
736 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-07-11 18:05:46 +00:00
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston,
using "";
LabelSimple {
font: font;
maxWidth: pixels;
textFg: color;
LinkButton {
color: color;
overColor: color;
downColor: color;
font: font;
overFont: font;
RippleAnimation {
color: color;
showDuration: int;
hideDuration: int;
FlatButton {
color: color;
overColor: color;
bgColor: color;
overBgColor: color;
width: pixels;
height: pixels;
textTop: pixels;
overTextTop: pixels;
downTextTop: pixels;
font: font;
overFont: font;
duration: int;
cursor: cursor;
ripple: RippleAnimation;
RoundButton {
textFg: color;
textFgOver: color;
textBg: color; // rect of textBg with rounded rect of textBgOver upon it
textBgOver: color;
secondaryTextFg: color;
secondaryTextFgOver: color;
secondarySkip: pixels;
width: pixels;
height: pixels;
padding: margins;
textTop: pixels;
downTextTop: pixels;
icon: icon;
font: font;
ripple: RippleAnimation;
Checkbox {
textFg: color;
textBg: color;
checkBg: color;
checkFg: color;
checkFgOver: color;
checkFgActive: color;
width: pixels;
height: pixels;
textPosition: point;
diameter: pixels;
thickness: pixels;
checkIcon: icon;
font: font;
duration: int;
Radiobutton {
textFg: color;
textBg: color;
checkBg: color;
checkFg: color;
checkFgOver: color;
checkFgActive: color;
width: pixels;
height: pixels;
textPosition: point;
diameter: pixels;
thickness: pixels;
checkSkip: pixels;
font: font;
duration: int;
FlatTextarea {
textColor: color;
bgColor: color;
width: pixels;
textMrg: margins;
align: align;
font: font;
cursor: cursor;
phColor: color;
phFocusColor: color;
phPos: point;
phAlign: align;
phShift: pixels;
phDuration: int;
FlatInput {
textColor: color;
bgColor: color;
bgActive: color;
width: pixels;
height: pixels;
textMrg: margins;
align: align;
font: font;
cursor: cursor;
icon: icon;
borderWidth: pixels;
borderColor: color;
borderActive: color;
borderError: color;
phColor: color;
phFocusColor: color;
phPos: point;
phAlign: align;
phShift: pixels;
phDuration: int;
InputArea {
textBg: color;
textFg: color;
textMargins: margins;
placeholderFg: color;
placeholderFgActive: color;
placeholderMargins: margins;
placeholderAlign: align;
placeholderShift: pixels;
duration: int;
borderFg: color;
borderFgActive: color;
borderFgError: color;
border: pixels;
borderActive: pixels;
borderError: pixels;
font: font;
width: pixels;
heightMin: pixels;
heightMax: pixels;
InputField {
textBg: color;
textFg: color;
textMargins: margins;
textAlign: align;
placeholderFg: color;
placeholderFgActive: color;
placeholderMargins: margins;
placeholderAlign: align;
placeholderShift: pixels;
duration: int;
borderFg: color;
borderFgActive: color;
borderFgError: color;
border: pixels;
borderActive: pixels;
borderError: pixels;
font: font;
width: pixels;
height: pixels;
OutlineButton {
outlineWidth: pixels;
outlineFg: color;
outlineFgOver: color;
textBg: color;
textBgOver: color;
textFg: color;
textFgOver: color;
font: font;
padding: margins;
2016-10-27 14:10:28 +00:00
IconButton {
width: pixels;
height: pixels;
icon: icon;
iconOver: icon;
2016-10-27 14:10:28 +00:00
iconPosition: point;
iconPositionDown: point;
2016-10-27 14:10:28 +00:00
duration: int;
rippleAreaPosition: point;
rippleAreaSize: pixels;
ripple: RippleAnimation;
2016-07-11 18:05:46 +00:00
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
Shadow {
left: icon;
topLeft: icon;
top: icon;
topRight: icon;
right: icon;
bottomRight: icon;
bottom: icon;
bottomLeft: icon;
extend: margins;
fallback: color;
MediaSlider {
width: pixels;
activeFg: color;
inactiveFg: color;
activeFgOver: color;
inactiveFgOver: color;
activeFgDisabled: color;
inactiveFgDisabled: color;
seekSize: size;
duration: int;
FilledSlider {
fullWidth: pixels;
lineWidth: pixels;
activeFg: color;
inactiveFg: color;
disabledFg: color;
duration: int;
RoundImageCheckbox {
imageRadius: pixels;
imageSmallRadius: pixels;
selectWidth: pixels;
selectFg: color;
selectDuration: int;
checkBorder: color;
checkBg: color;
checkRadius: pixels;
checkSmallRadius: pixels;
checkIcon: icon;
2016-10-21 12:28:26 +00:00
MultiSelectItem {
padding: margins;
maxWidth: pixels;
height: pixels;
font: font;
textBg: color;
textFg: color;
textActiveBg: color;
textActiveFg: color;
deleteFg: color;
deleteLeft: pixels;
deleteStroke: pixels;
duration: int;
minScale: double;
MultiSelect {
2016-10-31 12:29:26 +00:00
bg: color;
2016-10-21 12:28:26 +00:00
padding: margins;
maxHeight: pixels;
2016-10-21 12:28:26 +00:00
scroll: flatScroll;
item: MultiSelectItem;
itemSkip: pixels;
field: InputField;
fieldMinWidth: pixels;
2016-10-21 12:28:26 +00:00
fieldIcon: icon;
fieldIconSkip: pixels;
fieldCancel: IconButton;
2016-10-21 12:28:26 +00:00
fieldCancelSkip: pixels;
Menu {
skip: pixels;
itemBg: color;
itemBgOver: color;
itemFg: color;
itemFgOver: color;
itemFgDisabled: color;
itemFgShortcut: color;
itemFgShortcutOver: color;
itemFgShortcutDisabled: color;
itemPadding: margins;
itemIconPosition: point;
itemFont: font;
separatorPadding: margins;
separatorWidth: pixels;
separatorFg: color;
arrow: icon;
widthMin: pixels;
widthMax: pixels;
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
PanelAnimation {
startWidth: double;
widthDuration: double;
startHeight: double;
heightDuration: double;
startOpacity: double;
opacityDuration: double;
startFadeTop: double;
fadeHeight: double;
fadeOpacity: double;
fadeBg: color;
shadow: Shadow;
PopupMenu {
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
shadow: Shadow;
scrollPadding: margins;
animation: PanelAnimation;
menu: Menu;
duration: int;
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
showDuration: int;
InnerDropdown {
padding: margins;
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
shadow: Shadow;
animation: PanelAnimation;
duration: int;
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
showDuration: int;
width: pixels;
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
bg: color;
scroll: flatScroll;
scrollMargin: margins;
scrollPadding: margins;
DropdownMenu {
wrap: InnerDropdown;
menu: Menu;
2016-10-27 14:10:28 +00:00
defaultLabelSimple: LabelSimple {
font: normalFont;
maxWidth: 0px;
textFg: windowTextFg;
defaultLinkButton: LinkButton {
color: btnYesColor;
overColor: btnYesColor;
downColor: btnYesHover;
font: linkFont;
overFont: linkOverFont;
defaultRippleAnimation: RippleAnimation {
color: windowOverBg;
showDuration: 200;
hideDuration: 200;
emptyRippleAnimation: RippleAnimation {
defaultActiveButton: RoundButton {
textFg: activeButtonFg;
textFgOver: activeButtonFgOver;
secondaryTextFg: activeButtonSecondaryFg;
secondaryTextFgOver: activeButtonSecondaryFgOver;
textBg: activeButtonBg;
textBgOver: activeButtonBgOver;
secondarySkip: 7px;
width: -34px;
height: 34px;
padding: margins(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px);
textTop: 8px;
downTextTop: 8px;
font: semiboldFont;
ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) {
color: activeButtonBgRipple;
defaultLightButton: RoundButton(defaultActiveButton) {
textFg: lightButtonFg;
textFgOver: lightButtonFgOver;
textBg: lightButtonBg;
textBgOver: lightButtonBgOver;
ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) {
color: lightButtonBgRipple;
defaultInputFont: font(17px);
defaultFlatInput: FlatInput {
textColor: #000000;
bgColor: #f2f2f2;
bgActive: #ffffff;
width: 210px;
height: 40px;
align: align(left);
textMrg: margins(5px, 5px, 5px, 5px);
font: defaultInputFont;
cursor: cursor(text);
borderWidth: 2px;
borderColor: #f2f2f2;
borderActive: #54c3f3;
borderError: #ed8080;
phColor: #808080;
phFocusColor: #aaaaaa;
phAlign: align(left);
phPos: point(2px, 0px);
phShift: 50px;
phDuration: 100;
defaultLeftOutlineButton: OutlineButton {
outlineWidth: 3px;
outlineFg: windowBg;
outlineFgOver: windowActiveBg;
textBg: windowBg;
textBgOver: #f2f7fa;
textFg: windowActiveTextFg;
textFgOver: windowActiveTextFg;
font: normalFont;
padding: margins(11px, 5px, 11px, 5px);
attentionLeftOutlineButton: OutlineButton(defaultLeftOutlineButton) {
outlineFgOver: #e43f3f;
textBgOver: #faf2f2;
textFg: #d15948;
textFgOver: #d15948;
defaultInputArea: InputArea {
textBg: windowBg;
textFg: windowTextFg;
textMargins: margins(5px, 6px, 5px, 4px);
placeholderFg: #999999;
placeholderFgActive: #aaaaaa;
placeholderMargins: margins(2px, 0px, 2px, 0px);
placeholderAlign: align(topleft);
placeholderShift: 50px;
duration: 120;
borderFg: #e0e0e0;
borderFgActive: #62c0f7;
borderFgError: #e48383;
border: 1px;
borderActive: 2px;
borderError: 2px;
font: boxTextFont;
heightMin: 32px;
heightMax: 128px;
defaultInputField: InputField {
textBg: windowBg;
textFg: windowTextFg;
textMargins: margins(0px, 6px, 0px, 4px);
textAlign: align(topleft);
placeholderFg: #999999;
placeholderFgActive: #aaaaaa;
placeholderMargins: margins(2px, 0px, 2px, 0px);
placeholderAlign: align(topleft);
placeholderShift: 50px;
duration: 120;
borderFg: #e0e0e0;
borderFgActive: #62c0f7;
borderFgError: #e48383;
border: 1px;
borderActive: 2px;
borderError: 2px;
font: boxTextFont;
height: 32px;
defaultCheckboxIcon: icon {{ "default_checkbox_check", windowActiveFg, point(4px, 7px) }};
defaultCheckbox: Checkbox {
textFg: windowTextFg;
textBg: windowBg;
checkBg: #ffffff;
checkFg: #b3b3b3;
checkFgOver: #b3b3b3;
checkFgActive: windowActiveBg;
width: -44px;
height: 22px;
textPosition: point(32px, 2px);
diameter: 22px;
thickness: 2px;
checkIcon: defaultCheckboxIcon;
font: normalFont;
duration: 120;
defaultRadiobutton: Radiobutton {
textFg: windowTextFg;
textBg: windowBg;
checkBg: #ffffff;
checkFg: #b3b3b3;
checkFgOver: #bfbfbf;
checkFgActive: #4eb3ee;
width: -46px;
height: 22px;
textPosition: point(34px, 0px);
diameter: 22px;
thickness: 2px;
checkSkip: 65px; // * 0.1
font: boxTextFont;
duration: 120;
defaultIconButton: IconButton {
2016-10-31 12:29:26 +00:00
iconPosition: point(-1px, -1px);
iconPositionDown: point(-1px, -1px);
2016-10-31 12:29:26 +00:00
widgetSlideDuration: 200;
widgetFadeDuration: 200;
fieldSearchIcon: icon {{ "box_search", #aaaaaa, point(9px, 8px) }};
boxFieldSearchIcon: icon {{ "box_search", #aaaaaa, point(10px, 9px) }};
discreteSliderHeight: 39px;
discreteSliderTop: 5px;
discreteSliderSkip: 3px;
discreteSliderThickness: 3px;
discreteSliderActiveFg: #4bb5e7;
discreteSliderInactiveFg: #e1eaef;
discreteSliderLabelTop: 17px;
discreteSliderLabelFont: normalFont;
discreteSliderLabelFg: #1485c2;
discreteSliderDuration: 200;
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
defaultRoundShadow: Shadow {
left: icon {{ "round_shadow_left", windowShadowFg }};
topLeft: icon {{ "round_shadow_top_left", windowShadowFg }};
top: icon {{ "round_shadow_top", windowShadowFg }};
topRight: icon {{ "round_shadow_top_left-flip_horizontal", windowShadowFg }};
right: icon {{ "round_shadow_left-flip_horizontal", windowShadowFg }};
bottomRight: icon {{ "round_shadow_bottom_left-flip_horizontal", windowShadowFg }};
bottom: icon {{ "round_shadow_bottom", windowShadowFg }};
bottomLeft: icon {{ "round_shadow_bottom_left", windowShadowFg }};
extend: margins(3px, 2px, 3px, 4px);
fallback: windowShadowFgFallback;
defaultEmptyShadow: Shadow {
fallback: windowBg;
defaultPanelAnimation: PanelAnimation {
startWidth: 0.5;
widthDuration: 0.6;
startHeight: 0.3;
heightDuration: 0.9;
startOpacity: 0.2;
opacityDuration: 0.3;
startFadeTop: 0.;
fadeHeight: 0.2;
fadeOpacity: 1.0;
fadeBg: menuBg;
shadow: defaultRoundShadow;
defaultMenuArrow: icon {{ "dropdown_submenu_arrow", #373737 }};
defaultMenu: Menu {
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
skip: 0px;
2016-10-31 12:29:26 +00:00
itemBg: windowBg;
itemBgOver: windowOverBg;
2016-10-31 12:29:26 +00:00
itemFg: windowTextFg;
itemFgOver: windowTextFg;
itemFgDisabled: #cccccc;
itemFgShortcut: #999999;
itemFgShortcutOver: #7c99b2;
itemFgShortcutDisabled: #cccccc;
itemIconPosition: point(0px, 0px);
itemPadding: margins(17px, 8px, 17px, 7px);
itemFont: normalFont;
separatorPadding: margins(0px, 5px, 0px, 5px);
separatorWidth: 1px;
separatorFg: #f1f1f1;
arrow: defaultMenuArrow;
widthMin: 180px;
widthMax: 300px;
defaultPopupMenu: PopupMenu {
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
shadow: defaultRoundShadow;
animation: defaultPanelAnimation;
scrollPadding: margins(0px, 8px, 0px, 8px);
menu: defaultMenu;
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
duration: 150;
showDuration: 200;
defaultInnerDropdown: InnerDropdown {
padding: margins(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px);
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
shadow: defaultRoundShadow;
animation: defaultPanelAnimation;
duration: 150;
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
showDuration: 200;
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
bg: menuBg;
scroll: solidScroll;
defaultDropdownMenu: DropdownMenu {
2016-11-09 13:40:51 +00:00
wrap: InnerDropdown(defaultInnerDropdown) {
scrollPadding: margins(0px, 8px, 0px, 8px);
menu: defaultMenu;
historyToDown: icon {
{ "history_down_shadow", #00000040 },
{ "history_down_circle", #ffffff, point(4px, 4px) },
contactsAddIcon: icon {
{ "history_down_shadow", #00000020 },
{ "history_down_circle", activeButtonBg, point(4px, 4px) },
{ "contacts_add", activeButtonFg, point(18px, 18px) },
contactsAddIconOver: icon {
{ "history_down_shadow", #00000020 },
{ "history_down_circle", activeButtonBgOver, point(4px, 4px) },
{ "contacts_add", activeButtonFg, point(18px, 18px) },