
auto result = Media();
data.match([&](const MTPDmessageMediaPhoto &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto photo = data.vphoto();
auto content = photo
? ParsePhoto(
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
+ "photos/"
+ PreparePhotoFileName(, date))
: Photo();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto ttl = data.vttl_seconds()) {
result.ttl = ttl->v;
content.image.file = File();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaGeo &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.content = ParseGeoPoint(data.vgeo());
}, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaContact &data) {
result.content = ParseSharedContact(context, data, folder);
}, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaUnsupported &data) {
result.content = UnsupportedMedia();
}, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaDocument &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto document = data.vdocument();
auto content = document
? ParseDocument(context, *document, folder, date)
: Document();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto ttl = data.vttl_seconds()) {
result.ttl = ttl->v;
content.file = File();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaWebPage &data) {
// Ignore web pages.
}, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaVenue &data) {
result.content = ParseVenue(data);
}, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaGame &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.content = ParseGame(data.vgame(), context.botId);
}, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaInvoice &data) {
result.content = ParseInvoice(data);
}, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaGeoLive &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.content = ParseGeoPoint(data.vgeo());
result.ttl = data.vperiod().v;
2018-12-17 07:43:47 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaPoll &data) {
2018-12-22 20:08:15 +00:00
result.content = ParsePoll(data);
2020-02-07 16:06:35 +00:00
}, [](const MTPDmessageMediaDice &data) {
// #TODO dice
}, [](const MTPDmessageMediaEmpty &data) {});
return result;
ServiceAction ParseServiceAction(
ParseMediaContext &context,
const MTPMessageAction &data,
const QString &mediaFolder,
TimeId date) {
auto result = ServiceAction();
data.match([&](const MTPDmessageActionChatCreate &data) {
auto content = ActionChatCreate();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.title = ParseString(data.vtitle());
for (const auto &userId : data.vusers().v) {
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionChatEditTitle &data) {
auto content = ActionChatEditTitle();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.title = ParseString(data.vtitle());
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionChatEditPhoto &data) {
auto content = ActionChatEditPhoto(); = ParsePhoto(
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
+ "photos/"
+ PreparePhotoFileName(, date));
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionChatDeletePhoto &data) {
result.content = ActionChatDeletePhoto();
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionChatAddUser &data) {
auto content = ActionChatAddUser();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
for (const auto &user : data.vusers().v) {
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionChatDeleteUser &data) {
auto content = ActionChatDeleteUser();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.userId = data.vuser_id().v;
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionChatJoinedByLink &data) {
auto content = ActionChatJoinedByLink();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.inviterId = data.vinviter_id().v;
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionChannelCreate &data) {
auto content = ActionChannelCreate();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.title = ParseString(data.vtitle());
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionChatMigrateTo &data) {
auto content = ActionChatMigrateTo();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.channelId = data.vchannel_id().v;
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionChannelMigrateFrom &data) {
auto content = ActionChannelMigrateFrom();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.title = ParseString(data.vtitle());
content.chatId = data.vchat_id().v;
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionPinMessage &data) {
result.content = ActionPinMessage();
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionHistoryClear &data) {
result.content = ActionHistoryClear();
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionGameScore &data) {
auto content = ActionGameScore();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.gameId = data.vgame_id().v;
content.score = data.vscore().v;
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionPaymentSentMe &data) {
// Should not be in user inbox.
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionPaymentSent &data) {
auto content = ActionPaymentSent();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.currency = ParseString(data.vcurrency());
content.amount = data.vtotal_amount().v;
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionPhoneCall &data) {
auto content = ActionPhoneCall();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto duration = data.vduration()) {
content.duration = duration->v;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto reason = data.vreason()) {
using Reason = ActionPhoneCall::DiscardReason;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.discardReason = reason->match(
[](const MTPDphoneCallDiscardReasonMissed &data) {
return Reason::Missed;
}, [](const MTPDphoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect &data) {
return Reason::Disconnect;
}, [](const MTPDphoneCallDiscardReasonHangup &data) {
return Reason::Hangup;
}, [](const MTPDphoneCallDiscardReasonBusy &data) {
return Reason::Busy;
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionScreenshotTaken &data) {
result.content = ActionScreenshotTaken();
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionCustomAction &data) {
auto content = ActionCustomAction();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.message = ParseString(data.vmessage());
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionBotAllowed &data) {
auto content = ActionBotAllowed();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
content.domain = ParseString(data.vdomain());
result.content = content;
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionSecureValuesSentMe &data) {
// Should not be in user inbox.
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionSecureValuesSent &data) {
auto content = ActionSecureValuesSent();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
using Type = ActionSecureValuesSent::Type;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
for (const auto &type : data.vtypes().v) {
[](const MTPDsecureValueTypePersonalDetails &data) {
return Type::PersonalDetails;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypePassport &data) {
return Type::Passport;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypeDriverLicense &data) {
return Type::DriverLicense;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypeIdentityCard &data) {
return Type::IdentityCard;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypeInternalPassport &data) {
return Type::InternalPassport;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypeAddress &data) {
return Type::Address;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypeUtilityBill &data) {
return Type::UtilityBill;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypeBankStatement &data) {
return Type::BankStatement;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypeRentalAgreement &data) {
return Type::RentalAgreement;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypePassportRegistration &data) {
return Type::PassportRegistration;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration &data) {
return Type::TemporaryRegistration;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypePhone &data) {
return Type::Phone;
}, [](const MTPDsecureValueTypeEmail &data) {
return Type::Email;
result.content = content;
2018-12-17 07:01:30 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDmessageActionContactSignUp &data) {
result.content = ActionContactSignUp();
}, [](const MTPDmessageActionEmpty &data) {});
return result;
File &Message::file() {
const auto service = &action.content;
if (const auto photo = base::get_if<ActionChatEditPhoto>(service)) {
return photo->photo.image.file;
return media.file();
const File &Message::file() const {
const auto service = &action.content;
if (const auto photo = base::get_if<ActionChatEditPhoto>(service)) {
return photo->photo.image.file;
return media.file();
Image &Message::thumb() {
return media.thumb();
const Image &Message::thumb() const {
return media.thumb();
Message ParseMessage(
ParseMediaContext &context,
const MTPMessage &data,
const QString &mediaFolder) {
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
auto result = Message();
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
data.match([&](const auto &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v;
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
if constexpr (!MTPDmessageEmpty::Is<decltype(data)>()) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.toId = ParsePeerId(data.vto_id());
const auto fromId = data.vfrom_id();
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
const auto peerId = (!data.is_out()
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
&& fromId
&& data.vto_id().type() == mtpc_peerUser)
? UserPeerId(fromId->v)
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
: result.toId;
if (IsChatPeerId(peerId)) {
result.chatId = BarePeerId(peerId);
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (fromId) {
result.fromId = fromId->v;
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto replyToMsgId = data.vreply_to_msg_id()) {
result.replyToMsgId = replyToMsgId->v;
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vdate().v;
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
result.out = data.is_out();
2018-06-20 00:01:41 +00:00
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
data.match([&](const MTPDmessage &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto editDate = data.vedit_date()) {
result.edited = editDate->v;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto fwdFrom = data.vfwd_from()) {
result.forwardedFromId = fwdFrom->match(
[](const MTPDmessageFwdHeader &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto channelId = data.vchannel_id()) {
return ChatPeerId(channelId->v);
} else if (const auto fromId = data.vfrom_id()) {
return UserPeerId(fromId->v);
return PeerId(0);
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.forwardedFromName = fwdFrom->match(
[](const MTPDmessageFwdHeader &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto fromName = data.vfrom_name()) {
return fromName->v;
return QByteArray();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.forwardedDate = fwdFrom->match(
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
[](const MTPDmessageFwdHeader &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return data.vdate().v;
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.savedFromChatId = fwdFrom->match(
[](const MTPDmessageFwdHeader &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto savedFromPeer = data.vsaved_from_peer()) {
return ParsePeerId(*savedFromPeer);
return PeerId(0);
result.forwarded = result.forwardedFromId
|| !result.forwardedFromName.isEmpty();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto postAuthor = data.vpost_author()) {
result.signature = ParseString(*postAuthor);
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto replyToMsgId = data.vreply_to_msg_id()) {
result.replyToMsgId = replyToMsgId->v;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto viaBotId = data.vvia_bot_id()) {
result.viaBotId = viaBotId->v;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if (const auto media = data.vmedia()) {
context.botId = (result.viaBotId
? result.viaBotId
: IsUserPeerId(result.forwardedFromId)
? BarePeerId(result.forwardedFromId)
: result.fromId); = ParseMedia(
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
if ( && !data.is_out()) { = File(); = File();
context.botId = 0;
result.text = ParseText(
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDmessageService &data) {
result.action = ParseServiceAction(
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDmessageEmpty &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00 = data.vid().v;
2018-06-12 19:30:33 +00:00
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
return result;
2018-06-20 00:01:41 +00:00
std::map<uint64, Message> ParseMessagesList(
const MTPVector<MTPMessage> &data,
const QString &mediaFolder) {
auto context = ParseMediaContext();
2018-06-20 00:01:41 +00:00
auto result = std::map<uint64, Message>();
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
for (const auto &message : data.v) {
auto parsed = ParseMessage(context, message, mediaFolder);
2018-06-20 00:01:41 +00:00
const auto shift = uint64(uint32(parsed.chatId)) << 32;
result.emplace(shift | uint32(, std::move(parsed));
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
return result;
PersonalInfo ParsePersonalInfo(const MTPUserFull &data) {
Expects(data.type() == mtpc_userFull);
const auto &fields = data.c_userFull();
auto result = PersonalInfo();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.user = ParseUser(fields.vuser());
if (const auto about = fields.vabout()) { = ParseString(*about);
return result;
ContactsList ParseContactsList(const MTPcontacts_Contacts &data) {
Expects(data.type() == mtpc_contacts_contacts);
auto result = ContactsList();
const auto &contacts = data.c_contacts_contacts();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto map = ParseUsersList(contacts.vusers());
for (const auto &contact : contacts.vcontacts().v) {
const auto userId = contact.c_contact().vuser_id().v;
if (const auto i = map.find(userId); i != end(map)) {
} else {
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
return result;
ContactsList ParseContactsList(const MTPVector<MTPSavedContact> &data) {
auto result = ContactsList();
for (const auto &contact : data.v) {
auto info = contact.match([](const MTPDsavedPhoneContact &data) {
auto info = ContactInfo();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
info.firstName = ParseString(data.vfirst_name());
info.lastName = ParseString(data.vlast_name());
info.phoneNumber = ParseString(data.vphone()); = data.vdate().v;
return info;
return result;
2018-06-11 18:57:56 +00:00
std::vector<int> SortedContactsIndices(const ContactsList &data) {
const auto names = ranges::view::all(
) | ranges::view::transform([](const Data::ContactInfo &info) {
return (QString::fromUtf8(info.firstName)
2018-06-11 18:57:56 +00:00
+ ' '
+ QString::fromUtf8(info.lastName)).toLower();
2018-06-11 18:57:56 +00:00
}) | ranges::to_vector;
auto indices = ranges::view::ints(0, int(data.list.size()))
| ranges::to_vector;
ranges::sort(indices, [&](int i, int j) {
return names[i] < names[j];
return indices;
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
bool AppendTopPeers(ContactsList &to, const MTPcontacts_TopPeers &data) {
return data.match([](const MTPDcontacts_topPeersNotModified &data) {
return false;
2018-06-26 13:58:29 +00:00
}, [](const MTPDcontacts_topPeersDisabled &data) {
return true;
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
}, [&](const MTPDcontacts_topPeers &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto peers = ParsePeersLists(data.vusers(), data.vchats());
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
const auto append = [&](
std::vector<TopPeer> &to,
const MTPVector<MTPTopPeer> &list) {
for (const auto &topPeer : list.v) {
to.push_back(topPeer.match([&](const MTPDtopPeer &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto peerId = ParsePeerId(data.vpeer());
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
auto peer = [&] {
const auto i = peers.find(peerId);
return (i != peers.end())
? i->second
: EmptyPeer(peerId);
return TopPeer{
Peer{ std::move(peer) },
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
for (const auto &list : data.vcategories().v) {
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
const auto appended = list.match(
[&](const MTPDtopPeerCategoryPeers &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto category = data.vcategory().type();
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
if (category == mtpc_topPeerCategoryCorrespondents) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
append(to.correspondents, data.vpeers());
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
return true;
} else if (category == mtpc_topPeerCategoryBotsInline) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
append(to.inlineBots, data.vpeers());
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
return true;
} else if (category == mtpc_topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
append(to.phoneCalls, data.vpeers());
return true;
2018-06-19 20:40:16 +00:00
} else {
return false;
if (!appended) {
return false;
return true;
2018-06-11 18:57:56 +00:00
Session ParseSession(const MTPAuthorization &data) {
2018-06-21 21:15:27 +00:00
return data.match([&](const MTPDauthorization &data) {
auto result = Session();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.applicationId = data.vapi_id().v;
result.platform = ParseString(data.vplatform());
result.deviceModel = ParseString(data.vdevice_model());
result.systemVersion = ParseString(data.vsystem_version());
result.applicationName = ParseString(data.vapp_name());
result.applicationVersion = ParseString(data.vapp_version());
result.created = data.vdate_created().v;
result.lastActive = data.vdate_active().v;
result.ip = ParseString(; = ParseString(data.vcountry());
result.region = ParseString(data.vregion());
2018-06-21 21:15:27 +00:00
return result;
2018-06-11 18:57:56 +00:00
SessionsList ParseSessionsList(const MTPaccount_Authorizations &data) {
2018-06-21 21:15:27 +00:00
return data.match([](const MTPDaccount_authorizations &data) {
auto result = SessionsList();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto &list = data.vauthorizations().v;
2018-06-21 21:15:27 +00:00
for (const auto &session : list) {
return result;
2018-06-11 18:57:56 +00:00
2018-06-21 21:15:27 +00:00
WebSession ParseWebSession(
const MTPWebAuthorization &data,
const std::map<int32, User> &users) {
return data.match([&](const MTPDwebAuthorization &data) {
auto result = WebSession();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto i = users.find(data.vbot_id().v);
2018-06-21 21:15:27 +00:00
if (i != users.end() && i->second.isBot) {
result.botUsername = i->second.username;
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
result.domain = ParseString(data.vdomain());
result.platform = ParseString(data.vplatform());
result.browser = ParseString(data.vbrowser());
result.created = data.vdate_created().v;
result.lastActive = data.vdate_active().v;
result.ip = ParseString(;
result.region = ParseString(data.vregion());
2018-06-21 21:15:27 +00:00
return result;
SessionsList ParseWebSessionsList(
const MTPaccount_WebAuthorizations &data) {
return data.match([&](const MTPDaccount_webAuthorizations &data) {
auto result = SessionsList();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto users = ParseUsersList(data.vusers());
const auto &list = data.vauthorizations().v;
2018-06-21 21:15:27 +00:00
for (const auto &session : list) {
result.webList.push_back(ParseWebSession(session, users));
return result;
2018-06-11 18:57:56 +00:00
2018-07-11 21:06:35 +00:00
DialogInfo *DialogsInfo::item(int index) {
const auto chatsCount = chats.size();
return (index < 0)
? nullptr
: (index < chatsCount)
? &chats[index]
: (index - chatsCount < left.size())
? &left[index - chatsCount]
: nullptr;
const DialogInfo *DialogsInfo::item(int index) const {
const auto chatsCount = chats.size();
return (index < 0)
? nullptr
: (index < chatsCount)
? &chats[index]
: (index - chatsCount < left.size())
? &left[index - chatsCount]
: nullptr;
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
DialogInfo::Type DialogTypeFromChat(const Chat &chat) {
using Type = DialogInfo::Type;
return chat.username.isEmpty()
2018-06-23 20:27:41 +00:00
? (chat.isBroadcast
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
? Type::PrivateChannel
2018-06-23 20:27:41 +00:00
: chat.isSupergroup
? Type::PrivateSupergroup
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
: Type::PrivateGroup)
2018-06-23 20:27:41 +00:00
: (chat.isBroadcast
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
? Type::PublicChannel
2018-06-23 20:27:41 +00:00
: Type::PublicSupergroup);
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
DialogInfo::Type DialogTypeFromUser(const User &user) {
2018-06-23 20:27:41 +00:00
return user.isSelf
? DialogInfo::Type::Self
: user.isBot
? DialogInfo::Type::Bot
: DialogInfo::Type::Personal;
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
2018-06-13 13:12:36 +00:00
DialogsInfo ParseDialogsInfo(const MTPmessages_Dialogs &data) {
auto result = DialogsInfo();
const auto folder = QString();
2018-06-26 13:58:29 +00:00
data.match([](const MTPDmessages_dialogsNotModified &data) {
Unexpected("dialogsNotModified in ParseDialogsInfo.");
}, [&](const auto &data) { // MTPDmessages_dialogs &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto peers = ParsePeersLists(data.vusers(), data.vchats());
const auto messages = ParseMessagesList(data.vmessages(), folder);
result.chats.reserve(result.chats.size() + data.vdialogs().v.size());
for (const auto &dialog : data.vdialogs().v) {
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
if (dialog.type() != mtpc_dialog) {
2019-04-15 11:54:03 +00:00
LOG(("API Error: Unexpected dialog type in chats export."));
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
const auto &fields = dialog.c_dialog();
auto info = DialogInfo();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
info.peerId = ParsePeerId(fields.vpeer());
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
const auto peerIt = peers.find(info.peerId);
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
if (peerIt != end(peers)) {
const auto &peer = peerIt->second;
info.type = peer.user()
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
? DialogTypeFromUser(*peer.user())
: DialogTypeFromChat(*; = peer.user()
? peer.user()->info.firstName
info.lastName = peer.user()
? peer.user()->info.lastName
: Utf8String();
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
info.input = peer.input();
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
info.topMessageId = fields.vtop_message().v;
2018-06-20 00:01:41 +00:00
const auto shift = IsChatPeerId(info.peerId)
? (uint64(uint32(BarePeerId(info.peerId))) << 32)
: 0;
const auto messageIt = messages.find(
shift | uint32(info.topMessageId));
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
if (messageIt != end(messages)) {
const auto &message = messageIt->second;
info.topMessageDate =;
2018-07-11 21:06:35 +00:00
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
2018-06-13 13:12:36 +00:00
return result;
2018-07-23 13:11:56 +00:00
DialogInfo DialogInfoFromUser(const User &data) {
auto result = DialogInfo();
result.input = (Peer{ data }).input(); =;
result.lastName =;
result.peerId = UserPeerId(;
result.topMessageDate = 0;
result.topMessageId = 0;
result.type = DialogTypeFromUser(data);
result.isLeftChannel = false;
return result;
DialogInfo DialogInfoFromChat(const Chat &data) {
auto result = DialogInfo();
result.input = data.input; = data.title;
result.peerId = ChatPeerId(;
result.topMessageDate = 0;
result.topMessageId = 0;
result.type = DialogTypeFromChat(data);
return result;
2018-06-18 21:52:13 +00:00
DialogsInfo ParseLeftChannelsInfo(const MTPmessages_Chats &data) {
auto result = DialogsInfo();
data.match([&](const auto &data) { //MTPDmessages_chats &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
for (const auto &single : data.vchats().v) {
2018-07-23 13:11:56 +00:00
auto info = DialogInfoFromChat(ParseChat(single));
2018-07-11 21:06:35 +00:00
info.isLeftChannel = true;
2018-06-18 21:52:13 +00:00
return result;
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
2018-07-23 13:11:56 +00:00
DialogsInfo ParseDialogsInfo(
const MTPInputPeer &singlePeer,
const MTPVector<MTPUser> &data) {
const auto singleId = singlePeer.match(
[](const MTPDinputPeerUser &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return data.vuser_id().v;
2018-07-23 13:11:56 +00:00
}, [](const MTPDinputPeerSelf &data) {
return 0;
}, [](const auto &data) -> int {
Unexpected("Single peer type in ParseDialogsInfo(users).");
auto result = DialogsInfo();
for (const auto &single : data.v) {
const auto userId = single.match([&](const auto &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return data.vid().v;
2018-07-23 13:11:56 +00:00
if (userId != singleId
&& (singleId != 0
|| single.type() != mtpc_user
|| !single.c_user().is_self())) {
auto info = DialogInfoFromUser(ParseUser(single));
return result;
DialogsInfo ParseDialogsInfo(
const MTPInputPeer &singlePeer,
const MTPmessages_Chats &data) {
const auto singleId = singlePeer.match(
[](const MTPDinputPeerChat &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return data.vchat_id().v;
2018-07-23 13:11:56 +00:00
}, [](const MTPDinputPeerChannel &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return data.vchannel_id().v;
2018-07-23 13:11:56 +00:00
}, [](const auto &data) -> int {
Unexpected("Single peer type in ParseDialogsInfo(chats).");
auto result = DialogsInfo();
data.match([&](const auto &data) { //MTPDmessages_chats &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
for (const auto &single : data.vchats().v) {
2018-07-23 13:11:56 +00:00
const auto chatId = single.match([&](const auto &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return data.vid().v;
2018-07-23 13:11:56 +00:00
if (chatId != singleId) {
const auto chat = ParseChat(single);
auto info = DialogInfoFromChat(ParseChat(single));
info.isLeftChannel = false;
return result;
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
void FinalizeDialogsInfo(DialogsInfo &info, const Settings &settings) {
2018-07-11 21:06:35 +00:00
auto &chats = info.chats;
auto &left = info.left;
const auto fullCount = chats.size() + left.size();
const auto digits = Data::NumberToString(fullCount - 1).size();
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
auto index = 0;
2018-07-11 21:06:35 +00:00
for (auto &dialog : chats) {
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
const auto number = Data::NumberToString(++index, digits, '0');
2018-07-23 13:11:56 +00:00
dialog.relativePath = settings.onlySinglePeer()
? QString()
: "chats/chat_" + QString::fromUtf8(number) + '/';
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
using DialogType = DialogInfo::Type;
using Type = Settings::Type;
const auto setting = [&] {
switch (dialog.type) {
2018-06-23 20:27:41 +00:00
case DialogType::Self:
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
case DialogType::Personal: return Type::PersonalChats;
case DialogType::Bot: return Type::BotChats;
2018-06-23 20:27:41 +00:00
case DialogType::PrivateGroup:
case DialogType::PrivateSupergroup: return Type::PrivateGroups;
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
case DialogType::PrivateChannel: return Type::PrivateChannels;
2018-06-23 20:27:41 +00:00
case DialogType::PublicSupergroup: return Type::PublicGroups;
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
case DialogType::PublicChannel: return Type::PublicChannels;
Unexpected("Type in ApiWrap::onlyMyMessages.");
dialog.onlyMyMessages = ((settings.fullChats & setting) != setting);
2018-06-17 20:15:40 +00:00
2018-07-11 21:06:35 +00:00
for (auto &dialog : left) {
2018-07-23 13:11:56 +00:00
2018-06-18 21:52:13 +00:00
const auto number = Data::NumberToString(++index, digits, '0');
2018-07-11 21:06:35 +00:00
dialog.relativePath = "chats/chat_" + number + '/';
2018-06-18 21:52:13 +00:00
dialog.onlyMyMessages = true;
2018-06-13 13:12:36 +00:00
MessagesSlice ParseMessagesSlice(
ParseMediaContext &context,
2018-06-13 13:12:36 +00:00
const MTPVector<MTPMessage> &data,
const MTPVector<MTPUser> &users,
const MTPVector<MTPChat> &chats,
const QString &mediaFolder) {
2018-06-13 13:12:36 +00:00
const auto &list = data.v;
auto result = MessagesSlice();
for (auto i = list.size(); i != 0;) {
const auto &message = list[--i];
result.list.push_back(ParseMessage(context, message, mediaFolder));
2018-06-13 13:12:36 +00:00
result.peers = ParsePeersLists(users, chats);
return result;
2018-06-12 18:09:21 +00:00
2018-10-06 12:17:29 +00:00
TimeId SingleMessageDate(const MTPmessages_Messages &data) {
return data.match([&](const MTPDmessages_messagesNotModified &data) {
return 0;
}, [&](const auto &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
const auto &list = data.vmessages().v;
2018-10-06 12:17:29 +00:00
if (list.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
return list[0].match([](const MTPDmessageEmpty &data) {
return 0;
}, [](const auto &data) {
2019-07-05 13:38:38 +00:00
return data.vdate().v;
2018-10-06 12:17:29 +00:00
bool SingleMessageBefore(
const MTPmessages_Messages &data,
TimeId date) {
const auto single = SingleMessageDate(data);
return (single > 0 && single < date);
bool SingleMessageAfter(
const MTPmessages_Messages &data,
TimeId date) {
const auto single = SingleMessageDate(data);
return (single > 0 && single > date);
bool SkipMessageByDate(const Message &message, const Settings &settings) {
const auto goodFrom = (settings.singlePeerFrom <= 0)
|| (settings.singlePeerFrom <=;
const auto goodTill = (settings.singlePeerTill <= 0)
|| ( < settings.singlePeerTill);
return !goodFrom || !goodTill;
Utf8String FormatPhoneNumber(const Utf8String &phoneNumber) {
return phoneNumber.isEmpty()
? Utf8String()
: App::formatPhone(QString::fromUtf8(phoneNumber)).toUtf8();
Utf8String FormatDateTime(
TimeId date,
QChar dateSeparator,
QChar timeSeparator,
QChar separator) {
if (!date) {
return Utf8String();
const auto value = QDateTime::fromTime_t(date);
return (QString("%1") + dateSeparator + "%2" + dateSeparator + "%3"
+ separator + "%4" + timeSeparator + "%5" + timeSeparator + "%6"
).arg(, 2, 10, QChar('0')
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
).arg(, 2, 10, QChar('0')
).arg(value.time().hour(), 2, 10, QChar('0')
).arg(value.time().minute(), 2, 10, QChar('0')
).arg(value.time().second(), 2, 10, QChar('0')
Utf8String FormatMoneyAmount(uint64 amount, const Utf8String &currency) {
return HistoryView::FillAmountAndCurrency(
Utf8String FormatFileSize(int64 size) {
return formatSizeText(size).toUtf8();
2018-07-03 23:09:25 +00:00
Utf8String FormatDuration(int64 seconds) {
return formatDurationText(seconds).toUtf8();
} // namespace Data
} // namespace Export